Chemical Processes Lec1(1)

Chemical Processes Engr. Concordia C. Bacalso M. Eng’g(Education)


chemical processes

Transcript of Chemical Processes Lec1(1)

Chemical ProcessesEngr. Concordia C. BacalsoM. Engg(Education)Definitions process is a method intended to be used in manufacturing or on an industrial scale (see Industrial process) to change the composition of chemical(s) or material(s), usually using technology similar or related to that used in chemical plants or the chemical industry. Consider the overall process flow in a refineryaThe overall process is broken down into individual subsets:hysicalChemical!hermal Catalytic"istillation#ol$ent e%tractionropane deasphalting#ol$ent de&a%ingBlending'isbrea(ing"elayed co(ing)le%ico(ing*ydrotreatingCatalytic reformingCatalytic crac(ing*ydrocrac(ingCatalytic de&a%ing+l(ylation!he physical part refers to ,nit -perations.!he chemical part refers to ,nit rocesses.Unit Operations,nit -perations is the con$ersion of ra& materials into useful products using chemical con$ersion(reactions).Unit Operations)luid "ynamics*eat !ransferE$aporation*umidification/as absorption#ol$ent E%traction+dsorption"istillation"ryingMi%ingClassification)luidi0ation)iltration#creeningCrystalli0ationCentrifugationComminutionMaterials handlingUnit Process,nit process is the con$ersion of ra& materials into useful products using chemical con$ersion(reactions).Unit process is no& (no&n as chemical process or chemical conversion1 chemical reactions applied to industrial processing.b Principal chemical conversionsb+cylation+lcoholysis+l(ylation+mination by reduction+mmonolysis+romati0ation or cycli0ationCalcinationCarbo%ylationCaustici0ationCombustion(uncontrolled o%idation)Condensation"ehydration"ehydrogenation"ia0oti0ation and coupling"ouble decompositionElectrolysisEsterification)ermentation)ischer2!ropsch reaction)riedel2crafts (reactions)*alogenation*ydroformulation(o%o)*ydrogenation, hydrogenolysis*ydrolysis and hydration(saponification, al(ali fusion)Ion e%changeIsomeri0ation3eutrali0ation3itration-%idation(controlled)olymeri0ationyrolysis or crac(ing4eduction#ilicate formation#ulfonation and sulfationCharacteristics of chemical conversionsEach chemical con$ersion is one of a family of numerous indi$idual reactions that are similar in energy change, reaction pressure and5or temperature, reaction time, e6uilibrium, or ra& materials!here is factory segregation &herein a building or section si de$oted to ma(ing many different products by means of s single type of chemical con$ersion.!here is often a close realtionship among the types of e6uipment used for ma(ing many different products by means of a single type of chemical con$ersion.7here production is small or products $ariable, e6uipment may be con$eniently and economically transferred from the ma(ing of one chemical to that of another based on the same chemical con$ersion.!he chemical2con$ersion classification enables a chemical manufacturer to mo$e from one group performance to that of a ne& indi$idual chemical in the related class. 8no& and remember principles rather than on specific performances.#tress is placed on chemical reaction!he design of e6uipment can often be simplifeid based on generali0ations arising from a li(e chemical2con$ersion arrangement rather than by considering each reaction as uni6ue.NitratorcFermentorsCross section of a FermentordDehydroenation e!uipmente"eferences:awww. b +ustin, /eorge !. (9:;: