CHICAGO COTTAGE€¦ · Mrs. Dyer, and Miss Euphemia • thriving at present. Averill, daughter of...

» 1 * »S A N aments. California cherries are selliug at First Sabbath, North fork and South fork . c , alWrnntcty; Second Sabbath, Fishtrap and twput 3 '-“ ve cents per Lainpey creek. alternately; Third Sabbath; Uooa bay. Floras oreek and Fonr Mile, alternately- Jottings Along the River. Ed. H erald :I drop you a few j items to inform your maiiy read- Fonrth Sabbath. Coqnille City, 10:30 a. m. gad 7:30 p. m.________ ____ H . L. Swafford. ________ LOCAL ITEMS trank S. Bunch has returned here again. The survey for the Port Or ford. Blacklock railroad is now going on. Michigan hns made it a misde meanor to manufacture oleo in Mrs. Ivribs and Miss Clara Sc breeder visited the bay one day last weak. Capt. Harris, of South Coqnille, paid the H erald office a pleasant visit on Thursday. Joe. C. Dean returned here from Randolph on Friday and is at his case on the H erald . Mr. Emmett, who lives a short distance down tli *coast, was among that state. * Great tires have done great his friends here one day last week, damage iu Michigan in the past Our mil!, receiving a raft of t »o weeks. logs from Smith’s camp on Thurs- Johnaon tfc Stone have a lot of day, started up on full time that new corned beef which they offer day. at Sets per pound. 1 Capt. M arried .— At Baudon, at the pound, at : residence of Judge Dyer, on Tues- { day evening last by Rev. W. Lund, Mr. Elbert Dyer, son of Judge and ers h°w the country seems to be Mrs. Dyer, and Miss Euphemia • thriving at present. Averill, daughter of Mr. W. H. j Halla creek looks flourishing, ; Averill the partner of the elder ' antl the energetic farmers up that j j) er j way are anticipating good times These are among our best young j t^le coining summer, people, nnd beeiloil paternal exaui- \ S,nith'» logging camp ia boom- pie, so there is doubtless a. life-long j "'8 ""«l «•« log" «re goiug in lively, copartnership existing lietweon the j Halls prairie an-1 vicinity nre Dyer amt Averill families. The \ «pnrisliing. Growing crops of a ll, kinds are looking well. Also the , stock that we saw feeding on the j H erald boys sends greeting, gratulutious all ’round. con- beautiful clover pastures, are in For aeveral days-iufact for over. 8piell(jjj coujn ion Hlld the sheep a week--tie; road from this place to J ( [ r e C l l r r y i u a h e a v y f l e e c e o t w o o ) . litter City has heen kept lot. us wj8]i tiie gentlemanly post- iuess at court t -ok and brought Dr. Murphy’s absence the past four days accounts for no editorial for the prohibition columns. President Cleveland has institu ted prohibition in Washington during the national drill. From Mesdames Elliott and Flinn we learn that their Sunday school at Coaledo has a member ship of 72. A torpedo boat lately built for most of tho travel over the road,but Powell thinks Coos W ] there ig mnch tr,lvel any way. will aland a mnch better chance to . _u ,he Bame tiu)e> JoI iiiriju & Au- get another nppn.pnat.on next - Jore,m ^ to ^ eqatt| the 00. year by not expending the amount ; now on baud. ! j10I>.,e8 anq backs that their trade L. L. Simpsou, of Simpson Bros., : requires. Bnndon, was in to see the H erald 1 master and store keeper at Arago ; unbounded success. William Hausen, l a o f Hum- ^ boldt, Cal., is tearing out the stumps j . . lively and beautifying his splendid' hey lave any Ilura 01 c) farill near the mouth of Fishtrap. | on Friday. We congratulate these youug men on their enterprise on D ied . At Myrtle Point, on Wednesday eve at 7 o’clock, of , , . i consumption, Mr. Ben Edwards, the lowe r river. 1. ^ . . T, 7 , brother of Commissioner Jbdwadrs I om and ( has. Langlois, of (. u i - ; o£ tjie 2 >0int Ben was for many ry county, attended circuit COUI^ \ years engineer on the steamer An- tho Spanish government has made Empire (. icy last week, and bad uje ou ^ j Hrjver> |)Ut for five years over 33 miles per hour against a AU old-fashioned hand shaking has been ruuniugou San Francisco strong tide. | friends here. bay, where he lost his health. Ben In the great Call-Clironicle li- ' Miss Edith Haskins left on a was a noble young man. • j ( p -j _____ _______________________•___ ______ called on us >e tried lo get an item from him. In repl to a querry as to what he had been Mr. L. M. Lowe, of the bay, and ti0ingt he replied: “Lord! Lord! in tne great Call-Clironicle li-! ' ........ was a nooie young m bel case the Call got $1.00 damage.: visit to friends on Coos river, Fri- | Surveyor Cathcart but bad to pay the cost amounting ^a> ’- Miss Edith has many friends ^ j9 uiorning, and we to several thousands. The Middle fork bridge and road contract were not let at call terra of county court; but will be 1 at next regular term. The steamer Little Annie has been sold to parties on Coos bay and will be taken there per first; favorable opportunity. Bio F ire.