Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS “the Phoenix” June 1983

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Transcript of Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS “the Phoenix” June 1983

  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


    The Phoenix

    June 1983


    I recently read a letter from a grade 12

    girl living in British Columbia. Hi her letter

    she was trying to comfort her penpal at our

    school who was nervous about growing up. The

    following excerpt of that letter is one that

    think we can all benefit from:


    Sean Blane

    Assistant Editor:

    Clare Spira


    Jim Lai

    Daryll Walker



    The Wet and Wild Canoe Team

    Jamie Connolly

    Roblynn McClure

    Ian Warwick

    Teacher Advisors:

    Mrs. J. Lees

    Mrs. J. Scott

    And others too afraid (or too wise) to

    have their names in print*

    Special thanks must go to Radio Shack

    for their assistance and kindness in letting us

    print this paper using their TRS-80 Word

    Processing equipement.

    "A long time ago when I was a youngster

    in grade eleven (ha, ha) I felt that I could

    never bear to leave high school and all my

    friends. I talked to some grade twelve

    graduating students and I couldn't understand

    why they wanted to leave. Now, being in their

    pcstition, I can understand. I find that I am

    locking froward to finding things outside of

    my town and not living at home, ni have to

    be more responsible and independent and

    Tm excited about University courses. I think

    establishing myself as a capable individual is

    important. I know and regret the fact that I

    may lose contact with some of my present

    acquaintances, but I know that anyone I really

    care enough to keep in touch with will be a

    friend always. Sure Vm scared and worried

    about my future, but you can only get out of

    life what you are willing to put into it. I am

    willing to work hard to achieve my goals. I

    don't know what my future is, as a career or

    as a person, but it will only be a set of

    challenges worth working at in order to attain

    what I strive for."

  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


    Canoe Trip

    On a beautiful sunny Thursday morning

    twelve anxious cancers prepared to leave P.EJ.

    and travel to the white-water country of the

    Liscomb in Nova Scotia. So with plenty of

    food, warm clothes and mosquito spray we

    departed from the Rural. We were scheduled to

    arive at our camping area around five o'clock,

    but due to difficulties, we were delayed. Our

    problems were experienced when driving

    across an open stretch of road. It was a very

    windy day and our trailor carrying the canoes

    was a perfect victim. As you have probably

    guessed, the wind caught our canoe trailor

    carrying six caones and blew it across the

    road. Luckily, no one was hurt and we were

    able to get our canoes repaired in Amherst.

    We arrived at our camping area around

    eight o'clock,and after a bit of arguing over

    who was going to put their tent where, we got

    settled in.

    Friday morning we set out for the river. I

    think we were all a bit nervous and not quite

    sure of what to expect. We all calmed down

    after Mr. GiUan's canoe upset, he was the first

    to get wet. That day we practiced the first

    two runs, and had a great time. We went tome

    to camp to eat, get warmed up and visit with

    our friends, the little black flies.

    Later that evening some wildlife was

    caught sight of by Andrew, Mr. Gillan, Bruce

    and Robert, they had seen a deer and played

    with a porcupine.

    . . .page 2

    After a bedtime sing-song and some

    ghost story telling we were off to bed. Oh,

    almost forgot, Shane brought food for all o

    us, so we had a great dinner that evening.

    Saturday morning we woke up to rain

    and lots of it. We constructed a blind to bloc

    the rain and then we all had breakfast. O

    course, Shane was in charge of food, so we

    all ate very well. With full bellies, we a

    gathered inside Andrew's Van and took a vote

    on whether to go canoeing that day or to go

    visit the Liscomb Lodge. Poor Bobby had

    gotten fairly damp the previous night so he

    was ready to stay dry that day, but Andrew

    being the keenest of us all was ready to rolL

    We did it the democratic way and took a

    vote; we were canoeing by eleven o'clock. I

    stopped raining later on in the day. Today we

    were going from the top of the river to the

    bottom. We ate our lunch on some rocks in

    the middle of the river which was ver

    unique, I thought.

    On Saturday it was Bryon and Ron wh

    got wet. Nothing too serious but enough to

    make them uncomfortable. We arrived at the

    bottom of the river late in the afternoon

    Then the hardest part of the trip, we had to

    carry our caones up a very long, steep hill to

    put them on the trailor. We all survived it,and

    drove home to camp. After Bryon got his

    laundry dried out,we all had dinner with the

    flies. Later on Mr. Gillan, Andrew, Robert

    and Bruce went on a walk and saw some

    wildlife, another deer with a white taiL

  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


    Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the

    black bear with a white spot on his paw, (ask

    Darryl, he can tell you all about it).

