Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects

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  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    Characterization of Construction

    Waste generated by residential


    by Rafay Ahmad


    Professor Ritu Ahuja

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    Non-Teaching Credit Course

    Characterization of Construction Waste

    Generated By Residential Projects


    S!"#TT$% !&

    S' No $nrollment Numbers Names

    ( A()*+,((.() Rafay !a/tiar Ahmad


    Professor Ritu Ahuja


    SC0112 13 C1NSTRCT#1N4R$A2 $STAT$

    R#CS SC0112 13 !#2T $N5#R1N"$NTA"#T& N#5$RS#T&6 N1#%A

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects



    I hereby declare that the Non-teaching credit course projectwor entitled !Characterization of Constructionwastes sub"itted to the R!C" "chool of Built#n$iron%ent& is a record o# an original wor done underthe guidance o# $s% RIT& A'&(A) #aculty "e"ber) R!C"

    "chool of Built #n$iron%ent& '%ity (ni$ersity )CR*#+,!

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    RA3A& !A7T#AR A0"A%


    I express my gratitude to everyone who supported me throughout the

    course of this NTCC project. I am thankful for their guidance, criticisms

    and opinions. Friends who supported me in this venture especially r.

    !run "umar whose previous site experience knowledge and know how

    helped me in the project.

    I express my warm thanks to r. #ikram "ohli $roject anager %Civil&

    for their support and guidance at 'aypee groups and r. (aradurjeet saini,

    $roject manager %civil& ).*."ashyap for (upertech supernova.

    I would immensely like to thank our project guide s. +itu !huja for her

    patient reviews and guidance. (he has guided and helped me in writing my

    maiden paper.

    +!F! )!-TI!+ !!/

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    ale of Contents

    1 .jecti$es37

    2 ethodoloy37

    5 !ntroduction36

    4 Case "tudy12

    y8es of wastes enerated15

    A% 7 ty8es of waste1

    *% anile and !n9anile waste22

    : .ser$ations2:

    7 Conclusions26

    6 References50

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    +ist of ;iures

    +igure ,%%. +actors causing waste /Cost and ti"e o0erruns1 234%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5

    +igure ,%3%3. 6iew o# the construction% Residential tower) concreting has

    7nished till 38th 9oor%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:

    +igure ,%,%, Di;erent types o# waste cha"pioned by Toyota

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    1 .jecti$es

    In the Indian construction industry wastage and delay duringconstruction are 0ery pre0alent% 6arious studies ha0e beenconducted with regards to construction wastes generated ininternational projects) but only a hand#ul o# research has been doneon construction waste in the Indian conteBt% +or the research donein the year 3::5) 53? In#rastructure projects su;ered #ro" ti"edelays and >%: ? in#rastructure projects su;ered #ro" "onetary

    losses /Ra" =igh 3::1 24% The situation is not any di;erent #or thereal estate sector specially the residential leg o# the sector%Residential construction is one such 0icti" o# ti"e delays and costo0erruns% @ith ti"e o0erruns in so"e eBtre"e cases up to 8 yearso# ti"e% These delays are also because o# 0arious intangible reasonssuch as delay in appro0als% O0erall the sector is a 0eryunpredictable sector and has caused considerable har" to thein0est"ent in9ow% As part o# this paper research only on

    construction waste #ro" residential projects was considered% Thescope o# the paper restricts itsel# to construction waste% And thepaper concludes on the "ost pre0alent waste causing reasons% Alsothe paper tries to e0aluate possible ways o# reducing these wasteswith the use o# technology and so#tware% The paper #urther goes onclassi#ying the waste and delay causing reasons beyond theconstruction site and classi7es the" under the un#oreseeablewastes%

    2 ethodoloy

    As part o# this project the tea" co"prising o# > students) weha0e 0isited > di;erent residential sites in the Delhi) NCR region andha0e conducted a sur0ey to understand the waste being generatedin the Indian conteBts% The tea" "e"bers ha0e taled to theproject "anagers and site super0isors to understand their

    perspecti0es on construction waste and its categoriGation% Thisin#or"ation is then brought together and a conclusion is arri0ed at

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    #or the "aBi"u" waste causing "aterial classi7cation% +urther thetypes o# waste speci7c to the construction sector are classi7ed in#oreseeable and un#oreseeable type o# waste% A re0iew o# literaturehas been undertaen and papers on the o0erseas as well as the

    Indian conteBt ha0e been gone through% Considerable discussionsabout the wastes produced ha0e been carried out between thegroup "e"bers #or this paper% A general conclusion on the"aBi"u" waste producing #actors in the Indian conteBt is thenarri0ed at%

    This paper gi0es two classi7cations on the residentialconstruction waste% One based on the eBisting syste"s cha"pionedby the "anu#acturing sector such as the Toyota production syste"s


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    ;iure 5113 ;actors causin waste 2?

