CHEM 150 Big 150 - Vartia -...

CHEM 150: Chemistry for Engineers 5 credit hours Satisfies: Goal 3 Natural Sciences (GE3N), Lab and Field Experiences (LFE), Natural Sciences (N) Spring 2020 TuTh 1:00 P.M. -2:15 P.M. GL/ISB1/CDS1 room 1146 Who What Where How Dr. Drew Vartia Course Instructor GL 2152-C [email protected] Dr. Roderick Black Laboratory Coordinator GL 2142-D GL [email protected] by appointment only Ms. Mary Maliszewski Head TA R 3-4; F2-3 2170 GL [email protected] Stuff that will be very useful—even required: Book: (online, pdf, or hardcopy at bookstore) i-Clicker 2 Colored Pencils Lab Goggles Lab Notebook Non-programmable Scientific Calculator CHEM 150 Big Picture Office Hours: Bring a Ticket T 3-4 GL 2152-C or appointment (Dr. V) MW 3-4, Anschutz 439 (Dr. V) Roaming: libraries, unions, Wescoe (Dr. V) R 3-4, F 2-3 both in GL 2170 (Mary!) You’ll design things. This course is about the substances your designs will be made of, the properties of those substances, and the changes of those substances.

Transcript of CHEM 150 Big 150 - Vartia -...

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CHEM 150: Chemistry for Engineers 5 credit hoursSatisfies: Goal 3 Natural Sciences (GE3N), Lab and Field Experiences (LFE), Natural Sciences (N)

Spring 2020 TuTh 1:00 P.M. - 2:15 P.M. GL/ISB1/CDS1 room 1146

Who What Where HowDr. Drew Vartia Course Instructor GL 2152-C [email protected]

Dr. Roderick Black Laboratory Coordinator GL 2142-D GL [email protected] by appointment only

Ms. Mary Maliszewski Head TA R 3-4; F2-3 2170 GL [email protected]

Stuff that will be very useful—even required:Book: (online, pdf, or hardcopy at bookstore)i-Clicker 2 Colored Pencils Lab Goggles Lab Notebook Non-programmable Scientific Calculator

CHEM 150 Big Picture

Office Hours: Bring a TicketT 3-4 GL 2152-C or appointment (Dr. V)MW 3-4, Anschutz 439 (Dr. V)Roaming: libraries, unions, Wescoe (Dr. V)R 3-4, F 2-3 both in GL 2170 (Mary!)

You’ll design things. This course isabout the substances your designswill be made of, the properties ofthose substances, and the changesof those substances.

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For most people (including me), learning is tough. By learning, I don’t mean just remembering information, although that’s anecessary part of learning. By learning, I mean encountering new information, committing key pieces of it to memory, connecting newinformation to what you already know, and using information in new ways. That’s tough.

Moreover, learning is effortful; it doesn’t just happen. I will put in this course things that will help you (or sometimes force you) tolearn. Some of what I put in the course is simple, like examples or practice problems to work on with neighbors. Some of it will be morecomplicated, like presenting a topic differently than your book, because I think it will help you down the road. Some of what I put in thiscourse you will like and some of it you will not like. If you aren’t sure why I’m doing something a particular way, please ask; there’s usually agood reason. Remember that ALL of it, though, is designed to help you learn.

You aren’t in it alone. I’m here to help you learn, too. There’s a small army of teaching assistants who will help you learn. And, ofcourse, your classmates will be valuable resources, too. There is help, if you want it.

I’m also here, learning. As odd as it sounds, teaching a chemistry course is a great way for me to understand chemistry in new anddeeper ways. Some of my best learning results from your questions. You and I are navigating CHEM 150 together.

Last thing about this business of learning: If there is something big getting in the way of your learning, please send me a message,stop me after class, or come to my office. It may be an injustice, feelings of isolation, etc. Whatever it is, I’ll try to help. Recognize that Icome with my own set of privileges and hindrances, so I may not have experience with what you’re going through. I’ll still listen and will tryto provide help if you want it. In some cases, I may find and point you to someone who can help you better than I can. You deserve the besthelp you can get.

OK, let’s learn some chemistry.

You, me, and learning in CHEM 150

Help Along the Way (LOTS!)

Dr. Vartia: MW 3-4, Anschutz 439; T 3-4, GL rm 2152-C; roaming (running into me somewhere)BRING AN OFFICE HOUR TICKET! You can also make an appointment if necessary. E-mail [email protected]

Chemistry Help Room GL rm 2170; most business hours (8-5); schedule will be posted to Blackboard


Head TA: Mary Maliszewski GL rm 2170 BL 2170 R 3-4, F 2-3 [email protected]

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Your Course Grade



699D C B AF

0 700


800 900

899 1000

Don’t panic!This is standard stuff.

