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Introduction:-In this Chapter I have made an amalysis and interpretation of the

Epistemological and Pedagogical aspects as reflected in the Quran and

Hadith objectivewise with respect to the following topics : — Knowledge (Ilm)

Concept of Ilm, sources of Ilm, Range of Ilm, Classification of Ilm, Importance of Ilm

— Schools of Islamic thoughts:-Brief discussion of- Mu'tazilism, Asharism, Tahawism, Maturidism, Zahirism, Ddiwan al Safa

— Secular subjects in the Quran and Hadith: Astronomy, Botany, Zoology, Zeology, Sociology, Philosophy, Pol.Science, Chemistry, Poetry, Economics.

— Pedagogy in Islamic education:-Implication of pedagogy in Islamic education. Micro-teaching, an important aspect of Islamic Pedagogy.

Epistemology of Islamic Philosophy

What is Knowledge (Mm)?

Dictionary meaning of the term 'Knowledge' is all that a person

knows. It is the familiarity of a person, thing or fact gained by experi­

ence. Dr. Mahar Abdul Haque writes, "It is person's range of information

or the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject or language etc."

From the psychological point of view, knowledge of thing, fact or matter

comes to a person through the process of sensation, perception and con­

ception. For acquiring proper knowledge of anything the nervous system

of a person should be ok. in all respects.

The Arabic word of knowledge is "Ilm" which carries wider sense

than mere awareness, consciousness, recognition, conception EUid famil­

iarity of a subject. It means to know something in all its details. True knowl­

edge is the cognition, perception, recognition and revelation of something

into its deeper level.

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The Quran uses the word al ilm and its derivatives (ailama,yalamun.

alim) \Qry often This ilm is not synonymous to 'Zann' of general Phi­

losophy It is something more than that The then Makkans (opponents of

the Prophe t ) had ' Z a n n ' but not ilm (sure knowledge) This sure

knowledge(al ilm) was given to the Prophet (S) through Wahy

In the Holy Quran we find there are many words which express the

ideas connected with knowledge or Ilm and each word has a shade of

m^eatiing different from the other For example - (1) "Wa Ja'lna lahu nutaiu

yamshi bihi firnias" i e we have created the Tim' as a light by which the

mankind may proceed

Here, Ilm is used as a noor or light

(2) "Qad Ja-akum minallahi nuru wa kitabum mubin " i e. there hath come

to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous book "

In the above Ayat the meaning of the word 'Nuru' means light This

word is explained by the famous Islamic scholar Ashrof Ali Thanovi (Roh)

as Ilm or knowledge

(3) Surah Al Hadid, Ayat No 9 "He is the one Who sends to His servant-

Manifest signs, that He may lead you from the depth of darkness into the

l ight"

Here, 'Manifest signs' means the Ayats of the Quran which wall help

the people to come from the darkness to the light. So, the knowledge of

the Quran plays the role of 'lighting' and 'hedayat' for the people who

are still in the world of darkness

Accordin2 to a Hadith:- "Knowledge (Ilm) is a light (noor) which is

taken from the light of prophecy (nobuwot) "

According to Islamic Scholars:- Knowledge or Ilm is defined and

explained by the Islamic Scholars in different ways -

(1) Renowned scholar, Mulla Ali Qari (Roh) Said, "Tiiie Ilm is a light

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in the heart of believers, which is culled from the lamp of prophethood.

This knowledge is related to words and deeds of Muhammod (S). It

inspires human being to identify the attributes of Allah and to obey the

orders of Him. If it is acquired by the means of human being, it is called

"Kosoby Ilm" and if it is got without the help of human kind, it is known

as "Ilm-e-Leduni". — Mirkat (Explanation of Mi skat Sharif)

(2) Ibn Miskawaih considers Knowledge as the basis of good character

and says the root of all virtue is Knowledge. So, in the acquisition of

knowledge lies human perfection.

(3) Al-Ghazzali believed that man has been endowed by Allah with all

the powers needed for the acquisition of knowledge of Ultimate Reality.

This knowledge was derived through the intellect which is the iimate ra­

tional faculty of man and which distinguishes him from animals. The highest

form of knowledge is spiritual knowledge. This knowledge depends on in­

tuition as well as effort.

(4) Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Roh) said, "Ilm is such a power of heart as

we see things through the eyes. It is related to see the invisible things of

the word."

That is, true knowledge is a power which makes a man capable of

seeing both the visible and invisible things of this universe.

(5) According to Ashraf AM Thanavi (Roh), "True Ilm can not be ac­

quired by the s inners . Only acquis i t ion of vocabula ry is not


Here, Thanovi emphasized on the acquisition of the knowledge of

the Quran and Hadith which can't be acquired by the sinners.

(6) According Sayed Qutb, "Knowledge (ilm) is something rather than

mere understanding knowledge (ilm) is complete comprehen­

sion and interaction with its comprehension, in the depths of the soul and

conscience, which is then followed by action in harmony with them."

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The definition mentioned above clarifies the following points :

(i) Like Plato, Sayed Qutb held that knowledge (ilm) is not mere under­

standing, but rather a state of mind, i e. comprehension

(ii) The second stage is interaction, i e acceptance by the soul and con­

science or in other words, the Psychological and the spiritual state

(iii) For knowledge to be complete, it has to be followed by the third stage,

i e. action

(7) According to some other ulama (Islamic learned man). Knowledge is a

light, by dint of which the real picture of everything appears in the minds

of people. Ilm helps the mankind to come from the darkness to the light,

from suspicion to the conviction. Ilm also helps the people to differentiate

Halal (legal things) from the Haram (illegal things) and pure from the

impure things It is a companion in solitary position, friend at the time of

travelling and weapons to face the enemies. With the help of this knowl­

edge human being can be raised to a nobler position in this world and the

life hereafter.

(8) Few other Islamic intellectuals opine that Ilm (knowledge) is a river and

Hekmot (Philosophy) is an ocean. Ulama (Learned man) are walking on the

bank of the river and the Hukama (Philosophers) are picking the gems and

jewels from the ocean and the Arifins(worshipers) are travelling on the boat

of Nazat (deliverance)

So, knowledge in Islam is a true spirit, it is a light in the darkness

which shows the right avenues to all mankind It is the experience

acquired by all human being through their sense organs, from the his­

torical facts, from the kitabs and intellectual persons It may be experi­

enced by the way of 'Wahi ' , ' I lham' , Tlqa' , 'Ruea ' etc. from the Al­

mighty Allah True knowledge makes a man luminous, reasonable, ben­

eficial, balanced, productive and source of peace for the whole society-

for both living and nonliving beings

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W h a t is the source and Origin of knowledge ?

According to the Ideology of Islam, Allah is the source of all knowl­

edge. He has given all sorts of knowledge to the mankind Some kinds of

knowledge are given diiectly and others are through different means and

medias. These sources of knowledge are mentioned below :-

(1) Wahy :- Literal meaning of the Arabic word Wahy is a "Swift

signal" or "Putting into the mind", "to write", "to order", " a thing written

down", "anything that is conveyed" etc The swift signal or hasty sugges­

tion is given by Allah to his prophet and Rasuls only

This Wahy is received by the Prophets in the following two ways.-

(i) fi'om behind the veil or curtain or screen as was done in the case of

Prophet Moses on the Mount Sinai

(ii) by the sending of a messenger (faristha) which was done in the case

of Muhammod (S). The Holy Quran is the Revelation brought down

by the messenger called Zibril.

There are many verses in the Quran where we find the con­

cept of this Wahy. For Example - "Nahnu naqussii alaikal qasasi bima

au haina ilaika haajal Qurana wa m kunta mm quabhhi la minal

gafilin. " i e. We do relate unto you the most beautiful of stories, in that

we reveal (Wahy) to you this (portion of the) Quran Before this you too

was among those who knew it not. In other place of Quran, we see, quot­

ing the Ayat of Quran Mohammod (S) is saying - "Innama ana basaharum

m i c l i i l r i i m \/r\»iVi3 i l a i n a n n p f n a i1aViilV'1«T> i laVii iwahirl" i p> T arp Huf rrxnn l iVp

yourselves, (but) the inspiration (Wahy) has come to me, that your Allah

is One Allah

In the above mentioned second Ayat Prophet Muhammod (S) is

declaring that there is no difference between him and other people except

Wahy. This special quality is for the Prophets only

The Wahy or Revelation is not a subjectively created product of a

Prophet's intellectual capabilities but is given to him objectively. It is an

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exceptional reality beyond thie creation of any human being.

Wahy is classified into the following two types :-

(i) Wahy-e-Motlu :- The Wahy which has come to the prophet Mohammod

(S) in terms of recitation by the Zibril from the Almighty Allah is known

as Wahy-e- Motlu. The Prophet also followed the Zibril in recitation Ex­

ample- The Quran. It is also the instruction for all believers to recite the

Ayats of Quran at the time of Namaz.

(ii) Wahy-e-Goir Motlu :- The Wahy comes directly in the minds of the

Prophet Muhammod (S) from Allah find not by the recitation of Zibril is

called as Wahi-e-Goir Motlu. The Prophet then sent those messages to the

people orally. Example is - The Kitabs of Hadith Sharif - Bukhari, Tirmizi,

Nasai, Ibn Maza etc.

Again, there is a relation between Wahy-e-Motlu and Wahy-e-Goir


The words of Prophet Muhammod (S) help to understand the Ayats

of the Quran. For example- In the Quran it is written that, "Wa bil

Waalidaine Ihsana. " i.e. treat kindly with your parents. The Prophet explains

the same by his words as "the paradise lies in the foot of mother." In other

place, we see, one day a person asked the prophet, "Oh! RasuluUah! which

work is the most favourite to Allah among all good works?" The Prophet

said, "Performing the Namaz in time." The man again asked, "The next

good work is what?" The Prophet replied, "Good behaviour with the par­

ents." So, though there is difference between the Wahy-e-Motlu and Goir

Motlu but there is a co-relation between the two also.

Again, Wahy-e-Goir Motlu is classified by the famous philosopher

Sah Waliullah in the following two ways :-

(i) Toblie-e-Risalot :- The prophet got his instructions directly through

Wahy from Allah without any via- media. These are directly related to the

code of conduct for the believers in Islam. Example- Iman, Namaz,

Ramzan, Hazz, Zakat etc.


(ii) Instructions relatins to earthly niatiers - Sometimes the prophet

used to give instructions relating to the earthly activities to his followers

From his own ideas those instructions were given. For this reason, such

orders of the prophet was not obligatory to obey for the believers. Ex­

ample- The way of war, preparation of weapons, treatment of the dis­

ease, cultivation of crops & fruits etc.

According to Al-Ghazzali, "The highest form of Tim al-mukashfa'

or intuitive experience is 'Wahy' which is privilege of the prophets and in

which the messenger angel assumes a visible form before the prophet.

(2) Hham :- Ilhara is an important source of knowledge not for all

people but for a few in the whole population. The people who have ex­

treme spiritual power they get some information from Allah which either

appears in their minds suddenly or through Farishta, it is called Ilham.

Dictionary meaning of the word Ilham is to place something in the

minds of the people. In the process of Ilham, people get the knowledge

of anything suddenly and not by reading, inquiry, thinking, reasoning and

research etc.

In Islamic history, we know, there was a king in Bolkh (Iraq) whose

name was Ibrahim Ibn Adham. once he was lying on his king-bed. He

listened the footstep of a person on the roof of the house. The king asked,

"Who are you?" The man replied, "I am a man searching my lost camel

here." Then the king said, "What a nonsense you are! How are you search­

ing your camel on the roof of my house?" Then the man replied, "If a

man can get Allah lying on comfortable king-bed then why shall I not be

able to find my Camel here on the roof." Then the king realized his faults.

So, here, the king got the answer through Ilham by a Farista, because

practically there was not any person to search the camel on the roof.

Al-Ghazzali opines that except 'Wahy' all other forms of intuitive

experiences are Tlham.'

The knowledge given to Hazrat Kliizir from Allah is the example of

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'Ilhami knowledge.' As mentioned in the Quran- "So they (Moses & his

companions) found one of our serv^cints on whom we had bestowed mercy

from ourselves and whom we had taught knowledge from our own pres­

ence." Surah No. 18 Ayat-65.

Khizir had two special gifts from Allah -(i) Mercy from Him and

(ii) Knowledge from Him too. This is the special knowledge bestowed on

him by Allah.

(3) Dream :- From the discussion of general philosophy we have learned

that dream is not a source of valid knowledge, as it is an example of wrong

perception by us. But in Islamic Philosophy dream is considered as an

authentic source of true knowledge.

In the Quran as well as in the Hadith literature we find the im­

portance of dream as a source of knowledge. Some of them are men­

tioned below -

In the Quran (i) "Laqad sadaqallhu, Rasulahur, Ru'ea bil Haq" i.e. Truly

did Allah fulfil the vision (dream) of his Messenger.

In the above Ayat the Arabic word Ru'ea means dream. The prophet

had had a dream that he had entered the sacrad Mosque at Makkah, just

before he decided on the journey which resulted in the Treaty of Hudaibiya.

So, the dream helps the prophet Mohammod (S) here. Allah annoimced

the same.

(ii) Surah Yusuf, Ayat No.(4) - Behold, Joseph said to his father: "O my

father ! I did see (iti the dream) eleven stars and the Sun & the Moon. I

saw them prostrate themselves to me!"

In this verses, Yusuf (A) reported about his dream to his father

Yakub (A). He saw that eleven stars (11 no. of his brothers) & the Sun

and the Moon (Father & Mother) are in the position of sozida i.e. bowing

down their heads to him. This dream became practical when Yusuf had

become the king of Egypt in his later life. So, the dream of the prophet is

a real source of knowledge & information.

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Dream in the Hadith Literature :- (1) In the Bukhari Sharif it is written

that Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "There will remain no part of Nobuwat

in future except Mubashirat." After listening to the prophet's statement

his companion (Sahaba) asked, "What is Mubashirat ?" Then the prophet

replied, "True dream"

The dream is actually of three types. They are -

(a) Hadisun nofs :- These are said to be the talking of mind. What do we

think and talk about on the day time we may see these things at night in

the dream. It has no practical value.

(b) Takhfif-e-Soitan .- These dreams are from the part of satan (devil),

when the mischievous spirit affects us in sleep we may see the attack of

elephant, buffalo , snake, dog etc. This type of dream also has not any

good effect in the life of human being.

(c) Rahmany :- The dream we see from the part of Allah is called as

Rahmany dream. Through these dreams honest people get good news

for their right activities or sometimes they get warning for their mis­


(2) Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "The dream of Mumin is a close-con­

tact, through which he attains the pride of conversation with the creator."

In this Hadith it is mentioned that dream is a good source of con­

necting the man with the Almighty Allah. Human being can even talk with

Him. There is an instance- Once, Imam Ahmod Ibn Hambol saw Allah

in a dream. He then asked to Allah, "What is the greatest means to get

the proximity of You?" Allah replied, "Oh Alimod ! This is My Kalam."

Kalam means the Quran Sharif.

So, good dream is undoubtedly a great source of getting valuable

information from the part of Allah. These dreams are generally seen by

the honest and religious persons.

Dream of the prophet :- There is difference between the dream of

prophet and other people. For the Prophet, it is a part of Wahy. In Tafsir-e-

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Mazhari we have seen that the Wahy came to the prophet Mohammod (S)

for long 23 years through Zibril. Out of which, first six months was through

the dream. So, if we calculate this time of 6 months out of 23 years, we get

a fraction of the 46 tl\part of the Nabuwat. Dream of the prophet is always

pure and true in the real sense of the term.

So, from these references it can be said that "true dream" is a

benison for the believers and it shows the right avenues to all human

kind with its sacred information and knowledge.

(4) Historical facts :- History is a remarkable source of knowledge

for the mankind. To guide the people in a right way historical events are

mentioned in the Quran. In one side, the sacrifice, patience, stability in

truth of the prophets are highlighted and on the other hand, the fall of

oppressor and dictator kings are mentioned so that we may learn how to

pass our lives in just manner.

There are total fifteen nos. of Surah in the Quran which are named

in the historical manner. For example -Al Imran, Yunus, Hud, Ibrahim,

Boni Israel, Moryam, Ar-Rum, Luqman, Al-Ahzab, Saba, Al-Fat-h, Nuh,

Al- Anbiya & Quraish. In surah Ar-Rum Ayat No.-9 it is written as "Do

they not travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those

before them ?

The people who came earlier they had more strength than the present

people physically. But when they became arrogant and oppressor, Allah

destroyed them. So, from this historical fact human being should take

the lesson to be modest and peaceful.

In this way, when the people (Qaiun) of the prophets Noah, Aad,

Samud, Luth and Moses became disobedient to Allah, mass destruction

came on them and they suddenly died. For example, in the Surah Al-Arif

we see then they ham strong the she-camel and insulently

defied the order of their Lord, saying : "O saJih! bring about thy threats,

if thou art a messenger (Of Allah) !" So, the earthquake took them un-

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aw ares, and they lay prostrate in their homes in the morning!

So, from al the above verses we have understood that the his-

lorical events mentioned in the Quran is an ultra valorem source of knowl­

edge for all of us.

In one Ayat of sura Yusuf we see "Laqad kana fi Yusufa wa

ikhwatiha aayatuUissailn" i.e. verily in Joseph and his brethren, are signs

for seekers (after truth).

In Joseph's story we have good and evil contrasted so many dif­

ferent ways. Those in search of true spiritual knowledge can see it embodid

in concrete events in this stor>' of many facet, matching the colours of

Joseph's many coloured coat.

5. Knowledge through the Sense Organs ;-

We have five external sense organs like eye, ear, tongue, skin &

nose. Through sensation by those five organs we get perception and con­

ception of any matter or facts. For proper conception of anything the sense

organs should be normal and fit. Human body is created accordingly. The

Quran indicates it as "Laqad khalaqnal insana fi ahsani taqueem" i.e. we

have indeed created man in the best of moulds.

In this Ayat the word "Taqwim" means mould, symmetry, form,

nature and constitution. Allah has created the human being in the best form

then any other creations.

In other place it is mentioned as, "Qui huallaji anshakum wa jaala

lakumussama wal absoara wal af idatha" i.e. say, it is He who have cre­

ated you and made you for the faculties of hearing, seeing & understand­


In this Ayat, the organs related to hearing, seeing are mentioned

which are the gateways of knowledge. We get the visual sensation of any

object through the eyes and auditory sensation through the ear. Proper

sensation helps us to perceive any object correctly, which ultimately gives

the conception of any matter or objects. And sum total of sensation, per-

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caption and conception of anything is called a knowledge of that thing.

So, the sense organ have a great role for getting proper knowledge

of any matter.

In this way our sense organs are used as a source of knowledge

which is mentioned in the Quran in different places.

6. Thinking - Thinking is another source of knowledge in Islamic phi­

losophy. Light observation of a thing is not sufficient for getting proper

knowledge but real thinking is necessary for it. The Quran inspires the

people to think over the creation as mentioned in surah Baqra Ayat No.-

191 "Behold ! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the al­

teration of night and day- there are indeed signs for man of understand-

ing. "

In the above Ayat Allah emphasizes to think over his creations spe­

cially the heaven (Sky), and the earth how they are made of ! Then, in

the alteration of night and day the people should have a deep thinking and

research, i.e. is there any creator behind such remarkable creations.

In the Kitab of Aquaid we find the importance of thinking about

this universe. There is a problem- for example, a man is living in a place

where no message of any religion reached to him. Then, after death, how

will he be questioned about the religious instructions? The answer of the

problem is, the person will be asked about a single question of the exist­

ence of the creator. That is, by seeing the trees, water, day, night, sun,

moon, fruits, stars etc. whether he reached to the conclusion that there

must be a creator behind these things. If he gives the positive reply he

will be declared as pass m the imtihan of doomsday.

From the four-footed animals even there are many things to learn.

It is mentioned in the Quran Ayat No. 66 of Surah No. 16 as - "And

verily in the cattle (too) will you find an instructive sign."

In other Ayat of Quran we find "Fal yanzuril insanu mimma khuliq"

i.e. Now let man but think, fi"om what he is created.


So, the Philosophy of Islam inspires us to acquire knowledge by the

way of thinking and observing the nature.

7. Author i ty ;- We receive knowledge directly and personally from an

authorized elder i.e. a teacher. Philosophers Ikliwan Al Safa agreed with

this source of knowledge and said, "The teacher receives his knowledge

from the Imam (Religious leader) who, in turn, receives it, through other

Imam, from the prophet whose ultimate source of knowledge is Allah."

We are receiving knowledge from our teachers. Our teachers are

getting knowledge from their teachers and in this way we may reach to

the prophet and Almighty Allah. Allah is the first source of knowledge for

all mankind. In the Surah Alaq Ayat No.-5 of the Quran we see- "(Allah)

taught man that which he knew not. " In the Surah Rahman Ayat No.-2-

"I( is He who has taught the Quran. "

The second source of knowledge is the Prophet and Rasuls. Again,

their knowledge is given by Allah so that they can solve the problems of

people and their followers. For example - In the Surah Furqan Ayat No.-

33 of the QucUTi it is written as - "And no question do they bring to thee

but we reveal to thee the truth and the best explanation. " The meaning

of the Ayat is that whenever the people ask any question to the prophet,

Allah gives the sweet solution of it through the means of Wahy.

The third source of knowledge as an authority is the teacher. They

are the knowledgeous persons. People should ask them whatever they do

not know. The Quran inspires us in this respect as - "Fas Ahi Ahlazkre in

Kimtiim La Ta'lamiin. " i.e. if ye realize this not, ask of those who pos­

sess the Message.

In our lives we are receiving valuable instructions from the teach­

ers. Starting from the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Aquaid and all secular sub­

jects we are learning from our teachers in different educational institu­


8. Quran and Hadith :- The Quran and the Hadith are to two authentic

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sources of knowledge for all mankind, specially for those who have faith

on both the documents. Addressing the prophet Mohammod (S) Allah says

in the Quran - "Allah has seni doM'ti to yoti the book and wisdom and

taught you M'hat you knew not (before). " Surah Nisa; Ayal -113.

Mohammod (S) has laid too much importance on the Quran and

Hadith wherefrom the people of the world can get advice and lesson. Ad­

dressing the followers, he said, "I have left two things among you and

you will not astray as long as you hold them fast. One is the book of

Allah(Quran), the other is the Suimah of Rasul (Hadith)."

The Quran is an authentic source of knowledge not only for the

Muslims but also for the whole people of the world. In Surah Al-Qalm

Ayat No. 52 it is mentioned as, "Wartta hua Ilia zikrullil Alameen" i.e.

But it IS nothing less than a Message to all the worlds.

Here, Message means Message of true Reality.

This Quran is a Message of Truth. And it has come to this world

without any change. Allah says in the Quran, "We sent down (the Quran)

in Truth, and in Truth has it descended. "

Ofcourse, the Quran was sent down by Allah in Truth: it was not

forged by any mortal. It has descended in Truth : it was not and has not

been falsified or corrupted in the process of being communicated to man­


The Quran is full of learning and advises. It has been made by Al­

lah quite easy to understand and remember. But are we ready to take

lesson from it? The Quran expresses this in the Surah Al-Qamar as "And

we have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember. Then

75 there any that will receive admonition?"

While the Quran sums up the highest philosophy of the inner life,

its simple directions for conduct are plain and easy to understand and act

upon. Is this not in itself a part of the Grace of Allah ? And what excuse

is there for any one to fail in receiving admonition?

