Chapter six The Training Center is there home until the Games begin Each district has a floor to...

Chapter six The Training Center is there home until the Games begin Each district has a floor to themselves Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing them right into the arena Effie tries her best to win them sponsors but only Haymitch can seal the sponsor deals During dinner, Katniss recognises an Avox (p.77), but everyone says it’s impossible for her to recognise the girl. Avox: ‘Someone who comitted a crime. They cut her tongue so she can’t speak…She’s probably a traitor of come sort.’ Haymitch says that the hand-holding idea was a perfect touch of rebellion – p. 79. Katniss realises all the other tributes stood apart, not even acknowledging each other. The Avox girl frightens Katniss. ‘She has reminded me why I’m here. Not to model flashy costumes and eat delicacies. But to die a bloody death while the crowds urge on my killer.’ (p.80) Katniss tells Peeta about how she does know the Avox girl (p.82)

Transcript of Chapter six The Training Center is there home until the Games begin Each district has a floor to...

Page 1: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter six The Training Center is there home until the Games begin

Each district has a floor to themselves

Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing them right into the arena

Effie tries her best to win them sponsors but only Haymitch can seal the sponsor deals

During dinner, Katniss recognises an Avox (p.77), but everyone says it’s impossible for her to recognise the girl.

Avox: ‘Someone who comitted a crime. They cut her tongue so she can’t speak…She’s probably a traitor of come sort.’

Haymitch says that the hand-holding idea was a perfect touch of rebellion – p. 79. Katniss realises all the other tributes stood apart, not even acknowledging each other.

The Avox girl frightens Katniss. ‘She has reminded me why I’m here. Not to model flashy costumes and eat delicacies. But to die a bloody death while the crowds urge on my killer.’ (p.80)

Katniss tells Peeta about how she does know the Avox girl (p.82)

Page 2: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter seven Katniss and Peeta have been dressed the same again.

They will have 3 days where all the tributes will practice together. On the last afternoon, each tribute will perform before the Gamemakers. (p.88)

Katniss and Peeta agree that Haymitch can train them together. They both tell Haymitch about each other’s strengths

Peeta tells Katniss that his mother said she is a survivor (p.90)

He says to Haymitch: “She has no idea. The effect she can have.” (p.91)

Haymitch tells them to spend the training time learning something they don’t know yet. “Save showing what you’re best at until your private sessions.” (p.92)

Haymitch orders them to be by each other’s side every minute when they’re in public.

When they go to the training rooms, Katniss and Peeta are the only ones dressed alike.

Page 3: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

P.94 – Katniss observes the other tributes who all seem bigger than her, even though many of them look underfed

‘The exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts, the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment. The tributes from 1,2 and 4 traditionally have this look about them…we call them the Career Tributes, or just the Careers.” (p.94)

The next three days pass with Katniss and Peeta trying out various stations.

The Gamemakers watch the tributes train and seem to keep a close eye on the District 12 tributes.

Katniss notices Rue, p.98-99: ‘…the little girl from District 11 standing back a bit, watching us. She’s the twelve-year old, the one who reminded me so of Prim in stature. Up close she looks about ten…’

On the last day, the tributes have their private session with the Gamemakers (p.100)

Katniss is last to be called and feels that the Gamemakers are now bored, and decides to do something drastic to get their attention: she shoots an arrow straight at the Gamemakers which skewers the apple in the pig’s mouth on their table (p.101-102)

Page 4: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter eight Katniss is worried that she has now completely ruined her

chances. She locks herself in her room and cries.

The Gamemakers give each tribute a number between one and twelve that signifies the promise of the tribute. 1=irredeemably bad; 12=unattainably high. (p.104)

These scores help in terms of sponsorship. Katniss worries she’ll get the lowest score of all the tributes

At dinner Haymitch asks Katniss and Peeta what really happened.

