CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network...

289 CHAPTER NO – 8 CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND FIRM VALUATION 8.1 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COST OF CAPITAL, LEVERAGE, EARNING PER SHARE AND VALUATION OF FIRM. A change in capital structure influence the weighted average cost of capital and thereby The earnings of the firm. Capital structure affects investment decisions and thereby earning and operating income. Financial leverage magnifies effect on EPS available to shareholders as well as valuation of firm. 8.2 CAPITAL STRUCTURE The term capital structure is used to represent the proportionate relationship between debt and equity. The various means of financing represent the financial structure of an enterprise. The left-hand side of the balance sheet (liabilities plus equity) represents the financial structure of a company. Traditionally, short-term borrowings are excluded from the list of methods of financing the firm’s capital expenditure. 8.3 FINANCIAL LEVERAGE The use of the fixed-charges sources of funds, such as debt and preference capital along with the owners’ equity in the capital structure, is described as financial leverage or gearing or trading on equity. The financial leverage employed by a company is intended to earn more return on the fixed-charge funds than their costs. The surplus (or deficit) will increase (or decrease) the return on the owners’ equity. The rate of return on the owners’ equity is levered above or below the rate of return on total assets. 8.3.1 Financial Leverage and the Shareholders’ Return The primary motive of a company in using financial leverage is to magnify the shareholders’ return under favourable economic conditions. The role of financial leverage in magnifying the return of the shareholders’ is based on the assumptions

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A change in capital structure influence the weighted average cost of capital and


The earnings of the firm. Capital structure affects investment decisions and thereby

earning and operating income. Financial leverage magnifies effect on EPS available to

shareholders as well as valuation of firm.


The term capital structure is used to represent the proportionate relationship between

debt and equity. The various means of financing represent the financial structure of an

enterprise. The left-hand side of the balance sheet (liabilities plus equity) represents

the financial structure of a company. Traditionally, short-term borrowings are

excluded from the list of methods of financing the firm’s capital expenditure.


The use of the fixed-charges sources of funds, such as debt and preference capital

along with the owners’ equity in the capital structure, is described as financial

leverage or gearing or trading on equity.

The financial leverage employed by a company is intended to earn more return on the

fixed-charge funds than their costs. The surplus (or deficit) will increase (or decrease)

the return on the owners’ equity. The rate of return on the owners’ equity is levered

above or below the rate of return on total assets.

8.3.1 Financial Leverage and the Shareholders’ Return

The primary motive of a company in using financial leverage is to magnify the

shareholders’ return under favourable economic conditions. The role of financial

leverage in magnifying the return of the shareholders’ is based on the assumptions

Page 2: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


that the fixed-charges funds (such as the loan from financial institutions and banks or

debentures) can be obtained at a cost lower than the firm’s rate of return on net assets

(RONA or ROI).


Operating leverage affects a firm’s operating profit (EBIT). The degree of operating

leverage (DOL) is defined as the percentage change in the earnings before interest and

taxes relative to a given percentage change in sales.


Operating leverage affects a firm’s operating profit (EBIT), while financial leverage

affects profit after tax or the earnings per share. The degrees of operating and

financial leverages is combined to see the effect of total leverage on EPS associated

with a given change in sales.

Combining Financial and Operating Leverages

The degree of combined leverage (DCL) is given by the following equation:

The ultimate goal of a firm is to maximize the wealth of the shareholders. So that, the

firm should select such a capital structure that maximize the value of equity shares

and minimize the company’s cost of capital. There is also a view point which strongly

supports the close relationship between the financial leverage and value of the firm.

Financial leverage also increase the financial risk, define as the risk of possible

insolvency arising out of inadequacy of cash as well as the variability in the earning

available to shareholders. There is a group of peoples which strongly believes that

combination of debt and equity has no impact on the shareholders wealth and the

decision on financial structure is irreverent. In this chapter, the relationship of cost of

capital and leverage, cost of capital and EPS, cost of capital and valuation of firm,

% C hange in E B ITD O L

% C hange in Sales





% Change in EBIT % Change in EPS % Change in EPS

% Change in Sales % Change in EBIT % Change in Sales= × =

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valuation of firm and EPS, valuation of firm and Leverage as well as leverage and

EPS where tested using Karl person’s coefficient of correlation and t – test.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled companies

Table No. 8.1 Operating Leverage – Automobile companies

Sr. No. Name of Companies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average companywise

1 Ashok Leyland Ltd. 3.11 2.43 1.03 -0.36 3.4 1.922 2 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 6.12 2.23 1.49 -0.46 2.19 2.314 3 Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 1.29 1.7 -0.91 0.91 -17.06 -2.814 4 Mahindra & Mahindra

Ltd. -2.33 2.06 0.79 0.18 0.88 0.316

5 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. -3.93 1.76 -0.76 14.62 1.68 2.674 6 Tata Motors Ltd. 5.32 1.97 -0.57 -3 2.99 1.342 7 TVS Motors 4.15 2.32 1.72 1.19 -189.99 -36.122 Average yearwise 1.96 2.07 0.4 1.87 -27.99 -4.34 Source: Ace Analyser Database

On the basis of above table we can say that average operating leverage of all sampled

companies of automobile industry is -4.34. Among the selected company worst

operating leverage is that of TVS motors which is -36.122 followed by Hero

motorcorp which also have negative average operating leverage. The highest

operating leverage among the selected companies is of Maruti Suzuki (2.67) followed

by Bajaj Auto (2.31).

Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no significant difference in Operating leverage among the selected

companies of Automobile industry

H1: There is significant difference in Operating leverage among the selected

companies of Automobile industry

Table No. 8.2 ANOVA: Operating Leverage – Automobile


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 5 9.61 1.922 2.46427

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 5 11.57 2.314 5.72053

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 5 -14.07 -2.814 64.41523

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 5 1.58 0.316 2.65103

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Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 5 13.37 2.674 49.98388

Tata Motors Ltd. 5 6.71 1.342 10.36087

TVS Motors 5 -180.61 -36.122 7399.796


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 5995.361 6 999.2268 0.928231 0.49011 2.445259

Within Groups 30141.57 28 1076.485

Total 36136.93 34



Fcal. = 0.928 < Fcrit. =2.445

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

significant difference in operating leverage among the selected companies of

Automobile industry

Table No. 8.3 Operating Leverage – Steel companies

Sr. No. Name of Companies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average companywise

1 Bhusan Steel Ltd. 1.11 3.33 1.3 0.83 0.48 1.41 2 Essar Steel India Ltd. -6.23 1.11 -1.39 -1.73 -16.21 -4.89 3 Jindal Steel and

Power Ltd. 3.02 0.03 0.76 0.32 -0.42 0.742

4 JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 267.93 4.07 -8.3 -212.94

12.69 5 JSW Steel Ltd -5.25 2.57 -0.11 -0.39 2.36 -0.164 6 SAIL -2.49 -1.41 -8.5 -4.56 11.85 -1.022 7 Tata Steel Ltd. 0.48 1.01 1.43 0.17 -1.91 0.236

Average yearwise 36.94 1.53 -2.12 -31.19 -0.64 1.29 Source: Ace Analyser Database

On the basis of above table we can say that the average operating leverage of selected

companies of steel industry is 1.29. Among all the lowest operating leverage is hat of

Essar Steel which is -4.89 while the highest is that of JSW Ispat steel which Is 12.69

Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no significant difference in Operating leverage among the selected

companies of steel industry

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H1: There is significant difference in Operating leverage among the selected

companies of steel industry

Table No. 8.4 ANOVA: Operating Leverage – Steel Companies

Anova: Operating Leverage - Steel


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 5 7.05 1.41 1.24745

Essar Steel India Ltd. 5 -24.45 -4.89 47.0434 Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 5 3.71 0.742 1.80622

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 4 50.76 12.69 38857.08

JSW Steel Ltd 5 -0.82 -0.164 9.94168

SAIL 5 -5.11 -1.022 59.10797

Tata Steel Ltd. 5 1.18 0.236 1.67348


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 751.3106 6 125.2184 0.028883 0.999876 2.459108

Within Groups 117054.5 27 4335.353

Total 117805.8 33



Fcal. = 0.0288 < Fcrit. =2.380

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

significant difference in operating leverage among the selected companies of steel


Table No. 8.5: Financial Leverage – Automobile Companies

Sr. No. Name of Companies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Average companywise

1 Ashok Leyland Ltd. 1.23 1.63 0.92 12.02 2.26 3.612

2 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.93 1.09 -0.02 1.45 0.24 0.738

3 Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 1.23 1.26 0.93 1.21 0.91 1.108

4 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

1.55 0.13 1.17 1.59 0.7 1.028

5 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 0.91 0.95 0.62 0.96 0.9 0.868

6 Tata Motors Ltd. 1.61 0.82 2.24 3.03 1.95 1.93

7 TVS Motors -0.02 3.14 0.09 1.69 1.26 1.232

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Average yearwise 1.06 1.29 0.85 3.14 1.17 1.5

Source: Ace Analyser Database

On the basis of above table we can say that average financial leverage of sample

automobile companies is 1.5. Among the selected companies highest financial

leverage is that of Ashok Leyland i.e. 3.61 followed by Tata motors (1.93). Rest of all

the companies have financial leverage which is lower than that of an industry average.

The lowest among all is of Bajaj Auto (0.74)

Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no significant difference in financial leverage among the selected

companies of Automobile industry

H1: There is significant difference in financial leverage among the selected

companies of Automobile industry

Table No. 8.6 ANOVA: Financial Leverage - Automobiles

Anova: Financial Leverage - Automobiles


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 5 18.06 3.612 22.34287

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 5 3.69 0.738 0.37257

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 5 5.54 1.108 0.02982

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 5 5.14 1.028 0.38062

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 5 4.34 0.868 0.01987

Tata Motors Ltd. 5 9.65 1.93 0.66025

TVS Motors 5 6.16 1.232 1.68067


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 30.36874 6 5.061456 1.390146 0.253184 2.445259

Within Groups 101.9467 28 3.640953

Total 132.3154 34



Fcal. = 1.39 < Fcrit. =2.445

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Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

significant difference in financial leverage among the selected companies of

Automobile industry

Table No. 8.7 ANOVA: Financial Leverage – Steel Companies

Sr. No. Name of Companies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average company wise

1 Bhusan Steel Ltd. -0.03 1.49 -2.26 0.04 -3.83 -0.918 2 Essar Steel India Ltd. 1.65 9.54 75.05 -20.08 -0.27 13.178 3 Jindal Steel and Power

Ltd. 0.79 62.22 0.88 0.16 2.39 13.288

4 JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 24.92 -0.13 -0.89 0.85

6.1875 5 JSW Steel Ltd 1.52 2.5 7.11 2.01 0.38 2.704 6 SAIL 1.03 1.04 1.01 1.16 1.23 1.094 7 Tata Steel Ltd. 0.9 -6.55 1 -1.56 1.39 -0.964 Average year wise 4.4 10.02 11.7 -2.49 0.22 4.94 Source: Ace Analyser Database

On the basis of above table we can say that the average financial leverage of sampled

companies of steel industries is 4.94. Moreover among the selected companies highest

financial leverage is of Jindal steel (13.29) followed by Essar steel (13.18). The

lowest financial leverage is of Tata steel which is -0.964.

Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no significant difference in financial leverage among the selected

companies of steel industry

H1: There is significant difference in financial leverage among the selected

companies of steel industry

Table No. 8.8 ANOVA: Financial Leverage –Steel

Anova: Financial Leverage –Steel SUMMARY

Groups Count Sum Average Variance Bhusan Steel Ltd. 5 -4.59 -0.918 4.44637 Essar Steel India Ltd. 5 65.89 13.178 1315.304 Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 5 66.44 13.288 748.9025 JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 4 24.75 6.1875 156.4658 JSW Steel Ltd 5 13.52 2.704 6.68473 SAIL 5 5.47 1.094 0.00923 Tata Steel Ltd. 5 -4.82 -0.964 11.10793


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 1138.768 6 189.7947 0.581319 0.741938 2.459108 Within Groups 8815.218 27 326.4895

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Total 9953.986 33



Fcal. = 0.581 < Fcrit. =2.459

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

significant difference in financial leverage among the selected companies of steel


Table No. 8.9 Total Leverage – Automobile Industry

Sr. No.

Name of Companies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average companywise

1 Ashok Leyland Ltd. 2.57 5.73 0.96 -3.57 7.13 2.564 2 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 5.04 4.38 -0.05 -0.53 0.55 1.878

3 Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 1.69 2.65 -0.59 1.08 -13.66 -1.766 4 Mahindra & Mahindra

Ltd. -2.49 0.48 0.88 0.22 0.6 -0.062

5 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. -2.11 2.48 -0.32 10.12 1.78 2.39 6 Tata Motors Ltd. 5.82 2.61 -0.84 -5.63 4.32 1.256 7 TVS Motors -0.15 9.71 0.24 2.06 -136.97 -25.022 Average yearwise 1.48 4.01 0.04 0.54 -19.46 -2.68

Source: Ace Analyser Database

On the basis of above table we can say that average total leverage of sampled

companies of automobile industry is -2.68. Among the selected companies lowest

total leverage is that of TVS motors (-25.022) followed by Hero mortorcorp (-

1.77).While highest total leverage is that of Ashok Leyland (2.56) followed by Maruti

Suzuki (2.39)

Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no significant difference in total leverage among the selected companies

of Automobile industry

H1: There is no significant difference in total leverage among the selected companies

of Automobile industry

Table No. 8.10 ANOVA: Total Leverage -Automobile

Anova: Total Leverage –Automobile SUMMARY

Groups Count Sum Average Variance Ashok Leyland Ltd. 5 12.82 2.564 17.76768 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 5 9.39 1.878 6.88437 Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 5 -8.83 -1.766 45.59873 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 5 -0.31 -0.062 1.89852

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Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 5 11.95 2.39 21.9318 Tata Motors Ltd. 5 6.28 1.256 20.96543 TVS Motors 5 -125.11 -25.022 3932.222


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 2981.631 6 496.9385 0.859486 0.536253 2.445259 Within Groups 16189.07 28 578.1812 Total 19170.7 34



Fcal. = 0.859 < Fcrit. =2.445

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

significant difference in total leverage among the selected companies of Automobile


Table No. 8.11 Total Leverage - Steel Industry

Sr. No. Name of Companies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average company wise

1 Bhusan Steel Ltd. -0.57 100.7 -76.31 1.45 -14.29 2.196 2 Essar Steel India Ltd. -55.39 -96.18 -1202.32 596.68 108.94 -129.654 3 Jindal Steel and

Power Ltd. 23.65 -84 39.04 2.2 -24.55 -8.732

4 JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -2077.21 -53.16 186.85 -83.36

-506.72 5 JSW Steel Ltd -74.72 364.21 -16.63 -19.41 10.97 52.884 6 SAIL -18.13 9.46 -27.38 -27.77 -38.74 -20.512 7 Tata Steel Ltd. 9.16 -19.13 26.98 -3.67 -24.39 -2.21 Average year wise -313.32 31.7 -152.82 66.59 2.99 -87.54 Source: Ace Analyser Database

On the basis of above table we can say that average total leverage of sampled steel

companies is -87.54. Moreover among the selected companies highest total leverage

is of JSW steel (52.88) followed by Bhusan steel (2.196). While lowest total leverage

Is of JSW Ispat steel which is -506.72. Rest of all the companies have negative total


Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no significant difference in total leverage among the selected companies

of steel industry

H1: There is significant difference in total leverage among the selected companies of

steel industry

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Table No. 8.12 ANOVA: Total Leverage – Steel Companies

Anova: Total Leverage – Steel


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 5 10.98 2.196 4036.556

Essar Steel India Ltd. 5 -648.27 -129.654 435434

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 5 -43.66 -8.732 2341.437

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 4 -

2026.88 -506.72 1110810

JSW Steel Ltd 5 264.42 52.884 31255.52

SAIL 5 -102.56 -20.512 334.0257

Tata Steel Ltd. 5 -11.05 -2.21 440.4259


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 935324.1 6 155887.3 0.805111 0.574796 2.459108