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So, from the above discussion it can be said that the Quran and Hadith

are the authentic sources of knowledge not only for the believers but

also for the whole people of the world

9. Reason and Intuition (Al-aql-al-kuli) - Though the Quran lays a great

emphasis on reason but it does not consider it as a sole means of gaining

knowledge. Because, acquisition of divine knowledge is not possible by the

reason alone (al-aql-al-juzi).

Again, we know that the knowledge gained by the Sufists, is mainly

on the basis of intuition Sometimes, the Scientists and the poets acquire

knowledge by the way of intuition But the acquisition of knowledge, only

on the basis of intuition may be questioned at times due to its mysterious


Therefore, some philosophers opine that the sweet combination of

both reason and intuition must be there for acquiring a real knowledge of

any matter, phenomenon or a thing The quotation of Mr M.Husain may

be mentioned in this respect According to him, "In Islam, the combined

faculty of reason and intuition (al-aql-al-kuli) serves as an instrument for

reaching the divine truths, which are super-rational but not irrational "

What is the range, extent or limit of knowledge ?

Human knowledge is limited We know only something of many

things which exist in the universe. We don't know even the sole compo­

nent of our body which is called as 'soul' . Arabic of soul is 'Ruh " In Is­

lamic history we have found that one day some people came to prophet

Mohammod (S) and asked, what is 'Ruh' ? In the Quran it is written as

"they ask you concerning the spirit (Ruh), say • the spirit is of the com­

mand of my Lord. Of knowledge, it is only a little that is communicated to

you (O man') .

Here two things are emphasized :- (i) Soul is nothing but, the com­

mand of Allah, (ii) Human being posses only a little knowledge given by


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So, our knowledge is quite limited. From the total human population,

some of us may have wisdom but again it is according to the will of Allah.

In the Quran, Surah No. 2 Ayat No. 269 it is written as "He granteth wis­

dom to whom He pleaseth".

Though human being posses limited knowledge but their range of

knowledge is greater than the angels (Malaekah). For this quality, human

kind are being sent by Allah as His representative. The Quran expresses

the same in the Surah Baqarah, Ayat No.30 to 34 as -Behold, thy Lord

said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth. They said : wilt

Though place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?

Whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy name?" He

said, "I know what ye know not. '" And He taught Adam the names of all

things; then He placed them before the angels and said : "Tell Me the

names of these if ye are right. " They said, "Glory to Thee! of knowl­

edge. We have none, save what Thou has taught us: in truth it is Though

who art perfect in knowldge and wisdom. " He said : "O Adam ! tell

them their names, Allah said : "Did I not tell you that I know the secrets

of heaven and earth, and I know what ye reveal and what ye conceal?"

And behold we said to the angels : " BOM' down to Adam, and they boM'ed

down. "

From the above mentioned verses of the Quran following points need

to be focussed - (i) Human kind are created by Allah as the vecegerents

for other creations, (ii) Angels presumed that human being will always make

mischief and shed blood instead of celebrating the praises of Allah, (iii)

Allah declared to the angels, "I know what you know not." (iv) Allah taught

Adam the names of all things exists in this world, (v) Angels do not pos­

ses such a knowldge what Adam has. (vi) Allah knows the secrets of the

heaven and the earth, (vii) Allah glorified Adam by ordering the angels to

bow down before him. This is due to the possession of knowldge by Adam.

Page No. 91

Is knowledge of Reality possible ?

Here, Reality mecins the supreme Reality i.e. Allah. Is man able to

get the knowledge of Allah or not able to do this? Are the human being

able to establish relationship with the creator Allah or not etc. are the

burning questions under Epistemology.

Islamic Philosophy gives positive reply to the above questions. It

is the main aim of acquiring knowledge of the believers that through knowl­

edge they will be able to recognize and realise the existence of Allah.

Knowledge will help them to establish a near relationship with the creator

through good conducts. Allah is the source of love. He wants the same

from the mankind. Prophet Mohammod (S) says, "whoever loves to meet

Allah, Allah loves to meet him."

In this way, one time will come when there will be a unification

between the slave and the Lord. In a Hadith-e-Qudsi it is written as -

Allah says, "The person I hold as a beloved, I become his hearing by

which he listens, and I become his sight by which he sees, and I become

his hands by which he holds and 1 become his feet by which he walks."

The evidence of this unification we have found in the case of great Sufi

Monsur-e-Hallaj, when he claimed himself as "Anal Haque" i.e. "I am

Haque or Allah" or "I am the creative Truth." This is the stage of "Fana-

fil Fana." At this stage he could not differentiate himself from Allah, as,

iron becomes fire in the midst of fire for the time being.

Dr. Iqbal also thinks that intuition or love is the only higher level of

experience through which one apprehends and associates directly with ulti­

mate Reality in its unique wholeness. His conception of the "Unity of be­

ing" is different from many other Sufists. Iqbal thinks that even after man's

highest spiritual attainment he remains a man and does not become one

with Allah. He puts his opinion in this respect as follows- "How can I meet

Him. I am the servant and He is God. My relation to Him is only that of a

serv'ant. If I am told that God is coming to meet me, I shall run far away.


Because if the ocean unites with a drop of water the drop will certainly lose

its existence I want to maintain myself as a drop of water,

I do not want to perish myself, but wish to create in me the qualities of the

ocean." So, Iqbal has the desire to inculcate in himself the qualities of Al­

lah without loosing the existence of the self. The great reformer of Islam

Shaikh Ahmod Sorhindi (better known as Mujaddid Alf-Thani) also refuted

the conception of the Identity of man with Allah. He emphasized the sepa-

rateness of human personality and stressed the need of retaining man's in­

dividuality in establishing the relationship with Allah.

Prophet Mohammod (S) used to inspire his follow^ers to know

Allah by acquiring the Divine qualities. In the Hadith of Miskat Sharif it is

written as, "Takhallaqu bi Akhlaqillah" i.e. Be ye endued with Divine quali­

ties. If the man be endued with the qualities of Allah then he becomes

empowered by the spirit of Him. Then whatever man desires, it becomes

almost possible to him. In one Hadith of Bukhari Sharif we find, - Allah

saith, "O Man! only follow thou My laws, and thou shalt become like

unto Me, and then say, 'Be ' and behold, it is." So, by acquiring and fol­

lowing the Divine instructions, human being can be a part of Allah.

Knowledge of Supreme Reality is possible for all mankind. Eventu­

ally, the people are being created to discover the mystery of Almight>'

Allah. There is a Hadith of Miskat Sharif- "Allah saith, T was a hidden

treasure. I would fain be known. So, I created man." From this Hadith

we have learnt that human being are the only agent who are able to

unfold the real dignity of the Almighty in this universe.

To make the people aware of the existence of Allah with respect to

this universe. Prophet Mohammod (S) one day asked his companions-

"What was in the begiiming? Then he said, Alleih was, and nothing was

with Him: and He created His imperial throne upon water, and ever>'thing

was in the tablet of His memory."

From many verses of the Quran we can get a clear conception about

Page No. 93

the Supreme Reality Allah. Few of them are produced below:-

1. Surah Hadid, Ayat No.-3 - "He is the First and the Last, the Evident

and the Hidden and He has full knowledge of all things."

2. Surah Al-An'am, Ayat No.-3 - "And He is Allah, in the Heaven and in


3. Surah An-Nur, Ayat No.-35 - "Allah is the Light of the Heavens and

the Earth."

4. Surah Al-Hashr, Ayat No.-23 - "Allah is He, than whom there is no

other God; the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace, the

Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the

Irrestible, the Justly Proud."

5. Surah Al-Hashr, Ayat No.-24- "He is Allah, the Creator, the Origina­

tor, the Fashioner, to Him belong the Most beautiful names."

6. Surah Al-Ikhlas, Ayat No.-l-4- "Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah, the

Eternal, Absolute. He begetteth not, nor He is begotten. And there is

none like unto Him."

From all the above verses of the Holy Quran it is clear that the

people who are desirous of acquiring knowledge about Allah He or She

will be able to satisfy his/her curiosity. The existence, attributes, names,

functions and purit>' etc.are mentioned in the above Ayats of the Quran.

What are the classirications of knowledge in Islam ?

If we classify the knowledge in Islam, we find, there are tluee broad


(1) Logical knowledge (Ilm-ul-Yaqin) ;- The knowledge which is de­

pendent on belief is known as Ilm-Ul-Yaqin.

This category of knowledge depends either on the truth of basic

assumptions, as in the case of application of 'deductive logic' or on the

most probable result, in accordance with the application of the process of

' induction'.

Page No 94

(2) Observa t iona i Knowledge(Ain-ul Yaqin> - The knowledge which

IS obtained by studying various objects and phenomena in the physical world

through the eyes, hands etc is known as 'Ain-ul Yaqin '

Study of natural phenomena, observation. Scientific experiments.

Historical knowledge based on reports and description of actual experiences

etc are under this category of knowledge While accepting the reports of a

person the honesty and character of the individual should be taken care


(3) Intuitive knowledge (Haqq-ul-Yaqin) - By observing the living and

non-living organisms and matters like- cow, birds, fishes, snakes, trees,

shrubs, Sun,Moon, Stars, sands, hills, water, etc human being can think

about the creator of this universe They may experience many ideas by the

mmd and heart also. The knowledge gathered by the people in the way of

thinking and insight is known as mtuitive knowledge

This type of knowledge comes to man through various modes like

instinct, intuition and revelation Revelation is also known as Wahy by

which the prophets get special type of knowledge from the Almighty Al­


Besides the above. Knowledge in Islam is classified by the Scholars

and Philosophers m different ways Some of them are presented below in

a very brief manner

(1) According to Ibn Baiiah, human Knowledge is of two kinds.-

(i) Knowledge based on proof - In which case the highest intellect

is realised as form

(li) Knowledge based on direct experience through religious devotion

and revelation - The Knowledge acquired by the Sufis is through religious

devotion While the knowledge of the prophet is revealed by Allah

(2) Philosopher Ai Farabi classified knowledge into .-

(i) Practical - This type of knowledge is related to conduct

(li) Theoretical - This type of Knowledge helps the soul to achieve perfection in life


(3) According to Imam Gazzali. there are two types of knowledge -

(i) Intuitive knowledge - This type of Knowledge leads to perfec­

tion of soul. Example . Quran and Hadith.

(ii) Knowledge acquired by Rational effort ;- The Knowledge ac­

quired through experience, observation and rational effort leads to the

development of Sciences. Example ; Mathematics, Medicine, Poetry, His­

tory, Astronomy etc.

(4) Renowned Scholar Fakhruddin Razi Classifies knowledge in

the following ways :

(i) Religious Sciences :- In this category of knowledge he mentioned

theology. Jurisprudence, Dialectics, Quran and Hadith.

(ii) Linguistic Sciences :- This include the subjects like Grammar,

Syntax, Etymology, Prosody. He called them as traditional Sciences.

(5) Ibn Khaldun, the great Phi losopher and Historian classif ied

knowledge in to following two kinds :

(i) Ulum-e-Aqliya .- Which are based on observation and deduc­

tion. Eg. Logic, Arithmatic, Astronomy, Physical and Biological Science.

(ii) Ulum-e-Naqliya :- This depends on revelation. Example: The

Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Kalam, Theology etc.

(6) According to Ibn Rushd. Knowledge is of two types

(i) Individual :- It is the outcome of sensation and imagination.

(ii) Universal Knowledge :- It is the result of the intellect. The act

of the intellect is to perceive the notion, the universal concept, and the es­


(7) Great Islamic Scholar, Nashir Al Din Tusi said all knowledge is

of the following two kinds :

(i) Concept ( Tasawwr) :- This type of knowledge is acquired through


(ii) Judgement (Tasdiq) :- It is acquired through Syllogism.

Page No 96

(8) Al Jili opines, every living beings possesses knowledge in the

following two ways

(i) Intuitive - Al Jili calls it as inspirational (Ilm-e-Ilhami)

which are possessed by animals

(ii) Inferential :- This knowledge is possessed by human beings,

angels (Farishta), and Jinn.

(9) According to Dr. Igbal. Knowledge is of the following two types

(i) Intellectual level of cognition (Ilm-ul-Muamlah)

(ii) Intuitive Cognition (Ilm-ul-Mukashifah)

He said, man first of all has to cross rational or intellectual level

of cognition and then enter into the realm of intuitive cognition in order to

have a glimpse of Metaphysical reality.



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Page No. 98

What is the Importance of Knowledge ?

In Islam, Knowledge or llm is considered as a light and a spirit as

well. It is the only weapon by which the animality of human being may be

transformed into rationality. Knowledge makes a man self-conscious and

bounds to be conscious for the good of others. It helps to love not only hu­

man being but also the whole living and nonliving creations of the uni­

verse. Ultimately, through Knowledge, the human being establish a sweet

relationship with the Absolute being Allah.

In many places of the Quran and Hadith the importance and ben­

efits of knowledge are mentioned. Some of them are presented below:-

(i) In the surah No.-2 Ayat No. 269 of the Quran - "He granteth

wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he 1o M'hom wisdom is granteth

receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing"

In the above Ayat it is clear that Allah grants wisdom to whom He

becomes pleased and satisfied. So, the man or woman who possesses

wisdom is fortunate enough because wisdom is the perfect and special

type of knowledge.

(ii) In the surah No. 26 Ayat No.21 of the Quaran- prophet Moses

said, "My Lord has (Since) invented me with judjment (and M'isdom) and

appointed me as one of the massengers. ''

In this verse, it is seen that to make Rasul first of all, the Moses

had been glorified by Allah with knowledge and wisdom.

(iii) In surah No.58 Ayat No. 11 of the Quran - "Allah will raise

lip to (Stiitable) ranks (and degrees), those of you who believe and M^ho

have been granted knowledge. ''

Here, two things are emphasised at a time- raising up of the posi­

tion of those who are believers and at the same time who are knowledgeous.

(iv) In surah No. 39Ayat No.-9 of the Quran, Allah says to the

prophet - "Say; Are those equal, those M'ho know and those -who do not

knoM' ? "

Page No. 99

In the above Ayat, Allah h imsel f assuring the superior i ty of

knowledgeous person over the ignorant one, with a question to the Prophet

Mohammod (S).

(v) In Surah Al-Imran Ayat No.8 - "There is no God but He. That is

the M'itness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowldge, stand­

ing firm. "

Here, in the above verses, Allah has mentioned Himself first, the

angels second and men endued with knowledge third to give witness about

the statement like "there is no God but Allah". So, the excellence of

acquiring knowldge of human being is focussed in this Ayat of the Quran.

In different Hadith, the importance of knowledge is highlighted. Some

of them are mentioned below.-

(i) Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "The excellence of a learned

man above a mere worshipper is as my excellence above the average

man among you. " (Tirmizi)

This is because, the worshipper (abid) is worshipping for himself

but the learned man is beneficial for the whole society.

(ii) "Learn your duties and teach men their duties" (Tirmizi)

Here, both learning and teaching are equally emphasised for an in­

dividual. Mere acquisition of knowldge is not sufficient for a person rather

he should teach and send it to others.

(iii) "Who so walks in path seeking knowledge therein, Allah will

thereby make easy to him the path of paradise. " (Muslim)

Here, it is indicated that the way of paradise will be comfortable to

walk for the people who seeks knowledge. Here, knowledge means the

knowldge of Islam.

(iv) "The death of a tribe is easier in comparison to the death of

a learned. " (Bukhari & Muslim).

The meaning of the Hadith is the loss is lesser in the death of a

tribe than the death of a learned person.

Page No. 100

(v) Hazrat Anas reported that the Prophet Mohammod (S) said,

"Search for knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslim male and female. "

(Ibn Majah)

Here, the acquisition of Islamic knowledge is made obligatory for all

believers - man and woman.

(vi) Once a man wanted to seek a woman in marriage. The prophet

asked: Have you got anything with you which we may give to her as dower.

The man searched and could not find anything. The Prophet asked: Have

you got any portion of the Quran with you? Yes, said he, such and such

verses. The prophet then gave him in to marriage with the woman and

directed him to teach those verses to her. (Bukhari & Muslim)

Here, the teaching of the verses of the Quran is being used as

"Mohar" for the poor Sahaba.

He is instructed to teach the verses of the Quran to his wife. So,

both acquisi t ion of knowledge and transfer of learning are equally

emphasised by the prophet Mohammod (S) in this Hadith very nicely.

(vii) Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "When a man dies, his works

also stop except three: acts of charity which are continued, knowledge,

by which (all) profit and a righteous issue which prays for him. "

Here, out of three important works one is knowledge, by which all

human beings get benefit. This will not be ended even after the death of a

person. That is, the benefit of knowledge will be continued upto the


(viii) Mohammod (S) said, "All the things of the earth and the heav­

ens pray for the deliverance of the learned. "

In this Hadith the prophet points out that while getting knowledge,

all other things remain busy for the deliverance of the learned man. So,

the learned man is fortunate enough because whatever things exist on the

earth and in the heaven pray for his deliverance.

Page No. 10 J

Hence, it can be said on the basis of the verses of Holy Quran and

Hadith that knowledge and education occupy significant place in Islam.

So, it should be the duty of the believers to attain and apply knowledge in

their day to day lives. If the Muslims become right in their activities,

other people will be motivated towards the teaching of Islemi.

Page No. 102



Introduction - The Mutazila creed made its appearance nearly tv 'o centuries

after the migration of the Holy Prophet Mohanunod (S) to Madina. The term

was first given by Imam Hasan Al Basari to Wasil Ibn Ata by saying, "Itazala

anna" i.e. He has withdrawn fi-om us. Wasil and his followers were called as

Mutazila, the withdrawers or secessionists.

Why the Mutazilites are called as withdrawers ? Following points will

clarify the matter :

Basic beliefs :-

(i) Mutazilites think that man is the author of his own acts. They argue

that if man is not the author of his own acts and if these acts are the

creations of Allah, how can he be held responsible for his acts and

deserve punishment for his sins?

(ii) Mutazilites deny the appearance of the Dajjal, Yajuj & Majuj before

the day of judgement,

(iii) They also deny the existence of the Recording Angels (Kiraman

Katibin). The reason they give for this is that Allah is well aware of all

the deeds done by liis sei-vants.

(iv) They deny the miracles (Karamot) of saints (Walls),

(v) The Mutazilites also deny the Ascension (Miraj) of the prophet

Mohammod (S).

(vi) They believe that as the divine decree cannot be altered, prayers

serve no purpose at all.

(vii) For them, the Mujtahid (Authorized interpreter of the religious law)

can never be wrong in his view.

(\Tii) They think that the vision of Allah is possible neither in this world nor

in the hereafter,

(ix) The Mutazilites held that Allali is bound to fulfill His promises of

reward and punishment.

Page No. 103

Conclusion :- All the above believes are not being admitted by the Sunnites.

For this reason, the Mutazilites are known as withdrawers.


Introduction :-

Abul Hasan AH Al Ashari was a descendent of Abu Musa Ashari (R)

was a Mutazilite in his early age. But at the age of forty, a sudden change

happened m his miiid and refuted the Mutazilism. He maintained an interme­

diary position between the two opposed schools of thought-Mutazilism and

Zahirism, prevailing at that time. The Mutazilites who made reason in prefer­

ence to revelation the sole criterion of truth and reality. Whereas the Zahirites,

the Mujassimites, the Muhaddithin and the Jurists opposed to the use of rea­

son or kalam in defending or explaining religious dogmas and condemned any

discussion about them as iimovation.

Al Ashari, synthesised the two contradictory opinions. He proceeded to

justify theological discussions about matters of faith. Later on Imam Ghazzali

and Imam Fakhruddin Razi explained his views elaborately.

Fundamental beliefs -

(i) According to the Asharities, Allah is one, unique, eternal , existent

Being. He is not a substance, not a body, not an accident, not limited

to any direction and not in any space. He possesses attributes such as

knowledge, power, life, will. He is hearing and seeing and has speech.

(ii) According to Asharites, "Allah creates in man, the power, ability, choice

and will to perform an act; and man, endowed with this derived power,

chooses freely one of the alternatives and intends or wills to do the

actions and corresponding to this intention, Allah creates and complete

the action." It is this intention on the part of man which makes him

responsible for his deeds.

Page No 104

(iii) The Asharites believe that revelation is more fundamental as the source

of ultimate truth and reality and reason should merely confirm what is

given by revelation.

(iv) The Asharies as against Mutazilites, hold that revelation and not rea­

son is the real authority or criterion to determine what is good and

what is bad.

(v) The Quran is eternal and uncreated.

(vi) Tlie Asharites denied causality in nature and made Allah the only cause

of everything.

(vij) They say that Beatific vision is possible. That is, it is possible to see

Allah by the human being.

(viii) The Asharites believed in miracles which were considered to be the

basis of the proof of prophethood.

Conclusion :-

Al Juwaini and Al Ghcizzali popularized the Asharite philosophy for the

Muslim community in generaJ. This School of Islamic Philosophy has great

impact upon the Muslims up to tiie present time also.

Page No 105


Introduction -

Al Tahawi was bom in 229/843 at Taha in upper Egypt. He was re­

garded as one of the greatest Muhaddithin cuid Fuqaha of his time. He was a

follower of Imam Abu Hanifa (Roh) in jurisprudence as well as in theology.

From his name this school of thought came into existence.

Nature of faith >

(i) Imam Abu Hanifa says, "Islam demands from its followers two things:

belief and practice, and both are essential for a perfect muslim.

(ii) No one can have any excuse for ignorance about his creator, Allah,

(iii) Al Tahawi holds the view - "Allah is without limits, ends, elements, limbs

and instrument."

(iv) Allah is invisible in this world; no human being saw Him or will ever see

Him in this world, except the Prophet Mohammod (S) who, according to

some of them, saw Him in the night of Miraj.

(v) Allah will be seen by the faithful in paradise.

(vi) Al Tahawi emphasised that Beatific vision is an article of faith and it must

be accepted without any doubt, without any rational interpretation and with­

out any idea of antliropomorphism.

(vii) Imam Abu Hanifa says, "The Quran is the uncreated speech of Allah."

(viii) The Quran is eternal

(ix) Al Tahawi asserts that all human actions are creations in relation to Allah

and acquisition in relation to men and Allah is never unjust to them so as to

burden them beyond the power and capacity.

Conclusion :-

Tahawism is actually another version of Imam Abu Hanifa's theological

system. Al Tahawi made his effort to clarify the position of his master in a

ver>' nice and elegant language.

= = ^ sj; * 3f: -~ =

Page No 106


Introduction -

This school of thought was named according to the name of Abu Monsur

Mohd. Al Maturidi. He was born in the village Maturid (238/853) of Samarqand

in central Asia. He wrote a number of important books of Tafsir, Kalam and


Al Maturidi was the first Mutakallim to introduce the doctrine of the

sources of human knowledge in a book on theology. Tlie name of that famous

book is 'Kitab Al Tauhid". In this book he discussed his philosophical ideas in

the light of Islam.

Fundamental Idea-

(i) According to Al Maturidi, there are three means of acquiring knowledge

which are :. (a) Sense organs (Al-Ayan) (b) Reports (Al-Akhbar) (c) Reason


(ii) Reason, according to Al Maturidi, is the most important of all other sources

of knowledge.

(iii) Al Maturidi does not regard inspiration (Ilham) as a source of knowledge.

Inspiration, he argues, creates chaos and conflict in the domain of knowledge,

makes true knowledge impossible.

(iv) Allah wills an action good or evil, which He knows a man will choose and

this ultimately he chooses and intends to acquire it Allah creates that act as a

good or evil act for him.

