Charter Review Mid and End 2014

February 2014 Waiouru School Charter 2014 Page of 1 6 Charter 2014 Review Mid and End of Year 2014


2014 Charter Review Document

Transcript of Charter Review Mid and End 2014

  • February 2014

    Waiouru School Charter 2014 Page of 1 6

    Charter 2014Review Mid and End of Year 2014

  • February 2014

    Waiouru School Annual Goals 2014 Strategic Goal One:

    All learners at Waiouru School are immersed within a culturally diverse, future focused curriculum created with, by and for the Waiouru Learning Community. It will acknowledge and celebrate the Treaty of Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa.

    Annual Goals: Outcome: Actions:Goal 1a: Strong community consultation takes place in a regular and timely manner - focus is on what is powerful learning and what is powerful to learn. Ongoing

    The Waiouru School staff, students and community are engaged with curriculum development, they are able to clarify and articulate our schools educative purpose

    and philosophy.

    Further analyse 2012 community consultation in development of new curriculum., using information provided on the outside of the Vision for a Year Eight student to begin curriculum development.

    Plan further consultation for 2014: EPS round two; Health consultation, reporting to parents. Use The eLearning Planning Framework, EPS feedback and NZC

    Leadership to collate the information gathered above to start to develop a visual representation of our current school curriculum.

    Leadership start to investigate and look at models from other school of their curriculum delivery documents. Leadership in consultation with outside facilitators find relevant research. CARRIED OVER TO 2015

    Contact other high performing schools to find examples of visual curriculums. Work with the feedback and suggestions in the current ERO report.

    Develop a Gifted and Talented register to collate identified students. CARRIED OVER TO 2015 Begin and regular extension programme for student who have been identified in the Gifted and Talented Register. CARRIED

    OVER TO 2015

    Goal 1b: A strong curriculum is developed with and lead by the findings of community consultation, and powerful educative research. Ongoing

    Goal 1c: Professional development is sourced and relevant to our curriculums development. Ongoing

    Mid Year Reflection End of Year Reflection Consultation carried out this year has included - Reporting to Parents, General Systems, and school curriculum content. Marama has been looking into how Kahikitia and Habits of Mind can help build our school curriculum. ERO confirmed that our thinking and curriculum direction is excellent and the teacher planning and delivery confirms this. Our

    next steps identified by them are to make a visual representation of our curriculum and develop a curriculum delivery document. They have also suggested to take a look at the Pasafika Education Document.

    Actions above have been reviewed in green

    The final three bullets will be carried over to 2015. The school has been settling into its new dynamic with a growing roll and new invigorated relationship with NZDF. Teachers have enjoyed the opening up of the curriculum allowing them to cater to individual needs in their class, as well as

    being creative in its delivery. We have done a lot of investigation into Boys education because of the high number of boys on our roll. Planning has begun into creative grouping in the junior area of the school to maximise the experience and passions of the

    junior teachers Looking forward to 2015 we will have at least Gifted And Talented Education programmes in place for the following areas:

    Maths, Arts, Sports and Taha Maori.

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  • February 2014

    Strategic Goal Two: All learners, especially those identified as priority learners are empowered to learn and achieve personal excellence, regardless of their individual circumstances. This will be evidenced by progress and

    achievement in relation to the National Standards and the Waiouru School Curriculum, reported as required by NAG 2A. Annual Goals: Outcome: Actions:

    Goal 2a: Review and up-date student achievement policies and procedures and create a strong Assessment and Reporting Schedule. Achieved

    A broad range of assessment strategies are used to monitor the growth and development of all learning

    that is valued and we analyse assessment information to guide further learning (formative assessment).

    We use a variety of strategies to celebrate learning and give feedback to students and parents.

    Continue to review the assessment schedule for 2014 Revise and consolidate teacher understanding around assessment tools and Overall Teacher Judgements.

    Continue revising Leaders to monitor and moderate teacher administration and interpretation of assessment data.

    `Continue revising Review Student Achievement policies and procedures.

