Chapter2 - Races

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  • 8/2/2019 Chapter2 - Races


    Planescape Campaign SettingChapter 2: Characters &


    Project ManagersKen MarableGabriel Sorrel

    EditorsKen MarableGabriel SorrelSarah Hood

    WritersKen Marable

    Ed OwakiPeter Schombert

    Gabriel SorrelSarah Wallen

    Johannes Weyrauch

    ArtworkChris Byler

    ColoringSarah Hood

    LayoutSarah Hood

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter2 - Races



    Creating a Character

    To create a Planescape character, discuss with your DM your charact er idea and how he or sheexpects the players to perf orm on the planes. Planars, being the knowledgeable f ellows thatthey are, categorize all creatures into one of five groups: Primes, Planars, Petitioners, Proxies,and Powers. These groups are discussed in detail below, including the role t hey play on the

    planes. If you are not familiar wi th Planescape, you should probably be a Prime so that you as aplayer can pick up information at the same rate that your character does. Players of Primecharacters need read no further than Chapter 5 to have all the information they ll need tocreate a complete Planescape character. Planars, on the other hand, are expected t o know agood deal of information about the multiverse and players should be familiar with the materialup to Chapter 8.

    Next choose your race and class. Since Planescape can be made compati ble with most d20settings, there exists the possibility for virtually any race to show up in some form in aPlanescape campaign. The races outlined in the Player s Handbookand this chapter comprisethe available options in a standard Planescape campaign. Keep in mind that planar races maybe signif icant ly dif ferent than their Prime counterpart s, and allegiances are l ikely j udged offalignment more than race. The Planescape Campaign Set t ingutil izes all the standard classes

    and prest ige classes from t he Player s Handbook, Dungeon Master s Guide, and ExpandedPsionics Handbook.

    Finally you determine your home plane and region. Your home plane is part icularly import antpart of character creation because it determines the plane you are notconsidered ext raplanar.Choosing a region for your character l ikewise gives you the option of f urt her ref ining yourcharacter s past , as well as giving you addit ional choices in f eats and languages. You shouldprobably choose a region that reflects the alignment and beliefs of your character. On theother hand, coming from a plane wit h complet ely opposit e philosophical views can provide atwist to your personality.

    Planar Denizens

    PrimesAlso known as the Outsiders, or Clueless, if you prefer a less polite term. Primes are travelersfrom one of the many crystal spheres in the Prime Material Plane. Through use of powerfulmagic, portals, or other myst ical means, t hey have j ourneyed beyond the borders of t heir smallworlds and entered the infinite scope of the planes. Just about every race from other campaignsettings fits into this category, including those in the Player s Handbook. Primes are oftenhumans, elves, dwarves, or other lesser known races that travel the multiverse in order tocomplete some task given to them by their king or deity, though some simply wish to learnmore about the multiverse. A few leave their home completely by accident, such as byunknowingly going through a port al, and dont even realize they lef t their plane. PCs arecommonly Primes if the DM has brought them to t he planes from another sett ing, be it atemporary or permanent t rip.

    Most Primes dont know the fi rst t hing about how the planes operate, which is why mostplanars call t hem the Clueless. They rarely understand the philosophy or the poli t ics of themultiverse, and are likely to find trouble faster than anything else without an honest guide tohelp them along. Primes also often believe the rest of the multiverse revolves around their ownworld in some manner. Many simply cant get over t he fact t hat their world doesn t exist at t hecenter of the mult iverse, and they expect every celest ial and fiend to respect them for it . Mostdont even realize that their world is not t he only one on the Prime Material Plane.

    Though the odd beliefs of Primes often make them seem crazed and easy marks, it s best tohave some care when dealing with them, at l east at f irst . Its takes powerful magic t o travel t he

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    planes; more than one planar has been burnt t rying to t ake advantage of t he wrong Primewizard. And of course, Primes dont look any dif ferent t han their planar counterparts, sothere s li t t le way to tell the dif ference. There are even a few sett lements scat tered about ofPrimes who have chosen to live permanently on the planes.


    Planars are the true denizens of the planes, ranging from planar humans to githzerai, fromfiends to genies. PCs in a Planescape campaign are most likely planar characters, the mortaland immortal inhabitants of the planes beyond the Prime Material. In contrast to the ignorantPrimes, planars have grown up in t he mult iverse and know how things work; they tend t o havean understanding of the rules and forces governing the mult iverse, an intuit ive knack fordealing with portals, and some measure of respect for the true strength of belief. Asinhabitants of the planes, planars are innately more magical than Primes and often posses someunique features that set them apart . For starters, all planars have the natural abilit y to see theoutline of portals, the tunnels between the planes, whether the portals are currently active ornot , wi th a successful Spot (DC 18) or a Search (DC 10) check.

    Planars respect power, but even more t hey respect knowledge and quick t hinking. Themultiverse is infinitely large and dangerous, and there is always something with greater

    st rength or magical power. Planars survive by knowing when to fi ght , when to t alk, and whento just run for the nearest port al.

    Clarifying Outsider

    The term outsider has mult iple meanings depending on what system you are most famili arwith. By its loose definition, any creature is an outsider if it is extraplanar: the plane it is oncurrently is not its home plane. In Planescape, planars often refer to Primes as outsidersbecause they come from such an isolated portion of the multiverse. In Dungeons & Dragons3.0E, this term is redefined to describe any sort of nonelemental creature that comes from adimension, reality, or plane other than the Prime Material Plane. Many outsiders, likeelementals, are the manifestation of the traits of t heir home plane and are oft en referred to asexemplar. Exemplars on the Outer Planes include all types of celestials, fiends, modrons,rilmani, and slaadi. Outsiders may gain more skill points and feats, and by being a different

    creature type are not subj ect t o effects that specif icall y target humanoids such as the spelldominate person.

    While these rules may work in a campaign centered on t he Prime Material, they are not asappropriate for a Planescape campaign, where almost all creatures could be consideredoutsiders. Instead, t he creature type outsider is reserved for creatures wit h a part icularlypowerful connection to their plane, with other creatures becoming planar versions of othercreature t ypes. For instance, native outsiders such as aasimar and t ief li ngs, as featured in theForgot t en Realms Campaign Set t ing, are planar humanoids. So a tiefl ing could be aff ected bythe spell charm personbecause it is a humanoid, but it could also be raised by the spell raisedeadsince it is not an outsider.


    The most numerous beings in t he mult iverse would be peti t ioners, the departed spirit s ofPrimes and planars who have been reborn in some form of afterlife. Virtually all petitioners areon the Outer Planes on whatever plane most closely matched their alignment or faith. Soulsthat worshipped a specific power or pantheon are assigned a place in the afterlife based on the

    j udgment of those deit ies, which normally means they are reborn in the realm of theirrespective powers. Because of this it is possible, if exceedingly rare, for petitioners to bereborn on the Prime Material Plane, on the Inner Planes, or on any other plane where a powerkeeps it s realm.

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    The powers determine how petitioners exist in the afterlife spiritually and physically. They maybe made into shapes deemed appropriate or valued by the deity, though typically petitionersare very much like they were in their first life. For instance, a power that favors felines maychange her followers into cats, while elemental powers are fond of shaping their followers intobarely sentient sparks of elemental matt er. The petit ioners mannerisms and int erests fromtheir f ormer l ives remain, t hough any memories usually f ade to shadowy fragments. Petit ionerslive to attain harmony and union with their power or plane, thus gaining purity from the idealsthey value. This can be accomplished in any number of ways depending on their alignment:works of charity and good will, vile acts of selfishness, abandonment of thought or desire, etc.

    Petitioners serve primarily as the nonplayer characters in a Planescape campaign. They mayserve any role appropriate for their plane or realm: property owners, farmers, smiths, guards,spies, and so fort h. Some may act under t he orders of t heir powers; others may be furt heringtheir own goals, which usually centers on becoming closer t o their respecti ve plane. Most haveeither few class levels, though some amount of skill from their previous lives lingers with them.Essentially they are planars, but in addition, perhaps because of their spiritual existence, theyare completely immune to necromantic effects including spells that harm or heal.

    When pet it ioners die, their essence is scatt ered and absorbed into their plane. There is noknown way to revive slain petitioners. Most cannot leave their plane unless instructed by theirdeity, and those who do die on another plane face oblivion. St il l, these risks are viewed asnecessary methods to prove themselves, and thus become closer to t heir power.


    Though not t ruly their own category, proxies are a cut above the rest, as they are t he chosenfavori tes of t he powers. Where cler ics are t he heralds of t he gods, proxies are t he knights.Primes, planars, petitioners, monsters, or anything else that has proven itself in service of itsgod may be elevated to proxy status, a posit ion that grants more power and responsibi li ty thanmost planars ever know. Proxies give themselves entirely to their deity, becoming completelyobedient to the desires of their power according to their alignment, and becoming more andmore like their patron god. Good proxies are often kind, loyal, and selfless servants to theirgod. Evil proxies may be cunning, manipulat ive, and t reacherous. Such proxies may serve t heir

    powers only until they can manage to betray them and come out on top.

