CHAS MEACHA oIt SIKr I M A 20 I tf romdtafter hadeosher t ...

Tv ffr1 J l Thjt1 I t llt11111hIU1I JI d hf u r I fo l fcHlcniuUiwn r Published Tuesday and Friday Mornings 4 CHAS f MEACHA oIt SUBSCRIPTION M A YEAR IN AtlvANOIt 4 xcal reading notices 20 cents pet lifts Bpecltil local 5 cents lino each Inter ttqriV Fvonr standing advcrtlMttieiUM lurnlshed net apt > Ucatlou i OFFIOXlU2 OUTU MAIN STREET DEMOCRATIC FUSIONTICIET County Judge W P WINFREti > County Attorney FRANK RIVES County Clerk J L PTOOI Shcrlflt GEO B CROFT Assessor DAVID SMITH Supt of Schools F H RENSHAW Surveyor H p RIVES Jqllef M A LITTLEFIELD Kaprogentatlvsf FRANK H BASSETT FRIDAY JUNE 7 1901 Gen Cassius M Clay states that be will give a considerable portion of his estate to a negro industrial school in Louisville Mr Ernest H Haughton of Chi cago and Miss Julia M Yeaman daughter of Judge Malcolm Yea oman were married at Henderson Tuesday evening in the Presby ¬ terian chuch The editor of the Fulton Leader should keep an eye on what goes in bis editorial columns while be is away on canvassing trips Sneer- ing ¬ at Col Wm J Bryan is not a popular thing to do in strong Dem ¬ ocratic districts Jno D Rockefeller has placed at the disposal of a body of prominent medical men 200000 to be avail able for immediate expenditure by an association incorporated under the name f I The Rockefeller In ¬ stitute for Medical Research The home of tiinstitute with suh laboratories giiff ahd equip ¬ ment as may be found necessary will be located in New Yon1 The NatipJ1ul Editorial Assoa tiot will Uteetat Buffalo next week andspend the week at the Pan American Exposition Tile West- ern ¬ delegates will assemble at St Louis Sunday The editor of the KENTUCKIAN was appointed a dele- gate ¬ from Kentucky but will not be able to take the trip much to his regret owing to a press of busi ¬ ness The Souvenir edition of the Wil Eiamstown Courier is the hand someat and most creditable paper eve ih ued from a Kentucky office outside of the largest cities It is a sixcolumn paper of more than fifty pares andls a comprehensive re ¬ view of every industry and line of fcubiueos in Grant county The Il ¬ lustrations are first class halftones and the quality of paper the work ¬ manship and the subject matter all reflect credit not only upon Editor John H Weetover but upon Ken- tucky journalism as well Thi cover is color work of a most atr and pleasi oft design Wil Jiambtown ought to be proud o its home paper Oeafnees Cannot Be Cured By local applications as they can ¬ not reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by con ¬ stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube gets inflam ¬ cd you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is deafness is the re- sult ¬ and unless the inflamation can toe taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condi- tion ¬ of the mucus surfaces We will give One Hundrd Dol ¬ lars for any case of Deafness carts ¬ ed bycatarrh that cannot be cup cd by Catarrh Cure Seqd for circulars free FJ CHENEY CO Toledo 0 Sold by Druggists 75c Halts Family Pill are best t Salt RI8um It may become chronic- It may cover the body with large Inflamed burning Itching scaling patches and cause Intensii suffering It has beep known to do so Do not delay treatment Thoroughly cleanse the system of the humors on which this ailment de ¬ pends and prevent their return The mtvdlolne taken by Mrs Ida E Ward Cove Point Md was Hoods Sar aparillk Sho write t had disagreeable Itching on my arms which I concluded was salt rheum 1 bciran taking Hoods Sargaparllla and in two days felt better It was not long before I was cured and It have never had any skin disease sin- ceHoods Sarsaparilla Promrses to cure and keeps the promise It Is positively unequaled for all cutaneous eruptions Take It The papers in the case of K J Hampton of Winchester who failed in his physical examination for ad ¬ mission intothe army indicate such a serious defect In vision that the War department can hardly waive thematter The case is before the President Gov McSweeney has written a tart letter to Senator Tillman of South Carolina offering to accept his resignation if it be tendered un- conditionally ¬ Senator McLaurin has virtually withdrawn his con ¬ ditional resignation Gov and Mrs Beckham and a party of invited friends inclubing several ladies paid a visit th Geth semani Abbey in Nelson county Wednesday and were formally re ¬ ceived andentertained The Court of Appeals has affirm ¬ ed with damages the judgment of the Hardin Circuit Court in fining the Illinois Central Railroad Com ¬ pany 200 for violating the long and short haul law William H Jones the Republican politician has bought J F Tay ¬ lors interest in the Glasgow Re ¬ publican and is now sole proprie ¬ tor William C Whitneys colt Volo dyovski won the English Derby So much for giving the youngster a Russian name Justice David J Brewer and Miss Emma Minor Mott were mar- ried ¬ in Burlington Vt Wednes ¬ day John Blaes a Louisvilie aloon