    Develop and information page in the school handbook and on the school website about our Assessment and reporting practice. To explore ways to involve students in authentic assessment to guide their own learning (student agency). CARRIED OVER TO 2015 Reporting to Parents consultation 2014. Review ways in which feedback is currently given to our community and students. Through the critical friend and Teacher Inquiry process monitor and develop teachers understanding and use of formative practices.

    CARRIED OVER TO 2015 Provide a Termly Board of Trustees newsletter to the Waiouru Community about the schools latest achievements and events.

    Goal 2b: Review Reporting to parents - writing and interview procedures and formats. Achieved

    Goal 2c: Provide teachers with timely PLD around good assessment practice. Ongoing

    Mid Year Reflection End of Year Reflection We have in place a strong Assessment and Reporting Schedule which teachers regularly refer to and Leadership monitors. Data is

    gather in eTap and from there Marama is able to report to the BOT as well as monitor progress. This will be part of ongoing yearly review to ensure that we are meeting the achievement needs of our students.

    Consultation around Reporting to Parents occurred in July and was reported to the BOT in August. Returns were low (only 14) from the returns we was that people are generally happy with the practice but are unsure what to expect. Information for parents on what to expect with be added to our Website and handbook.

    Teachers commented that Junior reporting/ interviews are low in their turn out and they waste a lot of time chasing up parents for interviews, and parents often do not turn up. Marama has instructed the teachers to use the following procedure. 1. Ring parents and explain they have a Student Achievement Report to share. Offer them an interview time or if they are happy to just send it home. 2. If the parent does not turn up, do not waste their time chasing up just send the report home in the post.

    We have focused on in house expertise and PLD this year, using our shared knowledge and that of our critical friends to improve our practice. We had our first peer observations in Term Three, which teachers found valuable.

    Through staff reflection at a Teacher Only Day trends were identified amongst our under-achievers: Boys were struggling with maturity which is in line with research into when children are ready for formalise learning -

    boys are often not ready until 7 years. Those who are under achieving are usually the same students year after year - they make progress but find it very

    difficult to accelerate learning to catch up with peers. Lots of girls are at the top end but are not necessarily achieving as high as they could potentially do. Students who have trouble with reading and writing usually have low oral language skills - are unable to ask

    questions, answer questions, describe who, what, where, when etc. Sometimes we do really well with transfer students with high achievement, sometimes not so well and we get students with high

    learning needs. This effects our data and we must be careful comparing data between years. On average we get a quarter of our school turn over every year.

    We have identified that some professional development which could help our students mentioned above would be working with Nathan Mikaere-Wallace who is an expert on brain development and working struggling learners.

    The BOT has not begun sending out a Termly Newsletter - they will definitely get on to it this year.

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  • February 2014

    Strategic Goal Three: Teachers are supported to enhance and strengthen effective pedagogy through timely Professional Learning and Development, strong appraisal processes and evidence based Teaching as Inquiry.

    Annual Goals: Outcome: Actions:

    Goal 3a: Develop a strong Teaching as Inquiry appraisal system. Ongoing

    School Leadership has supported teachers to understand the process of teaching as inquiry. Leadership has established

    systems to support and monitor how effectively inquiry has had a positive impact on learning.

    Support teachers to understand the relationship between the critical friend model and successful Teaching as Inquiry. Leadership will develop an appraisal system which has Teacher as Inquiry as a central component of the process. Provide timely PLD which relates to needs identified in teacher appraisal. Provide PLD around the implementation of Teacher Inquiry. Implement Learning Walks and Critical Friend Observations by Leadership to identify indicators that Teacher Inquiry is successful.

    Ongoing Develop a Professional Learning and Development plan with teaching staff. Will develop at the End of Year Teacher Only Day.

    Teachers would like to continue SMART Board training and possibly go to uLearn15

    Mid Year Reflection End of Year Reflection ERO commented that we have begun to implement an excellent appraisal system. This is a work in progress and each year we improve the system. Peer observations were completed in Term Three - Staff commented that it was beneficial because the feedback was valuable. It

    also promoted reflection as we had to justify what we were doing. It also provided impetus to supports for students in ensuring that things were on walls etc. Observing in someone elses room provided a good insight into anothers world. Good for pinching ideas. Nice to have affirmation.