After dinner, the scores are televised. Rue gets a 7. Peeta got an 8. Katniss gets a surprising 11 and she can’t believe it. (p.108)

Katniss goes to sleep thinking about Gale an dhow lonely she is (p.111-112)

The next night will be their televised interviews.

Haymitch tells Katniss that Peeta has asked to be trained separately for the interview

Page 5: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter nine Katniss feels betrayal that Peeta is going on his own now, but she is also

relieved that the can stop pretending now.

Training = 4 hours on presentation with Effie and 4 hours on content with Haymitch

“So far, you’re shining like a star. You volunteered to save your sister. Cinna made you look unforgettable. You’ve got the top training score. People are intrigued, but no one knows who you are. The impression you make tomorrow will decide exactly what I can get you in terms of sponsors.” (p.116)

The training with Haymitch doesn’t go too well and he gives up on her.

Cinna prepares her for the interview (p.120-121). When she sees herself she says: “I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.” (p.121)

Cinna suggests that Katniss should just be herself in the interview, and to pretend to be speaking to him.

Caesar Flickerman is the host for the interviews. Each interview lasts 3 minutes.

Katniss’ interview goes so well and then it’s Peeta’s turn.

Caesar asks Peeta if he has a girlfriend and Peeta says he’s had a crush on a girl…and she came with him to the Games…

Page 6: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Part 2: Chapter 10 Katniss realises Peeta was referring to her

At the end of Peeta’s interview “The roar of the crowd is deafening. Peeta has absolutely wiped the rest of us off the map with his declaration of love for me” (p.133-134)

Katniss is angry at Peeta for making her look weak but Haymitch says he made her look desirable and now everyone is thinking about them ‘The star-crossed lovers from District Twelve!” (p.135)

When her anger fades, Katniss realises Peeta has given her an edge – ‘Peeta has made me an object of love.’ (p.136)

The Games will begin the next day at 10. Effie and Haymitch will go to the Headquarters and Portia and Cinna will accompany Katniss and Peeta to the arena.

Haymitch gives them final advice: “When the gong sounds, get the hell out of there. You’re neither of you up to the blood bath at the Cornucopia. Just clear out, put as much distance as you can between yourselves and the others, and find a source of water.” (p.138-139).

Page 7: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Peeta and Katniss can’t sleep and they meet on the roof.

Peeta says that he wants to die as himself. “I don’t want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I’m not…I keep wishing I could think of a way to…to show the Capitol that they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games.” (p.141-142)

The next day, Katniss is prepared for the Games. A tracking device is inserted in her arm. Cinna gives her the gold mockingjay pin as her district’s token.

Cinna wishes he luck and the time comes for her to launch into the arena.

“Then I hear the legendary announcer, Claudius Templesmith, as his voice booms all around me. “Ladies and gentlemen, let the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin!” (p.147)

Page 8: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter eleven In the arena, the tributes have 60 seconds to stand on their metal

circles before the gong goes.

They are all equidistant from the Cornucopia (a symbol of plenty) = a giant golden horn spilling with things that will give them life in the arena.

Katniss takes in her surroundings – she can see a lake, sparse pine woods. She decides Haymitch would want her to go to the woods immediately.

Katniss really wants to get the arrows and bow and reckons she could get it. She notices Peeta shaking his head and then the gong goes and she’s lost time.

Katniss grabs a sheet of plastic and a loaf of bread and then grabs an orange backpack from the District 9 boy.

The girl from District 2 throws a knife at her which lands in her backpack so she scores a knife.

Katniss runs into the woods while the other tributes are fighting at the Cornucopia

Now she needs to find water – that was Haymitch’s second instruction

Page 9: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

In the late afternoon, canons are fired to signify how many tributes died that day. 11 shots are fired which means 13 tributes are left to play. Katniss wonders if Peeta has survived the day.

Exhausted, Katniss decides to see what’s in her pack and finds it has no water bottle. Then she sets a trap and chooses a willow to sleep in for the night.

That night, the tributes who died appear on the screen in the sky. Katniss realises Peeta is still alive.