    The st rength, appearance, and authorit y of a proxy depends on it s patron and the assignment ithas been given. While proxies usually retain their creature t ype, powers sometimes elevatetheir proxies to planars or even exemplars and, like petitioners, they are often changed intocreatures favored by their god such as orcs, devas, or other, more mythological creatures.Aside from at high and epic levels, PCs are almost never made into proxies, and cannot becomesuch without their power s approval. Instead, proxies are typically t he elit e nonplayercharacters that see, speak, and act where their power may not be able t o do so direct ly. Someare granted proxy status temporarily in order to fulfill a single mission, while those who haveproven themselves wort hy may be granted a longer last ing posit ion in t heir pat ron s service.The greatest proxies may even be granted demigod status for a t ime at the cost of t he deit y sown strength, making them dangerous individuals indeed. No matter what their position,deit ies expect their proxies to receive the same respect and reverence as the gods themselvesare given. To disrespect or attack a proxy is to do so to its patron, which contributes to theawe and fear that surrounds them.


    The deit ies that reside in t he mult iverse are commonly referred t o as powers by planars.Rightly so, for if you ask them most would say they are the prime de facto rulers of themultiverse, and they have the strength to back it up. As the living embodiments of belief, andthe power that it represents, the gods are both inspiring and terrible. They are the mysterious

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    hands behind events both small and large throughout t he cosmos. Most powers have a realm onthe Outer Plane that best suit s their nature and domains. You cant j ust walk into a palace andspot a god, t hough. They aren t seen unless they want t o be, and sometimes such an encountercan be enough to kill a mortal. Almost all deities are part of a larger pantheon, and all in alltheres a count less number of powers both known and hidden scatt ered across creation. Whiletheir plots and agendas st ret ch across the mult iverse, drawing in planar and Prime alike, mostseem to exist in an uneasy balance. The condit ions of such a t ruce are t he source of endlessdebate among planars, but more than li kely i t exists to secure the powers own posit ion.

    The powers dont take quit e as much interest in t he Outer Planes as you might expect. ThePrime Material Plane continues to hold the attention of most gods, as they draw more strengthfrom their worshippers there than anywhere else. While planars may have closer contact withdeities and have greater faith in their might, this certainty comes from continuous proof anddirect experience. It seems the fait h of Primes, who dont need to see to believe, simplyprovides more sustenance to t he gods. This isnt to say that their servants on the planes areignored. In fact i t s quite t he opposit e; t heir planar f ollowers are more likely t o be given thehonor of serving them in specific missions anywhere on the planes. Performing such tasks cango along way to secure a ones place in the mult iverse, t hough failure or outr ight refusal maymean paying a far bigger price.

    Planescape Races

    The races described below are the standard PC races for a Planescape campaign. They can allbe found in Sigil , which serves as the home for most characters. Not all of t he races below aresuited to work together in a party, the githyanki and the githzerai being the most obviousexample of this, as the racial hatred between the two runs so deep that they could never worktogether without significant explanation. Discuss with the other players the characters you areplaying, and what relationships may exist between them before t he campaign begins. Seetables 2-1 and 2-2 for addit ional information on Planescape races.

    Table 2-1 Aging Effects

    Race Adult hood Middle Age* Old** Venerable Maximum Age

    Aasimar 16 62 93 125 +2d20 yearsBariaur 17 50 75 100 +3d10 yearsBladeling 17 50 75 100 +2d10 years

    Chaond 17 50 75 100 +5d20 yearsGenasi 20 60 90 120 +6d10 yearsGithyanki 30 125 167 250 +1d%years

    Git hzerai 30 125 167 250 +1d%yearsKhaasta 20 60 90 120 +2d10 yearsModron Outcast NA NA NA NA No LimitNathri 20 62 93 125 +3d20 yearsShad 10 25 40 70 +2d10 years

    Tief li ng 17 50 75 100 +1d%yearsTuladhara 16 62 93 125 +4d20 years

    Zenythri 16 62 93 125 +4d10 years* -1 to St r, Con, and Dex; +1 to Int , Wis, and Cha.

    ** -2 to Str, Con, and Dex; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. -3 to St r, Con, and Dex; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

    Git hyanki spend most of t heir li ves on the Ast ral Plane, and thus may be far older than theyseem physically. The githyanki rely on secret spells to prevent time from catching up with themwhen leaving the Ast ral Plane.

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    Table 2-2 Random Height and Weight

    Race Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier

    Aasimar, man 51 +2d10 140 x (1d4) lb.

    Aasimar, woman 50 +2d10 90 x (1d4) lb.Bariaur, man 65 +2d6 700 x (2d4) lb.

    Bariaur, woman 62 +2d6 660 x (2d4) lb.Bladeling, man 52 +2d6 130 x (2d6) lb.

    Bladeling, woman 52 +2d6 110 x (2d6) lb.Chaond, man 51 +1d10 130 x (2d6) lb.Chaond, woman 51 +1d10 120 x (2d6) lb.

    Genasi, air man 48 +2d4 130 x (1d6) lb.Genasi, air woman 47 +2d4 80 x (1d6) lb.Genasi, earth man 51 +2d8 160 x (1d4) lb.Genasi, earth woman 50 +2d8 110 x (1d4) lb.Genasi, f ire man 50 +1d10 150 x (1d4) lb.

    Genasi, f ire woman 49 +1d10 100 x (1d4) lb.Genasi, water man 50 +1d10 150 x (1d6) lb.Genasi, water woman 49 +1d10 100 x (1d6) lb.

    Git hyanki, man 52 +2d10 120 x (1d4) lb.Git hyanki, female 50 +2d10 90 x (1d4) lb.Git hzerai, man 52 +2d10 120 x (1d4) lb.Git hzerai, female 50 +2d10 90 x (1d4) lb.

    Khaasta, man 58 +2d6 200 x (1d4) lb.Khaasta, female 58 +2d6 190 x (1d4) lb.Modron outcast 60 - 500 -

    Nathr i, man 31 +2d4 50 x (1d4) lb.Nathr i, woman 30 +2d4 40 x (1d4) lb.Shad, man 31 +2d4 70 x (1d6) lb.

    Shad, woman 30 +2d4 55 x (1d6) lb.Tiefl ing, man 410 +2d10 110 x (2d4) lb.

    Tiefl ing, woman 47 +2d10 80 x (2d4) lb.Tuladhara, man 411 +2d10 125 x (2d4) lb.Tuladhara, woman 48 +2d10 90 x (2d4) lb.

    Zenythr i, man 56 +1d8 120 x (2d4) lb.Zenythr i, woman 56 +1d8 90 x (2d4) lb.

    Psioni c Characters

    Psionics are assumed by default to exist in the Planescape setting, as described in theExpandedPsionics Handbook. While not as common as magic, psionics are widely recognized,and those who manifest them are often respected on the planes because of t heir mental

    st rength. Psionics are part icularly common on the Outlands and on the Ast ral Plane. Three ofthe races listed below are psionic creatures: the git hyanki, the git hzerai, and the nathri . Inmost cases variants wil l be provided for magical counterpart s if your campaign does not f eaturepsionics.

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    The noble scions of the Upper Planes, aasimar are mortals that bear remnants of celest ialblood in their veins. Much like their celestial ancestors, aasimar tend to be kind, honorable,and proud. They normally li ve among humans, oft en becoming heroes and leaders of their

    communit ies as they continuously st rive t o bring just ice and prosperit y t o their mortal kin.

    Personality: Most aasimar possess an air of confidence and charmthat sets good folk at ease and causes evil folk to grit their teeth.Loyal, courageous, and oft en honest t il l it hurts, i t s easy to seetheir celestial heritage, which they take great pride in. Aasimarfeel deep down that they have a duty to lead and protect, tofi ght for j ust ice, and t o crush evil at every t urn. This passioncauses them to make many close friends, as well as many bit terenemies. While they respect t he rights of others to choose theirown ways of life, very few aasimar could sit idly by if they sawsomething morally quest ionable. Some people might view t hemas overbearing, but such folk are t hose who probably shouldn t

    be left to their own devices.

    Physical Description: While nearly all aasimar can arguablypass for humans or half -elves, t hey all possess features of t heirnoble heritage that give them away. Flawless skin and radianthair is typically t he first sign that t here s something diff erentabout them. Some posses more distinctive features such asvibrant metallic eyes, a tiny unicorn horn growing from theirforehead, or even a birthmark shaped like a holy symbol.Aasimar rarely have much interest in fanciful clothing or othermaterialistic things, and tend to dress in the normal style ofwhatever community they were raised in. They carry themselveswith a strong yet gentle demeanor, which adds to their ability to

    standout in a crowd.

    Relations: Aasimar are usually more interested in what kind of lifeyou live than your race, but they don t fail to acquire prejudices.They tend to disdain t ief lings on principle along wit h anyone whothey consider tainted with evil. Their natural charisma allowsthem to gain the attention of most creatures, while theircompassion, honesty, and reliabil it y earns them long-last ingfriendship with most well-intending people. Others know thataasimar are clean and honest folk, so theyre t rusted andrespected more than most planetouched. Because of theirinterest in the welfare of others, aasimar often rise topositions of leadership and prestige in their communities such

    as religious leaders, advisors, or constables.

    Alignment: Inherently pure and good, nearly all aasimar sidewit h their celest ial ancestors in alignment. For whatever reason there is also a predisposit iontowards lawfulness, though a few will do just about anything to serve the greater good, even ifit means breaking a few rules and probably a few bones. However, though most f ight againstevil wherever it gains power, some aasimar have been known to fall int o treachery anddarkness, gaining the enmit y and fear of those they once protected.

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    Aasimar Lands: Having no communit ies of their own, nor desir ing any, aasimar of ten keep ahome in Sigil or in human towns on the Upper Planes. Individual aasimar can be found justabout anywhere, f ighti ng inj ust ice and spreading good whether theyre welcome or not.