    There are an increasing nu"ber o# construction co"paniesapplying actions to i"pro0e their projects per#or"ance by reducingall inds o# waste during the construction process 254% Criticis"s o#the waste#ul spending) delays and ineHciencies are not new withrespect to the sector and the eBecuti0es are aware o# the proble"s#aced by the industry% $ore than the 7nal product the process hasbeen subject to criticis"s and pressure% 24% The #act that

    construction industry is interdependent on other industries both inter"s o# inputs reFuired #ro" the industries as well as it pro0idesproduct to other industries hence sa0ings and eli"inating wastewould yield wel#are to the society2:4%

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    o# waste categoriGation done #or "anu#acturing industry cannot bedirectly applied to the construction and built en0iron"ent industry%

    In the Indian construction industry conteBt a large a"ount o#

    ineHciency is caused because o# labor related issues% Constructionprojects #ace issues o# lac o# silled labor and non-a0ailability o#labor% &se o# substandard "aterials and process are undertaen toreduce the cost o# the project causing reduction o# the o0erallFuality o# the project% @astage o# "aterials during transportationand storage are co""on in our hea0y "aterial input industry%@aste to Fuality o# ce"ent due to storage and rains% Delays andstoppage o# wor due to weather and rain#all is a uniFue ind o#ineHciency pertaining only to the built en0iron"ent sector% The

    in0entory le0els are another huge setbac a;ecting the prices o#built #or"s% Delhi NCR has > years o# in0entory stoc% Rules andregulations pertaining to land and construction 0ary according to"unicipality and cities% These ha0e caused a lot o# 0ariation inter"s o# the output produced by the construction and de0eloper7r"s% De0elopers ha0e not been able to eBploit "aBi"u" out o# theland co"ponent introducing a 0ariation in prices o# the 7nished built#or"% In0entory o# "aterials is also usually high because o# delays

    in projectJ "aterials such as sand) ce"ent and rein#orce"ents arethe usual 0icti"s% =uch eBternal #actors a;ect the constructionindustry to huge eBtent co"pared to the production and"anu#acturing industry%

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    ;iure 5223 @iew of the construction Residential tower& concretin has Anished till2th oor

    Construction wastes generated by constructionacti0ities include soil) sludge) surplus "aterials and abandoned"aterials) steel ti"ber and concrete% The proportion o# recyclablewastes can be up to 8 percentJ only about 8 percent o# the o0erallwaste is unrecyclable% As eBpected) concrete wastes contribute the"ajor proportions o# the total wasteDelay in construction) ti"eand cost o0erruns is the "ajor setbacs% The ti"e di;erence in theactual and the initial planned date o# co"pletion accounts #or this%=i"ilarly) the actual and the pre-planned budget #or the project "ay

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    so"eti"es 0ary% This leads to cost o0erruns% $oreo0er) poor sa#ety)in#erior woring conditions) rewor) lac o# eFuip"ent andsuper0ision delays) lac o# eBperience) inadeFuate planning andscheduling) #reFuent design changes) labor producti0ity) lac o#

    coordination between staeholders) changes in "aterial andspeci7cations) changes in weather) shortage o# technical personnelleads to wastage o# resources% @aste in construction is not li"itedto physical on-site) but also related to se0eral acti0ities such aso0erproduction) waiting ti"e) "aterial handling) processing)in0entories and "o0e"ent o# worers%

    The construction waste can be di0ided in two types o# physicaland non-physical waste%

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    ;iure 555 *ierent ty8es of waste cha%8ioned y oyota Production "yste%s

    4 Case "tudy

    $iBed use de0elop"ent !=uperno0aK by Delhi based =upertechat sector ,) Noida) Near Noida-reater Noida highway) Delhi NCRwas 0isited #or this paper% The entire township co"pleB is one o# thetallest de0elop"ents o# India% @ith an 5: 9oor "iBed use tower) 3residential towers and oHce co"pleB% A de0elop"ent o# 8 "illion

