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47 Chapter-II Review of Literature

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Page 1: Chapter-II - 2.pdf · index futures 1991 - 1992, Skinners methodology Changes observed in the risk and liquidity



Review of Literature

Page 2: Chapter-II - 2.pdf · index futures 1991 - 1992, Skinners methodology Changes observed in the risk and liquidity



NO Year Topic of the study Authors Objective of the study Period Statistical -



Relationship between Futures and Spot Market

1 1997 Index futures trading and stock

return volatility of Midcap 400

index futures

Tina. M.

Galloay and

James M. Miller

To investigate the index futures trading

and stock return volatility of Midcap 400

index futures

1991 -




Changes observed in the risk and liquidity

for the mid cap 400 stocks derive from

market wide changes unrelated to the introduction of midcap 400 index and index


2 1997 Prudent margin levels in the Finnish stock index futures


G. Geoffrey Booth, John



Teppo Martikainen

To examine the behavior of Finland’s stock index futures intraday and daily

price movement

1988 -1994 SWARCH, GASRCH,

GARCH models

It may also want to consider the establishment of price limit and to ensure

that brokers regulatory monitor their

customer’s margin, such action will improve

Finnish option markets margin setting process and thereby increasing the viability

of the Finnish futures markets

3 1997 Futures market performance Guarantees

Rojer Craine To derive the market value of the futures market performance guarantee and

present estimates of the value of the

exchanges exposure.

1987-1995 Black’s option pricing formula

At beginning and the end of the month the performance guarantee was fairly priced.

Estimates of the under pricing are sensitive

to the assumptions about the underlying

distribution of returns.

4 1998 Profitability and arbitrage Kee-Kong

Bae, Kalok Chan and

Yan- Cheung

To investigate the profitability and

arbitrages between stock index futures and stock index option in Hong Kong


1st October

1993 to 30th June 1994

Regression model Relationship between the likelihood of an

arbitrage opportunities and the size of bid-ask spreads in the futures and option


5 1998 Linear and non linear granger causality between the index

futures and the cash market in

Abhay Abhyankar

To tie together of Dwyer, Locke and Yu (1996) and explore further the nature of

the non linear of causal relationship

between the index futures and the cash

March92, June 92,


Back and Brock test, Granger

Causality test, E-

After using an E-GARCH filter, the contemporaneous correlation between the

index futures and the cash index is high, the

linear lead lag relationship persists even

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U.k market in U.k GARCH filter after the return series were adjusted for

persistence in volatility

6 1999 Trading costs and price discovery

across stock index futures and

cash markets

Minho Kim,

Andrew C.

Szakmary and Thomas V.

To examine price leadership among the

cash index underlying and futures

contracts, using an approach pioneered by Stoll and Whallay


1986 to

July 1991


cointegration and


The major markets index in the MMI has

the highest predictive power over the others

and is least explained by the others.

7 1999 Price discovery and causality in

the Australian share price index futures markets


Turkinton and David Walsh

To address the extend and timing of lead

lag relationship between share price index futures and the underlying spot


3rd January

1995 to 21st December


ARMA model

and simple Granger causality


The price discovery time of the true price,

following an information shock, depends on whether the shock is an own market shock

or another markets shocks

8 1999 Mispricing of index futures contracts and short sales


Joseph K.W.Fung

and Paul


To examine if changes in shorts sales constraints affects the extent to which

index futures contracts are mispriced

January 1994 to



Multiple regression

Traders establish positions that don’t cover all the transaction cost. Ex-post arbitrage

profit suggested that traders establish

position that doesn’t cover all the transaction cost.

9 1999 Lead –lag relationship between

the spot markets and stock index evidence from Korea

Jae H. Min

and Mohammad


To investigate the relationship between

futures and spot markets, both in terms of return and volatility utilizing the nearly

incepted futures markets in Korea

3rd may

1996 to 16th October


SEM, VAR Neither KOSPI 200 nor futures contracts

leads the other during the June contracts lead the other during the September nor

December contracts periods

10 1999 Transaction cost, short sale restriction and futures market

efficiency in Korea

Gerald. D. Gay and Dae.


To examine the price discovery performance of Korean stock exchange


from 3rd May to 12th

May 1998

GARCH, A substantial portion of the under pricing can be explained by transaction cost,

however a high incidence of mispricing did

remain after accounting for the level of

transaction cost, faced the lowest cost trader group- the KSE exchange members

11 2000 Intraday volatility component in

FTSE- 100 stock index futures


E.H.Speight, David G.


To investigate intraday volatility

component in FTSE- 100 stock index futures


1992 to June 1995


RCH-LM test and BDS tests

It indicated full decay of a shock to the

transitory components parameter estimates is statistically insignificant at the half day


Page 4: Chapter-II - 2.pdf · index futures 1991 - 1992, Skinners methodology Changes observed in the risk and liquidity


12 2000 The lead lag relationship between

equities and stock index futures

market around information releases

Alex Frino,

Terry Walter

and Andrew West

To investigated the lead lag relationship

between equities and stock index futures

market of Australian stock exchange and Sydney stock exchange


1995 to 31st

December 1996

ARIMA approach The lead lag relationship between return on

stock index and stock index futures are

influenced by the release of the macroeconomic and stock specific


13 2000 Price discovery occur for internationally traded firms and

how did international stock price

adjust to an exchange rate shock

Joachim Grammig,

Michael and



To address two questions such as where did price discovery occur for

internationally traded firms and how did

international stock price adjust to an

exchange rate shock


Cointegration and vector error

correction models

Home market largely determines the random walk components of the

international value of firms along with the

independent role of exchange rate shocks to

affect prices in the derivatives markets.

14 2001 The index futures markets and the

efficiency of screen trading in Germany and Korea


Copeland Sally-A Jones

To make a study on the index futures

markets and the efficiency of screen trading in Germany and Korea

1984 to


Mok, Lam and Li


The relative frequency of price maxima and

maxima is far greater than is consistent with a random walk in all cases.

15 2001 Intraday price formation in US

equity index markets



To empirically investigate in the price

discovery of US equity index market in the new environment

1998-2000 Cointegration,

VECM and Var model

For the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 index,

price discovery was dominated by futures trading,

16 2001 Modeling linkage between

Australian financial futures markets

Sang Bae

Kim, Francies In and


To make an understanding of the nature

of cross market linkage,the interaction is an essential consideration of investors

and policy makers


1988 to December


E-GARCH model Australian financial futures markets are

strongly linked in the sense that they have developed dynamic second moment


17 2001 The cash settlement and price discovery in futures market in


Leo Chan and Donald Lien

To examine the effects of cash settlement ability of the futures market to predict

futures spot price.

September 1977 to



Vector Auto regression model

with Error


It was found that the feeder cattle futures contract improved its price discovery

function after the cash settlement was


18 2002 End of an era? The futures of stock option.

Steven. M. Van Putten

and Edward

D. Graskamp

To present all most all topics related to futures markets and to analyze the

technical aspects of electronic trading

2002 Conceptual The movement of option stock market in the last one decades were clearly analyzed and

explained in such a way that demographic

trend, financing and leverage performance.

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19 2002 Intra-day price discovery process

between the Singapore Exchange

and Taiwan Futures Exchange


Roope and

Ralf Zurbruegg

To analyze the intra-day price discovery

process between the Singapore Exchange

and Taiwan Futures Exchange


11th 1999 to

31st June 1999

ECM, Granger



Singapore index futures play a role in price

discovery significantly greater than that of

the TAIFEX futures.

20 2002 Introduction of CUBES on the

Nasdaq-100 index spot –futures pricing relationship

Alexande A.

Kurov and Donnis J.


To examine the pricing relationship

between NASDAQ -100 futures and the underlying index

1st July to

20th October



and regression Model

Both the average magnitude of futures

mispricing and the frequency of boundary violations fall after the introduction of


21 2002 Pricing efficiency of the S&P 500 index markets

Quentin C. Chu and

Wen- Liang


To examine the price efficiency and arbitrage opportunities between S&P

depository receipts and the S&P 500

index futures

2002-2001 VAR model Found a surprisingly close price relationship between SPDR’s and the S&P500 index


22 2002 Short term dynamic linkage between NSE Nifty and

NASDAQ composite in India and US

K. Kiran Kumar and

Chiranjith Mukhopadyay

To empirically investigate the short term dynamic linkage between NSE Nifty in

India and NASDAQ composite in US

1999-2001 ARMA-GARCH model

The Granger Causality result indicated unidirectional Granger Causality running

from the US stock market to the Indian stock market. The previous day time returns

of both NASDAQ composite and NSE Nifty

had significant impact on the NSE.

23 2003 Dynamic relationship between South Asian and developed

equity market

Asjeet S. Lamba

To analyse the dynamic relationship between South Asian and developed

equity markets

July 1997-February


Multivariate cointegration,VE


The Indian market was influenced by the large developed equity market including the

US, UK and Japan and this influence had

strengthen during the period of January 2000-february 2003

24 2003 Price discovery for NYSE stocks Haiwei Chen,

Honghui Chen etal

To investigate the effects of trading halts

on price discovery for NYSE stocks

1992 Cointegration,


The degree of benefit from trading halt

depends on the types of news and significance of the news items.

25 2003 Time variation in Beta in India. Ajay Shah

and Syed Abuzar


To tested time-variation in Beta in India. 1 May

1996 to 30 March


kalman filter

model and bivariate GARCH


Contributed a dynamic hedging strategy, in

which hedge ratios were frequently adjusted in the listing of new information will

perform better compared to a static strategy.

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26 2003 Price discovery and volatility

spill over in index futures market

–some evidence from Mexico


Zhong Ali F.

Darrat and Rafael Otero

To investigated the price discovery and

volatility spill over on index futures

market in Mexico

15th April

1999 to 24th

July 2002

EGARCH model The newly established futures market in

Mexico was a useful price discovery

vehicle, although futures trading had also been a source of instability for spot market.

27 2003 Price discovery in the U.S option


Yusif E.


To investigate the price discovery

process on the most actively traded option that were listed on all five stock

five stock option exchanges

2000 Cointegration,


Newly exchanges which are electronically

equipped that is ISE was the leader in providing the most informative quotes

28 2003 Price discovery in hybrid markets on the London markets.

Hung Neng Lai

To provide evidence that while SETS and dealers both contributed to the price

discovery process and to understand the

role of SETS in the price discovery process

first three months of

year 2002

Regression The price during the trading ours tends to shift after a SETS trade more than a trader

trade. The results showed that non FTSE -

100 stocks are similar to those on FTSE -100 stocks.

29 2003 Price discovery for Mexican


George M.

and Carlos B. Tabora

To find the level and accuracy of price

discovery in Mexican shares.

2000-2002 LOP, and Error

Correction Model

They found that when deviations from LOP

occur that call for error correction , usually with the next trading session, much of the

correction made during ensuring trading in

new York rather than in Mexico city

30 2004 Information content of extended trading for index futures


Louis.T.W.Cheng, Li.Jiang

and etal

To investigate the information content of extended trading for index futures

exchange in Hong Kong

November 20th 1998 to

May 31st


Weighted period contribution,


Pre-open futures innovations had a positive impact on overnight returns, and pre-open

futures innovations had a positive impact on

overnight returns.

31 2004 Forward pricing function of the

Australian equity index futures



Ivanovic and

Peter Howley

To investigate the extent to which

Australian stock index futures prices with

varying terms to maturity are unbiased estimator of spot index values.

1983 to




method, OLS,VCEM.

Speculative opportunities seem to exist for

the six- nine and twelve months spreads and

that they do not convey unbiased signals about the futures of the spot price.

32 2004 Lead lag relationship between

equity and stock index futures market and its variation around

information release-empirical

Kedar Nath

Mukherajee and K. Mishra

To investigate the lead lag relationship

between the spot and future markets in India

April to

September 2004

VAR model,

Granger Causality test,

A symmetric spill over among the stock

return volatility in Indian spot and future markets, the leading role of futures market

wouldn’t strengthen even for major

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evidence from India markets-wide information releases

33 2004 Resiliency ability of the

underlying spot markets in Hong




To provide an empirical analysis for the

impact of the HSI futures trading on the

resiliency ability of individual HSI constituents stock in the Hong Kong

stock index

6th may

1980 to 5

may 1992

Regression model Cross sectional model was only

significantly positive in the intervals of one

year before and after the introduction of the HSI futures markets.

34 2004 Price discovery in the Hang Seng Index markets

Raymond W. and Yiuman


To extend the understanding of information processing by investigating

how information is transmitted in the


November 12th 1999 to

June 28


Multivariate GARCH model

The futures market is the main driving force in the price discovery process, followed by

the index.

35 2004 Price dynamics in the regular and E-mini futures markets

Alexander Kurov and

Dennis.J. Lasser

To examine the price dynamics in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100 index futures


May 7 2001 to

September 7 2001

VECM The order flow is more informative in the Nasdaq-100 market than in the S&P 500


36 2004 Price discovery in the Athens

derivatives exchange



To examine the informational linkage

between the FTSE/ASE-20 stock index and its three months index futures

contracts and the role in price discovery


1999 to June 2002


cointegration, vector error

correction and

Wald test models

Futures contracts could be used as price

discovery vehicles and it indicated that important role of futures markets in the

Greek capital markets

37 2005 Index futures trading and spot price volatility in emerging



To empirically investigate whether the introduction of futures trading leads to

increase volatility and uncertainty in the

underlying markets for an important European emerging equity market that is

Athens stock Exchange

September 2003

GARCH Neither current nor lagged futures trading activity was statistically significant in the

volatility equation. It can be concluded in

such way that the overall implication of this result is that the ASE futures trading did not

seem to destabilize spot markets.

38 2006 Does an index futures split enhance trading activity and

hedging effectiveness of the

Lars Norden To investigate whether an index futures split affects the trading activity at the

futures market and the hedging efficiency

October 24th 1994 to

June 29th

bivariate GARCH model

No evidence that the futures split significantly affects the relative futures bid-

ask spread. Futures trading volume had

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futures contracts of the futures contracts with respect to

the underlying index stocks

2001 increased significantly because of the split

39 2006 Transaction tax and market quality of the Taiwan stock index


Robin K. Chou and



To make different study by insetting two aspects, focused mainly on the impacts of

the tax cut on the markets quality of the

TAIFEX itself and they examined the

behavior of transaction tax revenue before and after the tax rate reduction

May 1st 1999 to

April 30th


Indicator regression


suggested by

Huang and Stoll

Effects of tax reduction on trading volume showed that the negative coefficients can be

interpreted as the short run estimates of the

elasticity of trading volume with respects to

the bid-ask spread for the futures contracts.

40 2006 Lead lag relationship of return

and volatilities among the KOSPI 200spot, futures and option



Kang, Chang Joo Lee and

Soonhee Lee

To empirically investigate the intraday

price change relations in the KOSPI200 index markets, the KOSPI 200 futures

market and the KOSPI 200 option


1 October

2001 to 30 December




Estimation of the lead lag relation of

volatilities indicated that the realized volatilities of the KOSPI200 stock index

volatilities by around 5 minutes.

41 2007 Econometric analysis of the lead lag relationship between India’s

NSE Nifty and its derivatives contracts

Sathya saroop Debasish

To offer a unique contribution in examining lead lag relationship between

NSE nifty index and the futures and option contracts

from July 2000 June


Cointegration and ARMA models.

The call and put markets broad move together but there is a tendency for the call

option price to react more quickly than the put option price. relative transaction cost are

a major determinants of the lead lag


42 2007 The contribution of Indian index futures to price formulation in the

stock markets

Suchismita Bose

To examine whether price in the Indian stock index futures markets contribute to

the pricing process in the stock markets

March 2002 to



Johansen cointegration,

Vector error

correction model

The futures markets response faster to the previous period’s deviation from the long

run equilibrium. Arbitrage trading is more

prevalent than momentum trading in the spot markets

43 2007 Effect of futures trading on the

distribution of spot index returns

M. Illueca

and J.A.Lafuente

To make an investigation on the effect of

futures trading on the distribution of spot index returns in Spanish.

Jan 17

2000 to Dec 20,



GARCH model

Futures trading activity is a significant

variable to explain the density function of spot returns conditional to spot trading


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44 2007 Stock index futures prices and

Asian Financial Crisis



Shamsher Mohammed,



To investigate stock index futures prices

and Asian Financial Crisis

1996 to



Keim and


(1996) method

Liquidity constraints and the absence of

foreign institutional participation and

restrictions on domestic institutional investors to enter in to the market and

domestic investors’ inefficiency also raised

doubts to the growth of stock index futures

market in an emerging markets

45 2008 Price discovery and arbitrage

efficiency of Indian equity futures

and cash markets

Kapil Gupta


Balwinder Singh

To examine the price discovery and

arbitrage efficiency of an emerging

capital that is India, to empirically reveal the weather futures and cash markets

have strong and stable long run relation

April 2003

to March




procedure,VECM and Egranger


Strong and stable long run co movement

between two markets which suggested both

long run equilibrium and maturity data price coverage’s, Indian equity future market

dominates the information assimilation

process in the Indian capital market

46 2008 Dynamic interaction among mutual funds flows, stock market

return and volatility

Thenmozhi and Manish


To examine whether the information on mutual fund flows can be used to predict

the changes in market returns and volatility.

January 2001to

April 2008

EGARCH model, VAR model

There was significant positive correlation between returns and sales fund flows but a

significant negative correlation was observed in the code of net fund flows.

47 2008 Dynamic relationship between

stock returns trading volume and volatility from the evidence of

Indian stock market


Kumar and Priyanka


To address so far four important issues

such as what kind of relationship existed between trading volume and returns

2000 to



modeling, GARCH model

Very strong evidence that in Indian market

and further it supported by the variance decomposition. In case of unconditional

volatility and trading volume, they found

positive comperenious relationship between

trading volume and unconditional volatility

48 2008 Limits to stock index arbitrage by examining S&P 50 futures and


Nivine Richi, Robert T.

Daigler and Kimberly


To examine the potential limit of arbitrage regarding the S&P 500 cash

index and whether the standard and poor depository receipts could be used to price

and execute arbitrage opportunities with

the S&P 500 futures contracts

1998 to 2002

cost of carry model

Mispricing exists for both the S&P 500 index and SPDR relative to the futures

contracts. Volatility and the time that arbitrage opportunities persist support the

existence of limit to arbitrage.

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49 2008 The efficiency of Greek stock

index futures market


Floros and

Dimitrios V. Vougas

To address the issue of cointegration

between Greek spot and futures market

1999-2001 Granger two step

analyses, VEC


Both spot and futures are Cointegrated,

implying market efficiency, current spot

price adjust to the long run difference between itself and futures prices, futures

lead spot return.

50 2009 Persistent mispricing in a recently opened emerging index futures


David G. McMillan and

Numan Ulku

To show in the early days of the futures markets and in the absence of informed

traders the disposition effect is visible in

the movement of futures prices.

March 2005 to



Cost of carry model, MTAR

model, LSTR

model and

Newey- West procedure

Quicker adjustment back to equilibrium when the change in the basis is positive and

when the change in the future price is

greater in absolute value than the change in

the index value, this study shed light on how the interaction between informed arbitragers

51 2009 Lead lag relationship between the spot index and futures price for

the Turkish derivatives exchange

Ulkem Basdas

To revisit the lead lag relationship in such a way that whether futures price

lead the spot price for ISE30 and

compare the forecasting abilities of many


February 4 2005to may

9 2008


and VAR model

The superiority of ECM over the other models proved that the lead lag relation

included explanatory power to model the

path of services rather than series alone.

52 2009 The impacts of index futures on the index spot markets of Indian


Y.P.Singh and Megha


To investigate the nature and strength of relationship between Nifty spot and index

January 2004-2007

Granger Causality

Futures return Granger causes Nifty spot index while the reverse was not true, futures

lead the spot market for Nifty.

53 2009 Information memory and pricing

efficiency of futures markets

Kapil Gupta


Balwinder singh

To examine the information

dissemination efficiency of Indian equity

futures markets


2003 to

December 2006




GARCH model results implied that every

price change response asymmetrically to the

positive and negative news in the markets and leverage effects is persistent in the

Indian equity futures markets..

54 2009 Risk transmission from futures to spot markets without data

stationarity in Turkey’s market

Alper Ozum and Erman


To detect risk transmission from futures to spot markets without data stationarity

in Turkey’s market

January 2, 2006 to

March 25,


ARDL models There is a cointegration relationship between spot and futures returns. According

to the results there is no causality

relationship exists between the two markets.

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55 2010 Individual index futures investors

destabilize the underlying spot


Martin. T.


Christian.A. Salm , Berdd

To investigate the impact of the

introduction of index futures trading in

Poland on the conditional return volatility of the underlying stock index markets



1994 to 31st December




GARCH model

Introduction of index futures trading in

Poland did not lead to an increase in

volatility of the underlying stock markets.

56 2010 Relationship between index futures margin trading and

securities leading in China

Pagat Dare Brayan, Yang

Tie Chang

and Patrick


To investigate the relationship between index futures margin trading and

securities leading in China.

2008-2010 Conceptual A list of trading securities and collaterals for the trial was published by the Shanghai

stock exchange and Shenzhen stock

exchange was the another important aspects

which encouraged the futures markets movements in China.

57 2010 Index arbitrage and the pricing relationship between Australian

price index futures and their

underlying shares

James Richard


and Alex


To extend Brailsford and Hodgsons (1997) analysis of stock index futures

pricing based on the Australian All

Ordinary share price index contracts

1st January 2002 to 15th



Regression The efficiency of the arbitrage mechanism is improved by increasing the level of liquidity

in the stock markets, thereby increasing

strengthening the most vulnerable point

relied upon to maintain the price linkage between stock index futures and their

underlying shares.

58 2010 Price discovery and investor’s structure in stock index futures

Martin. T. Bohl,

Christian A.

Salm and

Michael Schumppli

To investigate whether the dominance of presumably unsophisticated individual

investors in the futures market impairs

the informational contribution of futures


16th January

1998 to

June 30th


Vector Error Correction

model with a


DCC-GARCH extension

Under the dominance of presumably unsophisticated individual investors in the

futures markets, price discovery occurs

mainly in the spot markets, which is

dominated by foreign and domestic institutional investors.

Determinants of Futures market

1 2002 Volatility, open interest volume

and arbitrage by using evidence from the S&P 500 futures market


P.Ferris,Hun Y.Park and



To empirically examine the dynamic

interactions and causal relations between arbitrage opportunities and a set of

endengeours variable in the standard and

poor 500 index futures markets.


1993 to June 1998



The level of open interest is not directly

affected by the increase in volatility, open interest in the S&P 500 index futures is a

useful proxy for examining the flow of

capital in to or out of the market given

pricing error information shocks.

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2 2002 The determinants of derivatives

by Australian companies

Hoa Nguyen

and Robert


To investigate the factors that determine

the use of derivatives by Australian


1999 and


Tobit model Found a positive relationship between firms

size and the likely hood of derivatives


3 2003 Informational content of trading

volume and open interest-an

empirical study of stock option market in India



To examine the role of open interest and

trading volume from the stock option

market in determining the price of underlying shares at cash market


2002 to

February 2003

GARCH model The presence of option market improves the

price discovery in the underlying assets

markets, open interest being more significant as compared to trading volume

4 2004 Impact of open interest and trading volume in option market

on underlying cash market

evidence form Indian option


Kedar Nath Mukherjee

and R.K.


To empirically investigate the impact of a few non price variables such as open

interest and trading volume from option

market in the price index like Nifty index

in underlying market.

June 2001 to June


Multiple regression and

Granger causality


Open interest based predictors are significant in predicting the spot price index

in underlying cash markets in both the


5 2004 Informational role of open interest in futures markets

Jian Yang, David a.

Bessler and Hung-Gay


To test two hypotheses such as whether there is any long run equilibrium

relationship between futures price levels and open interest and whether futures

price move with open interest in the long

run or the other way around

1991 to 2002

Johansen cointegration and

error correction model

open interest and the futures price share common long-run information for storable

commodities but not for non storable commodities, all futures prices cause open

interest while open interest did not cause

futures price in the long run

6 2005 Hang seng index futures open interest and its relationship with

the cash market

Hongyi Chen, Laurence

Fung and Jim

To study the Hang seng index futures open interest and its relationship with the

cash market

2000-2004 Correlation, regression

Open interest and cash market turnover are positively correlated, the level and volatility

of index were not statistically significant

7 2007 Price and open interest in Greece Stock index Futures Market

Christos Floros

To make an investigation on price and open interest in Greece Stock index

Futures Market

1999 to 2001

GARCH One can use the information of open interest to predict futures price in the long run for


8 2007 Volatility and autocorrelation in European futures markets

Epaminontas Katsikas

To make a study on volatility and autocorrelation in European futures


2000-2006 Generalized error distribution

During the period of high volatility auto correlation is statistically zero, volatility

itself is an asymmetric function of past error

in the sense that negative errors exert considerably higher impact on volatility

than positive ones.

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9 2007 Volatility characteristics and

transmission effects in the Indian

stock index and index futures markets



To investigate the nature of volatility of

returns in the Indian stock index and

stock index futures market and tried to estimate the extend of spillovers

experienced within the two markets

June 200 to



GARCH models NSE index and its futures return volatility

had no tendency to drift upward indefinitely

with time, but in fact had a normal or mean level to which they ultimately revert.

10 2008 Mispricing, price volatility, volume and open interest of stock

futures and their underlying


Vipul To investigate the relationship between mispricing, price volatility, volume and

open interest of stock futures and their

underlying shares in Indian futures


January 2002 to 30th



Cointegration and VAR

An increase in the volatility of the futures is followed by an increase in the volatility of

their underlying for the next1-2 days,

Mispricing does not consistently lead or lag

any other variable.

11 2008 Tax effects on the pricing of

Australian stock index futures


Richard Cummings

and Alex


To adapt and extend the frame work

adapted by Cannavan, Finn and Gray (2004) to infer the value of cash


1st January

2002 to 15th December




The cost of financing the set of shares of

underlying index provides a mild tax shield, the accumulated tax dividends are

incompletely valued and the franking credits

are worth at least fifty percent of their face

value relative to futures pay off

12 2008 The determinants of the decisions to use financial derivatives in the

lodging industry

Amrik Singh and Arun


To investigate the determinants of the decisions to use financial derivatives in

the lodging industry

2000to 2004

profit model with a binary variable

Both the market to book ratio and the leverage ratio to be significantly affecting

the decision to hedge, implying that hospitality firms with higher opportunities

and higher leverage are more likely to use


13 2009 Futures trading and volatility of S&P CNX Nifty index

P.Sakthivel and


To investigate whether futures trading activity affects spot market volatility or


1st July 2000 to


28th 2008


Unexpected open interest had positive and significant effects on spot market volatility

but estimated coefficients of expected open

interest were negative

14 2009 The impact of volatility

derivatives on S&P500 volatility

Paul Dawson

and Sotiris. K.


To examine the impact of the volatility

derivatives trading on the S&P 500 index

January 3rd

2000 to

May 30th 2008

GARCH Under normal market conditions volatility

derivatives trading contributed to lowering

the underlying assets, the one set of the volatility derivatives trading has lowered the

volatility of both the cash market index and

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reduced the impact of shocks to volatility.

15 2010 Relationship between open interest, volume and volatility in

Taiwan futures markets

Stephane. M. Yen and

Ming. Hsiang


To find the relationship among any variable from an ex- ante perceptive that

is out of sample forecasting performance

21st July 1998 to 31st






Significant in sample relationship among the futures daily volatilities, the lagged total

volume and the lagged total open interest

16 2010 Measuring speculative and hedging activities in futures


Julia. J. Lucia and Angel


To identify who trades futures from objective market activity data that is

readily available in every derivative

market in the world namely volume of trading and the open interest

March 2000 and



Ratios The ratio of volume to absolute change in open interest, regardless of them being

positive or negative imply that the opening

of new positions out numbers the liquidation of old positions

17 2010 Volatility persistence and trading volume in an emerging futures


Pratap Chandra Pati

and Prabina


To make an attempt to investigate volatility persistence and trading volume

-evidence from NSE Nifty stock index


January 1st 2004 to


1st 2008


The evidence of time varying volatility which exhibits clustering high resistance

and predictability in the Indian futures


18 2010 Cash trading and index futures price volatility

Jinliang Li To examine the effects of cash markets liquidity on the return volatility of stock

index futures

1980 through


GARCH model S&P 500 index futures are less sensitive to cash marketing trading liquidity relative to

NYSE composite index futures.

19 1995 Long term stock return volatility for accounting and valuation of

equity derivatives

Anadrew W. Alford and

James R.


To examine empirically the prediction of long term return volatility where long

term volatility was computed using

monthly stock return over five years

1990-1994 Kolmogorov-Smirnov

goodness of fit


If data to compute a historical forecast did not exist the picking comparable firms on

the basis of industry and firms’ size works


20 2002 Futures trading, information and

spot price volatility of NSE50

index futures contracts



To examine change in the volatility of

Nifty index due to the introduction of

Nifty futures

15th June

1998 to 26th


GARCH model Though the futures lead the spot market

returns by one day, the exact day by which

the futures lead the spot markets returns was not identified as the study was using daily

returns due to lack of data in terms of

minute-by minute or hourly return

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21 2003 Do futures and option trading

increase stock market volatility




To assess the impact of introducing index

futures and 0ption contracts on the

volatility of the underlying stock index in India


1995 to

December 2002


EGARCH models

Derivatives introduction had no significant

impact on spot market volatility. The

introduction of new stock index futures or options contracts in emerging markets like

India will stabilize stock market

22 2005 Derivatives trading and volatility of Indian stock market

Ash Narayan Sah and G.


To understand whether the Indian stock markets show some significant changes

in the volatility after the introduction of

derivatives trading

April 1998 to March



When surrogate index taken in to consideration S&P Nifty showed decline in

volatility while BSE sensex exhibited rise in


23 2007 Asymmetric response of volatility to news in Indian stock market

Puja Padhi To investigate the effect of the introduction of stock index futures on the

volatility of the spot equity market and to test the impact of the introduction of the

stock index futures contracts

1995to 1st June 2007


There is decrease in the volatility in case of Nifty where as there is increase of volatility

in the case of Nifty junior after the introduction of futures in the derivative


24 2007

A model of moment methods for exotic volatility derivatives

Claudio Albanese and

Adel Osseiran

To make a model of moment methods for exotic volatility derivatives.

2004-2005 Jumps stochastic volatility and

regime switching

Volatility derivatives were particularly well suited to be treated with moment methods

25 2008 Volatility persistence and the feedback trading hypothesis from

Indian evidence

Vasilieios Kallinterakis

and Shikha


To produce an original contribution to the finance literature by investigating the

relationship between feedback trading

and volatility from a markets

evolutionary perspective

1992 -2008 Sentana and Wadhwani -


Both the level and the nature of volatility from the significance of volatility manifest

themselves independently from the

significance of feedback trading

26 2008 Derivative trading and the

volume volatility link in the

Indian stock market

S. Bhaumik,


and A. Kartsaklas

To investigate the issue of temporal

ordering of the range based volatility and

volume in the Indian stock market

1995-2007 Bivariate dual

momery model,


The introduction of futures trading leads to

a decrease in spot volatility, the migration of

some speculators to option markets on the listing of options was accompanied by a

decrease in trading volume in the underlying


27 2009 Extension of stochastic volatility equity models with Hull- White


To combine a arbitrage free Hull-white interest rate model in which the

2002-2008 Hull- White interest rate

Although the model was so attractive, because of its square root volatility

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interest rate process Cornelis.W.D

osterlee and

Sacha Van


parameters were consistent with market

price of caps and swaptions.

process structure. It was unable to generate extreme

correlations. Numerical experiment for

different hybrid product that under the same

plain vanilla prices the extended stochastic volatility model gave different prices than

the Heston model.

28 2010 Is an introduction of derivative trading cause-increased


Mayank Joshipura

To use simple approach to test the change in volatility by measuring changes in

relative volatility of the stocks on

introduction of futures and options

trading using Beta as a relative measure of volatility

July 2001 to June


GARCH model The effect of introduction of derivatives trading on average daily excess return of

underlying stocks and portfolios

Reviews on Risk reduction through futures market

1 1991 Time varying optimal hedge ratio

on futures markets

Robert J.


To compare two approaches such as

moving sample variances and covariance

of past prediction errors for cash and futures prices

June 1977

to May


GARCH model The GARCH Model performed only

marginally better than a simple constant

hedge ratio estimates

2 1992 A study on an alternative

approach for determining hedge ratio for futures contracts


Hodgson and Okunev

Examined whether hedge ratio change for

increase level of risk aversion

1st July

1985 to 29th September


Mean Gini coeffi

Figlewsiki and Kwan and Yip

approaches cient,

The hedge ratio for moderate to strongly

risk averse investors are much more volatile than for low of risk aversion.

3 1995 Estimated hedge ratio and examined the hedging

effectiveness of the FTSE-100

stock index futures contracts

Phil Holmes To examine stock index futures hedging, July 1984 to


Optimal hedge ratio

The introduction of the FTSE-100 futures contracts has given port folio managers a

valuable instrument by which to avoid risk

even hedge ratio are non constant near time.

4 1998 The future duration on the basis of convexity hedging method

Robert T. Daigler and

Mark Copper

To explain the theory on fixed income securities hedging and its implications

through the comparison of two models

1993-1996 Good man-Vijayaragavan


Duration convexity hedge ratio successfully against changes in interest rates without the

need to dynamically alter the hedge ratio

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5 1999 Fractional cointegration and

futures hedging

Donald Lien

& Yiu Kuen


To investigate fractional cointegration

and futures hedging by using NSA

futures daily data

Jan. 1989

to August



Model, VAR, EC,


The hedge ratio of the EC Model was

consistently larger than that of FIEC Models

6 2000 Futures hedging when the

structure of the underlying assets


Manolis G.


and Nikos k. Nomikos

To investigate futures hedging when the

structure of the underlying assets changes

1985 to



time varying


The new index would have a more

homogeneous structure than the BFI and will

consists of shipping route which were strongly correlated with each other

7 2001 E. arbitrage approach on hedging a derivative securities and

incomplete market

Dimitris Bertsimas

Leonid Kogm


To make hedge ratio by applying E-arbitrage Approach on derivatives in

incomplete markets.

2000 E-arbitrage Approach

The replication error of the optimal replication strategy could be used as a

quantitative measure for the degree of market


8 2001 Shrimp futures markets as price discovery and hedging


Leigh .J. Maynard,


and Heath Hoagland

To analyze the performance of shrimp futures markets as price discovery and

hedging mechanism

1994 to June 1998



Shrimp futures markets were ineffective hedging tools for many shrimp verities during

the period examined

9 2002 Recent developments in futures


Donald Lien

and Y.K Tse

To make a study on the analysis on recent

developments in futures hedging

1996-2000 Mean-Gini

approach, Conventional

hedging, varying

hedge ratios.

The optimal hedge strategy that minimizes

lower partial moment may be sharply different from the minimum variance hedge

ratio strategy

10 2002 Multi period hedging with futures contracts

Aaron Low, Jayaram



To Study multi period hedging with futures contracts

September 1989 to

June 1995

GARCH The hedging strategy which was used in this study performed well than other hedging

strategies on an-ex-ante basis

11 2003 Measuring hedge effectiveness John M.

Charnes and

Paul Koch

Studying on measuring hedge

effectiveness for FAS133 compliance

Conceptual The researchers classified the 80-125 rules

to establish guide lines for acceptable levels

of risk reduction

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12 2003 Risk management with

derivatives by dealers and market

quality in Government bond markets

Narayan Y.

Nayik and

Prdeep K. Yadhav

To address four questions like they

analyze the extent of selective market

risk taking by government bond dealers and spot –risk on a day to day basis


1994 to

December 1995

Regression model Futures market played a healthy role that

could potentially improve spot market

quality by enabling efficient management of the headable components of spot risk

13 2003 How much do firm’s hedge with


Wayne Guay,

S.P Kotari

To Examine the hypothesis that final

derivatives were an economically important component of corporate risk


2000-2001 Financial


The magnitude of the derivative positions

held by most firms was economically small in relation to their entity level risk exposure

14 2004 Multivariate GARCH hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness in

Australian futures markets

Wenling Yang and

David E.


To compared the hedging effectiveness of conditional and unconditional hedge

ratios using a risk return comparison and

utility maximization.

1992 to 2000




The VECM hedge ratio performs better than VAR hedge ratio in terms of variance


15 2004 The relationship between hedge ratio and hedging horizon- A

simultaneous estimation

Sheng- Syan Chen, Cheng-

Few Lee and Keshab


To estimate the effects of hedging horizon length on the optimal hedge ratio

and effectiveness in greater detail

1995-2000 mean–Gini coefficient and

Generalised semivariance

The short run hedge ratio is significantly less than the naive hedge ratio, long run

hedge ratio is consistent with the empirical results obtained by Geppert indicated that if

the hedge horizon is long.

16 2004 Markov Regime switching approach for hedging stock


Amir Alizadeh and



To apply Markov regime switching approach for hedging stock indices

1984 to 2001

Markov Regime Switching



By using MRS models markets agents might be able to obtain superior gains, measured in

terms of variance reduction and increase in


17 2004 Optimal hedge ratio and hedging efficiency

SVD Nageswara

Rao and Sajay


To investigated the optimal hedge ratio and hedging efficiency of Indian

derivatives market

1st January 2002 to 28th



KHM, JSE model, FBM


with black-Schole model

Returns on hedged positions using FBM ratio should be significantly higher, the mean

return estimated using BSM and FBM

methodology are not statistically different.

18 2005 Structurally sound dynamic index

futures hedging

Paul Kofman

and Patrict Mcglenchy

To evaluate a simple dynamic hedging

scheme that conditions on continuous changes, as well as on discrete changes

1994 to

July 2003


test, ROC hedge ratio

For a perfect hedge scenario (HSI), there is

very little evidence of any dynamic hedging strategy. Significantly outperforming the

buy and hold hedging.

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19 2005 Risk and hedging-do credit

derivatives increase bank risk



To investigate whether financial

innovation of credit derivatives made

banks exposed to credit risk

1998-2003 Geometric

Brownian Motion


The financial innovation in the credit

derivatives market might increase bank risk,

particularly those that operated in highly elastic credit market segment

20 2006 Optimal hedge ratio by using

constant, time varying and the Kalman Filter approach


Hatemi-J and Eduardo Roca

To calculated the optimal hedge ratio by

using constant, time varying and the Kalman Filter approach

1988-2001 Constant, Time

Varying and the Kalman Filter


The optimal hedge ratio calculated based on

the time varying model implied that futures contracts, at least deserves consideration as a

possible hedging instruments for a portfolio

consisting of Australian equity

21 2006 Hedging and value at risk Richard D.F.Harris

and Jain Shen

To make a study on hedging by using value at risk methodology.

1994 to 2004

Minimum Variance

Hedging, Skewness and


Minimum Value at risk hedge ratios are generally lower than minimum variance

hedge ratios, the estimated minimum value at risk hedge ratio are generally lower than

the corresponding minimum variance hedge


22 2007 Robustly hedging variable annuities with Guarantees under

Jump and volatility risks

T.F. Coleman,, Y.Li


To compute and evaluate hedging effectiveness of strategies using either the

underlying or standard options as

hedging instruments

1994-2002 Black-Scholes Model.

The risk maximization hedging using underlying as the hedging instrument

outperform the delta hedging strategies

23 2007 The rationales for corporate

hedging and value implication

Kevin Aretz,

Sohneke M.

Bartram Gunter Dufey

To provide a comprehensive and

accessible overview of the existing

rationales for corporate risk management in hedging

2007 Conceptual Found that corporate hedging may increase

from value by reducing various transaction

cost. By reducing cash flow volatility, firms face a lower probability of defaults and thus

have to bear lower expected cost of


24 2007 The hedging for multi period down side risk in the presence of

jump dynamics and conditional


Ming- Chih Lee and Jui-

Cheng Hug

Analysis on the hedging for mutiperiod down side risk in the presence of jump

dynamics and conditional


1996-1999 ARCH, ARJI model, ARMA,


The multi period hedging strategy out performs the one period strategy for all


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25 2007 Relationship between hedging

ratio and hedging horizon using

Walvet analysis

Donald Lien

and Keshab


To empirically analysis the relationship

between hedging ratio and hedging

horizon using Walvet analysis

1982 to


OLS Hedge

Ratio, Walvet

Hedge Ratio, ECM

Both error correction and walvet hedge

ratios are larger than the minimum variance

hedge ratio. In terms of performance, error correction hedge ratio performs well for

shorter hedging horizons

26 2008 Hedging effectiveness of the Athens stock index futures


Manolis G. Kavussanos

To investigate hedging effectiveness of the Athens stock index futures contracts

1999 to June 2004


That two stock index futures contracts on ADEX served their risk management

function through hedging

27 2008 The art market-creating art derivatives

Olivia Ralevski

To make a study on hedging in the art market-creating art derivatives

2008 Conceptual Art derivatives could revolutionize the art market by offering a simpler and easier way

to manage the risk and return of art

28 2008 Optimal hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness of stock index


Saumitra N. Bhaduri and

S. Raja Sethu


To give an overview of the competing models in calculating optimal hedge ratio

5th August 2005 to 19th






The time varying hedge ratio derived from DVEC-GARCH model gave a higher means

returns compared to other counter parts. The

simple OLS strategy that performs well at the shorter time horizon

29 2008 Estimated hedge ratio and

investigated the effective of hedge ratio on S&P 500 stock

index futures contracts


Kenourgios, Aristeidis

Samitas and



To estimate hedge ratio by using

different model specification and calculate minimum variance hedge ratios

July 1992

to June 2002



The Error Correction specification out

performs all the other models since it has the smallest value of the above measures,

the error correction model is the appropriate

method for estimating optimal hedge ratio

since provides better results than the conventional OLS Method , the ECM with

GARCH model.

30 2008 Corporate hedging for foreign risk in India

Anuradha, Sivakumar

and Runa


To provide a perspective on managing the risk that firms face due to fluctuating

exchange rate.

2008 Conceptual Indian companies are actively hedging their foreign exchange risk with forward,

currency and interest rates swaps and

different types of options such as call, put,

cross currency and range barrier options.

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31 2008 Dynamic hedging performance

with the evaluation of

multivariate GARCH models from KOSTAR index futures


Mioon, Wei-

Choun Yu and Chung-

Hyo Hong

To make a bridge to the gap of the

application and evaluation of various

GARCH models in the in sample and out of sample dynamic hedging

June 1st,

2007 to

November 8th 2007

OLS model,



All dynamic hedging model outperform the

conventional model in the out of sample

period and using the mean- variance utility function, dynamic hedging models remain

desirable even though they considered

transaction cost induced by daily portfolio


32 2008 The effectiveness of dynamic

hedging of selected European

stock index futures



Mohammed S. Hasan

To examine the hedging effectiveness of

stock index futures market in France,

Germany, Netherlands and the U. K for minimizing the exposure from holding

positions in the underlying stock markets


1999- 2006

GARCH model,

OLS regression,

Dynamic hedging strategy should be the

choice of a hedging method for large

investors looking to minimize the risk of their sophisticated bets

33 2009 Optimum hedge ratio in the Indian equity futures market

Kapil Gupta and



To investigate the optimum hedge ratio in the Indian equity futures market over

the period

2003 to 2009



Hedging through index futures reduces port folio variances by approximately 96%where

as in the case of individual stocks, it varied

from stocks from stocks

34 2009 Determination of closing prices and hedging performances with

stock indices futures

Hsiu-Chuan Lee, Cheng-

Yi Chien and Tzu- Haiang

To examines the impact of the determination of stock closing prices on

futures prices efficiency and hedging effectiveness with stock indices futures

4th January to 4th

December 2003

CCCGARCH The determination of stock closing prices affects markets efficiency as the futures

markets close and hedging effectiveness with stock indices futures

35 2009 A Copula based regime switching

GARCH model for optimal futures hedging



To apply a Copula based regime

switching GARCH model for calculating optimal futures hedging

1991 to


GARCH model The copula- based regime- switching

varying correlation GARCH model performed more efficiently in future hedging

with more flexibility in the distribution


36 2010 Hedging performance and stock market liquidity- evidence from

the Taiwan futures market

Hsiu-Chuan Lee and

Cheng –


To make a study on hedging performance and stock market liquidity of the Taiwan

futures market

2006 to 2008

OLS Model, GARCH Model,


The hedge ratio is related to stock market liquidity and the stock market liquidity

would affect the dynamic relationship

between stock and futures prices

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37 2010 Dynamic hedge ratio for stock

index futures by applying

threshold VECM


Leon Li

To investigate dynamic hedge ratio for

stock index futures by applying threshold


1996 to


VECM, OLS, The study support the superiority of the

threshold VECM is enhancing hedging

effectiveness for emerging markets

38 2010 Optimal value at risk hedging

strategy under bivariate regime

switching ARCH frame work



To make an analysis on the optimal value

at risk hedging strategy under bivariate

regime switching ARCH frame work

1998 to




GARCH model

SWARCH model is better than GARCH

model in predicting the dynamic behavior

and distribution shape of spot and futures returns.

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Review of literature is a body of knowledge that aims to review the important

aspects of current knowledge in critical way. It has an ultimate goal of bringing the

reader up to date with present literature on a topic and makes a foundation for another

study that may be needed in the same area. Through the review of literature collects

information from the research field to support specific argument or writing about

particular study. It is the bridge between existing knowledge and the knowledge what

is to be explored. Literature review process may encourage the researcher to start

empirical work on a particular topic and it paves the way for right direction for the


In this study, the researcher collected about 250 studies in the different area of

derivatives. Then studies which are so close to the objective are selected, reviewed

thoroughly and classified them in to three groups such as studies related to

relationship between spot and futures market, reviews on determinants of futures

market and literature about the risk reduction of futures market through hedging

process. To make a clear-cut path for the in depth research work on the area studies

on various period, different nations and multiple contexts were reviewed here. In the

first section of the chapter empirical researches on long term, short term and causality

relationship between spot and futures markets by using different methodologies have

been reviewed and included. The influence of different variables on futures market

has been critically reviewed. Finally, studies on hedge ratio and the efficiency of

futures market to reduce the risk is also included in the another section of the chapter.

The gap for the further study is placed in the last section.

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1. Tina. M. Galloay and James M. Miller (1997) investigated the index futures

trading and stock return volatility of Midcap 400 index futures. This study presented

new evidence on the relation between index futures trading and volatility in the equity

market using the S&P Midcap 400 stock index and Midcap 400 index futures. Daily

data and trading volume data were obtained from separate period such as pre index

period that is before June 1991, interim period which includes 175 trading after June

5th 1991 but before February 13

th 1992 and post futures which includes after February

13th 1992. To determine changes in return volatility, Skinners methodology was

employed. The analysis indicated that the documented decrease in return volatility for

the Midcap 400 stocks is simply a reflection of a decrease in return volatility that

affected all medium capitalization stocks.

2. G. Geoffrey Booth, John Paul Broussard, Teppo Martikainen and Vesa

Puttonen (1997) made a study on prudent margin levels in the Finnish stock index

futures market. The purpose of this study was to examine the behavior of Finland’s

stock index futures intraday and daily price movement and to incorporate the

observed external price behavior in an assessment of the Finnish futures markets

current initial and variation margin setting practices. Sample period of the study

began on 2nd

May 1988 and ended on December 5th

1994. Two different types of

intraday futures return such as minimal returns and the minimal and maximal returns

with in a day irrespective of the closing price were constructed. Empirical result of

estimating equations and minimal and maximal return indicated a close coherence

between actual and fitted observations.

3. Rojer Craine (1997) valued the futures market performance Guarantees. This

study derived the market value of the futures market performance guarantee and

presented estimates of the value of the exchanges exposure on the nearby S&P 500

contract during October 1987 market crash. This paper employed the econometrics

model to assess whether the probability is economically important or not. It was

illustrated the valuation technique by estimating the value of the exchanges

performance guarantee on the nearby contracts on December S&P 500 futures

contracts in October 1987. Black’s option pricing formula was applied for call option

Page 25: Chapter-II - 2.pdf · index futures 1991 - 1992, Skinners methodology Changes observed in the risk and liquidity


valuation. The result showed that the implied variances from the November option,

although high by historical standards are an order of magnitude smaller than the G-K


4. Kee-Kong Bae, Kalok Chan and Yan- Leung Cheung (1998) investigated the

profitability and arbitrage by dividing the analysis in to three parts in which first part

revealed arbitrage profitability, the second part was examined arbitrage profitability

based on quotations information and in third part transaction prices were used. This

study obtained data from Hong Kong Futures Exchange for Hang Sang futures index

and option contracts for the sample period from 1st October 1993 to 30

th June 1994.