ist has been elected commander of the Kentucky Department of th- eGAR Editor W P Walton has bought the Harrodsburg Democrat and will cphvert it into a semiwccklyI GOOD For Tobacco Setting and Crop Put- Out The rains of the past few days produced another excellent tobac- co season and much of the crop has been put out Many farmers fin ¬ ished setting and it is estimated that from 80 to 90 per cent of the crop is on the hill The acreage thla year is probably a little in ex- cess ¬ of that of 1900 pares Blood Troubles Ulood poison Gun cot Kcenm Etc Costs Nothlug to Try Oldobstinate deepseated cases permanently cured by taking Bo ¬ tank Balm B B B If your blood is tainted producing of ¬ fensive eruptions aching bones and joints ulcers falling hair mucous patches sore mouth and throat scabs or scales persistent pimples eating sores swellings sore lip dry sore dull lancing shooting pains then you have blood poison or the beginnings of deadly cancer Dont experiment but take Botanic Blood Balm B B B made especially to cure all malig naqt troubles like those named lndltcbing scabby eczema carbuncles rheumatism cancer blood humorsetc Heals every sore and stops all aches and pains Try It Costs but 1 at druggists Treatment sent free b writing to Dr Gillam200Mitchell- Streets Atlanta Ga Describe trouble and frees medical advice givep ° Medicine and free medical advice sent at once prepaid B B B origipated by over 30 years ago Thousands have been cured many after doctors nod patent medicines had utterly failed Botanic Blood UnlmB B B gives life anti strength to the bloody making it pureapl f Yy J < 1 AKOB CROWD iit q HearHflli Commc tecmen t EJ- tIcrbses of SIKr f c I i I tf J 1 Mr Pride the SalUtntofiajnmi Miss Jackson the Valprcr tM torian t < fI- n I the oratorical contest at tile Junior entertainment a South Kentucky College Tue8dav t Mr T Young won tfieljnVBt medal and Mr Carl C Mocejtlte second The regular Cbmmehci ment exercises at the Oper jddse Wednesday night were largely aV tended p f There were thirteen graduates- who received their diplomas Mr W T Pride of Huntsville the Salutatorian a young manof unusual promise in a graceful and cultivated style delivered a most I pleasing address that impressed all who heard it with its purity of dic ¬ tion and brilliancy of conception Miss Willie Jackson the Valedic ¬ torian read a paper that showed the most thoughtful preparation and reflected great credit on this talented young lady vho has grad ¬ uated from two schools with the first honors of her class She won a similar honor in the Public High School last year The other honor students Misses Mary Aden and Lillian Bush read the class history and class prophecy respectively The full program given in Tues ¬ days issue was happily presented BUSY WEEK Many Cases Disposed of In Cir ¬ cuit Court Rape Case In Hands of JuryWils- on ¬ Case Continued Until Next Term On Tuesday merning the list of petit jurors was made up as fol ¬ lowsAlex Gilliland B C Foster G C Simpson M R Capps Jas E Rickets George Cox Wm Cravens W A White John M Cranor H E King G W Barnett S T Fruit John H Bell A B Long J L Mc Cord R A Morris Jphn Crunk 11 W DaisJ C Adcock S B Terry W F Gluddish G T Cav auaugh W C Davis L D Shears Court immediately got down to business and a number of cases have already been disposed of About 40 Commonwealth cases were continued until the fall term on ac ¬ count of the absence ofwitnesses The following Commonwealth cases have been tried Neal Wilson shooting on public highway fined 50 Lewis Major col grand larceny and same receiving stolen property dissmissed Major had been in jail here about a year Neal Johnson grand larceny verdict of not guiltyI George Owsley and others rob- bery ¬ indictment filed away with leave to reinstate Green Lea procuring liquor for a minor fined 50 Abe Cox malicious shooting tin- ed ¬ 50 on plea of guilty of shooting in sudden heat and passion Bud Boyd gaming 25 Case assault and battery defend- ant ¬ find 25 The case of Chas Ratcliff charg ¬ ed with malicious cutting was con tinued and John Wilson indicted for malicious shooting was also continued until the fall term The case of Charles Ferguson charged with rape was given to the jury Wednesday at noon but no verdict had been returned at a late hour yesterday afternoon PUBLIC SCHOOLS wilt Close ToDayCommence menta4st Night The Commencement Exercises of the Public High School were held at the Tabernacle last night and eleven graduates received diplo ¬ mas The Kentuckian went to press too early to report in this issue The sclojla will close toe day t Ck < 10 THE WOMEN OR toJ UNITED STATES u j DR 8 B HARTMAN In plow of the groat multitude of women suffering from some kind of female disease and yet unable to find any euro Dr Hartman tho renowned gyntecologlat leas announced his wil ¬ lingness to dlroct tho treatment of as many cases as may make application to him during tho summer mouths with ¬ out charge The treatment will bo conducted by correspondence The doctor will pro ¬ scribe all medicines applications hy gtonlo and dietary regulations nocos ¬ sary to comploto a euro Tho medicines proscribed can bo obtained at all drug stores This offor will hold good only during tho summer months Any wo ¬ man can bocomo a regular patient by sending a written otatomont Of hor ago condition of life history and symptoms of her derangements All oases of fomalo diseases including menstrual irregularltleSfdisplacemonts ulcerations Inflammations discharges irritation of the ovaries tumors and dropsy of the abdomen should apply at IiiJtoI- WJIARPER r KENTUCKY WHISKEY a30 199 u bum by W ltIug aup 1usv- illeKyFera11 01116llIm a Thresher iI- 1J L1I One 36x56 Advance ItI 0 Separator with Band 0 Cutter Feeder Wind Stacker and Bagger at- tached ¬ I a This machine a threshed 1900 bushels of wheat the last full day II it was run and is in a I good condition Will sell it worth r the money if taken by a June 1st Address I JEFF J GARROTTI PEMBROKE KY a I NiR U ISa The many friends of Miss Sallie Tandy who has been very ill at her home near Pembroke for sev eral weeks will learn with pleasure that she IB now convalescent Dizzy Then your liver isnt acting well You suffer from bilious- ness ¬ constipation Ayers Pills act directly on the liver For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill Small doses cureS btr- tWant raouiUcbe or beard a beauuul brown or rich black T Then wo BUCKINGHAMS DYE lutora 10 OIL0 01001 05 R D1LL1 a e0 HUA N H L I onco and become registered as regular patients All correspondence will bo hold strictly confidential No testimo nials of cures will bo given to tho public except by the express wish of tho patientAs well known Dr Hartman is tho President of tho Hartman Sanitarium an Institution which has a department devoted exclusively to the treatment of female diseases Ho Is thus brought to seo thousands of such cases every year tho most of whom return to their homes to be treated by correspondence Tho principal remedy ho relics upon in such cases is Poruna which every woman should have who has any affection of this kind Thoso wishing to become D1IABl1IAN man how much tho women suffer WithI diseases peculiar to their sox knows hotter than ho does how many of them suitor with such diseases Pa- tiently hopefully wearily and often MEN in a Coal Iron June 4 men were out of nine in a coal near this place this place this by an of several kegs of The man was very badly The was badly oxiatonpe soyoral allhope E romdtafter t hadeosher I hundreds o < dollars They had boon obliged to deny themselves oom forts of lifo In order to got money enough to pay the physicians Flaking up tho paper ono day sho hap containedthe such cases frod of charge by letter She wrote tho doctor dcierlb Ing her oases She soon fjitter tolling her X what to do and what medicines and appliances to got She began tho treatment rem ¬ edy being Poruna at onco and in a few weeks was well and strong gain and able to do her own work Another woman who used Poruna without becoming ono of Dr Hartmana regular patients had tho following ex ¬ perience Miss Ida Green writes from Baldwlnvlllo Ga pot una is wonder ¬ ful and good and a certain cure tfffx male weakness I have boon iJKanct havo been taking doctors medicine for Bovcralyoars and found thut none did mo any good Every day it was a worry I was sick 1 had come to the to give up and not use any more I was sick Indeed for the past two years Just before I began to take Peruna I was very weak besides 1 was bilious and constipate- dI had in my back and sido and falling of the with bearing down painsOne day while reading my news- paper ¬ I came across an ad road of the book for women entitled Health and Beauty and sent for it Then I began to use tho medicine After using sovorl I am now cured Send for frog book entitled Health and Beauty Address Dr Hartman Columbus Ohio GoodI Clothili t j c 1 Jf Are a good invest I merit for any l jNot flashy olothesbit clothes correct in style perfect in fit i e and faultless in those seemingly trivial de ¬ tails that are the ear i i marks of gentility We sell the best 4 Jt makes of clothes that J t comes to this marketi n Our line of childrens goods is unsurpassed and it is needless to < Say that the WidoW Jones suits are the best Our line of hats and furnishings axe i complete prices axe Bright low and lower J any > r J > f8 i > f tI r i 1 2fr JI1 CO i EIGHT KILLED Terrible Explosion Michigan Mine Mountain Mich Eight lulled employed mine morning explosion powder remaining injured mine damaged I c f many immediately nndgtving himSlier symptoms rccolvcclj thoprincipal always conclusion medicine pains womb bottles thoroughly man than Dividend No7 At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day a di deed of 4 cent Chas e n declared out dthenetearnings for the six iii months ending jMtaySlst 1901 Pay- able ¬ on demand at the office of the companyACME MILLS Co J BGalbreath Secy Treas June 2 190J I Announcement Jug F Roper Republican powiie for spnr flu1l I

