Chase Youngblood, Slade Seetaram, Rachel Hardgrave, Kayla Mcinroy Chapter 3 section 1-2.

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Transcript of Chase Youngblood, Slade Seetaram, Rachel Hardgrave, Kayla Mcinroy Chapter 3 section 1-2.

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  • Chase Youngblood, Slade Seetaram, Rachel Hardgrave, Kayla Mcinroy Chapter 3 section 1-2
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  • Jefferson Republicanism: Thomas Jeffersons idea of a small government P: Smaller government meant that the United States would be run differently E: This eliminated internal taxes and reduced the influence of the Bank of America D: Less government meant that there would be less to do with other countries S: Had many of the same beliefs that current republicans do now
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  • Marbury v. Madison: When John Adams tried to fill the supreme court with federalist but didnt deliver the signed documents in time P: One of the most important court decisions of all time E: If it hadnt have happened, more federalist could have been in the supreme court, increasing taxes and government spending D: If more government spending had occurred, we could have had more national debt S:
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  • John Marshall: the Federalists chief justice P: Established Judicial Review E: Supreme Court couldnt Declare a law according to the Judicial Review D: Made the Supreme Court more fair to foreign people in Court S: Declared that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional
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  • Judicial Review: The ability of the Supreme Court to declare a law was unconstitutional P: Supreme Court couldnt make laws, which changed out government E: Federalist couldve created a law to spend more money D: Foreign cases would be more fair S: Made the court more fair to people in the U.S
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  • Louisiana purchase P- jefferson in office/ buy it from napoleon E- cost 15 million D- U.S alliance with Britain/against France S- doubled the size of the U.S
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  • Impressment- British policy and practice of seizing americans at sea P- demanded war E- lost many workers D- france and britain threatened U.S ships S- draft americans into british navy
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  • James monroe- elected 1816 P: president james monroe E- slavery/tarrifs D- foreign policy, religious, slavery S- outside the nation wasnt a concern
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  • Monroe Doctrine- not to interphere with western hemisphere P: president monroe/ napoleon defeated E: trade was down D: portugul, spain, alaska, cuba S- europeons not interphere with westerners
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  • Henry Clay- House speaker P: gains political power via promoting the American System; trying to unify the nation E: promoted the American System; promoted one currency D: less power from Europe; more power for the United States S: had supporters in the north nut not the south; splitting the nation apart
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  • American System- a plan to move the US toward economic independence P: more power; makes the US more independent E: more money; independent; transportation growth; recharging the national bank; establish a protective tariff D: less relying on Great Britain and other European powers S: transportation growth; growth to the west; more job opportunities; higher/ established tax which means less money for the individual person
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  • John C. Calhoun- political figure P: convinced congressmen to the American System; trying to unify nation E: promoted the American System; promoted one currency S: had supporters in the north but not the south; splitting the nation apart
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  • Missouri Compromise- stated that all states north of Missouri will be free states and south will be slaved P: Maine becomes a free state and Missouri a slave state; a line dividing the free states from the slave states E: slave states dont bring in as much money because of the limited slave states thus stopping the question of growth in slave trade D: other countries might frown upon the US for the choice of allowing slavery; income of slaves from other countries would slowly decrease S: splitting the country in two (free states and slave states); north and south conflict; more run away slaves
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  • Trail of Tears- Trail Cherokee tribe took P: Indian Removal Act E: U.S. Army Support D: U.S. will not be on good terms with Sov. Nations S: Death Died
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  • John Quincy Adams- president P: The election of 1824- John Quincy Adams E: People believed that John Adams bribed Henry Clay D: Split between Clay and Jackson tore apart Democratic- Republican party S: followers of Andrew Jackson claimed Adams had struck a corrupt bargain
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  • Jacksonian Democracy- Political Power for all classes P: Spoils System E: no work for people because Jackson would only hire friends D: spoils system caused citizens to not like him cause of his system S: he wanted new administration
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  • John Tyler- Vice president and then president P: Harrison died, Vice president John Tyler became president and opposed Whig Program E: More Americans worked with politics D: Native Americans not on good terms because of battle S: new politics appealed more to passion than to reason, politics a new form of entertainment