The authors compared the results to examine the effectiveness of the approach that

evaluated arbitrage opportunity based on transaction price and it takes into account

the impact of bid- ask cost through estimated spread. Results showed that the

frequency of mispricing opportunities varies across different approaches in a pattern

similar to before the percentage violation are the highest for transaction prices, lower

for feasible transaction prices and the lowest for bid-ask quotations.

5. Abhay and Abhyankar (1998) made an investigation on linear and non linear

Granger Causality. The main purpose of this study was to tie together of Dwyer,

Locke and Yu (1996) and explore further the nature of the non linear of causal

relationship between the index futures and the cash market in U.K. Back and Brock

test, Granger Causality test and ARMA model were used in its empirical analysis as

tools to reveal the objectives. The data set consisted of intraday price histories for four

FTSE 100 index futures contracts maturing in March 92, June 92, Sept 92 and the

FTSE 100 index recorded minutes by minutes during 1992. The FTSE cash index

series exhibited high positive auto correlation at the first lag in each period with

statistically significant positive autocorrelation up to lag 6 during some futures

contracts periods. The results of the linear Granger Causality test based on the

multivariate regression index using both raw and AR filtered cash index return

indicated that a high degree of contemporaneous correlation between the cash and

futures contracts.

6. Minho Kim, Andrew C. Szakmary and Thomas V. Schwarz (1999) studied

trading costs and price discovery across stock index futures and cash markets. The

authors used the impulse response function to examine how an innovation in one

Page 26: Chapter-II - 2.pdf · index futures 1991 - 1992, Skinners methodology Changes observed in the risk and liquidity


markets transmits across different markets. Transaction prices on the S&P 500, the

NYSE composite and the MMI futures contracts from January 1986 to July 1991 were

selected as sample. Johansen Cointegration and Vector Autoregressive techniques

were also applied as the tools for the analysis. The Trace and Maximal Eigen value

test indicated that there is no Cointegration relationship among the stock index futures

series of the S&P 500, NYSE index and major markets index. For VAR estimation,

results imply that in predicting unexpected movements among stock index futures

contracts, the S&P index futures has the highest predictive power.

7. Joshua Turkinton and David Walsh (1999) made an investigation on price

discovery and causality in the Australian share price index futures markets. This study

aimed to address the extend and timing of lead lag relationship between share price

index futures and the underlying spot index. The sample period of the study ran from


January 1995 to 21st December 1995 where the sample was drawn every 5

minutes. Simple Cost and Carry method, Cointegration test, ARMA model and simple

Granger Causality test were employed for the analysis of the study. The causality tests

results indicated that bi-directional causality among the variables and authors found

that an index shop appears to induce a very large response in the futures.

8. Joseph K.W.Fung and Paul Draper (1999) made an empirical analysis on

mispricing of index futures contracts and short sales constraints. The authors analyzed

the mispricing of the Hong Kong Hang Seng index futures contracts. Time stamped

transaction data of the Hang Seng index futures contracts for the period 1st April 1993

to 30th

September 1996 were obtained, minutes by minutes index prices and

annualized month end dividend yield for the same period from Hang Seng index

services were used in the empirical analysis. The empirical results revealed that

traders establish positions that don’t cover all the transaction cost. The result of

regression using mispricing as the dependent variable for both zero and number level

transaction cost was reported here.

9. Jae H. Min and Mohammad Najand (1999) investigated the lead –lag

relationship between the spot markets and stock index evidence from Korea. The

authors attempted to investigate the relationship between futures and spot markets,

both in terms of return and volatility utilizing the nearly incepted futures markets in

Korea. Dynamics Simultaneous Equation Models (SEM) and Vector Auto Regression

Page 27: Chapter-II - 2.pdf · index futures 1991 - 1992, Skinners methodology Changes observed in the risk and liquidity


Models (VAR) were employed in the analysis part of this study. The authors used 10

minutes intraday data from 3rd

May 1996 to 16th October 1996 for the KOSPI 200

index. Simultaneous equation models results indicated that in the early inception of

Korean futures markets, the futures markets lead the spot markets by at least 30

minutes. The Wald statistics also indicated the model is well specified and there is a

strong relationship between the futures and spot markets. 10. Gerald. D. Gay and

Dae. Y.Jung (1999) had investigated a further look at transaction cost, short sale

restriction and futures market efficiency. The authors had taken Korean stock index

futures as the sample for the study. The aim of the study was to examine the price

discovery performance of Korean stock exchange contracts. The sample period of the

study started from 3rd

May to 12th May 1998. Daily credit depository rates to proxy

for the applicable financing rates also obtained for the analysis. Time varying market

volatility was estimated by using GARCH (1, 1) model. Results on nearby contracts

indicated that longer dated contracts are relatively more underpriced. It also suggested

that there may risk premia associated with longer dated contracts that is not captured

by the cost of carry model.

11. Alan E.H.Speight, David G. McMillan and Owain A.P Gwilyan (2000)

investigated intraday volatility component in FTSE- 100 stock index futures. This

study applied many models to intraday U.K stock index futures market return data at

various frequencies in an effort to determine whether permanent and transitory

component can be explicitly identified, in such data and whether the persistence of

short run volatility diminishes as the intraday frequencies decreases. The data sets

contain all trades on FTSE-100 stock index futures contracts from January 1992 to

June 1995. GARCH, RCH-LM test and BDS tests were employed in its empirical

analysis and the GARCH model specifically remaining diagnostic indicated the

presence of residual ARCH structure at all frequencies other than half day. Both

GARCH model and Wald tests results include complete dissipation of the transitory

component by the half day frequency. Only the GARCH model is adequately

capturing return dependency at the half day frequency following the dissipation of

transitory volatility.

12. Alex Frino, Terry Walter and Andrew West (2000) investigated the lead lag

relationship between equities and stock index futures market around information

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releases by using data from the Australian stock exchange and Sydney stock

exchange. Share price index futures contracts on the Sydney futures exchange and

Australian stock index exchange were taken as the data for the period of 1st August

1995 to 31st December 1996. The empirical results implied that both adjustment for

infrequent trading work as expected, although there is some evidence that the

midpoint index adjustment may perform better. This study provided evidence that the

lead lag relationship between return on stock index and stock index futures are

influenced by the release of the macroeconomic and stock specific information.

13. Joachim Grammig, Michael and Christian Schlag (2000) addressed two

questions such as where did price discovery occur for internationally traded firms and

how did international stock price adjust to an exchange rate shock? Three large

German firms like Daimler Chrysler, Deutsche Telekom and SAP were analyzed to

find the answers for these questions. Cointegration and Vector Error Correction

Models were used for the analysis. A highly frequency sample of quotes from both

locations along with the dollar euro exchange rate were considered as the data. The

evidence suggested the structure of international equity market that had the home

market largely determine the random walk components of the international value of

firms along with the independent role of exchange rate shocks to affect prices in the

derivatives markets.

14. Laurence Copeland Sally-Ann Jones and KinLam (2001) made a study on the

index futures markets and the efficiency of screen trading in Germany and Korea. In

this study, the authors took more direct approach to measuring efficiency by

addressing many questions. Its empirical work, non-parametric tests were based on

the Arc sine Law which involves comparing the theoretical distribution implied by an

intraday random walk with the empirical frequency distribution of the intraday

high/low times were implemented. Real time transaction price and volume data for

three months futures on the FTSE-100 traded on LIFFE, the CAC-40 traded originally

on the MATIF, now on MONEP, the DAX in Germany and the KOSPI-100 in Korea

were taken as data sets for the study. The study period ran from 1984 to 1994.

Empirical study results indicated that the relative frequency of price maxima and

maxima is far greater than is consistent with a random walk in all cases.

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15. Joel Hasbrouck (2001) studied on intraday price formation in US equity index

markets. This study empirically investigated in the price discovery of US equity index

market in the new environment where the mirror of index with exchange traded funds,

electronically traded markets, small denomination futures contracts and a family of

sector ETF that break the index into nine components. This paper assessed the

importance of the step by step development of US equity markets by considering the

NASDAQ 100 index, EFT futures contracts and S&P 500 index as the sample for the

analysis. Cointegration, Vector Error Correction Model and VAR Models result

suggested that for the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 index, price discovery was

dominated by futures trading. The S&P 500 sector funds were EFTs that were

constructed on industry lines and could be used to replicate the overall index.

16. Sang Bae Kim, Francies In and Christopher Viney (2001) investigated

modeling linkage between Australian financial and futures markets. This study made

an attempt to empirically analyze the dynamic interdependence and volatility linkage

between the Australian stock, bond and money market futures contracts traded on the

Sydney futures exchange using a Multivariate E-GARCH representation. The data set

of the study consists of daily settlement price for each contract obtained from the

Sydney Futures Exchange for the period from 4th January 1988 to 23

rd December

1999. In the initial stage, the authors examined the raw futures markets data and the

Univariate (GARCH (1,1), again the diagnostic test suggested by Eagle and Nag was

employed to check whether there is a potential asymmetry of volatility response to

past innovations. The empirical results concluded that there exists a strong multi-

directional influences among all three markets.

17. Leo Chan and Donald Lien (2001) examined the cash settlement and price

discovery in futures market in USA. The effects of cash settlement ability of the

futures market to predict futures spot price was thoroughly examined here. Vector

Auto Regression model with Error Correction was applied to analyze the data. They

collected cash and futures price data from September 1977 to December 1998 from

the commodity system Inc. Tuesday cash price and nearby futures price data were

taken for the analysis. It was found that the feeder cattle futures contract improved its

price discovery function after the cash settlement was adopted.

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18. Steven. M. Van Putten and Edward D. Graskamp (2002) made an

investigation on the topic end of an era- the futures of stock option. They aimed to

present all most all topics related to futures markets and to analyze the technical

aspects of electronic trading. The movements of option stock market in the last one

decade were clearly analyzed and explained in such a way that demographic trend,

financing and leverages are performed well. The implication of futures and option

market also were explained. This study was ultimately theoretical and conceptual.

They concluded this study with aspiration and hope to a dawn of new era in futures


19. Mathew Roope and Ralf Zurbruegg (2002) analyzed the intra-day price

discovery process between the Singapore Exchange and Taiwan Futures Exchange.

January 11th

1999 to 31st June 1999 were taken as the period of the study. Three

separate techniques such as Error Correction Model, Gonzalo and Granger (1995)

Methodology and ARMA Model were applied for the analysis. Test of erogeneity

results indicated that there is bidirectional relationship between Singapore futures

markets and Taiwan futures markets. Finally it was suggested that the majority of

information is impounded first in Singapore and therefore will tend to be the more

informational efficient market. In the case of regulatory regime in Singapore has

helped to establish it as the dominant market for trading in Taiwan index futures.

20. Alexande A. Kurov and Donnis J. Lasser (2002) investigated the effect of the

introduction of CUBES on the Nasdaq-100 index spot –futures pricing relationship.

This study used tick by tick transaction data for Nasdaq-100 futures and 15s interval

data for the Nasdaq-100 index from July 1st to October 20

th 1991. The entire sample

period was divided in to two sub periods about eight months each such as before the

introduction of cubes and after the introduction of cubes. To compute the mispricing

series futures prices are synchronized with the spot index value using a MIN SPAN

procedure suggested by Harris, Mclnish and Wood (1995) was applied. On the basis

of this result it was clear that simulated arbitrage trades becomes much riskier in the

post cube periods and introduction of cubes had reduced the effective transaction cost

needed to form the spot futures market arbitrage portfolios.

21. Quentin C. Chu and Wen- Liang Gideon Hsieh (2002) investigated price

efficiency of the S&P 500 index markets. The aim of the study was to examine the

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price efficiency and arbitrage opportunities between S&P depository receipts and the

S&P 500 index futures. Through the empirical analysis, the authors defined the

occurrence of boundary violation as a series of same side violations so that any two

adjacent violations in the same occurrence occur within 20 minutes interval. Ex-ante

results between the index and futures revealed that only large price deviations and

transaction cost levels yields profitable ex-ante arbitrage profits. The study found a

surprisingly close price relationship between SPDR’s and the S&P500 index futures.

22. K. Kiran Kumar and Chiranjith Mukhopadyay (2002) made a comparative

study on short term dynamic linkage between NSE Nifty and NASDAQ composite in

India and US to empirically investigate the short term dynamic linkage between NSE

Nifty in India and NASDAQ composite in US during the period of 1999-2001 by

using intra daily data which determine the day time and overnight returns. The authors

employed two stages GARCH Model and ARMA-GARCH Model to capture the

mechanism by which NASDAQ composite daytime return and volatility had an

impact on not only the mean but also on the conditional volatility of Nifty overnight

returns. The Granger Causality result indicated unidirectional Granger Causality

running from the US stock market to the Indian stock market. Further it found that the

previous day time returns of both NASDAQ composite and NSE Nifty had significant

impact on the NSE Nifty over night returns.

23. Asjeet S. Lamba (2003) analyzed the dynamic relationship between South Asian

and developed equity market for analyzing the short and long run relationship

between each of equity market in the South Asian Region and the major developed

equity markets during July 1997-February 2003. For India, daily data on the CNX

Nifty50, for Pakistan and Srilanka, daily data on the Karachi 100 and the specific

developed equity market include in the analysis were France, Germany, Japan, UK,

and US. Using a Multivariate Cointegration frame work and Vector Error Correction

Model the authors found that the Indian market was influenced by the large developed

equity market including the US, UK and Japan.

24. Haiwei Chen, Honghui Chen and Nicholas Valerio (2003) investigated the

effects of trading halts on price discovery for NYSE stocks. In this study, intraday

data from the institute for the study of security market was used for the year 1992.

The stocks which are listed continuously on the NYSE during the entire year were

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collected as the data for the empirical analysis. To address the potential bid ask spread

induced bias arising from using trading data, the midpoint of quoted bid and ask

prices was used to measure prices on each day. It was found that the degree of benefit

from trading halt depends on the types of news and significance of the news items.

Trading halts can be beneficial when some significant news items already hit the

market and investors need more time to digest the impact on price.

25. Ajay Shah and Syed Abuzar Moonis (2003) tested time-variation in Beta in

India. There are two approaches on time variation beta such as kalman filter model

and bivariate GARCH model in this study. The data sets of the study contained daily

return on the BSE for 50 highly liquid stocks and the NSE50 index for the period

from 1st May 1996 to 30

th March 2000. To measure the improvement on fit over the

conventional OLS beta market model, they used two measures, the coefficients of

determination and the variances of the errors. The empirical results showed a

tendency for beta to be mean reverting and showed little evidence of beta as a random

walk process.

26. Maosen Zhong Ali F. Darrat and Rafael Otero (2003) had investigated the

price discovery and volatility spill over in index futures market of Mexico. The

authors tested the hypothesis with daily data from Mexico in the context of EGARCH

model that also incorporated possible cointegration between the futures and spot

markets. The study covered the period from 15th

April 1999 to 24th

July 2002. IPC

index futures were the sample of the research. The analysis revealed that the newly

established futures market in Mexico was a useful price discovery vehicle, although

futures trading had also been a source of instability for spot market.

27. Yusif E. Simaan (2003) analyzed price discovery in the U.S option market. The

aim of the study was to investigate the price discovery process on the most actively

traded option that was listed on all five stock option exchanges. Based on real time

feeds from the option price reporting authority in January 2002 the researcher

analyzed both the quotes and trades on the 50 most actively traded stock option. They

measured the Hasbrouck (1995) information by using the second by second quotes

book and the link between price discovery and other market conditions also were

analyzed. This study found that newly exchanges which are electronically equipped

that is ISE, was the leader in providing the most informative quotes.

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28. Hung Neng Lai (2003) made a study on price discovery in hybrid markets on the

London markets. This study attempted to provide evidence that while SETS and

dealers both contributed to the price discovery process and to understand the role of

SETS in the price discovery process. The sample included the trade records and the

transcripts of the limit order book during the first three months of year 2002. 171

stocks were taken and FTSE-100 was the main concentration of the study. Regression

was used to analyze the data. The study found that the price during the trading hours

tends to shift after SETS trade more than to a trader’s trade. The results showed that

non FTSE -100 stocks are similar to those on FTSE -100 stocks.