    Sunday morning we woke up to flies, flies,

    and more flies. We packed in a hurry and left

    our camp. On the way home we stopped in

    Sherbrooke to get ourselves civilized for

    society again. After a nice sunny drive on the

    Wood Islands ferry, we were home again, and we

    had lots of suntan lotion left over.

    All in all we had a great time canoeing/

    and getting to know each other better. We

    would like to thank Mr. Gillan for taking us,

    and tell him to save a spot for three girls

    again next year

    Wild 'n Wet Canoe Team.

    Record Review

    Today, the record industry has seen many

    new groups emerging from the woodwork.

    Groups like Men Without Hats or English Beat,

    (just to mention a couple) are fast taking firm

    roots as leaders in the music industry. No more

    shall disco come back to haunt us. In answer to

    your prayers (knock on wood) Donna Summer is

    gone forever. Never again will she steal center

    stage, belly dancing her way to stardom,

    wearing her lavish silver sparkling fish-net

    bikinis. Her days of singing meaningless,

    unrythmic, and senseless junk are over. Bye bye

    Donna, you've been a "Bad Girl".

    . . .page 3

    (1) Toto IV - Toto

    Toto is a group that possesses a sound

    all of their own. They are one of the few

    rock bands that fully incorperate an entire

    orchestra into the making of an album. Their

    music is anything but simple. Hit songs to

    listen for are: Rosanna, Africa, I Won't Hold

    You Back Now.

    (2) KilroyW as.jJjere - STYX

    Wellyl finally thought I had seen the last

    of these fools. In my opinion, STYX is simply

    the 1983 version of the Bay City Rollers

    (Minus the Tartan Jumpsuits). This album

    further strengthens my hatred for this bunch

    of jungle singing - idiots. Songs not to pay

    any attention to are: Mr. Roboto, Cold War.

    (Sorry Tami, but I can't help it if you have bad

    taste )

    (3) Rythm of ffaith - Men Without Hats

    In my opinion, the best album to come out

    this year. This group of 3 makes very good

    use of synthesizers. They have a really unique

    sound that should hopefully be around for a

    long time. Good songs to listen far are: Safety

    Dance, Ideas for Walls, Living in China.

    (4) Built for Speed - Stray Cats

    This is a group which have a sound of

    their own which is referred to as Rockabill

    music. There is not a better group for playing

    good dance music. Heavy metal fans as well as

    the disco-ers at Adam's Warehouse can all

    enjoy the Stray Cats. Great songs are: B^n-

    for Speed, Gonna Rock this Town, Stray Cat


  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


    (5) Special Best Service - The English Beat

    This album is a must for a complete

    record collection. Having a stereo without this

    record is like having an Atari without

    Ms.Pac-Man. Hit tunes on this album are: I

    Confess, Save It fonltater, End of the Party.

    Band Trip

    The Rural band spent the May 20-22

    weekend at Keddy's Motor Inn in down-town

    Moncton. They were there taking part in the

    Moncton Music Festival. Competing in four

    competitions, three for concert band and one

    for stage band. The band recieved two second

    places and one third. Though they competed in

    the fourth, they withdrew from being marked,

    so did not receive a placing.

    They had left Charlottetown Friday at 9

    A.M. and left from Moncton Sunday at 9 A.M.

    Everybody had a great time and partied into

    the late hours of Sunday morning.

    . . .page k

    This diet is t-grrifir? because you can

    have all the food you want whenever yo


    The Soup

    Cut into small pieces:

    3 large onions

    2 green peppers

    2 large cans of tomatoes

    1 head of cabbage

    1 bunch of celery

    1 package of onion soup mix

    Put cut vegetables in a large pot and cove

    with water. Boil until vegetables are ver


    Day 1- Have all the soup you want wheneve

    you want, eat any kind of fruit, excep

    bannanas, whenever you want.

    Day 2- Have all the soup you want along wit

    all the vegetables (salad) you can eat. Th

    diet also allows 1 potatoe with butte

    but corn and peas are not permitted.

    Super Diet

    Worried about not being in shape far

    summer? Well, maybe The Phoenix can help

    out. We have dug up a diet that will guarantee

    you a weight loss of up to ten pounds in %

    week Like all diets, be sure to check with

    your physician before starting .