It looks worse than it is.

End-of-semester letter grades:

4 Exams: 75 pts each

6 Quizzes: 20 pts each

11 Homework Sets: 15 pts each

Lab: SCALED 300 pts totalIn-class Work: SCALED 50 pts

Project: 100 pts

Dr. V, pardon the language, butyour math sucks. If I calculate asimple total here, I get 1035points—not 1000.

Hey, good catch. CHEM can be tough, and I’m looking forhigh quality work and understanding! Because of this, I’lldrop your lowest quiz and your lowest homework at theend of the semester. If you do that, the total becomes 1000.

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Exams: 30% of Your Grade and Cumulative

Course Nuggets

There are four exams in this course; four will be used to calculate your final grade. Exams comprise 30% of your grade. All examsincluding the final are cumulative. This helps me see that you really know your stuff—that your good grade wasn’t the result of one night ofcramming, but that you actually learned something. (Grades should be earned based on your effort and learning, no?) Generally, examswill be composed of about 2/3 new material and about 1/3 older material. The older material will generally be focused on material thatthe class as a whole didn’t grasp well based on prior exams or quizzes. You have another shot to show me you got it! The exception is thefirst exam, which is all new material.

If you need to miss and reschedule an exam, you must provide a minimum 24 hours notice. No exceptions. Your best bet: Notifyme as soon as possible! If you miss an exam, can you make up the points? Yes, but you won’t like the special assignment.

Quizzes: 10% to Stay CurrentQuizzes are worth 10% of your grade. There are six; one will be dropped. There will be scheduled 6 quizzes, but there may be more

if I need to keep you on track. (See course schedule.) Quizzes also make great practice for exams. SYK: Several past students thoughquizzes were harder than exams. STUDY FOR THESE! Each quiz will be worth 20 points.

Homework is worth 15% of your grade and will be graded for method and accuracy. (A right answer with the wrong method is stillwrong.) It is accessible through Blackboard and will generally be due Thursdays at the beginning of class, Q: What happens if I don’thand it in before class starts? A: You just burned through your lowest assignment, and it will be dropped. Q: And if I do it again? A:They’re zeros after that. Figure yourself out.

Homework: 15% to Practice and Stay Current

Pro Tip!Exams and quizzes generally have bonuses. Get excited. These are harder than regularproblems but are based on the same core ideas you already know. While doinghomework, you should ask yourself: How could this problem be kicked up a notch?

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Even More Course NuggetsLab: 30% and Hands-on

The lab counts for 30% of your final grade in the course. Because this is a laboratory science course, you must pass the laboratoryportion of the class to pass the course as a whole. Some of the material in the course will be introduced in the lab, and I will assumeduring class sessions that you are familiar with it. Take the lab seriously! The material in lab is fair game for exam questions.

Labs meet once a week, unless noted otherwise. (Consult your course schedule!) Your lab day and time will be shown on youracademic schedule. You will get more information about lab at your first lab session. Labs start the third week of classes.

The lab has its own assignments, including quizzes, practicals (where you show you can perform some laboratory task), pre-labassignments, in-lab worksheets, and lab reports. Your lab TA (teaching assistant) will administer and grade these materials. Grading issues inthe lab should be taken up first with your lab TA. At the end of the semester, your total in the lab will be scaled to 300 points for the course.

Working participation in the course is worth 5% of your grade. Work during class includes short activities that I will collect, and you’llneed to show good faith effort. The activities are semi-anonymous in the sense that you will use your clicker or your Student ID number.Generally, these will NOT be graded for accuracy (right or wrong answers.) However, if I see that you are NOT working in class, I reserve theright to grade them for completeness, accuracy, or both. I will only scan your answers for a general sense of how the class is processinginformation. Each day will be worth about 5 points in the course. If, at the end of the semester, you have at least 80% of the working points,you will receive full working credit (50 pts). Otherwise, your score will be scaled to be out of a maximum of 50 pts.

In-class Work: 5% for Working

Pro Tip!The lab is a great place to shine! It’s hands-on, and you have a week after eachexperiment to put together a lab report. Doesn’t writing a lab report take some time?Sure. BUT, if you put in that time, can you really boost your overall grade in the course?YES. Don’t slack here—it can really help you out! Not sure about writing lab reports? TheKU Writing Center in Anschutz Library is totally awesome, and they’ll help you!

