CHAPTER FIVE DEPARTMENTAL CANTEENS 5.1.1 Departmental canteens-Introduction 5.1.2 Uniform orders for DC 5.2.1 Administrative Set-up 5.2.2 Managerial Functions 5.3.1 Infrastructure 5.3.2 Personnel 5.3.3 Planning 5.4.1 Organisational working of DC 5.4.2 Structure of the organization 5.5.1 Departmental Canteen in & around Pune 5.5.2 Profile of departmental canteen surveyed CHAPTER FIVE DEPARTMENTAL CANTEEN 5-1-1 Departmental Canteens : Introduction



5.1.1 Departmental canteens-Introduction

5.1.2 Uniform orders for DC

5.2.1 Administrative Set-up

5.2.2 Managerial Functions

5.3.1 Infrastructure

5.3.2 Personnel

5.3.3 Planning

5.4.1 Organisational working of DC

5.4.2 Structure of the organization

5.5.1 Departmental Canteen in & around Pune

5.5.2 Profile of departmental canteen surveyed


5-1-1 Departmental Canteens : Introduction

The provision of refreshment to employees in the office and to workers in the

industrial units is not only a welfare necessity but also keeps them active and healthy.

This can be achieved only by establishing a canteen for the needs of the employees in

the organisation. A canteen established by the organisation in which the workers are

employed is a departmental canteen. The rules regarding the setting up of such a

departmental canteen, the management of staff, funds are very important for the

organisation or the industrial unit.

It is essential to prepare a set of streamlined orders and procedures for the

working and functioning of the departmental canteens. A departmental canteen is a

canteen set up at government cost inside a government department/office/establishment

or inside an industrial unit at the cost of the industrial unit itself for the employees or

workers to meet their refreshments as a welfare measure and so to prepare tea/coffiee

and snacks, lunch, meals as per the local requirements or the taste of the beneficiaries,

concerned at reasonable rates at no profit, no loss basis by employing, by recruiting the

required or authorized number of canteen employees, workers and which is controlled

by the managing/canteen committee constituted for the same specific purpose.

Canteens in the industrial units are included because these canteens too follow the same

framework of streamlined set of orders and the network of management structures.

Canteens run by the departments, canteens run by co-operative units,

canteens run by the industrial units or organizations, canteens run by the workers on the

establishment or by the employees hired for specific purpose are included in the

category of departmental canteens. The departmental canteens are in a sense the

canteens of the workers by the workers and for the employees. These are in house

establishments, sometimes as a separate establishment on the premises of the industrial

unit functioning as an independent department of the concern. In Defence

establishments too, departmental canteens play a significant role in feeding the

members of the different units. In Railways, the catering establishments are generally

run as departmental canteens, even those ones which are let out to be run by the


The functioning of the departmental canteen is in any respects similar to that of

the other type of industrial canteens but the difference lies in the streamlined efficiency,

the financial back-up and the way quality and quantity control is maintained at every

stage of the management of the departmental canteens in the establishments of

government and private enterprises.

5-1-2 Uniform Orders for DC

In the functioning of the Departmental canteens and in the canteens run in the

Departments, Ministry Headquarters and regional offices, Central Government

establishments, undertakings and other units, the controlling authority is that of the

Director of Canteens under the control of Department of Personnel and Administrative

Reforms. The Director of Canteens issues the broad guidelines and directives on how to

run the canteens of this category and these streamlined uniform orders for the

departmental canteens are collected in a complete set of instructions in what is called a

green book.

These streamlined uniform orders cover a wide range of matters related to the

functioning of the departmental canteens in the central government departments but

these instructions are applicable to the departmental canteens in the state government

units and also the canteens run in the co-operative pattern. These uniform orders are a

set of detailed guidelines about the procedures of functioning from the stage of

purchasing provisions to the stage-of disposal of leftovers and as such a complete guide

in the format of the “Green Book”. It is a set of instructions that begins with the

procedure of registering a canteen of this category and the composition of the managing

committee and then proceeds to offer guidelines on the various aspects of managing

and running these departmental canteens as catering units and then concludes with the

instructions and orders about the post-production measures in the catering management.

The registration of departmental canteens is essential. The registration needs to be

made by filling in the prescribed pro-forma and by paying the prescribed registration

fees in the manner stipulated for the purpose. The departmental canteens functioning in

the respective departments or ministries are managed by the managing committee

constituted for the purpose. The managing committee consists of the members who are

ex-officio members, that is, the members on the committee on account of the official

status or designation that is held by them. The other members of the committee are

those who are either nominated or elected from the different categories of employees in

the department concerned in proportion to the number of members determined and the

representation is decided in the manner specified for the purpose concerned. The

procedural functioning is brought out in details in the set of uniform orders of these

streamlined instructions. The same deals with the functioning of the departmental

canteens. The uniform orders contain the entire pre-production, production and post-

production operations in the departmental canteens.

The policy of the Government is to encourage the activities only of the

canteen/tiffin room. The orders issued by the Government to regulate the functions of

canteens/tiffin rooms apply only to these categories. The Statutory rules/conditions of

service/status of civil servants etc. as and when granted to the employees of

Departmental Canteens, shall be applicable to the employees of the Canteens run by the

co-operative societies.

The orders issued by the Government apply to all the canteens/tiffin rooms

functioning or to be set up, in any of the Ministry/ Department/Office/Establishment of

the Government of India, industrial or non-industrial who get themselves registered

with the office of the Director of Canteens, New Delhi. The instructions on this subject

may be modified, in respect of Scientific Research Establishments like those controlled

by the D.A.E., Defence R & D etc. or any other organisation engaged in specialised

work, depending upon the local conditions and functional necessities, with the

concurrence of their controlling Ministry/Department and in consultation with the

Director of Canteens, New Delhi. If the office/establishment is located at more than one

locations, where service from one canteen is not practicable, additional canteens/tiffin

rooms are authorised as per the scales prescribed.

Depending upon the local needs and taste of the customers, menus may be

decided and adopted by the Managing Committees. Adequate variety in preparations

may be rotated as desired by the customers. An illustrative list of menus containing

vegetarian items is given below :

Snacks : Idli, Vada, Dosa, Samosa, Bonda, Vegetable Cutlet, Mathi,

Vegetable Sandwich, Butter toast

Sweets : Burfi, Ladoo, Pinee, Gulabjaman, Pista, Rasgulla

Beverages : Tea, Coffee, Cold Drinks.

Lunch : Soup, Daal, Rice, Puri, Chapati, Raita, Sambar, Vegetables, Salad,

Sweet dish, Fruits.

Egg preparations and non-vegetarian dishes may be prepared as needed.

The prices of snacks, lunch, tea, coffee etc., may be fixed in comparison to

those prevailing in other Departmental Canteens and as prescribed by the Managing

Committee concerned.

If the quality of an eatable is found to be substandard by an inspecting authority,

the entire quantity will be destroyed and disciplinary action will be initiated against the

workers concerned for recovery of the loss suffered by the canteen.

If the weight of the individual piece of an eatable is lesser or if lesser quantity of

raw material has been used than the reasonably prescribed limit, by the Managing

Committee, disciplinary action will be initiated against the defaulting canteen


The Director of Canteens under the control of the Department of Personnel and

Administrative reforms does the co-ordination work and decides policy matters

regarding canteens. The canteens registered centrally with the Director of Canteens and

their Controlling Ministries/Departments will be on the regular availing list for the

purpose of the dispatch of policy circulars. However, the circulars will be sent to other

Ministries/Departments also for information. All correspondences from the

Officers/Establishments, excepting registration of canteens, should be addressed

through the administrative Ministry/Department.

All departmental canteens will get themselves registered centrally with the

Director of Canteens, New Delhi, by furnishing the particulars in the proforma

prescribed together with the Registration fee

5-2-1 Administrative Set-up

Administration as the higher function and management as the operative function

are both present in the organisational pattern of the departmental canteens. The policy

decisions are made by the administrator working in the respective ministry or the

department or the sectional unit or the establishment of the central and state

governments about the running and functioning of the catering and canteen units. The

policy matters are decided by these higher functionaries at the focal point of the

organisation concerned. These policy decisions are actually implemented in the

departmental canteens at the local level by the managing committee and the chairman

and the secretary of this committee and the person who supervises the functioning of

the departmental canteens. These responsible office-bearers are the administrators at

the local level and make the suitable decisions sticking to the policy-decisions of the

higher policy-makers. The plans of the organisational working are also decided and

communicated by the policy-makers at the top level and the lower level functionaries

carry on the administration of the departmental canteens on the lines determined at the

higher level. It is observed that the uniform streamlined set of orders instructions and

guidelines is quite useful in the task of the administration of these departmental

canteens both at the top level and the actually functioning lower level.

The administration of departmental canteens is a co-operative human effort to

achieve the common goal of feeding the employees a balanced diet with sufficient

nutritious values as a welfare facility maintaining a high standard both in the quality

and quantity of food service in the most hygienic environment. As such the

administrative set-up of the departmental canteens has both a pyramid and a flat

organisational and administrative structure. The pyramid organisational and

administrative structure has the hierarchical pattern of unitary direction from the top

level to the bottom level with the layers of the middle level. The top level, the middle

level and the bottom level are the minimum three levels in the pyramid structure. The

central or focal point of administration at the highest level is the top layer and the

middle layer is the level which is below the top level and above the bottom level. The

top level at the central point gives direction to the middle level passes it on to the lower

level. The central, the state and the local levels are represented by the top, the middle

and the lower levels. The flat organisational and administrative pattern is noticed at the

lower level in which the horizontal pattern of administration from the manager to the

steward or the captain and then to the waiters to the utility persons, helpers and the

other menial staff function at the appropriate horizontal points. Thus the administrate

set up of the departmental canteens functions in both the patterns which are vertical or

pyramid and horizontal flat orgainsational as well as administrative pattern.