Within Groups 5227797 27 193622.1

Total 6163121 33



Fcal. = 0.80 < Fcrit. =2.459

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

significant difference in total leverage among the selected companies of steel industry

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Table No. 8.13 WACC vs. EPS – All sampled companies

Name of Companies WACC EPS

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 4.62

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 13.25

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 10.38

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 9.17

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 6.57

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 3.95

TVS Motors 5.6 1.99

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 11.1

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 18.21

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 -7.04

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 7.99

SAIL 3.61 11.79

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 19.93

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled companies

Table No. 8.14 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for WACC vs

EPS - All Companies

Details Coefficient



DOF t – Test H0 Result





All Sampled


-0.79422 12 -4.33511 2.179 Fail to





tcal. = -4.33 < tcrit. = -2.179

Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled companies.

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Chart No. 8.1

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables

sampled companies supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is negative

correlation exist and visible through above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between cost of capital and EPS for a

automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled automobile


8.15 WACC vs. EPS

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors


Chart No. 8.1 WACC vs. EPS (All Companies)

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for all

sampled companies supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is negative

correlation exist and visible through above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between cost of capital and EPS for a

H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled automobile

8.15 WACC vs. EPS – Automobile companies

Name of Companies WACC EPS

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 4.62

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 13.25

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 10.38

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 9.17

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 6.57

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 3.95

TVS Motors 5.6 1.99

Source: Ace Analyser Database

viz. cost of capital and EPS for all

sampled companies supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is negative

Ho: There is no correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled automobile

Page 13: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.16 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

EPS -Automobile Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = -1.320 > tcrit. = -2.179

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that

correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled automobile companies

Chart No. 8.2 WACC vs EPS

Above chart showing sc

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel


H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel



Table No. 8.16 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Automobile Companies

DOF t – Test H0 Result

Calculated Value

Critical Value

5 -1.32038 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that

correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled automobile companies

Chart No. 8.2 WACC vs EPS – Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel

H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel

Test for WACC vs



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled automobile companies

atter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel

H1: There is correlation between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel

Page 14: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.17 WACC vs. EPS

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Essar Steel India Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.18 Analysis of Coefficient of

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = -3.65 < tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel companies

Chart No.3 WACC vs EPS


Table No. 8.17 WACC vs. EPS – Steel companies

Name of Companies WACC EPS

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 11.1

Essar Steel India Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 18.21

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 -7.04

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 7.99

SAIL 3.61 11.79

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 19.93

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.18 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for WACC vs

EPS -Steel Companies

DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -3.65324 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between cost of capital and EPS for all sampled steel companies

Chart No.3 WACC vs EPS – Steel Companies

Test for WACC vs



Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

Page 15: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is negative correlation found between the variable under study.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled companies

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled


Table No. 8.19 Total Leverage vs. Valuation – All companies

Name of Companies Total Leverage


Ashok Leyland Ltd. 2.564 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 1.878 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. -1.766 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. -0.062 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 2.39 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 1.256 12235

TVS Motors -25.022 -1754

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 2.196 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. -8.732 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -506.72 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 52.884 18701.13

SAIL -20.512 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. -2.21 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.20 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Total

Leverage vs. Valuation - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test

H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

-0.0171 12 -0.05672 2.201 Fail to

rejected Insignificant



tcal. = -0.05672 < tcrit. = 2.201

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled companies

Page 16: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.4 Total Leverage vs. Valuation

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and valuation of

firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is

no visible pattern or relation foun

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Table No. 8.21 Total Leverage

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors


Chart No. 8.4 Total Leverage vs. Valuation

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and valuation of

firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is

no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

Total Leverage vs. Valuation – Automobile companies

Name of Companies Total Leverage


Ashok Leyland Ltd. 2.564 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 1.878 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. -1.766 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. -0.062 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 2.39 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 1.256 12235

TVS Motors -25.022 -1754

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and valuation of

firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is

Ho: There is no correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

Automobile companies

Page 17: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.22 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Leverage vs. Valuation

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = -0.403 > tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile


Chart No. 8.5 T

Above chart showing scatter plot

firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled steel companies

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

steel companies


Table No. 8.22 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Total

Leverage vs. Valuation - Automobile Companies

DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -0.40358 2.571 Fail to rejected



to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile

Chart No. 8.5 Total Leverage vs Valuation – Auto Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and valuation of

firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

orrelation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

Test for Total



to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile

Auto Companies

of two variables viz. total leverage and valuation of

firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

orrelation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

Page 18: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.23 Total Leverage and Valuation


Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.24 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Leverage vs. Valuation

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = 0.402 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm


Chart No. 8.6


Table No. 8.23 Total Leverage and Valuation – Steel Companies

Name of Companies Total Leverage


Bhusan Steel Ltd. 2.196 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. -8.732 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -506.72 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 52.884 18701.13

SAIL -20.512 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. -2.21 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Total

- Steel Companies

Coefficient of DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 0.401647 2.571 Fail to rejected


tcal. = 0.402 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between total leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled steel