    Belief: Almost all aasimar hold t he tenets of Good and Order dear above all else, even theirown lives. Many adventuring aasimar are paladins, with others serve as clerics to good deities.Aasimar are most numerous among the Sons of Mercy and the Harmonium, as these factionsexist t o spread good to others in one way or another. Though polit e, t hey rarely have muchrespect for factions that focus on the self above the community, and strongly dislike morbidfactions such as the Dustmen and the Bleak Cabal.

    Language: Aasimar speak Planar Trade, and many learn t o speak Celest ial .

    Names: Aasimar are oft en given human names by their parents, t hough a few take on celest ialnames to furt her ident if y themselves later in l ife.

    Adventurers: Few aasimar can, or want to, deny their r ighteous herit age, and therefore manyfeel it is their duty to sponsor integrity, honesty, and kindness through all the realms ofexistence. Many, after seeing how much evil there is to be overthrown, take the road ofadventuring as the path t o do the most good. Some believe that t he best way to win againstevil is to maintain an exemplary life within their own home communities and protect themfrom corruption. In either case, the aasimar are normally trying to live up to their celestialancestors, who are more than li kely sti ll alive and keeping an eye on their descendents.

    Role-playing an Aasimar: Within you is the blood of celestials. You are the embodiment ofcourage, honor, compassion, and sincerit y. As a champion of good, you are charged withdefending your weaker kin, j ust as you are ent it led t o their respect . It is your responsibil it y tobe ever watchful for evil and to strike it down at every opportunity. Vice and wickedness areyour enemies, as are those who would spread it . Just ice and peace are t heir own rewards asyou travel the planes undoing the wrongs of ot hers and avenging unjust deaths. Though fameand power are tools to spread the word of good, you must be careful not to allow yourself tofall to arrogance and greed, and ri sk becoming what you hate most .

    AASIMAR RACIAL TRAITS +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. The aasimar s heri tage makes them wise and inspiring leaders.

    Medium-sized humanoid.

    Aasimar base speed is 30 feet .

    Acid, cold, and electr icit y resistance 5.

    Daylight (Sp): Aasimar can use daylight once per day as cast by a sorcerer of theircharacter level.

    +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Automati c Languages: Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Any (except secretlanguages, such as Druidic).

    Plane of Origin: Any (oft en one of the Upper planes).

    Favored Class: Paladin. Level Adj ustment +1.

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    Bariaur are tauric i nhabit ants of the Upper Planes, combining features of humans and rams.These natives of Ysgard are herbivorous and generally peaceful in nature, though like many ofYsgard s residents they enj oy competi t ion and do not fear any batt le. Their herds are acommon sight on the chaoti c side of the Upper Planes as they travel f rom plane to plane. Many

    bariaur make their way to Sigil on their own as t raders, explorers, or j ust to use it a connect ingpoint between j ourneys.

    Personality: The best word t o describe bariauris carefree. They are optimistic about life,always looking to the best possibleoutcomes of events, as well as the bestin other people. Bariaur are very social,and possess a powerful wanderlust ,making it hard for them to settle down inone place for long. They constantly wishto try new things and see new places.Staying in one cit y, or even on one plane,

    bores them, which is why the herds areknown to t ravel such great distances.Bariaur also enjoy combat , and whenchall enged they are focused warriors.However, they are not generallyblood thirsty and don t desire to kil ltheir opponents, only to defeatthem.

    Physical Description: Bariaurstrongly resemble the centaurs foundon some Prime worlds, though theygenerally do not care for the comparison.

    Unlike centaurs, a bariaur s lower bodyappears to be that of a large goat, insteadof a horse, while their torso looks human. Inaddition, a male bariaur have a large pair ofram horns on his head, while females havesmaller, less noticeable horns. Bariaur aregenerally very mindful of their appearance,considering it a mat ter of pr ide to look ones best . They usually wear shirts, j ackets, blouses,or vests, but only t o look fashionable, and spend long hours keeping their pelt s well groomed.For special occasions some bariaur may even weave jewelry int o their fur or suspend it fromtheir horns.

    Relations: Bariaur are very easy to get along wit h. They are very accepting of ot hers, and in

    return most people have few problems with them. Of course, the general disrespect for rulesthat most bariaur express disturbs those involved wit h keeping the law. In fact, many bariaurhave long suspected t hat the keepers of the law oft en single them out wit hout reason,especially in the days of the Harmonium. Those who take life seriously or with cynicism, suchas certain genasi, tieflings, and zenythri often have difficulty putting up with the typicalbariaur cheerfulness. Bariaur, on the other hand, enj oy trying to loosen up such folk, seeing itas a challenge and a service.

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    Alignment: Many bariaur are chaotic good, but none can say whether this is inherent in t heirnature or if it comes from their long residence on the Upper Planes. Despit e this tendency,bariaur of all alignments can be found.

    Bariaur Lands: Bariaur are found on many planes, but their herds are found only on Arborea,the Beast lands, Elysium, the Out lands, and Ysgard. These herds roam all across the fields therein a seemingly random fashion, but of these f ive planes bariaur are by far most numerous onYsgard. As a people bariaur erect no st ructures, although individual bariaur may do so. Thosenot f ound in t hese herds are usually l one wanderers, prot ectors of t he wilderness, or herders.The majorit y of bariaur have lit t le contact wit h civil izat ion, and some have never even seen acit y larger t han a small town.

    Belief: Bariaur have their share of clerics among them, t hough their close t ies to t he land alsocause a large number to be drawn to the druidic lifestyle. They believe strongly in a carefree,unrestricted lifestyle, and do not approve of those that try to restrict others with laws andtyranny. Bariaur whose travels bring them to Sigil are likely t o join the Free League, as theIndeps share their views on personal freedom. Many also choose to join t he Sensates, who, l ikemost bariaur, seek to experience new things. They are extremely unlikely to join theDoomguard, the Bleak Cabal, or t he Dustmen, as the negative views on lif e expressed by thesefactions do not appeal to bariaur mentali ty. It is also rare t o see them as members of groupssuch as the Harmonium, for t hey cannot stand the rest rict ions enforced by such organizations.

    Language: Bariaur speak Bariaur, Planar Trade, and Celestial. The Celestial tongue is used forcommunication wi th some of t heir neighbors on the Upper Planes, while Planar Trade isoccasionally used for t rading and discussion with outsiders.

    Names: Bariaur are given a name at bi rt h by their parents, and they also have a herd namethat indicates either t heir current herd or t he herd in which they were born into.

    Male Names: Cious, Grazik, Darun, Jalen, Lij el, Mihel, Zatar

    Female Names: Floria, Glien, Kilil, Defilia, Entida, Jillia, Welida

    Herd Names: Wide Wanderers, Green Pastures, Far Mountain, Open Plain, Winding River

    Adventurers: The wanderlust shared by many bariaur drives them into the career of adventuring.Usually they begin t heir careers by simply walking away from the herd one day, and soon they aredrawn to try to meet other people, unti l t hey often as not wind up in Sigil. Others are drawn to a li feof adventure through their exploration of trade opportunities. No matter what drew them to a life ofadventure, bariaur embark on their journeys with the gusto with which they typically approach allventures they undertake.

    Roleplaying a Bariaur: Every day is a good day, for every day is a new chance to see newthings. It is not possible to fail all of the time, thus even when everything is at its worst thingshave to look up eventuall y. Don t stay in one place too long; the planes are infinitely large, andtherefore you shouldn t waste much t ime in one spot. Fear not danger nor adversit y; you wil l

    die one day, and so it is best to take a risk and face the challenges before you. Every situationhas potential for hope, so never give up, even when things seem the bleakest. And never, everback away from a good fight, for what fun would running from a challenge be?


    +2 Strength, -2 Charisma: Bariaur are st ronger t han average humans, but their carefreenature oft en makes them poor leaders.

    Medium-size monstrous humanoid.

    Bariaur base speed is 40 feet.

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    Spell resistance 11 + class level.

    +2 racial bonus to Wil l saves against spells and spell-l ike abili t ies.

    Quadruped: As quadrupeds, bariaurs gain a +4 bonus on checks to resist bul l rush and tr ipatt acks. They have a carrying capacity 1 t imes greater t han normal for t heir St rength.They must wear barding instead of normal armor and cannot wear boots designed forhumanoids.

    Powerful Charge (Ex): A bariaur of ten begins a batt le by charging at an opponent, loweringit s head to smash it s rams horns against a foe. In addit ion to the normal benefit s andhazards of a charge, this all ows the bariaur to make a single bludgeoning at tack that deals2d6 + 1 t imes the bariaur s St rength modif ier.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    +2 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

    Automatic Languages: Bariaur, Celest ial , Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages:Elven, Giant, Sylvan.

    Plane of Origin: Often Arborea or Ysgard.

    Favored Class: Ranger.

    Level Adj ustment +1.


    Bladelings are dangerous inhabitants of the Lower Plane of Acheron. Like their home plane,they seem to be made most ly of metal. Bladelings do not t rust outsiders, and are rarely foundoutside their home communities, but when they do leave they quickly come to be respectedand feared.