    =F%+t which is LEED accredited% The project is carried out by twocontractors *%L%ashyap and Arabian construction co"pany /ACC1%O# which the part being de0eloped by *%L%ashyap has beenconsidered #or this study% This includes two residential towers) oneoHce building and the podiu" and ancillary constructions% Theconstruction phase is >:? co"plete with the deli0ery date beingaround (une 3:% The project is eBpected to "iss the deadline atthe current rate% The project is a high pro7le project with high endresidential) oHce and "iBed space% The towers being constructedare =uperno0a =pira which was earlier proposed as an 5: 9oor high"iBed used tower but now being re0ised and its 9oors beingreduced because o# being stuc with appro0als and clearances%No0a east and No0a west are residential towers being constructedby *%L%ashyap contractors and are >: 9oor high towers% Currentlythe casting has been co"pleted till the 38 th 9oor% The whole o#design co"pleB is connected with > 9oor high "ultipurpose podiu"cu" paring cu" green space% This and ele0ated section which

    houses the paring underneath% This podiu" section houses the

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    club) gardens and allied acti0ities% This area is a "iBed de0elop"entand will also boast o# s"all shopping centers and oHces #or theresidents% This a 0ery huge township de0elop"ent and the scaleconsidered is "ass housing #or higher "iddle class%

    A#ter obtaining due per"ission the group 0isited the site tocollect data and to tal to the sta; in0ol0ed with the project% Theproject "anager =arabjit =aini shared his insights #or the projectand ga0e his perspecti0es on the generation o# waste in townshipde0elop"ent% In addition to hi" the procure"ent engineer and"aterial super0isor were taled to% 'e was Fuestioned on the se0encategories o# waste generation being. % O0erproduction) 3%In0entory) ,% $otion) >% @aiting) 8% Transportation) % O0er

    processing % De#ect and re wor% =ite sur0eys with the siteengineer to all the locations o# the site were also undertaen% Thebatching plant adjacent to the site) with the "aterial in0entory wasstudied% As well as the area #or storing and bending rein#orce"entsand storage o# ce"ent bags were looed at% There were , cranesworing on the site as on ,:thOctober 3:>% And an approBi"atewor#orce o# >8:-8:: people was present on the site% The twocontractors present on the site were sharing #ew resources a"ong


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    and non-physical wastes were understood in order to arri0e atconclusions with respect to the Indian construction industry%Classi7cation o# wastes based on the heads o# waste generationas gi0en by the Toyota production syste"s being. %

    O0erproduction) 3% In0entory) ,% $otion) >% @aiting) 8%Transportation) % O0er processing) % De#ects and re wor% Thesewere classi7ed based on 0alue adding wor) non-0alue adding worand pure waste% +or any set o# project or wor this can be chartedout as essentials wor) ancillary wor and pure waste% Taichi ohno)

    Toyotas chie# engineer cha"pioned Toyota production syste"s 2>4%These "anu#acturing syste"s #ocused on i"pro0ing output byreducing on wastes% These syste"s ha0e also been #ollowed by

    $otorola and other co"panies% T

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    residential construction 254% O0erproduction o# concrete waiting onsite to be poured is a possible waste under this head% *ut this wastecan be "itigated by way o# eHcient production o# only the reFuireda"ount% The project "anage"ent on this site was eHcient as this is

    a high pro7le project in the NCR% And they ensure that no waste iscaused because o# o0erproduction% *ut production on the site suchas concrete produced #ro" batching plant does not gi0e opti"u"production% There were two batching plants on the site one wasauto"atic batching plant and the second was a "anual plant%Auto"atic plant produces 3 "eter cube concrete in "inutes andthe "anual plant produces "eter cube concrete in "inutes% *utin the opinion o# the project "anager the batching plants wor at

    5:-:? eHciency%

    3% In0entory

    ;iure 57 "teel ars 0&000 %5 stored on the site

    @aste o# In0entory is related to eBcessi0e or unnecessaryin0entories which lead to "aterial waste /by deterioration) lossesdue to inadeFuate stoc conditions on site) robbery) 0andalis"1)and "onetary losses due to the capital that is tied up% EBcess

    in0entory is regarded as waste since there is no 0alue added bystocing in0entory% In addition) in0entory taes up space) ties down