Total Leverage vs. Valuation – Steel Companies

Steel Companies

Test for Total



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

for all sampled steel

Steel Companies

Page 19: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and valuation of

firm for sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled


Table No. 8.25 EPS and Total Leverage – All Companies

Name of Companies EPS Total Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4.62 2.564

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 13.25 1.878

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 10.38 -1.766

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 9.17 -0.062

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 6.57 2.39

Tata Motors Ltd. 3.95 1.256

TVS Motors 1.99 -25.022

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 11.1 2.196

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 18.21 -8.732

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -7.04 -506.72

JSW Steel Ltd 7.99 52.884

SAIL 11.79 -20.512

Tata Steel Ltd. 19.93 -2.21

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.26 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for EPS vs

Total Leverage - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

0.658813 11 2.904447 2.201 Rejected Significant



tcal. = 2.90 < tcrit. = 2.201

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled companies

Page 20: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.7

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and EPS for all

sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is positive

correlation exist between two variables under study.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Table No. 8.27 EPS and Total Leverage

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors


Chart No. 8.7 Total Leverage vs. EPS – All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and EPS for all

sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is positive

on exist between two variables under study.

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled

EPS and Total Leverage – Automobile Companies

Name of Companies EPS Total Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4.62 2.564

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 13.25 1.878

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 10.38 -1.766

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 9.17 -0.062

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 6.57 2.39

Tata Motors Ltd. 3.95 1.256

TVS Motors 1.99 -25.022

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and EPS for all

sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is positive

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled


Page 21: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.28 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t Total Leverage - AutomobileDetails Coefficient

of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = 1.34 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


Chart No. 8.8 Total Leverage vs. EPS

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and total

steel companies

H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel



Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Automobile Companies

DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 1.339555 2.571 Fail to rejected


tcal. = 1.34 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled automobile

Chart No. 8.8 Total Leverage vs. EPS – Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and EPS for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel

Test for EPS vs.



null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled automobile

Automobile Companies

viz. total leverage and EPS for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel

Page 22: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.29

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel

Essar Steel India Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.30 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Total LeverageSteel Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies 0.77446



tcal. = 2.44 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel companies.

Chart No. 8.9


Table No. 8.29 EPS and Total Leverage – Steel Companies

Name of Companies EPS Total Leverage

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 11.1 2.196

Essar Steel India Ltd. -3.28 -129.654

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 18.21 -8.732

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -7.04 -506.72

JSW Steel Ltd 7.99 52.884

11.79 -20.512

Tata Steel Ltd. 19.93 -2.21

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for


Coefficient of

DOF t - Test

H0 Calculated Value

Critical Value

0.77446 5 2.448408 2.571 Fail to rejected Insignificant

tcal. = 2.44 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel companies.

Chart No. 8.9 Total Leverage vs. EPS – Steel Companies


Test for EPS vs.



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel companies.

Steel Companies

Page 23: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and EPS for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled


Table No. 8.31 WACC and Total Leverage – All Companies

Name of Companies WACC Total Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 2.564

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 1.878

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 -1.766

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 -0.062

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 2.39

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 1.256

TVS Motors 5.6 -25.022

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 2.196

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 -8.732

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 -506.72

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 52.884

SAIL 3.61 -20.512

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 -2.21

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.32 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for WACC vs. Total Leverage - All Companies Details Coefficient of

Correlation DOF t - Test H0 Result

Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

-0.82585 12 -4.85741 2.201 Rejected Significant



tcal. = -4.86 < tcrit. = -2.201

Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled companies.

Page 24: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.10 Total Leverage vs. WACC

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost of

capital for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there

is strong negative correlation is observed between the two variables


Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Table No. 8.33 WACC and Total Leverage

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors


Chart No. 8.10 Total Leverage vs. WACC - All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost of

capital for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there

is strong negative correlation is observed between the two variables over the period of

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

WACC and Total Leverage – Automobile Companies

Name of Companies WACC Total Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 2.564

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 1.878

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 -1.766

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 -0.062

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 2.39

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 1.256

TVS Motors 5.6 -25.022

Source: Ace Analyser Database

All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost of

capital for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there

over the period of

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled


Page 25: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.34 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Total Leverage - Automobile

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = -0.480 > tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can

correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


Chart No. 8.11 Total Leverage vs. WACC

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost o

capital for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm

steel companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

steel companies


Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Automobile Companies

DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -0.48029 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled automobile

Total Leverage vs. WACC - Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost o

capital for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

Test for WACC vs.



say that there is no

correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost of

capital for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled

Page 26: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.35

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.36 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Total LeverageSteel Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = -8.02 < tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel companies.

Chart No. 8.12


Table No. 8.35 WACC and Total Leverage – Steel Companies

Name of Companies WACC Total Leverage

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 2.196

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 -8.732

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 -506.72

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 52.884

SAIL 3.61 -20.512

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 -2.21

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for


Coefficient of DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -8.01827 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel companies.

Chart No. 8.12 Total Leverage vs. WACC - Steel Companies


Test for WACC vs.



Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between WACC and total leverage of firm for all sampled steel companies.


Page 27: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. total leverage and cost of

capital for sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled companies

Table No. 8.37 WACC vs. Financial Leverage – All Companies

Name of Companies WACC Financial Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 3.612

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 0.738

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 1.108

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 1.028

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 0.868

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 1.93

TVS Motors 5.6 1.232

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 -0.918

Essar Steel India Ltd. 4.68 13.288

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 10.11 6.1875

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 4.27 2.704

JSW Steel Ltd 3.61 1.094

SAIL 3.43 -0.964

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.38 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for WACC vs.