    Personality: Many bladelings are extremely xenophobic. Those who have traveled outside ofAcheron oft en learn t o deal wit h st rangers, but they are always suspicious of anyone who is nota bladeling. Those who have not lef t their home plane are usuall y openly host il e to st rangersand can be provoked to violence with little motivation. Unlike many Lower Planar races,bladeling society insti ll s int o all it s members a st rong sense of dut y and community; as a resultthey think foremost of their community and only secondly of themselves. Nevertheless, they fit

    poorl y in societ ies consisti ng of other races, as this respect for community does not extendtoward them. Bladelings are also highly superst it ious, and as their beliefs are passed on fromone generation to the next the bladelings will not abandon them, even when presented withevidence that suggests that t hey are in the wrong.

    Physical Description: Bladelings have a humanoid form, and stand on average 6 feet tall, butotherwise share few qualities with humans. Most noticeably different is that bladelings arecovered with patches of metall ic spines. Their skin also looks metall ic, giving bladelings theappearance of animated constructs. Some scholars speculate that in their initial battles withrust dragons the bladelings developed their immunity to rust and corrosion in order to surviveagainst these foes. Furthermore, their eyes, usually blue or purple, glow with a sinister lightthat unnerves anyone willing to meet their stare. Overall, this gives bladelings the appearanceof being fiendish, which for many of their race is an accurate description. They have littleinterest in superf icial clothing, and many rely on their natural armor for protect ion.

    Relations: Within their own community bladelings are very closely tied together, for withoutthis unit y they would not be able t o resist the dangers of Ocanthus. However, the isolat ion ofmost bladeling cit ies causes them to instincti vely distrust other races. Natural xenophobes,bladelings often find it difficult to deal with other races, or even other communities ofbladelings. Bladelings almost never learn to trust non-bladelings completely, and will alwayscarefully watch even long-time companions. Because of this distrust, others find it hard tobefriend a bladeling, and are thus more likely to turn against them. This merely reinforces thebladeling s ideas about t he unreliabili ty of other races.

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    Alignment: Most bladelings share the alignment of their home plane of Acheron, lawful evil.However, a small portion of the population is lawful neutral, and it is from this group thatmany adventurers are found. Even the lawful neutral bladelings may have some eviltendencies, arising from the upbringing that they must overcome.

    Bladeling Lands: Bladelings are found in the greatest concentration on Ocanthus, the fourt hlayer of Acheron. The primary bladeling city is Zoronor. Also call ed the Cit y of Shadows,Zoronor is surrounded by a shell of wood called the Blood Forest that, for the most part,protects the inhabitants from the deadly environment of Ocanthus. Other bladeling cities are

    undocumented, although thenumber of bladelings one mayencounter surely indicates thereare more. It is rumored that therace did not always hail fromAcheron, but that they left someother plane to move to Ocanthus inthe distant past. The truth of thematter is likely lost, and thebladelings themselves seemuninterested.

    Belief: Clerics are prevalentamong the bladelings, who as awhole seem to be a religiouspeople. Some clerics devotethemselves to Hextor, others whohail from Zoronor worship theBlood Forest as a lesser god cal ledHriste, the Gray Whisperer.However, the maj orit y worships anunknown force or pantheon, andthey will not speak about this

    belief to anyone, not even to theirclosest companions. Bladelings whof ind t hemselves in Sigil wil l mostlikely be attracted to theSodkill ers, as their harshinterpretat ion of j ust ice appeals toboth the lawful nature ofbladelings and their darker

    tendencies, or to the Fraternity of Order, as they too are interested in the pursuit of order.They are never at t racted to the Xaosit ects, the Free League, or other chaot ic f actions as theycannot understand their disrespect f or the law. Few can understand the Athar, as theirteachings go against the st rong reli gious t ies in bladeling society.

    Language: Bladelings speak Planar Trade and Infernal.

    Names: Bladelings are given a name at bir th by their parents. When they reach the age ofadulthood they pick a descriptor to follow their name which either reflects their abilities or isintended to f righten their enemies.

    Male Names: Bladac, Cutaros, Glearan, Raj in, Shadi, Tarkai, Velassi

    Female Names: Abalido, Ortoris, Higaria, Delara, Evensha, Jidika, Yolatis

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    Descriptor: Shades Doom, Silent Kil ler, Shadow Walker, Death Drinker

    Adventurers: There are generally two types of bladelings found adventuring on the planes. Thefirst group is made up of explorers and traders who were sent out by their communities togather knowledge about the other planes and to bring back goods that can help the bladelingssurvive on Ocanthus. Bladelings of t his type will usually make periodic returns to theircommunity to share their knowledge and acquisitions with their city. The second group areoutcasts from bladeling society, who are now trying to set up new l ives for t hemselves outsideof Acheron. Outcasts are usually afraid to return to Ocanthus, as there their former brethrenmay at tack them. For t his reason, outcasts usually conceal t heir status to avoid reprisal.

    Roleplaying a Bladeling: Darkness pulls at you from the back of your mind, causing you to dothings others do not approve of. You must resist these impulses to survive, yet giving in is somuch easier. This is the fault of t he others; their non-bladeling ways have made you weaker.They are responsible, not you. Always watch your back; you never know when your so-calledfr iends wil l t urn on you.


    +2 Dexterit y: Bladelings have a natural agil it y that makes them deadly warriors. Medium-size humanoid.

    Bladeling base speed is 30 feet.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Bladelings have a +4 natural armor bonus.

    Natural Weapons: All bladelings automati cally have a claw at tack that deals 1d6 + Strengthmodifier points of slashing damage.

    Razor Storm (Ex): Once per day, a bladeling can expel shrapnel-like bits of its skin in a 15-foot cone, dealing 2d6 points of piercing damage to any creature in t he area. A Refl ex save(DC 10 + Const it ut ion modif ier) halves the damage. Aft er this att ack, t he bladeling snatural armor bonus drops to +2 for 24 hours.

    Immunit ies (Ex): A bladeling takes no damage from acid, and it is immune to rust at tacksdespite it s metall ic hide.

    Cold and fire resistance 5. DR 5/ magic bludgeoning.

    Metal Hide: Certain spells that affect armor, such as heat metal, treat the bladeling asthough wearing armor t hat cannot be taken off . In addit ion, t he spikes on the bladelingsbody make it impossible for a bladeling to wear medium or heavy armor.

    Automati c Languages: Infernal, Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Giant,Goblin, Orc.

    Plane of Origin: Usually Acheron.

    Favored Class: Fighter.

    Level Adj ustment +1.

    ChaondThe implantat ion method used by the slaadi t o reproduce is well known and feared, but whatfew planewalkers realize is that even when a victim is cleansed of the infection the remnantsof chaos often persist. These lingering elements are overlooked as the unsuspecting soulcontinues about their life, but can become painfully obvious when their descendants appearmore slaad than human. These hybrids are usually killed, but some are simply abandoned inremote places of t he wild. Few survive on their own for long, but a small number manage tothrive and even procreate. As the generat ions pass, the slaad taint weakens and the humanside grows stronger, allowing them to live lives that are more normal. The mark of chaos

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    always remains with these planetouched, known as chaonds, forever separating them fromhumans and even other planar creatures.

    Personality: Chaonds are outgoing, f lamboyant creatures. Whimsical and emotional, they areprone to sudden shifts in mood as well as flights of fancy, and feel no need to excuse theiractions to others. Few look past the present moment or t heir own desires, and they aregenerally amused by the tendency of otherraces to trouble themselves with thoughtsof the past and future. Though they arenaturally very social, many people findtheir insensitivity to social custom andfits of emotion unsettling. This does notbother the chaonds, however, as theyexpect nothing from those around themand couldn t care less about the opinionsof others. Their own interests andtastes change rapidly, causing t hemto live by a variety of differentlifestyles and morals. They are notwithout reason for their actions,only quick to change their mind andeven faster to act off it .

    Physical Description: Chaondsnormally appear as rudimentaryhumans wit h thick chests and limbs,blocky facial features, and slowlyshifting skin and hair color. They rangein height f rom 5 1 to 510, and arenormally t wice as wide as a typicalhuman is. Many are repulsed and a lit t leint imidated by the chaonds savage body shape and posture, which disguises an agil it ysurpassing most. Chaonds wear virtually anything, even patching different assortments of

    clothing together and equipment, having little interest in appearance or style. The result isoft en a gaudy display of color and design matching the chaonds own unorthodox form. Theyalso possess a wide variety of unique physical features that link them to their slaad ancestorfrom patches of hardened scales to repti li an hands and feet . Most have a gravelly voice t hatsometimes resembles a croak when they are excited. These are j ust a few physicalabnormalit ies; over the generat ions nearly any sort of alteration may develop among.

    Relations: The chaonds indif ference to the opinions and rules of others serves as both ablessing and a curse in their relat ionships. While most f ind chaonds pleasant companions(overlooking their frequent outbursts of emotion), the chaos planetouched are rarely welcomeamong st ruct ured societ ies or organizat ions. Chaonds instead choose to spend most of t heirtime in the wild on the edge of civilization, mixing with others infrequently and only for shortperiods. Well aware of their unusual heritage and form, they tend to get along with any other

    race, t reat ing everyone as equals with an openness that surpri ses the most li beral person. Theyget along particularly well with bariaur, who share their free spirited nature, and manyt ief lings feel some common ground wit h them. Chaonds view t hose who impose laws onthemselves and others as misguided, and have no compunct ions against ignoring or act ivelyworking against such tyrant s.

    Alignment: Chaonds are inherent ly chaotic due to their slaad blood, but can be of any moralalignment. They are often self-centered in their apathy for the concerns of those around them,but some feel a calling to protect the freedom and lives of others. With anything being capable

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    for t he chaos-touched, some chaond show a preference for order and st ructure over f reedom.Such folk are the except ion, however.