29. George M. and Carlos B. Tabora (2003) made a study on the topic price

discovery for Mexican shares. It was a comparative study on NYSE and Bolsa. The

study considered price discovery as a matter of degree of accuracy. Daily closing data

series from both the markets were taken into consideration for the analysis. In its

analysis part they analyzed the variance of daily stock price changes in the two

markets were compared, investigated market leadership through temporary departure

from LOP, and Error Correction Model also were applied. They found that when

deviations from LOP occur that call for Error Correction , usually with the next

trading session, much of the correction made during ensuring trading in new York

rather than in Mexico city.

30. Louis.T.W.Cheng, Li.Jiang and Renne W.Y.Ng (2004) made a study on

information content of extended trading for index futures exchange. In this study the

authors employed the S&P 500 and Hang Seng London reference index to control for

a possible spillover effects. Minutes by minute’s quotes of the HSI from Hang Seng

index services limited and HSIF transaction data from the Hong Kong Exchange were

obtained for the period of 20th

November 1998 to 31st May 2000. Weighted Period

Contribution (WPC) was used to measuring the price discovery in the extended

trading sessions. Futures return innovations from the post close trading sessions were

extracted by using a GARCH (1, 1) model. The explanatory power of the futures

returns innovations of the post- close and pre-open sessions on over night spot returns

were examined and information content of extended futures trading results showed

that pre-open futures innovations had a positive impact on overnight returns.

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31. Irena Ivanovic and Peter Howley (2004) examined the forward pricing function

of the Australian equity index futures contracts. This study investigated the extent to

which Australian stock index futures prices with varying terms to maturity are

unbiased estimator of spot index values and examined Australian equity futures

contracts with six different terms of maturity and investigated the relationship

between futures and spot values. The settlement prices of futures contracts and spot

prices of Sydney futures Exchange and its corresponding spot price were taken for the

period of 1983 to 2001. The OLS, Johansen Cointegration and Vector Error

Correction Model were employed in the empirical analysis and found that Australian

equity index futures price are Cointegrated with the subsequent spot values for one,

two, three, six, nine and twelve months to maturity.

32. Kedar Nath Mukherajee and K. Mishra (2004) made an empirical study on the

topic lead lag relationship between equity and stock index futures market and its

variation around information release from India. The main objective of the study was

to investigate the lead lag relationship between the spot and future markets in India,

both in terms of return and volatility. Intraday price histories for the nearby contract

of Nifty index futures, Nifty cash index and also the price of some specific component

stocks during April to September 2004 were considered for the analysis. VAR model

and the Granger Causality test among the return series of the spot and the future

markets results indicated that on the volatility spill over among the spot and future

market in India and also revealed that a symmetric spill over among the stock return

volatility in Indian spot and future markets.

33. Andy.C.N.Kan (2004) studied Resiliency ability of the underlying spot markets

in Hong Kong after the introduction of index futures contracts. The aim of the study

was to provide an empirical analysis for the impact of the HSI futures trading on the

resiliency ability of individual HSI constituents stock in the Hong Kong stock index

which is the important financial markets in the Asian Pacific region. A cross sectional

regression model was employed in the study for investigation after controlling some

important factors. Daily stock price and return from 6th May 1980 to 5

th May 1992 of

HSI were taken for the analysis. Results of regression model in the four different

sampling intervals indicated that the increase in the liquidity ratios of the HSI

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constituent stocks is significantly greater than that of the non-constituents stocks from

the pre-futures to the post futures periods after controlling other relevant factors.

34. Raymond W. and Yiuman Tse (2004) made a study on price discovery in the

Hang Seng Index markets by using index futures and the tracker fund. The objective

of the study was to extend of their understanding of information processing by

investigating how information is transmitted among the Hong Kong Hang Seng index

markets. They also examined the volatility spillover effects of the three markets via a

multivariate GARCH model. Minute by minute data of the Hang Seng index from

November 12th 1999 to June 28

th 2002 were taken in to consideration. The result of

Gonzalo and Granger model showed that the futures market is the main driving force

in the price discovery process, followed by the index. Multivariate GARCH model

indicated that the volatility of the index and futures market spill over to each other to

the strong effects from the futures to the index markets.

35. Alexander Kurov and Dennis.J. Lasser (2004) analyzed price dynamics in the

regular and E-mini futures markets. The purpose of the study was to examine the

price dynamics in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100 index futures contracts. This study

employed trade data for the regular and E-mini S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100 futures

from May 7th

2001 to September 7th

2001. The researcher included the total E-mini

trade series in the VECM and in the calculation of information shares. Information

shares statistics results supported the notion that general characteristics that are

inherent to the electronics trading mechanism and available to all traders. It was

calculated the cumulative impulse response functions to initiate traders by forecasting

the VECM after the unit shocks to one of the CTI price series and all trade series and

findings suggested that the order flow is more informative in the Nasdaq-100 market

than in the S&P 500 market.

36. Dimitris F.Kenourgios (2004) studied the price discovery in the Athens

derivatives exchange. The purpose of the study was to examine the informational

linkage between the FTSE/ASE-20 stock index and its three months index futures

contracts. Johansen cointegration, Vector Error Correction and Wald test models were

applied here for its estimation. Price data on the stock index and three months

FTSE/ASE-20 index futures contracts from Athens stock exchange and Athens

derivatives exchanges for the period from August 1999 to June 2002 were considered.

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The findings suggested that both the markets are Cointegrated, there is bi-directional

relationship between both markets and there is informational linkage among them and

futures contracts could be used as price discovery vehicles in the Greek capital


37. Spyros.I.Spyrou (2005) investigated index futures trading and spot price

volatility on the basis of emerging markets. The aim of this article was to empirically

investigate whether the introduction of futures trading leads to increase volatility and

uncertainty in the underlying markets for an important European emerging equity

market that is Athens stock Exchange. For empirical analysis daily closing prices for

the main markets index, the FTSE/ASE 20 for the period September 2003 were

employed. The results from GARCH (1, 1) model indicated that all coefficients are

significantly for both periods, when both coefficients are slightly increased for the

post futures periods and Alpha is slightly increased and C1 is slightly reduced. Wald

test results revealed that there is no statistically significant effect on volatility

following the introduction of futures trading.

38. Lars Norden (2006) made an investigation on the topic does an index futures

split enhance trading activity and hedging effectiveness of the futures contracts. All

futures contracts with the omex- index as underlying securities at OM from October

24th 1994 to June 29

th 2001 were considered for the study. Bivariate GARCH model

was applied to obtain a measure of the optimal futures hedge ratio and the estimation

results for stock index return revealed that there is strong evidence of conditional

heteroskedastisity in both the stock index and the futures.

39. Robin K. Chou and George H.K.Wang (2006) investigated transaction tax and

market quality of the Taiwan stock index futures. The intraday futures price rates of

the TAIFEX from May 1st 1999 to April 30

th 2001 were selected for the analysis.

Generalized method of movement procedure and instrumental variable method were

applied to estimate the parameters. Exploratory data analysis results supported the

argument by the transaction tax opponents that the imposition of a transaction tax

would reduce markets liquidity. It was observed that tax reduction may bring in more

liquidity and this in turn would bring in even more liquidity.

40. Jangkoo Kang, Chang Joo Lee and Soonhee Lee (2006) made an empirical

investigation of the lead lag relationship of return and volatilities among the KOSPI

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200 Spot, Futures and Option markets. This study empirically investigated the

intraday price change relations in the KOSPI 200 index markets, the KOSPI 200

futures market and the KOSPI 200 option market by taking the sample from 1st

October 2001 to 30th December 2002. The correlation between the stock index return

and the futures returns between the stock index return and the implied forward returns

are smaller. This revealed that option and futures markets lead the spot markets by

around 5 minutes, while the spot markets lead the futures markets to a much weaker

degree of around 5 minutes.

41. Sathya Saroop Debasish (2007) made a study on an econometric analysis of the

lead lag relationship between India’s NSE Nifty and its derivatives contracts. High

frequency data for the NSE Nifty stock index futures from July 2000 to June 2008

was taken as the sample for the study. Empirical results showed that the NSE Nifty

stock index hourly returns have significant first order positive auto correlation and the

series matched with calls and puts separately showed consistent serial correlation

structure. Cointegration and ARMA models were employed in the analysis part.

Findings evidenced on the lead lag relationship between the NSE Nifty index and the

NSE Nifty index futures. Overall, it was clear that the futures market generally lead

the index by up to one hour.

42. Suchismita Bose (2007) investigated the contribution of Indian index futures to

price formulation in the stock markets. The authors analyzed Indian stock index and

Indian futures price returns for the period of March 2002 to September 2006. In order

to examine that the index futures price provide any information that contribute to the

adjustment process of the stock index, daily closing prices of the futures contracts on

the S&P CNX Nifty index and the underlying index values were taken for the

analysis. The cross correlation matrices indicated that futures markets leading the spot

markets with a day lag, while the reverse was not true. This study showed that the

futures markets information showed the price discovery of the underlying Nifty is

marginally higher than what Nifty contributes to its futures price discovery.

43. M. Illueca and J.A.Lafuente (2007) made an investigation on the effect of

futures trading on the distribution of spot index returns. Data on the lbex 35 spot and

futures markets were provided by MEFFRV for the period January 17th

2000 to

December 20th

2002 was taken in to consideration. ARIMA and GARCH model were

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employed to accomplish the objectives. The empirical findings for the Spanish market

revealed that futures trading activity is a significant variable to explain the density

function of spot returns conditional to spot trading volumes. The results confirmed

that futures markets significantly contribute to the price discovery process regardless

the day of the week.

44. Taufiq Hassan, Shamsher Mohammed, Mohammad Ariff and Annuar M.D

Nassir (2007) investigated stock index futures prices and Asian Financial Crisis. The

author’s referred to the Asian Financial crisis in July 1997 as the East Asian Region to

introduce stock index futures contracts. For the data of KLCI index and KLCI index

futures contracts were used. The sample period of the study was from January 1996 to

December 2001. They examined whether derivatives trading by either a domestic or a

foreign investors have any influence on these prices. Findings indicated that after

financial crisis, the stock market was extremely volatile and many legal restrictions

were imposed on the capital market which makes the arbitrage very risky. Keim and

Madhavan’s (1996) method was used to define permanent and temporary price

impacts associated with a domestic institution which suggests large temporary price


45. Kapil Gupta and Balwinder Singh (2008) studied the price discovery and

arbitrage efficiency of Indian equity futures and cash markets with an objective to

empirically reveal that whether futures and cash markets have strong and stable long

run relation, which markets serves as a sources for information during short run and

how mispricing behave during the contact cycle by employing high frequency data

of Nifty index and fifty individual stocks from April 2003 to March 2007.The

research work applied Johansen Cointegration procedure, Vector Error Correction

Model, Granger Causality Methodology and Vector Auto Regression methodology.

This study found strong and stable long run co movement between two markets which

suggested both long run equilibrium and maturity data price coverage’s. During short

run, significant violation of equilibrium relationship had been observed.

46. Thenmozhi and Manish Kumar (2008) conducted a study on dynamic

interaction among mutual funds flows, stock market return and volatility with a

purpose of examining whether the information on mutual fund flows can be used to

predict the changes in market returns and volatility by using daily market index of

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S&PCNX Nifty index from January 2001to April 2008. The conditional return

variances of the S&PCNX Nifty index were estimated using the EGARCH model and

the VAR model was also employed. The major findings indicated a strong positive

concurrent relationship between stock market return and mutual fund purchase, sales

and net. It was found that a positive relationship exists between stock market returns

and mutual fund flows, stock market volatility and mutual fund flows.

47. Brajesh Kumar and Priyanka Singh (2008) investigated the dynamic

relationship between stock returns trading volume and volatility from the evidence of

Indian stock market. This study addressed so far four important issues such as what

kind of relationship existed between trading volume and returns? Do trading volume

and returns exhibits dynamic relationship? What kind of relationship exists between

trading volume and price volatility and does there exists ARCH effect in the stock

return. Their data set consisted of all the stocks of S&PCNX Nifty index for the

period of 2000 to 2008. The study investigated the relationship between trading

volume and return and dynamic relationship using OLS and VAR modeling approach.

Mixed distribution hypothesis also was tested using GARCH model. Their findings

indicated evidence of positive contemporaneous correlation between absolute price

changes and trading volume in Indian stock markets.

48. Nivine Richi, Robert T. Daigler and Kimberly C.Gleason (2008) made a study

on the limits to stock index arbitrage by examining S&P 500 futures and SPDRS.

Authors attempted to examine the potential limit to arbitrage regarding the S&P 500

cash index and whether the S&P depository receipts could be used to price and

execute arbitrage opportunities with the S&P 500 futures contracts. Intraday futures

price and volume data of three months of high volatility from July 2002, September

1998, October 2002 and three months mid-level volatility and low months volatility

from 1998 to 2002 were employed. The application of cost of carry model was

employed to obtain fair futures value for both the S&P 500 cash index and the SPDR.

Empirical results offered insight into the limits to arbitrage regarding the S&P 500

futures, even given relatively high transaction cost.

49. Christos Floros and Dimitrios V. Vougas (2008) analyzed the efficiency of

Greek stock index futures market by addressing the issue of cointegration between

Greek spot and futures market over the period of 1999-2001. The short run efficiency

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was examined by several Error Correction Models and long run efficiency was tested

through Johansen Cointegration approach. 525 daily observations on the FTSE/ASE

20 stock index and stock index futures contracts, 415 daily observations on the

FTSE/ASE mid 40 stock index and index futures contracts were considered. Granger

two step analyses indicated that both spot and futures are Cointegrated, implying

market efficiency. The results of VEC model for both FTSE/ASE 20 and FTSE-ASE

mid 40 indicated that futures lead spot return and it is confirmed that futures markets

are informally more efficient than underlying stock market in Greece.

50. David G. McMillan and Numan Ulku (2009) made a study on persistent

mispricing in a recently opened emerging index futures markets. The data set of this

study consists of five minutes values of the ISE30 spot index and index futures. The

sample covered the period from March 2005 to October 2005 and from November

2005 to February 2006 and provided with robustness also. Cost of Carry Model,

MTAR Model, LSTR Model and Newey- West procedure were employed to analyze

the data series and the results of MTAR Cointegration test revealed that quicker

adjustment back to equilibrium when the change in the basis is positive and when the

change in the future price is greater in absolute value than the change in the index


51. Ulkem Basdas (2009) investigated the lead lag relationship between the spot

index and futures price for the Turkish derivatives exchange by using ISE30 and

compare the forecasting abilities of ECM, ECM with COC, ARIMA, and VAR model

considering the data from February 4th

2005 to May 9th

2008. The series of futures

prices on ISE 30 index was gathered from the Turk DEX Website and the spot value

also collected from the same source and for the same period. The Ganger causality

test results indicated that the log of spot price significantly Granger cause log of

futures but not vice versa.

52. Y.P.Singh and Megha Agrwal (2009) investigated the impacts of Indian index

futures on the index spot markets to understand the nature and strength of relationship

between Nifty spot and index and Nifty futures to determine the direction of flow of

information between Nifty spot index and Nifty futures and to establish a causal

relationship between return of Nifty spot and return of Nifty futures. Data sets of the

study consisted of closing price histories of Nifty futures and Nifty spot index for a

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period of January 2004-2007. In order to analyze the lead lag relationship between

Nifty and its futures return series, cross correlation coefficients between Nifty spot

return and Nifty futures for 10 lead lags were calculated. This result indicated that

futures lead the spot market for Nifty.

53. Kapil Gupta and Balwinder Singh (2009) investigated information memory and

pricing efficiency of futures markets to examine the information dissemination

efficiency of Indians equity futures markets which is expected to provide important

policy implications of regulatory bodies and help to improve the knowledge base of

market participants. The weak form efficiency of three indices and 84 individual stock

futures permitted for trading futures and option segments of NSE was examined for

the period from January 2003 to December 2006 by considering daily closing prices

of futures contracts. GARCH and EGARCH econometrics models results implied that

previous information shock plays significant role in the return generation process.