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    capital) incurs storage /and security and insurance1 costs and raisesthe ris o# da"age during storage as well as the ris o# beco"ingobsolete 2,4%The site had an in0entory o# 3:)::: ce"ent bags) ::tonnes o# steel was present on the site% *ut little waste was caused

    in the opinion o# the project "anager and site super0isor% =and andaggregates is stored on the site% And this stoc is "aintained on adaily basis% In addition adeFuate stoc o# #or"wor and sca;oldingwas stored on site% =ca;olding used "ultiple ti"es #ro" pre0ioussites as well was stored on this site% In0entory was essential in caseo# the project so that there is no loss due to waiting% In0entory inway ga0e con7dence to the project "anagers that the project willnot stop at least not because o# logistical and supply chain

    "anage"ent reasons%

    ,% $otion

    $otion o# this waste is concerned with the unnecessary orineHcient "o0e"ents "ade by worers during their jobs) which"ight be caused by inadeFuate eFuip"ent) ine;ecti0e wor"ethods) or poor arrange"ent o# the woring place% Tra0eling too

    #ar within a wor site to acco"plish assigned tass is a waste o#ti"e and e;ort and also creates increased opportunities #oraccidents) injuries) and their associated costs% Thus) with a properlayout o# a wor area) the unnecessary "otion o# e"ployees can be"ini"iGed) creating an opportunity #or sa0ing on costs% EBcessi0e"otion on site with regards to laboures and other personnel shouldbe analyGed and rewored i# #ound to be counterproducti0e%

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    ;iure 46 @iew of waste fro% 8i8e urst 'ccu%ulation of wasted concrete on siteis seen

    >% @aiting

    @aiting waste is related to idling on site because o# loss o#synchroniGation on site% Idle ti"e is created due to waiting #or"aterials) labour) per"issions) etc% Loss due to waiting was 0ery

    less on site% As the site logistics and "aterial procure"entspecialists were well coordinated% The "aterials stoc was"aintained and stoc was replenished daily% @ith a"ple stoc)labour and planning waste due to waiting was noneBistent% Againco"ing bac to concrete waiting #or R$C #ro" the plants couldpossibly delay the wor but happened relati0ely less on this site%@aiting due to non-a0ailability o# labour is proble" which is #acedby s"all projects% This project had labour only subcontractors

    engaged with the "ain subcontractor% The waiting waste can bereduced by lining up o# process in0ol0ed in the construction%

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    8% Transportation

    This waste is concerned with internal transportation o# "aterials

    on site% The lac o# process 9ow or worplace logistics causeslosses% I"proper construction site layouts logistic planning can o#tenbe the #unda"ental cause o# eBcess transportation% I"properhandling o# eFuip"ent) i"proper pathways and access ways to sitecost the project% E0ery ti"e "aterial is transported on site) it incursa cost% Transportation o# concrete #ro" batching plants to pipingsyste"s caused "ediu" to low wastes to the project% As thedistance #ro" the batching plant to the concrete pu"ping

    arrange"ent was 3:: "eters hence this waste was considerably"itigated% This was because o# the contractors decision to establishthe batching plant on site% In this case the batching plant sa0ed thecontractor not only costs o# production but also the costs o# wasteduring transportation% Considerable loss was caused during "otiono# concrete #ro" batching plant to the location o# casting% The#reFuency o# pipe burst was 0ery high) with as "uch as one burstper day% 'uge lu"ps had accu"ulated on site because o# pipebursts% The site super0isor clai"ed waste o# 3-,? o# total cost o#

    the project% That cost #or a 8 "illion sF%#t project such as this one isconsiderably 0ery high% The site super0isor considered the breaingo# pipes as 0ery erratic with e0en newly laid pipes breaing underthe hea0y concrete pressure%

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    ;iure H3 #Fca$ator re%o$in the concrete waste fro% the site

    % O0er processing

    This ind o# waste is o# 0ery insigni7cant in nature in this project%Only Fuality o# "aterials lost due to o0er processing is a #actor% *utdue to the repetiti0e nature o# wor in0ol0ed in preparing the"aterials #or construction a high consistency o# "aterials wasachie0ed on this site% Only processing that happens on site is that o#ce"ent and R%C%C and other adhesi0es% Rest all ele"ents are 7t andare "ostly pre-#abricated hence o0er processing #actor is not anissue on the construction sites end% Other than site based waste)this section could include o0er engineering%

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    esti"ates to the suppliers) wor stoppage due to reFuire"ent o#additional signatures%

    ;iure :103 Base%ent of the site with dro8 8anels

    % De#ects and Rewor

    @aste o# Rejects /De#ect&nsatis#actory wor1 occurs when the7nal or inter"ediate product does not 7t the Fuality speci7cations%

