Chevy Chase United Methodist Church Chase United Methodist Church ... 9:20 am -Faith hords singing...

Chevy Chase United Methodist Church HIGHLIGHTS 7001 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-652-8700 MAY 2014 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3 Table of Contents Worship Schedule Pastor’s Column Upcoming Opportunies Youth News Music Children 2 3 4 5 5 6 Easter Photos Missions Green Team Faith Moment Church Staff Calendar 7 8 9 10 10 11 In This Issue . . Earth Day Movie, p. 4 Worship through Music, p. 5 Palm Sunday & Easter Photos, p. 7 Earth Day at CCUMC Because of Easter and other acvies, we will observe Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd this year, on Sunday May 4th. We will have several parts to our celebraon of God's creaon: 3 “Save Energy Sunday“- We ask everyone to either walk, bike, take public transportaon or car pool on May 4th. There are sign up sheets for those who need a ride and those who can give a ride on that day, as well as a poster where you can sign up to tell us how you will get to church. Our goal is that no one will drive a car with only one person in it. You can also call the office to offer or ask for a ride. See you on Sunday! (Learn about special movie on p.4) Save energy - try a scooter! Summer Worship at 10:00 am begins June 1 Combined worship - something for everyone! Appreciation for Carol Powell For over a decade Carol Powell has served as our bookkeeper at Chevy Chase UMC. In this role she has monitored our finances, maintained financial records, and worked closely with church volunteers and staff to faith- fully use our resources for mission and ministry. Carol is transioning to a new posion outside the church. Though she is stepping down as our bookkeeper she will connue to serve in our ministry as a church member. The Staff Parish Relaons and Finance Commiees, along with Pastor Kirkland, invite you to pray for Carol and her family during this me of transion and to also find ways to cele- brate her decade of service. On Sunday, May 4 we will celebrate Carol in each of our worship services. And you are invited to personally thank Carol for her service as our bookkeeper at a special me of celebraon during coffee fellowship on May 4.

Transcript of Chevy Chase United Methodist Church Chase United Methodist Church ... 9:20 am -Faith hords singing...

Page 1: Chevy Chase United Methodist Church Chase United Methodist Church ... 9:20 am -Faith hords singing Scripture: ... will feature a presentation entitled “Abraham Lin-


Chevy Chase United Methodist Church


7001 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-652-8700


Table of Contents Worship Schedule Pastor’s Column Upcoming Opportunities Youth News Music Children

2 3 4 5 5 6

Easter Photos Missions Green Team Faith Moment Church Staff Calendar

7 8 9

10 10 11

In This Issue . .

Earth Day Movie, p. 4

Worship through Music, p. 5

Palm Sunday & Easter Photos, p. 7

Earth Day at CCUMC

Because of Easter and other activities, we will observe Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd this year, on Sunday May 4th. We will have several parts to our celebration of God's creation:


“Save Energy Sunday“- We ask everyone to either walk, bike, take public transportation or car pool on May 4th. There are sign up sheets for those who need a ride and those who can give a ride on that day, as well as a poster where you can sign up to tell us how you will get to church. Our goal is that no one will drive a car with only

one person in it. You can also call the office to offer or ask for a ride. See you on Sunday! (Learn about special movie on p.4)

Save energy - try a scooter!

Summer Worship at 10:00 am begins June 1

Combined worship - something for everyone!

Appreciation for Carol Powell

For over a decade Carol Powell has served as our bookkeeper at Chevy Chase UMC. In this role she has monitored our finances, maintained financial records, and worked closely with church volunteers and staff to faith-fully use our resources for mission and ministry.

Carol is transitioning to a new position outside the church. Though she is stepping down as our bookkeeper she will continue to serve in our ministry as a church member. The Staff Parish Relations and Finance Committees, along with Pastor Kirkland, invite you to pray for Carol and her family during this time of transition and to also find ways to cele-brate her decade of service.

On Sunday, May 4 we will celebrate Carol in each of our worship services. And you are invited to personally thank Carol for her service as our bookkeeper at a special time of celebration during coffee fellowship on May 4.

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PAGE 2 MAY 2014

HIGHLIGHTS is published by

Chevy Chase United Methodist Church

7001 Connecticut Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20815

(301) 652-8700 Facebook: Chevy Chase UMC

Our Vision and Mission:

Journey Outside Yourself

We are a Christian community on a journey outside ourselves.

