Child labor-human-rights-in-bangladesh

Child Labour & Human Rights in Bangladesh A Case Study Group – G

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Child Labour & Human Rights in Bangladesh

A Case Study

Group – G

Definitions Unicef defined child labour as the works that are

considered harmful for a child and exceed a minimum number of hours

ILO also defined the worst form child labour which includes using children in armed forces (i.e. In Africa) ,sexual exploitation like prostitution and pornography, illegal activities like trafficking of drugs etc.

O Human Rights are rights that is believed or considered to belong justifiably to every person of a country or nation.

Child Labour in Bangladesh

O Bangladesh is a third world country. And because of is very reason, using the children as a labours is a very common and overlooked factor. Various statistics as well as news reports confirm that child labour is a growing problem for this country.

Child Labor: A Statistics

O Child labor in Bangladesh is common, with 4.7 million or 12.6% of children aged 5 to 14 in the work force. Out of the child laborers engaged in the work force, 83% are employed in rural areas and 17% are employed in urban areas. Employment ranges from jobs in the informal sector such as in agriculture and domestic service, to jobs in the formal sector, such as in the garment industry.

Working children, aged 5-17 7.4 millionWorking children, aged 5-14 4.7 millionChild labourers, aged 5-17 3.2 millionChildren engaged in hazardous labour, aged 5-17

1.3 million

Child domestic workers 421,000Percentage of Children (aged 5-14) engaged in child labour (2007)

National Slum Tribal

12.8 19.1 17.6

Child Labour: CausesO Poverty is widely recognized and

acknowledged as the primary cause of child labour.

O The Government’s Carelessness is also a very strong factor working in favour of child labour.

O Factors such as urbanization and population growth perpetuate poverty which in time result in children working to support their family.

Child Labor: ImpactO Oftentimes, families rely on the extra

income produced by their children in order to sustain their livelihood.

O Many children are forced to work to help support the family. In other cases, children are forced to work for a living for themselves because their families abandoned or could not take care of them.

Human Rights in Bangladesh

O “The constitution of Bangladesh guarantees all the major internationally recognized human rights and assures good governance, incorporated in its fundamental principles of state policy and fundamental rights . However, the same constitution negates these rights through adoption of numerous antidemocratic stipulations” – Md Shariful Islam, UNDP.

Violation of Human Rights in Bangladesh

O In 2005, Bangladesh experienced an unprecedented period of continuous political instability. As a result of this instability and its national security repercussion, Bangladesh's questionable human rights has deteriorated.

O Bangladeshi security forces have been persistently criticized by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch due to grave abuses of human rights.

O These include extrajudicial summary executions, excessive use of force and the use of custodial torture. Reporters and defenders of human rights are harassed and intimidated by the authorities

Human Rights Violation: Torture

O RAB (Rapid Action Battalion) and other security agencies have been accused of using torture during custody and interrogation.

O The Police Force have also been accused of using swine force while trying to control any alleged offender.

O There are also allegations of torture against criminal during remand period in custody.

Human Rights Violation: Minorities

O Attacks on Hindu minorities have been the work of extremists supported by the Jamaat. After the Judge's decision to give the death sentence to Delwar Hossain was released, the Jamaat party burst into riots against governments, as well as attacking minorities and local police. The attacks destroyed thousands of Hindu houses and temples as well as churches. These attacks have been heavily criticized by the United States Government, as well as India and other peace-demanding nations and organizations.

Human Rights Violation: Women’s Rights

O The Bangladesh Government has been criticized multiple times Internationally because of it’s treatment of women.

O Women in Bangladesh are prone to be victims of domestic violence, eve-teasing and criminal offence such as acid-throwing.

O Child Marriage is also a factor working in violation of women’s rights.

ConclusionO Child Labor and Human Rights Violation

are two of the biggest problems this country is facing right now. These are not just problems criticized in the country but also internationally.

O For Bangladesh to keep its collaboration with different International organizations, the Bangladesh Government needs to quickly remedy this situation.