Katniss drifts off to sleep and wakes up to the sounds of someone making a fire (p.158). Katniss can’t understand why someone would do this “You might as well be waving a flag and shouting ‘Come and get me!’”

By dawn, some tributes have found the girl who started the fire.

Katniss realises some of the tributes have formed a pack. ‘The strong band together to hunt down the weak then, when the tension becomes too great, begin to turn on one another.’ (p.159)

The pack stops under Katniss’ tree…and then she recognises one of the voices to be Peeta!

Page 10: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 12 Katniss can’t believe that Peeta has joined up with the Careers.

While Peeta finishes off the girl, the others talk about him and say he’s their best chance of getting her (Katniss)

When morning comes, Katniss checks her traps and finds a rabbit which she eats. Next to find = water

Katniss goes all day searching for water but doesn’t come across any. Night falls and the sky screen shows that one tribute died the girl from District 8.

The next morning, she is desperate for water and hopes that one of her sponsors might send her a silver parachute. But nothing comes…she wonders if Haymitch is refusing it because he controls the gifts from sponsors (p.168)

She realises that Haymitch would only withhold water if he knew she was near a water source.

Exhausted she tumbles to ground and lands in mud…mud = water! (p.170)

She fills her flask with water and adds iodine to purify it.

Night comes and she learns that no one died today. She decides to spend the next day resting and camouflaging her backpack.

She falls asleep but wakes up to a wall of fire descending on her… P.171)

Page 11: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 13 The world has transformed to flame and smoke. The flames are

unnatural and are definitely Gamemaker-made. “No deaths, perhaps no fights at all. The audience in the Capitol will be getting bored, claiming that these Games are verging on dullness.” (p.173)

“This fire is designed to flush us out, to drive us together.”

Katniss runs for her life, her throat and chest burning from the smoke.

Fireballs start flying past her. “Somewhere, in a cool and spotless room, a Gamemaker sits at a set of controls, fingers on the triggers that could end my life in a second. All that is needed is a direct hit.” (p.175)

A fireball crashes near Katniss and she is wounded. (p.176) She thinks about Cinna’s words ‘Katniss, the girl who was on fire.’

The attack of fire ends. ‘The real sport of the Hunger Games is watching the tributes kill one another…they manipulate us into confronting one another face-to-face.’ (p.177)

Katniss finds a pond and washes her burns and cuts. Her calf is severely burned.

Later she hears the Careers approaching and scrambles up a high tree.

Page 12: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

The Careers (and Peeta) see her (p.181). She smiles and asks how they’re doing. ‘This takes them aback, but I know the crowd will love it.’

Cato and Glimmer attempt to climb the tree to reach Katniss but both fail.

Peeta says, “Oh, let her stay up there. Its not like she’s going anywhere, We’ll deal with her in the morning.” (p.183)

Later Katniss notices eyes staring at her from the net tree…she thinks it must be a possum, but realises it can’t be. It is Rue.

‘For a while we hold each other’s gaze. Then, without even rustling a leaf, her little hand slides into the open and points to something above my head.’ (p.184

Page 13: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 14 Rue has pointed to a nest of tracker-jackers.

One of the Capitol’s muttations –

‘Larger than regular wasps, they have a distinctive solid gold body and a sting that raises a lump the size of a plum on contact.’

Katniss decides to saw off the branch with the nest on when the anthem plays, but only gets ¾ through sawing…and decides she’ll continue at dawn.

She returns to her sleeping bag to find ‘a small plastic pot attached to a silver parachute.’ (p.188) a pot of medicine for her burns (high-tec medicine brewed in the Capitol lab)

At dawn, Katniss continues to cut the branch as the tracker jackers start to wake up.. ‘It crashes down through the lower branches, snagging temporarily on a few…until it smashes with a thud on the ground. The nest bursts open…and a furious swarm of tracker jackers takes to the air.’ (p.198)

Katniss gets stung 3 times but the tracker jackers identify the Careers as their enemy and attack them.