Financial Leverage - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t – Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

0.363034 12 1.292208 2.201 Fail to rejected




tcal. = 1.29 < tcrit. = 2.201

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled companies.

Page 28: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.13

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and cost of

capital for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there

is no visible pattern or relation

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

Table No. 8.39 WACC vs. Financial Leverage

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.


Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors


Chart No. 8.13 Financial Leverage vs. WACC – All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and cost of

capital for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there

is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all


WACC vs. Financial Leverage – Automobile Companies

Name of Companies WACC Financial Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 3.612

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 0.738

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 1.108

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 1.028

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 0.868

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 1.93

TVS Motors 5.6 1.232

Source: Ace Analyser Database

All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and cost of

capital for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all


Page 29: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.40 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Financial Leverage - Automobile

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = 1.82 < tcrit. = 2.57

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis.

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


Chart No. 8.14 Financial Leverage vs. WACC

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. f

capital for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between

sampled steel companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled steel companies


0 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Automobile Companies

DOF t – Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 1.81746 2.571 Fail to rejected


tcal. = 1.82 < tcrit. = 2.57

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled automobile

Financial Leverage vs. WACC – Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and cost of

capital for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

Test for WACC vs.



Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


inancial leverage and cost of

capital for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all

Page 30: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.41 WACC vs. Financial Leverage

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.42 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Financial Leverage – Steel

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = 0.824 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled steel


Chart No. 8.15 Financial Leverage vs. WACC


WACC vs. Financial Leverage – Steel Companies

Name of Companies WACC Financial Leverage

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 -0.918

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 13.288

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 6.1875

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 2.704

3.61 1.094

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 -0.964

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Steel Companies

DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 0.823739 2.571 Fail to rejected


tcal. = 0.824 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled steel

Financial Leverage vs. WACC – Steel Companies


Test for WACC vs.



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and financial leverage of firm for all sampled steel


Page 31: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and cost of

capital for sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled


Table No. 8.43 WACC and Valuation –All Companies

Name of Companies WACC Valuation

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 12235

TVS Motors 5.6 -1754

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 18701.13

SAIL 3.61 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.44 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for WACC vs.

Valuation - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

-0.21013 12 -0.71282 2.201 Fail to rejected




tcal. = -0.7128 >tcrit. = -2.201

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled companies.

Page 32: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No.8.16

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is

no visible pattern or relation found from

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Table No. 8.45

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors

TVS Motors


Chart No.8.16 WACC vs Valuation – All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is

no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

Table No. 8.45 WACC and Valuation –Automobile Companies

Name of Companies WACC Valuation

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 12235

TVS Motors 5.6 -1754

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled


Page 33: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.46 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Valuation –Automobile

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = -0.2712 >tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile


Chart No.8.17

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

firm for sampled companies

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

steel companies

H1: There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled steel



Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for


DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -0.27121 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile

7 WACC vs Valuation – Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled steel

Test for WACC vs.



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

of automobile industry also supports the result of our

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled

There is correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled steel

Page 34: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.47 WACC and Valuation

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.48 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Valuation - Steel Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = -0.556 >tcrit. = - 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled steel companies

Chart No. 8.18


Table No. 8.47 WACC and Valuation –Steel Companies

Name of Companies WACC Valuation

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 18701.13

SAIL 3.61 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 47124.26

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for


Coefficient of DOF t - Test H0 Result

Calculated Value

Critical Value

5 -0.55588 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled steel companies

Chart No. 8.18 WACC vs Valuation – steel Companies

Steel Companies

Test for WACC vs.



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and valuation of firm for all sampled steel companies

Page 35: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and valuation of

firm for sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled companies

Table No. 8.49 WACC vs. EPS – All Companies

Name of Companies WACC EPS

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 4.62

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 13.25

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 10.38

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 9.17

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 6.57

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 3.95

TVS Motors 5.6 1.99

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 11.1

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 18.21

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 -7.04

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 7.99

SAIL 3.61 11.79

Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 19.93

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.50 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for WACC vs.

EPS - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

-0.79422 12 -4.33511 2.201 Fail to rejected




tcal. = -4.3351 < tcrit. = -2.201

Hence we will reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is correlation

between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled companies

Page 36: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No.8.19 WACC vs EPS

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for all

sampled companies of also

strong negative correlation between WACC and EPS for sampled companies.

Hypothesis Testing Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile companies H1: There is correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile companies

Table No. 8.51

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.


Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors

Table No. 8.52 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

EPS - Automobile Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies



Chart No.8.19 WACC vs EPS – All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for all

sampled companies of also supports the result of our hypothesis test, as we can see

strong negative correlation between WACC and EPS for sampled companies.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile

Table No. 8.51 WACC vs. EPS – Automobile Companies

Name of Companies WACC EPS

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 6.61 4.62

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 3.34 13.25

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 6.34 10.38

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 4.27 9.17

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.83 6.57

Tata Motors Ltd. 4.9 3.95

TVS Motors 5.6 1.99

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for


Coefficient of

DOF t - Test H0 Calculated Value

Critical Value

5 -1.32038 2.571 Fail to rejected

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for all

supports the result of our hypothesis test, as we can see

strong negative correlation between WACC and EPS for sampled companies.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile

Automobile Companies

Test for WACC vs.