We serve and are served, heal and are healed, through

God’s transforming love.

Articles are due by the 15th of each month. Please e-mail articles to: [email protected] .

Articles may also be faxed to (301) 718-7311 or

dropped off at the church office.

Editor: Cindy Hinchman

May Worship and Celebration at Chevy Chase UMC

We regularly worship on Sunday at 9:20 am with a Contemporary Worship Service and at 10:40 am with a Traditional Liturgical Worship Service.

Note: From June 1 to August 31 we will have one combined service at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary.

May 4: Sacrament of Holy Communion “Save Energy Sunday” in celebration of Earth Day Appreciation for Carol Powell during Coffee Fellowship Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism at 10:40am service Scripture: Luke 24:13-49 Sermon: “Take a Walk” 11:45 am: Tree Dedication in memory of Frank Edward Troth, Sr. (a founding member of CCUMC)

May 11: Mother’s Day Worship led by the 4th and 5th Grade Sunday School Class Cherubim Choir singing at 9:20am and 10:40am Youth Group sale of flower bouquets Scripture: Matthew 13:31-32 Sermon: “The Parable of the Carrot Seed”

May 18: Special Offering for UMC Native American Ministries 9:20 am - Faith Chords singing Scripture: John 14:1-14 Sermon: “House Party” 10:40 am - Worship through Music Performance of Fauré Requiem - Sanctuary Choir Scripture: Mark 1:16-20

May 25: Memorial Day Weekend Scripture: John 14:15-21 Sermon: “Becoming and Belonging”

June 1: One worship service at 10:00 am Youth Sunday

Communion Offering for Martha’s Table

Martha’s Table will be the recipient of our Communion offering on May 4. Providing healthy food, affordable clothing, and quality education so DC resi-dents in need can build a better future, Martha’s Table sponsors various pro-grams which include Children’s, Youth and Family programs, the Food Program and McKenna’s Wagon , and Martha’s Outfitter and Clothing Program. For 25 years the Sandwich Brigade of CCUMC has been gathering faithfully every third Thursday of the month to make sandwiches for McKenna’s Wagon which are distributed to the homeless in downtown DC.

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PAGE 3 MAY 2014

Pastor’s Column: Let’s Get to Work

In Mark’s telling of when Jesus calms a storm, the story begins with Jesus telling his disciples, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake.” Jesus and the disciples do just that, leaving a crowd to whom Jesus had told several parables. They get in boats and set off for the other side. Along the way they meet gale-force winds and crashing waves. The disciples are understandably scared. They’re out in the deep waters and the only thing keeping them safe are small boats that may soon capsize.

Somehow Jesus is able to sleep through all this (which probably tells us about how little rest he got during his ministry). We all want a savior who never sleeps and who is always alert and ready for our needs. Here are disciples who feared they would drown in a storm and they wanted Jesus to be more than present with them. They wanted Jesus awake and at work. The disciples get their prayer answered. Jesus wakes up, tells the winds and waters “Silence! Be still!” The wind settles down and there was a great calm. The disciples are relieved and in awe of Jesus’ saving works.

During the weekend after Easter I joined other young adults from the Baltimore-Washington Conference, our regional collection of United Methodist churches, on a mission trip to southern New Jersey. We went to help with the UMC effort there to rebuild homes damaged by Superstorm Sandy on October 27, 2012.

We had the privilege of serving George and Pat, homeowners along the marsh lands on the Delaware Bay. They had nearly four feet of standing water come into their home as the storm surge sent crashing waves up the shores of New Jersey. Today their home is 10 feet taller than it was in 2012, but it is still not habitable. Our mission team was drywalling their main level (which is now, technically, their second level) and there is still much work that needs to be done.

George and Pat are living in a temporary trailer next to their home, and they have been there for over a year. The trailer is smaller than my office. Far smaller. In the U.S. alone, Superstorm Sandy destroyed thousands of homes, left millions without power (many went without power for over a week), caused $65 billion in damage, and directly caused the deaths of 72 people.

Overlooking the Delaware Bay from George and Pat’s front yard, I wondered what it was like for those who were on the shore during the storm that Jesus calmed. They too were praying, just like the disciples, as the winds and waves ravaged the lake and the shore. But the prayers offered on the shores were different than the prayers on the boats. The disciples could easily see Jesus with them. They saw directly what Jesus could do, and did do, to save them.