The constitution of managing committees their status and strength and conduct

of business and other related matters are out lined in the relevant provisions of the

guidelines included in the “Green Book”.

The managing committee for each canteen, as far as possible, should be

constituted separately, out of the officers/ staff of the Department/ Office occupying the

building in which the canteen is located. If a canteen in a building is shared by more

than one Department / Office, the Managing committee should be a combined one. The

funds, in such a case, should be proportionately shared, based on the office strength of

each office, or the funds should be borne in full, by each department/ office for a term

of three years in rotation. The Chairman and the Honorary Secretary for a term will

normally be appointed from that Department/ Office, who provide the funds.

A model managing committee should be constituted of seven members

(including the Chairman). This strength may however be varied at the discretion of the

Chairman according to the local needs. The Chairman should preferably be the Head of

the Department/ Office himself or his deputy. Higher the level of blessings, more

automatic will be the results. The Honorary Secretary should normally be the Welfare

Officer, or the administrative officer of the Department/ Officer of the minimum rank

of a Section Officer or a Major or equivalent in services, who shall be nominated by the

Head of the Office/ Estt., and in the case of Co- operative Canteens may be elected as

per the by – laws of the Society. One Official member of the rank of Section Officer/

Major or above, is to be nominated by the Chairman of the Managing Committee. One

each of the staff side members to represent group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ staff, may be

recommended by the staff side of the office council (JCM) if any functioning in that

Department Office, or by the recognized service associations of the employees, subject

to acceptance by the Chairman that the members recommended are the real

representatives of the staff, or the Chairman may himself nominate these two members

at his discretion. One lady member, if available in the Department/ Office, may be

nominated by the Chairman as a co- opted member.

All members of the Managing Committee in the case of the canteen run by a Co

– operative Society (excepting the Chairman who will be the Head of Office/ Estt. Or

his nominee) will be elected as per the by – laws of the Society. The manager of the

canteen or any other canteen worker may be nominated by the Chairman as a co –

opted member to represent the canteen workers. The tenure of the managing

committees of the departmental canteens shall be normally for three years duration,

unless dissolved or changed earlier by the Head of the Office/ Estt. The committee

functions in the Department / Office / Establishment, of the Government of India, for

the welfare of the Government employees, under the orders of the Government of India.

Its functions are connected with the affairs of the Union. The committee, therefore,

does not enjoy an autonomous status. With respect to the contractual obligations it

functions “for and on behalf of the President of India”. The proceeding of the

committee will not be conducted or decided on resolutions or voting system, but the

official decision will rest with the Chairman of the Managing Committee or the Head of

the Department/ Office concerned (In the case of canteens run by the co- operative

societies this provision will apply as per the by – laws of the society and co- operative

law in force). The presence of the Chairman, the Hony. Secy, and one more member

will constitute the quorum for holding a meeting of the managing committee. In the

case of Co-operative Canteens it shall be as per the bye – laws of the society. The rules

of business specifying the powers, functions, duties, responsibilities of the members of

the committee and of the canteen managers/ workers etc. and the systems, procedures,

methods etc. to be followed for running of a canteen will be framed by the Managing

Committee of the canteen. When the services of an official of rank not higher than that

of a Section Officer can be spared out of the existing strength, the Head of the

Department/ Office may depute such official for part – time or whole time assistance to

the Managing Committee of the Canteen. Stationery and office machines required to

conduct the business of the Managing Committee and the Departmental Canteens will

be provided by the Department / Office concerned. The Account Books and special

Registers prescribed and the coupons will however be provided out of canteen funds.

5.2.2 Managerial Functions

The managerial functions in the running of the departmental canteens are not

different as such from the managerial functions in running any catering canteen units,

small or large industrial or departmental as these functions involve the activities which

are basically performed by a manager to make the people to perform the activities

involved in the actual production and service of food in a catering establishment. The

six managerial functions are planning, organizing, directing, co-ordinating, controlling

and evaluating. The planning process foresees the future and generally initiates the

appropriate action process. The planning process chalks out the workable scheme. Then

it develops a blueprint of the structure/arrangement of spaces and activity details.

Planning is thus a mental exercise. Goal setting is fundamental to every such

organisation as that helps people to know why they are doing what. The work becomes

purposeful, creative, orderly, productive and satisfying to all along with planning the

other functions like co-ordinating functions and divesting procedures begin working.