(v) All the attributes of Allah whether belonging to His essence or action are


(vi) Al Maturidi asserts that the vision of Allah in paradise is the highest spiri­

tual and intellectual delight and the most coveted reward of the believers.

Conclusion;- Al Maturidi explained the theology of Abu Haiiifa in the light of

the Philosophy of his time, tried to defend it by argument and reason and this

provided a firm foundation of his OV\TI philosophy called as Maturidism.

Page No. 107



Zahirism was founded by a famous jurist Dawud Ibn Ali who was bom

in Kufah in 202/817 of Iraq. He was brought up and educated in Baghdad and

afterwards laid the foundation of his school of his jurisprudence called as

Zahirite school.

Basic beliefs ;-

(i) This school of thought recognised the Quran and the Hadith as the only

sources of jurisprudence.

(ii) Dawud Ibn Ali accepted at any rate, consensus (ijma) of the companions

of the prophet but he rejected analogy (qiyas), opinion (rai), personal

approval (istihsan) and decisions on the authority of older generations

(taqlid) altogether.

(iii) Prayer should be cut shot on any journey.

(iv) Ibn Hazm emphasised, in addition to sensor>' perception and primar>'

reason, three means of acquiring religious knowledge, which are . (a)

The literal sense of the Quran (b) The sayings and doings of the Prophet

Mohammod (S) and (c) Consensus (ijma).

(v) Ibn Hazm asserts that the Muslim would see Allah on the day of judge­


(vi) All actions of men, good and bad, are ultimately created by Allah.

Conclusion :-

Dav.aid Ibn Ali was succeeded as the head of the Zahirite schoo! by hjs

son whose name wiis Abu Bakar Mohd. Ibn Dawud. In the fourtli/tenth century

this school of thought reached to its climeix with respect to prestige. It had its

deeper root in Egypt of the Muslim world. Ibn Hazm founded and spread Zahirite

School in Muslim Spain. After his death this philosophy started to decline there.

With the advance of the 6th/12tli century this school was combated from every

sides and did not last long in the Muslim world.

Page No. JOS


Ddiwcin Al Safa, a group of Philosophers in Isliun, originated in Basrah

of Iraq. In about 373/983 this group of philosophers got their due recogni­

tion. This group had four grades and the members were placed generally

according to their age. First group of those who attained their 15th year. Sec­

ond group between 30-40 Yrs. Third group 40-50 Yrs and the fourth group of

those who completed 50 Yrs of age.

The basic beliefs of this Philosophical School are:-

(i) General knowledge may be acquired in three ways . (a) by the five

sense organs (b) by means of primary reason (c) from tlie authorised


(ii) Space and time, both are not realities.

(iii) The universe is not eternal but created by Allah through emanation,

(iv) Al Bari (Allah) is the First and only Eternal Being, the One, Unique,

and One in every respect,

(v) Al Aql (Intellect) was the first being to emanate from Al Bari.

(vi) All human souls are immortal,

(vii) The natural worlds is made up of three kingdoms:

(a) the mineral

(b) plants and

(c) Animal kingdom.

(viii) Character and behaviour are teachable.

(ix) A teacher is absolutely necessary, especially to common people,

(x) JsJiowledge is handed down traditionally through religious leaders, the

Imams, whose ultimate source of knowledge is the prophet, who ac­

quires his knowledge from Allah by inspiration.

Conclusion :-

Ikliwan Al Safa made good contribution in the field of Islamic Philoso­

phy from multifarious dimensions like -Epistemology, Metaphysics, Natural-

Physical and Behavioural Sciences, Politics, Ethics, Religion and Educational

aspects. Their viewpoints are frill of intellecmal and critical analysis.

Page No. 109



Educational philosophy of Islam does not confine its scope to religious

instructions only rather it casts the light of secular teachings also in many

verses of the Quran & Hadith. The subjects and topics which are taught in the

Schools, Colleges and Universities are also available in the pages of the holy

Quran as well as in the Hadith literatures. A few such references along with

the subjects they belong to are mentioned below:-


Page No no

Astronomy is that branch of Science which deals with the study of stellar ob­

jects like the sun, moon, stars, planets and galaxies etc. and their motion, posi­

tion and action.

In the Qiu'an, many examples of Astronomical science are men­

tioned. Some of them are produced below with brief explanation.

(i) "He it is thai cleareth the day break (from the dark). He makes the

night for rest and tranquility and the sim and moon for the reckoning (of time) ''.

(Surah No. 6 Ayat No.96)

The rright, the day, the sun, the moon are the elements of Astronomical

Science in the universe of Allah. Definitely, night is made for our rest and the

day is for works. In the Surah No. 78, Ayat lO&ll of the Quran it is mentioned

as, "And (He) made the night as covering and made the day as a means of

subsistence. "

Second part of the first Ayat indicates the functional aspect of the sun

and the moon. In our day to day lives we calculate time in terms of month as

solar month and lunar month respectively. Solar month is completed by 28, 29,

30 and 31 days. But in lunar month we find there are 29 and 30 days in a


(ii) "The no of montlis, in the sight of Allah is tM'elve (in a year), so

ordained by Him, the day He created the hem^ens and the earth. "

(Surah No. 9 Ayat No.36)

From the above statement it is clear that there are twelve months in a

year in the eye of Allah, and this was created when the universe came into


(iii) "// is He M'ho made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be

a light (of beauty) and measured out stages for it, that you might know the

number of years and the coimt (of time) ". (Surah No. 10; Ayat No. 5.)

Here, the existence of the sun and tlie moon are mentioned with their

practical usages. Tlie fitting epithet for the sun is "splendors and glory of bright­

ness" and for the moon is "a light of beauty". And from the stages of the sun

Page No 111

and moon we may know the number of years and can count time also.

(iv) "Allah is He who raised (he Heavens M'ithoui any pillars that you

can see. Then He established Himself on the Throne. He has subjected the sioi

and the moon; each one nms (its course) for a term appointed. "

(Surah No 13; Ayat No-2.)

In the above verses Allah emphasized on three aspects like (a) The heaven

(Sky) has been raised above without any pillars. This fact is being admitted by

the Astronomical Science of today also, (b) Tlirone is the place where Allah

has established Himself by sitting. According to the ideology of Islam this sit­

ting place is known as "Arosh" which lies on the highest space, (c) The sun and

the moon are subjected by Allah which runs for the definite time in their own


(v) "It is not permitted to the sun to catch up the moon, nor can the night

outstrip the day. Each swims along in its own orbit (according to IcnvJ "

(Surah No. 36 Ayat No.40)

Though the sun and the moon both traverse the belt of the zodiac and

their motions are different, they never catch up each other. When the sun and

the moon are on the same side and on aline with the earth there is a solar eclipse

and when on opposite side in aline, there is lunar eclipse, but there is no clash.

Their laws are fixed by Allah. Similarly night and day follow each other, but

being opposite can not coincide, a fit emblem of the opposition of good and

evil, truth and falsehood.

Second part of the verse emphasized on the swimsning of the sun and

moon in their own orbits in tlie space. Here the Arabic word "Kullun" clarifies

the movements of the earth also in its own orbit in the space. According to the

law fixed by Allah everything in the space is in smooth motion in their own

ways and orbits. So, the doctrine of the scientist Copemicous that "the earth

moves round the sun" is in accordance with the verse of the Quran.

(vi) "We have indeed decked the lower hecn'en (sky) M'ith beauty (in) the

stars. " (Surah No. 37, Ayat No. 6)

Page No JJ2

According to the Quran there are seven numbers of Heaven (sky) being

created by the Almighty. In the above mentioned verse, it is said that the lower

Heaven is beautified by the stars. So, the existence of both sky and stars are

admitted by the Quran.

(vii) "(He is) Lord of the two easts arid Lord of the tM'o M'ests. "

(Surah No. 55, Ayat No. 17)

Here, the two Easts indicate the two extreme points where the sun rises

during the year and includes all the points between. Similarly, the two wests

include the two extreme points of the sim's setting and all the points between.

The dual number fits with the general atmosphere of duality of this Surah.

Allah is Lord of every region of the Earth and sky and He scatters His bounties

every where in this universe.

(viii) "Do not unbelievers see that the hea\'ens and the earth were joined

together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder'^"

(Surah No. 21; Ayat No. 30)

The above verse of the Quran gives an indication on the origin of the

universe. The modem 'Big-Bang' theory also supports the same when it says,

"The whole universe was initially one big mass (Primary Nebula). Then there

was a 'Big-Bang' (Secondary Separation) which resulted in the formation of

Galaxies. These then dixdded to form stars, planets, the sun, the moon etc.

H< ^ ^


Page No. 114

Botany is that branch of science which deals with the plcints and their

structure. It is the systematic study of plants and plant life including their ana­

tomical, physiological and functional aspects

In the Quran different types of plants, vegetables, seeds, fruits and shrubs

etc. are mentioned in many of its verses. Some of those verses are produced


(1) "It is Allahwho, caiiseth the "seed grain" and the "date-stone" to

split and sprout. " ( Surah No. 6; Ayat No. 95).

The seed grain and the date-stone are selected as types in the vegetable

kingdom, showing how our physical life depends on it. Botanists notice that

the seed grain includes the cereals (such as wheat, barley, rice, millet etc) which

are monocotyledons, as well as the pulses (such as beans, peas, gram etc.) and

other seeds which are dicot>'ledons. These tv\ o represent the most important

classes of food grains. While the date palm a monocotyledon represent for Arabia

both food, fruit, confectioner^^, thatch and pillars for houses, shady groves in

oasis and a standaid measure of wealth and well being.

For vegetables "split and sprout" represents a double process.

(a) The seed divides.

(b) One part shoots up, seeking the light gjid forming leaves and visible

parts of the future tree and the other part digs down into the dark, forming the

roots and seeking just that sustenance from the soil, which is adopted for the

particular plant.

So, the above example of plants and fruits definitely enhance our knowl­

edge of Botanical Science.

(2) "Glory to Allah, who created in pairs all things that the earth pro­

duces, as well as their own (Human) kind and (other) things of which they hcn'e

no knowledge. " (Surah No. 36 ; Ayat No. 36)

The mystery of sex runs through all creation - in man, in animal life, in

plants life and of course in other things of which we have no kiiowledge. In the

above mentioned verses, it is said that Allah created all things in pairs. Natu-

Page No. il5

rally, the plants are created in pairs, as male and female and this is for repro­

ducing their own kinds.

We know that the higlier plants reproduce by the formation of seeds. In

order to produce seeds, male and female gametes should fuse together to

form zygote that develops into a seed. The male gametes is known as pollen

grain, while the female gamete is an ovum. The pollen grains are motile and

reach up to the ovum for fertilization.

In some cases both male and female sexual organs rflay be seen in the

same plant but in many cases the process of reproduction occurs by the unifi­

cation of male and female organs from different plants.

(3) "See yon, the seed that yon sow in the ground. Is it yon that cause

it to grow or are we the cause']'"

Here Allah is asking to the people about the seed and its growth He is

assuring the fact that the cause of the new plants from the seed is Allah

Himself. He inspired us for thinking about the matter.

In this way, the reference of vegetables like cucumbers, garlic, lentils,

onion etc. and the fiaiits like banana, grapes, olives, pomegranates etc. in the

Quran which constitutes the subject Botany.

(4) "(Allah) has sent down water from the sky. With it ha^'e M^e pro­

duced diverse pairs of plants, each separate from the other. "

(Surah No. 20, Ayat No. 53)

We know, sexual reproduction in the vegetable kingdom is carried out

by coupling the male & female parts of the generic formation united on a

same plant or located on separate plants. This is mentioned in the above

verses of the Qiuan.

In the Hadith literature also we do find the importance of Botanical as­

pect i.e. the benefit of plantation. For example. Prophet Mohammod (S) said,

"There is no muslim who planteth a tree, or soweth afield, and man, birds or

beasts eat from them, but it is charity for him. " (Miskat Sharif)

In the above Hadith Prophet is inspiring his followers to cultivate the

Page No. 116

land and transplant the trees. At the stage of tnatunry, the plants will bear fruits,

which will be eaten by men, birds and beasts. Uitimately, this plantation will be

counted as an act of charity for the planter

In another Hadith, Prophet Mohajnmod (S) said, "If you have a sap­

ling in your hand, SOM' it. even if yon are sure that the doomsday' has come. "

From the Islamic Ideology we know that the doomsday is the last day

of this world. So, if the man becomes aware of this day, he will not have any

expectation about this world. Inspite of that the prophet Moharrimod (S)

emphasised on the plantation on that very moment. This is a real example of

afforestation and conservation of Botanical resources in Islam.

jJ; ^ iji

Page No. 117

Page No. 118

Zoology deals with the classification and comprehensive study of dif­

ferent animals, their anatomy, physiology and life processes.

Name of different types of animals and insects are mentioned with ex­

amples in the Quran in many of its verses. A few of them are produced below

(1) "Of the cattle are some for burden and some for meat. "

(Surah No. 6; Ayat No.-142)

In this verse the word cattle is mentioned giving due importance to its

functional aspects. Generally, the biillock and ox are used for the cultivation

and carrying goods. Both the male & female catties are used as eatable sub­


(2) "And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys for you, to ride

and as an adronment. " (Surah No.-16; Ayat No.-8)

Here, it is mentioned that the animals like horse, mule and donkey are

created for us, to ride and as an adornment. Though those animals are known as

beasts of burden but their beauty and elegance can not be denied.

(3) "Do they not look at the camels, how they are made? "

(Surah No. -88; Ayat No. 19)

Animal which is mentioned here is the camel. Human beings are in­

spired to look at the beautifiil structure of camel, how they are made of! What

a wonderful structure has this sheep of the desert ! He can store water in his

stomach for long days. He can live on dry and thorny desert shiu-bs. His limbs

are adapted to his life and place. He can carry men and goods. His flash can be

eaten. Camel's hear can be used in weaving. And after all, he is so gentle that

people can learn fi^om his appearence.

So, the above mentioned body structure, habitate and functional side of

the camel are definitely under the study matter of Zoology.

(4) "Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, even of a gnat as

well as anything above it. " (Surah No.-2; Ayat No. 26)

Here, the word "gnat" a byword in the Arabic language for the weakest of

creatures is mentioned. It is also knovsTi as mosquito in common enghsh language.

Page No 119

(5) "The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of

the spider, who builds (to itself) a house but truly the flimsiest of houses. "

(Surah No 29, Ayat No 4)

In the above verse, the example of the insect "spider" is mentioned to

stress the flunsmess of their dwelling which is the most fragile of all Therr

house is made up of fine silk threads, spun out of silk glands in the body If an

insect is caught in the net, the vibration set up in the radiating threads is at once

communicated to the spider, who can come and kill his prey The spider sits

either in the centre of the web or hides on the underside of a leaf or in some

crevice, but he always has a single thread connecting him with his web, to keep

him in telephonic communication

In Arabic the generic gender of "Ankabut" is feminine which is used in

the above verses The female spider is much bigger than the male one

(6) "Allah fashioned man from a small quantity (of sperm). "

(Surah No -16, Ayat No 4)

Here, the Arabic word "nutfa" has been translated by the word "small

quantity of sperm" for reproduction of human being, it is essential that the sperm

of male should be united with the ovimi of female in the uterus through the

genital organs

In this way in many places of the Quran the name of the animals like

goat, Sheep, locust, lice, frog, bee, elephant, different types of birds etc are

mentioned which always inspires us to observe, study them and use them for

our comfortable livings Deep research on Zoological creations ultimately lead

us to know about the supreme creator of this universe

(7) " There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that

flies on Its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. "

(Surah No 6, Ayat No 38)

From the research studies it is found that animals and birds live in com­

munities, i e they organize and live and work together The above verse of the

Quran indicates the same.

Page No. 120

Reference of animals, we do find in the sayings of the Prophet

Mohammed (S) also. One day he said to his companions, "A woman was pun­

ished for a cat which she tied till it died with hunger; and that woman gave the

cat nothing to it, nor did she set at liberty, so that it might have eaten the reptiles

of the ground."

The sympathy for the beasts like cat, dog, camel, ass etc. are being shown

by the prophet Mohammod (S) in different places. In this Hadith, it is

emphasised that we should not be cruel for the cats, otherwise, there will be

severe punishment for us after death.

Page No. 122

Scientific study of the earth's crust, rocks, strata etc. and of the history

of its development is known as Geology. It also deals with the creation of the

earth and its different components like hill, rivers, seas etc.

The Geological aspects mentioned above are explained in the Quran by

the following ways -

(1) Your guardian Lord is Allah, who created the Heaven and the Earth

in six days. (Surah No. 7; Ayat No. 54)

Here, in tliis verse it is said that the earth is created by Allah in six days.

Again we have learned from the Quran that "a day in the sight of Allah is like a

thousand years of our reckoning" (22::47). Hence, the amount of six days will

be equal to six thousand days in our calculation.

(2) And He has set up on the earth mountains, standing firm, so that it

will not shake with you. (Surali No. 16; Ayat No. 15).

Here, the function of the mountains are given which are acting as pegs

for the earth. We know, our earth is in the space. The vertical difference

between the highest and the lowest points on the solid crust of the earth is

about 11.5 miles. So, to remain firm in the space the earth requires high and

big mountains.

(3) // is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing M'ater One

palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier

between them, a partition that is not to be passed.

(Surah No. 25; Ayat No. 53)

Here in the above verses, the word "Bahrain" means two seas or two

bodies of flowing water :- (i) Tlie great salt ocean, (ii) Tlie bodies of sweet

water fed by rain, whether they are rivers, lakes or underground springs; their

source in rain makes them one, and their drainage whether above ground or

underground, eventually to the ocean also make them one They are free to

mingle and in a sense they do mingle, for there is a regular water cycle. And the

rivers flow constantly to the see and tidal rivers get sea water for several miles

up their estuciries at high tide Yet, inspite of all this, the laws of gravitation are

Page No 123

like barrier or partition set by Allah, by which the two bodies of watei in a

whole are alw^ays kept apart and distinct

Salt and sweet v/ater of tlie sea, they meet and \et each remains separate

because Allah has placed a barrier, a partition between them The Quran says so

(iv) "Afid M'e have set on the earth mountains standing firm "

(Surah No 21, Ayat No 31)

Through this verse the Quran clearly mentions the function of the moun-

tams in preventing the earth from shaking

(v) " And the mountains hath He firmly fixed

(Surah No 79, Ayat No 32)

In the above ayat, the Quran also speaks about the strong mountain

foundations Following picture will clarify the matter


Page No 124

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Page No.] 25

Well known French Philosopher, Auguste Comte, used the terni sociol­

ogy for the first in the year 1837. He used the word Sociology to designate the

application of the scientific method to the study of human nature and society.

Sociology studies plural behaviour. The plural behaviour is the behaviour

in relation to others - the behaviour of man in relation to other man and in

relation to the group or association. In other words, the central theme in soci­

ology is the social interaction.

The Quran emphasizes in the sociological aspects in many of its verses


(1) And remember,, we took a covinant from the children of Israel (to

this effect). Worship none but Allah. Treat with kindness your parents and

kindred and orphans and those in need. Speak fair to the people.

(Sural! No.2 ; Ayat No. 83)

The following sociological points are highlighted in the above verses

(i) Man should behave kindly with their parents and with the near rela­


(ii) Man should behave graciously with the orphans and poor people,

(iii) Human beings should speak fairly with all peoples of the world

(2) The orphans restore their property (when they reach their age) nor

substitute (your) worthless things for (their) good ones; and devour not their

substance (by mixing it up) with your own. For this is indeed a great sin.

(Surah No. 4, Ayat No. 2)

In our society, generally, orphans are deprived by their near relatives

fi-om the property. That is why, in the above verses Allah is saying to the

people that they should restore their property when the orphans reach to the

age of maturity. And again, it is said that the orphan's good property should not

be substituted by bad one, and people should not devour the substance of the

orphans, by mixing it up with their own, if they do so it will be a great sin.

So, the above verses inspire the people to be a man of justice in the

society, specially when we deal with the property of the orphans.

Page No. 126

(3) When a (courteous) greeting is offered you meet it M'ith a greeting still more

courteous or (at least) of equal courtesy. (Surah No. 4; Ayat No. 86)

For creating an ideal society it is necessary to establish amicable rela­

tionship with others. In this respect the courteous greeting (i.e. salam) is a good

weapon. Salam can please the mind of others quite easily. In the above verses it

is said that if any one offers you a courteous greeting than you should meet it

with more courteous way or atleast of equal courtesy. That is, we should try to

be more generous than other people for establishing an ideal society.

(4) O you who believe ! stand out firmly for Justice, as witness to Allah, even as

against yourselves or your parents or your kin and whether it be (aganist) rich

or poor For Allah can best protect both. (Surah No. 4; Ayat No. 135)

To establish a classless and peaceful society it is quite essential for the

people to stand firmly as witnesses for any case, even it may go against the self

or the parents and near relatives. Allah wants so from the believers.

Again, it is seen that in justice, many people inclined to favour the rich

because of fearing or they expect something from them. Some people may be

inclined to favour the poor because they are generally helpless. Partiality in

both the cases are deviated from the trvith. Alleih wants to be just, withovit fear

or favour. Both the rich and the poor are under His protection as far as their

legitimate interests are concerned.

So, to build an ideal society, Quran helps us a lot. Our duty is to know

and follow the advice accordingly.

(5) You help one another in righteousness and piety but you do not help one

another in sin and rancour (Surali No. 5; Ayat No. 2)

In this verse it is said that we should help other people in good works

and piety but we should not help people in the works of sin and rancour. This

instruction if we follow, there will be no anarchy in the people of our society

(6) And O my people! give just measure and weight, nor withhold from the

people the things that are their due. Commit not evil in the land -with intent to

do mischief (Surah No. 11; Ayat No. 85)

Here, the Prophet Shuaib (A) is addressing to his Madian people to give

Page No 127

justice in weight and measurement. People should not be deprived from their

dues and evil should not be committed with the motive of doing mischief in the


This instruction are actually given by Allah to all of us through the

prophet. If this is followed completely the human societ>' will be peaceful in all


(7) And swell not your cheek (for pnde) at men, nor walk in insolence through

the earth, for Allah loves not any arrogant boaster (Surah No.31; Ayat No. 18).

The word cheek used above means arrogance or effrontery with a slightly

different shade added, viz effrontery from one in an inferior position to one in

a superior position. The Arabic usage of the word is wider and includes smug

self satisfaction and a sense of lofty superiority.

If anyone neglects other people intoxicated with pride then enmity will

be developed among the people of the society. So, in the above verse Allah

says that He does not love the arrogant booster and those who walks in inso­

lence in the earth. To establish an ideal society human being should give up the

above mentioned negative attributes from them.

(8) O you who believe > let not some men among you laugh at others. It may be

that the (latter) are better than the (former). Nor let some women lough at

others. It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former). Nor defame nor

be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames.

(Surah No.49; Ayat No. 11)

In the above verses it is emphasised that man or woman should not

laugh at others because the latter may be better than the fonner one. We should

always think that other people are better than me. Human being should also not

defame others by sarcastic remarks or calling name, these are very much harm-

ftil in establishing good relationship with others.

So, if we follow the above mentioned advises of the Quran, surely a

model society will be created among ourselves.

Page No. 128


Sociological spirits are found in the Hadith literature also. Prophet

Mohammed (s) made valuable comments and suggestions in different situa­

tions to his companions. Few such examples are produced below;-

(1) No mem is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that

which he desires for himself (- Miskat & Muslim Sharif)

In this Hadith it is emphasised that to become a good believer one

should not be confined to his own interest only rather should think of other

people's interest that he wishes for his own.