On one shore a crowd had just seen Jesus get in a boat and leave. As the waters crashed and the winds howled, they must have prayed for Jesus to come back and save them. On the other shore there were people that Jesus was on his way to see, but they didn’t know that yet. Their prayers were for something, anything, to save them

The disciples were not the only ones relieved that Jesus calmed the storm. And the experience of relief and recovery, and of giving thanks to God, was different depend-ing on where you were during the storm. Which is why the ministry of the disciples was, and is today, so important.

The good news in this story from Mark is not limited to a calmed storm. There is also good news in the arrival of those disciples who came to meet the needs of those affected along the shore. And there is good news in the continued pres-ence of disciples moving around the lake and region, responding to people’s needs. Jesus set out on that boat to bring good news to people and communities, and he did that by bringing the church with him. (continued, p. 9)

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Upcoming Opportunities

“PALS” May Program

The May meeting of PALS (Programs and Lunches for Sen-iors) will feature a presentation entitled “Abraham Lin-coln’s Montgomery County Connections”. It will be pre-sented by Susan Soderberg from the Montgomery County Historical Society. The meeting will be on Monday, May 5 at 11 am in the Epworth room and the program will be followed by a delicious ($5.00) lunch. For more infor-mation please call Linda Ellinwood at 240-246-7374.

All are invited. No age restrictions!!

Christian Caregivers

Family Record Book Available

The Christian Caregivers of CCUMC are visiting, calling and sending cards regularly to our CCUMC members who have difficulty getting to church. The Caregivers try to make sure these members feel part of the church even though they are unable to attend.

As a special project the Caregivers have designed a book-let for individuals to use in gathering important family records and information related to the legal and adminis-trative matters of daily living. The hope is that the book-let will provide you with an easy way to condense this personal information in one place for yourself and for those that one day may need to use it on your behalf. You may pick up a copy of the booklet on the tables out-side of the Chapel and the Sanctuary, and the rack out-side the Wesley Room.

Citizenship Mentors

Another 10-week course of Citizenship Classes has begun and we have a great need for mentors to provide one-on-one tutoring, encouragement and support to the stu-dents. We have started out with eight students and ex-pect more to be joining us. All speak some English but are unsure of themselves and personal attention from mentors will be a great help.

Please join us on Saturday mornings from 10:00 to noon. You don’t need to be here every week and you will find it to be a gratifying and inspiring experience. Contact Bob Levering at 301-656-5346 or Mike Lee at 501-350-0135 for more information.

CCUMC Workday - May 10, 9:00 am

“Care for your building and grounds is a way of honoring your attendees and honoring God. A well-cared-for building demonstrates a commitment to excellence and communicates that what the church does is important.” -Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Help of all ages is needed for our church workday on Sat-urday, May 10, beginning at 9:00 am. We will be scrap-ing, sanding, plastering, sweeping, painting, vacuuming and much more. Please join us. You know what many hands make!

For more information contact Mike Moreau at [email protected].

Earth Day Film, Sunday Night,

May 4 at 6:00 pm

In addition to car-pooling or biking to church on Sunday, and dedicating a tree in the forenoon, we will continue our observance of Earth Sunday this coming Sunday by showing a beautiful and inspiring environmental film. The movie “Thomas Berry, the Great Story” is about a monk, teacher and mystic who was one of the pioneers in stimu-lating awareness of our spiritual responsibility to preserve God's great gift to us, our earth. A pioneer eco-theologian. he taught that the natural world -- oceans, mountains and all living organ-isms -- are not here only for our use, but to help us be-come who we are. Join us in the chapel at 6:00 pm for this 50 minute film and a short discussion.

Dinners for 8 - It’s Not too Late!

At our first round of Dinners for 8 on April 26, 16 people dined in two different homes. For participants it was a great experience to learn some amusing facts as well as share faith stories with people they might not have gotten to know otherwise. We all share our attendance at CCUMC worship but do you know who makes an awe-some breakfast, who bakes fabulous pies, who plays great tennis or what petite woman used to play the tuba?

