Chicken Recipe

PININYAHANG MANOK SA GATA Ingredients 1 1/ 2 lbs. ch icke n, cut into serving pieces 1 (14 oz.) can pineapple chunks 1 small red bell pepper, sliced 1 small green bell pepper, sliced 1 cup coconut milk 1 1/2 tablespoons fsh sauce 2 small carrots, sliced diagonally 1 small onion, diced 1 medium plum tomato, diced 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper tablespoons cooking oil Instructions 1. !a ri nate th e ch ic ken in the pi neap pl e "u ic e #r om the canned pi neap pl e chunks #or $ minutes to 2 hours. 2. %eat th e cooking oil in a pan. . &a ut e th e oni on, tomato, an d gar li c. 4. 'd d t he gr ound bl ac k pepper . & ti r. . 'dd the c hick en pi eces oneb yone . *o ok un til t he c olor tur ns l ight bro +n. lip the chicken to cook the other side. -. our the pineapple "uice marinade on the pan. et boil. 0. 'dd the coconu t mi lk. &t ir . *o ver an d si mmer #or 4$ minu tes or unti l th e chicken is tender. . 'dd the fs h sauce an d pine app le c hun ks. *oo k #o r min utes. . ut in the car rots. *ook #or another minutes. 1$. 'dd the bell peppers. &tir and cook #or mi nutes. 11. 3 rans# er to a ser vin g pl ate. 12. &erve. &h are and en"oy



Transcript of Chicken Recipe

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• 1 1/2 lbs. chicken, cut into serving


• 1 (14 oz.) can pineapple chunks

• 1 small red bell pepper, sliced

• 1 small green bell pepper, sliced

• 1 cup coconut milk

• 1 1/2 tablespoons fsh sauce

• 2 small carrots, sliced diagonally

• 1 small onion, diced

• 1 medium plum tomato, diced

• 1 teaspoon minced garlic

• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

• tablespoons cooking oil


1. !arinate the chicken in the pineapple "uice #rom the canned pineapple

chunks #or $ minutes to 2 hours.

2. %eat the cooking oil in a pan.

. &aute the onion, tomato, and garlic.

4. 'dd the ground black pepper. &tir.. 'dd the chicken pieces onebyone. *ook until the color turns light bro+n. lip

the chicken to cook the other side.

-. our the pineapple "uice marinade on the pan. et boil.

0. 'dd the coconut milk. &tir. *over and simmer #or 4$ minutes or until the

chicken is tender.

. 'dd the fsh sauce and pineapple chunks. *ook #or minutes.

. utin the carrots. *ook #or another minutes.

1$. 'dd the bell peppers. &tir and cook #or minutes.

11. 3rans#er to a serving plate.

12. &erve. &hare and en"oy

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• 1 lb. boneless chicken breast,

sliced into thin strips

• tablespoons oyster sauce

• 2 tablespoons sherry cooking +ine

• > teaspoon ground black pepper

• > teaspoon salt

• ? cup chicken stock• ? teaspoon cornstarch

• 1 ? cups bell peppers, sliced into

strips (use any color that you +ant)

• tablespoons cooking oil


1. *ombine oyster sauce, sherry cooking +ine, ground black pepper, and salt in

a bo+l. !i@ +ell.

2. 'dd the thinly sliced chicken. !arinate #or 1$ minutes.

. %eat 1 tablespoon cooking oil in a pan4. :nce the oil becomes hot, stir#ry the bell peppers #or 1 minute. <emove #rom

the pan and set aside.

. our the remaining cooking oil on the same pan. :nce the oil gets ho+, put

the marinated chicken in the pan including the remaining marinade. &tir #ry #or

minutes or until the chicken turns light to medium bro+n.

-. 'dd the cooked bell peppers. *ontinue to stir#ry #or a #e+ seconds.

0. *ombine the chicken stock and cornstarch. !i@ +ell and then pour into the

pan. &tir#ry until the te@ture o# the sauce thickens.

. 3rans#er to a serving plate.

*hicken ochero


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• 1 1/2 pound *hicken, cut in serving sizes

• 1 pound ork &houlder, cut in serving


• cups *hicken Croth

• 1/2 cup sliced *horizo de Cilbao

• 1 cup canned *hickpeas or Aarbanzos

• cloves Aarlic, minced

• 1 large :nion, chopped

• 1 small can 3omato &auce

• 2 cups eDuivalent echay or Cok *hoy, cut in hal# 

• 2 cups eDuivalent *abbage, sliced roughly

• 2 tablespoons &alt

• 2 teaspoons epper

• pieces &aba Canana or ripe lantain, cut diagonally

• 1/2 cup *ooking :il #or #rying the banana and sauteing

COOKING TIME : 30 minutes

1 :n a deep pot, boil the chicken and pork pieces in chicken broth, together +ith

hal# the onion and the *horizo de Cilbao. 'dd enough +ater to cover the meat. *ook

#or 1 2$ minutes or until the meat are tender.

2 :n a separate pan +ith 1/4 cup oil, pan#ry the bananas until both sides are

golden bro+n. &et aside.

 =sing the same pan, add 1/4 cup oil and saute the garlic and onion. 'dd the

chicken and pork, and saute #or a couple minutes.

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4 3rans#er the sauteed meat to the pot, and add the tomato sauce, chickpeas, salt

and pepper. Cring to a boil.

 'dd the cabbage and turn the heat oE. ut in the echay or Cok *hoy last so as

not to overcook them.

- !i@ in the #ried bananas, and serve the chicken pochero hot +ith rice.