54. Alper Ozum and Erman Erbaykal (2009) detected risk transmission from

futures to spot markets without data stationarity in Turkey’s market. The authors used

the Bond test to examine cointegration and Toda and Yamamoto test to analyze

causality between spot and futures markets. Daily time series of spot and futures

prices of the US dollar /Turkish lira Exchange rate from January 2nd

, 2006 to March

25th 2008 was employed for empirical analysis. The Unrestricted Error Correction

Model and Auto Regressive Distribution Lag (ARDL) models were applied to

distinguish long and short relationship. Bound test which was used to examine

cointegration results showed that there is a cointegration relationship between spot

and futures returns and there is informational efficiency in Turkish foreign exchange


55. Martin. T. Boli, Christian.A. Salm and Berdd Wilfling (2010) investigated the

individual index futures investors destabilize the underlying spot market by applying

Markov- Switching GARCH model. The sample periods ran from November 1st 1994

to December 31st, 2007 for the WIG 20 and the WIG from December 31

st 1994 to

December 31st 2007 and for the WIG 80 from 31

st December 1999 to 31

st December

2007. The empirical results denoted that the coefficient sums are less than one for all

stocks returns time series across both regimes.

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56. Pagat Dare Brayan, Yang Tie Chang and Patrick Phua (2010) investigated the

relationship between index futures margin trading and securities leading in China. The

milestone of the China’s equity market was the announcement released on January 8th

2010 stated that council has given in principal approval to the trial implementation of

stock index futures trading, margin trading and securities lending in China. Stock

index futures trading were launched on April 16th

2010. This was a purely theoretical

study and here the authors mentioned that many questions about the proposed regime

for trading activities remain and are yet to be addressed by the Chinese regulators.

57. James Richard Cummings and Alex Frino (2010) examined index arbitrage and

the pricing relationship between Australian price index futures and their underlying

shares. This study analyzed the pricing efficiency of SFE SPI 200 index futures. The

independence of the absolute mispricing on the ex ante estimate of interest rate

volatility implied from interest rate option prices were investigated. The date series

describes the time, price and volume of each trade and the prices of the best available

bids and offers from 1st January 2002 to 15

th December 2005 were taken into

consideration for the analysis. Auto Regressive Regression Coefficients were

uniformly positive and significant which indicated a high degree of persistence in the

mispricing series.

58. Martin. T. Bohl, Christian A. Salm and Michael Schumppli (2010) had

investigated price discovery and investor structure in stock index futures with an aim

to understand whether the dominance of presumably unsophisticated individual

investors in the futures market impairs the informational contribution of futures

trading by taking daily closing prices for the WIG 20 index and daily settlement price

for the WIG 20 futures contracts from 16th January 1998 to June 30

th 2009. This study

used Vector Error Correction model with a Multivariate DCC-GARCH extension.

Estimation results suggested that the futures market does not fully perform the

expected price discovery function. Further, there was evidence of bidirectional

information flows and causality. Results revealed that futures price reacts more to

perturbations, implying a quicker correction of disequilibria.


1. Stephen P.Ferris,Hun Y.Park and Kwangwoo Park (2002) made an

investigation on volatility, open interest ,volume and arbitrage by using evidence from

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the S&P 500 futures market for empirically examining the dynamic interactions and

causal relations between arbitrage opportunities and a set of endogenous variable in

the S&P 500 index futures markets by using daily S&P 500 stock index spot data

from November 1993 to June 1998. Four variables in VAR system as VAR DISD,

DOI, DVOL, and PRER were estimated here. It was found that the level of open

interest is not directly affected by the increase in volatility. Pricing error plays a

critical role in linking volatility and the level of open interest and open interest in the

S&P 500 index futures is a useful proxy for examining the flow of capital in to or out

of the market.

2. Hoa Nguyen and Robert Faff (2002) made a study on the determinants of

derivatives by Australian companies. The primary aim of this study was to investigate

the factors that determine the use of derivatives by Australian corporations. The

authors formed their sample by examining the notes to the financial reports of the 500

largest Australian companies that are listed on the Australian stock exchange for the

financial year of 1999 and 2000. In this study they have conducted three levels of

analysis in which basic univariate tests, a logistic model and the Tobit model were

employed to investigate the partial impacts of the same set of independent variables

on the decisions of how much derivatives to be used. This study found a positive

relationship between firm’s size and the likely hood of derivatives usage. Tobit results

revealed that leverage is the most important factor in determining the extent of

derivatives use.

3. Sandeep Srivastave (2003) made a study on the topic informational content of

trading volume and open interest-an empirical study of stock option market in India to

examine the role of certain non price variables namely open interest and trading

volume from the stock option market in determining the price of underlying shares at

cash market. For the analysis call option and put option open interest and volume

based predictors were used. The sample of the study includes daily data on 15

individual stocks which were most liquid stock option in the NSE option market from

November 2002 to February 2003 and it was found that these predictors have

significant explanatory power with open interest being more significant as compared

to trading volume.

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4. Kedar Nath Mukherjee and R.K. Mishra (2004) studied on impact of open

interest and trading volume in option market on underlying cash market evidence

form Indian option market. The objective of the study was to empirically investigate

the impact of a few non price variables such as open interest and trading volume from

option market in the price index like Nifty index in underlying cash market in India.

The study used daily data relating to price index in underlying cash market, open

interest and trading volume from June 2001 to December 2001 and January 2004 to

June 2004. The results of the Multiple Regression and Granger causality tests

confirmed that the open interest based predictors are significant in predicting the spot

price index in underlying cash markets in both the periods.

5. Jian Yang, David a. Bessler and Hung-Gay Fung (2004) investigated the

informational role of open interest in futures markets. The authors examined the long

run relationship between open interest and futures prices. Five futures contracts on

storable physical commodities and two stock indices, three non storable physical

commodities and one non storable financial future contract were selected from the

period 1991 to 2002. Johansen Cointegration and Error Correction Model were

employed and the empirical result showed that open interest and the futures price

share common long-run information for storable commodities but not for non storable

commodities. It was found that in the case of S&P 500 stock indexes, bidirectional

long term causality between futures prices and open interest rather than a

unidirectional causality.

6. Hongyi Chen, Laurence Fung and Jim Wong (2005) had studied the Hang seng

index futures open interest and its relationship with the cash market. In the analysis

two adjusted open interest indicators such as the de-trend open interest position and

the ratio of open interest to cash market turnover were calculated. Hang Seng futures

open interest and its underlying cash turn over were taken as the data for the study.

They analyzed the correlation between open interest and cash market turnover, open

interest and selling turn over and open interest and index volatility. It was found that

open interest and cash market turnover are positively correlated, the level and

volatility of index were not statistically significant and there was no clear-cut

relationship between open interest and short selling turn over. Analysis with ratio and

decomposed trend also showed positive relationship with open interest.

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7. Christos Floros (2007) made an investigation on price and open interest in Greece

Stock index Futures Market with an aim to provide further case study of interesting

country Greece to go beyond GARCH, Johansen and Granger Causality econometrics

techniques. 525 daily nearby observations on the FTSE/ASE 20 stock index futures

contracts from August 1999 to August 2001 and 415 daily nearby observations on the

FTSE/ASE40 stock index futures contracts from January 2000 to August 2001 were

taken into consideration for the analysis. The results of cointegration relationship

between daily price and open interest for Greek futures markets showed that open

interest as a proxy in the conditional variance helps in explaining the GARCH effects

in futures markets return.

8. Epaminontas Katsikas (2007) made a study on volatility and autocorrelation in

European futures markets. The Generalized Error Distribution was applied in its

empirical analysis by considering daily figures for the stock index futures of France,

Germany and the U.K as the data for the study. Evidence suggested that index futures

return in Europe markets behave similarly in the sense that auto correlation and

volatility are linked in a non linear fashion. The model implied that during the period

of high volatility auto correlation is statistically zero.

9. Suchismita Bose (2007) attempted to understand the volatility characteristics and

transmission effects in the Indian stock index and index futures markets by using

daily data for the market index of NSE-S&P CNX Nifty for the period from June

2000 to March 2007. U.S Dow Jones Industrial average returns was also included in

the analysis. The empirical results indicated that NSE index and its futures return

volatility had no tendency to drift upward indefinitely with time, but in fact had a

normal or mean level to which they ultimately revert. In the case of volatility

transmission, it was found strong bidirectional volatility spillovers between the

markets implying that the price and returns dynamics in one market are capable of

explaining much of the movement in the other.

10. Vipul (2008) investigated the relationship between mispricing, price volatility,

volume and open interest of stock futures and their underlying shares in Indian futures

markets. The sample data was selected on the basis of average volume based rank of

the stock futures from 1st January 2002 to 30

th November 2004. The daily volatility

for the futures and underlying shares was computed using Parkinson’s formula and it

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showed that the variance of daily returns can be estimated more efficiently using the

extreme value estimator. The results indicated that any increase or decrease in

mispricing did not lead to the significant change in volatility, volume or open interest

for any of the futures or the underlying shares.

11. James Richard Cummings and Alex Frino (2008) made an investigation on the

tax effects on the pricing of Australian stock index futures. To adapt and extend the

frame work adopted by Cannavan, Finn and Gray (2004) data for 1st January 2002 to

15th December 2005 have been taken. S&P/ASX 200 stock index values, time-

stamped approximately 30 seconds apart, were also considered. Daily series for the

overnight cash, 30, 90 and 180 days bank accepted bill rates had taken from the RB of

Australia. In the Australian markets, the timing option held by stock holders to

different capital gains and realize capital losses possibly accentuates the reduction in

the effective financing cost brought about by the tax deductibility of interest on loans.

12. Amrik Singh and Arun Upneja (2008) investigated the determinants of the

decisions to use financial derivatives in the lodging industry. Making distinction

between hedging and speculation is important because of the potential impact of

derivatives on firm cash flows and earnings volatility. All publically traded lodging

firms in the S&P composite data base were chosen for this study based on their 4 digit

standard industrial from 2000 to 2004. Annual and quarterly financial statement data,

as well as geographic statement data were obtained from S&P composite data base.

Results suggested that a comparison of derivatives users and non users on various

firms characterizes that proxy for incentives to hedge. The significant findings on

information asymmetry indicate that firms with large analyst have less incentive to


13. P.Sakthivel and B.Kamaiah (2009) made a study on futures trading and

volatility of S&P CNX Nifty index to investigate whether futures trading activity

affects spot market volatility or not. The daily closing price of Nifty and trading

volume and open interest for Nifty index futures were collected from 1st July 2000 to

February 28th

2008. This study found that GARCH specification more appropriate

than the standard statistical models and the results of GARCH model revealed that

estimated coefficients of unexpected trading futures volume was positive and

significant which indicated that there is a positive relationship between spot market

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volatility and unexpected trading volume in Nifty futures markets. The results of

GJRGARCH model indicated a positive and highly statistically significant.

14. Paul Dawson and Sotiris. K. Staikouras (2009) made an investigation on the

impact of volatility derivatives on S&P500 volatility. The aim of the study was to

examine the impact of the volatility derivatives trading on the S&P 500 volatility

index to offer a fresh perspective on the issue of spot market volatility. The sample of

the study consisted of daily data from January 3rd

2000 to May 30th 2008. GARCH (1,

1) estimation was applied in its analysis and found the most appropriate structure.

When the whole period was split into the pre and post event date intervals the results

provided a useful insight. Empirical result indicated that under normal market

conditions volatility derivatives trading contributed to lowering the underlying assets.

15. Stephane. M. Yen and Ming. Hsiang Chen (2010) investigated the relationship

between open interest, volume and volatility in Taiwan futures markets to find the

relationship among any variable from an ex- ante perceptive that is out of sample

forecasting performance. The volatility forecasting performance of all five models

such as EGARCH, GJR, APARCH, GARCH and IGARCH were compared with or

without lags in total markets volume or total open interest included as predictable

variables. Daily closing prices, total trading volume and open interest for the Taiwan

stock exchanges, electricity sector futures and insurance sector futures from 21st July

1998 to 31st December 2007 were collected as sample for the study. VAR model was

applied to find relationship between each pair of three variables and found that

significant relationship. These asymmetric GARCH models such as EGRCH, GJR,

and APGARCH as well as the standard GARCH and IGARCH models results

indicated that the significance of in sample relationship among the futures daily

volatilities, the lagged total volume and the lagged total open interest.

16. Julia. J. Lucia and Angel Pardo (2010) made a study on measuring speculative

and hedging activities in futures markets from volume and open interest data. This

study attempted to provide critical assessment of speculative and hedging positions.

Three of the most actively traded stock index futures contracts such as S&P 500

futures contracts, Nikkei 225 futures and Eurex DAX index futures were selected for

the study. Daily figures of trading volume and open interest for the futures contracts

with the three underlying indices with maturity dates in the month of March, June,

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September and December between March 2003 and December 2006 has been taken

into consideration for the analysis. They tested the three ratios offer similar

information about the evaluation of speculation/hedging demand over time. The result

of positive cross correlation coefficient is particularly relevant to the aim of this study.

It was found that the ratio of volume to absolute change in open interest, regardless of

them being positive or negative imply that the opening of new positions out numbers

the liquidation of old positions.

17. Pratap Chandra Pati and Prabina Rajib (2010) made an attempt to investigate

volatility persistence and trading volume in an emerging futures market. This study

had taken evidence from NSE Nifty stock index futures and daily futures price and

trading volume from January 1st 2004 to December 31

st 2008 were taken as the data

for study. The results of F-statistics and LM test indicated the presence of ARCH

effect and time varying conditional heteroskedasticity in Nifty futures returns.

ARMA- GARCH and asymmetry ARMA-GARCH model were also applied and

found that the evidence of time varying volatility which exhibits clustering high

resistance and predictability in the Indian futures markets.

18. Jinliang Li (2010) made an analysis on cash trading and index futures price

volatility with an aim to examine the effects of cash markets liquidity on the return

volatility of stock index futures. The GARCH model was employed here to examine

the secular liquidity components in the daily stock index futures volatility. A quarterly

time series of the average commission rate for NYSE trading from 1980 to 2005 was

constructed and turnover of all NYSE stocks for the same period also was estimated.

Empirical findings indicated that the quarterly innovation to turn over does not

possess explanatory power to the daily volatility of the futures in the corresponding


19. Anadrew W. Alford and James R. Boatsman (1995) predicted long term stock

return volatility for accounting and valuation of equity derivatives. The purpose of the

study was to examine empirically the prediction of long term return volatility where

long term volatility was computed using monthly stock return over five years. The

authors used monthly stock returns to compute futures because monthly returns were

approximately normally distributed while daily and weekly returns were not. They

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presented the distributions of P-value from Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness of fit test

of normality over the forecast period of the sample.

20. M. Thenmozhi (2002) made a study on futures trading, information and spot

price volatility of NSE 50 index futures contracts to examine if there was any change

in the volatility of Nifty index due to the introduction of Nifty futures and whether

movement in the futures price provides productive information regarding subsequent

movement in index prices. For the analysis daily closing price returns of NSE 50

index was considered for the period 15th June 1998 to 26

th 2002. Volatility had been

measured using standard deviation and GARCH model. The lead lag relationship

between spot and index futures were estimated by using ordinary least square and two

stages least square regression. The lead lag analysis showed that futures had little or

no memory effect and infrequent trading was virtually absent in future market. It was

concluded that the futures lead the spot market returns by one day.

21. Premalatha Shenbagaraman (2003) made research on the topic do futures and

option trading increase stock market volatility with the objective to assess the impact

of introducing index futures and option contracts on the volatility of the underlying

stock index in India. Daily closing prices for the period October 1995 to December

2002 for the CNX Nifty, Nifty Junior, Nifty futures contract volume and open interest

were taken from NSE website. The authors used GARCH model, EGARCH model of

Nelson (1991), the GARCH mode with t. distribution and GJR-GARCH Model of

Glosten. The empirical results of the study revealed that derivatives introduction had

no significant impact on spot market volatility.