    Chaond Lands: Chaonds have no organized cult ure or place to call home, but oft en live on theedge of planar civil izat ions. Rarely do t hey assume ownership of a part icular area, believingthat others have as much claim as they do, and having no desire to sit in one location for long.

    Belief: Firmly believing that they choose their own path, chaonds have little use for fates orpowers, and abhor enforced rel igion. Some choose to ally themselves wit h chaotic deit ies, ifthey share a similar belief or goal, but are as likely to ignore dictates as they are to obey themif it doesn t fi t wit h the chaonds current t aste. Naturally, the Xaosit ects have the highestnumber of chaond members, though a few can be found among the Transcendent Order andRevolut ionary League.

    Language: Most chaond speak Planar Trade, t hough their t ravels give them access to a widevariety of languages.

    Names: Chaond names are based on where t hey were born, and thus can be nearl y anything.Suit ing their chaotic nature, chaond like going by alternating nicknames before fall ing back ontheir given name.

    Adventuring: With a deep-rooted need to travel and explore, chaond are natural adventurersand can be found in any sort of environment or among any part y. They are comfort able wit hmost of the terrain found on the planes, and many serve as guides. They are most at home onthe chaoti c side of the Great Ring, but some take bringing anarchy to order as a chall enge.

    Roleplaying a Chaond: You live without restraint, responsibility, or worry. Others may burythemselves wit h t rivial concerns and chain t heir l ives wit h rules, but you know bett er. Life isn tmeant to be with rest rict ions, but wi th the freedom and will ingness to explore it s many facets.To this end, you travel constantly, rarely remaining in one place for long, lest you miss somenew experience and sensation. You live your life in the moment, for there is no point in beingtied down by the past and future. While always open to new ideas, you do not let the opinionsof others sway you to follow the t rends or int erfere wi th how you want to live your l if e.

    Chaond Racial Trait s +4 Dexterit y, +2 Const it ution, -2 Charisma: Chaond are sturdy and surpri singly agile,

    contributing to their feral appearance.

    Medium-size humanoid.

    Chaond base speed is 30 feet .

    Acid, cold, and sonic resistance 5.

    Shatt er (Sp): Chaond can use shatteronce per day as cast by a sorcerer of their characterlevel.

    +2 racial bonus on Escape Art ist and Tumble checks.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Automati c Languages: Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Any (ot her t han secret

    languages, such as Druidic). Plane of Origin: Any (of ten one of the Planes of Chaos).

    Favored Class: The fi rst class chosen by a chaond is thei r favored class. Once chosen itcannot be changed.

    Level adj ustment +1.

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    Genasi, Air

    Heirs to t he open sky and wild blue yonder, air genasi are descendants of dj inn, sylphs, andother inhabitants of the Elemental Plane of Air. Such pair ings are very rare, but t here areoccasions when except ional humans are chosen as mates. Also known as wind dukes, air genasi,li ke most elemental planetouched, are viewed as aliens because of t heir elemental heritageand disliked for their distant and arrogant nature. Though they have high ideals and stormy

    tempers, they can be quite gentle and friendly to those who manage to meet their standards.

    Personality: Air genasi are quit e used to looking down oneveryone and seem to manage this even when standing onthe ground. Having no need to breathe, they see suchwaste of air an affront to its purity, and their disdain inthe fault s of others only grows from there. The self-styled wind dukes are seen by most folk as haughty andself-important, but are well respected within the

    Elemental Plane of Air for their heritage. Elsewhere,however, they are viewed much as other genasi,

    which is an affront to their egos. Air genasi arewild and carefree; their temper often shifts

    between a calm breeze and a raging tempestseemingly without warning. They are swift to

    make rivalries and are fiercely competitiveabout anything their capricious natureindicates is worthy.

    Physical Description: With their mortalparents being chosen for exceptionalqualities combined with their elementalblood, air genasi are usually strikinglyexotic in appearance. They often have asultry, breathy voice, and what seems to

    be a constant breeze blowing through their

    hair, even while indoors. Some are proud of alight bluish tint to their skin or hair, as well asthe coolness it radiates. Air genasi do not needto breathe, furthering the idea of their alienphysiology. Most have a permanentlydisheveled look about their hair and attire,which they view as only the propermanifestation of things.

    Relations: Air genasi tend to look uponother races as rivals and inferiors. Theywill rarely deign to lower their standards

    or assist those of lesser heritage than themselves. Instead, they prefer the company of their

    peers and individuals they believe measure up somehow. Overall , the air genasi do not seem tofit in well in most planar societies, as they rarely take interest in community affairs or thepolit ics of others. It isn t impossible t o befriend them, and in fact t he wind dukes make st rongallies, but such relationships are formed only on their terms.

    Alignment: Air genasi can be of any alignment, though they tend to be neutral and are rarelylawful. Their morals vary intensely from one individual to the next, more so perhaps than othergenasi, but no matter their alignment or motives, they are self-righteous in defense ofthemselves.

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    Air Genasi Lands: Unlike most genasi, wind dukes have a special place within their society.They are typically reared in humanoid settlements floating through the Elemental Plane of Airand put into positions of prestige and respect due to their noble heritage. Outside these littletowns, however, air genasi are wind-st rewn t hroughout the planes and live at the highestelevation they can manage. This usually means lof ty mountaintops or at the very least on thehighest floor of whatever building they are occupying.

    Belief: Most air genasi are more concerned with their own well-being than that of anyorganization or church, but some choose to venerate deities of Air and Wind as part of theirnoble herit age. A few choose to join fact ions for short periods to satisfy a part icular f light offancy, and may remain if t he philosophy grows on them. The Mind s Eye and the TranscendentOrder seem to be the most appealing, though their numbers remain small even in these groups.

    Languages: Air genasi speak Planar Trade, and a majori ty of them pick up Auran as a secondlanguage.

    Names: Air genasi are often given names by their human parents, but depending on theinvolvement of their elemental sire, they may be given a name with more prestige in thatsociety.

    Adventurers: A good number of air genasi are avid t ravelers, which oft en leads them tobecome experienced planewalkers in their own right. Some are drifters who prefer not to sitstill for very long, while others travel on business associated with their office in thecommunit y. A few may actually seek glory and adventure, though because of t he reliance ontraveling companions these are only the most tolerant of their kind.

    Roleplaying an Air Genasi: You are a child of the skies, of purest air, an exemplar of nature sway. Those who do not share your birthright are beneath you, hardly worth a glance, andincapable of recognizing your true value. All you can do is bear with their failings and riseabove them. Those who dare stand in your way wil l know the fury of t he storms; those whomerit your respect will feel the blessing breeze that is your kindness.


    +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Air genasi are nimble in form andthought, but are f lighty and arrogant.

    Medium-size humanoid.

    Air genasi base speed is 30 feet.

    Electricity resistance 10.

    Gust of Wind(Sp): Air genasi can use gust of windonce per day as cast by a druid of theircharacter level.

    Breathless (Ex): Air genasi do not breathe, so they are immune to drowning, suffocation,and at tacks that require inhalat ion (such as some types of poison).

    +1 racial bonus on saving throws against spells all air spells and effects. This bonusincreases by +1 for every fi ve class levels the genasi at tains.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Automati c Languages: Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Any (except secretlanguages, such as Druidic).

    Plane of Origin: Any (often Plane of Air )

    Favored Class: Rogue.

    Level Adj ustment +1.

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    Genasi, Earth

    Bound by blood to the earth, the stone princes hail from the union of humans and dao from theElemental Plane of Earth, and are ever bi t as sturdy and stubborn as its natural residents.Abandoned by t heir genie ancestors, they live among humans never forget t ing their uniqueconnection to the fundamental elements of t he planes. Though ponderous and slow t o act, theycan be as terr ibl e as the quaking ground when brought t o anger.

    Personality: Eart h genasi are slow and met icul ous bynature. Never rushed when an important decision must bemade, they try to consider any problem from all anglesand carefully weigh the possible consequences of theiractions. Earth genasi tend to be quiet individualswilling to listen thoroughly to those around them,though always with the certainty that their wayis the right way. Though patient, they areoften closed-minded to new ideas, seeingchange as a waste of energy when they arecontent wi th the status quo. Slow toanger, and even slower to forget a

    slight, earth genasi make reliablefriends and lasting enemies.

    Physical Description: Resemblingsolidly built humans, earth genasi arecommonly mistaken for dwarves orsometimes boulders. Some haverough skin that resembles a handfulof dirt and rock, while others haveskin as smooth as marble or granitewith a metallic sheen to it. Their eyesmay be like gemstones, or bottomlessblack pits. Earth genasi have a

    naturally thick frame and strongmuscles, t hough their short frame andskin color oft en causes them to blendinto their surroundings.

    Relations: Though j ust as arrogant asother genasi, earth genasi are pat ient and quiet , masking their contempt f or other races. Manyare sedentary and like to stay near the place of their birth, while others are always movingseeking out precious treasures of the earth in the form of gems or precious metals. Often asnot, earth genasi are solitary individuals and few have the inclination to wait around on them,which is just as well for the earth genasi as they dont li ke being bothered to move at anunreasonable pace. St il l t hey are loyal t o their companions to the end, and are not ones to letsmall qualms or dif ferences get between them and their f riends. They are also widely regarded

    as the finest smiths, with many rivaling or even surpassing dwarves in their ability to craftstone and metal.