— A tire, covering sev-' eral acies in New York City, May 26, did enormous damage, among the rest burning 1000 horses. The big cut of lumber here and they her leave. were sorry to see Mr. Potter’s stock and clover are looking well. This is the boss clover country and don’t you for get it. Our esteemed friend, J. H. Lamb, 1ms a fine farm, and the best looking piece of wheat that we have seen. Mr. Ben Figg has a splendid farm, and well stocked. Also Mr. Laird nnd S. B. Hatch have beau tiful farms and good ones too. These energetic men and well-im proved farms speak volumes for Coos. All that we now want is a steamer plying between this place and San Francisco to make this a young man whose name we have j Woulden’t tell for the world.” We the best county along the coast of forgotten, who lives on Coos river, founj out by accident that lie was I Oregon for ranchmen. So don’t were over here ou Wednesday to going to recommence the survey - l)rt despondent, fellow citizens, for consult Dr. Murphy. j of the Einpire-Bandon road to- Joe Thompson, who left the1 morrow. As is to be seen by “Boots Coin ing,” we are again to have this good old man with us. He has dealt so fairly with the people of Hon. J.H. Roberts started to the this county, that his name has be- to see about i come a synonym for honesty river about a year ago, returned here from California a few days since. The breakwater boys will recoguize him as an old friend. ^ 1 bay on Wednesday me Dig cut oi lumoer m nil / , . , . , ¡ : . . . hours by the Tacoma mill has heen i “ *9 “ ntr? f ‘ 8 l e t ' ,y. ‘ he c0“ uty i " lmt >'o u l1 ’7 of li,m- > ’ou cau re9,t 1 an. • a. â ’ . I « « ca 1-4 Ml . i /I « - I V« R-C I \ lA -n. — «a cv c l m .all 11 cl a .a . J a a .-a a a /a »a M .--a/X «r. t A - a beaten badly by the Port Blakely mill, which cut 517,275 feet in that time. • J. J. Wilson has a fine lot of j vest chains, and you should see . them before they are gone for t^ey 1 are daisies and going off lively. Hong Di, the murderer of Mrs. B illiou, has been captured. He claims that he aimed at Weaver, when the gun went off before he wa$ ready. Mr. Oscar Lucas, of Crescent City, paid this office a pleasant call on Saturday. Mr. L. is a cousin of Judge Dyer, of Bandon. He is a timier by trade. Mr. G arrison, son of our asses sor, was here last Saturday and had a jolly time with the Coqnille City band boys, he being member of the Marshfield band. The brass band of this place has just received a beautiful E b cor net, and soon expect a B b baritone i trombone. John Leneve will run the first named, while Bird Nosier will manage the other. Frank L. Hanscom takes um brage at what the Gold Beach says of bis mishaps. He Says: “I have been to town more than five times, and still there is plenty of room for repairs; and if Mr. Sutton dons not keep his mofttfi shut, I will break his eye. Dr. M. M. Murphy returned here this morning from a business trip to Harrisbug, Monroe, Eugene City and several other jxnnts in the Willamette. The Dr. saw a fine race at Eugene on Saturday between Garfield, alias Baldie, and another flyer. We are placed under lasting ob ligations to J. J. Wilson, tho jew eler and watchmaker, for a beauti ful and useful present, in the shape of a calendar alarm clock. It is indeed a tine clock and he has sev eral more, and sells them at the very low figure of $2.75. Get one. Mrs. C. W. Olive has received her immense spring stock of mil linery, and she is offering her Empire City on Friday. Mr. Rob erts is a gixxl workman and an ex cellent judge of contract work. H. H. Stanford, of upper Floras creek, was rushing around last Wednesday to see about proving up ou his pre-emption, not know ing his notice of final proof was being published in one of the county papers. The coal miners that came up to the bay recently on one of the assured will be just as represented. Miss Tilla Parker bad a floral monument at the hall yesterday at the decoration festivities, that was too pretty to be of so transito ry a matter. It was about 6 feet high and contained the initials— 1 G. A. It., W. li. C., and S. of V. Mr. Ball, the Roseburg attorney ' and law partner of Congressman j Hermann, spent Sunday and till! noon yesterday in this place. He met many of his old friends here. : him i steamers, went on a strike the seo- i oud day. They were Italians, it is j We had a pleasant call from said, and agreed to dig coal for 75 mid a talk over old times, cents wer ton three-fifths of what ^ man on the sawdust part of used to be paid there. | Marshfield is happy over the fact A power edger has been added that he became father of triplets j to Lyon’s mill in this place during one day last week. Since then the late repairs, and many other there has been an advance of 33 needed improvements Vnade. Char- j per cent, on saw-dust lots in that ley Olive is the boss hand to put place. lit the head. He will see that all The surveyor will survey the : joes in shipshape. road leading from Jim Buell’s to Some good soul has our thanks j Bennett’s begining on the morning for a lot of fish from the beach, of June 13th, and the road in the They—peryli and flounders can be caught in large numbers, at any time there. We will mention, by the way, the donor forgot to sends faw crabs, and that the fish are all gone. Mrs. Aitnee Miller cuiie down from her home at Myrtle Point on Saturday, and had the misfortune j nied by Cal Shepherd also of Ban- to have her horse stumble, fall Idon. «i i Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Haskins Mast settlement on North Coquille on June 21st. Go see J. J. Wilson at his new stand, and give him a good patron age. Ho is a good, honest work man, and lias located among us. Dr. Volkmar 1ms left Bandon for pastures new. He was accoropa- and roll over in a mud hole with her. No injury to speak of which is accounted for in the fact that she had a very gentle horse, for her foot caught in the stirrup. The Recorder seems to think that we are to have a short line of rail road along the coast to be connected with the O. k C. at Roseburg. In this we are of the same opinion, ex cept as to the short line along the ; Coquille City yesterday, coast We believe plans are being were m town yesterday and ma le us a pleasant visit. Ed. and Uucle Tom Nichols are coming up on the first steamer leaving San Diego. The Lizzie Prion sailed from San Francisco on the 23d, and is due here now. Coaledo wras well represented in goods at astonishingly low prices. Go see her goods at once. She has an experienced trimmer employed, places free, of charge, and