Glimmer gets badly stung and dies.

Katniss starts running but she is ‘woozy’. She finds a pond to submerge herself in.

Page 14: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Then she realises that she forgot the bow and runs back to Glimmer. ‘Her features eradicated, her limbs three times their normal size. The stinger lumps have begun to explode, spewing putrid green liquid around her.’ (p.192)

Katniss wonders if this is real or if the hallucinations have begun.

The girl from District 4 also dies. Katniss is trying to get the bow when she hears the Careers returning!

‘I’m helpless as the first hunter crashes through the trees, spear lifted, poised to throw. The shock on Peeta’s face makes no sense to me. I wait for the blow. Instead his arm drops to his side.’ (p.193)

Peeta tells her to run as Cato approaches (p.193-194)

She runs and falls into a small pit…’Sick and disoriented, I’m able to form only one thought: Peeta Mellark just saved my life.’ (p.194)

Page 15: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 15 Katniss goes through a cycle of waking up from nightmares ‘This is

the nature of the tracker jacker venom, so carefully created to target the place where fear lives in your brain.’ (p.195)

She eventually wakes up and realises she was hallucinating. She realises she must have been out for at least two days. Then she remembers Peeta who saved her life. It doesn’t make sense why he would join the Careers and protect her…

The bow and arrows give her a new perspective on the Game, she is no longer just prey.

She tries to find water and manages to kill a rabbit. She washes herself clean

While Katniss is preparing dinner, Rue sneaks up quietly. (p.199)

She and Rue decide to form an alliance. Rue gives her some leaves for her burns. Rue has experience from working in the orchards. Katniss gives Rue some ointment for her burn.

‘I can almost hear Haymitch groaning as I team up with this wispy child. But I want her. Because she’s a survivor, and I trust her, and why not admit it? She reminds me of Prim.’ (p.201)

Page 16: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

They feast on groosling and tell each other about their districts. Then they plan how to use their food and divide up their supplies.

Rue tells Katniss that the glasses in her pack that she thought were useless are actually for darkness. ‘They let you see in complete darkness.’

They share a sleeping bag that night for warmth. Two tributes died that day and ten tributes are left…

They discuss the Careers and how they have everything they need.

‘But Katniss, they’re not hungry,’ says Rue. ‘No, they’re not. That’s the problem,’ I agree. And for the first time, I have a plan. A plan that isn’t motivated by the need for flight and evasion. An offensive plan. ‘I think we’re going to have to fix that Rue.’ (p.207)

Page 17: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 16 If Katniss and Rue destroy the Career’s supplies, they can’t feed themselves.

‘That the Careers have been better fed growing up is actually to their disadvantage, because they don’t know how to be hungry.’ (p.208)

They drift to sleep and wake to the sound of the canon…another tribute dead.

Today is the day they destroy the Career’s food supply. Rue tells Katniss everything she knows about the Careers’ camp. (p.210)

Katniss learns that what Rue loves most in the world is music.

They devise a plan (p.212-213) and Rue teaches Katniss her mockingjay signal so that Katniss will know she’s ok.

Katniss heads to the Careers’ camp which is by the lake, while Rue will set two fires.

She hides by some foliage and sees four tributes. A boy from District 3 guards the Careers’ supplies. Katniss thinks the supply pyramid must be booby-trapped somehow.

The Careers notice smoke in the wood and start to arm themselves. Katniss overhears that Cato wounded Peeta. “I know where I cut him. It’s a miracle he hasn’t bled to death yet. At any rate, he’s in no shape to raid us.’ (p.216)

Page 18: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

The Careers leave and Katniss wonders what she can do when she notices Foxface creeping onto the plain. She hops and takes strange steps by the pyramid. She reaches the supplies and fills her pack.