It’s not too late for you to sign up for dinners on May 17, June 21 and/or July 19. There are already 32 people signed up for May 17 so join the fun. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board and the table in the art gallery or you may register at or in the church office at 301-652-8700. Be sure to note whether you would like to host a dinner or be a guest.

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Youth News

Upcoming Youth Events:

Sun., May 4 6:00 pm Youth Group to join church movie night for "Thomas Berry: the Great Story"

Sat., May 17: Youth to run in the "Mother of Mercy 5K"in DC to support girls’ secondary education in Kenya.

Sun., May 18: 6:00 pm “Meet and Greet” spring picnic

Sun., June 1 10:00 am Youth Sunday - Youth to assist in worship service with Pastor Kirkland

Youth Mission Trip

Eight youth group members and chaperones, including Pastor Kirkland, will be heading to Dinwiddie, VA (south of Richmond) for a week long mission trip on July 27. We will be demonstrating Jesus' love and compassion to the residents of the community, real people in need. Building wheelchair ramps, painting, interior and exterior car-pentry, and other home projects as needed are just some of the ways we will be spending 8 hours a day for the week.

We look forward to experiencing God as we serve others, meet new Christian friends, and participate in the power-ful worship services provided by the Mission organizers.

Worship through Music: Fauré Requiem

Sunday, May 18 at 10:40 am

The meditative and serene Requiem by Gabriel Fauré takes us on a journey from elegiac prayers at the opening to the hope of resurrection and paradise at the close. Unlike many other musical adaptations of the ancient requiem texts, Faure’s lyrical setting stands out as one of comfort and gentleness. Faure’s inspiration in composing the work was not based on the idea that death was to be feared, but rather “as a happy deliverance, an aspiration towards happiness above, rather than as a painful experi-ence.” A favorite and beloved work, the Choir is dedi-cating the musical offertory of the Requiem to the memory of long-time choir member Kay Efron.

Sing to the Lord a New Song

Sing with the Sanctuary Choir

All are welcome to come when you are able and sing a new song (or make a joyful noise) in the Sanctuary Choir.

New members are welcome to attend the Sunday morn-ing rehearsal at 9:45 am before the second service even if you are unable to attend the Thursday evening rehearsal at 7:30 pm.

Beginning in June, the choir will rehearse at 9:00 am on Sundays before the combined summer worship service at 10:00 am. The summer schedule will provide an oppor-tunity for anyone to participate in the choir without a long-term commitment. For more information contact Jesse Parker at [email protected].


Meet the CCUMC Youth Group!

Come to the Youth Group Meet & Greet Spring Picnic Join Pastor Kirkland Reynolds, Monica Price and our youth group members and families as we enjoy an even-ing of dinner and fellowship together. Food and drinks provided.

Who: Families with children in grades 6-12 and any church members interested in helping chaperone youth activities! When: Sunday, May 18 Time: 6 pm Where: The large playground (rain location, Philips Hall)

RSVP by May 14 to the head of our Youth Ministry, Monica Price, [email protected].

Mother's Day Flower Sale

Help Support the CCUMC Mission Trip! The CCUMC Youth will be selling “Mother’s Day Bouquets” of cut flowers on Mother's Day, May 11 to raise funds for their trip. Proceeds will help offset the cost of transportation, room and board and supplies.

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Plans for Summer Sunday School

During our all-church worship service for the summer we will have a multi-age Sunday School class from June 1 to August 31. Children and youth from age 3 or 4 through 12th grade will meet each week in the Epworth Room on the first floor (Room 105) for a variety of activities. The youth are a great help with the younger children. Adult volunteers for one or more Sundays are also very welcome. If you are available, please contact Carolyn Greis at [email protected] or 301-718-1737

Cherubim to Sing on Mother’s Day

The Cherubim choir made up of children age 3 through 1st grade is scheduled to sing on Mothers' Day, May 11, during the early service and at the very beginning of the second service. They will be singing: The Light of Christ; Love Is What It's All About; L-O-V-E, Love; and This Little Light of Mine. Directed by Marti Tarkington, the children rehearse every Sunday at the beginning of their Sunday school class.