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Still More Course Nuggets

I think you should have a say in how you earn your grade and to align it with your interests. You’ll have three options for a courseproject. No matter your choice, the project is worth 10% of your final course grade. Options:

1) Contribute to the periodic table of engineering applications.2) Contribute to the campus map of chemistry in engineering.3) Contribute to the library art exhibit on materials properties.

Each of these has a similar goal: connect chemistry and engineering in a public way. Your work will not be a two-party transactionwhere you make it, and I see it. It has the potential to live beyond the classroom where anyone can access it and learn something from yourproject. We’ll talk more about the project later, but regardless of the format you choose, your project will have 3 main parts. Requirements:

a) Justifying your selection of project and its topic.b) Writing a short paper about the topic, so I know you’ve done the background work.c) Creating your public display.

Project: 10% to Learn How You’d Like

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What’s CHEM 150 Like?We’ll meet twice each week, unless announced otherwise. A typical class period might include…

Announcements: Each class period, I’ll let you know what you should be getting out of the class session (ourlearning goals.) I’ll also make announcements about exams, quizzes, homework, reading, or other activities.

Lecturing: Generally, I’ll also provide some information by lecturing. Some lectures may be brief (five minutes);others may last much longer. TAKE NOTES on this material!

Work: You’ll work in class. You might be answering questions by yourself. Other times, you might be workingwith people at your table. Occasionally, I’ll even have you leave the tables and do things elsewhere in the room.Often, I will collect your work as evidence of effort in the course. Scoring is based on effort and counts toward yourclass participation. In-class work generally will not be graded not for accuracy (correct answers.)

Voting: Sometimes we’ll use clickers in CHEM 150. Sometimes, this will be used to answer questions related tocourse material, like you might encounter on a quiz or exam. Sometimes I’ll use them to ask you about other things,like your opinion of something, your level of confusion or confidence, etc. They also count toward your participation.

Phones should be in your backpack or at home. If you need them for a class activity, I’ll let you know. I’m sure you “don’thave a problem,” but there’s solid research to indicate that your use of a phone heavily distracts those around you—people who also paid to be here and learn! I reserve the right to confiscate phones at any time. If you truly can’t helpyourself, we’ll work out an arrangement so as not to disrupt those around you.

Cheating: Don’t do it. It is part of my job as the instructor to handle this. Consequences range from an F on theassignment or exam to expulsion from the University. Truly, I don’t enjoy the tears, but they flow from students everysemester. Cheating becomes nasty business for us both. Plagiarism is also cheating. Don’t cheat.

Talking will frequently be encouraged. However, if I’m talking with the class as a whole, you should not be talking. If youtruly can’t hold it in, please practice the dying art of whispering.

Final thought: I enjoy working with you all, but ultimately CHEM 135 is my responsibility. If the course format leads to pervasivebehaviors that strongly disrupt learning, I reserve the right to restore order as I see fit. You won’t like it.

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LECTURE RECORDING: The audio portion of each lecture, together with the associated PowerPoint slides, will be captured using atechnology called Echo360, and made available the same day on the course Blackboard site. This should obviate the need to makeyour own recordings. If you do intend to make your own audio recordings, you must first obtain my permission.TLDR: We’ll provide recordings of class, so don’t spend energy on that unless a condition necessitates it.

COMMERCIAL NOTE-TAKING: Pursuant to the University of Kansas’ Policy on Commercial Note-Taking Ventures, commercial note-taking is not permitted in this course. Lecture notes and course materials may be taken for personal use, for the purpose of masteringthe course material, and may not be sold to any person or entity in any form. Any student engaged in or contributing to thecommercial exchange of notes or course materials will be subject to discipline, including academic misconduct charges, in accordancewith University policy. Please note: note-taking provided by a student volunteer for a student with a disability, as a reasonableaccommodation under the ADA, is not the same as commercial note-taking and is not covered under this policy.TLDR: Making money off my course (my intellectual property) is a BIG no-no.

DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS: The Academic Achievement & Access Center (AAAC) coordinates accommodations and services forall KU students who are eligible. If you have a disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted theAAAC, please do so as soon as possible. Their office is located in 22 Strong Hall; their phone number is 785-864-4064 (V/TTY).Information about their services can be found at Please also feel free to contact me privately in regard toyour needs in this course.TLDR: If you need some help, there’s help available! Ask. See above for details!