    The BOT has acknowledged the hard work all teacher staff have put into familiarizing themselves with emerging technologies and the way they have improved their teaching practice and classroom practices with including eLearning.

    The BOT will commit funds to send all teaching staff to uLearn15.

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  • February 2014

    Strategic Goal Four: Technology use at Waiouru School is ubiquitous, virtual, open and equitable, enhancing authentic, co-constructed learning within and beyond the school community. Annual Goals: Outcome: Actions:

    Goal 4a: Resourcing: All teachers, students, leaders and community have equitable access to a reliable infrastructure and resources to achieve our schools vision. Achieved

    Staff, community and students have a strong understanding of the value of emerging

    technologies and their potential for enhancing learning.

    Leadership provides PLD to develop Class Blogging as a means to enhance learning. Leadership reviews and up-grade relevant policies and procedures. Ongoing Ongoing Provide the school community with opportunities to engage with the school curriculum and the value of eLearning.

    Ongoing Teachers through the Teaching as Inquiry process identify eLearning resources and strategies which impact

    positively on School Target student achievement. Ongoing Ongoing Leadership provides mentorship and just in time PLD which supports and enables teachers to identify eLearning

    resources and strategies which impact positively on School Target student achievement. Ongoing Ongoing Teachers use their critical friend as a reflection tool on the use of eLearning resources and strategies which impact

    positively on School Target student achievement. Ongoing Ongoing

    Goal 4b: Teachers overtly inquire into how technology can be used appropriately to enable personalized, authentic involvement in learning. Ongoing

    Goal 4c: School staff and community negotiate a cohesive curriculum that integrates appropriate eLearning resources (also relates to Strategic Goal One). Ongoing

    Mid Year Reflection End of Year Reflection

    Teachers are inquiring constantly (a lot during their own time) into the use of eLearning tools in their classrooms. Many have found very beneficial apps which enhance learning, and accelerate achievement for those learners that are struggling. Class blogs have become very popular, most of which is self taught by teachers, and the children are very motivated to contribute.

    We also invested in additional Smartboard PLD to refresh teachers and to up skill our new staff. Now will be a good time to review current eLearning infrastructure and competency looking at upgrading again in


    All of the Actions above are part of effective 21st century teaching practice. All are not normal points of practice for our teaching staff and their appraisal and teacher inquiry they engage with through out the year.

    A support programme will need to be put in place for our new teacher as she is a PRT and will need an advice and guidance programme which reflects our current staffs gains and 21st Century practice.

    The BOT is sending all staff to uLearn15 this year.

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  • February 2014

    Strategic Goal Five: Develop strong administrative systems, including policies and procedures, which comply with National Administration Guidelines and allows teachers to effectively focus on their core business of teaching and

    learning. Annual Goals: Outcome: Actions:

    Goal 5a: Develop a sustainable governance structure which is minimally impacted by changes to the BOT. Ongoing

    Waiouru Schools organizational infrastructure and resourcing provides excellent support for us to

    achieve what we value. We take a whole school approach to identifying

    resource needs and designing physical spaces and technical infrastructure.

    Review all school policies and procedures Ongoing Ongoing Minutes of BOT meetings to be up-loaded onto the school website. Ongoing Ongoing Publish the new BOT newsletter on the school website. Ongoing Ongoing

    Goal 5b: Develop a sustainable management structure which ensures Waiouru School is able to achieve the Vision, Mission and Values of the School Charter. Ongoing

    Mid Year Reflection End of Year Reflection

    Reviewing Policy and Procedure is a huge job, and we have made good progress into a folder of 50+ documents. Our BOT review and work calendar is developing and has been an excellent guide for leadership to keep on top of review.

    The Minutes havent been up loaded to the website yet, however Marama has trailed a new format on google docs, which could be easily linked to on the school Website.

    A BOT newsletter has not been commenced yet.

    The BOT will begin the termly newsletter this year. Minutes have been moved to Google Docs and will therefore be easy to upload to the school website. Marama will work on a system in the

    holidays. Policies and Procedures now have a review cycle document which the BOT can work towards. With two members posting out at the end of the year, we will need to conduct a election in the new year to fill vacancies.

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