Page 37: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND



tcal. = -1.32 < tcrit. = 2.179

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile companies

Chart No. 8.20

Above chart showing scatter plo

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation


H1: There is correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel


Table No. 8.53

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.


JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd



1.32 < tcrit. = 2.179

to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile companies

8.20 WACC vs EPS – Automobile Companies

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel

H1: There is correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel

Table No. 8.53 WACC vs. EPS – Steel Companies

Name of Companies WACC EPS

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 3.89 11.1

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 4.68 18.21

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 10.11 -7.04

JSW Steel Ltd 4.27 7.99

SAIL 3.61 11.79

to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled automobile companies


t of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel

H1: There is correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel

Page 38: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.54 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

EPS - Steel Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = -3.65 < tcrit. = 2.179

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel companies

Chart No.

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of c

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is negative correlation exist and visible between two variables for the selected

steel companies.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation

sampled companies


Tata Steel Ltd. 3.43 19.93

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Coefficient of DOF t - Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -3.65324 2.571 Fail to rejected


3.65 < tcrit. = 2.179

will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel companies

Chart No. 8.21 WACC vs EPS – Steel Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. cost of capital and EPS for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is negative correlation exist and visible between two variables for the selected

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all

Test for WACC vs



will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is

correlation between WACC and EPS of firm for all sampled steel companies

apital and EPS for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is negative correlation exist and visible between two variables for the selected

between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all

Page 39: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Ho: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled


Table No. 8.55 EPS and Financial Leverage – All Companies

Name of Companies EPS Financial Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4.62 3.612

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 13.25 0.738

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 10.38 1.108

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 9.17 1.028

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 6.57 0.868

Tata Motors Ltd. 3.95 1.93

TVS Motors 1.99 1.232

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 11.1 -0.918

Essar Steel India Ltd. -3.28 13.178

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 18.21 13.288

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -7.04 6.1875

JSW Steel Ltd 7.99 2.704

SAIL 11.79 1.094

Tata Steel Ltd. 19.93 -0.964

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.56 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for EPS vs.

Financial Leverage - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

-0.02526 12 -0.08382 2.179 Fail to rejected




tcal. = -0.838 > tcrit. = -2.179

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled companies.

Page 40: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.22

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is no

visible pattern or relation found from

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Table No. 8.57 EPS and Financial Leverage

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors

Table No. 8.58 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Financial Leverage - Automobile

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




Chart No. 8.22 EPS vs. Financial Leverage – All companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is no

visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled

EPS and Financial Leverage – Automobile Companies

Name of Companies EPS Financial Leverage

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4.62 3.612

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 13.25 0.738

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 10.38 1.108

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 9.17 1.028

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 6.57 0.868

Tata Motors Ltd. 3.95 1.93

TVS Motors 1.99 1.232

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Automobile Companies

DOF t – Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

5 -1.26353 2.571 Fail to rejected


All companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is no

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled


Test for EPS vs.


Page 41: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


tcal. = -1.26 > tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


Chart No. 8.23 EPS vs. Financial Leverage

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of f

sampled steel companies

Ho: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled

steel companies

Table No. 8.59EPS and Financial Leverage

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Essar Steel India Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled automobile

EPS vs. Financial Leverage – Automobile companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of f

Ho: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled

Table No. 8.59EPS and Financial Leverage – Steel Companies

Name of Companies EPS Financial Leverage Bhusan Steel Ltd. 11.1 -0.918 Essar Steel India Ltd. -3.28 13.178 Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 18.21 13.288 JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -7.04 6.1875 JSW Steel Ltd 7.99 2.704

11.79 1.094 Tata Steel Ltd. 19.93 -0.964

Source: Ace Analyser Database

say that there is no

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled automobile


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all

Ho: There is correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled


Page 42: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.60 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Financial Leverage - Steel

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Steel Companies




tcal. = -0.819 > tcrit. = - 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled steel


Chart No. 8.24

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled


H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled



0 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

Steel Companies

Coefficient of DOF t – Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 -0.81873 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled steel

Chart No. 8.24 EPS vs. Financial Leverage – Steel companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

tern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

Test for EPS vs.



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and financial leverage of firm for all sampled steel


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and financial leverage for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

Page 43: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Page 44: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.61 EPS

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

TVS Motors

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.62 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Leverage vs. Valuation

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Companies




tcal. = 0.733 < tcrit. = 2.201

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled companies

Chart No. 8.25


Table No. 8.61 EPS and Valuation – All Companies

Name of Companies EPS Valuation

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4.62 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 13.25 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 10.38 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 9.17 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 6.57 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 3.95 12235

TVS Motors 1.99 -1754

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 11.1 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 18.21 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -7.04 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 7.99 18701.13

SAIL 11.79 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. 19.93 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Total

- All Companies

DOF t – Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

12 0.733596 2.201 Fail to rejected


tcal. = 0.733 < tcrit. = 2.201

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled companies

Chart No. 8.25 EPS vs Valuation – All Companies

Test for Total



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled companies

Page 45: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis test, there is no

visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Table No. 8.63 EPS and Valuation – Automobile Companies

Name of Companies EPS Valuation

Ashok Leyland Ltd. 4.62 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 13.25 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 10.38 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 9.17 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 6.57 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 3.95 12235

TVS Motors 1.99 -1754

Table No. 8.64 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for EPS vs.

