Chapter LXXX. Hilary Grubb Runs for Librarian I...

Chapter LXXX. Hilary Grubb Runs for Librarian Policies and Procedures I. Revolutionising the Law Soc Website The Law Soc website? What is that? I propose to reform the website, making it useful and accessible for all. How will I do that? Information: As Librarian, my role would be to relay Law Soc info to you as efficiently and as quickly as possible. In-depth info will be provided on internships (a type of Law Soc, workshops, academic activities and social events. The Online Autobiography: This would be a profile of every student in law, just to have. Every student would post in a photo and self-description, and these profiles would be posted online. Not at all for creeping’s sake. II. Communication through Snapchat and Text Law Soc Snapchat: As is standard, many of us are ‘afflicted’ with the plague of social media and technology. Therefore, lets afflict ourselves further by forming a Law Soc Snapchat, ephemerally documenting Arts Block/Law Soc event life. Law Soc Texts: If you’re not into Twitter and hate reading emails, I propose to go old school on communication and revert back to standard, simple texting, letting you know where and when events are on. III. The Defamation Corner: If you need a break for procrastination turn to ‘The Defamation Corner’. As librarian it is my duty to inform my learned peers about drunken shenanigans at Law Soc events. Done something weird? Done some things you knew you would regret? Can’t remember? I’ll help you. And the best bit? All stories will remain anonymous! Who is Hilary Grubb? I am a Junior Sophister student of Law running for the position of Librarian for the Dublin University Law Society’s 80 th Session. From day one in first year, I was involved, or at least tried to be involved in everything Law. The highlights of my years here include being Class Rep for 1 st year, and then again in 2 nd year, being Vice- President for Seminars & Conferences in ELSA, and the notorious Cabaret. Trinity Law doesn’t just educate you in Contract and Tort, however. I learned the little things too - like which coffee to drink and the joys of the law students’ social hubs (Arts Block & the Berkeley pit). I set to work trying to score older guys, and kept getting turned down by Dave Kenny. However, these put downs never stopped me in my relentless quest to represent the students of law. There's no two ways about it, I just genuinely love law. I really enjoy getting involved in all things law related, and have always worked hard in various endeavours which benefit the students of law, and that's why you know I would put everything into this role, deliver on my ideas, and make sure that you guys are kept informed in every way possible. While home from my Sydney Exchange I was at Law Ball and even lounged about the Arts Block for a bit. Pathetic? Maybe. Worth it? Definitely. I am currently on the TCLR and OBITER Law Journal, and have been a Staff Writer for the University Times, and therefore, my experience in writing and communication is more than extensive.

Transcript of Chapter LXXX. Hilary Grubb Runs for Librarian I...


Chapter LXXX. Hilary Grubb Runs for Librarian

Policies and Procedures I. Revolutionising the Law Soc Website The Law Soc website? What is that? I propose to reform the website, making it useful and accessible for all. How will I do that?

• Information: As Librarian, my role would be to relay Law Soc info to you as efficiently and as quickly as possible. In-depth info will be provided on internships (a type of Law Soc, workshops, academic activities and social events.

• The Online Autobiography: This would be a profile of every student in law, just to have. Every student would post in a photo and self-description, and these profiles would be posted online. Not at all for creeping’s sake.

II. Communication through Snapchat and Text

• Law Soc Snapchat: As is standard, many of us are ‘afflicted’ with the plague of social media and technology. Therefore, lets afflict ourselves further by forming a Law Soc Snapchat, ephemerally documenting Arts Block/Law Soc event life.

• Law Soc Texts: If you’re not into Twitter and hate reading emails, I propose to go old school on communication and revert back to standard, simple texting, letting you know where and when events are on.

III. The Defamation Corner: If you need a break for procrastination turn to ‘The Defamation Corner’. As librarian it is my duty to inform my learned peers about drunken shenanigans at Law Soc events. Done something weird? Done some things you knew you would regret? Can’t remember? I’ll help you. And the best bit? All stories will remain anonymous!

Who is Hilary Grubb? I am a Junior Sophister student of Law running for the position of

Librarian for the Dublin University Law Society’s 80th Session.

From day one in first year, I was involved, or at least tried to be involved in everything Law. The highlights of my years here include

being Class Rep for 1st year, and then again in 2nd year, being Vice-President for Seminars & Conferences in ELSA, and the notorious Cabaret. Trinity Law doesn’t just educate you in Contract and Tort,

however. I learned the little things too - like which coffee to drink and the joys of the law students’ social hubs (Arts Block & the Berkeley pit). I set to work trying to score older guys, and kept getting turned

down by Dave Kenny. However, these put downs never stopped me in my relentless quest to represent the students of law.

There's no two ways about it, I just genuinely love law. I really enjoy

getting involved in all things law related, and have always worked hard in various endeavours which benefit the students of law, and that's why

you know I would put everything into this role, deliver on my ideas, and make sure that you guys are kept informed in every way

possible. While home from my Sydney Exchange I was at Law Ball and even lounged about the Arts Block for a bit. Pathetic? Maybe. Worth it? Definitely. I am currently on the TCLR and OBITER Law Journal, and have been a Staff Writer for the University Times, and therefore, my

experience in writing and communication is more than extensive.        


IV. Let’s ‘Polaroid’ it With so many fun events, good times must be recorded in an

efficient manner. It’s tough having to wait days for a Facebook album to

be uploaded and therefore I propose the use of a Polaroid camera at

events, so you can have your photo there and then. For those of you that are only accustomed to the iPhone

camera - Definition of Polaroid: “a type of camera with internal processing that produces a finished print rapidly after each exposure.”  

V. TCD Law Survival Guide For incoming first years, I believe it

would be prudent to inform them on how to ‘survive’ Law, both academically and socially.

 Serious  Example:    

• Attend  all  tutorials  –  these  will  be  your  exam  questions  in  the  future  and  you  can  pass  the  year  on  these  24  hours  of  attending  college  alone.    

 Fun  Example:    

• Go  to  class,  but  do  not  bother  going  hungover.  

• Carry  brown  leather  satchel.    • Wear  Raybans  in  summer.  Even  

when  the  sun  isn’t  shining.      

VI. Mini Internal Competitions I know law students are competitive but this is just for fun.

• For example, best Instagram Photo Competition, themed differently each week Food, ALT photos or best photo captured at Law Ball etc.

• A ‘What The Law Students Said This Week’ section in the weekly mail, for those outrageous quotes we wish we had recorded.

…and the prize? The glory of a job well done. And inclusion in the weekly email of your name and said picture/quote.


VII. Other Ideas • Feedback: I would set up a specific email address, like [email protected]

where students could give feedback on everything Law Soc related.

• Post Event Email Thread: Naturally, at Law Soc events, things get lost as an inevitable consequence. Anyway, I propose that the day after an event, an email thread is set up, documenting all missing items and those left behind.

• Joint Events: Personally, I’ve worked closely with Amnesty and ELSA in the past,

and no doubt next year’s committee members will have a ton of experience with other societies. I would like to continue the great work of this year's committee by developing further links and collaborations with other societies



Law Ball 2013