The plan needs to be put in practice and for this purpose organising is an important

function of managerial staff require mental effort but the function of directing initiates

actual performance of tasks. The directing function is instructing, guiding, supervising,

teaching and reviewing. Directing or leading people to work willingly and achieve

organizational group and individual goal depends mainly on the personality of the

manager. Co-ordinating is the binding together unifying and harmonizing of all

activities and efforts. All the functions of management need to be co-ordinated to

achieve goals. In all the managerial functions, the function of controlling is very

important because control is necessary to give the right direction to activities. Constant

monitoring is necessary because in any establishment there are helping and also

hindering factors. Controlling is very much significant for increasing the impact of the

helping forces and for curbing the hindering forces. Control is exercised through

budgets, work sheets, close supervision, regular inspection and security measures. The

process of reviewing and evaluating is used for judging efficiency. A process of self-

evaluation helps to ensure success. In the context of the departmental canteens, staff

appraisal, food evaluation, viability and profitability assessment are the measures that

may be used for the evaluation of its different operation.

In the management of departmental canteens the fourteen principles of

management laid down by Fayol are found to be applicable. These are division of work,

delegation of authority, principle of responsibility, discipline, unity of command, unity

of direction, priority of general interest, principle of reward and prize, principle of

effective centralization, principle of scalar chain, principle of order, principle of equity,

principle of initiative, and esprit to corps- the spirit of loyalty and devotion that unite

the members of the team. These management principles and the managerial functions

which bind the principles, functions and operations together, help running the

departmental canteen efficiently to the satisfaction of the decision makers,

administrative executives, management controllers, the staff involved and those

consumers for whom the whole business is conducted. It must be noted that no

operation like the running of a departmental canteen is run single handed but has to

deal with people at work and has to attract enough people to serve and so such an

operation must be based on sound principles and must function in planned co-

ordinated manner. This can be done best by being scientific in approach to management

of departmental canteens.

5.3.1 Infrastructure

In infrastructural facilities needed for the departmental canteens are included the site,

construction, space, seating arrangements, and, water, electricity and fuel are the basic

requirements to raise the infrastructure for a departmental canteen. Most of the canteens

of this category are run by the central and state governments, public sector undertaking

and establishments in defence, railways and air – travel. The selection of location and

land for the site construction of the departmental canteens is the task carried out by the

responsible panels of higher authorities in the departments or the establishments


Adequate space is generally provided for the functioning of departmental canteen

depending on the estimated number of consumers in such canteens. The supply of water

and electricity is maintained appropriately and in the proportion required for the

canteen purposes. The security arrangement is commensurate to the needs of the unit

established. The supply of fuel is made as per the requirements of the catering unit in

the manner desired but preferably the LPG gas cylinders are supplied in the sufficient

quantity. The physical infrastructure and the basic amenities are provided by the

department or the establishment and the material items such as the furniture, seating

arrangement and equipment for storing, kitchen use, cooling, grinding, heating, boiling

is supplied as required. The provisions in respect of these facilities are included in the

Green Book. For the infrastructure of the Departmental Canteen, the unit concerned

provides accommodation for the canteen in consultation with in charge of buildings.

Initial provision of fixtures and the required number of fittings and their maintenance

will have be taken care by the unit. The floor area for a canteen should be decided

taking into account the strength of the unit. It should be sufficient to provide a dining

hall of a size where 1/3rd

of the office strength could be entertained at a time with the

provision of a separate ladies room and preferably separate rooms for kitchen, pantry,

store, gas/fuel room, dry ration, fresh vegetables room with the Bins/ Racks designed to

follow the system of “First in First Out”, cabin for the coupon clerk and the dish

washing room etc. The total area that may provided roughly for a canteen could be

4000 sq. ft. This position has been revised that the floor area for canteens to be set up

would be @ 1 sq. (0.09 sq. mt) per person in the unit including the space for dining hall

and kitchen etc. However the accommodation provided under the previous standard

scale will not be disturbed. Electricity and water bill will be paid by the concerned

sections of the unit concerned. Cost of electricity charges for lights, fans, refrigeration,

sterilization and water charges will be borne by the Establishment concerned.

Consumption of LPG will be subsidized by the unit.

Grants authorized in the form of standard minimum provision of Departmental

assistance to start various types of canteens are as given hereunder:

Amount of grant authorised

Type of Canteen For equipment For crockery

utensils etc.




(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A 12,000 3,000 5,000 20,000

B 9,600 2,400 4,000 16,000

C 7,200 1,800 3,000 12,000

D 6,000 1,200 2,000 9,200

Types of Tiffin Rooms

A 500 200 - 700

B 500 200 - 700

For a larger group of canteens the amount of grant payable will be proportionately

higher. Ministries/ Departments/ Offices may, however, consider depending upon the

local needs and functional necessities of their offices, to sanction additional grants with

the concurrence of their Integrated Financial Advisers. Upgradation of the type of

canteen, can be done with the prior approval of the Director of Canteens, DP & AR.

For canteens type D and above the subsidy on wages is 70 % payable by the

Government (remaining 30% to be paid out of canteen funds) unless higher rates

sanctioned under special orders of the Government.

For Tiffin type A/B the subsidy on wages is 100% payable by the Government.