Valuation - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test H0 Result

Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Automobile Companies

0.280882 5 0.654417 2.571 Fail to rejected




tcal. = 0.645v < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled automobile companies

Page 46: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.26

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel


H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled


Table No. 8.65

Name of Companies

Bhusan Steel Ltd.

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd

JSW Steel Ltd


Tata Steel Ltd.

Table No. 8.66 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t Valuation - Steel CompaniesDetails Coefficient of


All Sampled Steel Companies



Chart No. 8.26 EPS vs Valuation – Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel

H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled

Table No. 8.65 EPS and Valuation – Steel Companies

Name of Companies EPS Valuation

Bhusan Steel Ltd. 11.1 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 18.21 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd -7.04 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 7.99 18701.13

SAIL 11.79 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. 19.93 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Companies

Coefficient of DOF t – Test H0 ResultCalculated Value

Critical Value

5 0.127824 2.571 Fail to rejected



Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the result of our hypothesis

Ho: There is no correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel

H1: There is correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel

Test for EPS vs.



Page 47: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND



tcal. = 0.128 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel companies

Chart No. 8.27

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the

there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled companies

H1: There is correlation between

sampled companies


tcal. = 0.128 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel companies

Chart No. 8.27 EPS vs Valuation – Steel Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

sampled companies of steel industry also supports the result of our hypothesis test,

there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

between EPS and valuation of firm for all sampled steel companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. EPS and valuation of firm for

result of our hypothesis test,

Ho: There is no correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

Page 48: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


Table No. 8.67 Financial Leverage and Valuation – All Companies

Name of Companies Financial Leverage Valuation Ashok Leyland Ltd. 3.612 -98262 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.738 -20019 Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 1.108 62951 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 1.028 8962 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 0.868 -15190 Tata Motors Ltd. 1.93 12235 TVS Motors 1.232 -1754 Bhusan Steel Ltd. -0.918 185334 Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 13.288 1530.18 JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 6.1875 24089.35 JSW Steel Ltd 2.704 18701.13 SAIL 1.094 41395.63 Tata Steel Ltd. -0.964 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.68 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Financial

Leverage vs. Valuation - All Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t – Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Companies

-0.31151 12 -1.08725 2.201 Fail to rejected




tcal. = -1.087 < tcrit. = 2.179

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled


Page 49: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Chart No. 8.28 Financial Leverage vs. Valuation

Above chart showing scatter plot of two

valuation of firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

Table No. 8.69 Financial Leverage and Valuation

Name of Companies

Ashok Leyland Ltd.

Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Hero Motorcorp Ltd.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.



Chart No. 8.28 Financial Leverage vs. Valuation – All Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

valuation of firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis

test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above diagram.

Ho: There is no correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

H1: There is correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled automobile companies

Financial Leverage and Valuation – Automobile Compan

Name of Companies Financial Leverage


Ashok Leyland Ltd. 3.612 -98262

Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.738 -20019

Hero Motorcorp Ltd. 1.108 62951

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 1.028 8962

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 0.868 -15190

Tata Motors Ltd. 1.93 12235

TVS Motors 1.232 -1754

Source: Ace Analyser Database

All Companies

variables viz. financial leverage and

valuation of firm for all sampled companies also supports the result of our hypothesis

Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

H1: There is correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all


Page 50: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Table No. 8.70 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t

Leverage vs. Valuation

Details Coefficient of Correlation

All Sampled Automobile Companies




tcal. = -2.21 >tcrit. = -2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

automobile companies

Chart No. 8.29 Financial Leverage vs. Valuation

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

valuation of firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the

result of our hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above


Hypothesis Testing

Ho: There is no correlation between Financial Leverage and

sampled steel companies


Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for

- Automobile Companies

DOF t - Test H0 Result

Calculated Value

Critical Value

5 -2.20887 2.571 Fail to rejected



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled

Financial Leverage vs. Valuation – Automobile Companies

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

on of firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the

result of our hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above

Ho: There is no correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

Test for Financial



Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled


Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

on of firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the

result of our hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above

valuation of firm for all

Page 51: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND


H1: There is correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all

sampled steel companies

Table No. 8.71 Financial Leverage and Valuation – Steel Companies

Name of Companies Financial Leverage


Bhusan Steel Ltd. -0.918 185334

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. 13.288 1530.18

JSW Ispat Steel Ltd 6.1875 24089.35

JSW Steel Ltd 2.704 18701.13

SAIL 1.094 41395.63

Tata Steel Ltd. -0.964 47124.26

Source: Ace Analyser Database

Table No. 8.72 Analysis of Coefficient of Correlation and t – Test for Financial

Leverage vs. Valuation - Steel Companies

Details Coefficient of Correlation

DOF t - Test H0 Result Calculated Value

Critical Value

All Sampled Steel Companies

-0.59475 5 -1.47964 2.571 Fail to rejected




tcal. = -1.48 < tcrit. = 2.571

Hence we will fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore we can say that there is no

correlation between Financial Leverage and valuation of firm for all sampled steel


Chart No. 8.30 Financial Leverage vs. Valuation – Steel Companies

Page 52: CHAPTER NO - Information and Library Network 8.pdf · CAPITAL VIS-À-VIS COST OF CAPITAL, EARNING PER SHARE AND

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

valuation of firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the

result of our hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above



Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

valuation of firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above

Above chart showing scatter plot of two variables viz. financial leverage and

valuation of firm for sampled companies of automobile industry also supports the

hypothesis test, there is no visible pattern or relation found from above