Charter Review 2012

Pakiri School Charter Consultation 2012 Nau mai, haere mai



Transcript of Charter Review 2012

Page 1: Charter Review 2012

Pakiri School Charter


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What is a Charter and what is its purposes?

How often are Charter’s created?

Who is involved in developing a school’s Charter?

Why is this a good time for review?

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Aims of the Evening


•Mission Statement•School Vision•Values•Aims: Learning, Continuous Improvement, Community Partnership, Caring for Ourselves, Others & the Environment

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Values The New Zealand Curriculum Key Competencies

To be encouraged Capabilities for living modelled & explored & life long


Managing Self

Relating to Others

Participating & Contributing

Using language,

symbols and text




Innovation, Inquiry & Curiosity



Community & Participation


Ecological Sustainability

Principles: Foundations of Curriculum decision making

High Expectation, Treaty of Waitangi, Cultural Diversity, Inclusion, Learning

to Learn, Community Engagement, Future Focus

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Cultural diversity, tikanga, te reo

Vision, mission, values, special character

3-5 Yr Strat Plan Focus on student


Annual Action Plans







Planning and Reporting

Student achievement

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Did You Know?

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What are 5 elements our school should be known by? What is important and

unique about Pakiri?

What will our future learners, in an ever evolving

creative world, need to thrive?

We see learners as…..

If you could encapsulate (sum up)our school in a few

words, what would they be?

What are the fundamental values we

hold and believe thatcontribute to successful

life and learning?

How do you thinkothers view our


21st Century Learners

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Mission Statement

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The Mission StatementThe mission statement is a brief, focused statement that

defines the school's core values and purpose.

A good mission statement is:Brief; clearly worded; free of educational jargon; easily understood

meaningful to the staff, students, board, and community.

It should:Capture the core values and aspirations of the staff, students, board (including the principal),

and community;

Represent the cultural context of the school – e.g. be available in the languages other than English that are spoken in the community;

Give a sense of importance to the work of the school by linking it to ideals and important values;

Be well known by the staff, students, board, and community.

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The Mission Statement

Examples of mission statements:

Passionately preparing people for life

To provide our community with high-quality education within a stimulating and progressive environment

To provide a caring and sharing environment that will educate and equip the child for life

To be a secure, inclusive, respectful, happy, and challenging place, focused on growth and learning for all

We show respect for ourselves and others and always do our personal best - Ko Piripiri te maunga, Waitohi te awa, Te Atiawa te iwi

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Task 1:

Individually record words that describe what you think is the purpose of Pakiri School. What are we here for? What is our role? What is our purpose? What should we be doing on a day to day basis? What are our aspirations?

Join together with others. Sort your words (some may be synonym). Discuss. Prioritise.

In your group, use your words to formulate a brief, focussed statement that defines the school's core values and purpose.


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Vision Statement

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Vision StatementThe vision statement:

A vision statement briefly describes the desired future for the school.

It is a statement about change and the future.It should describe what we want our students to know, to be and to be able to do by the time they leave our school.

How Does our vision align with The New Zealand Curriculum vision of confident, connected, actively engaged lifelong learners?

Pakiri School students are confident children, who are respectful of themselves and others and who are motivated and happy to keep

learning so that they reach their full potential.

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So keep in mind what this may mean for Pakiri

School and its students.

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Vision StatementA good vision statement:

•Reflects high ideals that people can aspire and commit to;

•Is seen as achievable (with effort) and implies action;

•Motivates, by enabling the staff and board to see how their work relates to ideals, values, and the school's future direction;

•Is a result of a visioning process that involves the staff – they will be the ones who work towards achieving this desired future

•Is widely known and understood by the students, staff, board, and community.

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Vision StatementExamples of vision statements

Continual improvement to provide quality learning to meet the unique needs of each child;

To develop our unique qualities to become the intermediate school of choice for our community;

Grow the heart, the mind and the spirit

A community of lifelong learners committed to achieving our best and making a difference

Some vision statements are longer and map out several dimensions for the future e.g. To become a school that strives:

• to pursue excellence in all fields of learning • to be a place of innovation and creativity with a real sense of fun

• for respect and to reinforce ethnic and cultural identity and diversity • to grow as a learning organisation that provides and fosters high-quality professional

services and opportunities for children, staff, and the community.

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Task 2:

What is the desired future for Pakiri School?

What do we want our students to know, to be and to be able to do by the time they leave our school?

Record words individually. Join together with others. Sort your words (some may be synonyms). Discuss. Prioritise.

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Values are deeply held beliefs about what is

important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in

which people think and act.

The values, NZC p 10, are encouraged, modelled and

explored by students.NZC p. 44

The values should be evident in the

school’s philosophy, structures, curriculum,

classrooms and relationships.

QUESTIONShould the school simply adhere to the set of values given in the NZC, or can it identify its own set? AN ANSWEROne of the directions of the NZC is school ownership. It is good school practice to identify those values that its community of students, teachers and parents agree to be their priorities. There is no one definitive set of values, or way of stating them.

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1. Excellence2. Innovation, inquiry, and curiosity3. Diversity4. Equity5. Community and participation6. Ecological sustainability7. Integrity

Values in the NZC

This list is neither exhaustive nor

exclusive.NZC p.10

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Examples of values statementsTolerance, honesty, respect and caring are promoted.Learning is fun.

Respect, Responsibility. Relationships


Smithtown School and community believe in these core values and seek to have them taught and modelled in the daily life of the school:

• empathy, care, and respect for others, communities, and the environment • appreciation and valuing of other cultures • courtesy • honesty • confidence and willingness to take appropriate risks • responsibility • desire to learn • perseverance • valuing and fostering of each other's differences and passions.

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What are the fundamental values we hold and believe that contribute to

successful life and learning?

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Task 3:

In groups, decide on 5-6 values that you hold and believe to contribute to successful life and learning.

What would these ‘look like’ in our school?

If you could sum up in one word what you would see on entering Pakiri School, what would it be? (no more than 7 letters)