the splendid assortment of ladies’ hats are going like hot cakes—25 to 30 per day. This I stock is so varied as to enable Mrs O. to suit the moet fastidious. laid for a road from San Francisco to Y'aquina, and possibly to Astoria along the coast. Uncle G. Marshall, of Halls creek, in the interest of Texas im migrants, says he will show them the best vacant government land in j Coos county aud will show them a j number of good cheap improved j He is an old Texan, and is partial toward j them. The)' cau find him at his | home on Halls creek, or at W. C. ‘ Bullard’s. NEW* Meat Market, j. L. imrnm,m Coquille City, Oregon, K EEPS Constantly on hand a splendid assortment of fresh meats—Reef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, etc., which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Shop in the Steward building opposite McEwan's hard ware store. N. W. Lenere will be found at the block, always ready to suppy the wants of customers in first-class style. v6nJ2 we are right on the verge of good times aud prosperity. Wandering Jaw Bone. — - »»>» »' - -- - B oots C oming. —Under date of May 2?, 1887, Mr. Wm. N. Boots «rites us from Drain, ns follows: “ Please say to the readers of your good paper, That I will be at Jhe Robinson house in Coquille City, on or ubout June 10th, with a full liue qf spectacles and eye-glasses, solid gold and plated jewelry, all of which will be sold at reasonable figures, and guaranteed to be as rep -! reseuted. Thanking all for past i favors, and wishing to see my old I customers, and us many new ones | as possible. I am very Truly Wm. N. Boots.” - *• ■+O David Hutcheson and Jns. A. Burrus left here on Wednesday for their mines on South Sixes, takii.g with them wheels ,etc., for j new cars. The boys have a good mine and they think afler'this they j can run iu both winter and sum mer. as none but surface water will be to contend against. The mine joins, and includes a part of, the old Elgin claim, and we predict that these deserving young men will strike it rich. They leurn from parties direct from there that their former work there is iu good shape, except a small slide near the mouth of their tunnel. In a very few' days they will bo digging out the shining gold. .... i » «#» ♦----------—— Govd Iu i;»cr> Camp. D. A. Bradford, wholesale pap»r denier of Chattanooga, Term., write« that he was aeri- onsly afilioted with a severe cold that settled on hin longs: had tried many remedies with- oat benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bot tles. Since which time he hns used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thous and whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottles free at J. H. Noslcr’s Drugstore. MARSHFIELD. Editor H erald :— Court is still in session. J. W. Hamilton aud Judge Bean werejin town Satuuiay. Half of the new crew from the Newport coal mine returned to San Francisco on the Arago. The oth er half remained and the mines have pone to work with a crew of thirteen. Mr. Garfield and Mrs. Capt. Roberta aro visiting friends on the Coquille. B orn. —Marshfield, May 28, to the wife of William Anderson, triplets—all girls. Our usually pleasant little vil lage w'as in an unusual commotion last Friday after noon, owing to the fact that there had been mur der committed, iq or about China town. Billy, the China cook at North Bend who gained so much newspaper notoriety about three or fenr years ago, in connection with Tv Ty, shot and killed a rival of his, the cook at the Central ho tel. The shooting arose from the fact that the murdered Chinaman had been to some measure inter fering with Billy’s domestic affairs. Hence the shooting. Billy was ar rested end lodged in tho oounty jail at Empire. The trial b*ing continued until this u’eek. Mrs. Fred Webber and family leave Wednesday for Astoria. Their many friends will be sorry to see them go. Mrs. Alice Grimes, of Coaledo, lias been visiting friends in Marsh field during the past week. Percy Levar left Coos last week for California via Humboldt. Geo. Taylor, formerly of this place, is located at Seattle. It is generally understood in Marshfield that all of tho old min ers at Newport have had warning to vacate the premises entirely. P erditta . Marsmfield, May 29. FOFHTII of JULY. Coquille City May 30. Ed. H erald :— Owing to dissat isfaction, the executive committee respecfully ask that the citizens of Coquille City meet Wednesday eve June 1st to further arrange for the coming celebration. Chns. Olive Committiee • ( J. P. Easter A. G. Aiken. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN H m attained a standard ot excellent» wMefc admits of no superior. Itoontains every improvement that inVMiUv* genius, skill and money can produce. These excellent Organa arc celebrated for vol ume, qaality of toco, t^ response, variety of com bination. artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, ir.Nki;i^ uitm the most attractive om i. mental and desirable organa for homes, aenool^ churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED DEPUTATI«!. rSSffVALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WOEIiHEX, BEST MATERIAL, eOKBXim , KAKS THIS THE POPULAR OROAH Instrnctien Books aod Piano Stoolo. Catalogne* and Prloe Lists, on application, m ot CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. 831 BLUE ISLAND A V £* CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE. All who are indebted to the firm of John son & Laird will please cull at my office and etetle, as all film accounts have been placed in my hands for collection. A. J. Sh' rwood. NOTICE! V LL thone indebted to me aro hereby notified to cull and Kettle, and save costs. W. E. ltacKiarv. Myrtle Point. Oregon. n3.12m Land Agency I » - :0 :— Tli© TJnclersigneci t ROUX. An Fn<l to Bone Scraping. Edward Bhepherdof Harrisburg. 