Katniss realises the ground has landmines around the supplies. That’s why the boy from District 3 is there because he knows about explosives. (p.219)

Rue’s second fire is lit and Katniss is losing time. She decides to aim for the apples. She successfully hits them. ‘For a moment, everything seems frozen in time. Then the apples spill to the ground and I’m blown backward into the air.’ (p.221)

Page 19: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 17 The supplies are completely destroyed. Katniss finds she can’t walk

clearly after been blown back by the explosion.

Her left ear is bloody and she worries that she’s gone deaf from the explosion. She struggles to move but realises she has to because she’s out in the open. She makes it to the bushes just in time as Cato arrives

Cato is mad and turns his anger on the boy from District 3 and kills him. (p.224). That night the screen shows two tributes died that day, and the careers realise that whoever destroyed their stash is still alive..

The Careers put on their night glasses and head to the woods to hunt…Katniss remains where she is for the present.

By morning Her hearing in her right ear has returned somewhat, and she decides to start heading back to find Rue.

Katniss waits for Rue at their meeting place but there is no sign of her. She eventually decides to head to their third meeting spot and realises something has gone amiss (p.231)

The she hears a mockingjay repeat Rue’s song which means she’s ok…then she hears a scream.

Page 20: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Rue shouts out her name and Katniss runs towards her.

‘When I break into the clearing, she’s on the ground, hopelessly entangled in a net. She just has time to reach her hand through the mesh and say my name before the spear enters her body. (p.232).

Page 21: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 18 Katniss kills the boy from District 1 and runs to try free Rue but Rue is beyond

saving – the spear is too deep.

Rue tells Katniss that she has to win. She asks Katniss to sing to her and Katniss sings a lullaby and the mockingjays take up her tune.

Rue’s cannon fires. Katniss retrieves her pack and the District 1 boy’s pack.

‘Rue’s death has forced me to confront my own fury against the cruelty, the injustice they inflict upon us. But here, even more strongly than at home, I feel my impotence...’ (p.236)

She remembers Peeta’s words that he doesn’t want the Capitol to own him and finally understands what he meant…she decides to do something to make the Capitol accountable. She collects flowers and covers Rue’s wound and makes a wreath for her. (p.237)

‘They’ll have to show it. Or, even if they choose to turn the cameras elsewhere at his moment, they’ll have to bring them back when the collect the bodies and everyone will see her then and know I did it.’

Page 22: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Katniss says goodbye to Rue and wanders off. “I’d kill anyone I met on sight. Without emotion or the slightest tremor in my hands. My hatred of the Capitol has not lessened my hatred of my competitors in the least. Especially the Careers. They, at least can be made to pay for Rue’s death.” (p.238)

Katniss receives a gift from District 11 – a small loaf of bread. This is the first time a tribute has received a gift from another District.

That night the sky shows 2 tributes died – District 2 boy and Rue. There are 6 tributes left.

Katniss loses the will to do anything else but lie in her tree…but the thought of Prim brings her back to reality. She sorts out her supplies

She lights up Rue’s 3rd fire and doesn’t care if the Careers notice. She is now determined to win. ‘Something happened when I was holding Rue’s hand…Now I am determined to avenge her, to make her loss unforgettable, and I can only do that by winning and thereby making myself unforgettable.’(p.242)

That night, Claudius Templesmith makes an announcement: ‘There’s been a rule change in the Games…both tributes from the same district will be declared winners if they are the last two alive.’ (p.244)

‘Two tributes can win this year. If they’re from the same district. Both can live. Both of us can live. Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name.’ (p.244)

Page 23: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Part 3: Chapter 19 The wounded Peeta is now Katniss’ ally.

‘It just makes sense to protect each other. And in my case – being one of the star-crossed lovers from District 12 – it’s an absolute requirement if I want any more help from sympathetic sponsors.’ (p.247)

‘For two tributes to have a shot at winning, our ‘romance’ must be so popular with the audience that condemning it would jeopardise the success of the Games.’ (p.247) Peeta must have been very convincing in the arena…

District 2 is the only other district with a couple – Cato and the girl.

The next morning, Katniss tries to track down Peeta, knowing he is too wounded to find her. She starts off a fire to distract her enemies and heads to a water source where Peeta could be.