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Cheating, or the appearance thereof, including giving or receiving help on a laboratory report, looking atanother student’s paper while taking an exam, falsifying laboratory reports or data, using unauthorized materials, notes, crib sheets, orthe equivalent, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with University regulations (see The Chemistry Department reserves the right to make and keep copies ofindividual examination papers.TLDR: Conduct yourself with integrity while you’re at KU (and in general, please!)

Good Things the University Wants You to Know (and they ask me to tell you.)

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DIVERSITY, INCLUSIVITY, AND CIVILITY: Civility and respect for the opinions of others are very important in an academicenvironment. It is likely you may not agree with everything that is said or discussed in the classroom. Courteous behavior andresponses are expected at all times. When you disagree with someone, be sure that you make a distinction between criticizing anidea and criticizing the person. Expressions or actions that disparage a person’s race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, gender, genderidentity / expression, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or marital, parental, or veteran status are contrary to the mission ofthis course and will not be tolerated.TLDR: There’s a lot of growth value in disagreement, but show respect to the person you disagree with.

CONCEALED CARRY: Individuals who choose to carry concealed handguns are solely responsible to do so in a safe and securemanner in strict conformity with state and federal laws and KU weapons policy. Safety measures outlined in the KU weaponspolicy specify that a concealed handgun:• Must be under the constant control of the carrier.• Must be out of view, concealed either on the body of the carrier, or backpack, purse, or bag that remains under the carrier’scustody and control.• Must be in a holster that covers the trigger area and secures any external hammer in an uncocked position.• Must have the safety on, and have no round in the chamber.This course takes place in spaces that will require students to leave belongings such as backpacks and purses away and unattendedfor the duration of class time. Students who choose to carry a concealed handgun in a purse, backpack, or bag must review andplan each day accordingly, and are responsible for making alternate arrangements as necessary. The university does not provideappropriate secured storage for concealed handguns. Individuals who violate the KU weapons policy may be asked to leave campuswith the weapon and may face disciplinary action under the appropriate university code of conduct.TLDR: If you’re doing this “concealed carry” business right, no one knows you’re carrying and no one—including you—is inimminent danger as a result.

Even More Good Things the University Wants You to Know (and they ask me to tell you.)

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Tentative Course Schedule for CHEM 150 Spring 2020 HW = homework DUE

CHEM 150 meets every TR at 1:00 P.M. in 1146 GL/ISB1/CDS1 unless indicated otherwise QZ = in-class quizRecitation & Laboratory will meet each week according to your Lab Section unless indicated otherwise

First Day Material §1.1-1.4

Nuts & Bolts Matter

Review Measurements and

* late enrollment fee Meaning


§1.5-1.6 HW 01 §2.3 QZ 01

More on measurements About atoms

and calculations (periodic table 1)

* last day 100% refund * first day 50% refund §2.4

* last day to enroll online * written drop/add starts When atoms combine I

§3.1, 3.3 HW 02

Chemistry is quantum:

Light and atoms

§3.4, 3.6 §3.5 JB Info

Electrons and the Periodic properties

* first drop period ends periodic table

* last day to drop without (periodic table 2) Project Item Due:

W on transcript Element Selection


01/23 Day 2

Week 1 Recitation & Laboratory: NO LAB SESSIONS THIS WEEK

02/10 02/12 02/14

01/27 01/29 01/31

02/03 02/05 02/06 Day 6

Week 2 Recitation & Laboratory: Introduction to the Laboratory / Coulomb's Law Analogy; "Fab Reports"

01/28 Day 3

01/20 MLK Day 01/22 01/2401/21 Day 1


01/30 Day 4

Week 3 Recitation & Laboratory: Introduction to Spectroscopy DUE: Coulomb's Law Analogy

02/04 Day 5 02/07

Week 4 Recitation & Laboratory: Periodic Trends DUE: Introduction to Spectroscopy

02/11 Day 7 02/13 Day 8

(periodic table 3)

Unit 1 Exam in class

* second drop period begins

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Tentative Course Schedule for CHEM 150 Spring 2020 HW = homework DUE

CHEM 150 meets every TR at 1:00 P.M. in 1146 GL/ISB1/CDS1 unless indicated otherwise QZ = in-class quizRecitation & Laboratory will meet each week according to your Lab Section unless indicated otherwise

§4.4 QZ 02

When atoms combine II Building molecules

with Lewis structures

* last day 50% refund *0% refund begins

* last day to add/swap *start Credit / No Credit *Tuition Adjust. / Residency

§4.5-4.6 HW 04 §5.1-5.2 QZ 03

Bonding and shapes

around atoms

Project Item Due:

Written Report

§5.3 HW 05

Shapes of molecules

*end Credit/No Credit

Week 8 Recitation & Laboratory: Spring Break--No Laboratory

03/09 03/10 Day 15 03/11 03/12 Day 16 03/13

Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break

Week 7 Recitation & Laboratory: Molecular Geometry (Question Sheet)

03/02 03/03 Day 13 03/04 03/05 Day 14 03/06

Week 6 Recitation & Laboratory: Problem-solving and Building Molecules with Lewis Structures (Question Sheet)

02/24 02/25 Day 11 02/26 02/27 Day 12 02/28

02/20 Day 1002/17 02/19 02/21

Week 5 Recitation & Laboratory: Light and Structure: The "Particle in a Box" (Question Sheet) DUE: Periodic Trends

02/18 Day 9

§3.7, 4.1-4.3 HW 03

Spring Break Spring Break

No Classes No Classes No Classes No Classes No Classes

Refining our molecular


Unit 2 Exam in class

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Tentative Course Schedule for CHEM 150 Spring 2020 HW = homework DUE

CHEM 150 meets every TR at 1:00 P.M. in 1146 GL/ISB1/CDS1 unless indicated otherwise QZ = in-class quizRecitation & Laboratory will meet each week according to your Lab Section unless indicated otherwise

Post break review §7.1-7.3

Finish molecular Reactions!

structure Ensuring conservation

of mass during reactions


§7.4, 7.5 HW 06 §10.1 QZ 04

Reactions! Like, Learning and Stuff

Problems Finish reactions


§8.1-8.2 HW 07 §8.3 QZ 05

Gases: What they are, Reactions of gases

how they behave

Project Item Due:


§10.2, 11.1-11.3 HW 08 §10.5-10.6

Liquids: What they are, Solids: What they are,

how they behave how they behave


Infographic Feedback

03/18 03/19 Day 16

Week 12 Recitation & Laboratory: Nitinol (Question Sheet) DUE: Molar Mass of Air

Week 10 Recitation & Laboratory: Gravimetric Analysis and White Powders DUE: Chemical Selectivity and Specificity

03/23 03/24 Day 17 03/25 03/26 Day 18 03/27

Week 9 Recitation & Laboratory: Chemical Selectivity, Specificity, and Testing Report-writing Recap

03/16 03/17 Day 15

04/06 04/07 Day 21 04/08 04/09 Day 22 04/10

Week 11 Recitation & Laboratory: Molar Mass of Air DUE: Gravimetric Analysis and White Powders

03/30 03/31 Day 19 04/01 04/02 Day 20 04/03


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Tentative Course Schedule for CHEM 150 Spring 2020 HW = homework DUE

CHEM 150 meets every TR at 1:00 P.M. in 1146 GL/ISB1/CDS1 unless indicated otherwise QZ = in-class quizRecitation & Laboratory will meet each week according to your Lab Section unless indicated otherwise

§10.3, 10.4 HW 09

Phase Diagrams:

Maps of the States

(of Matter)

The modern world: §12.2, 12.4, 13.1-13.2

In-betweens and Most reactions

* Second drop period ends exotics don't go "all the way"

* last day to withdraw to products

course or university Project Due: Revisions

§14.1-14.2 HW 10 §14.3 QZ 06

Reactions with electrons acid and base strength

two at a time: two at a time:

Bases and acids Bases and acids

Project Final Grades

§18.1-18.3 HW 11 §18.4-18.6

moving single electrons galvanic cells to batteries

galvanic cells (of galvanic cells)

Week 14 Recitation & Laboratory: Solar Cells I: Building (Optimization Worksheet) DUE: Energy of Phase Changes

04/20 04/21 Day 25 04/22 04/23 Day 26

Week 13 Recitation & Laboratory: Energy of Phase Changes

04/13 04/14 Day 23 04/15 04/16 Day 24 04/17

FINALS WEEK: 05/11-05/15; CHEM 150 FINAL EXAM: Mon., May 11 1:30 P.M.-4:00 P.M. Location GL 1146

Unit 3 Exam in class




Week 16 Recitation & Laboratory: NO LAB SESSIONS THIS WEEK

05/04 05/05 Day 29 05/06 05/07 Day 30 05/08 Stop Day

Week 15 Recitation & Laboratory: Solar Cells II: Optimizing, Check-out (Analysis and Future Directions Worksheet)

04/27 04/28 Day 27 04/29 04/30 Day 28