Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for...

Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Presented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez

Transcript of Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for...

Page 1: Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Presented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez.

Chapter Twelve - 12Preparing for Tomorrow’sChallenges

Instructional Technology and Media for LearningPresented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez

Page 2: Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Presented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez.

Table of Content•Introduction

•The ASSURE Model and 21st Century Learning•21st Century Teachers•Technological Competence•Information Literacy•Technology-Focused Professional Development•Professional Engagement•21 Century Environment

•The Global Classroom•Technology for Inclusion•Technology connects schools and homes•The choice of Online Education

• Continues…

Page 3: Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Presented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez.

•For teachers the use of variety media support the classroom instructions to be realistic and engaging.•Multimedia and learning centers involve students.•The effective use of key materials, objects, and models.


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• Technology of the 21st Century Learning• Types of Grants• Writing a Grant Proposal

• Summary

Page 4: Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Presented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez.

•Today’s society continues in a constant digital - technological advancement. This advancement is supported by the ASSURE model to aid teachers with technology-focused professional development, which will give the teachers skills to increase their students technological and media knowledge.

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Page 5: Chapter Twelve - 12 Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Presented By: Ms. Yohana Lopez.

•The ASSURE Model is structured to help teachers achieve the 21 century classroom style.

•Its goal is to engage and empower the learning experience in and outside the school, and to prepare them to knowledgeable to assure their ethical participation in the globally networked society.STEPS:1. Analyze learners2. State standards and objectives3. Select strategies, technology, media, and materials4. Utilize technology, media, and materials5. Require learner participation Table of C


The ASSURE Model and 21st Century Learning

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21st Century Teachers

•The role of the teacher includes the foundational responsibility of facilitating students to learn, improve student learning. The teacher needs to apply pedagogy and basic computer skills into the classroom. They also need to be technological competent and information-literate.

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Technological Competence

•Teachers in the 21 century need to go beyond computer literacy to attain technological competence. They need to integrate rich multimedia experiences into classroom activities that engage students in meaningful learning.

•Individualize instruction•Assessment

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Information Literacy

•21st century teachers require a higher degree of capability of information literacy. Teachers need to locate materials from a variety of online sources and ensure the material is accurate, appropriate, and useable according to the copyright guidelines, and model information literacy to their students.

• To keep students and parents informed the should regularly communicate with them through e-mails, and develop and maintain a classroom web-site.

•Teachers should participate in opportunities to increased their experience in using technology and media learning.

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Technology-Focused Professional Development

•Long term and consistent professional development is necessary for teachers to maintain proficiency and to have a positive impact on student learning•Teacher professional development consists of six components:

•1. Preservice technology training aligned to inservice expectations.•Modeling of technology used by trainers and experienced teachers.•Communicate of practice•Professional engagement•School and district leadership modeling technology use.•Online learning professional development

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National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T)

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

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Professional Engagement•Infer teacher involvement in professional organizations that support

educators interest in technology and media to improve learning. Example:

• (ISTE) International Society for Technology in Education•(AACE) Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education•(USDLA) United States Distance Learning Association•(GSN) Global SchoolNet Foundation

•State Organizations: These are national professional organizations with state or local affiliation. •Professional Journals: Organizations that lead instructional technology and media, and publish journals of interest to their members. “Green Products” that offer interactive links to add additional information.

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21st Century Learning Environment

•It goes beyond the traditional classroom, and it expands primary sources of information.

• The Global Classroom : Use a complex satellite system that is connected to an invisible digital network.

•Technology for Inclusion: the technology access is still underserved for several students. (Digital exclusion)

•Low income and minority learners•English Language Learners•Learners with Disabilities

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Technology Connects Schools and Homes

•Teachers have greater opportunities of communicate with students and parents through technology. Ex.

• Class websites•E-mail•Interactive links• Educational sites and software•Students personal data access

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The Choice of Online Education

•21st Century learning environment provides new opportunities for teachers to expand students teaching opportunities by developing instructional sites for distance educational programs (Online Learning).

•Florida Virtual Schools (FLVS)

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Technology Grants for 21st Century Learning

•Technology is continuously increasing and many teachers prefer to have a class set of computers in their class to deliver instructions. Many teachers ask for a technology grant to solve this dilemma. •Government grant• Organization Grant

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Writing a Grant Proposal

•Writing a Grant Proposal requires to be creative by following a clear and structured process to describe how the funds will be used to achieve the overall purpose of the grant.•Title page•Project abstract•Statement of the Problem•Needs•Project description•Resources•Evaluation Plan•Appendices

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•21st Century learning environment provides new opportunities for teachers to expand students learning opportunities by creating “global classrooms.” They also use technology and media to address diverse needs of students, to improve communication with students and parents, and to explore a broad online learning options to better meet individual learning requirements of students.

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Smaldino, Sh., Lowther, D., Russell, J.. (2012) “Instructional Technology and Media for Learning.” Pearson.