    Alignment: Earth genasi seek a balance in t heir actions and thus tend to be neutral, thoughthey have a predisposition towards the thorough, linear nature of law. They have little capacityto understand, let alone, embrace the ever-changing freedom of chaos, and are normallyapathetic t o moral di lemmas that do not concern them.

    Earth Genasi Lands: An earth genasi feels at home whenever his feet touch the ground. Theirelemental ancestors have no interest in f lesh creatures, so they most ly l ive among their human

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    kin. As a race, they have no lands of their own, but often found deep within mountains,canyons, and near natural rock format ions across the planes.

    Belief: Many earth genasi revere the earth with what some would consider religious fervor,though few are actually priests. It is not in t heir nature t o change their beliefs easily, and theycan be extremely devoted to their ideals, even when presented with flaws in their logic. Theyare too independent to see much need for faction membership, though a small number j oin theFraternity of Order for its stability.

    Language: Eart h genasi speak Planar Trade and the maj ori ty of them have Terran as a secondlanguage.

    Names: Earth genasi take the name given by their human parents, which varies based on theirhomeland but often hints back to their unique physical features.

    Adventurers: If an eart h genasi puts his mind to accomplishing something, few are st rongenough to stop them. Those stone princes who collect the hidden t reasures of t he eart h likeprecious stones and metals will travel far and wide in search of them. Very rarely an earthgenasi might rej ect it s elemental herit age out of distaste for being abandoned so quickly by it ssire (a rash act in their eyes), and choose to focus on protect ing their f ragile human kin aboveall else. These eart h genasi may take up adventuring to promote t he freedom and stabili ty ofother creatures.

    Roleplaying an Eart h Genasi: You are a being of earth, the greatest of all elements, yet no oneunderstands you or recognizes your true worth. It s not t heir fault , and you are pat ient enoughnot to hold it against them. Nor will you let their failings stand in your path. They call youstubborn, and you gladly live up to the title. After all, a being with your lineage has a destiny;it s your duty t o ensure that your name is engraved in the records of history.


    +2 Strength, +2 Const it ut ion, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Eart h genasi are physical lyimpressive, but can be oblivious and stubborn.

    Medium-size humanoid. Eart h genasi base speed is 30 feet .

    Eart h genasi have a +2 natural armor bonus.

    Acid resistance 10.

    Soften Eart h and Stone(Sp): Eart h genasi can use soft en eart h and st oneonce per day ascast by a druid of their character level.

    Stonecunning: This abil it y grants an eart h genasi a +2 racial bonus on Search checks tonoti ce unusual stonework, such as sli ding walls, stonework t raps, new construct ion, unsafestone surfaces, shaky stone ceil ings, and t he li ke. An earth genasi who merely comes within10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, andan earth genasi can use the Search skil l to find stonework t raps as a rogue can.

    +1 racial bonus on saving throws against al l earth spell s and effects. This bonus increasesby +1 for every f ive class levels the genasi att ains.

    +2 racial bonus to Appraise and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal i tems. Darkvision to 60 feet.

    Automati c Languages: Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Any (except secretlanguages, such as Druidic).

    Plane of Origin: Any (oft en Plane of Earth).

    Favored Class: Fighter.

    Level Adj ustment +1.

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    Genasi, FireDescendants of efreet or fire spirits from the Elemental Plane of Fire, the flame lords are fiery-tempered beings of quick action. While most fire genasi are killed outright by their nonhumanparent, a few manage to escape wit h the mort al parent to human lands. There the fire genasilearns to be feared, perceived as a personif icat ion of f ires dest ruct ive power. Though notinnately evil, as many believe, they are the most arrogant and selfish of the genasi, believing

    that the flames that run in their veins make them greater compared to other mortals.

    Personality: Fire genasi generall y li ke to be at the center of things, quick t o take up causes ofglory and fame, but also becoming bored easily if things get difficult or drawn out. They beginfar more endeavors than they finish, though most would refuse to admit this as a failing. Theyare high-st rung and full of energy, j umping at t he chance to t ry something new and excit ingwhile remaining elitists at heart. The flame lords typically try to push the extremes of socialtrends rather than follow them, seeing it as fitting that others would fall short of theircapability. Befitting the nature of fire, they are wasteful and excessive, lacking both tact andconsideration for others. The mult iverse is their playground, and t hey don t mind if a few oftheir toys get burnt in their fun.

    Physical Description: Hair li ke summer heat waves and eyes that glow with the intensit y of

    flames, fire genasi have an exceptional ability to stand out no matter where they are. Mosthave skin t hat i s deep red or charcoal color, which is sometimes hot enough to burn those whotouch it . Some even have a voice t hat sounds like crackling flames, giving them almost afiendish quality to their words. While outer appearances are very important to them, theyprefer simple and elegant clothing in colors of black and red, fashioned to the latest styles oftheir cult ure.

    Relations: Most races have an inbred fear of fire, and this distrust carries over to the flamelords. As a result , f ire genasi become accustomed to accept ing the paranoia of others andeventually reinforce it. Their hot tempers make dealing with them a matter of caution and feware willing to put up with their spoiled and elitist attitudes. Even those who might findthemselves in the good graces of a flame lord may be dismissed shortly thereafter whensomething else catches the genasi s eye. Though it could easil y be reasoned that they share

    common ground with other planetouched, they consider relating their existence to that ofother races an insult to their innate superiorit y.

    Alignment: Fire genasi are typically apathetic to moral or ethical decisions, basing theiractions on their mood at t he t ime. As a result most are t rue neutral or chaoti c neutral, t houghsometimes their love for dest ruction leads them to the path of evil.

    Fire Genasi Lands: Fire genasi are only completely tolerated in the towns where they werefirst raised, protected by their human parents from the hatred of others. Once mature, firegenasi normall y choose to leave their homes forever in search of new thri ll s.

    Belief: Not many of the flame lords hold strong beliefs or convictions, but those who do choosedeit ies and factions that promote change, independence, and dest ruct ion. The Doomguard and

    Xaosit ects have their share of f ire genasi among them, while t he Revolut ionary League andTranscendent Order may be attractive to them for a time as well. Overall few fire genasi havethe dedicat ion or interest to stand behind any organizat ion or philosophy for l ong. Those whodo may be the most fanat ical of their kind.

    Language: Fire Genasi speak t he languages of the land of their bir th and almost all have Ignanas a second language, consider ing it a higher form of speech.

    Names: Fire genasi are often given names by their mortal parent that fit their elementalheritage.

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    Adventurers: Fire genasi readily take up arms for whatever suits their fancy at the time,especially if it involves fame and fortune. Because of the amount of fear human communitieshave for t hem, f ire genasi of ten roam the planes for extended periods, enj oying theexcitement and danger offered by adventuring. Their impatience and willingness to act firstand think later leads them into dangerous sit uations, guaranteeing that any j ourney with afl ame lord wi ll be an interest ing experience.

    Roleplaying a Fire Genasi: The blood in your veins burns, driving you to try the impossible andrise above the mundane creatures around you. You give neither mercy nor compassion t oothers; it is more t han enough that you acknowledge these weaklings, let alone view them asequals. Never hesit ate or sit idle. Never all ow yourself to be port rayed as weak or dependent.Mortals fear you and they should cont inue to do so. Allow no insult to go unpunished, for i t isyour responsibi li t y to ensure others never forget who the superior race is.


    +2 Intell igence, -2 Charisma. Fire genasi have bright minds but are easil y angered and poorin dealing with others.

    Medium size humanoid.

    Fire genasi base speed is 30 feet . Fire resistance 10.

    Produce Flame(Sp): Fire genasi can use produce flameonce per day as cast by a druid oftheir character level.

    Burn (Ex): As a free act ion aft er making a touch att ack, a f ire genasi may force theopponent to succeed on a Reflex save (DC 11 + Constitution) or catch fire. The flame burnsfor 1d4 rounds if not extinguished sooner. A burning creature can use a full-round action toput out the flame.

    +1 racial bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects. This bonus increases by+1 for every f ive class levels the genasi at tains.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Automati c Languages: Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Any (except secretlanguages, such as Druidic).

    Plane of Origin: Any (often Plane of Fire). Favored Class: Evoker.

    Level Adj ustment +1.

    Genasi, WaterThe sea kings come from the pair ing of humans with nereids, marids, or other water elementalcreatures. Water genasi are the most independent of the elemental planetouched, having aslittle in common with their parents as with other genasi. Most are abandoned by their parentsat bi rt h and are later raised by other creatures on the Elemental Plane of Water such asdolphins, mermen, tritons, or darker races such as sahuagin. They consider themselves to becompletely unique, and each develops an extreme personality trait that leads others to agree

    with them.

    Personality: More than other genasi, no two of the sea kings are alike in personality. Some arepatient and cunning, choosing to graduall y wear away resistance to t heir plans, while othersare stormy and violent, preferring to drown their foes in their wrath. They may have virtuallyany trait or goal, exhibiting a versatility that rivals even that of humans. Whatevercharacteristics a water genasi may have are taken to an extreme: bravery unto martyrdom,cowardice unto paranoia, and other such unbending outlooks are commonly displayed. Theyseem more than a little off to most, but they can be surprisingly pleasant if one treads lightlyin dealings with them.

