Chemical Peel Do It Yourself

Chemical Peel Do It Yourself There are various advantages of having a skin peel and they've become ever more popular in the last few years. In case you are looking for the finest chemical peels san diego then just follow the link. The rest of the post will explain everything you have to know about the chemical peel procedure, A chemical peel is performed when an acid is placed on the skin, left on for some minutes and then removed. This improves the look and texture of the skin and stimulates collagen to plump and firm the skin. Here are the more common types of chemical peels along with the benefits that they supply. Glycolic Acid Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid. This means that it's a water soluble, natural acid derived from food, specifically from sugar cane. Glycolic acid is an exfoliate which breaks the bonds which hold dead skin cells together; dead skin cells could be rinsed away and permit new skin cells to rise to the top of the skin once these bonds are broken. The benefits of glycolic acid is that it really will smooth out an uneven skin tone and reduce the look of scarring, lighten skin discolorations such as age and sun spots along with decrease fine lines and wrinkles. They additionally help dry out as well as clear up blemishes because alpha hydroxy acids are quite drying. Citric, Malic, Tartaric acids are alpha hydroxy acids derived from fruit acids, specifically citrus, apples, pears and grapes. These peels are inclined to be quite simple and moderate; they are usually seen on spa menus in conjunction with a facial because these help loosen

Transcript of Chemical Peel Do It Yourself

Chemical Peel Do It Yourself

There are various advantages of having a skin peel and they've become ever more popular

in the last few years. In case you are looking for the finest chemical peels san diego then just

follow the link. The rest of the post will explain everything you have to know about the

chemical peel procedure,

A chemical peel is performed when an acid is placed on the skin, left on for some minutes

and then removed. This improves the look and texture of the skin and stimulates collagen to

plump and firm the skin.

Here are the more common types of chemical peels along with the benefits that they supply.

Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid. This means that it's a water soluble, natural acid

derived from food, specifically from sugar cane. Glycolic acid is an exfoliate which breaks the

bonds which hold dead skin cells together; dead skin cells could be rinsed away and permit

new skin cells to rise to the top of the skin once these bonds are broken.

The benefits of glycolic acid is that it really will smooth out an uneven skin tone and reduce

the look of scarring, lighten skin discolorations such as age and sun spots along with

decrease fine lines and wrinkles. They additionally help dry out as well as clear up blemishes

because alpha hydroxy acids are quite drying.

Citric, Malic, Tartaric acids are alpha hydroxy acids derived from fruit acids, specifically

citrus, apples, pears and grapes. These peels are inclined to be quite simple and moderate;

they are usually seen on spa menus in conjunction with a facial because these help loosen

dead skin and brighten the look of the skin without harsh side effects.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid which can be found in particular sour dairy products for

example cheese and yogurt. Lactic acid is also very good at keeping the skin more

moisturized as it is really a humectant which pulls moisture from the air and holds it in the

skin. Lactic is quite good as a lighter peel used for sensitive skin.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid. This implies this acid is oil soluble and may penetrate

into the pore of skin which comprises sebum and exfoliate the dead skin cells within the pore.

Due to this ability, salicylic acid is typically employed in treating acne. As stated above,

glycolic acid can dry out and clear up blemishes, but for oily and acne prone skin salicylic

acid is a much better choice since it will reach the origin of the acne (the pore) and correct

the problem.

Jessner Peel

This peel is employed to eliminate top layers of skin while stimulating skin layers beneath the

surface. This peel is a more competitive peel and operates at a deeper level than most of the

previous listed peels. In addition to being effective on lines and wrinkles, acne scarring and

enhancing skin feel this peel is also, effective on chloasma along with hyperpigmentation.

While there are several other kinds of peels the peels are the more well-known and popular

peels sought after today. Please keep in mind that all acids can enlarge sun sensitivity and

irritate skin. Ensure a sunblock is used when using all these acids and strive to prevent direct

sun exposure while undergoing treatment with chemical peels. Additionally, chemical peels

aren't an onetime treatment. Chemical peels are typically used in a series for total


As with all acids, a variety of concentrations are on tap to select from. Merchandise featuring

acids in facial creams, lotion or facial washes, in concentrations of 10% or underneath, can

generally be bought over the counter. Concentrations of 20 70 % are considered professional

strength and generally need a special neutralizer to be used with the acid to prevent the

peeling process. Speak with your skin care professional or physician if considering this