    This is the si"plest #or" o# waste that construction industryproduces) where co"ponents or products "ade do not "eet thespeci7cation 2>4% Non-co"pliance o# drawings by contractor hadcaused the" losses% In the opinion o# the site engineer >-8 ti"es"ajor wo had to be redone so as to satis#y the clients with thepro"ised type o# wor in the tender docu"ent% This waste in

    co"parison to waste o# concrete during transportation and "otionwas less% It is the second "ost waste causing criterion% It includesdoing the wrong installation) de#ects in #abrication) and errors inpunch lists% Not "eeting the reFuired code is waste% Rewor inconstruction is rarely "easured% Reducing this waste was relati0elydiHcult proposition as so"e di;erence between the wor agreedupon and carried out was bound to happen%

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    7 y8es of Waste .n



    WasteO0erproduction @aste 8?

    In0entory @aste ?

    $otion @aste ?

    @aiting @aste 3?

    Transportation @aste 3?

    O0er ?

    De#ects and Rewor@aste


    ;iure 7113 he ty8es of waste found on site

    @o"ac and (ones /3::,1 24ha0e also added the eighth waste)which is the design o# goods and ser0ices that do not "eet the endusers needs% In addition) *urton and *oeder /3::,1 24ha0e addedwaste o# hu"an potential as the eighth category o# waste% 'u"anpotential waste is related to the #ailure in #ully utiliGing the sills o#people% *urton and *oeder /3::,1 24belie0e that once people aretrained to identi#y the waste) they are able to eli"inate it%

    +urther the waste produced in the construction industry can becategoriGed in two heads #oreseeable tangible and un-#oreseeableintangible% Each o# these two sections has physical andnon-physical i"plications% It was obser0ed that constructionindustry produced "ore waste which is intangible in nature% =uchwaste cannot be predicted in the planning phase% It is easy toanalyGe #oreseeable waste) hence "aing it easier to "itigate% *utthe Fuantu" o# waste that intangible aspects would produce is noteasily Fuanti7able hence "aing the" eBtre"ely diHcult to"itigate% $oreo0er it was seen that waste due to change in design

    and speci7cation contributed the "aBi"u" in this sector) with

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    i"plications both in the physical and non-physical aspects o# waste%Changes in design would cause rewor #ro" the planning le0el tothe site le0el a;ecting all 0erticals o# the construction industry% The#ollowing classi7cation will gi0e the understanding o# the i"pact o#

    these wastes on the ti"e and cost% +urther whether these wastescan be esti"ated be#orehand or are going to be a contingency%

    ;iure 6123 @iew of the residential towers fro% rear side

    B anile and !n9anile waste

    ! anile Waste

    % Transportation and handling

    This can be seen in the construction industry by way o#aggressi0e handling% This is a physical #or" waste% @aste due to

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    contractors ha0e to settle #or the a0ailable wor#orce who taes aconsiderable a"ount o# guiding to get things done% =hortage o#labourers is also obser0ed% EHcient project "anage"ent withregard to producti0ity o# labour is reFuired on the part o# project

    "anager% Runaway labourers cause heart burn to the project as theproject "anage"ent has now to reloo at the labour andunderstand it silling Fuotient% The "anage"ent has to train the"#or their speci7c jobs and hence is a long cycle in0ol0ingconsiderable ti"e and "oney%


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    ;iure H153 Gra8h of chane in cost $s chane in desin

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    certi7cates per project the project re"ains in li"bo until these areobtained and the authorities satis7ed with the project% Redesign orchange in design entails obtaining o# the per"issions all o0er again%En0iron"ental clearance has been a stu"bling bloc #or all "ajor

    in#rastructure projects% Residential projects reFuire clearances #ro"the "unicipal authorities%

    >% @eather

    An unpredictable condition such as weather is a waste-causing#actor especially pertaining to the construction industry%

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    "onitored% Losses on both the contractors as well as the client sidecan be absorbed% E0en though the technological ad0ance"ent ishigh) losses such as leaages o# concrete #ro" place"ent pipes arestill high and need "ore technological and 7nancial bacing to


    These two parallel sections o# waste and delay causing ele"entsneed to address separately% The construction waste and waste dueto ancillary process in0ol0ed in construction% Ancillary process is theclassi7cation o# un#oreseeable waste% Together these two can helpbridge the "assi0e gap o# ti"e and cost o0erruns in the sector%