In this society what we do? We tliiiik of ourselves, neglecting others.

This tendency is the prime evil to establish a classless society

(2) He who is not affectionate to Allah 's creatures, and to his own

children, Allah will not be affectionate to him. (-Miskat Sharif)

In this Hadith, notable point is that for getting the affection of Allah one

should have affection to the whole creatures. Human kind irrespective of

religion, caste, class, gender, colour, region etc. should be loved by that person

who wants to be the lover of Allah. Not only that, those people should be kind

and sympathetic enough for other living organisms like cow, cat, birds, plants

etc. also.

So, this Hadith inspires us to inculcate the spirit of sociability in us.

(3) The best of men is he from whom good accrueth to humanity.

(-Miskat & BoiJhaqui sharif)

Prophet Mohammod (S) here emphasised on the good eind useful works

of the men for all human being. The best man should do good work for all

people. If we can do so, a broad world societ>' and brotherhood will be

established among ourselves.

(4) When the bier of anyone passes by you, whether Jew, Christian or

Muslim, rise to your feet. (-Nasaie & Miskat Sharif)

We should be sympathetic for all dead bodies and for their near rela-

Page No. 129

tives. While we are in sitting position, if the bier passes before us, we should

show honour to the dead body by standing. If we do so, a cordial relationship

will be established among ourselves in the society.

(5) A man is bound lo do good to his parents, although they might

have injured him. (-Miskat Sharif)

To show respect and to serve the parents are the duties of the children.

If some parents are arrogant or cruel in behaviour with their children, even

then the sons and daughter should obey them wholeheartedly. This is the

summery of this Hadith. So, if we obey this instruction our social spirit will

certainly be developed because family is the starting point of social fabrica­


(6) Whoever has a daughter and does not bury her alive or scold her

or show partiality to his other children, may Allah bring him into paradise.

(-Abu Daud & Miskat Sharif)

Just before the propagation of Islam by prophet Mohammod (s) the

people of Arab used to bury their daughters. This is a great social crime. So, it

was said that if people stop this criminal act and not scold them or neglect

them than the boys, they will be rewarded by Allali in the paradise.

This Hadith is a buniing example to establish gender equity in our society.

(7) An individual M>ho takes meal with full stomach and his nearest

neighbours remain imeaier, he will never be a Muslim. (-Miskat Sharif)

This is a glorious example of establishing social relationship for a be­

liever with others. It is the bounden duty of tlie Muslim to be kind and s>Tnpa-

thetic for liis neighboiu' irrespective of caste, colour, sex or religion.

(8) "Give up suspect to other people because suspicion is the great­

est false. Do not try to find fault of others. Do not listen to other's speaking

standing aside. Do not be arrogant, jealous. Do not lecn'e anyone in help­

less position. Be the sen'attt of Allah and remain as brothers among your­

selves. " (- Tirmizi Sharif)

In the above Hadith, many important instructions are given by our

Page No 150

prophet. First, He said us not to suspect others because it is the greatest false.

We see, suspicion creates many obstacles to set up amicable relationship with

others. Secondly, faults findiitg is a great enemy of human nature because it

creates anarchy in the society. To establish a good societ>' this tendency should

be given up from our minds. Thirdly, listening to the speaking of others

standing aside is the characteristic of coward and wicked people. Fourthly, it is

said that we should not be arrogant and jealous because these are the attributes

of bad personality. Fifthly, it is instructed that we should not leave a person

alone in helpless position. We should extend our helping hands for those people

who needs help, as we know, a friend in need is a friend indeed. And lastly,

prophet advises that we should be the servant of Allah and should remain as

brothers among ourselves.

The above instructions Eire indeed the ultra valorem sources to create

the spirit of true socialism in us.

(9) Companion of prophet naming Abu Masud (R) one day was beating

his slave. Prophet saw it and said, " Oh! Abu Masud! the power of Allah upon

you is much greater than the poM>er of you on the sla\>e. If you do not desist from

beating the slave, than hell will be opened for you and fire will touch you. "

(-Muslim Sharif & Tirmizi Sharif).

We generally do injustice with our slaves and subjects. We show

arrogancy for those who are weaker than ours in the society. But prophet

Mohammod (S) cautioned us that if we do not stop ourselves from such activi­

ties then Allah will take the measure, may be in this world or after death by the

fire in the hell.

So, tliis advice of tlie prophet definitely helps us to form a model soci­

ety among us.

(10) One day a man asked the prophet, "Who is the most desennng for

getting honour and good behaviour ?" Hazrat (S) replied , "Your mother". The

man asked, "Then who ?" He said, "Your mother." The man again asked, "Then

who? " He said, "Yourfather " (- Bokhari Sharif)

Yes, we are indebted to our parents from head to foot, specially

Page No.} 21

mother's contribution is beyond expression. We should be grateful to them

in all respects. We should serve them even at the cost of our lives. But,

unfortunately, some cruel people show disobedience to their parents. Some­

times they bit them also like animals. These peoples are the obstacles for

creating a peaceful society' because "Charity begins at home. " So, this

Hadith inspires us to be obliged and responsible to our parents. And mother

should be served with more sincerity.

(11) Prophet said, "A muslim must not hate his wife, and if he be dis­

pleased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another

which is good. "

Addressing the Muslims Mohammod (S) said the above because he

wanted to make the believers ideal for others. He, here emphasized that the

female i.e. wife, may have some weak points but simultaneously she has good

qualities also. So, to love her, the husband must count the good qualities of

her. If so, there will be no chaos in the family and resultantly a gender equity

will be established in our society.

Page No 132

V |Lajrar'i» ir.lernB

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rotis CLfi'i'nu'iis

arcus aurtti«

vv pulmoRAlis

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Page No. 133

Scientific study of the different functions of the living things or the way

in which the body of a Uving thing flmctions is known as Physiology. It is the

study of the life processes such as respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduc­

tion, growth etc. of all living organisms.

How human body is fonned with a beautiful structure, how the forma­

tion of the body starts, what is the function of uterus in the formation of the

baby etc. are described in the Quran in different places. Some of them are

mentioned below :-

(1) Allah doth know what every female (womb) doth bear, by how

much the wombs fall short (of their time or number) or do exceed.

(Surah No. -13 ; Ayat N0.-8)

Human being in the very initial stage, i.e. before birth remains in the

womb of the mother for a definite period of time and then come out in this

world. The number of days may vary from eight months to nine month ten

days, which is in the knowledge of Allah. We can estimate and guess the time


(2) Man we did create from a quintessence (of clay); then we placed him

as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed then we made the sperm into

a clot of congealed blood. Then of that clot we made a (foetus) lump; then the

bones with flesh. Then we developed out of it another creature.

(Surah No. -23 , Ayat No.-12/13/14)

Hiiman being are being created from the clay means the inorganic con­

stituents of the earth are absorbed into living matter by way of food and living

matter reproduces itself by means of sperm. Tliis is deposited in the ovum and

fertilizes it and rests for a time in security' in the mother's womb. The first

change in the fertilized ovum is the conversion into a sort of plot of thickly

congealed blood; the zygote cells grow by segmentation then the mass gradu­

ally assumes shapes in its growth as a foetus. From the lump develop bones and

flesh and organs and a nervous system.

The growth in the foetal state is silent and unseen. The foetus is pro-

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tected in the mothers womb like a king in a castle, it is afinnly fixed and gets the

protections of the mother's baby, on which it depends for its own growth until


(3) Verify We created man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try

him. So, M>e gave him (the gifts) of hearing and sight.

(Surah No. -76; Ayat No.-2)

Here, mingled means the female o\n.\m has to be fertilized with the

male sperm before a new animal can be bom. Man as an animal has this

humble origin. But he has been given the gift of certain faculties of receiving

instructions (typified by hearing) and of intellectual and spiritual insight

(typified by sight)

(4) Hm>e we not made for him (man) a pair of eyes? And a tongue,

and a pair of lips 7 (Surah No. -90 ; Ayat No.-8,9)

Eyes, tongues and lips of human being are made by Allah. The eyes

give us the faculty of seeing and may be taken in both the literal and the

metaphorical sense. In the same way the tongue gives us the faculty of tasting

in both senses. Along with the lips, it also enables u.s to speak, to ask for

information and seek guidance and to celebrate the praises of Allali.

(5) We ha\>e indeed created man in the best of moulds.

(Surah No. -95 ; Ayat No.-4)

Here in this verse the Arabic word "Taqwim" means mould, symme­

try, form, nature, and constitution. Allah has created human being in the best

form. To man Allah gave the purest and best iiature and man's duty is to

preserve the pattern on which Allah has made him.

(6) "There issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours,

wherein is healing for men. " (Sur£ih No. 16; Ayat No.69)

We know that honey has a healing property' and also a mild antiseptic

property. From the lii story w e have learnt that the Russians used honey to cover

then wounds in World War-ii. Tlie woiuid would retain moistme cuid would

leave very little scar tissue. Due to the density of honey, no fungus or Bacteria


would grow in the wound.

A person suffering from an allergy of a particular plant may be given

honey from that plant so that the person develops resistance to that allergy.

Honey is rich in fructose and vitamin K.

For all the above reasons Honey is an important natural medicine for all

human beings.

In the verses above the gender used for the bee is female gender(fasluki

and Kuli), indicating that the bee titiat leaves its home for gathering food is a

female bee. They are also known as the soldiers or the worker bee. They

prepare honey in their cells in different hills, on trees and in the houses of

human beings.


In the Hadith literature we find the discussion of Physiological aspects

also. Few such statements of the prophet Mohammod (S) are given below :-

(1) Mohaminod (S) said, "All men are the children of Adam (A) and

Adam is created from the soil." (Sagir Sharif)

We know that the first man who was created by Allah in this world is

Adam (A). Then, from his body part his wife Hawa (A) is created and from

them human generations came into being. The body of Adam(A) is composed

of soil, it is said above. If we analyze the elements of soil we fii\d the elements

like Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel & Phosphorous In the human

body the elements like Ca, Mg, Fe & P are also found. That is why, the

relation of the soil with the human body is focused in the statement above.

(2) prophet said, "There are 360 mmibers of joints in the human body.

Therefore, man should do good works for each of them. "

The knots or joints are quite essential for the movement of different or­

gans of the body like head, food, neck, toe, fingers etc. For this reason. Prophet

said that human being should be grateful to Allah by good works for each and

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every joints. So, here functions of the joints within the body are being

emphasised by Mohammod (S)

(3) "The relation of body M-ith the brain is Uke the relation oflman (be­

lief) with patience. " (Bukhari Sharif)

In this Hadith, Physiological matters may be explained from two angles.

(i) Internal;- Relationship of Iman (belief) with patience which

depends on Psychological factors like insight, emotion, function of en­

docrine glands etc. Balanced proportion and normal function of these

factors enhance the power of patience which ultimately increase the

voltage of Iman.

(ii) External:- The relationship of body with the brain. We know, through­

out the body, we have threadlike fibres known as nerves. They are linked up

with the spinal cord. It is tluough the spinal cord that they connect the brain

with other parts of the body. They carry messages from the brain. The whole

fixnction is like a telephone network. Brain is the headquarter of the whole

nervous system in the body. For this reason, prophet Mohammod (S) had

given the example of brain-body relationship with Iman & patience.

(4) "Brushing of tooth is the medicine for all diseases except death"

( Sagir Sharif)

Prophet Mohammod (S) here emphasised on the cleaning of teeth. It is

the instruction for all believers that if they clean the tooth with the Miswak

(branch of bubble tree) before ever>' prayer (Namaz), the benefit of this prayer

will be 70 times more than without cleaning the tooth by miswak.

Why so importance on cleaning the tooth ? We see, many diseases like

caries, pyoria, tootache etc. take place on the teeth if we don't clean the teeth

after food.

In another place, Mohammod (S) said, "If I were disposed to trouble my

disciples, verily 1 would order them to clean their teeth at the time of every

prayer. "

Cleaning of teeth in the midst of Namaz or just before the Namaz-there

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are two opinions regarding it. Hovvever, the matter is that the prophet has given

much importance to mal-ce our teeth clean atleast for five times in a day. If we

do it, as per instmction, there will be no dirty in our teeth and resultantly both

our teeth and stomach will be free from disease. And in fine, we will have a

nice health.

(5) "Overeating is a misfortune" (Boihaqui Sharif)

Excess of anything is bad. Limitless eating destroy the power of diges­

tion. Food first enter into the stomach and digested by the juices like pepsin,

Hcl and Renin. Then it enters into the smeill intestine where pancreatic juice

(trypsin, amylase and lypase) help in digestion of food. Trypsin converts the

non-vegetarian food into amino-acid, which compensate the loss of body en­

ergy. Amylase converts the starch-like food into Glucose, which increases the

energy and heat m the body. Lypase converts the fat-like food into fatty-acid

and glycerine. Liver also supplies the digestive juice in the stomach.

So, when a person eats over than limit, the normal function of the

stomach, liver and pancreas disturbed which causes indigestion and give birth

to many diseases. That is why. Prophet Mohammod (S) called it a misfortune.

(6) Many people are inattentive with respect to two properties-

(i) Health & (ii) Rest (Bukhari Sharif)

Though we know that heaMi is wealth but little attention we pay to main­

tain the healtli. Realizing the necessity of health, educationists are giving much

importance on physical education through co-curricular activities in the edu­

cational institutions now a days. Development of head without health is quite

meaningless. Prophet Mohamrmnod (S) emphasized the matter long 1400 years

ago that we should give due attention to our health as it is a precious property.

Other important aspect of the above hadith is "Rest". It is complemen­

tary to work. It stores and energizes the power of work in hvmian body. Poet

Rabindranath Tagore said.

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i.e. work and rest are closely related like the eye and eyelids of our body.

So, prophet Mohammod (S) gave importance to both health and rest

simultaneously for our effective living.

(7) "Honey is the greatest medicine'' - Prophet said.

In this hadith the importance of honey is given by the prophet. Medi­

cally it is proved that honey increases the power of brain, keep nerves fresh,

increases the sexual power, increase the power of eyesight, keep stomach cool

and normal etc. It is used as a medicine for many other diseases. It is, indeed,

a good natural medicine

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Political Science is the discipline that is concerned with the study of tlie

concept of state, administration, constitution, democrac}^, rights and duties of

the citizens. Here systematic study is done on how the government is formed

by the votes of the peoples, who should be the leader of the mass people, what

are the functions of elected persons, so and so forth.

In the Quran and Hadith the quality of the leader, functions of party

leader, role of the elected government machinery etc. are described in many

places. Some verses of tlie Quran are produced below:-

(1) Behold, your Lord said to I he angels. "I will create a vicegerent on

earth. " (Surah No. -2 ; Ayat No.- 30)

We know, angels (Farishta) were created in the world long before hu­

man being's creation. When Allah wished to create man He told the angels the

above mentioned sentence tliat He will create a vicegerant on the earth. That

is, human being are being sent as the representative from the part of Allah for

all other creations.

(2) We have not setit you but as a Messenger to all mankind, giving

them glad tidings and warning them (against sins)

(Surah No.34 ; Ayat No.28)

Here, addressing the prophet Mohammod (S), Allah said that

Mohammod (S) is being sent as messenger for all mankind. If they turn to

Allah, it is a message of the glad tidings of His mercy, and if they do not turn to

Him, it is a warning against sins and inevitable punishment.

Mohaimnod (S) is the leader and guide for the mankind and He came

as a man like other individual in this earth.

(3) O Da-\>id ! We deed indeed make you a vicegerent on eai'th. So,

Judge you between men in truth (and justice). Nor follow you the lust (of your

heart) (Surah No.38 ; Ayat No.26)

Three points are emphasized in the above verses (i) Prophet David is

being made as vicegerent on this earth.

(ii) Duty of the vicegerent is to make tlie judgment between men in truth.

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(iii) The Prophet is being iiistructed not to follow I lis own lust, rather

truth should be followed at the time of judgmctit.

So, we should take lesson from the above that to discharge the duties of

vicergerency our judgment should be impartial and on the basis of truth and for

the truth. We should not mis-utilise the powers to fulfill our lusts and undesir­

able interests.

(4) Yoif are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind. Enjommg what is

right, forbidding what is wrong and beheving in Allah.

(Surah No. -3 ; Ayat No-110)

In the above verses it is said that the Muslims are selected as the best of

peoples. But at the same time the duties are being imposed on them which are

as follows :

(i) They are evolved for doing good to all mankind,

(ii) They should give order for right works and prevent others from doing

unjust and evil works,

(iii) They should keep faith in Allah always.

If oiu" leaders follow the above instnictions peace will prevail in the so­



Many statements of the Prophet Mohammod (S) are there in Hadith

literatiu-e which may be included under Political Science. Some of them are

meiitioned below :-

(1) Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "If any Habsy slm>e is selected as your

leader, foUoM> the order of him and be loyal to him. "

From this Hadith, we have leamt that the leader should be selected or

elected not on the basis of social status, money power, caste or colour but on

the basis of his qualities. Habsy slave (the then neglected and low caste people

of Arab) as mentioned here, if selected as a leader, all other people should fol­

low him and be loyal to him.

Pegs No. 142

(2) Mohammod (S) said, "The mcui M'ho fears Allah much, he should be

honoured more than others. "

This Hadith mdicates that the person who fears Allah much, should be

selected as well as elected as leaders of the nations. Those people will be able

to maintain equal justice to all. Allah fearer people are generally honest with

respect to money, character, speech & works. They will not deprive the people

from their due under their administration.

(3) "Select better people from you as the leaders because they are the

representatives in between you and your Lord. " (Tirmizi Sharif)

Here, "Better" indicates those people who are educated, gentle, intelli­

gent, honest, punctual, active, kind, patient, generous, courageous, having

good character and emotionally balanced. Those types of people can establish

a progressive and peacefiil society among us through their leadership. Only

such people can establish a link between Allah and human being.

(4) "You M'ill see that he, -who is the best among you will hate to hold

the position of a leader " (Bukhari & Muslim Sharif)

In this Hadith, the quality of a true leader is given. The efficient man

will not be desirous of becoming a leader rather he will try to escape from such

responsibilities. Leader must be accountable for his activities and power to the

Almighty Allah in the day of resurrection.

(5) Mohammod (S) said, "Leave the leadership for those M'ho aj-e effi­

cient for it. '•

Here, mass people are being instructed by the Prophet that they should

not be greedy for leadership, rather, it should be left for the efficient candi­

date. In the infancy stage of Islam, the companions of Mohammod (S) proved

it by their works, by selecting the men like Hazrat Abu Bakkar (R), Umar

(R), Usman (R) & Ali (R) as their leaders, soon after the death of the Prophet.

They did not quarrel about the leadership like us in tliis age.

So, our duty is to obey the instructions only.

(6) Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "Allah -will shut the doorway of para-

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disefor those who got the charge ofruhng the subjects arid did not protect them

affectionately and betray them. "

In this Hadith the ruler is being cautioned by the Prophet that if they not

be careful, will be punished. We know, paradise is the ultimate reward for the

believers. The treacherous leader will not be able to enter iuto the paradise.

So, the leader, ruler, king and administrator should be faithful, just,

affectionate for the citizens of the countr)'.

(7) Mohammad (S) said, "There are tM'o groups among many people

who when they become righteous the populace become righteous, and when

they become corrupt the populace become corrupt: they are the Rulers and

the Jurisprudents. "

From the above sarong of the Prophet, it is clear that if the rulers and

jurisprudents become honest, judicious and active, then the whole human

society will be righteous. And if they become corrupt the whole populace will

be polluted by corruption.

In the chapter of Political Science our point of discussion is relating to

the Rulers here. We see, in our democratic India, the representatives are de­

priving us from our dues. They become elected as M.L. A., M.P. etc. by hook or

by crook. With the muscle and money power they have made the democracy a

farce. Once they become elected, make their seats permanent for the whole life

by the corruptions and force.

So, to change the motive of the corrupt leaders, the above mentioned Hadith

is quite essential and also the perermial source of inspiration for all of us.

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Page No J 45

Scientific study of the structure of substances, how they react when com­

bined or in contact with one another and how they behave under different con­

ditions etc. are included under the subject Chemistiy. It is the subject that

involves the study and understanding of chemical process, compound forma­

tion and effects of chemicals on the living body.

In the Quran and Hadith we see the reference of different elements which

belong to this subject.


(1) See you not thai Allah sends down rain from the sky? With it we then

bring out produce fruit of various colours.

(Surah No.-35 ; Ayat No.-27)

Here, Allah instructs people through his prophet about the function of

rain water. We see how Allah's artistry produces fiom rain the wonderful vari­

ety of crops and fruits- golden, green, red, yellow and showing all the most

beautiful tints we can think of

(2) And Allah has created evejy animal from water

(Surah No. -24; Ayat No.-45)

In this verse, again it is mentioned that water is the source of creating

all animals. And we know that protoplasm is the basis of all living matters. And

the vital power of protoplasm seems to depend on the constant presence of



(1) Hazrat Mohammod (S) said, " Do not drink water from a pot by turn­

ing it upside down. " ; (Bukhari Sharif)

If we drink water by turning the pot upside down then CO., gas mixed

with water through our nostril, which is harmful for the health. From the fol­

lowing reaction we can understand the fact

M'Tien water mixed with carbon di o>dde than carbonic acid forms. Carbonic

Page No 146

acid forms Carbonate and bi Carbonate which are very much harm^ful for the


(2) Prophet said, "As vinegar destroy the quality of lioney so the bad

nature destroy the virtuous deeds of human being."

Two elements mentioned above 'Honey' and 'Vinegar' are opposite in

nature. Vinegar belongs to acidic group and Honey is under aldehyde group.

When both of them mixed together, honey looses its sweetly character.

In the Vinegar Honey

Acetic acid with 20% water Glucose + Fructose

Formula:- CH3COOH Formula :- C^H^p^

Group-.- Acid Group .-Aldehyde

When CH3COOH is mixed with C^Hj^O^ , OH " from honey is sepa­

rated. Resultantly, honey becomes a non-sweetly liquid.

In this way, the bad nature of human beings totally destroy the power

of virtuous deeds.

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We blotted out the smear of falsehood from the pat2;cs ()f history Wc freed mankind from the chains of slavery. The floors of Your Kaaba with our foreheads wc swept. The Koran you sent us wc clasped to our breast. Even so you accuse us of lack of faith on our part; If we lacked faith, vou did little to win our heart.

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The word poem is derived from the Greek word 'Poiema' which means

a piece of creative composition, a work of verse arranged in patterns of lines

and sounds which generally rhyme. It is a micro division of literature.

Poetry is a comprehensive term which refers to a literary genre. It can

be taken to cover any kind of metrical composition. Poetry is a superior form

of creation not necessarily more serious. It pertains to a macro division of


Dictionarical meaning of poetry is the collective forms of poems.

From the view point of Islamic Ideology the poem can be defined as


(1) One day Prophet Mohammod (S) asked Abdullah Ibn Rawah(R), "Oh

Abdullah! what is poem, tell me. " In reply, Abdullah Ibn Rawah said, "Poem

is such a matter, which appears in my mind, then it is expressed through my

mouth ".

So, the expression of inner feelings through the mouth of an indi­

vidual is known as poem according to Abdullah Ibn Rawah.

(2) Hasan Ibn Sabit (R) was a great Poet of Arab. One day his son was bitten

by a tiger. When the victim was asked to narrate the incident he told about the

tiger as- I have seen

The body of the tiger

Was covered by two striped scarf.