    This diet was developed by doctors at the

    Mayo Clinic in the United STates. They claim

    that it is so easy to follow that everyone who

    tries it will lose. So, be a loser and try it

    Day 3- Have all the soup you want along wit

    all the fruit and vegetables you can ea

    (except bannanas, corn, and peas).

    Day 4- Have all the soup you want plus s

    bannanas and 8 glasses of skim milk.

    Day 5- Have all the soup you want plus

    10-12 oz. section of beef. Have also

    tomatoes and 8 glamps of water.

  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


    Day 6- Have all the soup you can eat plus all

    the beef and vegetables you can eat.

    Day 7- Have all the soup you want plus brown

    rice, unsweetened fruit juice, and vegetables.

    Remember that the soup, diet pop, tea,

    and coffee may be consumed at any time

    during the diet.

    Student Council

    Our 1982-83 student council has wrapped

    up most of their business and closed the year

    with the elections for next year's executive.

    The executives are:


    Vice President:



    Terri MacPherson

    Stephanie Drake

    Lisa Bowman

    Laurie Rose

    Congratulations winners and much success

    next year

    .. .page 5

    A) Bo Dereck is one

    B) They're "Crazy"

    C) Snow White's loves

    D) The and only

    E) Number of wives Henry had

    F) Number of beds Goldilocks slept in

    G) number associated with USA's


    H) Wonders of the world -2

    D a p e a r

    J) number assoc ia ted wi th

    K) Number of life expectancies of


    L) Important number in Charlton

    Heston film

    Dear Bessy

    Dear Bessy,

    Are girls with glasses as attractive to

    men as girls without?


    Dear Curious: It depends on their frames.


    Here's a puzzle that actually looks harder

    than it really is. The answer to the clues on

    the right correspond to the letters in the

    algebra equation. Simply substitute the number

    for the appropriate letter in order to find the

    value of the question mark.

    (A x B) + (C x D) + (E - F)

    G + (HxD-J+(K + L)

    = -p

    (jgxi) + (2x1) + Ug^g) _

  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983


    Dear Mystery Boy,

    Maybe you should ask this girl to a school

    dance or social function, where you could talk

    about other things and still be around people ,

    in case you run out of things to say. Ask her

    during one of your casual school conversations

    while your watching amebas, under the

    microscope, maybe.

    Dear Bessy,

    Vm crazy about this guy, but the

    girlfriend he had before was a bad experience

    for him. How can I convince him that not all

    girls are the same?

    Must Know

    Dear Must Know: Take him to the beach.

    Dear Bessy,

    My younger brother is always chasing my

    girlfriends. This has been going on for years

    and I am getting pretty upset. Any ideas?

    Brother of girl chaser

    Dear Brother,

    Don't worry, my dog has been chasing

    cars for years, but if he ever caught one he

    wouldn't know what to do with it.

    Reach For The Top

    Congratulations to the Reach For The Top

    team for having done so well in the provincial

    championships. They came in second to Colonel

    Gray in the finals, losing the tournament, and

    a free trip to Toronto, by only ten points. But

    the team didn't leave empty handed. They

    walked away with $150 and a terrific

    experience. 6

    French Club

    The school's French club had a very

    educational and fun field trip to the

    University of Moncton about two weeks ago.

    Leaving CRHS at the ungodly hour o

    seven o'clock in the morning, the group of 13

    grade ten and eleven students along with Mrs

    McQuaid and chauffeur Mr. Doucette travelled

    to Moncton with high anticipation of the day

    to come.

    At the university, they first met with a

    teacher who explained his school's routine. An

    immersion program designed far English

    speaking students is taught where all course

    are conducted in French. The students can

    earn all their university credits and at the

    same time become bilingual. He noted tha

    tuition costs are usually very low or nothing

    at all, since government bursaries are readily


    After he spoke to the club, a young

    guide from the university showed them around

    the campus. All were very impressed They

    went to a museum where they saw an

    exposition of Leonardo DaVinci's work

    Everyone played with the gadgets on display

    and had a lot of fun.

    The highlight of the tour was a visit to

    the university's sports complex. Inside / the

    students saw an Olympic sized swimming poo

    with a bottom that could be raised or lowered

    in order to make the pool deeper or shallower

    They also saw a gymnasium twice the size o

    our own, an indoor running track, and a dance


  • 8/10/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS the Phoenix June 1983
