CHCI Healthcare Students Playbook

COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC. Education and Training for the Next Generation

Transcript of CHCI Healthcare Students Playbook

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Education and Training for the Next Generation

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E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G F O R T H E N E X T G E N E R A T I O N

Healthcare Student Playbook

Community Health Center, Inc. 675 Main Street

Middletown, CT 06457 USA


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Community Health Center, Inc. Healthcare Students Playbook

Introduction and background

Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI), is a major center of education and training for the next generation of the health care workforce, both clinical and non-clinical. CHCI has devoted considerable resources to the organization, management, and follow up of the postgraduate residencies for NPs and post doc psychologists, we have also developed this comprehensive program manual to encapsulate all tracking, monitoring, training and educating our students and trainees who are granted the opportunity to learn at CHC, Inc. Students and Trainees Committee can access documents, process and policy docments at the Sharepoint Intranet page: http://sharepoint/studentsandtrainees/SitePages/Home.aspx

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Play #1 – Sr. VP/Clinical Director, School, CHCI Executive Assistant

Partnership Approval and Communications with Schools Overview: The designated school contact person will communicate with the Office of the Senior Vice President/Clinical Director (SVP/CD) at CHCI regarding all applications, questions and requests. The designated school contact person will complete all necessary information within the contract, agreement or addendum and will submit a signed copy to the Office of the SVP/CD. The SVP/CD and the appropriate Clinical Chief (CC) review school detail to determine whether CHCI will accept additional school contracts at that time. Key Steps for determining School Relationship All school requests will be evaluated by the SVP/CD and appropriate CC Determine if CHC is interested CHC will review for appropriateness and provide feedback School acceptance can be based on some of the following:

• Geography • Reputation • Strategic partnership • Present partnerships/relationships • Multi-discipline • Model of training/education • CHC Staff alumni • Willing to meet all requirements • Funding • Criteria (many different types of schools) • Capacity • Contributions to pipeline

Executive Assistant reviews to assure all information is complete Key steps for initial communications with approved but not contracted school:

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School identifies the health professions track or program which they are seeking clinical rotations

The school acknowledges that the request for placement at CHCI as an educational site will be made by the academic program, not the individual student

The Office of the SVP/CD requests a copy of the standard contract for clinical rotations for review

Upon receipt, the office of the SVP/CD will review the contract to assure the following criteria are met:

• Start/end date or Evergreen • School assumes responsibility to assure Infection control/immunization/health statement

requirements are met • Student • Faculty (if coming on-site at CHC)

• Termination procedure • Contact information • Liability insurance • Emergency process • Student's learning objectives • Confidentiality/Privacy

CHC will provide feedback; that the 1. Contract is acceptable or 2. Requires revisions

Once we have an acceptable contract, both parties sign Executive Assistant completes face sheet and submits to Meditract cc:

Communications Department

Important Note: if school contacts CHC provider directly, the provider either refers the individual to the SVP/CD or the provider will contact the SVP/CD with all information.

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Play #2 – Executive Assistant, SVP/CD, Clinical Chiefs MediTract

One can access the current active contracted schools list with CHC by logging into the MediTract System. Screen print instructions on the pages to follow.

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Play #3 – Sr. VP/Clinical Director, Clinical Chief, School contact

Student Capacity Overview: The SVP/CD and the appropriate Clinical Chief review available preceptor capacity report. The Clinical Chief talks to available preceptors to determine interest. If willing preceptor, secondary review for available space, day(s) of the week and time. Preceptor is formally matched to the student. Key Steps: School provides student specific information on CHC’s addendum form and

submits to the Office of SVP/CD Student acceptance is based on:

o Timing (shadowing hours per day/per year, Internship hours or clinical rotation per semester)

o Preceptor availability o Site/Pod space available o Training

Other possible criteria to keep in mind for student acceptance: • Contracted School • Student's Mission • Potential for recruitment • Languages • Timing/Availability • Preceptor capacity • Physical space

• Prepared for CHC/Primary Care Setting

• Clinical Chief has approved provider for precepting

• Budget allotment not exceeded • Provider requested student/personal

request • Residency Site

Acceptance decision is made by the SVP/CD and CC SVP/CD signs the addendum Executive Assistant emails the addendum to the ‘student on-boarding’

distribution list o Regional Vice Presidents o Operations Managers at each site o IT o HR Assistant, HR Business Partners

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o Contracts

Play #4 – Executive Assistant, Contracts Dept., HR, Regional VP, Ops Mgr

Initiating the on-boarding of a Student Overview: This play exhibits when, how and who to communicate with regarding all addendums.