22. Ash Narayan Sah and G. Omkarnath (2005) made a study on derivatives

trading and volatility of Indian stock market. This study tried to understand whether

the Indian stock markets show some significant changes in the volatility after the

introduction of derivatives trading and also examined whether decline or rise in

volatility can be attributed to introduction of derivatives alone or due to some macro

economic reasons. The study used daily data like S&P Nifty, Junior Nifty, NSE 200

and S&PCNX 500, BSE Sensex-BSE 100, BSE 200 from the period April 1998 to

March 2005. Autoregressive conditional Heteroskedastic (ARCH) model was applied

to achieve the stated objective. The study concluded that the impact of the

introduction of the futures and options of the volatility of the underlying markets was

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negligible as evident from the magnitude of the coefficient of the futures and options


23. Puja Padhi (2007) investigated asymmetric response of volatility to news in

Indian stock market to examine the effect of the introduction of stock index futures

on the volatility of the spot equity market and to test the impact of the introduction of

the stock index futures contracts. The study used a GARCH model which is modified

along the lines of GJR- GARCH and EGARCH model, especially to take into

account the link between information and volatility. In the analysis, the dataset

comprises daily closing observations of the spot index rates for the aforementioned

markets from June 1995 to September 2006 for Nifty index and 7th June 2003 to 1


June 2007 for Nifty Junior. This study provided the evidence that there is not much

change in the volatility pattern after the introduction of futures in the Indian stock


24. Claudio Albanese and Adel Osseiran (2007) made a model of moment methods

for exotic volatility derivatives. In this study the author gave an operator algebraic

treatment of the problem based on Dyson Expansions and Moment Methods and

discussed applications to exotic volatility derivatives. The methods were quite

flexible and allowed for a specification of the underlying process which was semi

parametric or even non parametric, including state- dependent local volatility, jumps

stochastic volatility and regime switching. The authors found that volatility

derivatives were particularly well suited to be treated with moment methods. The

authors considered a number of exotics such as variance knockouts, conditional

corridor variance swaps, gamma swaps and variance swaptions and gave valuation

formulas in detail.

25. Vasilieios Kallinterakis and Shikha Khurana (2008) investigated volatility

persistence and the feedback trading hypothesis from Indian evidence to produce an

original contribution to the finance literature by examining the relationship between

feedback trading and volatility from a markets evolutionary perspective, and to test

internationally established facts regarding feedback trading in an Indian markets

contexts. In order to test the feedback trading with the Senatana and Wadhwani

Model, the authors applied conditional variance. The daily closing prices from the

BSE 30, BSE 100 and BSE 200, and S&PCNX Nifty 50 from 1992 to 2008 were

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taken in to consideration. The empirical result indicated that positive feedback

trading is evident throughout the period from 1999. Volatility was found to maintain

significant asymmetries in most of the period under examination.

26. S. Bhaumik, M.Karanasos and A. Kartsaklas (2008) had conducted a study on

derivative trading and the volume volatility link in the Indian stock market to

investigate the issue of temporal ordering of the range based volatility and volume in

the Indian stock market. It was estimated the two main parameters for driving the

degree of persistence in the two variables and their respective uncertainties using a

bivariate constant conditional correlation generalized ARCH model that is fractional

integration in both the Auto a regressive and Variance specification. They estimated

the bivariate AR-FI –GARCH Model with lagged value of one variable included in

the mean equation of the other variables by using data set comprised 2814 daily

trading volumes and price of the NSE index from 1995 November to 2007 January.

It was found that during the period the impact of number of traders on volatility was

negative, introduction of option trading may have weakened and the impact of

volume had on volatility through the information route.

27. Lech.A.Grzelak, Cornelis.W.Dosterlee and Sacha Van Weeren (2009) made

extension of Stochastic Volatility Equity Models with Hull- White Interest Rate

Process. In this study the author presented a flexible multifactor stochastic volatility

model which included the term structure of the stochastic interest rates. Their aim

was to combine arbitrage free Hull-white interest rate model in which the parameters

were consistent with market price of caps and swaptions. The study has shown the

Schobel-Zhu-Hull White Model belongs to the category of affine jump diffusion

process and they compared the model to the Heston-Hull-White hybrid model with

an indirectly implied correlation between the equity and interest rate. They had found

that even though the model was so attractive because of its square root volatility

structure it was unable to generate extreme correlations.

28. Mayank Joshipura (2010) made a study on the topic is an introduction of

derivative trading cause-increased volatility? The aim of the study was to use simple

approach to test the change in volatility by measuring changes in relative volatility of

the stocks on introduction of futures and options trading using Beta as a relative

measure of volatility by using the data from July 2001 to June 2008. The researchers

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selected 12 different derivatives from the NSE and the changes in volatility of daily

stock return for one year period to derivative introduction and one year after the

derivative introduction was separately examined. The results showed that the effect

of introduction of derivatives trading on average daily excess return of underlying

stocks and portfolios.


1. Robert J. Myers (1991) estimated time varying optimal hedge ratio on futures

markets. This study attempted to compare two approaches such as moving sample

variances and covariance of past prediction errors for cash and futures prices and

GARCH model was used for estimating time varying optimal hedge ratios on futures

markets. All data were the Mid-Week closing price and the sample period ran from

June 1977 to May 1983. Separate bivariate GARCH model was estimated for cash

and May futures price, and for cash and December futures price. Preliminary results

suggested that a GARCH (1, 1) model, with one lag on the squared prediction errors

and one lag on past conditional covariance metrics, provided an adequate

representation of wheat price volatility.

2. Allan Hodgson and Okunev (1992) made a study on an alternative approach for

determining hedge ratio for futures contracts. The authors examined whether hedge

ratio change for increase in level of risk aversion or not. The authors created a port

folio by buying an underlying assets and selling futures contracts on the basis of

Figlewsiki and Kwan and Yip approaches. For the empirical analysis Associated

Australian Stock Exchange All Ordinary Index and the Share Price Index Futures

daily return was calculated for the period 1st July 1985 to 29

th September 1986.

Empirical results indicated that for low level of risk aversion, the hedge ratios are

significantly different to those of a mean variance hedge ratio. It was also confirmed

that as investors become more risk averse when they adopt different hedge ratios to

those of a mean variance investors.

3. Phil Holmes (1995) estimated hedge ratio and examined the hedging effectiveness

of the FTSE-100 stock index futures contracts. This study examined the performance

of ex ante hedge ratio is compared to that of the one to one hedge and the optimal

hedge. FTSE-100 stock index futures contracts from July 1984 to June 1992 of one

and two week’s duration were used for the analysis. Among many approach, two

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approaches like annually estimated ex post hedge ratio and a more dynamic strategy

based on hedge ratio estimation using the rolling regression procedure were employed

here. The empirical results demonstrated that all three hedged port folios such as the

ex post minimum variance hedge ratio, the hedge portfolio based on previous years

minimum variance hedge ratio and the beta hedge ratio achieved substantial risk

reduction compared to being unhedged.

4. Robert T. Daigler and Mark Copper (1998) made a study on the future duration

on the basis of convexity hedging method. This study explained the theory on fixed

income securities hedging and its implications through the comparison of two models.

This study developed a duration convexity hedge ratio and compared the hedging

effectiveness of this hedge ratio to the Good Man-Vijayaragavan (1987, 1989), two

instruments hedge ratio and the typical one instrument duration hedge ratio. The three

based models were compared for a specific set of characteristics of the cash bond and

yield for the cash bond and futures contracts. It was revealed that the resultant hedge

ratio for the long term instrument is larger than necessary to hedge the duration and

convexity of the cash bond.

5. Donald Lien & Yiu Kuen Tse (1999) investigated fractional cointegration and

futures hedging by using NSA futures daily data. In this article, the authors compared

the effectiveness of the hedge ratio estimated from the regression, VAR, EC and FIEC

models. They examined the performance of the hedge ratios with respect to the

different hedge horizon. The period of the study was from January 1989 to August

1997. Daily closing values of the spot index and settlement price of the futures

contracts were used. The estimation results for the variance equations supported the

existence of conditional heteroscedasticity for both spot index and the futures price.

The futures price exhibited strong variance persistence than the spot index.

6. Manolis. G. Kavussanos and Nikos k. Nomikos (2000) investigated futures

hedging when the structure of the underlying assets changes. Constant and time

varying hedge ratios were estimated for different periods, corresponding to revisions

in the composition of the BFI and their performance was compared over sub periods

and across routes. This study covered the period from 1985 to 1998 and the total

period was broadly identified corresponding to different faring composition of the

underlying index. The data set consists of weekly spot and futures price which was

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nearest to maturity. Minimum hedge risk was estimated and in its methodology OLS,

VECM and time varying GARCH model were employed to analyze the data sets.

They found that OLS hedge ratio was outperformed the other hedges in 24 cases out

of 33 for the remaining 9 cases, the VECM-GARCH hedges provided higher variance


7. Dimitris Bertsimas Leonid Kogm and Andrew .W. Lo (2001) applied an E.

arbitrage approach on hedging a derivative securities and incomplete market. This

research projected a method for replicating derivative securities in dynamically

incomplete markets. Using stochastic dynamic programming, the authors constructed

a self financing dynamic portfolio strategy that is best to approximate an arbitrary

payoff function in a mean-squared sense. This study provided on explicit algorithm

for computing strategies which can be formidable challenge despite market


8. Leigh .J. Maynard, Samhancock and Heath Hoagland (2001) analyzed the

performance of shrimp futures markets as price discovery and hedging mechanism.

The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that persistent arbitrage

opportunities do not exists even in thinly traded futures markets and to determine if

the potential profits from arbitrage have economic significance. The analysis relied on

a panel of weekly whole sale cash price data for thirteen commercial Inc. and weekly

closing price data provided by the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. The study period ran

from November 1994 to June 1998. The empirical results showed that if a future price

series reflects all available information used in predicting forward price, one would

expect it is to be leading indicator of related cash prices.

9. Donald Lien and Y.K Tse (2002) made a study on the analysis on recent

developments in futures hedging. Various methods like Conventional hedging, time

varying hedge rations and minimum variance hedge ratios were applied in the study.

The empirical results formed that the optimal hedge ratio based on the extended

mean-Gini approach for low level of risk aversion are similar to the minimum

variance hedge ratio. For the higher level of risk aversion, the extended Mean –Gini

approach hedge ratio generally differ from the minimum variance hedge ratio, with no

regularity in their relative size. Non parametric time variant hedge ratio which was

proposed by Lien and Tse (2000) was empirically proved here. The results indicated

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that a hedger who is willing to absorbed small losses but otherwise extremely cautious

about the large losses, the optimal hedge strategy that minimizes lower partial

moment may be sharply different from the minimum variance hedge ratio strategy.

10. Aaron Low, Jayaram Muthuswamy, Sudipto Sakar and Eric Terry (2002)

studied multi period hedging with futures contracts. In order to find hedge risk, main

financial instrument like futures contracts is used. In this study the authors examined

the hedging problem when futures prices obey the cost of carry model. The Nikkei

225 index futures contracts on SIMEX was used to hedge a portfolio of the

components stocks of this index and in the second part hedging is found on a spot

position in fuel oil using the high sulphur fuel oil contract on SIMEX. The sample

extended from September 1986 to April 1996 for Nikkei 225 index data and from

February 1989 to June 1995 for the high sulpher fuel oil data. The dynamic cost of

carry hedge model, the conventional hedge and the cointegrated price hedge were

used. It was found that the hedging strategy that is the cost of carry model performed

well than other hedging strategies on an-ex-ante basis, further the effectiveness of the

hedging was increased with its duration.

12. John M. Charnes and Paul Koch (2003) made a study on measuring hedge

effectiveness for FAST 133 compliance. In this study the authors outlined a basic

frame work for assessing anticipated hedging effectiveness. The frame work of the

study was based on a two part operational definitions that distinguishes between the

potential effectiveness of a hedging relationship and the attained effectiveness of a

selected hedge position. This study made an argument on hedging and speculation. A

hedging strategy involves choosing a hedging instrument and an appropriate hedge

ratio to accomplish the risk management. Various measures of effectiveness of hedge

ratio also were computed here. It is intended to measure the ability of the hedging

instrument in generating off setting changes in the fair value of the unhedged items. It

was argued that the ratio does not fully measure the degree to which the hedger has

effectively reduced risk.

13. Narayan Y. Nayik and Prdeep K. Yadhav (2003) conducted a research on the

topic risk management with derivatives by dealers and market quality in Government

bond markets. They investigated the relation between the selective market risk-taking

activity of dealers and market quality in the price effect of capital constraints for the

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period from August 1994 to December 1995. They analyzed the close of business

reports of 15 dealer firms who were separately capitalized and subsidiaries of well

known banking houses by applying Regression Model and found that dealers engage

extensively in selective market risk taking throughout that dealers use future market to

a great extent when the cost of hedging was lower, large dealers carried a great

amount of risk on their books and hedged the changes in their spot risk less compared

to smaller dealers.

14. Wayne Guay, S.P Kotari (2003) investigated how much do firm’s hedge with

derivatives. The authors examined the hypothesis that final derivatives are an

economically important component of corporate risk management. For a random

sample of 234 large nonfinancial corporations, the authors presented detailed

evidence on the cash flows and market values sensitivities of financial derivatives

portfolios to extreme changes in the underlying assets price. This study estimated an

upper bond on the dollar amount of cash flows that a firm would derive from its

derivatives portfolio. This empirical result suggested that the magnitude of the

derivative positions held by most firms was economically small in relation to their

entity level risk exposure.

15. Wenling Yang and David E. Allen (2004) made an analysis on multivariate

GARCH hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness in Australian futures markets. This

study aimed to estimate hedging ratios derived from four specifications such as an

Ordinary Least Square based model, Bivariate Auto Regression, Vector Error

Correction Model and Diagonal-Vech Multivariate Generalized Auto Regressive

Conditional Heteroskedasticity Model with Time Varying Conditional Covariance.

Index values for all ordinary index of Australian market and the share price index

futures contracts on all ordinary index from the period of 1992 to 2000 were taken in

to consideration. As expected and the line with Gosh (1993), the hedge ratio estimated

from VECM is greater than that obtained from the VAR model.

16. Sheng- Syan Chen, Cheng- Few Lee and Keshab Shrestha (2004) made an

empirical analysis of the relationship between hedge ratio and hedging horizon- A

simultaneous estimation of the effects of hedging horizon length on the optimal hedge

ratio and effectiveness in greater detail by using 25 different futures contracts and

different hedging horizon. They considered the only minimum variance hedge ratio.

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The authors found that most of the studies ignore the effects of hedging horizons

length of the optimal hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness. It is important to note

that all these studies considered the minimum variance hedge ratio instead of other

hedging ratios based on expected utility, extended Mean–Gini coefficient and

generalized semi variance. In sample analysis results indicated that the short run

hedge ratio is significantly less than the naive hedge ratio.

17. Amir Alizadeh and Nikos Nomikos (2004) applied a Markov regime switching

approach for hedging stock indices. This study described a new approach for

determining time varying minimum variance hedge ratio in stock index futures

markets by using the Markov Regime Switching Models. In this study the authors

developed a procedure that generated hedge ratios were regime dependent and change

as market conditions change. Hedging effectiveness of this model both in sample and

out of sample was tested and performance of regime switching hedge was compared

to GARCH and Error Correction Models. Using a multivariate extension of the

Markov Regime Model, they found that the relationship between spot and futures

return in the S&P 500 and FTSE 100 market was regime dependent. Weekly time

series of the FTSE-100 and S&P futures and spot indices for the period 1984 to 2001

were taken as the variable for the analysis. They calculated hedge ratios based on the

OLS model, Error Correction Model and GARCH Model and found that MRS

hedging strategies outperformed other models in terms of in sample port folio

variance reduction.

18. SVD Nageswara Rao and Sajay Kumar Thakur (2004) investigated the optimal

hedge ratio and hedging efficiency of Indian derivatives market. The authors had

made an attempt to estimate optimal hedge ratio based on KHM methodology using

JSE model as the bench mark for the futures. To estimate optimal hedge ratio for

options FBM methodology with Black-Schole Model has been used as the bench

mark. High frequency data for the period from 1st January 2002 to 28

th March 2002

for index futures and options had been taken in to consideration for the analysis of

hedging of Nifty price risk. In its analysis, the authors compared Herbest, Kare and

Marshall Methodology with Johanson and Stein methodology. Optimal hedge ratio

estimated by using HKM methodology was better and statistically significant at 95%

confidence level.

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19. Paul Kofman and Patrict Mcglenchy (2005) made a study on structurally sound

dynamic index futures hedging. The objective of this study was to evaluate a simple

dynamic hedging scheme that conditions on continuous changes, as well as on

discrete changes in the relationship between unhedged portfolio and futures returns.

The study used the main stock index the Hang Seng Commerce and industry Index

(HSI) and its companion derivatives contracts Hang Seng Index Futures (HSIF) as

well as two sub indices such as the Hang Seng Commerce and Industry index and the

Hang Seng Finance Index (HSFI) for the periods from January 1994 to July 2003. To

estimate the volatility cluster a GARCH specifications was estimated for the full

sample of HSI returns and the conditional standard deviation. This study found that

for a perfect hedge scenario in (HSI) and there is very little evidence of any dynamic

hedging strategy significantly outperforming the buy and hold hedging strategy.