Transcript of CHAS MEACHA oIt SIKr I M A 20 I tf romdtafter hadeosher t ...

Page 1: CHAS MEACHA oIt SIKr I M A 20 I tf romdtafter hadeosher t ...

Tvffr1 J


Thjt1 I t llt11111hIU1I JI d hfur


fo l fcHlcniuUiwnr

Published Tuesday and Friday Mornings




xcal reading notices 20 cents pet liftsBpecltil local 5 cents lino each Inter ttqriV

Fvonr standing advcrtlMttieiUM lurnlshednet apt >Ucatlou i



County Judge


County Attorney


County Clerk





Supt of Schools









Gen Cassius M Clay states thatbe will give a considerable portionof his estate to a negro industrialschool in Louisville

Mr Ernest H Haughton of Chicago and Miss Julia M Yeamandaughter of Judge Malcolm Yeaoman were married at HendersonTuesday evening in the Presby ¬

terian chuch

The editor of the Fulton Leadershould keep an eye on what goes inbis editorial columns while be isaway on canvassing trips Sneer-ing


at Col Wm J Bryan is not apopular thing to do in strong Dem ¬

ocratic districts

Jno D Rockefeller has placed atthe disposal of a body of prominentmedical men 200000 to be available for immediate expenditure byan association incorporated underthe name f I The Rockefeller In ¬

stitute for Medical ResearchThe home of tiinstitute with

suh laboratories giiff ahd equip ¬

ment as may be found necessarywill be located in New Yon1

The NatipJ1ul Editorial Assoatiot will Uteetat Buffalo next weekandspend the week at the PanAmerican Exposition Tile West-


delegates will assemble at StLouis Sunday The editor of theKENTUCKIAN was appointed a dele-


from Kentucky but will not beable to take the trip much to hisregret owing to a press of busi ¬