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    Physical Description: Their relationship with the seas is apparent to all who look upon thewater genasi. Flowing seaweed-textured hair , blue-green skin with soft scales, and webbedfeet and hands are common traits of the sea kings. Though they have no visible gills, they canbreathe water as easil y as air , and their voices sometimes sound like the sonorous songs ofwhales or dolphins. Though their form and styles are as varied as their personali t ies, many ofthem like to decorate themselves in the accoutrements of the sea such as sea-shells, coral, f ishbones, and especially pearls or abalone.

    Relations: Water genasi have moredealings with the sentient underwaterraces than anyone else, and are notlooked upon cruelly by most since theycan be very useful in communicationsand dealings between them and themore common planar races. They areperhaps the least arrogant of the genasi,but all strongly feel that which makesthem unique makes them importantindividuals in their own right. Whiletheir extreme characteristics make itdifficult for most to get close to watergenasi, those who do can easily find ast rong and amiable companion.

    Alignment: Water genasi vary greatly intheir principles, though their elementalherit age endows them wit h a measure ofapathy t o philosophy, so most are atleast somewhat neutral.

    Water Genasi Lands: Water genasi cantake or leave land without much care,

    but they all call the water home. Be itriver, sea, lake, or pool, the sea kingsmake their homes in or near bodies ofwater throughout the multiverse.Befitting their nature, none of themshare enough common ground t o jointogether, though most firmly believe

    there is enough water for all.

    Belief: As ext reme as these fellows are, they are j ust as apatheti c to morals and ethics as allother genasi. They are focused purely on themselves, but expect t he same at t it ude fromeveryone else. Those who t ravel t he Outer Planes may develop beli efs centered on t hisprinciple and become as fanatical about it as the greatest Hardhead. Of the factions, water

    genasi are most often found among the Fated, and the Free League has a number of sea kingsamong it s members as well.

    Language: Water genasi speak the Planar Trade spoken throughout t he mult iverse, and amajorit y of t hem are fl uent in Aquan as well.

    Names: Water genasi take the name given by their human parents, which varies based on theirhomeland but often hints back to their unique physical features.

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    Adventurers: The sea kings wander far and wide, following the tides physically andmetaphoricall y. Many live among the creatures that raised them, as special members of t hecommunit y or as slaves, depending on the societ y. Explorat ion comes natural ly to water genasi,however, and t hey are quick t o seek out adventure both under and above the waves. Manyenjoy searching out and collect ing lost t reasure, though the appeal of learning about newplaces is also a strong incentive.

    Roleplaying a Water Genasi: You are the essence of the great oceans, serenely tranquil yetquick and unpredictable. Others may have difficulty accepting you, but they cannot fathom theintensity within. You have always been the outsider, and deep down you realize you will alwaysbe different from everyone else. There is no one like you in the entire multiverse, an idea thatbrings you great sati sfaction. Aft er all , there must be great things meant for one as unique asyou, and you know that no matter what direction your life flows it will lead you to that greaterpurpose.


    +2 Const it ution, -2 Charisma. Lit t le can faze a water genasi, which makes them not onlysturdy but also aloof.

    Medium-size humanoid.

    Water genasi base speed is 30 feet. They swim at a speed of 30 feet. Cold resistance 10.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Fog Cloud (Sp): Water genasi can use fog cloudonce per day as cast by a druid of theircharacter level.

    Drench (Ex): The water genasi s touch puts out t orches, campfires, and other open flamesof nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The water genasi can dispelmagical f ire it touches as dispel magiccast by a druid of their character level.

    +1 racial bonus on saving throws against water spells and eff ects. This bonus increases by+1 for every 5 class levels the genasi attains.

    Water genasi breathe water as an ext raordinary abil it y.

    Automati c Languages: Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Any (except secretlanguages, such as Druidic).

    Plane of Origin: Any (oft en Plane of Water). Favored class: Druid.

    Level Adj ustment +1.

    GITHYANKIGit hyanki are the descendants of ancient humans enslaved by the Ill it hid Empire eons ago.After winning their freedom through a violent uprising led by one called Gith, they split withtheir brethren the githzerai over intense ideological differences. Living in the Astral Planeunder t he tyrannous lich-queen Vlaakit h CLVII for mil lennia, the git hyanki have devoted t heirentire society to warfare and conquest. Now, with the lich-queen recently slain, the githyankiare splintered and weakened, making them open targets for their ancient enemies. Due to both

    their herit age as il li t hid slaves and generat ions on the Ast ral Plane, git hyanki also have a st rongdisposition towards psionic ability.

    Personality: Cold, aloof and utterly militaristic, the githyanki have little in common with thedistant ly related humans. Alt hough except ions are quite notable, most git hyanki only focus onwar and domination all li fe is def ined by these. Needless to say, competi t ion runs deep in thegithyanki psyche. Even everyday activit ies become sil ent contests to outdo each other. Theyhave a need for people to be organized hierarchically, like a military unit. Surprisingly, though,violence almost never erupts from this competitive drive. Ever since the separation from the

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    githzerai, githyanki never fought other git hyanki as long as they were loyal t o their li ch-queen. Even with Vlaakith dead, the githyanki remain a proud and loyal race.

    Physical Description: Aside from their f orm, the git hyanki s human heri tage is almostunrecognizable. They are deceptively gaunt and lanky, but that hides steely muscles constantlyt rained for combat . The average git hyanki stands 6 feet tall and weighs around 170 lbs. Theirmottled, yellowish gray skin is pulled tight. Their hair is nearly always black, but red-hairedgithyanki have been encountered and it is said t o be a dire omen when one is born. Their eyesare enti rely glossy black, and their ears are pointed and marked with serrat ions in t he back.They gain these serrations in dark ceremonies celebrat ing their coming of age.

    Git hyanki dress is always ornate, bordering on gaudy. They decorate t heir armor and weaponrywith elaborate engravings signifying their prowess in battle. These weapons and armor arealways finely polished and cared for more than the git hyanki s own family.

    Unlike most humanoid races, git hyanki are an egg-laying species. These eggs are normallytaken to heavily guarded fort resses in t he Prime Material Plane where they can properly growunti l hatching. Git hyanki chi ldren likewise spend many years on the Prime Material Planetraining in warfare and growing to adulthood.

    Relations: Overall, githyanki relate well with no one.They rarely leave their plane except in the name of

    conquest and war. In particular, they have a deepracial hatred for githzerai and illithids. Other races

    are considered potential enemies, but it is notunheard of for individuals to prove their value in

    combat enough to earn the respect (thoughrarely ever trust) of a githyanki. The onlyexception to this is red dragons. Due to a pactformed centuries ago between the githyankiand the goddess Tiamat , red dragons havealways come to the aid of the git hyankipeople. Whether this extends to individual

    githyanki i s anyones guess.

    Alignment: Their entire society brutallyengineered by the lich-queen, githyanki arealmost always evil , and even those who havesplit from githyanki society are rarely good.Their regimented lifestyle leads most githyankito be lawful, but not nearly as strongly as thetendency towards evil.

    Beliefs: Loyal githyanki unilaterally worshipedthe lich-queen as a deity. To avoid potentialrivals and increase her own power, Vlaakith

    would devour the life essence of any loyalgithyanki who became too powerful, and

    those githyanki not devoted to thelich-queen would be hunted to thedeath. Many continue to worship thelich-queen, though they will alwaysfeel a void within themselves without

    her guidance. Others have chosen to devote themselves to t rue deit ies, wi th gods of war beingfavored, though some git hyanki become so appalled by their racial nature t hat t hey instead

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    devote themselves to pacif isti c deit ies. Few git hyanki j oin fact ions, disdaining organizationsled by mort als. Rogues wil l nearly always j oin some group due to t heir deep-rooted need tobelong to a larger organization and for the safety customari ly provided. They oft en join theBleak Cabal, the Doomguard, the Dustmen, or t he Free League.

    Githyanki Lands: Git hyanki inhabit massive fort resses wit hin the Ast ral Plane, as well asnumerous outposts on the Prime Material Plane. These bases are designed solely t o befort resses to eit her mount or defend against invasions. Those who have lived on t he Ast ralPlane for extensive periods eit her remain on t hat plane or use unique spells developed by thegit hyanki to prevent t ime from catching up wit h them when they travel.

    Languages: Git hyanki speak their own secret language, and wil l t ypicall y know the PlanarTrade and Draconic. A few also learn the languages of their enemies, the githzerai and theillithid. Those stationed on the Prime will likely know the predominant language of the region.

    Names: Git hyanki names are prophesied at birth by the parents and are said t o denote theirfuture deeds. Thus all git hyanki names carry some meaning, t hough they hide t his from thoseoutside their race. They may earn additional prefixes denoting their profession and rank or dueto maj or accomplishments. The honori f ic prefixes oft en differentiate names as necessary. Thename of the fort ress they are posit ioned in normally serves as a surname when t raveling.

    Male Names: Ki Yaj, Tehvin, Y roon

    Female Names: G zen,Narai, Zanuusm

    Fort ress Names: Git hmir, Tn erkis, Tu narath, Xamvadim

    Adventurers: Loyal githyanki rarely j oin adventur ing part ies unless it somehow benefi tsgithyanki societ y. Most adventuring githyanki are t herefore outcasts, and wander t he landfleeing from their people and trying to achieve some purpose outside of their society.

    Roleplaying a Git hyanki: Whether you accept it or not, every fiber of your being is devoted tocombat. Focus this drive through your sword and vanquish those who would dare to stand

    against you. Prove to them that they are only worthy to bleed upon your blade. Combat is yourpassion, and the killing blows your ecstasy. Even when you are not in battle, be vigilant. Neverforget that your people were betrayed by their alleged brethren. Trust no one. Underestimateno one. Always be aware of their capabilities in relation to your own, for everyone you meet isa potent ial weapon to be raised against you, or wielded by your own hand.


