Child Soldiers By: Justin Mendoza, Julio Palomo Per.4 Ms.Teitelbaum.

Child Soldiers By: Justin Mendoza, Julio Palomo Per.4 Ms.Teitelbaum

Transcript of Child Soldiers By: Justin Mendoza, Julio Palomo Per.4 Ms.Teitelbaum.

Child Soldiers

By: Justin Mendoza, Julio PalomoPer.4 Ms.Teitelbaum

What is a Child Soldier?

➔ A child soldier is anyone under the age of 18 who is part of any kind of armed force

or militia. ➔ They are recruited by force.➔ Most child soldiers under 15 are found in

non-governmental military organizations ➔ Most child soldiers under 18 have been

recruited into Government armed forces

How Many are there in the World?

➔ There have been an estimate of 300,000 child soldiers active in conflicts around the world.

➔ The countries that have the most child soldiers are Somalia, Uganda, United Kingdom, Bolivia,

Rwanda, Burma, and Afghanistan➔ The continent with the most child soldiers is


Who or What Makes the Children do this?

➔ Child soldiers can be both genders and most are located in Latin America, Africa and Asia and also in Europe

➔ Orphans join the military because they are looking for a second family

➔ Children who are poor join for shelter and food➔ Sometimes parents sell their children to war➔ Children get taken away from home ➔ Sometimes children volunteer because of


What are the living conditions for these children?

➔ Every day is a living nightmare for a child soldier➔ Many child soldiers become sick from diseases because they eat

and live in unsanitary places➔ They are exposed to hazardous conditions like smoke and debris➔ Many of the children lose a lot of sleep and can suffer from

depression and anxiety➔ They become underweight from starvation

➔ Most of the time the water they drink is contaminated

Why does it still exist in 2014 ?

➔ In Afghanistan most children are fighting because of their beliefs.

➔ In some parts of Africa child soldiers are fighting against corrupt governments or rebels.

➔ In Syria children are fighting for protection against rebels

what might their life be like ?

➔ Child Soldiers are striped from their child hood.

➔ For a child soldier shooting someone is like drinking a glass of water.

➔ They are trained to fight,hate,and kill.➔ Sadly they have no choice!

Child Soldier Relief Foundation

Child Soldier Relief Foundation is a nonprofit foundation that informs the public about the everyday cruelties in a child soldier's life. By informing the public their goal is to make the people come together to end it once and for all.

Pictures of child soldiers:

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