Listening to this narration, Hasan Ibn Sabit (R) said, "Kosom of Allah!

this sentence is a poetical sentence."

So, from this statement it is understood that the metrical composition

of sentence is called as poem according to Hasan Ibn Sabit (R).

(3) Renowned Arabic Litterateur zurji zaidan defined, "Poem is the expres­

sion of one's imagination through the words, where lies interest and attraction

for the readers."

(4) Great litterateur Ahmod Hasan Zayat said, " Poem is the metrical composi­

tion of sentences which creates solitary thoughts, new imagination and mean-

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ingfUl picture & sceneries in the minds of human beings."

(5) Famous Bengali poet Mohbubul Alom wrote, " Variegated feelings created

in the mind of the poet when expressed directly as a picture and verified,

remaining in the vicinity of nature and life, is called a poem."

So, from the above definitions it can be said that the imagination of

poet when expressed in verse covered with beauty and artistry is called a



There are some verses relating to the poet and poetry in the Holy Quran

where discussion is made pros and cons. For example ~

{\) We have not instructed the Prophet in poetry, nor is it meet for him. This

is no less than a message and a Quran making things clear

(Ya-seen, Ayat No.-69)

The exteranl meaning of the above verse discourage to compose and

cultivate poetry. But if we realise it deeply, the real meaning comes out. We

see, when the Quran descended for the first time, the rivals of the Prophet

Mohammod (S) addressed him as a mere poet and the Quran as poetry. They

wanted to see the prophet as like the then poets of Arab and the Quran as a

poetry book. So, this belief was refuted by the above mentioned Ayat of the


(2) // (Quran) is not the word of a poet. Little it is ye believe.

(Al-Haqqh, Ayat No.41)

Here also the dignity of the Quran is certified not as poetry but as the

true word of revelation. Some people had doubts about the Quran as the

composition of the Prophet but Allah clarified the misconception by the above


(3) And the poets. It is those straying in evil, who follow them. Seest thou not

that they wander distracted in every valley? And that they say what they prac­

tise not? (Ash-shuara, Ayat No. 224-226)

In the above verses, eventually, the nature and activities of the Arab po-

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ets are mentioned very clearly. Just before the advent of Prophet, the famous

poets of Arab and their followers were generally of bad character. They used to

travel like bewildered people from this valley to that valley. There was no

conformity of their words and deeds. They kept people deluded by the false

allurement. Their theme of the poem was mostly related to war, women and

wine. So, the followers of prophet Mohammod (S) was cautioned to maintain

distance from such poets.

The cultivation of poetry was not discouraged by the Quran in the

above verses as mentioned in No.3. On the contrary, it is indicated in a posi­

tive way in the next verse of the Quran, which goes as, "Except those who

believe, work righteousness, engaged much in the remembrance of Allah,

and defend themselves after they are unjustly attacked. "

The first part of the verses when descended, three famous companions'

of the prophet (Abdullah Ibn Rawah, Kab Ibn Malik, Hasan Ibn Sabit) came to

him in tears and said, "Ya Rasulullahl these ayats are descended about the

poets and we are the poets. " Then Prophet Mohammod (S) told, "Recite the

next Ay at. You will see, this is not told about those who are the believers and

righteous people. " Listening to the statement of the Prophet, the three Sahaba

poets became normal and pleased. They got the ^proval of their status as poets

from the Quran through the Prophet Mohammod (S).


If we go through the pages of different Hadith books we will fiind the

approval of composing poems by Prophet Mohammod (S). Though he did

not write any poem of his own but he used to listen to the beautifiil poems of

his companions very sincerely. Sometimes, he prays and patronized them. He

also inspired other people for the composition of good poems. And some­

times he rewarded the poets for their creative writings.

Prophet Mohammod (S) gave the approval of composing poems on the

condition that those poems should be on the basis of truth and beauty. He

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said, "The poem is well arranged talking. That poem is beautiful which is based

on truth. And the poem which is distorted from the truth is not benificial. "

In other place Prophet said, "The poem is like general talking. Good

poem is beautiful like good talking and bad poem is not beautiful like bad talk-

ing "

In the above mentioned Hadith the prophet emphasised on the subject

matter of the poem that it should be fine in all respects.

Prophet Mohammod (S) himself recited a poem in the battle of Hunain

when the Muslim fighters were lagging behind. He climbed on a mule and ad­

dressed the followers like this :

"Not a liar I am

But a prophet;

I am the

Abdul Muttalib's descendent."

There are many evidences of praising the poets by the Prophet

Mohammod (S). When Hasan Ibn Sabit (R) wrote a poem of four lines against

the Quraish leader Abu Sufian, the prophet became very much pleased and

gave him the good news of the paradise. The Prophet used to pray for him in

this way: "Oh Allah! you help Hasan by the Ruhul Quds Zibriel (A). "

The poems which were written on the spirit of Islam always made the

prophet happy. Sometimes he rewarded the poets. There is an instance: Abbas

Ibn Mirdas (R) one day composed a poem in favour of the prophet and recited

it in fi^ont of him. Listening to this recitation, the prophet became pleased and

gave him a cloth as gift. Similarly, when Ka'b Ibn Zuwair (R) wrote a poem

like this :

Rasul is ~ the Noor (light) of Allah

The source of 'spring of lustre'.

And He is ~ the open and blazing sword

On the way of Allah,

the Prophet donated his own Chador to the poet as a reward.

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Cultivation of poetry was a source of interest and happiness for the com­

panions of the prophet Mohammod (S) also. Hazrat Umor Faruq (R) himself

composed poems and he used to encourage others in the same. He inspired the

people to teach the poetry to their children. He addressed people : "You tell

(teach) your children beautiful and good poems. " In other place he said, "The

best creation and art of human being is the poem. "

Hazrat Ah (R) alos made favourable comments regarding poetry. He

said, "Poetry is the measuring stick of a nation. " He used to recite the

poems in his special moments. In the midst of war or just before the starting of

the batde with the enemies he recited many poems to gear up the fighters. If

we study Islamic History, we will find that there are some books of poem

written by Hazrat Ali (R). Out of them 'Nahjul Balagah' and 'Dewan-e-Ali'

are the famous. Renowned Islamic scholar AUama Shibh Numani said, "Dewan-

e-Ali, of Hazrat Ali is a great and holly book "

Hazrat Ayesha (Prophet's wife) was proficient in writing the poems.

She used to recite them at the critical and sorrowfiil moments. After the death

of Hazrat Usman (R), the low and order situation of Modina Sharif deterio­

rated. Seeing the painfiil situation, Hazrat Ayesha (R) recited the following

verses -

I would ofcourse

Save my Qoum.

From the downfall and disaster;

If their leaders


My advice and order.

Renowned scholar Imam Bokhari (Roh) adimits the same when he says,

"Hazrat Ayesha (R) used to tell the poems. "

Raisul Mufossirin Hazrat Abdullh Ibn Abbas (R) also made favourable

comments about the poetry. In one place he said, "Poem is the centre of learning

for the Arabs and it is their memoirs. So, you acquire the knowledge of it."

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After the Prophet and his companions the culture of poetry was contin­

ued. Different scholars wrote poems on the 'Praise of Allah' and the 'Nath of

Rasul.' They raised the Islamic ideal in front of people through poetry. In this

context the name of great persian poet Sekh Sa'di may be mentioned. One day

he started to compose a poem which was laudatory for the prophet Mohammod

(S). The verses of the poem are —

Balagal Ula bi Kamalihi

Kashafad duja be jamalihi

Hasxmat jameu khisoalihi

Soallu Alaihi wa Aalihi.

After writing the first three lines of the above poem he stopped. He

could not find the fourth line. He started thinking but the suitable word and

sentence did not come. In this way 12 years passed. One night when he was

sleeping, he saw the prophet Mohammod (S) in the dream. The prophet told

him, "If you have much desire to show respect towards me, then, write -

Soallu Alaihi wa Aalihi. " And, in this way, Sekh Sa'di wrote the fourth line

of this poem. So, what an acceptance and inspiration given by the Prophet to

compose poems for his ummah.

In fine, it can be said that the cultivation of poetry is a praiseworthy

matter in Islam. It is counted as a Zihad and Ibadat for the believers. But the

only condition is that the subject matter of the poem and poetry should be

good and worthfiil and also should be in accordance with the Ideology of


* * *

Page No. 154


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Page No. 155

The Science of Economics is more than two centuries old. Adam smith,

known as the father of Economics, wrote the first fuU scale treatise on Eco­

nomics m 1776. At that time the name given to Economics was 'Political


Economics is the Scientific study of how people and institutions make

decision about producing and consuming goods and services and how they

face the problem of scarcity.

Economics is a social Science. By the study of this subject we solve the

economic problems of the individual and the society. It is simply treated as a

Science of choice.


The Quran is full of multifarious teachings and subjects. Economics is

one of them. There are many verses relating to the sources of money, process

of legal income and how to invest them in proper ways. Few of such verses

are produced below -

(1) And cattle He has created for you (men) : from them ye derjve warmth

and numerous benefits and of their (meat) ye eat.

(Surah No. 16 Ayat No. 5)

In the above verse it is said that Allah has created the cattle from which

human being get many types of benefits. For example, camel's hair makes

warm robes and blankets and certain kinds of goats yield hair which makes

similar fabrics. Sheep yield wool. The skins and fiirs of many animals yield

warm raiment or make warm rugs or bedding. The females of many of these

animals yield good warm milk, a nourishing and wholesome diet. The flesh of

many of these animals is good to eat.

So, fi-om the economical point of view, the created animals mentioned

above are the important sources of earning money for the people.

(2) And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys, for you (men), to ride

and as an adornment. (Surah No. 16 Ayat No. 8)

From the very ancient time up to the present, the horses are being used

Page No. 156

by men as a means of vehicle. They are chief in terms of money. They can carry

the goods also. And the mules and donkeys are known as beasts of burden.

They are the sources of earning money for all peoples of the world.

Horses, mules and donkeys may be the beasts of burden but they may

also be pedigree animals bred for beauty and for all those mere refined uses,

such as processions in which grace and elegance is the predominant feature.

(3) From within their (bee) bodies a drink of varying colours (honey), wherein

is healing for men. (Surah No. 16 Ayat No. 69)

Honey produced by the bees has great economic importance. It is used

by the men as a sweetly drink and as a medicine for many diseases. When it is

sold in the market, gives large amount of money to the seller

Beekeeping is a good business for the people of all societies in the world.

It is a standard business also.

(4) The same who produces for you five out of the green tree, when behold ! ye

kindle therewith (your own fires) (Surah No. 36 Ayat No. 80)

Green trees are created by Allah for the use of human being. In this verse,

it is mentioned as the source of fire. Apart fi-om this, it is used to make furni­

ture, building, door, window, boat, bridge, weapons etc. green plants and their

leaves are always good for the health, eyes, respiration etc. It keeps the atmo­

sphere clean and balanced.

So, the peoples earn large amount of money from the green plants by its

multifarious uses.

(5) And we sent down 'Iron' in which is great might, as well as many benefits

for mankind (Surah No.57 Ayat No.25)

Allah has created Iron for the benefits of mankind. We know, from the

Iron, steel is made, and from steel and Iron are made implements of war such as

swords, spears, guns etc. from these two metals many other instruments like

ploughshares, bricklayers, trowels, architects etc. are made. Now a days many

engineering works and industries are made of them.

So, the Iron is a great source of economy for the people of our country

and also for others.

Page No. J57

(6) It is He who has made the sea subject that ye may eat thereof flesh that is

fresh and tender that ye may extract therefrom ornaments to wear

(Surah No. 16 Ayat No. 14)

In the verse above, the sea, created by AUah is a good source of earning

money. From the sea we get the delicate flesh of fishes and marine creatures of

all kinds. We get the treasures of the deep Uke pearls, coral, amber etc. which

are quite precious. Various types of ornaments are made of'them for the people.

(7) O ye who believe ! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vani­

ties. But let there be amongst you traffic and trade by mutual goodwill

(Surah No. 4 Ayat No. 29)

People can earn money through right business. Addressing the Muslim

Allah says not to eat up other peoples property. But trade and business are

allowed with mutual understanding through the legal business people should

earn money.

(8) Of their wealth take alms, that so thou mightiest purify and sanctify

them. (Surah No.9 Ayat No. 103)

Here, rich men are instructed to pay the Zakat (religious tax) to the

poor people. Zakat will purify the property of the rich people. The proportion

of Zakat given to the poor is Rs. 2.50 per 100 rupees. In this way the total

amount of property will be calculated.

Zakat maintain the balance of monitorial strength between the capitalist

and the economically weak people. This system helps the poor to stand on

their feet by the amount of Zakat's money they get from the rich people.

(9) Who is he that will loan to Allah, a beautiful loan which Allah will

double unto his credit and multiply many times ? (Siu-ah No.2 Ayat No.245)

In this verse, Allah Himself enquiring for loan, but how? In the explana­

tion of this Ayat it is written that the loan given to poor and needy people

without interest is eventually the loan given to the Ahnighty. This type of loan

is known as 'Qarj-e-Hasana'.

To keep the economic stability of the needy people this type of loan

Page No. ]58

helps a lot. Any people in our society may face the economic crisis for the tune

being, so, at that time the rich people should give him the amount of money he

required. If it is given, the loan giver wiU be rewarded by double or much more

times of the original amount, in the day of judgment by Allah.

In a nutshell, it can be said that the loan without interest is encouraged

in Islamic economy.


Prophet Mohammod (S) had given remarkable instructions to his com­

panions for earning money from various sources in legal ways. Advices are

given about the role of appointing the labour, giving them their wages and who

is to beg money etc. Some of the instructions are produced below :

(1) Prophet said, "Qosom of Allah, collecting wood from the forest with a

rope and carrying the same by the shoulder and getting money by selling it

is better than placing two hands in front of the people for begging. "

(Bukhari Sharif)

In this Hadith, Mohammod (S) emphasized on the dignity of labour.

Simultaneously, the use of forest resource is indicated as a source of income

for the people. And the matter of begging is discouraged by the prophet through

the above statement.

(2) Mohammod (S) said, "Earning of legal income is the first duty (for a

Muslim). " (Boihoqi Sharif)

We may earn many things in illegal ways by depriving or exploiting

others. But prophet Mohammod (S) emphasised on the legal income for the

believers. We must earn money in the desirable ways.

(3) Companions of the Prophet asked him, "What type of earning is the

best?" Prophet Mohammod (S) replied, "The exchange got from one's own

hand's work or the profit got from the legal trade. "

Two points relating to the economics are emphasised in this Hadith. First

- the reward got from the work done by the self is encouraged here. Secondly,

Page No. 159

profit earned fi-om the legal trade and business.

(4) Mohammad (S) said, "Whoso is able and fit and does not work for himself

or for others, Allah is not gracious to him. "

To get the grace of Allah one should do work for himself and for others.

And active men or women are always productive in the society. Their produc­

tion enhances the economic stability of the family and of the nation as well.

(5) The Prophet said, "There is no Muslim who planteth a tree, or soweih afield

and man, birds or beasts eat from them, but it is a charity for him "

In this Hadith, it is indicated that plantation and cultivation of crops are

always beneficial for the living organisms. The output got fi-om this sources

are not only useful to the people but also birds and beasts can be benefited fi-om

them. Proper cultivation of crops and trees are the good sources of income for

all of us.

(6) Rasul (S) said, "Giving alms to the poor has the reward of one alms; but

that given to kindred has two rewards: one, the reward of alms, the other, the

reward of helping relations. "

In this Hadith, Prophet has shown the way of establishing a balanced

economic society in us. Rich people should help the poor one. In this act of

charity, preference should be given to whom? Prophet Mohammod (S) advised

to give alms to the near relatives who are poor. And in such work lies two re­

wards as mentioned in the Hadith.

(7) Mohammod (S) said, "Give the labourer his wage before his perspiration

be dry. "

We generally remain indifferent to give the day-labour his wage in time

or deliberately we do late. But this is a great evil in establishing an ideal eco­

nomic society in us. The person who is helping us by day long labour he or she

should get the due, just after finishing his/her work. If this be done, the whole

society would be benefited in terms of production and economy.

(8) Prophet Mohammod (S) said, "Whenyou appoint a labour, you inform him

about his wage. "

Page No. 160

Yes, this is the way of appointing labour. The day-labour should be well

informed about his due. Justice should be maintained in such activities.

Resultantly, desirable economic strength will be created in our societies.

(9) Rasul (S) said, "All of you are responsible and you will be asked for your

responsibilities. The labour is accountable to his lord and he/she will be

asked for his/her conducts. "

In this Hadith, the duty and responsibilities of the labour is indicated. A

labour should be honest, active and responsible. His accountability will be

asked not only here but also afler this world to the Almighty.

If the labour and his lord be just, the total production and economy will

be developed in our society.

* * *

Page No. 161

P E D A G O G Y TN ffSl A x ^ i c K n i i r A T i m v i

Before going to the details of this chapter we should clarify the mean­

ing of the term Pedagogy.

The dictionarical meaning of the term Pedagogy is "The Science of

ways and methods of teaching." How to teach a topic is the sole concern of

Pedagogy. Here, different methods and techniques of teaching come.

Methods are the ways and styles of the presentation of content before

the learners inside the classroom. It is a broad term which includes techniques

of teaching also. The techniques of teaching are the ways of implementing a

method. Different techniques may be used by a teacher in one method. The

possible methods which may be used by the teacher are generally of the

toWoWmg tsf^e&.

(1) Showing Method :- Demonstration, Excursion etc.

(2) Telling Method :- Lecture, Questioning, Discussion, Heuristic etc.

(3) Doing Method :- Project, Role playing. Practical etc.

(4) Writing Method :- Dictation, Assignment.

So, Pedagogy deals with the use and best use of methods by the teacher

in all teaching-learning situations. One method will not be applicable every­

where. It depends on several factors like - Age and ability of the learner, size

of the class. Nature of the topic. Availability of the teaching learning materials





The subjects which are included in the curriculxmi of Madrassa Educa­

tion has many similitudes with secular education. So, naturally, the methods

and techniques which we use in teaching secular subjects may be applied in

the teaching of religious subjects also.

Page No. 162

Though, our respected Ulama are using different methods in their class­

room instruction but due to the lack of real knowledge of the methods used

by them, the ultimate result of teaching is not coming up as per expectations.

Use of improper methodology makes teaching boring, difficult, expensive and

fruitless. So, to make teaching interesting, easier, economical and fruitful, the

teachers of Madrassa Education must know dififerent methods of teaching

and also should try to use them during their instructions.

In this respect, following methods are suggested to teach dififerent sub­

jects of Madrassa curriculum. Name of the Kitab, example from the content

and methods to be followed are produced below.-


This kitab is written by Mufti Azom Mohammed KefaytuUah (Roh).

There are four parts of this kitab and are taught in four classes of Madrassa

Education. The kitab deals with the fundamental questions of Islam and

answers of the questions are given in short and clear forms. For example

(i) What is the name of your religion ?

Ans - Islam,

(ii) Who has created you ?

Ans > Allah has created me, my parents, the Heaven and the Earth

and all other creations.

All questions and answers are written in the kitab in Urdu language. So,

Direct Question-Answer Method is applicable for teaching the subject, spe­

cially in Urdu speaking areas. For non Urdu speaking pupils, the teacher

should use Translation Method (meaning should be told in the mother tongue

of the pupils) to clarify different concepts among the learners. Direct method

of teaching is allowed for upper classes. In this method the question and

answer of the topic shoiJd be taught in Urdu language.

Teacher may use Conversation Method to teach the subject. It should

Page No. J 63

be arranged by the teacher with the active participation of the pupils, making

pair out of them in the classes. List of questions along with the answers should

be distributed among the students &st. iTien, one will ask and the other stu­

dents will answer to it in front of all students.

* * *


™ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ b - t e x t for Pre-Sen,or 1st Year, 2nd Year & 3rd Year of

Sen.r Madrassa education Board, . s s a . . Here . e ^ „ , of Arab. I L

senten and sHort stones are t au^ t . . t .e teac.ers to t .e p j . r :

teach the subject, a teacher should adopt following „.ethods -

i^i^i^Srljnethod :- TT.e teacher should ask the children to say son.e words

from their memoiy in mother tongue. Then he should tell the Arabic words of

them. Blackboard may be used by the teacher in teaching the words. The

teacher should select some words from the Kitab and then write them on the

blackboard. For example -

Arabic Word Meanins in English

Jamalun Camel

Rajulun Man

Kalbun Dog

Students are then instructed to repeat the words for some time and they

should be told to write the words in their note books. In this way, one word

and then another will help the learners to increase their vocabulary and get

acquainted with the Arabic language in the very early ages.

\2\ Sentence Method :- Students are asked to tell some Arabic words first.

The teacher will write the words on the blackboard. He then associates the

words to make a sentence. The meaning of the sentence should be told In

mother tongue of the pupils. Then the teacher will ask the pupils to cite any

one such example. If they do not, he will help them.

Examples from the Kitab may be taken as

Arabic English

Haza kitabun This is a book.

Al ustazu jalisa fi haa The teacher is sitting on the chair

alal kursieye

(III> Look and say Method :- Children are always interested to see the

pictures. When the pictures are related to some words or sentences, students

find it easier to learn. In such situation, the teacher should ask the pupils to

look at the pictures shown by him and say the words or sentences.

In this kitab, Minhazul Arabiah, some pictures of animals and objects

are given, which are associated with the Arabic words and sentences. The

teacher should ask the pupils to say the name of the pictures first in their

mother tongue. Then he should tell the Arabic word of each object and ani­

mals atleast for two to three times. The students should be advised to follow

him. With proper pronunciation, phonetics and punctuation the teacher should

repeat the words and sentences for twice before the learners.

After that, the teacher should ask the pupils individually to read out the

words as well as sentences. If any mistake found it should be cor- rected


Example of such words and sentences are -

Arabic Enelish Picture

Zahrun Flower "•

Zalika Toaerun This is a Bird

1/ ^ (IV) Reading Method :- Reading is an active skill and a receptive skill. We

receive information when we read something. Reading is understanding, inter­

preting or making sense of a given text etc.

Reading is of two types :-

(a) Reading aloud :- To present a topic inside the classroom, the teacher at

first gives a model reading. Then he tells the pupil to read it loudly. In teaching

loud reading, the teacher should lay emphasis on correct pronunciation, rhythm

and intonation of the pupils.

Page No. 166

(b) Silent reading :- In silent reading there is not any movement of the lips

and tongue. This is done by the teacher after summerising the lessons and

before the stage of evaluation. Students are asked to read the whole lesson

silently. They remind the whole discussion of the class and make themselves

ready to answer the questions put by the teacher.

To use this method in the classroom, the teacher should follow the

points like ;

(i) It should be ensured that the learners can read well in their mother

tongue, before they are called upon to read the Arabic language aloud,

(ii) Short texts should be selected in a class for reading aloud,

(iii) In a class, reading aloud should be done by 3 to 4 students and not by


(iv) Teacher should read the lesson aloud by pause where required, with

proper stress, right pronunciation, intonation and rhythm,

(v) The teacher should identify the pronunciation and punctuation prob­

lems of the students and should make necessary correction on the


(vi) Scope of silent reading should be given to all students at the end of

presentation stage,

(vii) To inspire the learners, the teacher should talk about new and good

Arabic books other than the text books. He should also recommend

some good library books to them, keeping in view their age and abih-


(viii) The teacher may talk about the story of great personalities who are

proficient in Arabic language,

(ix) Arabic journals-reading should be prescribed for the students of higher


Page No. 167


Wri ter - Md. Ibn Mohammod Ibn Abdur Rashid Siraji of

Kabul, Afganistan.