111..says: “ Having received so muoh Benefit from ElectricJlitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering •humanity know it. Have had a running sore on iny leg for eight years; my doctors told me I wonld have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, in stead, three bottles of Electrio Bitters pnd seven boxes Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, aud my leg is now sound nnd well.” Eleotric Bitters are sold at fifty oents a bot tle, and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve at 25o per box by J. H. Nosier. N () T*I C E Is hereby given that the marriage relation ship heretofore existing between Richard C. Cavett nnd Eugenia A. Cavett, is dissolved, and the said Richard C. Cavett will not pay any debts contracted by the said Eugenia A. Cavett from and after tbiH date. (Signed) Richard C. Cavett. Dated Coquille City, May-28, 1887. ItU P n V IQ F flD Of others,who wi*h to examine All VCII I lO bild this paper, or obtain estimates on advertising space when in Chicago, will tmd it on file at the Advwtieing Agency of LORD & THOMAS. At Denmark May 19, to the wife of Geo. Fitzhugh, a daughter. ♦ «8 - - - llii«Tileii*a Aruit-a Suite. The best sal ve in the world for cuts, bruis es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet- t 'r. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l’riee 25 cents per box. For sale by J. H. Nosier. FOR SALE. $2000, one-half down: A good farm of 87 acers good land improved, situated at the onetion of South aud Middle forks of Co quille river. Call ou D. McNair, adjoining the premises. NOTICE. All persons owing James Brown of Myrtle Point on last year’s aocounts must come forward and make settlement at once. Re member. iuid,keep off costs. v5u40 Myrtle Point Nursery. Myrtle Point, Oregon, J. F. Noyes, Proprietor, T)ROPAGATOR of, and dealer in Fruit X Trees aud small fruits. He keeps constantly on hand a well regulated assort ment, cheaper than the cheapest. Send in your orders no pains spared to give full satisfaction. _____________ v4nl7 The Fine Stallion, YOUNG CAPT. SLIGEBT! w ILL make the present season as follows: Will l>e at Co quille City on Mondays and Tuesday»; at Cupt. Butler’s place on Wednesdays and Thurs days, and at Myrtle Point on Fridays and Saturdays. This splendid horse was sired by Old Capt. Sligart. he by a large Sir Thom as horse, his grandsire a well bred horse known as Sir Woodward's Thomas, he by Diomede and he by Imported Diomede. A limited number of mares will be received only, as we wish to put the horse in condition for the fall trotting races. First come first served. C. B. Crosby, owner. P’or Sale! Ten head of young Milch Cows. Apply to G. AY. S tevenson, Fairview, Oregon. n29 Land Agency nsr Coquille City SLTL & Is jnepared to buy or sell for reasonable consideration. He has the following for Bale: The Greatest Bargain Out A great ehauee for making Money, $325.—Two splendid lots on a corner, in the best part of Coquille City, with good box house with “ L.” Lots cleared, and fenced. This is one of the best bargain« ever offered here. 80 acres of the finest fir timber on the river, 2 miles above Coquille City, near the river, with logging roads to it. It is esti mated that there are 3.000,000 feet of good timber on the land. The land will be sold at a very great bargain. The cheapest—148)^ acres ? mj^gs from Gravel Ford. ¡50 acres in cultivation. All good land goodout range for stock. Hons« 20x10 with shed addition. Barn 30x42 good orchard. 5 head of cattle, lot of hog«, 12 stands of bees, farming tools. Good timber on uncleared portion of the land. All for $2200 enquire of J. Sturdevant on the promises or of the undersigned. THREE LOTS. A House of 5 rooms oenterally located In Coquille City very cheap for cash. WHITE CEDAR I G G ftm>8 white cedar timber I U v land, one-fourth mile from Bear creek. Very Cheap. A Brewery for sale—capacity of six J barrels. Good Location—Every thing convenient. Satisfactory reason« given for wishing to sell. O ne and a half acres one-half mile from Coquille City, on stage road; house of five rooms, wood-shed, good cistern, 150 fruit trees, some bearing—Very cheap. m acros on North fork near Gravel Ford: 25 acres cleared, house 18x26, barn 30x54, smokehouse, wood-shed, bee house; 4 stands of bees, 2 cows, household and kitchen furniture, fariniug tools, wagon and harness, 15 acres of crops; range out side aud’convenient for 100 head of stock, is less thau one mile from school hoo«« and pos toffoe—$2500. A I50t' for 160 acres of land, 80 acres und«r fence, 800 fruit trees house, barn 60X40. rar)oe for cattle adjoining. NC .7. T House and two lots in Goqnill« Clty; very cheap. One choioe business lot in Coquille City —very desirable. A BARGAIN. t «ores at Gravel Ford, all bottom * '0 laud. 50 acres nnder cultivation, 30 acres good pasture. One of the beat places on the North fork; would mak« a good dairy farm. For particulars enquire of the undersiffhed or on the premises o f J. B. Fox, Gravel Ford, Oregon. 120 acres three miles up the North fork. 27 acres plowland cleared, good house; bam 40x40. School house within 200 yards o f the house. Can be made one of the beat of farms. Very little waste land—good water. Price $1500. Inquire of P. Dean or the undersigned. 160 acres three-quarters of a mile up Lam- pey creek from the river. 20 acre« cleared, 50 fenced. Of the timber, 40 acres are whits “ ‘dar—good timber. 30 acres gracing ground on np land. House 28x30, barn 90x 30, 200 fruit trees young and bearing. Small fruits of severnl kinds and good varieties Price $1250—Liberal term«. . ... Enquire of Walter Sinelak. Oral thi«office.-

