Cherry Orchard Play Analysis

Kaitlyn Ave’Lallemant The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov What is the plot? Confrontation: The family owes a large debt. They must sell their land And cut down their cherry orchard. Crisis: They don't want to sell and are trying to think of ways to get the money. Climax: Lopakhin reveals that he has bought the estate. Resolution: Everyone leaves and says goodbye to the house and orchard. Feers is left behind. Oops. What is the theme? Change Modern v. Old Nature Escaping the past Who is the protagonist and WHY? Lyuba. She is the owner of the estate and every other character is connected to her in someway. She Who is the antagonist and WHY? Probably Lopakhin. He comes up with the idea to cut down the orchard and erect houses. He opposes Lyuba. What are your first impressions? (Notes of reactions to play on initial reading, including images, colors, phrases, etc.) Lolol squeaky shoes remark from Yepihodov Why is Dooniasha faint-y? - guilt? Ha she done something wrong while the owners were away? o Waaiit…is she in a relationship with Ania? - She is freaking out that a man proposed to her… o …Never mind.

Transcript of Cherry Orchard Play Analysis

Page 1: Cherry Orchard Play Analysis

Kaitlyn Ave’Lallemant

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov

What is the plot? Confrontation: The family owes a large debt. They must sell their land And cut down their cherry orchard. Crisis: They don't want to sell and are trying to think of ways to get the money. Climax: Lopakhin reveals that he has bought the estate. Resolution: Everyone leaves and says goodbye to the house and orchard. Feers is left behind. Oops. What is the theme?ChangeModern v. Old NatureEscaping the past Who is the protagonist and WHY?Lyuba. She is the owner of the estate and every other character is connected to her in someway. She Who is the antagonist and WHY?Probably Lopakhin. He comes up with the idea to cut down the orchard and erect houses. He opposes Lyuba. What are your first impressions? (Notes of reactions to play on initial reading, including images, colors, phrases, etc.)

Lolol squeaky shoes remark from Yepihodov Why is Dooniasha faint-y? - guilt? Ha she done something wrong while the owners

were away?o Waaiit…is she in a relationship with Ania? - She is freaking out that a man

proposed to her…o …Never mind.

There are so many characters….ugh. And so many names I cannot remember. Damn Russians.

These people are all insane. They go from frustration to weeping from joy in .6 seconds.

I would like to see this cherry orchard that everyone seems to love.