This Kitab gives the knowledge of 'Ihn-E-Foraiz'.

What is Ikn-E-Foraiz ?

This is the branch of knowledge which helps to distribute the property

of a deceased person to his/her near relatives according to the law of Quran

and Hadith.

After the death of a person who will be the legitimate claimer and

owner of his property are written in this kitab as :

Arabic English

Al-Aab Father

Al-Jaddus Sahi Grandfather

Al-Ukhu-h-um Half-brother

Al-Jauj Husband

Al-Jouza Wife

Al-Binth Daughter

Al-Binthul Ibn Grand Daughter

Al-Ukhtu lil Ab-e-Wal-um Sister

Al-Ukhtu lil Ab Step sister

Al-Ukhtu lil-um Sister

Al-Um Mother

Al-Zodda tus sahiah Grand Mother

To present different topics of this subject, the teacher should adopt the

following methods.-

(A) Demonstration Method :-

When the teacher teaches any lesson with the help of experiments or

explains any concept by displaying the objects in front of the learners is known

Page No. 168

as Demonstration Method. Students will take participation in Demonstration

when and where necessary.


To teach the topic of " How to distribute the property of an expired

person" the teacher may demonstrate the same in the following manner:-

(1) Teacher takes a piece of banana tree and say that it is a dead body.

Name of the dead person is suppose Abdullah.

(2) Dead person Abdullah has property. The teacher divide his total prop­

erty by taking six small thin slips of bamboo.

(3) He then takes a piece of wood and say to the learner that this is the

father of the deceased person Abdullah whose name is Ali.

(4) Again he takes five candles and say that they are the sons of Abdullah.

The name of the sons are suppose Abul,Kalam, Zamil, Samim &


(5) Then the teacher distribute the six thin slips of bamboo by two parts- 1

and 5. i.e. One part for the father Ali and other five parts for the five

sons of Abdulla

(6) Similarly, the teacher will distribute the property in case of father and

three sons of the expired person as 1+2 and 1+1+1 respectively.

(7) If the dead person is sonless then the total property will goes to his

Page No 169

father The teacher will demonstrate it with the help of the slip of bam­


(8) Throughout the demonstration the teacher should try to involve the

pupils in the activities.

(B) Revision Method :-

In this method, the students are asked to memories a thing by drill and


In this Kitab, a multiplication table is given To memorize the same the

students are instructed to repeat the table one by one ( Ito 10) for several

times. At the time of drill by the students, the teacher should take care of their

mistakes. If any mistake found it should be corrected mstantly by the teacher

Here, emphasis is given on simple mental exercise Too much thinking

is not present in this method. However, the knowledge of such multiplication

table helps the learner to solve mathematical problems as well as the problem

of the distribution of property of the people. The table is shown below

" -

.1 = . N

1 - - , > ,•

• = , -, > - . , ,

. = .

= 1 X ••

= , X ^


- . ^ -

= . 1

-=; <- - >

,^ = 1 X '

<• = r- \ ^

11 = r X "

* - i ! X •"

r = ^ r •V = w < ^

• = V ^ r

- = \ K f

r ^ - X r

^ = A S

^ = 1 . ?

I _ = • > -

' - i

1 . = - ' • 1

=; ' X >•

= ^ X *

^ ~ X "•

= C • ^

, = • -

- 1

= r .

f _ " X

' • - » ' ' I = 1

1 = - '

- = • - V

„ = >! X

V = ! • !-

= ,

- -= r =r .' „

= 1

.- =_ ' - '

= 5

~- 1


''1 rl

-1 1

r 1

' 1 1

• - 1

—.-T s 1

" • I

• < 1

1 - I


' 1 1



- 1

- "1


X - 0

- 1

_ I


- r


' 1


< "

x r

-— "T



~ --


. 1




r i '


-= 1 ,->

= 1 <1

= > •

\ = "• 1

_ - ' = „


'' ' ' l = . - . ! - > ^ = 1 ' i

= . ^

Page No no


It is the branch of Ar abic Grammar (taught in the 1st Yr. of Senior

Madrassa Education) which helps to acquire knowledge about the formation

of Arabic word, its Metamorphosis and classification.

Study of Ilm-us-Sorf helps the learner to know about the conjugation

of tense. Parts of Speech etc.

To present different topics of this subject in the classroom the teacher

should adopt the following methods :-

(A) Revision Method :-

This Method, as said earlier, based on drill and practice. Conjugation of

Arabic Grammar should be done by the teacher inside the classroom several

times before the learners. The teacher should instruct the pupils to follow the

same and then start revision of the conjugation for many times by drill and


An example is presented below ;-

Past Tense ...^^t^ .j^^ -i=TV>» P o s s e " i s i - v e

P r o n t ^ v i n s I^ i - o n o u n s r>/rr. JF'ur-


•^Ai«3 , - »

S'^XJrt^t ? * - *

JL*«i> VJ&

\ . :JLi t3


\_< cii.

^ ^ y ^ A

V-'o O' -r / / -

^ i .




•JL,\ cr//. ' ^ S

jy/ .

L i \

- • - - . \


^ /


\S\ S f .

V_JL.*3 ^ o ^

Page No. 171

(B) Deductive Method :-

In this method, the teacher tells the rules of grammar and instruct the

pupils to memories and follow the rule.

To teach the topic "subject and predicate" "Mubtada and Khobr" in Ara­

bic, the teacher should follow the points like -

(i) First define the term Subject and Predicate "Mubtada and Khobr".

(ii) The teacher then tells the rules of forming subject and predicate,

(iii) The teacher should explain the underlying rule in mother tongue of t h e


(iv) He then asks students to practise the rule both orally and in written


(v) At last, different examples of Mubtada and Khobr should be cited in front

of the learners.

%> L ' - ^ 5W« I

,^\^yji ft ^w^ •s


Page No. 172


The kitab "Iqra Urdu" has four parts which are taught in four different

classes of senior Madrassa education. Here, emphasis is given on the skill of

reading urdu with proper punctuation, pronunciation, rhythm and pausing.

To present the topics of the kitab before the learners, the teacher should

adopt the following methods.

(A) Translation Method :-

In this method, the teacher translate every word, phrase and sen­

tence of urdu into mother tongue for the easy comprehension by the pupils. It

is the most widely used method of teaching urdu in the Non-urdu

speaking areas.

Example :-

To tach the lesson "Kohjur" meaning "Date", the teacher should give a

demonstration of model reading of the two paragraphs first. The pupils should

be instructed to follow the model reading sincerely. Then they should be asked

to read it aloud. Mistakes of the pupils should be corrected on the spot. Then,

in the explanation, the teacher should say and write the meaning of the difficult

words and sentences in the mother tongue of the pupils on the blackboard.

'7^'- 1 . - t}.-.

^ • ^^

r / ^

' j^ - -• <" .-^

Page No. 173

The first sentence of the lesson is "Kehjur ka dorokht bohut faidamond

hai." i.e. the date-tree is very much useful. The teacher should translate all words

of the sentence in the mother tongue for easy understanding of the pupils. In

this way he should proceed to the next sentences.

This method, inspite of all demerits, is in vogue throughout our country,

except the urdu speaking areas. Specially for the pupils of elementary level we

can not deny the importance of the translation method.

(B) Direct Method :-

To teach a language if the same language is used as medium of instruc­

tion it is called Direct Method of teaching. Student's mother tongue and

translation of the words or sentences are absent in this method.

Direct Method seeks to establish a direct association between experi­

ence and expression. Urdu words are taught to the students by pointing to

objects or pictures or by performing suitable actions.

Direct Method has no place for theoretical grammar. If Grammar is to

be taught it is to be done so by Inductive Method.

Example:- To teach the words "Jug" and "Water tap" the teacher has

to present the picture of both the objects in fi^ont of the learner, as follows

Page No. 174

The teacher should relate the Urdu words with a picture and say for twice

or thrice each word. Students should be asked to tell the names of the pictures

in Urdu.

Instead of pictures, concrete objects may be shown. For example. Flower,

Lock, Leaf, Pen, Book etc. may be presented before the learners and their Urdu

should be told in clear pronunciation.

The use of visual aids make the lesson interesting because it is based on

sound Psychological principle of teaching and learning.

( O Bilingual Method:-

Bilingual Method is, in fact, the improvement and combination of Trans­

lation Method and Direct Method. It is a Method in which two languages, i.e.

the language to be learnt and mother tongue of the pupils are used at the time of


In this method, the emphasis is given on pattern practice. Mother tongue

is only used to make the meanings of Urdu words and sentences clear to the


Example :- While teaching about any lesson, for example, "Khana ki

adab" the teacher will tell the meaning of the Urdu word in easy Urdu lan­

guage. If the pupils don't understand, then he may use the mother tongue of

the learners. New and difficult words should be clarified by translation in the

mother tongue.

In this method, the teacher should use mother tongue of the pupils as

less as possible.

(D) Analytic Method :-

The original meaning of the word analysis is to unloose or to separate

things that are together. The child's knowledge is generally vague and incom­

plete. The teacher should make this knowledge complete through the process

of analysis.

Analysis is particularly useful in the teaching of Urdu spellings by break-

Page No. 175

ing the long words into its various components and syllables and then spelling

the word as a whole.

Example:- To teach the words - Jug, Nol, Choi, Tok, Mot, Soch, Mosjid,

Madrassa etc. the teacher will break the word into two, three and four parts.

, ; " — '•\J + ^

- J ; ' b

\^ - 'J

The teacher may write the letters on the blackboard and tell the pupils to

follow the process of analysis. Even, the Urdu sentences may be taught by

analyzing it into different words.

Anedytic method of teaching is an encouraging method as it enhances

the power of critical thinking. Famous Psychologist E.L. Thondike said that

all the highest intellectual performance of the mind is analysis. So, the teacher

should try to follow this method to teach the subject "Iqra Urdu" in all the

four classes of senior madrsaasa education.

(E) Synthetic Method :-

It is the opposite of the Analytic Method. To synthesize is to place to­

gether things that are apart. In this process the teacher make different letters

integrated to form a word. Similarly, the summary of the large content is made

by the integration of sentences.

In the classroom situation, the kitab "Iqra Urdu" is taught by the use of

synthetic Method as follows-

The teacher will write the letter "Sin" on the blackboard first. Then he

asks a pupil to write the letter "Cha" near his letter. The teacher then gives a

Page No 176

plus sign in between the two letters. After that he asks the pupils that when the

first letter and second letter unites together what forms ? Pupils will try to give

the answer. If they can not then the teacher will say that "Sin" combines with

"Cha" a new word forms, the name of which is "Soch".

In this way the words Mot, Choi, Masjid, Qiaan, etc may be taught by

the use of Synthetic Method.

Synthetic Method is actually the complement of Analytic Method. While

teaching the subject 'Iqra Urdu' the two methods should go together.

(F) Recitation Method :-

This Method is very much usefiil in the teaching of poetry. In this Kitab

'Iqra Urdu' we find some beautifixl poems and couplets. For example- "Sitara

aur Bochah" means "The Stars and the Boy". The teacher has to recite the poem

well with proper stress, rhythm, punctuation, pause, intonation & proniuicia-

tion. He should tell the pupils to listen to his model recitation first. Then he

should ask the pupils to recite the poem one by one. If any mistake found it

should be corrected by the teacher instantly. The teacher should give opportu­

nity to all the pupils to recite the poem stanza by stanza.



/ _ 4

: ' - - ' '» '


Page No. 177

After recitation by the pupils for several times the teacher should go for

clarification of the inner idea of the poem.

This Method helps the learner to be enthusiastic for reciting and memo­

rizing the Urdu poems.

Page No. 178


The name of this kitab is given according to the writer of it. His name is

Abul Hason Ibn Ahmod Ibn Mohammad Ibn Zaforil Bagdadil Kudury of

Bagdad. In this Kitab, discussion of Islamic law and rules (Masla-Masail) are

made pros and cons. Different instructions regarding Islamic code and con­

duct are written on the basis of the Quran and Hadith. For example, Uju (wash­

ing of face, hand and feet by water before Namaz.) What are the Foraiz, Wajibat,

Sunnah, Mokruhat etc. in Uju are written in this kitab in detail.

Example from the Kitab is produced below.

To present this particular topic of "How to perform Uju" in front of the

learners, the teacher may adopt the 'Lecture cum Demonstration Method*^

According to this method, the teacher first of all describes the essential points

regarding the "Uju". Then he starts the demonstration of it with the help of

water. At the same time he says the pupils to follow him sincerely.

After his demonstration, he should tell the pupils to perform the Uju.

The teacher should observe their activities minutely. He should be active and

sympathetic enough to remove all the errors of the learners.

In this way, the Mzisla of Toimmiun, washing of dead body etc may be

taught by the method of Lecture cvmi Demonstration Method.

The teacher may use Heuristic Method to teach this subject also.

Concept of Heuristic Method :- This Method was founded by H.E. Amstrong,

professor of Chemistry in the Central Technical College, city of Guilds of Lon­

don Institute. According to him, "Heuristic method is a method of teaching

which involves our placing the students as far as possible in the attitude of a


The basic idea of the method is that the student should discover every­

thing he learns about from his own observations and experiments.

Page No.]79

This method is generally used for the students of Middle and Higher

classes because of the application of reasoning capacity from the part of the


How to use ?

To teach the topic "Prayer (Namaz) in the vehicle"

(1) Question asked by the teacher :- Suppose, you are travelling by bus

from your home town to shillong. Dis

tance of the journey is 200 kms. On

the way how will you perform the

Namaz ?

Answer given by the students - One student replies - I will perform the

Namaz by Qosor. That is 50% of the

Farz only.

(2) Question asked by the teacher .- How will you start this prayer ?

Answer given by the students :- I will start the prayer by turning the face

and body towards Kaba Sharif.

(3) Question asked by the teacher :- How will you get the direction?

Answer given by the students :- Seeing the sun.

(4) Question asked by the teacher :-At night time ?

Answer given by the students :- By asking the passengers.

(5) Question asked by the teacher :- If the pasengers do not know ?

Answer given by the students :- Students start thinking.

(6) Question asked by the teacher :- Teacher will give some time instead of

asking anything.

Answer given by the students :- One student says- with the help of compass.

(7) Question asked by the teacher :- Well, after getting the direction you will

start the Namaz. But when the bus changes

its direction, what will you do ?

Answer given by the students :- I will try to change my direction. One student


Page No. J 80

(8) Question asked by the teacher :- If the changing of direction is not possible?

Answer given by the students :- Students start thinking. One says - I shall try

my level best. If the vehicle totally changes

its direction then I am helpless. Allah, sees

my heart and I think He will consider the case.

(9) Question asked by the teacher :- Is there any other options if praying by

sitting is not possible ?

Answer given by the students .- Students think. One says - It can be performed

by standing also.

(10) Question asked by the teacher :- How?

Answer given by the students :- When the bus stops in a station for a while.

( i n Question asked by the teacher :- Then how will you perform the Namaz ?

Answer given by the students :- If I find place inside the bus on the seat or I

may go outside the bus and perform the

Namaz on the ground or on a clean piece of


Page No. 181


Writer of this kitab is Mufti Shaxjkat Ali Fohmi. This kitab is taught in

the 3rd & 4th Yr. of Senior Madrassa Education. In this kitab, the true biogra­

phy and administrative policy of Mugal emperors like Babar, Humayun, Akbar,

Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangjeb etc. are written very nicely. Besides it, the

downfall of Mugal dynasty and the dictatorship of Britishers are also men­

tioned elaborately in this kitab.

To teach this subject, a teacher should adopt the following methods.

(X) Biographical Method :-

According to this method. History is taught through Biographies, pre­

sented in a chronological order & time. The ideology behind this method is

that great men represent their times. They initiated different movements to

change the society in desirable ways. The study of their lives influence and

inspire the learners of the present.

The teacher should present the Biography from authentic sources. False

and confiising data should not be presented before the leamers any time. For

example, the life history of Aurangjeb is written in different history books as

communal, conservative and oppressor. But these are far away from the truth.

So, the teacher should go through the biography of Aurangjeb very carefiilly

and present them correctly.

The teacher will present the biography of Aurangjeb before the leamers

in the following ways -

(i) He will tell the birth place and date, mother and fathers name of Aurangjeb.

(ii) Then the early life and education of the king Aurangjeb should be told,

(iii) After that the history of how he became a king and the administrative

policy of Aurangjeb should be explained in easy language,

(iv) In this stage, the teacher may cite the example of the secular activities of

Aurangjeb by saying -

King Aurangjeb is blamed as a communal one in the mugal history, but in fact,

Page No. 182

it is a misconception. From the correct history we know that the king appointed

Raja Joy Singh as the chief of his Army staff and this man was in this post for a

long time.

Secondly, he gave the marriage of his son Mohd. Muazzim with a Hindu

girl. He was very much pleased in this marriage and spent lacks of Rupees for

the ornaments of his daughter-in-law.

Aurangjeb had a good relationship with the peoples of Rajput. Some of

them were always in his court even. Sri Kam Baksh was one of them. Aurangjeb

loved this young man even more than his own sons. He never gave him pres­

sure to change his religion.

Examples are produced below from the kitab directly.

••; ! *

.- i ^ -'•


' • i '

• J 1

" J- *

! -

• • - . •'•

iu-,-• '•.ar'^


• ' :


: ' • *•

; • " ' ^ " ^



1 ^—-


f^'-i^-^^A * . , y '•' t .

'- - t -1..}'/':


^l 01^:;^..^'-.:••'• •!-


• - • _ ^

,' --.-.

; '.-^-•' L:-:.;^I. - r ;•„,:.^ e'f..

i-^ -

,:r- 'U--- -'-h

, -.•' I

In this way the teacher should present the whole biography of the king

Aurangjeb. Sincerity of the pupils must be taken into account during the pre­

sentation of this biography throughout the class.

Page No 183

2. Discussion Method;-

"Two heads are better than one" but when a number of heads combine to

solve a problem, wonderful results can be achieved.

A problem, an issue, a situation in which there is difference of opinion,

is admirably fit for discussion method of teaching history. Discussion, in fact,

is an ordered process of collecting decision making. It seeks agreement, but, if

it is not reached, it has the value of clarifying and sharpening the nature of


Discussion may be done in the form of debate, symposium, panel or in a

round table setting.

To teach the subject " Hindustan Por Mugalia Hukumat" a teacher may

take the above means according to the nature of the topic. For example, topics

of debate are (i) Din-e-Elahi of Akbar was the sign of his over secularism, (ii)

Aurangjeb was pious but not generous at all etc.

The debate should be conducted by and among the students of Class

4th Yr. There should be a teacher in charge of the debate who will conduct the

programme. On the basis of long argimient, the teacher will give final judg­

ment. Prize should be given to the winners.

In this way, symposia and round table discussion may be arranged on

the topics like - Humayun Id Siasy j)olicy, Akbar ka jati character, Shahjahan ki

Daur-e- Hukumat ki Khubi etc.

While conducting the discussion, the teacher should ensure the disci­

pline of the students. All students should take part in the discussion. The teacher

should create a good and amicable atmosphere in the discussion programme.

He should see that the discussion is truly a co-operative experience and not a

competitive quarrel.

Lastly, the teacher should summerize and evaluate the discussion in easy

language. He may put his own opinion regarding the topics. Conclusion should

be made by the chairperson at the end.

Page No 184

3. Question-Answer (Conversational) Method:-

This method follows more or less the Question-Answer technique in the

class room instructions. The teacher puts questions to the pupils directly. Pu­

pils reply the question according to their knowledge, understanding and skill.

In a class, the teacher asks questions to the pupils in three stages.

(H Preparatory question;- The questions which are put by the teacher ini­

tially to motivate the pupils towards the days lesson are known as preparatory

or introductory questions. These questions are based on the previous knowl­

edge of the students. The teacher may takes the help of teaching aids like -

concrete objects or specimens, pictures, model, photography, cassettes, tape

recorder etc. in the introductory questions.

(ii) Developing question ;- In the presentation stage the teacher put some

questions to the pupils in such a manner that this answers lead to the develop­

ment of the lesson to be presented. The teacher supplements and elaborates the

answer of the pupils from time to time.. Sometimes, questions are asked to draw

the attention of the pupils in the presentation stage.

(iii) Evaluating Question :- In the last part of the class the teacher asks some

questions to the pupils to evaluate their acquired knowledge and experiences.

Questions asked in this stage should not be in general rather it should be indi­

vidualized and particular, covering all domains of Bloom's Taxonomy (Cogni­

tive, affective and psychomotor).

One exjunple from the kitab, will be worth mentioning here to clarify

the concept of this method :-

Name of the topic - Administrative policy of the king Shahjahan.

Preparatory Questions :- The probable questions and answers in this stage

are as follows -

(a) Teacher - Who was the founder of Mugalia Hukiunat ?

Pupils - Babor.

(b) Teacher - Name other kings of this Hukimiat ?

Pupils - Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir and Shahjahan.

Page No. 185

Teacher - (Showing the picture of Taj Mohal) Who built this ?

King Shahjahan.

Why he buih it ?

For the memory of his wife Momtaz.

What do you know about the administrative policy

of Shahjahan ?

Pupil - No answer.





Pupil -


Pupils -


Developing Questions with the answers :-

In the midst of explanation the teacher may put the following develop­

ing questions.

What is the full name of Shahjahan ?

Abul Muzoffar Mohd. Sahab Uddin Shahjahan.

Who was the step mother of Shahjahan ?

Noor Jahan.

Who were the sons of Shahjahan ?

Dara, Suja, Murad, Aurangjeb

What was the beauty of Shahjahan's


People lived in peace and happiness.

Who was the founder of Jam-e-Masjid, Delhi ?


Evaluating questions and answers : -

To evaluate the acquired knowledge of the students the teacher asks fol­

lowing types of evaluating questions -

(a) Teacher - Who was the founder of Moti Masjid and

Lai QUa ?

Pupil - Shahjahan.

(b) Teacher - Explain the distinguished feature of the






Teacher -

Pupil -

Teacher -

Pupil -

Teacher -

Pupil -


Pupil -


Pupil -

Page No. 186

administrative Policy of king Shahjahan ?

Pupil - Explains rightly.

(c) Teacher - How Shahjahan extended his kingdom during his

administration ?

Pupil - Replies correctly.

(d) Teacher - For which work king Shahjahan will be

remembered for a long time?

Pupil - For the Taj Mohal.

(e) Teacher - Which activity of Shahjahan has similarity with other

Mugal kings?

Pupil - Rephes accurately.

In the above ways the teacher should try to use question answer method

of teaching to teach the above mentioned subject. It is to be mentioned here

that the questions should be put by the teacher in Urdu. Pupils are also instructed

to reply the questions in the same language.

(4) Project Method :- This method was profounded by J.A.Sterension in

teaching learmng situation. Project is an activity willingly by the pupil for the

soulution of a felt need; but the activity is such that it leads to learning as

prescribed in the curriculum. The activities may be carried on in the Madrassa

or outside. The essence of the method is to carry out a useful task in a group in

which all the student of a class can work co-operatively: ' Learning by doing'

and ' Learning by Living' are the two cardinal principles of this method.

In the teaching of subject History, following works may be taken as the

project (i) Making modles (ii) Drawing maps and charts (iii) Collecting pic­

tures (iv) Going on historical tours (v)Arranging exhibition.