She notices some blood on a rock…and later hears “You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?” (p.252) Peeta has completely camouflaged himself with mud and plants.

Peeta is in incredible pain and can’t move by himself.

Katniss tries to clean him up and give him some food but he can’t even eat.

Page 24: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Katniss manages to help Peeta get to a nearby cave

“Katniss,” he says…”thanks for finding me.”…His forehead’s burning up. Like the medicine’s having no effect at all. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I’m scared he’s going to die.” (p.260)

Then she kisses Peeta, which she thinks is probably long overdue since they’re supposed to be madly in love.

A silver parachute arrives with some hot broth. ‘Haymitch couldn’t be sending me a clearer message. One kiss equals one pot of broth.’ (p.261)

“I’ve got to give the audience something more to care about.”

Page 25: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 20 Peeta is running a very high fever…Katniss takes care of him as best she


The next morning, Peeta’s fever breaks. He tells Katniss that Clove and Cato like to hunt at night. Katniss gets some rest.

Later she checks his wounds. His leg is much worse. ‘Then I see the red streaks starting to crawl up his leg. Blood poisoning. Unchecked, it will kill him for sure…We’ll need strong anti-infection drugs from the Capitol.’ (p.265). But gifts go up in price the longer the Games go on.

Katniss makes some soup and Peeta asks her to tell him a story. She tells him about how they got Prim’s goat (p268-272)

Then Claudius Templesmith makes another announcement inviting them to a feast. “this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately.” (p.274) Peeta needs medicine desperately. “Each of you will find something in a backpack, marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn.” (p.274)

Peeta says she’s not going, but Katniss insists. If she doesn’t go, Peeta will die.

Haymitch sends a gift – a vial of sleep syrup. This vial will knock Peeta out for a full day – just enough time for her to do what she needs to.

Katniss mixes up some berries with the syrup and gives it to Peeta. Just as he realises what she’s done, he loses consciousness.

Page 26: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 21 Katniss camouflages the cave so that Peeta will be safe while she’s gone.

She thinks about home – ‘spirits must be running high in District 12. we so rarely have anyone to root for at this point in the Games.’

3 hours before dawn Katniss starts preparing. She gets there early and sees no sign of the other tributes – Cato, Clove, Thresh or Foxface.

The table appears with the backpacks on and Foxface runs out first and gets hers.

Katniss runs next to get hers and Clove throws a knife at her, which just misses. Katniss shoots an arrow and it punctures Clove’s arm.

Katniss grabs her backpack but Clove throws another knife which hits her in her forehead…then Clove knocks her to the ground. ‘Clove means to savour the moment. Even feels she has time.

Clove opens her jacket and she selects a dainty little knife.’I promised Cato if he let me have you, I’d give the audience a good show.’ Clove intends to cut up Katniss, starting with her face.

Suddenly, Clove is lifted off the ground by Thresh. (p.286) ‘Thresh brings the rock down hard against Clove’s temple. It’s not bleeding, but I can see the dent in her skull and I know that she’s a goner.’ (p.287)

Page 27: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Thresh turns to Katniss, but when he hears she was Rue’s ally he lets her go. “Just this one time, I let you go. For the little girl. You and me, we’re even then. No more owed. You understand?” (p.288)

Cato comes running to Clove and Katniss runs to the woods. She sees Thresh disappearing with two backpacks – his and District 2’s.

Katniss makes it back to the cave and gives Peeta the injection that was in the pack. Then she passes out. ‘My hands go t omy head and then drop to my lap, slick with blood. The last thing I remember is an exquisitely beautiful green-and-silver moth landing on the curve of my wrist.’ (p.289)

Page 28: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Chapter 22 Peeta is much better and now he takes care of Katniss.

They count who’s left and hope Cato and Thresh will kill each other…(p.293). They’re so hungry they eat the last groosling. Peeta says that Thresh goes to a field with grass as high as his shoulders..