The Souvenir edition of the WilEiamstown Courier is the handsomeat and most creditable papereve ih ued from a Kentucky office

outside of the largest cities It is asixcolumn paper of more than fiftypares andls a comprehensive re ¬

view of every industry and line offcubiueos in Grant county The Il ¬

lustrations are first class halftonesand the quality of paper the work ¬

manship and the subject matter allreflect credit not only upon EditorJohn H Weetover but upon Ken-

tucky journalism as well Thicover is color work of a most atr

and pleasi oft design WilJiambtown ought to be proud o itshome paper

Oeafnees Cannot Be CuredBy local applications as they can ¬

not reach the diseased portion ofthe ear There is only one way tocure deafness and that is by con ¬

stitutional remedies Deafness iscaused by an inflamed condition ofthe mucus lining of the EustachianTube When this tube gets inflam ¬

cd you have a rumbling sound orimperfect hearing and when it is

deafness is the re-


and unless the inflamation cantoe taken out and this tube restoredto its normal condition hearing willbe destroyed forever nine cases outof ten are by catarrh whichis nothing but an inflamed condi-tion


of the mucus surfacesWe will give One Hundrd Dol ¬

lars for any case of Deafness carts ¬

ed bycatarrh that cannot be cupcd by Catarrh Cure Seqdfor circulars freeF J CHENEY CO Toledo 0Sold by Druggists 75c Halts

Family Pill are best


Salt RI8umIt may become chronic-

It may cover the body with large

Inflamed burning Itching scaling

patches and cause Intensii sufferingIt has beep known to do so

Do not delay treatment

Thoroughly cleanse the system of

the humors on which this ailment de ¬

pends and prevent their return

The mtvdlolne taken by Mrs Ida E WardCove Point Md was Hoods Sar aparillkSho write t had disagreeable Itching onmy arms which I concluded was salt rheum1 bciran taking Hoods Sargaparllla and intwo days felt better It was not long beforeI was cured and It have never had any skindisease sin-

ceHoods SarsaparillaPromrses to cure and keeps the

promise It Is positively unequaled

for all cutaneous eruptions Take It

The papers in the case of K JHampton of Winchester who failedin his physical examination for ad ¬

mission intothe army indicate sucha serious defect In vision that theWar department can hardly waivethematter The case is before thePresident

Gov McSweeney has written atart letter to Senator Tillman ofSouth Carolina offering to accepthis resignation if it be tendered un-


Senator McLaurinhas virtually withdrawn his con ¬

ditional resignation

Gov and Mrs Beckham and aparty of invited friends inclubingseveral ladies paid a visit th Gethsemani Abbey in Nelson countyWednesday and were formally re¬

ceived andentertained

The Court of Appeals has affirm¬

ed with damages the judgment ofthe Hardin Circuit Court in finingthe Illinois Central Railroad Com ¬

pany 200 for violating the long andshort haul law

William H Jones the Republicanpolitician has bought J F Tay ¬

lors interest in the Glasgow Re ¬

publican and is now sole proprie ¬


William C Whitneys colt Volodyovski won the English DerbySo much for giving the youngster aRussian name

Justice David J Brewer andMiss Emma Minor Mott were mar-ried


in Burlington Vt Wednes ¬


John Blaes a Louisvilie aloonist has been elected commander of

the Kentucky Department of th-eGAR

Editor W P Walton has boughtthe Harrodsburg Democrat and willcphvert it into a semiwccklyI


For Tobacco Setting and Crop Put-


The rains of the past few daysproduced another excellent tobac-co season and much of the crop hasbeen put out Many farmers fin ¬

ished setting and it is estimatedthat from 80 to 90 per cent of thecrop is on the hill The acreage

thla year is probably a little in ex-


of that of 1900

pares Blood Troubles Ulood poison Gun

cot Kcenm Etc Costs Nothlug to Try

Oldobstinate deepseated casespermanently cured by taking Bo ¬

tank Balm B B B Ifyour blood is tainted producing of¬

fensive eruptions aching bones andjoints ulcers falling hair mucouspatches sore mouth and throatscabs or scales persistent pimpleseating sores swellings sore lipdry sore dull lancingshooting pains then you have bloodpoison or the beginnings of deadlycancer Dont experiment but takeBotanic Blood Balm B B Bmade especially to cure all malignaqt troubles like those named

lndltcbing scabby eczemacarbuncles rheumatismcancer blood humorsetc Healsevery sore and stops all aches andpains Try It Costs but 1 atdruggists Treatment sent free bwriting to Dr Gillam200Mitchell-Streets Atlanta Ga Describetrouble and frees medical advicegivep °