The Subsidy on Wages to Ad hoc Leave Vacancy workers is 70 percent or at special

rates sanctioned otherwise is claimable for canteen employees engaged on ad hoc/

temporary/ leave vacancy basis etc.

Interest – free loan up to Rs. 5,000 per canteen and Rs. 500per Tiffin room are

authorised to be sanctioned by the Head of Department / Office for bulk purchases of

materials etc. which is repayable within five years, the first installment starting from

not beyond the sixth month from the month of drawl of loan. In case of default , the

Integrated Financial Advisers may recoup the installments out of the subsidy/ grants

payable to the canteen. Loans may also be granted to meet the liability of the Canteens

on payment of arrears of salaries to the Canteen employees due to the revision of their

pay. Additional amounts of loans may also be sanctioned depending upon the local

needs/ conditions, with the concurrence of the controlling Ministries/ Departments and

the Integrated Financial Advisers, repayment scheme for which shall be worked out in




Articles of uniforms authorised To Whom Quantity entitled

1. Set of coat, pant & cap, drill

white cotton

Bearers Three sets per year

2. Set of Bush – Shirt Pant,

Apron and Cap Drill grey/ light

blue cotton

Halwais, Cooks, Asst. Halwais,

Asst. Cooks, their helpers and

Coffee/ Tea makers

Two sets per year

3. Set of overall, pant, cap, drill

grey, light blue cotton

Wash Boys Two pairs per year

4. Set of Bush – Shirt pant and

cap, Drill Khaki cotton

Sweepers Three pairs per year

5. Shoes canvas white coloured Bearers Three pairs per year

One pair per year

6. Jerseys woolen

(at winter stations)

All the above employees. One per three years

7. Gum boots common size All the above employees. One pair per canteen

Two pairs per canteen

8. Turbans for sikh


As required Two per year

Sanctioning authority for the above mentioned grants, subsidies, loans etc. will be the

Head of the Department, industrial unit concerned unless otherwise specified.

The standard illustrative lists of articles of equipment, kitchenware, utensils etc.

to be provided at economical and competitive rates out of grants provided for the

purpose, for use in the canteens are as under.

Mini equipments : Refrigerator, gas cooking range with fittings, sterilizer

Electric,, hot case electric, boiler water electric, urns

thermal stainless steel, grinder, electric, espresso coffee

machine, stoves kerosene large, hot water bath (baine marie


Kitchenware : Angithi small basin aluminum medium size, Belna, Buckets (enameled),

Chakla/Pastry Board small, Chatni pots, sieves, atta,maida. Degshi with Lid aluminium

12” dia & 10” dia, Dori Halwai, egg frier, frying pan medium steel, grinding stone

large, jugs aluminium, keddu kash, karaha – iron large, karaha-iorn small, kettle with

lid aluminium, khoncha small and large, kitchen knife, knife for halwai, measures one

litre aluminium, mugs aluminium, nail brush, parats aluminium, pona for bhoondi, poni

iron, punch for coupons, silbatta, soap box, spoons (Karachi aluminium), tawas iron, tin

box for coupon clerk tin cutter, toaster wire, tongs, tub galvanized, weighing scale

small with weights.

Crockery and cutlery : Coffee pots (4 cups capacity), cups and saucers flowery, cups

and saucers ordinary, storeware, forks, knives and spoons tables, (stainless steel), jugs

water, glass tumblers, katories stainless steel. Milk pots (2 cups capacity), plate full,

quarter, salt and pepper containers plastic, forceps small white metal, sugar pots (2

capacity), tea cosy with covers, tea pots (2 capacity), tea pots (4 capacity), tea sets (21

sets Bengal) tea spoons stainless steel, tongs (stainless steel), trays ash medium, trays

lunch stainless steel.

These guidelines give instructions about the uniforms, equipments, and grants or

subsides on wages. The physical and material aspects of the infrastructural facilities are

taken care of by the authorities concerned and sufficient financial provision is made for

the purposes of the departmental canteen staff and the other necessary expenditure. The

provisions for the infrastrural facilities in departmental canteens are superior in many

respects to those in the other are bound to be exceptional cases among the industrial

canteens too in respect of the infrastructure provided.


The staff standard in respect of Canteens/ Tiffin Rooms laid down in the

streamlined order dated the 10th

December, 1964 is given below:



(Annexure III of Green-Book )



Appointment Canteens Type Tiffin Rooms


1. Manager 1 1 1 - - -

2. Asstt. Manager – cum – store –


1 1 - - - -

3. Manager – cum Salesman - - - 1 - -

4. Counter Clerk/ Salesman/

kitchen Clerk

2 1 1 1 1 -

5. Coupon / Reserve Clerk 1 1 1 1 - -

6. Halwai 1 1 1 1 - -

7. Asst. Halwai 1 - - - - -

8. Cook 1 1 - - - -

9. Tea/ Coffee Maker 1 1 1 1 1 1

10. Bearer 7 5 3 2 - -

11. Wash boy/ Dish cleaner 2 2 1 1 1 1

12. Sweeper 1 1 1 - - -

19 15 10 8 3 2

In addition to above the following staff is authorised in group of more then ‘A’ type

Canteen under one management in lieu of staff at serial No. 1 and 2 above.