Key Steps: If the agreement is from an already established school and is only

documenting new students entering the program, these will be named as “addendums” and be emailed to the CHC student onboarding distribution list to be entered into Workday system for student tracking purposes.

Student Position Needs BH Clinician II


DA Extern CHC Sign-on Informal Ecw Training Dress Code - Scrubs

Dental Hygienist

Tunxis contract CHC Sign-on Informal Ecw Training Dress code - Scrubs

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Dental Resident

CHC Sign-on Ecw Training Dress Code - Scrubs Orientation with Dental Director Laptop Space/Desk 1-2 days per week - could share supplies 1 Operatory

Dental Student

CHC Sign-on Ecw Training Dress Code - Scrubs Orientation with Dental Director Laptop Space/Desk 1-2 days per week - could share supplies 1 Operatory

Finance Extern Sarah is checking on this one.

Health Claims Extern Branford Hall (Pt Accts) - Externship 180 - 210 hours. Works for Susan Posmer. CHC log-in. Minimal training - ECW training

MA Extern

CHC Log-In. ECW Training with Erika. (Branford Hall/ Porter & Chester) Infection control separately. Dress code policy explanation. Paired with another MA. (vital signs) No laptop is needed. Would need a space to sit (stool?)

Medical Student MFT Student

Middlesex Family Practice - Faculty

Middlesex Family Practice Resident

Need laptops, space, ecw training (lite) 2-3 hours. They should have CHC access. IT does not delete these students unless they receive a request from HR. Remote access. Faculty signs the note and closes it.

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Nursing Student

Quinnipiac – CHC log in, ECW access and training, Full non-employee packet, infection control guidelines sent in as an addendum, no laptops NB, Meriden and Middletown 8 total and assign the sites based on staffing. Full day of orientation with nursing staff (RN Mgrs) on floor paired with another nurse. They would need space and stool. Yale School of Nursing 1 month only (same as Quinnipiac) Jean Palin – is it New Britain or Middletown

Medical Nurse Practitioner Student

Everything a med student would receive. Same needs.

Pharmacy Student N/A for now

Psych APRN / MFT/ MSW Students

Space in pod, shared laptop (based on calendar). IT/ Access and log in. ECW Training (Is this necessary?) Authorize training. Site orientation. Infection control. School contract/ student contract. BH Dept training - licensing.

Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Student

Social Worker Intern

Summer Student

UCONN Medical Student

Preceptor. Shared laptop. Space to work. Site/HR on boarding training with non-employee packet. ECW access and Student training (what is absolutely necessary in this process? - Veena is checking in with Dan and Berwyn will check on UCONN)

Wesleyan HOC Student

Wheeler Clinic

Yale Nurse Practitioner Student

Human Resources will confirm receipt of request within 24-48 hours and enter student into Workday system

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Play #5 – Human Resources, Student, School contact

Communication with Student Overview: After receiving addendum, Human Resources sends each student a welcome email with important information which will assure efficient and effective student on-boarding.

Key Steps: Human Resources emails student and school representative the

following documents with cc: to assigned Preceptor and Clinical Chief o Non-Employee packet for student to complete o Non-Employee manual o Dress code o Site details (parking, pods, etc.) o Request for photo for identification (badge) o Assigned date and location for eCW and technical training

One week prior to start date, Human Resources follows up with student to assure all paperwork has been completed and any outstanding questions are answered

Human Resources adds student email to internal CHC distribution list and sends to Communications Department to add to external email distribution list

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Workday Announcement Worklet

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Play #6 – Human Resources, Student, Preceptor, Site Safety Representative

Student arrives at CHCI Overview: The student will report to Meriden CHCI site/Human Resources Department (3rd Floor) or at a designated site where they will be greeted by an HR Business partner.

Key Steps: Student receives identification badge and information regarding specific

site assignment ( information regarding assignment should be received prior to start by school.)