Steps involved in a project :- There are some important steps involved in this

method which are :

1. Creating the Situation:- The teacher creates problematic situation in front

of students. While creating the appropriate situation student's interest and abili­

ties should be given due importance.

Page No. 187

2. Proposing and choosing the project. - While choosing a problem teacher

should stimulate discussions by making suggestions. The proposed project

should be according to the real need of students. The purpose of the projects

should be well defined and understood by the children.

3. Planning the Project:- For the success of the project, planning of project is

very import. The children should plan out the whole project under the guidance

of their teacher. It should be kept in mind that every child should be encour­

aged and motivated to participate in the discussion. All the children should be

asked to write the plan in a proper manner. The teacher should also assign du­

ties and distribute the work among the children according to their interests.

4. Execution of the Project:-Every child should contribute actively in the

execution of the project. It is the longest step in the project. While distributing

the work during execution of the problem interest of children must be consid­

ered. For example a child interested in reading should be given an assignment

on referring books and collecting data, one interested in physical work should

be given the similar work and so on. The teacher should guide, encourage and

watch the progress of the projects.

5. Evaluation of the Project:- When the project is completed the teacher and

the children should evaluate it by joint discussion whether the objectives of

the project have been achieved or not- The children discuss their work and rec­

tify their doubts and mistakes. Thus the whole project is reviewed by the chil­

dren under the guidance of teacher.

6. Recording of the Project.- This is also an important step of the project

method because the work done should be record also. The children maintain a

complete record of the project work. While recording the project some points

like-how the project was planned, what discussions were made, how duties

were assigned, how it was evaluated etc. should be kept in mind.

Example taken from the kitab :-

Topic's name : Historical tour to see the Tajmohal

Steps followed :

Page No. J 88

(1) Creating or providing the situation :- The teacher who teaches the kitab

'Hindustan por Mugolia hukumot' provides the situation relating to see the

historical place. He creates enthusiasm among the learners to visit any wonder­

ful place in Delhi.

(2) Choosing the project;- Students will choose to see the Tajmohal.

(3) Planning the Project:- Now they will plan about the journey. How they

will go to Delhi and come back, what are the necessary articles to be taken with

them etc. They should write down the plan properly.

(4) Execution of the ProJect;-The teacher incharge will assign the pupils

their duties. And the pupils will work accordingly. After reaching to the Agra

and seeing the Tajmohal, what they have seen should be written elaborately.

They teacher will guide the students and give nescessry instructions wherever

need be.

(5)Evaluation of the Project;- After comming back the pupils should evalu­

ate their activities of the whole journey. They should review their project. They

should also be ready to criticise their own weak points if any.

(6) Recording of the Project:- The students should keep a complete record of

the whole journey - starting from the selection of the project up to the evaluation.

At last, they should submit the whole writing to the Madrassa authority.

Role of the Teacher :-

The Madrassa teacher should —

* provide democratic atmosphere in and outside the classroom so that the

children can express themselves fiilly without any fear of the teacher

* be alert and active all the time to see that the project is running in its right


* not be a dictator or a commander but a friend, guide and working part­


* give chance to shy and introvert pupils to come forward and contribute

something towards the success of the project.

* have thorough knowledge of individual children so as to allot them work


* also aim at inculcating Historical attitudes among the learners.

—= * * * =

Page No. 189


This kitab is taught in the 2nd & 3rd Yr. of Senior Madrassa Education,

Assam. Here emphasis is given on the acquisition of good manner. Study of

this kitab helps the students to develop polite behaviour, patience and good

moral character.

Writer- Mohd. Azaz Ah Ibn Mohd. Miraz Ali Ibn Hasan Ali Ibn KhairuUah

of Muradabad, UP, India.

Methods to be followed while teaching this kitab in the class room are

as below :-

(A) Lecture Method:- This is a traditional Method of teaching and is used

to teach the students of higher classes. The teacher explains the content orally

with proper voice and clear language. Pupils are asked to put questions if they

don't understand any point.

In the kitab "Nofatul Arob" many topics are written by the writer in easy

Arabic and Urdu languages. The teacher can explain the topics in the class

with instances. For example - The concept of "Tolerance" may be explained

by the help of the statement of Hazrat Abu Zar Gaffari (R). Similarly, the mat­

ter of "Real judgment" can be taught by the example of Hazrat Ali (R). These

examples are written in this kitab elaborately and quite nicely.

The teacher may supplement his lecture by different audiovisual aids

according to the topic and situations.

(B) Story Telling Method :-

When teaching is done with the help of stories, it is called Story Telling

Method of Teaching. There are three types of stories- (i) True stories (ii)

Myths (iii) Legends. The teacher should tell only the true stories to teach the

subject Nofatul Arob in the class room. For example-

There was a man whose name was Tashtakin. His age was above 90 yrs.

At this age he took the lease of a land on the bank of the river Dazla for 300 yrs.

Page No. 190

harrJW? i='-^

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\. -^ '.''\ . i :•<"-MU,'i^c'-u v r . j i i i :^; =^j^j.ib.::.u-.j^u^i^u^^s^-

t i ^ ^ Ui i ^ rwU . L J W ?-««J' ^ i (^;^' f ^ " " ^ *«' '- ^ ;' J (.-^^veejv'

TTiere was a man whose name was Tashtakin. His age was above 90 yrs.

At this age he took the lease of a land on the bank of the river Dazla for 300 yrs.

And he wished to construct a building there.

There was a Muhaddith at that time in Bagdad. He used to deliver Hadith

to the people. The name of this Miihaddith was Foteha. One day when he was

telling Hadith to the people he said, " Oh, my friends ! you are fortunate. Malikul

Mout (angel who takes life of the people) is died." Hearing this statement people

asked, "How is it?" Then the Mohaddith replied that the man Tashtakian whose

age is 90 yrs and had taken the lease of a land for 300 yrs. So, had he not been

assured that Malikul Mout is expired, he would not have been done this work.

Listening this statement the friends of Mohaddith started laughing.

Through the above-stoiy, the teacher will give the lesson of controlling

unending hopes of the human being. In this way, other lessons may be taught

by the teacher in ^ interesting manner. Questions may be put by the teacher in

the midst of his telling.

Page No. 191



Writer : This kitab is written by Mohd. Fazal Imam -e- Clod Mohd. Arshod

ofKhoirabad, UP. , India.

This kitab is taught in class 2nd yr. of Senior Madrassa Education. Lit­

erally, the word Mirkat means step or ladder by which the learner go to the next

higher stages of logic and philosophy. So, in this kitab the pupils get their

primary knowledge about logic.

To present the topics in the class room, the teacher should adopt the fol­

lowing methods -

(A) Inductive Method;- It leads from concrete to abstract, particular to gen­

eral and from examples to general rule. It is the method of constructing a gen­

eralizations on induction which means providing a universal truth by showing

that if it is true for a particular case and it is further true for a reasonably ad­

equate nimiber of cases, it is true for all such cases. After a number of concrete

cases have been understood, the student successfiilly attempts the generaliza­


For example - " Where there is smoke there is fire."

To clarify the above statement the teacher will ask the pupils following


Teacher - Suppose there is fire in your house and with this fire smoke

is seen. If you go to Calcutta what will you see with the fire?

Pupil - Smoke.

Teacher - If you go to Delhi what will you see with the fire?

Pupil - Smoke.

Teacher - In Pakistan, Banghladesh, London, Egypt, America, Soudia

Arabia what will you find in this case?

Pupil - Presence of smoke in the fire.

Page No. 192

So, from all the examples above, the teacher will reach to the conclusion

that Where there is fire, there is smoke.

> « •

• "

In this Way the teacher should try to clarify different concepts of this

kitab by Inductive Method.

(B) Deductive Method :- Same topic of this kitab may be presented by

Deductive Method also. Deductive is just the reverse of the Inductive Method.

Here, the teacher will first admit the statement, " Where there is fire, there is

smoke" as true. And then he will go to different examples in favour of the


Page No. 193


This kitab is written by Seikh Ahmod Sahab Uddin Kalui. It is included

in the 1st Yr of Senior Madrassa Education. Arabic literature is taught among

the learners through this kitab.

In this Kitab number of stories are written in Arabic language which

inspires the learners to learn this language quite easily. The theme of the sto­

ries are based on good moral spirits.

To teach this kitab, the teacher should use Story Telling Method. Expla­

nation may be done in Bi-lingual Method.

Example from the Kitab ; The teacher will tell the story of a slave as :

There was a slave of a rich man. He said to his lord about his three demands -

(i) I shall work and serve you in day time and not at night.

(ii) On the day, you will give me time for prayer (Namaz).

(iii) You should give me a house where I will reside alone.

Listening to all the above demands the rich man said, "Yes, it will be."

He told the slave to choose any one out of his many houses. The slave selected

a small house of law quality for him.

Days were going on. One night the Lord was looking at the house of his

slave and became astonished. He saw that a light had fallen from the sky to the

house of the slave. Then he went nearer to the house and Ustened to the prayer

of his slave. The slave addressed to the Almighty, "Oh Allah, you have ordered

me to serve my lord at day time. For this reason I am unable to do prayer and

penance in your name whole time." In this way the night completed.

The rich man then went to his own house and told the matter to his wife.

Both of them saw the matter on the following night. After the night ended they

told their slave, "You are free from now. You may pray to your Almighty on day

time also." And the man started to talk about the supernatural scenery of his

slave to other people. Then the slave prayed to Allah to take his life as the

secret matter became open. This was happened exactly. The pious slave died

on that moment.

Page No. 194

In this way, the teacher should tell the stories so that the learners become

interested to study the Arabic literature. This type of story enhances the power

of Divine spirits of the learners.

* * *

Page No. 195


Writer : This kitab is written by Ulama-e- Misor ki Ek Jomat. The name

of the personalities are — (i) Hanfy Bek Nasif (ii) Mohd. Bek Wahab (iii)

Mohd. Bek Saleh (iv) Mustaia-e- Tamiun.

In this kitab emphasis is given on the teaching about the Rhetorics of

Arabic. This kitab is taught in the 4th Yr. of Senior Madrassa Education.

Dictionarical meaning of Balagot is "reaching to a destination". It quali­

fies the sentence and its speakers.

The teaching of Balagot helps the learners to speak in all situations in

ornamental language and without any error.

To present the topics of this subject in the classroom the teacher may

adopt the traditional lecture method, as these are meant for the students of

higher classes.

Page No. 196

Example . A man is reporting about Mr. Zoid's arrival to the following

three persons in this ways -

(i) Ziod has come.

(ii) Zoid has definitely come

(iii) In the swear of Allah I am saying that Zoid has come.

The teacher will write the above three sentences on the black board and

explain them one by one. For the firm believers it is sufficient to say that Zoid

has come. They will take this report as true.

But the persons who are suspicious they may not take the first simple

sentence as true. So, for them it is better to say that Zoid has definitely come.

The word "definitely" will remove their suspect.

But the people who are more speculative, for them, it is wise to say some­

thing by swearing the name of Allah. That is why, the third sentence is to be

used to make them confirm about the information of Zoid's arrival.

In this way, the teacher will clarify the concept of Balagot i.e. how one

information is given by a person in three different styles. Same statement but

the way of expressions are many, according to situations.

Page No. 197



This kitab is taught in the 7th Yr. of Senior Madrassa Education. There

are three parts of this kitab-

(i) Part-I :- Hadith taken from Bukhari and Muslim Sharif

(ii) Part-II :- Hadith taken from Tirmizi, Abu Daud, Ibn Maza «fe

Nasai Sharif

(iii) Part-in :- Hadith taken from all other sources.

As this kitab is frill of Hadith, the teacher should narrate and explain

them in easy language. Combiaation of Arabic & the mother tongue of the pu­

pils may be used to clarify the concepts of different Hadith at the time of lec­


Exantiple : Meaning of a Hadith like - The light sins (Sogira Gunah) of

a person are excused by Allah if he performs the namaz. Great sins (Kobira

Gunah) are forgiven by Allah if he performs the Touba.

The teacher should clarify the meaning of words and sentences of the

Hadith(Arabic), writing them on the black board. Pupils should be instructed

to copy them in their note books. Writing of the pupils should be checked by

the teacher before erasing the blackboard writing.

Pupils should also be encouraged to ask relevant questions on the diffi­

cult Arabic terms of the Hadith. Teacher should answer the questions of the

pupils with patience. Sometimes, the teacher should ask few questions to test

the knowledge and imderstanding of the pupils. In this way, the lecture should

proceed by question answer technique.

Page No. J 98

13. T A R I K H U L U L U M U L A R O B I A H ;-

Writer of this kitab is Moulana Tayeebur Rahman Barbhuiya of

Hailakandi, Assam. Different stories and essays of this kitab are collected by

the writer from many reliable sources. In this kitab biographies of Prophets,

Sahabi & other personalities are produced in Arabic language in a lucid man­

ner. Emphasis is given on the poem and poets of Aiam-e-Jahiliat.

This kitab is taught in the 6th Yr. of Senior Madrassa Education, Assam.

To teach this kitab in the class a teacher may follow the source method.

Story telling Method, Assignment Method and Biographical Method. As a

model, the biographical method is presented below.

Biographical Method:-

The teacher will tell the biography of a person in the class in clear and

easy language. For example - the biography of an Arabic poet, Imraul Qois.

The teacher will address the pupil as, "Dear students, today I will tell

you the life history of a great Arabic poet, name of whom is Imraul Qois. You

listen to me carefully."

Then he will start as - 40 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammod

(S) there was a great poet in Arab whose name was Imraul Qois Ibn Zohar-e-

kandi. His original name was Zundah and ruck name was Abu Wahab. His title

was Zulquruh. The name of his father was Zohar Ibn Haris who was the Hakim

of Bonu Asod and Gutfan. The name of the mother of Imraul Qois was Fatima

or Toraokkul or Tomolluk. This famous Arabic poet died on 540/566 A.D. and

was buried in the Asib hill.

Imraul Qois was a drunker. He was interested in writing Gazal. The sub­

ject matter of his Gazal was woman. He used to play games & sports. His

father could not support such activities and told to stop it. But he denied and

left the house. He then went to Riaz and participated to a band party. He also

started to prey the beasts.

After some days he went to Domon in Yemen. Stayed there for some

Page No. 199

days. When he was residing there, a man of Bonu Asod came to him and inform

that some people of Bonu Asod had killed his father. Listening the sad news he

swomed that he will not drink, oil & take the meat until he kills hundred peoples

of Bonu Asod. In this time he uttered a small poem like :

News came to me

But I could not admit it

Because, it had shaken the hill.

News is . Bonu Asod had murdered their leader.

If this be true!

Then, it is easier to me, to protest it

Than any other things of this world.

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Story wUl continue up to the end.

In this way, the teacher will complete the total biography of Imraul Qois

in front of the learners. Students will be able to learn the history of Arab as well

as Arabic language in an interesting manner by following the method.

* * *

Page No. 200


Writer of this kitab is Abu Mohd. Kasim Ibn Ali Ibn Mohd. Ibn Usman

Al Harmil Bosory of Iraq. This kitab is taught in the 6th & 7th Yr. of Senior

Madrassa Education. This is an Arabic prose composed of total fifty numbers

of Mukamat. Each Mukamah is written by the conversation of two persons

where one is the writer himself The names are (1) Haris Ibn Hammam (writer)

(2) Abu Zoid Suruji.

Under the syllabus of 6th & 7th Yr. of Senior Madrassa Education, only

10 Mukamat is included. As an example I have taken the Mukamat No 3, the

title of which is Mukamah-e-Dinariah. One line of which is produced below :

How this topic can be taught, the method is suggested below.

Question Answer Method:- The teacher may teach this topic inside the class

room by putting questions. The students are instructed to give the answer. If

they can not, the teacher will give the solution. The probable questions of the

topic mentioned above are produced below :-

(i) Teacher (after model reading of the content) :- Read this topic loudly

and correctly.

Pupil :- (One by one) - Try to read the content with proper

pronunciation, punctuation and sound,

(ii) Teacher (After brief explanation) :- Who reported about whom in the

first paragraph of this Mukamah?

Pupil :- Haris Ibn Hammam reported about a lame man.

(iii) Teacher :- In which gathering the lame man came ?

Pupil :- In the gathering of the poets,

(iv) Teacher :- Why the lame man came to this gathering?

Pupil :- To seek financial help,

(v) Teacher :- What was told by Haris Ibn Hammam to this lame man?

Page No. 201

(vi) Teacher


(vii) Teacher


(viii) Teacher


Pupil :- He opened a Dinar (Gold coin) from the pocket & told

the lame man, "If you praise this Dinar in terms of

poetry, I shall offer it to you."

:- After getting this Dinar (Gold coin) what did the lame

man do ?

:- He poured it into his mouth.

:- Then, Haris Ibn Hammam told something to the lame

man. What was this?

:- (Opening another Dinar from the pocket) He told the

Ijime man, "If you say some negative words about

this Dinar, I shall offer it to you also."

:- Which line is remarkable about the Dinar in the state

ment of the lame man ?

;- Laulath tuqa laqultu JaUat Qudratuhu i.e. If I didn't

have fear about Allah, I would have said, "The rupee,

you are Almighty !"

.- What is the meaning of the word "Zauabu afakin".

.- The meaning of the word is "World tourer"

:- Make a sentence with the word "Subaha"

".- Will make the sentence as " lemu, Subahan" i.e. Good


In the class room, the teacher should write some questions along with

the answers on the black board. Pupils are asked to copy the same in their note

books. They should be instructed to learn the answers. Then the teacher will

ask the questions and pupils should give the reply accordingly.

At the time of preparing question &, answer, the teacher should give the

hints of grammar used in the content. Meaning of Arabic words should also be

clarified by the teacher at that time.

Pupils should also be instructed to give the answer one by one. This is

the way of Individualized Instruction.

(ix) Teacher


(x) Teacher


Page No. 20 2


This kitab is written by Moulana Tayeebur Rahman Barbhuiya of

Hailakandi, Assam, from different authentic sources. It is taught in the 1st year

of Senior Madrassa Education, where emphasis is given on learning the Ara­

bic literature, both prose & poetry.

To teach different topics of this subject following methods are sug­


(1) Direct Method:- In this Method the teacher will explain the content in

Arabic language with necessary gesture and posture of the body. Black board.

Chart, Picture, Tape Recorder & Specimens should be used by the teacher at

the time of explanation. These audio-visual aids should be according to the

nature of the topics. Low-cost and easily available teaching learning materi­

als should be used by the teacher as per as possible.

Students should be encouraged to communicate among themselves in

Arabic language in this Method.

(2) Bi-lingual Method :- Combination of mother tongue and Arabic language

is used simultaneously in this method for clarifying the contents in the class by

the teacher. Students should be given opportunity to ask maximum numbers of

relevant questions.

Model reading by the teacher, loud reading by the pupils, explanation-

questioning-evaluation-home work should be given by the teacher appropri­

ately in right time. Example - To teach the topic " Yawmul zumuah" the above

method may be used.

To follow this method, the teacher should give stress on the original lan­

guage of the kitab. Mother tongue should be used when the students can not

understand the language of the kitab.

Page No. 203

(3) Recitation Method:- The teacher will give a demonstration of model reci­

tation of the poem like " Nat-ur-Rosul"

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The teacher then ask the pupils to recite the same one by one. Wrong

pronvinciation, punctuation, intonation etc, should be corrected by the teacher

at the time of student's recitation. Each and every students should be given

opportunity to recite the poem in the class. New and difficult words should be

written in the black board and their meaning should be given in easy Arabic,

Urdu and mother tongue of the pupils. Students should be instructed to copy

the black board writing in their note books.

At the end, home works should be given to write the poem and memo­

rize it by heart.

Page No. 204

(4) Story telling Method:- Story creates interest among the learners. So, teach­

ing a language by stories is an effective medium.

In this kitab, different stories are written in Arabic. For example- "The

cock and the fox"


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One day in the morning a fox went under a tree. He saw a cock on that

tree. The fox told the cock, "Oh! Abul Munjir, WiU you come under the tree?"

If you come then we will perform the Namaz by Jamat. The cock then told that

the Imam is sleeping on the opposite side of the tree. You awake him. The fox

then looked at the other side of the tree and found that there was a dog in sleep­

ing condition. Immediately the fox fled away with fear.

The cock then said, "Oh! Abul Hussain, Will you not come? If you come

then we will perform the Namaz unitedly." The fox then replied, "I have lost

my Uju. You wait, I shall come after the new Uju."

The teacher should tell the story with proper clarification of difficult

Arabic words used in this story. At the end, the pupils should be encoitfaged to

imagine and write such small stories in Arabic.

This technique helps the students to learn the Arabic language cjuite easily.

Page No.205

(S\ Biographical Method:- Life history of great man inspires us to build o\ir

lives in an ideal way. We are interested in the study of the biography of re­

nowned personalities.

So, teaching a language by the method of biography will be an effective

technique. Keeping this idea in mind, the writer has produced some important

biographies in this Idtab. For example - Biography of Prophet Muhammod (S),

biography of Imam Abu Hanifa (R) etc.

In the class room, the teacher should read and present the biographies in

a lucid manner. Meaning of the Arabic words and sentences should be clarified

in the mother tongue of the pupils. One biography should be repeated by the

teacher at least for twice or thrice in a class.

6. Conversational Method;- This method is very much practical in the teach­

ing of a language. In this Kitab, "Nokhbatul Adob" two lessons are produced

which are written in the way of Arabic conversation. One is presented

below(Partly) :-

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Page No. 206

Conversation between Amin and Mamun.

Amin :- Peace be upon you, Mamun.

Mamun :- Peace also be upon you. How are you, my brother?

Amin :- Fine.

Mamim :- Wherefrom are you coming ?

Amin .- I am coming from the Madrassa.

Mamim :- In which Madrassa are you reading ?

Amin > I am reading in Hailakandi Senior Madrassa.

Mamun :- In which class do you read in ?

Amin ;- I read in class Sr. 1st Year.

In this way, the rest part of the conversation should be completed in a

class. Two students should be prepared for such conversation. Other student

must follow their talking. After the completion of one pair, two other students

should be involved in the same.

The teacher should watch the matter all along the class. In a class two

pair's conversation may be exercised.



M I C R O - T E A C H I N G


To become a good and better teacher, it is necessary for an individual to

acquire different skills of teaching. For this purpose, training is must. The per­

son who teaches in the Madrassa or wants to teach in different Islamic Institu­

tions, should go in for training courses. Involvement in training before the job

is called pre-service and after the job is known as Inservice training. Pre-ser-

vice trainees acquire the teaching skills whereas inservice trainees refine their

skills of teaching.

Micro-teaching helps the teacher to acquire and refine his/her teaching

skills to a great extent.

What Micro-teaching is ?

Yes, Micro-teaching, the part and parcel of pedagogy, was discovered in

the year 1961 by Dwight W. Allen of U.S. A. at Standford University. It is a short

educational programme practised in the training courses by the teachers to pre­

pare them for the Macro-classes. It helps the teacher to acquire an modify his/

her teaching skills. Here, how to teach is more important than what to teach.

In Micro-teaching, generally one teaching skill is practised by the

'Teacher Trainee' in one session. Time limit of teaching is of 5-10 minutes.

Students are generally fi^om the peer groups. No of students are 5-10. After teach­

ing is over, feedback is given by the trainee fiiends. If possible, video tapes or

films may be used for the feedback. College teacher may remain as supervisor

who will make the final comments. The defects of the trainee will be counted

sincerely. He/she wiU be informed about his/her strong and weak points of teach­

ing. Then he/she will be given opportunity to replan the lesson and re-teach the

same topic as before.