20. Norvald Instefjord (2005) made a study on risk and hedging-do credit

derivatives increase bank risk? The main objective of the study was to investigate

whether financial innovation of credit derivatives made banks exposed to credit risk.

The research work investigated the suggestion that credit derivatives are important for

hedging and securitizing credit risk, and thereby likely to enhance the sharing of such

risk. Geometric Brownian Motion Model was applied for the analysis. The analysis

identified two effects of credit derivatives innovations such as they enhance risk

sharing as suggested by the hedging argument and acquisition of risk more attractive.

The key findings of the research were the financial innovation in the credit derivatives

market might increase bank risk, particularly those that operated in highly elastic

credit market segment.

21. Abdulnasser Hatemi-J and Eduardo Roca (2006) calculated the optimal hedge

ratio by using constant, time varying and the Kalman Filter approach. This study

proposed and demonstrated a procedure based on the Kalman Filter approach. The

study used Australian price index for equity markets and the share price index for

Australian futures markets for the period of 1988-2001. Daily data were used for a

total of 3586 observations. Johansen Cointegration test and Eagle Granger test

showed that there is cointegration between variables and proceeded to estimate the

time varying parameters by using Kalman Filter procedure. Test result showed that

the null hypothesis of constant parameter model was strongly rejected in favor of the

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alternative hypothesis of a time varying model. Further this study found that the

returns in the futures market had been greater than returns in the stock markets over

the time period.

22. Richard D.F.Harris and Jain Shen (2006) made a study on hedging and value at

risk. This study considered the consequences of minimum variance hedging in two

alternative frame works that implicitly incorporate portfolio skewness and kurtosis.

The effectiveness of the minimum variance hedging strategy was investigated by

considering both in sample and out sample performance. Daily returns provided by

Reuters for 10 developed markets currencies were measured against GBP for a period

1994 to 2004. Analysis of minimum variance hedging revealed that although it

reduced portfolio standard deviation, in many cases, it tends to increase left skewness

and increases kurtosis.

23. T.F. Coleman,, Y.Li and M. Patron (2007) conducted a research on

robustly hedging variable annuities with Guarantees under Jump and volatility risks.

The authors focused on computing and evaluating hedging effectiveness of strategies

using either the underlying or standard options as hedging instruments. In this study,

the researchers compared discrete risk minimization hedging using the underlying

with that of using liquid standard options. The authors proposed to compute the risk

minimization hedging using standard options by jointly modeling the underlying price

dynamics and the Black-Scholes at the money implied volatility explicitly. The

performance of hedging strategies under jump and volatility risk could be analyzed

here. It was found that the risk maximization hedging using underlying as the hedging

instrument outperform the delta hedging strategies.

24. Kevin Aretz, Sohneke M. Bartram Gunter Dufey (2007) investigated the

rationales for corporate hedging and value implication. The research work aimed to

provide a comprehensive and accessible overview of the existing rationales for

corporate risk management in hedging which can lower the probability of future

financial distress and enable the firm to decrease its expected tax burden. It was found

that corporate hedging may increase from value by reducing various transaction cost.

By reducing cash flow volatility, firms face a lower probability of defaults and thus

have to bear lower expected cost of bankruptcy and financial distress. Further

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corporate risk management can reduce fluctuations in pre- tax income and thus lower

the tax burden of firms if corporate income is subject to convex tax schedule.

25. Ming- Chih Lee and Jui-Cheng Hug (2007) made an analysis on the hedging for

multi period down side risk in the presence of jump dynamics and conditional

heteroskedastisity. In order to compare the hedging effectiveness of one period and

multi period zero VaR hedge ratios, the authors constructed the portfolio implied by

the computed hedge ratio for each hedging period and calculated the mean and

variance in order to obtain the value at risk of hedge port folio returns over the

sample. Futures hedging in the S&P 500 futures market daily price over the period

1996 to 1999 were considered for the study. The VaR of multi period hedge ratios

result indicated that the multi period hedging strategy outperforms the one period

strategy for all cases.

26. Donald Lien and Keshab Shrestha (2007) made an empirical analysis of the

relationship between hedging ratio and hedging horizon using Walvet analysis. 23

different futures contracts where the futures prices were associated with nearest to

maturity contracts had been analyzed here. Whole data set for the empirical analysis

were taken from Data Stream for the period started from 1982 to 1997. Analysis

results revealed that for the financial assets such as stock indices and currencies, both

spot and futures markets are to be highly liquid and therefore the variance of spot and

futures returns are likely to be closed to each other. It was found that in general both

Error Correction and Walvet Hedge Ratios are larger than the minimum variance

hedge ratio and in terms of performance; Error Correction Hedge Ratio performs well

for shorter hedging horizons.

27. Manolis G. Kavussanos and D. Visvikis (2008) investigated hedging

effectiveness of the Athens stock index futures contracts. The data set used for the

analysis consists of weekly and daily cash and futures prices of the FTSE/ATHEX 20

markets from September 1999 to June 2004 and weekly and daily cash and futures

prices of the FTSE/ATHEX mid 40 markets from February 2000 to June 2004.

VECM-GARCH and VECM-GARCH-X model were employed as the model for

estimation. The results for the FTSE/ATHEX-20 market in sample hedge ratio, based

on both daily and weekly data indicated that time varying hedge ratios estimated from

the VECM-GARCH model over performed the constant hedge ratio based on the VR

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criterion. For daily data, the conventional model for the FTSE/ ATAEX-20 market

emanated from the VECM, where as for the FTSE/ ATHEX mid-40 market the

conventional OLS model was appropriate. In the case of out of sample hedge ratio, in

the FTSE/ATHEX mid -40 market the VECM-GARCH-X model had the worst

performance for weekly and daily data compared with the alternative constant

conventional and VECM hedging strategies.

28. Olivia Ralevski (2008) made a study on hedging the art market-creating art

derivatives. The objective of the study was to explore the opportunity for derivative

product in art. In order to create a true hedge for art, derivatives with art as the

underlying should be developed. The authors proposed a model for a total return art

swaps would allow investors to protect themselves against movement in the art

market. The need for tradable art indexes which were crucial for the successful

creation of art derivatives also had been discussed.

29. Saumitra N. Bhaduri and S. Raja Sethu Durai (2008) made a study on optimal

hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness of Indian stock index futures. This study

focused on estimating optimal hedge ratio for stock index futures in India and

compared its hedging effectiveness. Daily data on NSE stock index futures and S&P

CNX Nifty index for the period from 4 September 2000 to 4 August 2005 had been

considered for this study. The Regression Method, Bivariate VAR method, the Error

Correction Model and Multivariate GARCH method were adopted in its methodology

to calculate optimal hedge ratio. They checked the robustness of the result also.

Optimal hedge ratio results by using OLS Regression, VAR model, VEC model and

Multivariate GARCH model clearly showed the advantage and demerits of each

model and they claimed that bivariate GARCH model is the apt model which

eliminated and corrected the problems of the former models almost. Hedging

effectiveness of the stock index futures for the same period was estimated here and

they tested the effectiveness with 1,5,10 and 20 horizons. The results revealed that

within sample mean return the bench mark Naive strategy has significantly lesser

mean return than compared to all other strategies.

30. Dimitris Kenourgios, Aristeidis Samitas and Panagiotis Drosos (2008)

estimated hedge ratio and investigated the effective of hedge ratio on S&P 500 stock

index futures contracts. The hedging performance of the S&P 500 futures contracts

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was examined using closing prices on weekly basis data relating to the period July

1992 to June 2002. GARCH, EGARCH and ECM with GARCH errors were

employed here. The empirical results of the analysis could be concluded that in terms

of risk reduction the error correction model is the appropriate method for estimating

optimal hedge ratio since it provides better results than the models such as

conventional OLS Method, the ECM with GARCH errors, the GARCH model and the

EGARCH model.

31. Anuradha, Sivakumar and Runa Sarkar (2008) made a study on the topic

corporate hedging for foreign risk in India. This study aimed to provide a perspective

on managing the risk that firms face due to fluctuating exchange rate. Authors

analyzed almost all regulations and policies regarding the foreign exchange risk in

India. It was found that a statistical significant association between the absolute value

of exposure and the absolute value of the percentage use of foreign currency

derivatives and prove that the use of derivatives in fact reduce exposure. It was

claimed that anecdotal evidence that the pricing policy is the most popular means of

hedging economic exposures.

32. Gyu-Hyen Mioon, Wei-Choun Yu and Chung-Hyo Hong (2008) investigated

dynamic hedging performance with the evaluation of multivariate GARCH models

from KOSTAR index futures. Authors’ provided the practical simple rolling OLS

model which is very rarely discussed in the literature as an alternative model.

Conventional hedging strategy assumes that the investors hold one unit in long

position in the spot stock market. Price of nearest futures contracts of KOSTAR index

spot and futures from November 8, 2005 through November 8, 2007 were taken into

consideration. To perform model estimation, forecasting and evaluation, the data

period was divided into two samples such as from 8th

November, 2005 to 31st May,

2007 that is in sample and out of sample from June 1st, 2007 to November 8

th 2007.

GARCH and its family members like DVED and CCC GARCH also were employed

here. It was surprised to see that the OLS conventional constant hedge model

performed well and is only inferior to the metrics-diagonal model. During the out of

sample period the principal component GARCH model is superior to other model.

33. Jahangir Sultan, Mohammed S. Hasan (2008) had made a study on the

effectiveness of dynamic hedging of selected European stock index futures. This

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paper examined the hedging effectiveness of stock index futures market in France,

Germany, Netherlands and the U. K for minimizing the exposure from holding

positions in the underlying stock markets. They analyzed the effect of long run

relationship between the spot index and future index on hedging effectiveness. They

estimated optimal hedge ratio by using Bivariate Error Correction model with a

GARCH effects structure. They applied conventional and other advanced model to

find out the optimal hedge ratio and they argued that Bivariate GARCH model is

giving the highest optimal hedge ratio value. For the analysis the authors used weekly

data for the period of 1990-2006 for Netherland and U.K, and from 1999- 2006 for

Germany. The OLS regression results showed that the largest coefficient is found in

the case of France and lowest for U.K. The evidence of cointegration is consistent

with the literature for Australia, Germany, Japan and U.K. The result of variance

reduction in within sample period showed that in the case of France the dynamic

hedging model performs better when compared with a naive hedging strategy but fails

compared with the traditional OLS method.

34. Kapil Gupta and Balwinder Singh (2009) investigated the optimum hedge ratio

in the Indian equity futures market over the sample period January 2003 to December

2009. The scope of the study had been restricted to examine whether equity futures

contracts traded in India provide optimum hedging benefits. If, yes which statistical

methodology can help hedger to compute optimal hedge ratio so that they can

minimize port folio variance to minimum level at minimum trading as well as

transaction cost to execute such strategy which would result in increased portfolio

value? The sample size of the study had been restricted to three indices such Nifty,

Bank Nifty and CBXIT and 84 individual stocks. Six econometrics procedures were

employed to investigate an optimal hedge ratios which presumes a stable and strong

long run relationship between two markets and the hedging effectiveness would

depend up on the coefficient. The results confirmed that both markets observe stable

and strong co-movement over the contracts cycle. Hedge ratio estimated through

VAR methodology were the lowest for three indices are compared to those estimated

through other methodologies and the time varying hedge ratios estimated through

GARCH, EGARCH OR TARCH methodologies were the highest.

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35. Hsiu-Chuan Lee, Cheng-Yi Chien and Tzu- Haiang Lian (2009) investigated

on determination of closing prices and hedging performances with stock indices

futures. This study empirically examined the impact of the determination of stock

closing prices on futures prices efficiency and hedging effectiveness with stock

indices futures. Daily closing prices for three futures indices like Taiwan stock

exchange index, Taiwan stock exchange finance sector index and Taiwan stock

exchange electric sector index and the corresponding underlying stock indices from

4th January to 4

th December 2003 were considered as the sample for the study. The

Bivariate Error Correction model with CCC GARCH (1, 1) structure suggested by

Kroner and Sultan (1993) was applied to examine the hedging effectiveness for the

futures indices. The empirical findings indicated that the determination of stock

closing prices affects markets efficiency as the futures markets close and hedging

effectiveness with stock indices futures.

36. Haiang-Tai Lee (2009) applied a Copula based regime switching GARCH model

for optimal futures hedging. This article developed a regime switching Gambel-

Clayton (RSGC) copula GARCH model for dealing the draw backs of the regime

switching GARCH model. In the empirical analysis, corn, oats and wheat nearby

futures contracts traded in the CBOT and COCOA nearby futures contracts traded in

the NYBOT were investigated for the period from January 1991 to December 2007

and the spot and futures data were on Wednesday closing price and empirical results

of out of sample hedging effectiveness showed that RGCS exhibits good hedging

performance in terms of variance reduction. The copula- based regime- switching

varying correlation GARCH model performed more efficiently in future hedging with

more flexibility in the distribution specification.

37. Hsiu-Chuan Lee and Cheng –Chene (2010) made a study on hedging

performance and stock market liquidity- evidence from the Taiwan futures market by

using the data from Taiwan stock exchange. The Taiwan weighted stock index prices,

the number of transactions and trading volumes in shares and dollar were taken into

consideration. This study aimed to examine the impact of stock market liquidity on

the hedging performance of stock index futures. It was found that the conditional OLS

model reduces the hedge ratio volatility better than the OLS and GARCH model. The

study period covered from 2nd

January 2006 to 20th

December 2008. Hedging strategy

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can be evaluated and compared using three different performance metrics like

variance, semi variance and lower partial moment (LPM). The empirical results

indicated that stock markets liquidity contains information useful for predicting the

optimal hedge ratio and enhance the hedging performance during a bear markets.

38. Ming-Yuan Leon Li (2010) investigated dynamic hedge ratio for stock index

futures by applying threshold VECM. The authors employed rolling estimation to

include recent market information and continuously repeat the work of model

estimation and conducting a robust test of out of sample hedging performance for

various alternatives. The study conducted out sample hedging effectiveness test

through a rolling estimation process. This study covered the period from 3rd


1996 to 30th December 2005. OLS and VECM were applied here for estimating the

optimal hedge ratio through non-threshold system compared to OLS estimation. The

empirical result indicated that the setting without threshold setting over estimate or

under estimate the relative size of the standard error of the spot position to the futures

position for the outer region. Finally it revealed that the risk of spot position through

the VECM, the setting without threshold was smaller than for the setting with a


39. Kuang-Liang Chang (2010) made analysis on the optimal value at risk hedging

strategy under bivariate regime switching ARCH frame work. This study used

bivariate switching Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroskedastisity Model which

extends from Hamilton and Susmel’s (1994) setting to calculate the optimal value at

risk hedge ratio. The aim of the work was to market hedgers precisely control the

down side risk that may happen to portfolio in the future holding period through

applying regime switching model. Daily closing prices of spot and futures indexes of

Taiwan Futures Exchange for the period July 1998 to December 2006 were

considered for the analysis. GARCH estimation results indicated that the persistence

volatility in spot and futures market is very strong. The in sample hedging results

under GARCH model showed the similarity to those of SWARCH model.

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* It is found that almost all studies have considered only one or two variables to

assess the futures market for a particular period. Conclusions were drawn based on

that variable alone without including other important variables from futures market.

Conclusions drawn are not confirmed through robustness between periods.

* The variables considered in these studies provide different results in different

periods about the same market.

* Many studies were carried out to find the best econometric model for estimation,

but not for testing the informational efficiency.

* Studies are focused on determining the effectiveness of hedge ratio and not the

optimum hedge ratio for individual stocks from futures market.

* Causality between spot and futures returns was determined but not the causality

between price series.

* All studies have used data from pre financial crisis period; it is rare from post

financial crisis period.

* Studies have considered the data from later years and not from introduction of

derivatives in India.

* Studies have considered the near month data period together for the entire study

period without considering the structural breaks.

In order to fill the above said research gap, this study frames four objectives

which are mainly concentrating on the development of the futures market in India,

comparing the linkage between spot and futures market, to find the determinants of

futures market and analysis the risk reduction efficiency of futures market in India.