A group of two ‘A’ Type


A group of more than Two

‘A’ Type Canteens

13. General Manager 1 1

14. Deputy General


- 1

15. Accountant 1 1

16. Cashier 1 1

17. Store – Keeper 1 1

18. Internal Auditor (Part – time) (Part – time)

The culture of management is made up of attitudes and values that set up a

pattern of behaviour for actions and opinions. Management is about people as its task

is to make people capable of performing jointly, to make their strength effective and

their weakness irrelevant, Management is about securing commitment to values as its

primary task is to set and exemplify those objectives, values and goals to which all

those working in the organistion subscribe. Management is about developing staff as its

task is to provide continuing training and development for all members of the

workforce. Management is about achieving results and in the context of departmental

canteens of feeding the workforce with a balanced diet. These underlying principles in

the culture of management bring out the fact management is mainly concerned with the

people who will work together with shared goals and values in a committed manner to

achieve the desired results.

The people who work together make the staff of that establishment and

managing these people is the task of the personnel section in the organization. The

effective utilization of human resources, establishment of healthy working relationships

and encouragement of maximum development of individuals are the main objectives of

dealing with and managing the personnel in an organization. The manager planning,

staffing, terms and conditions of employment and personnel administration are the four

aspects of the functional programme of integrating physical, financial and human

resources. The guidelines for the same are given in the Green Book.

The Departmental Canteen Employees (Recruitment and Conditions of Service)

Rules 1980 was framed consequent on the canteen employees gaining the status of

holders of civil posts with effect from 1st October, 1979. The conditions of service and

recruitment rules for the employee of the canteens run by the co-operative societies will

be the same in addition to the bye – laws of the society and the local co- operative law

in force. The rules governing the recruitment and condition of service are given in the

Green Book. The existing instruction regarding ban on creation of posts apply to

creation of posts of canteen/ Tiffin Room employee also.

The employees of the Departmental canteens and Tiffin Rooms have been

declared as holders of civil posts with effect from 1-10-79 vide Government of India

Notification No. 6 (2) 23/77 – Welfare (Canteens), dated the 11th

December. Revised

scales of pay announced by the Government on the recommendations of the Fourth Pay

Commission are extended to non – statutory canteen / tiffin room employees also. The

drawal of pay in the revised scales, exercise of option fixation of initial pay, date of

next increment. Etc. will be governed by the same rules and orders as are applicable to

the central Government servants.

Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance etc. at

the revised rates with effect from the same dates, as in the case of other employees, are

also admissible.

In the context of the departmental canteens the recruitment of personnel is made

by the department or the ministry concerned or by the competent authority in this

behalf. The adequate number of employees is maintained in such establishment of

departmental canteens, though sometimes there is difference between the authorised

strength of employees and the actual number of employees. Generally, the department

canteen employees are treated on par with the other employees of the parent ministry,

departmental or establishment, but there are in some of these canteens, employees who

are required to work on an ad-hoc basis and discrimination is made in the facilities

given to the regular and to the ad-hoc employee in such canteens. The personnel

management in the departmental canteen is found to be well – disciplined and upto the


5.3.3 Planning :

The functioning of the departmental canteen depends on the planning of its operations

in a systematic manner the planning of operations in the departmental canteens and the

planning in the other industrial canteens does not basically differ as both the categories

of canteens are involved in the feeding of the large groups of employees with the

balanced diet of high nutritious values to the physical, financial and human resources

are to be utilized to serve the specific purpose of providing quality food in the required

quantity. The stages of planning need to be determined with due care.

The preparation of food items is a significant stage in the canteen management and

therefore pre – production, production and post – production stages need planned

execution. Planning involves planning goals, planning objectives, planning strategies,

planning operations and planning results. The planning and the determination of goals,

and objectives, is a higher level function and so the policy makers, decision makers and

the administrators carry on this task in an organisation like the departmental canteens.

The planning of strategies, functions, operation and tasks is to be carried out at the local

level or the unit level. The planning of storing provisions, the preparation of provisions

for the cooking, the preparation of food items and the service area preparation, and the

actual execution of the serving of food items are the necessary stages of planning in

running a departmental canteen. The estimates about the preparation of food need to be

carefully planned. The different cooking operations involving steaming, boiling,

pruning, baking, roasting and others need to be planned and executed with due

precision and efficiency. In this planning are involved the store management, the space

management, the kitchen management, the equipment management, the personnel

management, and the waste management. In the department canteens these stages of

planning are carried out by the management staff at the unit level.