Special Worship on Mother’s Day

4th and 5th Graders Plan and Lead Worship Services on May 11

This year the 4th and 5th grade Sunday School class has been focusing on what makes up worship at our church. They have participated in two services earlier this year and now are ready to plan worship for both the 9:20 and 10:40 ser-vices. The class was inspired when they watched a video segment about a church that has a weekly Friday night service called “Friday Night Live! “. It is planned and led by the children and youth with guidance from adult leaders in the church. After watching this video the students made a list of things they would like to see in worship and ways that they could participate. Alison Gee who leads the class jumped on the opportunity for the students to see first hand what goes into planning worship each week. “I want the students to be really comfortable at church and part of that is understanding how and why we worship in church together. “ The students so far have been greeters, ushers, led prayers, shared a Children’s Message, and given the Benediction. When watching a drama segment one week the stu-dents remarked “Wow, church is really fun and you really remember the message when it’s given in a funny way.” All these experiences this year will culminate on Mother’s Day. The title of the service is “Seeds of Faith.” Some questions to ponder will be how does your faith grow? Do we help nurture the faith of those around us at church? How do you have faith when it looks like nothing is happening? We have chosen to use the Sower Parable, the Mustard Seed Para-ble, and the children’s book The Carrot Seed by Ruth Kraus.

Register Now for Vacation Bible School

Theme: God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures...including you! When kids feel weird, different, or even lost in a crowd—nothing compares to the extraordinary love of Jesus. At Weird Animals Vacation Bible school, kids will experience God’s Word in surprising and unforgettable ways! Each day, leaders will reinforce one simple Bible truth which makes it easy for kids to remember and apply to real life!

Join us June 23 to June 27 9:00 am to noon

For children ages 3 through rising 5th grade

Register online at or at

Cost is $45.00 per child with a maximum of $100.00 per family

Adults and older children are welcome as volunteers to help supervise as children participate in games, crafts, make believe, music and more. You are welcome to come anytime from one to five days. Discounts are available for the children of adult volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Carolyn Greis at [email protected] or 301-718-1737.

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Palm Sunday and Easter Festivities

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Missions and Social Concerns

Volunteering at Interfaith Works

CCUMC and some individual members have contributed to Interfaith Works for years because it is one of the most effective nonprofit organizations at doing a critically important job: taking people who have fallen out of society and getting them back to being productive members of our community. They provide food, shelter, housing, clothing, emergency assistance, and vocational services. $5,000 of this year’s Missions Committee budget, one Sunday’s com-munion donation, and a 13 April donation of coats is destined to go to them. It turns out that Interfaith Works also has a wealth of volunteer opportunities to be of service in a personal way in a structured environment. The Missions and Social Concerns Committee has decided to publicize these opportunities to the congregation, solicit volunteers, and organize CCUMC groups to participate in some of the service opportunities.

Their major operating facilities include Carroll House Men’s Shelter in Silver Spring to provide transitional housing for 32 homeless men, Wilkins Avenue Women’s Assessment Center in Rockville for 65 adult women, and the Clothing Center in Rockville that provides qualified low-income families with necessary clothing and home goods.

High on the list of needs that we could help fill are cooking wholesome dinners for the residents, serving them at Car-roll House, and staying with them for dinner and conversations. We could provide a Birthday party or run a movie/DVD night. We could help in meetings where the men prepare their resumes and practice job interviewing. Similar help could be provided at the women’s shelters. We can also sort clothing donations and stock the display cases at the Clothing Center.

Tell the CCUMC office or Ed Cushen, [email protected], or (301) 656-0447 if you are interested in helping Interfaith Works. We will discuss possible programs and plan a schedule with Yvonne Esipila, their Volunteer and Outreach Coor-dinator, and Sara Cherner, the Program Assistant at Carroll House. □ Ed Cushen

Feed the Homeless for May and June 2014

First I want to thank all the cooks that stepped up to feed the homeless on Easter Sunday. We’re a church of workhorses – cooking for the church brunch AND the homeless AND dinner for your family all on one day (unless your family had cereal for dinner – not that mine did).

We’re cooking again on May 18 and June 15 and the homeless need your time and energy. There are always plenty of items to buy and drop off if you don’t have time to cook. This is a great way to involve your children in community service. For example, if you’re making a salad, ask the kids what they like in their salad. Have them come up with a grocery list. Take them shopping with you (if you can bear it). Have them help prepare and deliver the salad. I promise you they will remember how they helped out and that their family actively served others less fortunate. It’s a lesson that sticks with them.

