Chemtrails - The Electric Sky – 2 - weatherwars-info-4

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  • 8/3/2019 Chemtrails - The Electric Sky 2 - weatherwars-info-4


    WEATHERWARS.INFOIs Weather Control Possible?

    Home SOHO Anomalies Blue Water Alchemy Contact Growing Organically The Pilots View Chemtrails (Part 1)

    Chemtrails (Part 2) The Electric Sky 1 High Clouds The Electric Sky 2 Mid-Level Clouds The Electric Sky 3 Low-Level Clouds

    The Electric Sky 4 Satellite Imagery (Part 1) The Electric Sky 5 Satellite Imagery (Part 2) Gallery of Images May 22 2011

    Radar Imagery Current Events (3) Current Events (9) Original Articles (4) Uncategorized (2)

    Weather Warfare

    "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can

    alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of

    electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at

    work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's real, and

    that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." Secretary

    of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Georgia

    Senator Sam Nunn.

    The Electric Sky 2

    Holes Page 2

    This image was taken the morning of November 17, 2004 from a plane departing New Yorks JFK airport.

    A flood of negative ions deposited into this hole acts on the clouds by releasing static bonds that are holding

    the clouds together. The hydrogen and oxygen bonds holding the the water molecules together are broken

    and with the resulting release moisture falls/crystallizes/sublimates out of the c loud above.

    These types of clouds are also known as Fall Streak Clouds or Hole Punch Clouds

    Several examples follow below.


    Original Articles


    Blue Water Alchemy

    Growing Organically


    The Pilots View

    Chemtrails (Part 1)

    Chemtrails (Part 2)

    The Electric Sky 1

    The Electric Sky 2The Electric Sky 3

    The Electric Sky 4

    The Electric Sky 5

    Gallery of Images May 22


    SOHO Anomalies

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  • 8/3/2019 Chemtrails - The Electric Sky 2 - weatherwars-info-4


    This image caused quite a stir in late summer 2003 when this image was captured some place in Alabama, if I

    recall correctly. I enjoyed reading the accounts of how the meteorological community struggled to

    explain how this cloud formed from their limited knowledge of the electrical processes at work in our


    The accepted explanation was that there was a condensation nuclei present that initiated the event. Still no

    answer as to why the circular shape and source of the nuclei to trigger its formation. You now know that it

    was a flood of negative ions delivered by HAARP or similar technologies to rain out the cloud cover into thisweeping cirrus cloud.

    Another negative ion energy weapon strike within a gridded altocumulus field.

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    Orlando Florida late in the day prior to Christmas Eve Day 2004 Blooming chemtrails evident with a

    striking oval imprint deposited into the cloud field. Again, flights flown across/through these electric

    phenomena to collect meteorological data; It truly amazes me that this whole project is still so hidden

    behind the important news of the day. A sorry symptom of the state of journalism in this nation and indeed

    throughout the Western world.

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    Tuscon, Arizona 4 October 2004 Another fresh strike. The cloud deck does not seem to be as dense

    so the cirrus like fallout is thin, or just beginning.

    Yet again an oval imprint, this one near Pocatello, Idaho June 2004.

    Eastern Idaho Late June 2004 Occasionally there is no visible cloud deck from which the hole to

    manifest; so we see only the results of the strike as the cirrus like clouds fall out of the strike oval. This was a

    heavy aerosol spraying day and one chemtrail is visible across the lower portion of the image.

    A wider view of the above event showing another weeping cirrus cloud to the left/east of the first with a

    marking chemtrail marking , very nearly, the lower extent of the fall streak or weeping cirrus, as I prefer to

    call them.

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    This oval strike appears to be very fresh with the cirrus fallout just in the beginning phases. Note the straight

    edge to the back of the cloud field northward of the oval.

    Residue from chemtrail clouds, the oily appearance to the clouds gives away their true nature. Notice the

    bubbling nature of this technology at work within the chem-clouds. (2011 This may also be the excitation

    of the Orgone, the Chi, aspect of the atmosphere). Much more on the Chi of the atmosphere to come..

    July 2011.

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