Peeta wonders what they can do to get Haymitch to send them bread…then Katniss remembers the romance. (p.296-297)

They’re stuck in the cave because the Gamemakers send a deluge of rain that lasts for days.

The day drags on and nothing comes from Haymitch, probably because he’s dissatisfied with their performance. ‘My instincts tell me Haymitch isn’t just looking for physical affection, he wants something more personal…’ (p.300) So she asks Peeta about when he first had a crush on her; it all started on the first day of school…

Katniss is confused because they’re supposed to be playing at this love thing but Peeta’s story is so real… ‘if those details are true…could it all be true?’ (p.301)

Katniss says he has a remarkable memory. Peeta says she was the one who wasn’t paying attention. She says, “You don’t have much competition anywhere.’” (p.302) = just what Haymitch wanted and he sends them a feast. (p.302)

Page 29: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

A sweeping summary of chapters 23-27 Katniss and Peeta go hunting. Peeta picks nightlock. Foxface then also eats

nightlock and dies instantly.

Now they’re one step closer to home. They make a fire and ‘invite’ Cato but he doesn’t come.

Later, Katniss feels like there won’t be another night in the arena. The Gamemakers will force the final tributes together somehow.

All the water is dried up…they’re forcing them to the lake. Katniss feels the real battle of the Games has always been her and Cato.

Katniss whistles Rue’s tune and the mockingjays repeat it…until Cato comes rushing towards them. Cato doesn’t attack them…he’s running from something! Then Katniss spots the creatures coming for them.

Muttations of huge wolves are coming; Katniss follows Cato to the Cornucopia. They climb the Cornucopia and the wolves follow…and start climbing. One wolf reminds Katniss of Glimmer! She shoots it dead.

They realise each of the wolves resemble a dead tribute! (p.334)

Page 30: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Cato returns to his feet and grabs Peeta. Katniss realises he has some form of body armour from the Capitol, and aims for his head. They reach a stalemate because Katniss can’t kill Cato without Peeta also dying…

Peeta marks an X on Cato’s hand…Katniss shoots it…he releases Peeta…and Cato loses his footing and plummets to the ground. Cato fights the mutts but is eventually overpowered. But he still doesn’t die!

The temperatures drop and Peeta’s bleeding badly…Cato may still win. But the mutts continue to work away at Cato creating entertainment for the audience!

Cato battles the whole night with the mutts…in the early hours of the morning, Katniss uses her last arrow and shoots Cato – an act of mercy/pity

The Games are supposed to end now but they don’t…then Claudius Templesmith announces that there may be only one winner. They can’t kill each other or survive without each other so they decide to eat nightlock…then Templesmith announces that they’re the winners before they swallow the berries.

A hovercraft comes to fetch them and doctors operate on Peeta. Katniss is knocked out with an injection and cleaned up and restrained on a bed.

Katniss is eventually completely healed and perfect. (p.351) She sees Haymitch, Effie and Cinna and gives Haymitch a big hug. Cinna prepares her for the ceremony. Her dress makes her look fourteen…Cinna is saying something…

Page 31: Chapter six  The Training Center is there home until the Games begin  Each district has a floor to themselves  Effie and Haymitch will be overseeing.

Haymitch tells Katniss that the Capitol is furious at her and Peeta for showing them up…their only defence is to

say they were so madly in love they weren’t responsible for their actions. Katniss realises everyone in District 12 could be punished…

Katniss and Peeta are lifted up onto the stage and play the reunited lovers very well. The show will last 3 hours – recapping the highlights of the arena.

President Snow crowns each of them, but with unforgiving eyes at Katniss. She knows she’s the one to be punished.

Next is the interview with Caesar Flickerman. (p.366-370)

Then they take the train home and Katniss transforms herself back into Katniss Everdeen.

She can’t stop thinking of Gale…then Peeta finds out she has been acting all the way. He’s incredibly hurt.

They arrive at their station, hold hands and Katniss dreads when she will have to let go….