Transcript of CHICAGO COTTAGE€¦ · Mrs. Dyer, and Miss Euphemia • thriving at present. Averill, daughter of...

Page 1: CHICAGO COTTAGE€¦ · Mrs. Dyer, and Miss Euphemia • thriving at present. Averill, daughter of Mr. W. H. j Halla creek looks flourishing, ; Averill the partner of the elder '

»1* »S A N aments. California cherries are selliug at First Sabbath, North fork and South fork . c ,

alWrnntcty; Second Sabbath, Fishtrap and twput3'- “ ve cents perLainpey creek. alternately; Third Sabbath; U ooa bay .Floras oreek and Fonr Mile, alternately-

Jottings Along the R iv e r .Ed. H erald :—I drop you a few j

items to inform your maiiy read-

Fonrth Sabbath. Coqnille City, 10:30 a. m. gad 7:30 p. m.________ ____ H . L. Swafford.


trank S. Bunch has returned here again.

The survey for the Port Or ford. Blacklock railroad is now going on.

Michigan hns made it a misde­meanor to manufacture oleo in

Mrs. Ivribs and Miss Clara Sc breeder visited the bay one day last weak.

Capt. Harris, of South Coqnille, paid the H erald office a pleasant visit on Thursday.

Joe. C. Dean returned here from Randolph on Friday and is at his case on the H erald .• Mr. Emmett, who lives a short distance down tli * coast, was amongthat state.


Great tires have done great his friends here one day last week, damage iu Michigan in the past Our mil!, receiving a raft of t »o weeks. logs from Smith’s camp on Thurs-

Johnaon tfc Stone have a lot of day, started up on full time that new corned beef which they offer day. at Sets per pound. 1 Capt.

M arried .— At Baudon, at thepound, at : residence of Judge Dyer, on Tues-

{ day evening last by Rev. W. Lund,Mr. Elbert Dyer, son of Judge and ers h°w the country seems to be Mrs. Dyer, and Miss Euphemia • thriving at present.Averill, daughter of Mr. W. H. j Halla creek looks flourishing, ; Averill the partner of the elder ' antl the energetic farmers up that j j) er j way are anticipating good times

These are among our best young j t le coining summer, people, nnd beeiloil paternal exaui- \ S,nith'» logging camp ia boom- pie, so there is doubtless a. life-long j " '8 ""«l «•« log" «re goiug in lively, co p a r tn e rs h ip existing lietweon the j Halls prairie an-1 vicinity nre Dyer amt Averill families. The \ «pnrisliing. Growing crops of a ll,

kinds are looking well. Also the , stock that we saw feeding on the j

H erald boys sends greeting, gratulutious all ’round.


beautiful clover pastures, are in For aeveral days-iufact for over. 8piell(j j j coujn ion Hlld the sheep

a week--tie; road from this place to J ( [ r e C l l r r y i u „ a h e a v y f l e e c e o t w o o ) .litter City has heen kept lot. us wj8]i tiie gentlemanly post-iuess at court t -ok and brought

Dr. Murphy’s absence the past four days accounts for no editorial for the prohibition columns.

President Cleveland has institu­ted prohibition in Washington during the national drill.

From Mesdames Elliott and Flinn we learn that their Sunday school at Coaledo has a member­ship of 72.

A torpedo boat lately built for

most of tho travel over the road,but Powell thinks Coos W ] there ig mnch tr,lvel any way.

will aland a mnch better chance to . _u ,he Bame tiu)e> JoIiiiriju & Au- get another nppn.pnat.on next - Jore,m ^ to ^ eqatt| the 00. year by not expending the amount ; •now on baud. ! j10I>.,e8 anq backs that their trade

L. L. Simpsou, of Simpson Bros., : requires.Bnndon, was in to see the H erald 1

master and store keeper at Arago ; unbounded success.

William Hausen, l a o f Hum- boldt, Cal., is tearing out the stumps j

. . lively and beautifying his splendid'hey lave any Ilura 01 c) farill near the mouth of Fishtrap. |

on Friday. We congratulate these youug men on their enterprise on

D ie d . At Myrtle Point, onWednesday eve at 7 o’clock, of

, , . i consumption, Mr. Ben Edwards,the lowe r river. 1 . ^ . . T, 7 ,brother of Commissioner JbdwadrsI om and ( has. Langlois, of (. u i - ; o£ tjie 2 >0int Ben was for many

ry county, attended circuit COUI \ years engineer on the steamer An-tho Spanish government has made Empire (. icy last week, and bad uje ou ^ jH rjver> |)Ut for five years over 33 miles per hour against a AU old-fashioned hand shaking has been ruuniugou San Francisco strong tide. | friends here. bay, where he lost his health. Ben

In the great Call-Clironicle li- ' Miss Edith Haskins left on a was a noble young man.• • j ( p • -j ____________________________•_________

called on us >e tried lo get

an item from him. In repl to a querry as to what he had been

Mr. L. M. Lowe, of the bay, and ti0ingt he replied: “Lord! Lord!

in tne great Call-Clironicle l i - ! ' ........ was a nooie young mbel case the Call got $1.00 damage.: visit to friends on Coos river, Fri- | Surveyor Cathcart but bad to pay the cost amounting ^a>’- Miss Edith has many friends ^ j9 uiorning, and weto several thousands.

The Middle fork bridge and road contract were not let at call terra of county court; but will be 1 at next regular term.

The steamer Little Annie has been sold to parties on Coos bay and will be taken there per first; favorable opportunity.

Bio F ire.— A tire, covering sev-' eral acies in New York City, May 26, did enormous damage, among the rest burning 1000 horses.

The big cut of lumber

here and they her leave.

were sorry to see

Mr. Potter’s stock and clover are looking well. This is the boss clover country and don’t you for­get it.

Our esteemed friend, J. H. Lamb, 1ms a fine farm, and the best looking piece of wheat that we have seen.