    ;iure :21 Worin and analyzin the site

    7 ConclusionsThe "aBi"u" waste occurring on the site is #ro" the wastage o#

    concrete% 3? o# the total cost can be considered as wastage due toineHciencies relating to the concrete% These can be understood bythe #act that 8:-:? o# the total cost is co"pro"ised by the cost o#concrete% And waste with regards to concrete can be seen #ro" thebatching plant) transportation) "otion) pouring and casting%IneHciencies in production o# batching plant causes loss% Loss inR$C trucs because o# waiting can be considered another

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    signi7cant waste% The "aBi"u" waste costing #eature is because o#bursting o# pipes carrying ce"ent to casting location% *ettertransport "echanis"s #or carrying concrete is reFuired) As a resulto# high speed 9owing o# concrete the pipes gi0e away their strength

    hence it is i"portant to 7nd alternati0e technologies which canresist the pressures o# high speed concrete 9ow%

    ;iure 711:3 "che%atic eF8lainin %ethods of reduction of waste on site >16?

    Abdul Rah"an et all /3:31 254 ha0e de0ised a three stagede0elop"ent procedure to eli"inate these waste #ro" the projects%+irst is waste identi7cation) waste e0aluation and waste response%+urther they ha0e gi0en tools to wor in each section o# waste"itigation% They ha0e proposed their "odel #or the $alaysianconteBt o# construction but it holds good #or all sections o#

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    construction and can be used with little "odi7cations as per theproject%

    'a0ing applied the 0alue engineering in the production principles

    o# the construction industry) "any positi0e results ha0e beenachie0ed worldwide) such as enhanced 0alue) reduced costs) andincreased custo"er satis#action% +or eBa"ple) *allard />1234

    achie0ed a ,:? producti0ity increase by "atching labors with thewor9ow o# baclog%

    $any project "anage"ent and patterning approaches to sharegain and pain ha0e e"erged such as 0alue-engineering) partnering)design-build% In addition) by #ocusing on the wor9ow) lean

    construction is able to unplug the clogs in the project strea"% Thus)construction processes lie planning) engineering) designing)constructing) producing and deli0ering o# "aterials are all bettercoordinated to deli0er "aBi"u" 0alue #or the project owner%I"pro0e"ent is) in part) acco"plished by eli"inating waste in theprocess%

    Adoption o# new techniFues such as *I$ and AconeB baseddocu"ent sharing and coordinating "ethodologies can help reduce

    the waste% These tools help the supply chain "anage"ent to be upto date% AconeB is project and process "anage"ent tool% Theso#tware essentially "anages processes) docu"ents) drawings)building in#or"ation "odels) co""unications) wor9ows) audittrails) and other project in#or"ation online - both "obile and webaccess% Technology can e"power the construction sector to"ini"iGe its wastage% Other i"portant consideration would be#reeGing o# the design and drawings be#ore co""encing theconstruction and obtaining all the reFuired proposals #or the

    construction be#ore going ahead with any construction% These twoprocesses are o# ut"ost i"portance to reduce the intangible wastesand i"pact on ti"e) cost and Fuality%

    The concepts o# lean construction and 0alue engineering aresuccess#ul because o# their tendency to identi#y and eli"inatewaste rather than "ini"iGing the"% Construction industry needs toidenti#y and eli"inate these unnecessary costs and that wouldpropel the industry towards eHcient and pro#essional standards%

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    6 References

    24=ingh) Ra"% /3::1% Cost and Ti"e O0erruns in In#rastructure 1) pp% 38-33) 5%

    24@%P% @an-$ah"ood) A%'% $oha""ed) $%=% $isnan) % $ohd-Puso#) A%*ari) !De0elop"ent o# Fuality culture in the construction industryK)

  • 8/9/2019 Characterization of Construction Waste Generated by Residential Projects


    2,4 AGa" +orsberg and Lasse =auoriipi /3::1% $easure"ent o# waste andproducti0ity in relation to lean thining% LuleS) =weden.Depart"ent o#Architecture and In#rastructure) LuleS &ni0ersity o# Technology%

    2>4 (%% Pates) /3:,1)=ustainable "ethods #or waste "ini"iGation inconstruction) Construction Inno0ation) 6ol% , Iss , pp% 35 M ,:


    284 % *allard) The last planner) $onterey) Cali#ornia. Lean ConstructionInstitute) >%

    24 =%