Student reports to assigned site location and completes site safety orientation with designated CHCI staff

Student reports to assigned preceptor and area of the site he/she will be working

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Play #7 – CHCI Trainer, Student Student is Trained

Overview: Students and Trainees beginning work at Community Health Center, Inc. will be trained in all appropriate systems and functions necessary for their area of work. A systematic schedule has been designed in order to train in groups in a consistent method. The schedule is located on the ‘Student & Trainee’ Sharepoint site on the CHCI Intranet. Key Steps:

The Clinical Chief and/or Human Resources Department will assign

the student to the appropriate training classes per the posted training schedule on the ‘Student & Trainee’ Sharepoint site

Clinical Chiefs and the Human Resource Department will communicate with the school and/or student relating to their specific dates of training

Students will attend training classes as scheduled. If they are unable to attend the dates assigned, they will be assigned to the next designated training date for their area.

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Play #8 – Human Resources Student Documentation & Reporting

Overview: As the student begins their CHCI experience, the Human Resource team updates all of the information in the student file. This is vital information which will be compiled to create a report to track students here at CHC. This data can be sent on a regular basis to the Healthcare Students work group as well as the CHCI Leadership Team.

Key Steps: Human Resources updates Workday information:

o Actual start date o Personal Info o Location o Preceptor o End Date

Human Resources will create a custom report to automatically be distributed CHCI Leadership Group.

Regularly scheduled meetings of the ‘Student & Trainee’ committee will occur on a monthly basis to review students/schools and available preceptors per site via the capacity spreadsheet

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Play #9 – Human Resources, Student Off-Boarding

Overview: The student experience ends with the preceptor collecting all CHCI property which was in use by the student for the duration of assignment. The preceptor has a key role in assuring all appropriate departments are notified of the student’s departure including IT, HR and Clinical Chief. The preceptor will also assure the final evaluation of the student is sent to the school and to the CHCI Human Resources Department. Human Resources will send out the Survey Monkey questionnaire via personal email for the student to complete regarding their experience at Community Health Center, Inc. Key Steps: Two weeks prior to assignment completion, Human Resources will

email student a final survey to gain insight on total student experience Preceptor assures the following have been collected from student:

o CHCI ID badge o Laptop if applicable o Any equipment borrowed

Preceptor enters Footprint ticket to IT for network access to be turned off

Preceptor Notifies HR that employee has ended their assignment IT deactivates access to network Preceptor submits a final evaluation to school and maintains and sends

internal copy to HR

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CHC, Inc. Student/Trainee Post-Experience Survey (Will be sent to students via SurveyMonkey) CHC, Inc. is pleased that we were able to provide you with an education/training experience in our organization. We are very committed to building a world-class, primary-care system. Training the next generation is a critical element of that commitment. Many people worked together to create your training experience. It is important for us to understand the experience from your perspective. Please, take a few moments to complete the following survey. Rate your satisfaction with the following elements of your experience on a scale of one (1) to five (5). (1) Reflects that you were very dissatisfied with the experience and (5) reflects that you were extremely satisfied. Name: _______________ Clinical Experience Start and End Date: ________________ Department Type of student Name of Preceptor/Supervisor: _____________________________ Do we have your permission to anonymously share feedback with your preceptor/supervisor: YES or NO Are there any comments regarding your preceptor/supervisor that you would like to share? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Satisfaction with communication and planning with CHC prior to starting your clinical experience:

1. Very dissatisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied 3. Satisfied 4. Somewhat satisfied 5. Extremely satisfied

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Satisfaction with training to CHC, technology, site, and systems:

1. Very dissatisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied 3. Satisfied 4. Somewhat satisfied 5. Extremely satisfied

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

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_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Satisfaction with the degree to which your experience met the learning objectives established by your school for this rotation:

1. Very dissatisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied 3. Satisfied 4. Somewhat satisfied 5. Extremely satisfied

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Satisfaction with your preceptor/ supervisor and his/her attention to your needs as a student/trainee:

1. Very dissatisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied 3. Satisfied 4. Somewhat satisfied 5. Extremely satisfied

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Satisfaction with the exit process (evaluation, wrap up, return of badge etc.):

1. Very dissatisfied 2. Somewhat satisfied 3. Satisfied 4. Somewhat satisfied 5. Extremely satisfied

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following (2) questions: Based on my experience I would be likely to consider CHC as a place to work/practice following completion of my education and training.

1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly agree 5. N/A (will be relocating, not my intended field, etc.)

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Based on my experience, I would be likely to recommend CHC to my friends and colleagues as a place to work/practice/train.

1. Yes 2. No

Is there any other aspect of your experience on which you would like to comment or do you have any suggestions of what could have improved your experience and/or enhance the experience of future student? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________