Medicine and free medicaladvice sent at once prepaid B BB origipated by over 30years ago Thousands have beencured many after doctors nodpatent medicines had utterly failedBotanic Blood UnlmB B Bgives life anti strength to thebloody making it pureapl f


J < 1



HearHflli Commc tecmen t EJ-

tIcrbses of SIKrf c I

i I tfJ 1

Mr Pride the SalUtntofiajnmiMiss Jackson the Valprcr


toriant <



the oratorical contest at tileJunior entertainment a SouthKentucky College Tue8dav tMr T Young won tfieljnVBt

medal and Mr Carl C Mocejtltesecond The regular Cbmmehciment exercises at the Oper jddseWednesday night were largely aVtended p f

There were thirteen graduates-who received their diplomas MrW T Pride of Huntsvillethe Salutatorian a young manofunusual promise in a graceful andcultivated style delivered a most I

pleasing address that impressed allwho heard it with its purity of dic ¬

tion and brilliancy of conceptionMiss Willie Jackson the Valedic ¬

torian read a paper that showedthe most thoughtful preparationand reflected great credit on thistalented young lady vho has grad ¬

uated from two schools with thefirst honors of her class She wona similar honor in the Public HighSchool last year

The other honor students MissesMary Aden and Lillian Bush readthe class history and class prophecyrespectively

The full program given in Tues ¬

days issue was happily presented


Many Cases Disposed of In Cir ¬

cuit Court

Rape Case In Hands of JuryWils-on


Case Continued UntilNext Term

On Tuesday merning the list ofpetit jurors was made up as fol ¬

lowsAlexGilliland B C Foster G

C Simpson M R Capps Jas ERickets George Cox Wm CravensW A White John M Cranor H EKing G W Barnett S T FruitJohn H Bell A B Long J L McCord R A Morris Jphn Crunk 11W DaisJ C Adcock S BTerry W F Gluddish G T Cavauaugh W C Davis L D Shears

Court immediately got down tobusiness and a number of caseshave already been disposed ofAbout 40 Commonwealth cases werecontinued until the fall term on ac ¬

count of the absence ofwitnessesThe following Commonwealth

cases have been triedNeal Wilson shooting on public

highway fined 50

Lewis Major col grand larcenyand same receiving stolen propertydissmissed Major had been injail here about a year

Neal Johnson grand larcenyverdict of not guiltyI

George Owsley and others rob-


indictment filed away withleave to reinstate

Green Lea procuring liquor for aminor fined 50

Abe Cox malicious shooting tin-


50 on plea of guilty of shootingin sudden heat and passion

Bud Boyd gaming 25Case assault and battery defend-


find 25

The case of Chas Ratcliff charg ¬

ed with malicious cutting was continued and John Wilson indictedfor malicious shooting was alsocontinued until the fall term

The case of Charles Fergusoncharged with rape was given tothe jury Wednesday at noon butno verdict had been returned at alate hour yesterday afternoon


wilt Close ToDayCommencementa4st Night

The Commencement Exercises ofthe Public High School were heldat the Tabernacle last night andeleven graduates received diplo ¬

mas The Kentuckian went topress too early to report in thisissue The sclojla will close toeday

tCk <


DR 8 B HARTMANIn plow of the groat multitude of

women suffering from some kind offemale disease and yet unable to findany euro Dr Hartman tho renownedgyntecologlat leas announced his wil¬

lingness to dlroct tho treatment of asmany cases as may make application tohim during tho summer mouths with ¬

out chargeThe treatment will bo conducted by

correspondence The doctor will pro ¬

scribe all medicines applications hygtonlo and dietary regulations nocos ¬

sary to comploto a euro Tho medicinesproscribed can bo obtained at all drugstores This offor will hold good onlyduring tho summer months Any wo ¬

man can bocomo a regular patient bysending a written otatomont Of hor agocondition of life history and symptomsof her derangements