Please take a look at the Sign-Up-Genius to see if you can help and let me know if you have any questions. Jennifer Byrnes 202 997 0348 [email protected]

□ Jennifer Byrnes

Offering for Native American Ministries

A special offering for Native American Ministries will be collected on Sunday, May 18. The observance is one of six spe-cial church-wide Sunday offerings of the United Methodist Church. Native American Ministries Sunday is a good re-minder of the contributions made by Native Americans to our society. The funds collected will allow the UMC to part-ner with existing native ministries and create programs on behalf of Native Americans. Money collected also supports seminary scholarships for United Methodist Native Americans. The United Methodist Native American Ministries Sun-day offering also helps preserve a rich cultural heritage. Thank you for your generous gift.

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Green Team

Green Gertie

Dear Gertie, Do you have any recycling suggestions for all of the rubber bands we keep getting on our mail? Surely someone could use them rather than just throwing them away. Thanks,


Dear Richard, I have been researching your question ever since you wrote 2 months ago. The best I can do is give you a few ideas for using them yourself and suggest you try giving them to your local library. They use them a lot, as do schools. And we could always offer them back to the U.S.Post Office -- to help them out of their financial prob-lems! Other ideas: 1.Keep food fresh. Simply wrap a rubber band around a bag of chips, salad, or baking flour to seal in the freshness. 2.Open jars. When a twist top lid won’t budge, wrap a rubber band around it several times to give you a better grip 3.Keep clothes on hangers. No more worries of camisoles and sundresses slipping off hangers when you wrap the ends with rubber bands. 4.Expand the waistband on your pants, or skirt. Loop the rubber band through the buttonhole and fasten to the button. This can give you an extra inch. 5.Paintbrush wiper. Stretch a rubber band around an open paint can from top to bottom so it crosses over the opening just above the paint. Wipe the excess paint off on the rubber band instead of getting the side of the can all messy.


Pastor Kirkland

Pastor’s Letter, cont’d from p. 3) When we go on mission trips we are like those disciples who set out with Jesus to the other side of the lake. We travel with the savior who goes to save and bring good news. And by God’s grace we become the very hands and feet of Jesus to bring help and good news to life.

And then we go home, just like I came home from my mission trip in New Jersey. But we come back with new friendships and experiences made possible through the movement of God.

After seeing the hope and resilience of people like George and Pat, and after being a part of the United Methodist Church’s efforts to bring ministry and recovery to the New Jersey shore, I feel just like the disciples who were saved on that boat. I too am overcome with awe by the saving and real work of Jesus.

Jesus asks us everyday to go with him, sometimes to the other side of a lake, sometimes to the other side of the street, and to bring good news to those affected by the storms of life.

Let’s get to work.


Pastor’s Letter (cont’d.)

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Rev. Kirkland Reynolds, Pastor [email protected]

Jesse Parker, Director of Music Ministries [email protected]

Susan Rowe, Contemporary Worship Leader [email protected]

Monica Price, Youth Ministry [email protected]

Teresa Click, Office Manager [email protected]

Linda Ellinwood, Organist [email protected]

Carol Powell, Bookkeeper [email protected]

Rosa Ramirez and Dina Salinas Nursery attendants

Lee Walsh, Director, CCUMC Preschool [email protected]

Lauren Bailey, Preschool Administrator [email protected]

Belinda Forbes and Nan McCurdy Missionaries in Nicaragua

Church Staff

Faith Moment

By Judy Smith

My most recent Faith Moment is actually a whole series of moments I have experienced in the last eight months with my Sunday School class of 2nd and 3rd graders. I have to admit that I agreed to be a Sunday School teacher not because I really wanted to take on another responsibility, or because I loved the children so much, but because I thought that someone should teach these kids all year round rather than having a different teacher every month. I also thought I didn’t need anyone else to help me. After all, when I was in Sunday School as a child we had only one teacher, and when my kids were in Sunday School they only had one teacher. Why should it be any different now? What an arro-gant fool I was!