Mr. Ben Figg has a splendid farm, and well stocked. Also Mr. Laird nnd S. B. Hatch have beau­tiful farms and good ones too. These energetic men and well-im­proved farms speak volumes for Coos. All that we now want is a steamer plying between this place and San Francisco to make this

a young man whose name we have j Woulden’t tell for the world.” We the best county along the coast of forgotten, who lives on Coos river, founj out by accident that lie was I Oregon for ranchmen. So don’t were over here ou Wednesday to going to recommence the survey - l)rt despondent, fellow citizens, for consult Dr. Murphy. j of the Einpire-Bandon road to-

Joe Thompson, who left the1 morrow.As is to be seen by “Boots Coin­

ing,” we are again to have this good old man with us. He has dealt so fairly with the people of

Hon. J.H. Roberts started to the this county, that his name has be-to see about i come a synonym for honesty

river about a year ago, returned here from California a few days since. The breakwater boys will recoguize him as an old friend.

^ 1 bay on Wednesdaym e Dig cut oi lumoer m nil / , . , . , ¡ : . . .

hours by the Tacoma mill has heen i “ *9 “ ntr?f‘ 8 le t ' ,y. ‘ he c0“ uty i " lmt >'ou l1’ 7 of li,m- >’ou cau re9,t1 an. • a. â ’ . I « « ca 1-4 Ml . i /I « - I V« R-C I \ lA -n. — «a cv c l m . a l l 11 cl a .a . J a a .-a a a /a »a M .--a /X «r. t A - a

beaten badly by the Port Blakely mill, which cut 517,275 feet in that time. •

J. J. Wilson has a fine lot of j vest chains, and you should see . them before they are gone for t^ey 1 are daisies and going off lively.

Hong Di, the murderer of Mrs. B illiou, has been captured. He claims that he aimed at Weaver, when the gun went off before he wa$ ready.

Mr. Oscar Lucas, of Crescent City, paid this office a pleasant call on Saturday. Mr. L. is a cousin of Judge Dyer, of Bandon. He is a timier by trade.

Mr. G arrison, son of our asses­sor, was here last Saturday and had a jolly time with the Coqnille City band boys, he being member of the Marshfield band.

The brass band of this place has just received a beautiful E b cor­net, and soon expect a B b baritone i trombone. John Leneve will run the first named, while Bird Nosier will manage the other.

Frank L. Hanscom takes um­brage at what the Gold Beach says of bis mishaps. He Says: “ I have been to town more than five times, and still there is plenty of room for repairs; and if Mr. Sutton dons not keep his mofttfi shut, I will break his eye.

Dr. M. M. Murphy returned here this morning from a business trip to Harrisbug, Monroe, Eugene City and several other jxnnts in the Willamette. The Dr. saw a fine race at Eugene on Saturday between Garfield, alias Baldie, and another flyer.

We are placed under lasting ob­ligations to J. J. Wilson, tho jew­eler and watchmaker, for a beauti­ful and useful present, in the shape of a calendar alarm clock. It is indeed a tine clock and he has sev­eral more, and sells them at the very low figure of $2.75. Get one.

Mrs. C. W. Olive has received her immense spring stock of mil­linery, and she is offering her

Empire City on Friday. Mr. Rob­erts is a gixxl workman and an ex­cellent judge of contract work.

H. H. Stanford, of upper Floras creek, was rushing around last Wednesday to see about proving up ou his pre-emption, not know­ing his notice of final proof was being published in one of the county papers.

The coal miners that came up to the bay recently on one of the

assured will be just as represented.Miss Tilla Parker bad a floral

monument at the hall yesterday at the decoration festivities, that was too pretty to be of so transito­ry a matter. It was about 6 feet high and contained the initials—

1 G. A. It., W. li. C., and S. of V.Mr. Ball, the Roseburg attorney

' and law partner of Congressman j Hermann, spent Sunday and till! noon yesterday in this place. He met many of his old friends here. :

him isteamers, went on a strike the seo-

i oud day. They were Italians, it is j We had a pleasant call from said, and agreed to dig coal for 75 mid a talk over old times, cents wer ton three-fifths of what ^ man on the sawdust part of used to be paid there. | Marshfield is happy over the fact

A power edger has been added that he became father of triplets j to Lyon’s mill in this place during one day last week. Since then the late repairs, and many other there has been an advance of 33 needed improvements Vnade. Char- j per cent, on saw-dust lots in that ley Olive is the boss hand to put place.lit the head. He will see that all The surveyor will survey the

: joes in shipshape. road leading from Jim Buell’s toSome good soul has our thanks j Bennett’s begining on the morning

for a lot of fish from the beach, of June 13th, and the road in theThey—peryli and flounders can be caught in large numbers, at any time there. We will mention, by the way, the donor forgot to sends faw crabs, and that the fish are all gone.

Mrs. Aitnee Miller cuiie down from her home at Myrtle Point on Saturday, and had the misfortune j nied by Cal Shepherd also of Ban- to have her horse stumble, fall I don.

• « i iMr. and Mrs. B. H. Haskins

Mast settlement on North Coquille on June 21st.

Go see J. J. Wilson at his new stand, and give him a good patron­age. Ho is a good, honest work­man, and lias located among us.

Dr. Volkmar 1ms left Bandon for pastures new. He was accoropa-

and roll over in a mud hole with her. No injury to speak of which is accounted for in the fact that she had a very gentle horse, for her foot caught in the stirrup.The Recorder seems to think that

we are to have a short line of rail­road along the coast to be connected with the O. k C. at Roseburg. In this we are of the same opinion, ex­cept as to the short line along the ; Coquille City yesterday, coast We believe plans are being

were m town yesterday and ma le us a pleasant visit.

Ed. and Uucle Tom Nichols are coming up on the first steamer leaving San Diego.

The Lizzie Prion sailed from San Francisco on the 23d, and is due here now.