All oases of fomalo diseases includingmenstrual irregularltleSfdisplacemontsulcerations Inflammations dischargesirritation of the ovaries tumors anddropsy of the abdomen should apply at




a30 199u

bum by W ltIug aup 1usv-



a Thresher iI-

1J L1I

One 36x56 Advance ItI0 Separator with Band

0 Cutter Feeder WindStacker and Bagger at-


I aThis machinea threshed 1900 bushels of

wheat the last full dayII it was run and is in aI good condition

Will sell it worth rthe money if taken by

a June 1st



aI NiR U ISa

The many friends of Miss SallieTandy who has been very ill ather home near Pembroke for several weeks will learn with pleasurethat she IB now convalescent

DizzyThen your liver isnt actingwell You suffer from bilious-ness


constipation AyersPills act directly on the liverFor 60 years they have beenthe Standard Family PillSmall doses cureS btr-

tWant raouiUcbe or beard a beauuulbrown or rich black T Then wo

BUCKINGHAMS DYE lutora10 OIL0 01001 05 R D1LL1 a e0 HUA N H



onco and become registered as regularpatients All correspondence will bohold strictly confidential No testimonials of cures will bo given to tho publicexcept by the express wish of thopatientAs

well known Dr Hartman is thoPresident of tho Hartman Sanitariuman Institution which has a departmentdevoted exclusively to the treatment offemale diseases Ho Is thus brought toseo thousands of such cases every yeartho most of whom return to their homesto be treated by correspondence Thoprincipal remedy ho relics upon in suchcases is Poruna which every womanshould have who has any affection ofthis kind Thoso wishing to become

D1IABl1IANman how much tho women suffer WithIdiseases peculiar to their soxknows hotter than ho does how manyof them suitor with such diseases Pa-

tiently hopefully wearily and often


in aCoal

Iron June 4

men were out of ninein a coal near this

place this place this byan of several kegs of

The man wasvery badly The wasbadly

oxiatonpesoyoralallhope E

romdtafter t

hadeosher I

hundreds o< dollars They had boonobliged to deny themselves oomforts of lifo In order to got moneyenough to pay the physicians

Flaking up tho paper ono day sho hap

containedthesuch cases frod of charge by letter She

wrote tho doctor dcierlbIng her oases

She soon fjittertolling her X what to do and whatmedicines and appliances to got Shebegan tho treatment rem¬

edy being Poruna at onco and in afew weeks was well and strong gainand able to do her own work

Another woman who used Porunawithout becoming ono of Dr Hartmanaregular patients had tho following ex¬

perience Miss Ida Green writes fromBaldwlnvlllo Ga potuna is wonder ¬

ful and good and a certain cure tfffxmale weakness I have boon iJKancthavo been taking doctors medicine forBovcralyoars and found thut none didmo any good

Every day it was a worry Iwassick 1 had come to the

to give up and not useany more I was sickIndeed for the past two yearsJust before I began to take PerunaI was very weak besides 1 wasbilious and constipate-

dI had in my back and sido andfalling of the with bearing downpainsOne

day while reading my news-paper


I came across an ad road of thebook for women entitled Health andBeauty and sent for it Then I beganto use tho medicine After using sovorl

I am now curedSend for frog book entitled Health

and Beauty Address Dr HartmanColumbus Ohio

GoodIClothili t

jc 1

JfAre a good invest

I merit for anyl jNot flashy olothesbit

clothes correct instyle perfect in fit

i e

and faultless in thoseseemingly trivial de ¬

tails that are the eari

i marks of gentilityWe sell the best 4

Jt makes of clothes thatJ

t comes to this marketinOur line of childrensgoods is unsurpassedand it is needless to <

Say that the WidoWJones suits are thebest Our line of hatsand furnishings axe

i complete prices axeBright low and lowerJ any >

r J> f8i> ftIr i 1 2frJI1CO



Terrible Explosion Michigan


Mountain MichEight lulledemployed mine


powder remaininginjured mine






immediatelynndgtving himSlier

symptoms rccolvcclj





bottles thoroughly



Dividend No7At a meeting of the Board of

Directors held this day a di deedof 4 cent Chas e n declaredout dthenetearnings for the six iiimonths ending jMtaySlst 1901 Pay-able


on demand at the office of the

companyACME MILLS CoJ BGalbreath Secy Treas

June 2 190J

I AnnouncementJug F Roper Republican powiie for spnrflu1lI