Page No. 208

Micro-teaching cycle may be written as below:

2. Teach

1. Plan 3.Feedback

6. Re-feedback 4. Re-plan


According to the guideline of NCERT, time duration in the Micro-teach­

ing programme is given as follows :






6 minutes

6 minutes

12 minutes

6 minutes

6 minutes

Total 36 minutes

So, feedback is given twice by the peer groups or by the college supervi­

sor. In this way, all the trainees will take part in this programme one by one.

Generally, following important skills of teaching are practised in the

Micro-teaching session by the trainees:

(1) Skill of Black board writing.

(2) Skill of Stimulus variation.

(3) Skill of Questioning.

(4) Skill of Re-inforcement.

(5) Skill of Explmning.

(6) Skill of Recitation.

(7) Skill of Dramatization.

Page No 209

In the discussion of the Pedagogy in Islamic education I shall explain

some of the above skills in detail:-


In the Micro-teaching session the 'student teacher' when goes to prac­

tise the skill of Black board writing, he must follow the following points.

(1) Writing on the blackboard should be bold enough so that students from

the back bench in the class can easily read.

(2) There should not be any spelling mistake.

(3) Writing should be grammatically correct.

(4) Every letter should be distinct.

(5) There should be adequate spacing between two letters and words.

(6) Capital and small letters should be of appropriate size.

(7) There should be normal gap between two lines.

(8) The words and sentences should be written in the horizontal lines paral­

lel to the base of the blackboard.

(9) There should be no overwriting.

(10) Those points should be underlined to which attention of pupils is to be


(11) Coloured chalks should be used in drawing the diagrams, maps etc. and

also to bring about contrast with other matter presented on the black­


(12) Illustration and diagrams should be simple, large, and clear enough to

convey the ideas presented.

(13) Unnecessary details should be avoided while writing on the blackboard.

(14) The light falling on the blackboard should neither be too bright nor too

dim to protect the eyes of pupils from sfrain.

(15) Blackboard summary should be brief and simple.

(16) No wrong information should be written on the blackboard.


(17) The teacher should stand in such a position that students can copy the

blackboard writing.

(18) Pointer should be used to explain the points of the blackboard.

(19) Before leaving the class the blackboard should be erased by the teacher


(20) Finger should not be used for erasing. Duster must be used for this

purpose by the teacher

The above mentioned points should be followed by a teacher who

teaches Arabic, Urdu, Persian in different Madrassa and Arabic Colleges.


Definition:- The skill of stimulus variation implies attracting and focussing

pupil's attention by changing stimuli in the environment for securing and sus­

taining pupils attention and to lead to greater pupil interest and achievement.

Components :-

The skill of stimulus variation has the following components.

(1) Teacher Movement :-

During class room instruction the teacher moves from one place to an­

other like moving towards blackboard or moving towards pupil to check their

copies or enquire about the personal problem of students. These types of move­

ments are necessary for the teacher

(2) Teacher Gesture;-

Gesture are the movements of the parts of the body to direct attention, to

express emotion, to emphasise importance or indicate shape, sizes and move­

ments etc. Proper Gesture catch the attention of the pupils.

(3) Change in speech pattern :-

Sometimes to show emotions or to put emphasis on a, particular point,

sudden or radical changes in tone, volume or speed of the verbal presentation

Page No. 211

are brought about. The change in the speech pattern makes, the 'Pupils atten­

tive and the lesson more interesting.

(4) Change in Sensory Focus:

It refers to changes in the sense channel which pupils use. For ex­

amples from listening to looking, from reading to writing, from speaking to

doing, from teacher talking to black-board writing' and from black board writ­

ing to demonstration etc. are various changes of sensory focus. These are also

known as oral-visual switching. These devices are used to maintain the level

of attention and motivation.

These are of three types.

(i) Oral Visual:-

When the focus of attention is changed from verbal stimulus to visual

stimulus, e.g. while speaking the teacher shows a photograph or a chart. This

switching of sensory focus is from oral to visual. Now, if the teacher shifts

again to lecturing, then the switching is from visual to oral.

(ii) Oral-Oral Visual :-

Here the shift is from verbal stimulus to verbal and visual stimuli and

vice-versa. If the teacher, while lecturing shows chart or model and explains its

various parts, this type of switching is an example of oral to oral-visual switch­


(Hi) Visual Oral Visual :-

When a teacher demonstrate an experiment silently and then explains

the phenomenon with the help of the diagram on the blackboard, this type of

change is from visual to oral visual.

(5) Change in interaction Styles :-

In the Class room situation three styles of interactions are possible. These

are :

(a) Teacher - Class interaction :-

Under this, a teacher communicates to the whole class and whole or part

of the class responds.


(b) Teacher- Pupil interaction.

This style of interaction occurs when communication is directed to­

wards a particular pupil who is supposed to respond.

(c) Pupil-Pupil interaction :-

When the discussion takes place among pupils in the absence of teacher

participation, the interaction is known as pupil-pupil interaction.

(6) Focusing :-

It refers to directing pupils' attention to a particular point which they

are required to observe. The focussing can be obtained, either through verbal

behaviour or using gesture or both.

(a) Verbal Focusing-

Statements like, 'Look at the board', 'listen carefully', 'Watch the ex­

periment' etc. illustrate verbal focussing.

(b) Gestural Focussing :-

This can be achieved by pointing towards the specific object through

gesture. For example. Pointing with finger or underlining the important words

on the black board.

(7) Pausing:-

It refers to a brief period of deliberate silence during teacher talk. The

purposes of a pause are :

(a) To secure the attention of the pupils.

(b) To give time for structuring an answer to teacher's question.

(c) To give time for assimilation of ideas and concept.

(8) Pupil movement :-

This refers the physical participation of pupils with the teacher when the

pupils are asked for. For example - Handling the apparatus. Dramatizations,

Demonstration etc. It gives a pupil the chance to break the monotony and to

increase his interest in the lesson.


Example of the skill of stimulus variation :-

yj j ^

Meaning :- Hazrat Huzaifa (R) narrates that RasuluUah (S) said, "My follow­

ers have been given more dignity than the followers of other prophets with

respect to the following three matters :-

(1) The people who stay arrayed at the time of namaz or zihad are given more

dignity then the angels or forishata.

(2) The entire land of the world is made fit for our prayers.

(3) The entire soil of the world is also made pure for 'Toiommum' if and when

water is not available for performing 'Oju'

Micro lesson Plan on the.above Hadith

Subject :: Mozahir-e Haque Zadid. Class :: Sr. 7th Yr.

Time :: 6 Minutes. Concept:: Namaz & Toiommum

Name of the Student-teacher ::

Name of the Supervisor :: Date:: / /

Teacher :: How do you stand at the timie of Namaz ?

Pupil :: Silent.

Teacher :: We stand erect at the time of Namaz like a straight line (teacher

will show the straight line with his finger) (Gesture). Then the

teacher asks - What is the 'soP of the Jamat-e Namaz ?

Pupil:: The line which we form at the time of jamat.

Teacher :: Can you draw it on the Blackboard ?

Pupil :: No response.


Teacher :: Draws it nicely (Oral visual switching). Then he asks - Where

do you perform the jamat ?

Pupil :: In the mosque.

Teacher :: If there is no mosque at the time of travelling?

Pupil :: No answer.

Teacher .: We can perform the namaz and Jamat any where on the ground

of the earth. Saying this he goes to the empty side of the class

and shows a br ief demonstra t ion of this namaz with a

musollah.(movement and oral visual switching)

Teacher :: Teacher write the number three points of the above hadith on the

blackboard and then explains it. (Visual-Oral Switching). He also

underlines the word , "Zuelat turbatuha" (focussing). And then

asks the meaning of the word.

Pupil :: Answers correctly.

Teacher :: Teacher asks another student to come to the blackboard and write

the meaning, (pupil movement)

Pupil :: Writes with spelling mistake.

Teacher :; Then he asks other student to help him. (Pupil -Pupil interaction).

Pupil :: The previous pupil writes it exactly by taking help.

Teacher :: The teacher then moves to the comer of the class and asks a stu­

dent (movement)- What is the meaning of the word 'Kulluhu'?

Pupil :: Student starts thinking.

Teacher :: Gives times to answer. (Pausing)

Pupil :: Then he says the meaning rightly.

Teacher :: When Toiommum is done by us?

Pupil :: In the absence of water.

Teacher :: What kind of soil is required for Toiommum ?

Pupil :: Silent.

Teacher :: According to Imam Azam, Abu Hanifa (R), Hazrat Imam Malik

(R), Hazrat Imam Mohammod (R) , the toiommum can be done

Page No. 215

with the help of any matter which originates from the soil. Then

he mentions the Hadith-" Zueelat leal arzu masjeedaw- wa tuhura"

with a louder voice. (Change of speech pattern)

The observer wUl

follow the teaching of the trainee sincerely and note the following matters ::

Tallies Cotnponents Ratines

Teacher Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Teacher gesture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Change in voice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Focussing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Change in interaction Pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pausing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pupils participation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Oral Visual switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Comments ~ By the observer


Behavioural definition.-

Skill of questioning refers to the formulation of relevant, precise and

concise, clear, specific and grammatically correct questions. These properties

are known as the components of the skill.

(a) Relevant .-

Questions need to be related to the specific instructional objectives of

the lesson or the content being covered. Irrelevant questions disturb the sequence

of thought and thus waste time.

For example ;- (i) Hailakandi Sr. Madrassa kaha uaqeu hai ?

(u) Uska sodre mudoris koun hai ?

Page No.216

(iii) Uska mudorism kitne hai ?

(iv) Uska Kinare me jo bazar hai woh kaisa cholta hai?

In the above example, first three questions are relevant whereas

the fourth question has got no relevance with the essay being covered.

(b) Specific concise or precise questions .-

Specific questions ask for a single response whereas a concise question

is devoid of extra words and phrases. Questions having extra words result in

confusion in the pupils' mind and do not convey precise meaning. Therefore,

the teacher should formulate straight question using as many words as are ab­

solutely necessary to convey his intent.

Inappropriately structured Appropriately structured

For example ;- Is jamat ke koi hai ke Gusol ki foraiz kitne hai ?

kah sakta hai-Gusol me kitne

foraiz hai ?

(c) Clarity .-

The language used in the questions should be according to the level of

the knowledge and experience of the students to be taught. Unclear language

will fail to arouse curiosity, catch attention and stimulate thinking among the


Inappropriately structured Appropriately structured

For example :- Kinah ki saat kaisa Kinah ka mujorrat kiya hai?

Halote motalliq hai batao?

(d) Grammat ic corrections .•-

The questions put by the teacher inside the class room should be gram­

matically correct. If language of the question is wrong, pupils will not be able

to comprehend and thus will result in confusion.

Inappropriately structured Appropriately s tructured

For example :-Tumhara naam kiya hoga? Tumhara naam kiya hai?

Page No 217

What should be avoided by the teacher in questioning ?

The teacher should avoid the following instructions at the time of ques­

tioning :

(a) Avoid the questions with 'yes* or *no* answers.-

The trainee should avoid framing those questions which can be answered

in 'yes' and 'no ' since these questions have high scope of guessing and these

questions do not stimulate thinking.

Inappropriately s tructured Appropriately s tructured

For example :- Kia tin baje hai ? Ab kitna baje hai ?

(b) Avoid the use of echoed or leading question.-

Questions directly reflecting the answers, fall under this category. These

questions may also be answered in 'yes' or 'no' . Hence the teacher should avoid

their use.

Inappropriately s tructured Appropriately s tructured

For example :- "Markoni ne Radio Radio kisne ekhtera ki hai?

ekhtera ke hai."

Aya usne nahi ki ?

(c) Avoid double barreled questions.-

A question containing two or more ideas to consider at a time are called

double barreled questions. Student-teacher should avoid their use since it is

difficult for children as it includes more than one idea.

Inappropriately s tructured Appropriately structured

For example :- Qibla ke bare me tum Qibla kis se kahte hai ?

kiyajante ho ?

(d) Avoid ambiguous questions.'-

Questions that fail to communicate the idea that it intended to commu­

nicate fall under this category. The teacher trainee should avoid such questions

in the practice of micro-teaching.

Page No 218

Inappropriately s t ructured Appropriately structured

For example > Uju ki farz ki bare me Foraiz-e uju kitne hai ?

tum kiya kiya jante ho?

Levels of Questions :-

We can classify classroom questions into the following categories-

(1) Lower order question.

(2) Middle order question.

(3) Higher order question.

(1^ Lower order questions :-

Questions of this level stimulate lower level of thinking which form the

basis for higher level learning. These questions can be subdivided into recall

and recognition categories.

(a) Recall :-

Questions refer to that mental process which involves reproduction of

the learned facts/information in the shape of verbal answers.

For example ;- Poigombor kis se kahte hai ? (P.S.2nd Yr. Class)

(b) Recognition -

Questions at this level refer to that mental process, in which the student

identifies facts, information, concept etc. already learned by him.

For example :- "An Neotu fil ozu-e laisat bi sortin" - Moskura bala

ebarot se ism, fail , horf ku chuno ?

(Senior 2nd Yr. Class)

(2) Middle order Questions:-

Questions at this level stimulates some higher level of thinking than the

previous level. This order of questions includes transition, interpretation and

application levels of thinking.

(a) Transition -

Representing a concept, fact, generalizations etc. by changing the me­

dium is known as transition.

Page No. 219

For example :-Mudorsah kis se kahte hain, apna madori zoban se likho?

(P.S.SrdYr. Class)

(b) Interpretation-

The process involving comparison, explaining relationship between ideas,

concepts, generalizations etc. is known as 'interpretation'. This process can

be subdivided as 'comparison' and 'explaining relationship',

(i) Comparison :-

Finding out similarities and dissimilarities between two or more

ideas, concepts, definitions or generalization is known as


For example :-Maieju baina doulatil umobeyate wal abbaseyate

bi hasbil fosahate wal balagote? (Sr. 6th & 7th Yr. Class)

(ii) Explaining relationship :-

Interpretation also implies explaining relationship between two

or more facts, concepts, values, generalizations etc.

For example > Sarrihul ebarotul atiyata foqt.

"Inna minas seare la hiqmatun"?

(Sr. 6th & 7th Yr. Class)

(c) Application :-

If the knowledge acquired in one situation is applied in some other

situation in order to solve the problem in hand, we call it as application.

For example :- Sohod pine me tibbi fawaid kiya hai batao ? (M.M.Class)

(3) Higher order questions :-

This level of questions stimulates highest level of thinking among the

students and helps in developing the creative abilities among them. They are

again of three types :-

(a) Analysis :-

Breaking the given idea, situation, material, generalization etc. in to its

components in order to study their mutual relationship, is known as analysis.

For example - 'Haoqala'- What is the full form of this word ?

Page No. 2 20

(b) Synthesis : -

When different facts, ideas, concepts etc. are put together, it is called

synthesis. Question of this type is for example - 'SoUal-lahu Alaihi wa sallam'

- What is the short form of this sentence?

- (c) Evaluation :-

To measure a particular situation according to predecided standards or

» values is termed as evaluation. For example - Madiayat boni adam ke liye

rohmot hai ya zohmot- likho?


Meaning :- The term 're-inforcement' refers to 'R-S' theoretical paradigm.

This theoretical construct was first used by Pavlov with his classical condi­

tioning experiments with dogs.

According to Skinner, "Re-inforcement is any environmental event that

is programmed as consequence of response that can increase the rate of re­


In teacher education programmes, student-teachers gain information

regarding their class-room performance fi-om his supervisor. The supervisor

who provides the feed-back not only spells out the undesirable behaviours

performed by him during his class-room teaching, but also appreciates, the

desirable behaviours. By appreciation, the student-teacher feels encoiu-aged

and gets motivated and wants to improve upon his undesirable behavioiu's.

The praising part of supervisor's behaviour is known as 're-inforcement'. The

words used by him in praising are known as "re-inforcement".

Components of the Skill :-

The main components of the skill of re-inforcement are as follows

(1) Positive Verbal re-inforcement :-

After Eisking any question if the pupil gives correct reply then the teacher

Page No 221

should say - good, very good, right, correct, fine, yes, well done etc. These

words are the examples of positive verbal re-inforcement. Sometimes words

and phrases like- 'go on', 'carry on', 'go ahead', 'continue' etc. also act as re-


(2) Positive Non-verbal re-inforcement :-

After getting correct answer of the pupil if the teacher accepts his an­

swer by the gestures of the body it is called positive Non-verbal re-inforcement.

Examples are - 'nods & smiles', 'moving towards the responding pupil', 'giv­

ing a fiiendly look', and 'writing pupils' responses on the blackboard'.

(3) Negative verbal re-inforcement:-

If the student is unable to give the correct answer of the question put by

the teacher then the teacher should say the words like - 'wrong', 'no ' , 'incor­

rect', ' not true', 'not exactly' etc. For the use of such words the pupil will get

shy and will be committed to leam the things exactly.

(4) Negative Non-verbal re-inforcement :-

The re-inforcement given by the teacher with the body parts when the

student gives wrong answer of the question put by him is called Negative Non­

verbal re-inforcement. Examples are - fi-owning, widening of eyes steering,

nodding the head, tapping impatiently with hands, avoiding the particular pupil

and moving away from him etc.

(5) Repeating and rephrasing pupils response :-

When the pupil gives correct answer the teacher should repeat the cor­

rect response of the pupil or re-phrases it for the benefit of other pupils in the

class. Such behaviours re-inforces the tendency of learning of the pupils.

(6) Writing pupils' responses on the black-board :-

Teacher should write the correct and original pupil responses on the

black-board to give re-inforcement to the pupil.

Some cautions regarding the use of the skill.

The following points should be bom in mind while using the skill of re­


Page No 222

(i) Too frequent use of re-mforcement should be avoided.

(ii) A variety of re-inforcers should be used to avoid monotony and to in­

crease the effectiveness of re-inforcers.

(iii) Taken re-inforcement like giving medals and prizes, writing com­

ments etc. should be very rarely used.

(iv) Re-inforcement may be given to the whole class from time to time d&

well as to the individual pupils.

(v) Re-inforcement should be given immediately after pupils responses.

(vi) Re-inforcement may be personalized by calling pupil's name to in

crease its effectiveness.

(vii) Re-inforcement should be given keeping in view pupils' level of matu­

rity and the context of class-room discourse so that the pupil have an

understanding of the relationship of the re-inforcement to their behaviours.

Example of the skill of re-inforcement :-

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Meaning -

Ibn Umar (R) said, "Rasulullah (S) said that Namaz will not be granted

without purity. And the sadqah will not be accepted which is given from the

Haram Mai." Muslim Sharif

Micro lesson plan on this topic:-

Calss :: Sr. 6th yr. Sub./Mozahir-e- Haq-Zadid (Hadith)

Conception :: Purity in Oju Time :: 6 minutes.

and Sadquah

Name of the Student-teacher ::

Name of the Supervisor :; Date:: / /

Page No. 223

Teacher - Purity is essential for Ozu and Sadqah. In this Hadith mentioned

above which Arabic word carry the meaning of purity ?

Pupil - The word 'Tuhurin' sir.

Teacher - Thank you, it is the right answer (Positive verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Can you say the meaning of 'La Tuqbalu'?

Pupil - Qobul kama.

Teacher - Says No. (Negative Verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Any other student ?

Pupil - Qobul na kama.

Teacher - Exactly (Positive verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - What is the meaning of Sadqah ?

Pupil - Giving mal (property) to all.

Teacher - Nodded the head with a negative sense

(Negative non -verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Any one knows the right answer?

Pupil - Offering mal to the foqir & Miskin.

Teacher - Correct (Positive verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Sodqah is of how many types ?

Pupil - Two types.

Teacher - Accept the reply with a smile.

(Positive non-verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - What are those ?

Pupil - Sodqa-e-wajiba and Sodqa-e-Nafela.

Teacher - Good. (Positive Verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher- Zakat belongs to which type of sodqah ?

Pupil - Nafela.

Teacher - Wrong answer (Negative Verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Who knows ?

Pupil - Sodqah-e- wajiba, sir.

Teacher - Very good. (Positive Verbal re-inforcement)

Page No. 224

Teacher- If any one offers the sodqah with the haram mal will he get the

reward ?

Pupil - No sir, instead of getting reward he will get punishment for such


Teacher - Exactly. (Positive Verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - What is the difference between Taharat-e-zahir and Taharat-e

batin ?

Pupil- Acquiring purity both externally and internally by men.

Teacher- Right. (Positive Verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Give an example of Taharat-e-zahiri ?

Pupil - Concentration of mind.

Teacher - No. (Negative Verbal re-inforcement)

Teacher - Try again.

Pupil - Purity of heart.

Teacher - Frowns. (Negative Verbal re-inforcement). First be sure and

then answer.

Pupil - Purity of cloth.

Teacher - Yes, it is the purity of cloth.

(Repeating pupil's correct response)

Observing the teaching of the trainee, the peer observer will mark as


SL No.






Use of praise words

Repeating pupils response

Writing pupil's answers on the


Use of positive verbal



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Page No. 2 25

5. Use of negative verbal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


6. Use of positive non-verbal

re-inforcement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 Use of Negative non-verbal

re-inforcement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Finally, comments will be made by the observer.


In micro-teaching great importance is given on the practice of the skill

of introducing a lesson because after entering into the classroom it becomes

the first duty of the teacher to start his lesson effectively. A teacher's duty at

this stage is to motivate the pupils towards the lesson. This motivation should

be 100%. All students of the class must be motivated towards the teacher and

the lesson as well. For this purpose the teacher has to use some techniques and

devices. These are -

(1) Previous knowledge testing; -

The teacher should ask some questions on the basis of the previous knowl­

edge of the learners. The questions should be related to the present lesson. He

should through the first question to the whole class. If the students give correct

answer then he wiU ask another question and in this way he will go to the les­

son. The question should be in the process of 'easy to difficult' on the basis of

the last question the teacher will annoimce the days lesson and starts his teach­

ing accordingly.

(2) Story telling :-

Interesting story related to the topic may be told by the teacher to intro­

duce any lesson. This technique is very much effective for all levels of stu-

Page No 226

dents. For example- To teach the pupils, "the benefit of Namaz" the story of

any great Sufi and his way of Namaz may be told in the very beginning of the

class briefly.

(3) Use of Audio-Visual Aids;-

Showing the object before the learners in teaching any lesson is very

effective, specially at the introductory stage of the class. In the pre-senior

classes - jug, spoon etc. may be shown or the pictures of different objects may

be used to teach the Arabic and Urdu of the words among the students.

Tape recorder may be used to teach the correct recitation of the Qtu^an

with Tazweed. Students will get sufficient interest in such activities of the

teacher in the very starting of the lesson

(4) Role Playing ;-

Playing the role of any theme or story very briefly in the beginning of

the class creates much interest among the learners.

To teach the History of Urdu or Arabic literature in the fourth year &

other higher classes, this technique may be used by the teacher in the classes.

For example- To discuss the life and administration of the king Shahjahan, the

brief role of his life from the drama 'Shahjahan' may be played by the teacher

within 5 to 6 minutes and then he will start the long discussion

The observer will follow the teaching of the trainee and note if the

above four devices are used properly or not. Suggestions should be given for

the negative behaviours shown by the teacher. The trainee, then will repeat his

teaching for removing the errors gradually.

* * *