The planning of the preparation of the food items is carried out taking into

consideration the tastes and demands of the consumers. The planning of physical,

financial and human resources is to be done appropriately at the levels which are the

most suitable for the specific purposes. In the context of the departmental canteen the

provision of financial and physical resources is made by the policy makers but the

utilization and execution of these resources and the planning of human resources, their

utilization and the actual implementation of the planned strategies and operations is to

be carried out by the managerial staff at the unit level of the departmental canteens.

5- 4-1 Organisational working of DC

The organisation like the departmental canteen is run by managing the physical,

financial and human resources in an integrated manner to achieve the desired results of

feeding satisfactorily the employees in a department. Money is the resource of the

financial management of the departmental canteen and its provision is made by the

department or the establishment concerned. The space, materials and equipment are the

physical resources which are again supplied by the top level management of the

departmental canteens. The working by the staff, the time and energy required for the

operations and the procedures involved in preparing, holding, serving food and the

cleaning of the premises are the factors which are part of the actual working of the

organization such as a departmental canteen.

The organisational working of a departmental canteen begins with the

purchasing of provision. The purchases of both types of items non – perishable and

perishable – need different procedures. The non- perishable items such as grains and

spices, nuts, oil and other foodstuffs are purchased in bulk and are to be stored

systematically. The perishable items like milk, vegetables, eggs, poultry and other

perishables need to be purchased at frequent intervals from every day to at least once in

a week. The storage of the perishables needs cold – storage facility. The menu planning

is an important part of the organizational working of a catering unit like the

departmental or an industrial canteen. In most of the canteens the meals and snacks

both are served to the consumers. Rice, Dal, and chapatti, roti or paratha are the main

items of the standardised meals plate. Dry and wet vegetables meaning vegetables

without and with gravy or curry are essential items. Chutney, curds, pickles, raita, and

papad are necessary accompaniments with salad of onions, cucumber, carrot, tomato,

beet and radish, according to the availability of items. South Indian preparations are

favored. Bakery products and snacks are in great demand, fast food items are getting

popular. Food production process is an essential part of the preparation of food items,

which involves many processes but cooking is the general term used for the entire

processing network. The food service involves the mechanics of waiter service. The

dining hall service in the departmental canteens is taken care of by the staff who is

responsible for the floor management. Self service is being introduced in some of the

canteens. The service in the hall or in the open yard is being encouraged these days.

The dishwashing, cleaning and equipment maintenance are the final process in the

orgainsational working of the departmental or industrial canteens. The organisational

working involves the main task of preparation and serving of food items and disposal of

waste materials including cleaning and washing.

There are seventeen questions in the Questionnaire that cover this significant area

of organisational working of the departmental canteens and responses to these

questions are analyzed and interpreted at the appropriate portion of the survey

undertaken in this study.

5-4-2Structure of the organisation –

The structure of the organisation is the way the managements are designed in

the administrative set – up and management structures. The structures of the

management are of four distinct types. The first type of the structure of management

organisation is the tight bureaucratic structure with clear commands and control

relationships and strict rules. These structures are known as the closed systems of

management structures. The second type of management organisation structure is the

loose network with a large degree of discretionary decision making which is known as

the open system management structure. The third type is the project based structure of

management organisation. The fourth type is the matrix structure management

organisation. Current notions farour giving more opportunities to individual at various

levels to make ad hoc. decisions. This is empowering the individuals by making the

rules loose with the process to be followed but at the same time tightening the control

of results. In this pattern, the individual organizations and systems are held accountable

for the choices and decisions they make in this loose tight arrangement one which is

loose about means but tight about ends.

In the context of the departmental canteens the structure of management

organisation is generally of the first type in which the structure is of tight bureaucratic

structure which is more or less a closed system structure. There is a centralized

command and control system of policy making and implementation. The guidelines

given in the Green book are the part of a centralised command and control system. The

closed system of management organisation of decision making at the top and the

execution at the lower level is the pattern of the organisational structure of the

departmental canteens.

The process of management consists of forecasting, planning, organizing,

directing, co- ordinating, controlling, innovating, each of which contributes towards

efficiency. The pattern of structure of organisation in the context of departmental

canteens is that of the decision- making and policy matters at the top end of the

structure and the execution and implementation at the lower end of the structure of

management organisation. The same is followed by most of the departmental canteens.

It is more or less similar to the pyramid structure with the tip of the summit at the top

and the bottom base at the lower end. The summit top is represented by the top level

management of policy makers and the administrators. The lower base at the bottom is

the symbolic representation of the lower end workforce of those utility men, helpers,

waiters, cooks and other employees who carry out the instructions of the policy –

makers and decision – makers.