    +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom. Generations of combat training have made thegithyanki agile and sturdy. However, their single-minded devotion to the lich-queen forages has stolen much of t heir i ntuit ion and j udgment.

    Medium-size humanoid.

    Git hyanki base speed is 30 feet.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet. Naturally Psionic: Psionic githyanki gain 3 bonus power point s at 1st level.

    Psi-Like Abili t ies: 3/ day psionic daze, far hand. In addition, at 3rd level githyanki can useconcealing amorpha3/ day, at 6th level git hyanki can use psionic dimension door 3/ day,and at 9th level githyanki can use telekinetic thrust 3/ day day and psionic plane shift1/ day. These are manifested as a psion of t he git hyanki s character level.

    Power Resistance (Ex): A githyanki has power resistance equal to 5 + 1 per character level.

    Red Dragon Pact: Git hyanki receive a +4 racial bonus to Dipl omacy checks with reddragons.

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    Automati c Languages: Git hyanki, Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Celestial ,Draconic, Git hzerai, Undercommon.

    Plane of Origin: Usually the Astral Plane.

    Favored Class: Eit her psychic warrior or f ighter. Whichever class taken fi rst by a git hyankicharacter becomes that character s favored class. Once chosen, it cannot be changed.

    Level Adj ustment +2.

    Nonpsionic Githyanki

    If the Expanded Psionics Handbook is not being used, replace the Naturally Psionic, Psi-LikeAbili t ies, and Power Resistance t rait s with the fol lowing racial t rait s for git hyanki characters:

    Psionics (Sp): 3/ day - daze, mage hand. In addition, at 3rd level githyanki can user blur3/ day, at 6th level githyanki can use dimension door 3/ day, and at 9th level git hyanki canuse telekinesis3/ day and plane shift 1/ day. These are cast as a sorcerer of the git hyanki scharacter level.

    Spell Resistance (Ex): A githyanki has spell resistance equal to 5 + 1 per character level.

    Favored Class: Fighter.


    Like their cousins, t he git hyanki, the git hzerai are t he descendants of ancient humans enslavedby the Illithid Empire eons ago. After Gith led their people to freedom, a warrior known asZerthimon rose up to oppose her, warning that she would lead them into an evil j ust as great asthe illithid. A civil war between those loyal to Gith and the followers of Zerthimon began,eventually resulting in the two sides splitting into the githyanki and githzerai. They have swornto never be enslaved again by anyone, and all git hzerai are t aught to protect their f reedom andthat of t heir people above all else.

    Personality: The git hzerai as a rule are grim and serious to the point of being humorless.Smiles are rare, laughs are rarer, and tears are rarest of all on a githzerai s face; they are t hebane of art ists, bards, and j esters everywhere.They do not speak often, preferring to

    remain silent rather than waste wordsover meaningless issues. Though not asparanoid as the githyanki, they livecautiously, trusting fewnongithzerai and are alwaysmindful of their wars with thegithyanki and illithid. Theirgreatest fear is that they willsomehow be enslaved again,thus githzerai view just abouteverything as a form ofoppression that they must fightagainst.

    Physical Description: Githzeraiwere once human, but thecrucibles of enslavement, war, andsurvival in Limbo have forged anew form for them. Standingroughly six feet tall and weighingaround 150 pounds, githzerai would be distinct from their forebears even without theirunmistakable sharp features and piercing, yellow-gray eyes. Their skin is pulled tightl y and hasa dark yellow color t o it . Some cannot t ell the dif ference between a git hyanki and a githzerai,

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    though the distinctions are clear and few make the mistake twice. In sharp contrast to thebaroque ornateness of githyanki, the githzerai favor extreme simplicity. Dark, drab earth tonesprevail, even more so in their monasteries, and voluminous cloaks are common especiallyover l ight armor.

    Like the git hyanki, the git hzerai are an egg-laying species due to t he horr if ic mutations madewhile enslaved by t he ill it hids.

    Relations: As a rule, the git hzerai seem to interact best wit h themselves, and the harshness ofLimbo has done little to discourage this introversion. While they normally deal with other racespolitely, githzerai have been trained from birth for generations to be wary of anything as apotential threat. It is difficult to earn their respect, and even harder to gain their trust. Fewwould say that git hzerai make good fri ends, but they are good companions to have at onesback. They hold a deep and powerful hatred towards both t he git hyanki and the mind flayers,who they actively hunt across the planes. Despit e their obsession wit h personal f reedom, t heirgreatest loyalty lies to their people, and they will never reveal information that could be usedagainst them.

    Alignment: Githzerai exhibit an odd combination of order and chaos. They are all extremelyindependent, believing that no one has the right to choose their path for them, and thusenslave them. Most githzerai are as chaotic as the Limbo they call home; their rejecti on ofgithyanki legalism in part guided their decision to colonize the plane of primordial chaos.Likewise, they reject the predat ion and callousness so prevalent amongst githyanki, alt houghthey make neither claims nor efforts to goodness. Yet as much as they value personal freedom,git hzerai society inst il ls both rigid discipline and complete loyalt y t o the ent ire race. Such arethe necessities of war.

    Git hzerai Lands: Eons separated from the world where first they originated, the githzerai haveadopted the plane of Limbo as their home. A loose all iance of ci t ies, fort resses and cast les aswell as a vast number of monasteries, ref lect ing an equally vast number of teachings holdtheir ever-shifting domains in the plane of ultimate chaos. Occasionally, however, a party ofillithid hunters known as rrakkmawil l establish a st ronghold on the Material Plane during anespecially long hunt, laying waste to the surrounding landscape unt il a predetermined number

    of mind f layers have been slain.

    Beliefs: The githzerai do not know the gods. They have no pantheon, and no religion has everheld sway over more than a handful of their kind. However, their culture is saturated with theimage of their liberator and greatest hero, Zerthimon, and many githzerai hold a deepreverence for his legacy that borders on faith. The god-king, Zaerith Menyar-ag-Git hzerai,grants his subjects more freedom than the git hyanki s li ch-queen ever did. The git hzerai arefree to keep company with whatever faction they may, and some (most notably Karan of theXaositects) have risen in the ranks to great prestige. Their continued freedom, and that of theirpeople, will always be the most important values of the githzerai, and all other ideals andloyalties come second.

    Language: The githzerai s language draws heavily on history, mythology, and the epics of t heir

    greatest heroes, using metaphor and Zert himons words frequentl y and powerfully. Despit eages in isolat ion, the spoken language is st il l close enough to git hyanki t hat t he two races,were they to speak instead of slaughter, could make sense of each other. All githzerai are wellversed in Planar Trade as well, recognizing the importance of being able to deal peacefullywit h other races.

    Names: Githzerai names are often given to them by the leaders of their community, andnormally have an even number of syllables.

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    Female Names: At lor, Beezil , Jebeel, Karsten, Moraan, Narniss

    Male Names: Arst imis, Karan, Leggis, Yangol, Zegonz

    Adventurers: Many githzerai take to wandering the planes, for many reasons. Some roam farand wide in the endless war against the mind flayers and githyanki; others are dispatchedacross the mult iverse in t heir monast ic t raining; and st il l others travel f or gold and glory, j ustli ke any other race in t he mult iverse. In almost every case, however no matt er what t hereason their adventuring includes the defense of the git hzerai.

    Roleplaying a Githzerai: Remember Zerthimon, always there is nothing in your existencewithout a parallel in his. Live freely, in emulation of him, and act that githzerai may foreverlive freely in emulation of him. In every pair of eyes that you meet look deeply at what you see

    and if you see in their eyes a tyrant, an enemy, an enslaver; then remember the il li thids.Remember Gith. Remember Zerthimon - and never regret the blood on your blade.Underestimate nobody. Never cry; pain is the forsaking of weakness. In the crucible of pain,you are made st rong, that you may forever li ve free. Broken bones heal forever unbreakable;so too shall you. These are the words of Zert himon; his words are all words; his lif e is all li fe.


    +6 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence: Lightning reflexes and iron will are highlyregarded by githzerai; both t rait s are essential for survival in t he tumult of Limbo. Creativethought, however, is not .

    Medium-size humanoid.

    Githzerai base speed is 30 feet.

    Darkvision up to 60 feet.

    Naturally Psionic: Psionic githzerai gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level.

    Psi-Like Abili t ies: 3/ day - catfall, concussion blast, psionic daze, inertial armor. At 11thlevel githzerai can use psionic plane shift 1/ day. These are manifested as a psion of thegit hzerai s character level.

    Power Resistance (Ex): A git hzerai has power resistance equal t o 5 + 1 per character level.

    Automatic Languages: Git hzerai, Planar Trade, home region. Bonus Languages: Git hyanki,

    Khaasta, Slaad, Undercommon. Plane of Origin: Usually Limbo.

    Favored Class: Monk.

    Level Adj ustment +2.

    Nonpsionic Githzerai

    If the Expanded Psionics Handbook is not being used, replace the Naturally Psionic, Psi-LikeAbili t ies, and Power Resistance t rait s with the fol lowing racial t rait s for git hzerai characters:

    Psionics (Sp): 3/ day - daze, featherfall, shatter. At 11th level githzerai can use plane shift1/ day. These are cast as a sorcerer of t he git hzerai s charac