I thought I was doing a favor for these kids and their parents. But what I found was that this was really a gift to me. I love kids and helping them discover the world. But my grandkids are now half grown, so teaching 7 and 8 year-olds in Sunday School has provided that sense of fun and discovery that comes with being with kids. It gives me a chance to do the Bible story plays with them dressing up in costumes, to cut and paste making fun crafts and seeing the pride they feel when they have produced something nice, or their sense of accomplishment when they have memorized all of the books of the Old or New Testament. My faith has been strengthened when one of them explained what they could do for Jesus by being nice to a classmate who was left out or bullied and when I heard them say their own sen-tence prayers. And my faith has been stretched when one asked me why God let Jesus die when he could have helped a lot more people if he had lived longer. We are questioning and learning together – and having fun, with ice cream parties and a wild flower discovery walk in the woods.

And as far as doing it alone – I learned what a gift it is to have parents there to help me with those ten sometimes wild and always wonderful kids. Getting to know the parents and working with them has been an unforeseen bonus to this job. I thank God that s/he put it into my head to teach Sunday School and I encourage others to try it. The teaching materials are good; you always have Carolyn Greis there for help if you want it (even if you call her at 9 o’clock Satur-day night and ask for colored pipe cleaners). I’ll be in Nicaragua for 6 months beginning in July so will have to give up my job for a while – but I hope to get it back in December!

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May 2014

Regular weekly schedule:

Sundays 8:30 am Nursery care available - Room 212 8:20 am Praise Band Rehearsal - Chapel 9:20 am Contemporary Service - Chapel Sunday School after Children’s Time - 3rd fl. 9:30 am Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - Room 100 10:10 am Coffee Hour - Wesley Room 10:30 am Faith Chords - Chapel 10:40 am Traditional Service - Sanctuary

Tuesdays 10:00 am Fitness Class - Epworth Room 1:00 pm Staff Meeting - Wesley Room

Thursdays 10:00 am Fitness Class - Epworth Room 7:00 pm Library Study Group - Wesley Room 7:30 pm Praise Band Rehearsal - Chapel (beg. 9/12) 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - Rm. 100 (beg.9/12)

Saturdays 7:30 am Men’s Group - Wesley 10:00 am Citizenship Class - Room 107

Our calendar is constantly changing. For up-to-date information please check the calendar tab at

or call the church office at 301-652-8700.

Special meetings and events in May:

Thursday, May 1 National Day of Prayer

Sunday, May 4 6:00 pm Earth Day Movie

Monday, May 5 11:00 am PALS - Epworth 7:30 pm Trustee Mtg. - Epworth

Wednesday, May 7 7:00 pm Hospitality & Membership - Wesley

Thursday, May 8 1:00 pm Christian Caregivers - Room 300

Saturday, May 10 9:00 am All-church Workday

Sunday, May 11 Mother’s Day Cherubim sing - both services

Monday, May 12 7:30 pm Worship Comm. - Wesley

Thursday, May 15 Highlights Deadline 10:00 am Sandwich Brigade - Phillips Hall Kitchen

Saturday, May 17 Dinners for 8 - in various homes

Sunday, May 18 10:40 am Faure’s Requiem 6:00 pm Youth “Meet and Greet” Spring Picnic

Sunday, May 25 Native American Ministries Offering

Monday, May 26 Memorial Day - Church Office closed

Wednesday, May 28 8:00 pm Church Council - Epworth

Thursday, May 29 through Saturday, May 31 Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference

Take a look at our new outdoor bulletin board by the playground for use by CCUMC and the Pre-school. The board is a project sponsored by the Hospitality and Membership Comm.

Page 12: Chevy Chase United Methodist Church Chase United Methodist Church ... 9:20 am -Faith hords singing Scripture: ... will feature a presentation entitled “Abraham Lin-

PAGE 12 MAY 2014

Chevy Chase United Methodist Church 7001 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815

Phone: 301-652-8700 – Fax: 301-718-7311 [email protected] –

Facebook: Chevy Chase UMC

Office hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mon. - Fri.

Church Services on Sundays

9:20 a.m. Contemporary Worship – Chapel 10:10 a.m. Coffee Hour - Wesley Room

10:40 a.m. Traditional Worship – Sanctuary

Summer Worship begins June 1 10.00 a.m. Combined Worship Service - Sanctuary

We are a Christian community on a journey outside ourselves. We serve and are served, heal and are healed, through God’s transforming love.

Yourself Journey utside

Non-Profit Org.



Suburban, MD

Permit No. 7006

DATED MATERIAL Chevy Chase United Methodist Church 7001 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815