5-5-1 Departmental Canteens in and around Pune

There are several central and state government offices in and around Pune. The

headquarters of the Southern command is situated in Pune. There are many other

Defence production units like Ammunition Factory, Ordnance Depot and defence

Research establishments like DRDO, ARDL and AIT, command hospital, Artificial

Limb centre, Bombay Engineering Group, Mines and Sappers, Defence Accounts,

Army Physical Training centre and other units are functioning in Pune. It is also the

headquarters of the Air force unit. The training Institute like National Defence

Academy is at Khadakwasla near Pune. The National Virology Institute functions in

Pune. The Income Tax Commissionerate and the Central Excise Department offices are

working in Pune. The Zoological survey of India, the Botnical survey of India, the

Archeology Department office and other central government offices have their Pune

branches functioning here. The National Chemical Laboratory has occupied a

significant position in the research establishments all over the World. The Central

Power and Water Research Institute is another unique institution in Pune. The Tropical

Metereology Department and other units have made significant contributions to the

scientific forecasting of the weather and monsoon conditions for the entire country and

in Pune this department is known by the name of Simla Office. The All India Radio

Station Pune and the Film and Television Institute in Pune, the National Film Arcive

made their mark in the fields related to their functioning. The Armed Forces Medical

College is situated in Pune.

Similarly, Pune is the administrative headquaters of the region named Western

Maharashtra. The Governor of the state resides during the rainy season in the Raj

Bhavan. The directorates of departments like Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Co-

operation, Forests, Education, Higher Education, Youth and Sports, Social Welfare and

others are working from Pune. The regional level offices of the other departments of

the state are situated in Pune. Text – book Bureau and HSC, SSC Board offices and

SCERT have their headquarters in Pune. There are many state level institutions in Pune.

In addition to these central and state government offices, there are many Universities

such as Pune, Bharati, DY Patil, Symbiosis, Tilak Maharashtra and others that function

from Pune. Similarly, hospitals like Sassoon Hospital, Chest Hospital, Deenanath

Mangeshkar Hospital, Ruby Hall Clinic, YC Hospital, Birla Hospital and Inlax Burhani

Hospital and many others have made Pune a major healthcare destination. A large

number of educational institutions and IT units are established in Pune.

Most of these institutions mentioned above have the units of canteens in their

establishment and a large majority of these canteens are run as departmental canteens.

Their number is very large but those that have responded to the Questionnaire designed

for the purpose of the present study are fourteen departmental canteens.

5-5-2Profile of departmental canteens surveyed

The departmental canteens which have replied the questions in the 50 question

Questionnaire are from the defence units, the railway organisation, a public sector

undertaking and an industrial unit. The two departmental canteens in the defence

establishment are RDE (Engg) Dighi. The Base camp unit is in the Army Headquarters

and its departmental canten caters to the needs of the members of this unit. The other

unit is a research and development unit of the defence development wing, mainly doing

work in the engineering research and it is situated in Dighi, which is now a part of Pune

metropolitan region. The catering requirements of the staff of this research unit in

engineering are met by the departmental canteen attached to this unit and located on its


There are two establishments in the railway organisation which have the

departmental canteens attached to them. Pune has recently been made a divisional

railway headquarters but from the introduction of the railways in this part of the

country, Pune was an important halt for all south- bound railway passengers. Mumbai –

Bengaluru and Mumbai – Chennai routes operate through Pune railway station, though

now Konkan Railway has opened an alternative route to commuters desirous of

travelling to south. Now the gauge conversion has taken place but till then Pune was the

terminal station for the meter guage railway. This being the case the catering facilities

were most in demand at Pune railway station. The railway catering service has

departmental canteens at Pune railway station. This facility is available for all the

twenty four hours. The catering service is of multi – cuisine pattern offering South

Indian, Punjabi, Continental and Chinese vegetarian and non – vegetarian items. It is a

fine catering establishment of the departmental canteen category and the survey

conducted for this study has covered these departmental canteens of Railway

Departmental catering at Pune station. The South Contral Railway departmental

canteens are located at Ghorpadi in Pune area. This suburban station in Pune has a loco

– shed for the maintenance of diesel engines round the clock. The staff at this servicing

centre needs catering facilities and therefore the departmental canteen service is made

available to them almost for the entire duration of their working hours. The

departmental railway canteens cover the two categories of general public utility

catering and staff catering units.

The remaining departmental canteen are situated in Pimpri – Chinchwad area.

Greaves India is a subsidiary of Ruston Greaves company situated in the Pimpri –

Chinchwad industrial belt of the Pune region. This company runs the company owned

departmental canteens for the catering requirements of the employees working in the

three different shifts in the plant and premises of the company that has engineering

goods production as its major function. Hindustan Antibiotics Limited is the public

sector undertaking in Pimpri and it is the largest life saving drug production unit in the

country. The high turnout of the plant workers and other employees need facilities of

refreshment and food and therefore the departmental canteen facilities are made

available by the company management on the premises of the company in Pimpri. The

shifts are run in the company and the same pattern is followed in the departmental

canteens of the company. These are the fourteen departmental canteens surveyed in the

present study through the responses to the questionnaire and a brief profile of these

departmental canteens is offered in this section and thus the ground is prepared for the

presentation, interpretation and analysis of data related to the administration and

management of the industrial and departmental canteens in and around Pune during the

span of five years from 1998 to 2002.