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  • MANIFEST DESTINY -Political: Expansion policies in the early 19 th century -Economic: One of the causes was The Panic of 1837 (convinced Americans to start fresh in the West) -Diplomatic: Not so good relations between US & Western Countries. US was basically trying to take over their land! -Social/cultural: More people moving West and starting lives their
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  • SANTA FE TRAIL -Political: Manifest Destiny -Economic: Better trade routes more trading -Diplomatic: Thee West despised the US for taking their land (Native Americans would attack on trails) -Social/cultural: More and more traders traveling because of easy routes such as the Sante Fe Trail
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  • Oregon Trail - Political: Manifest Destiny -Economic: Good trade system, more trade -Diplomatic: West still hated the US because we were intruding on their property -Social/cultural: More pioneers migrating West on the Oregon trail
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  • Stephen F. Austin -Political: Mexican Independence/Texas Land grants -economic: Texas was becoming more stable economically because US citizens were allowed to settle there and make a life. -Diplomatic: Mexico had good relations with the US (at first) because Mexicans were encouraging Americans to settle in Texas -Social/cultural: More Anglo (English speaking settlers ) than Tejanos (Mexican speaking settlers), more population in Texas
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  • Texas Revolution -Political: Mexican slavery & Stephen F. Austin wanting greater self government -Economic: War is expensive, cost money -Diplomatic: Bad relations between Mexico and the US -Social/cultural: rebellions broke out deaths, injuries
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  • Free Enterprise -Political: Little Government regulation in small and private businesses -Economic: National economic growth -Diplomatic: Workers from other countries coming to U.S. -Social/Cultural: Large amounts of small businesses
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  • Entrepreneurs -Political: -Economic: boost in economy with small businesses -Diplomatic: More products for foreign trade -Social/Cultural: more jobs created
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  • Lowell Textile Mills -Political: -Economy: Boost in economy -Diplomatic: -Social/Cultural: Large amount of women workers
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  • immigration -Political: Government dealing with larger population -Economy: Running out of jobs -Diplomatic: Different people from different countries to America -Social/Cultural: Melting pot of cultures
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  • Commonwealth v. Hunt -Political: Supreme court supporting workers strikes -Economy: Strikes leave gaps in production -Diplomatic: -Social/Cultural: Greater morale for workers on strike
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  • Abolition -Political: abolition slavery of the 1820s -Economic: funding to free the slaves. More money coming out of the government to provide job so that freed slaves can provide for their families. Share cropping cost rises. -Diplomatic: not on good terms with Africa, Africa wont want to trade with America. -Social/ Cultural: mistreated, dead slaves, and African Americans right to vote.
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  • Transcendentalism -Political: growing religions groups(and Serena Great Awakening) -Economic: Focused on nature rather than money -Diplomatic: -Social/ Cultural: Change view of life and people
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  • William Lloyd Garrison -Political: Abolition. -Economic: sale the newspaper, loss of food crops. -Diplomatic: Encouragement of African immigration -Social/Cultural: The Liberator
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  • The Alamo -Political: Texas Revolution -Economic: war is expensive- spending money on war -diplomatic: bad relations between Mexico and US -S/C: a lot of deaths
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  • Seneca Falls Convention -Political: Womens right to vote. -Economic: -Diplomatic: other women in other countries could get the right to vote. America would set the pace or womens rights.
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  • Sam Houston -political: Texans declaring Independence from Mexico -economic: New President & New Republic new economy -diplomatic: Tension between Mexico and US -S/C: Texans are now pleased, no more war
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  • James K. Polk -political: New Republic of Texas -economic: New economy because a new republic -diplomatic: on the verge of another war with Mexico -S/C: south and north fighting over Texas (South wanted Texas to expand slavery)
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  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -political: Americans defeating Mexico -economic: spending money on Mexican cession ($15 million) -diplomatic: coming to an agreement with Mexico finally -social/cultural: Americans now have Texas, Texans are pleased and now not under Mexican control
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  • Market Revolution -political: Americas victory over Mexico -economy was growing and becoming more successful -diplomatic: better economy, better relations with other countries -social/cultural: people buying/selling goods rather than making them for themselves