Coaledo wras well represented in

goods at astonishingly low prices.Go see her goods at once. She has an experienced trimmer employed, places free, of charge, and the splendid assortment of ladies’ hats are going like hot cakes—25 to 30 per day. This I stock is so varied as to enable Mrs O. to suit the moet fastidious.

laid for a road from San Francisco to Y'aquina, and possibly to Astoria along the coast.

Uncle G. Marshall, of Halls creek, in the interest of Texas im­migrants, says he will show them the best vacant government land in j Coos county aud will show them a j number of good cheap improved j

He is an old Texan, and is partial toward j them. The)' cau find him at his | home on Halls creek, or at W. C.

‘ Bullard’s.

N E W *

Meat Market,j. L. imrnm,mCoquille City, Oregon,

K EEPS Constantly on hand a splendid assortment of fresh meats—Reef, Pork,

Mutton, Sausage, etc., which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Shop in the Steward building opposite McEwan's hard­ware store. N. W. Lenere will be found at the block, always ready to suppy the wants of customers in first-class style. v6nJ2

we are right on the verge of good times aud prosperity.

Wandering Jaw Bone.— - »»>» »' - -- -

B oots Coming.—Under date of May 2?, 1887, Mr. Wm. N. Boots «rites us from Drain, ns follows: “Please say to the readers of your good paper, That I will be at Jhe Robinson house in Coquille City, on or ubout June 10th, with a full liue qf spectacles and eye-glasses, solid gold and plated jewelry, all of which will be sold at reasonable figures, and guaranteed to be as rep-! reseuted. Thanking all for past i favors, and wishing to see my old I customers, and us many new ones | as possible.

I am very TrulyWm. N. Boots.”

- — — *• ■+ O ►David Hutcheson and Jns. A.

Burrus left here on Wednesday for their mines on South Sixes, takii.g with them wheels ,etc., for j new cars. The boys have a good mine and they think afler'this they j can run iu both winter and sum­mer. as none but surface water will be to contend against. The mine joins, and includes a part of, the old Elgin claim, and we predict that these deserving young men will strike it rich. They leurn from parties direct from there that their former work there is iu good shape, except a small slide near the mouth of their tunnel. In a very few' days they will bo digging out the shining gold.

.... i » «#» ♦----------——G o v d Iu i ;»c r> Camp.

D. A. Bradford, wholesale pap»r denier of Chattanooga, Term., write« that he was aeri- onsly afilioted with a severe cold that settled on hin longs: had tried many remedies with- oat benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bot­tles. Since which time he hns used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thous­and whose lives have been saved by this

Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottles free at J. H. Noslcr’s Drugstore.

MARSHFIELD.Editor H erald :— Court is still

in session.J. W. Hamilton aud Judge Bean

werejin town Satuuiay.Half of the new crew from the

Newport coal mine returned to San Francisco on the Arago. The oth­er half remained and the mines have pone to work with a crew of thirteen.

Mr. Garfield and Mrs. Capt. Roberta aro visiting friends on the Coquille.

B orn.—Marshfield, May 28, to the wife of William Anderson, triplets—all girls.

Our usually pleasant little vil­lage w'as in an unusual commotion last Friday after noon, owing to the fact that there had been mur­der committed, iq or about China town. Billy, the China cook at North Bend who gained so much newspaper notoriety about three or fenr years ago, in connection with Tv Ty, shot and killed a rival of his, the cook at the Central ho­tel. The shooting arose from the fact that the murdered Chinaman had been to some measure inter­fering w ith Billy’s domestic affairs. Hence the shooting. Billy was ar­rested end lodged in tho oounty jail at Empire. The trial b*ing continued until this u’eek.

Mrs. Fred Webber and family leave Wednesday for Astoria. Their many friends will be sorry to see them go.

Mrs. Alice Grimes, of Coaledo, lias been visiting friends in Marsh­field during the past week.

Percy Levar left Coos last week for California via Humboldt.

Geo. Taylor, formerly of this place, is located at Seattle.

It is generally understood in Marshfield that all of tho old min­ers at Newport have had warning to vacate the premises entirely.

P erditta .Marsmfield, May 29.

F O F H T I I o f J U L Y .Coquille City May 30.

Ed. H erald :— Owing to dissat­isfaction, the executive committee respecfully ask that the citizens of Coquille City meet Wednesday eve June 1st to further arrange for the coming celebration.

Chns. Olive Committiee •( J. P. Easter

A. G. Aiken.


ORGANHm attained a standard ot excellent» wMefc admits o f no superior.

Itoontains every improvement that inVMiUv* genius, skill and money can produce.

These excellent Organa arc celebrated for vol­ume, qaality of toco, t^ response, variety of com­bination. artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, ir.Nki;i uitm the most attractive omi. mental and desirable organa for homes, aenool^ churches, lodges, societies, etc.


S K IL L E D W O E IiH E X ,B E S T M A T E R IA L ,

e O K B X i m , K A K S T H I S

THE POPULAR OROAHInstrnctien Books aod Piano Stoolo.

Catalogne* and Prloe Lists, on application, m o t



NOTICE.All who are indebted to the firm of John

son & Laird will please cull at my office and etetle, as all film accounts have been placed in my hands for collection.

A. J. Sh' rwood.

N O T I C E !

VLL thone indebted to me aro hereby notified to cull and Kettle, and save

costs.W. E. ltacKiarv.

Myrtle Point. Oregon. n3.12m

Land Agency I»

- : 0 : —T li© T J n c le rs ig n e c i

tR O U X .

An Fn<l to Bone Scraping.Edward Bhepherdof Harrisburg. 111..says:

“ Having received so muoh Benefit from ElectricJlitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering •humanity know it. Have had a running sore on iny leg for eight years; my doctors told me I wonld have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, in­stead, three bottles of Electrio Bitters pnd seven boxes Bucklen’ s Arnica Salve, aud my leg is now sound nnd well.”Eleotric Bitters are sold at fifty oents a bot­

tle, and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve at 25o per box by J. H. Nosier.

N () T*I C EIs hereby given that the marriage relation­ship heretofore existing between Richard C. Cavett nnd Eugenia A. Cavett, is dissolved, and the said Richard C. Cavett will not pay any debts contracted by the said Eugenia A. Cavett from and after tbiH date.

(Signed) Richard C. Cavett.Dated Coquille City, May-28, 1887.

■ I t U P n V I Q F f l D Of others,who wi*h to examineA ll VC II I l O b i l d t h is p a p e r, o r o b ta in e s tim a te s o n a d v e r tis in g s p a c e w h e n in C h i c a g o , w ill t m d i t o n f ile at

th e A d v w t ie in g A g e n c y o f LORD & THOMAS.

At Denmark May 19, to the wife of Geo. Fitzhugh, a daughter.

♦ « 8 ♦ - - - —

llii«Tileii*a Aruit-a Suite.The best sal ve in the world for cuts, bruis­

es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet- t 'r. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l ’riee 25 cents per box. For sale by J. H. Nosier.

FOR SALE.$2000, one-half down: A good farm of

87 acers good land improved, situated at the onetion of South aud Middle forks of Co­quille river. Call ou D. McNair, adjoining the premises.

NOTICE.All persons owing James Brown of Myrtle

Point on last year’s aocounts must come forward and make settlement at once. Re­member. iuid,keep off costs. v5u40

Myrtle Point Nursery.Myrtle Point, Oregon,

J. F. Noyes, Proprietor,T)ROPAGATOR of, and dealer in Fruit X Trees aud small fruits. He keepsconstantly on hand a well regulated assort­ment, cheaper than the cheapest.

Send in your orders no pains spared to give full satisfaction. _____________ v4nl7

T h e F i n e S t a l l i o n ,


present season as follows: Will l>e at Co­quille City on Mondays and Tuesday»; at Cupt.

Butler’s place on Wednesdays and Thurs­days, and at Myrtle Point on Fridays and Saturdays. This splendid horse was sired by Old Capt. Sligart. he by a large Sir Thom­as horse, his grandsire a well bred horse known as Sir Woodward's Thomas, he by Diomede and he by Imported Diomede. A limited number of mares will be received only, as we wish to put the horse in condition for the fall trotting races. First come first served.

C. B. Crosby, owner.

P ’o r S a le !Ten head of young Milch Cows.

Apply toG. AY. Stevenson,

Fairview, Oregon. n29

Land Agencyn s r

Coquille CitySLTL &

Is jnepared to buy or sell for reasonable consideration.

He has the following for Bale:

The Greatest Bargain OutA great ehauee for m aking M oney,$325.—Two splendid lots on a corner, in

the best part of Coquille City, with good box house with “ L.” Lots cleared, and fenced. This is one of the best bargain« ever offered here.

80 acres of the finest fir timber on the river, 2 miles above Coquille City, near the river, with logging roads to it. It is esti­mated that there are 3.000,000 feet of good timber on the land. The land will be sold at a very great bargain.

The cheapest—148) acres ? mj^gs from Gravel Ford. ¡50 acres in cultivation. All good land goodout range for stock. Hons« 20x10 with shed addition. Barn 30x42 good orchard. 5 head of cattle, lot o f hog«, 12 stands of bees, farming tools. Good timber on uncleared portion o f the land. All for $2200 enquire of J. Sturdevant on the promises or o f the undersigned.

THREE LOTS.A House o f 5 rooms oenterally located In

Coquille City very cheap for cash.WHITE CEDAR

I G G ftm>8 white cedar timberI U v land, one-fourth mile from Bear

creek. Very Cheap.A Brewery for sale—capacity of six J barrels. Good Location—Every­thing convenient. Satisfactory reason« given for wishing to sell.

One and a half acres one-half mile from Coquille City, on stage road; house o f

five rooms, wood-shed, good cistern, 150 fruit trees, some bearing—Very cheap.

m acros on North fork near Gravel Ford: 25 acres cleared, house 18x26, barn 30x54, smokehouse, wood-shed, bee

house; 4 stands of bees, 2 cows, household and kitchen furniture, fariniug tools, wagon and harness, 15 acres of crops; range out­side aud’convenient for 100 head of stock, is less thau one mile from school hoo«« and pos toff oe—$2500.A I50t' for 160 acres of land, 80 acres und«r

fence, 800 fruit trees house, barn 60X40. rar)oe for cattle adjoining.

NC .7. T House and two lots in Goqnill« C lty; very cheap.

One choioe business lot in Coquille City —very desirable.

A BARGAIN.t «ores at Gravel Ford, all bottom

* ' 0 laud. 50 acres nnder cultivation, 30 acres good pasture. One of the beat places on the North fork; would mak« a good dairy farm. For particulars enquire of the undersiffhed or on the premises o f J. B. Fox, Gravel Ford, Oregon.

120 acres three miles up the North fork. 27 acres plowland cleared, good house; bam 40x40. School house within 200 yards o f the house. Can be made one of the beat o f farms. Very little waste land—good water. Price $1500. Inquire of P . Dean or the undersigned.

160 acres three-quarters of a mile up Lam- pey creek from the river. 20 acre« cleared, 50 fenced. Of the timber, 40 acres are whits “ ‘dar— good timber. 30 acres gracing ground on np land. House 28x30, barn 90x 30, 200 fruit trees young and bearing. Smallfruits of severnl kinds and good varieties Price $1250—Liberal term«.

. . . . Enquire o f Walter Sinelak. O ral thi«office.-