Chapter 9: Dietary Supplements and Performance Enhancers.

Chapter 9: Dietary Supplements and Performance Enhancers

Transcript of Chapter 9: Dietary Supplements and Performance Enhancers.

Chapter 9:

Dietary Supplements and Performance Enhancers

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Dietary Supplements

Many athletes use supplements in an effort to enhance their performance.

Dietary supplements are products other than tobacco that are intended to enhance the diet.

They include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and/or other botanicals.

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Performance Enhancers

Many athletes use chemical enhancers to improve their athletic competition results.

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Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are substances based on the male sex hormone, testosterone, that are used to enhance metabolism and build up body tissues, especially muscles.

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Anabolic Steroids (cont.)

Anabolic steroid use (in year 2000)

Grade 8th 10th 12th

Ever used 3.0% 3.5% 2.5%

Used in past year 1.7% 2.2% 1.7%

Used in past month 0.8% 1.0% 0.8%

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Androstenedione is a steroid produced naturally in both men and women.

It can change or enhance the growth and development of masculine or feminine traits.

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Caffeine is an alkaloid that acts as a stimulant.

It is present in coffee, many soft drinks, and chocolate.

It is believed to enhance endurance and improve reaction times.

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Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is an amino acid found naturally in skeletal muscle that is stored for quick energy.

As a supplement, it is used to increase skeletal muscle.

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Ephedra is now banned by the NCAA, NFL, and IOC.

It is derived from a shrublike plant and is used as a stimulant to boost energy and aid in weight loss.

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Athletic Code of Ethics

Clarifies and distinguishes proper practices from those that are detrimental and harmful.

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Proper Conductand Good Sportsmanship

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Do not evade or break the rules of your game.

Treat officials and opponents with respect. Accept the final decision of any official.

Honor visiting teams and spectators and behave honorably at other schools.

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Proper Conduct andGood Sportsmanship (cont.)

Be gracious in victory and defeat. Be as cooperative as you are

competitive. Your actions reflect on you and

your school.

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Purpose of Athletics in Schools

To teach rules, fundamentals, and skills of individual and team sports

To provide physical training To provide healthy competition and

cooperation within and between schools

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Purpose of Athletics in Schools (cont.)

To develop good sportsmanship that will enhance a student’s education

To maintain the spirit of amateur competition

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Guidelines for Coaches

Athletics is part of a student’s education, not a goal in itself.

Coaches assist students toward their fullest potential in athletics.

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Guidelines for Coaches (cont.)

Coaches shall conduct themselves in a way that brings credit to them and their teams, schools, and sports.

Coaches must maintain objectivity and balance commensurate with good sportsmanship.

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Guidelines for Players

Players shall represent themselves and their schools with honor, proper conduct, and good sportsmanship.

Players shall comply fully with the rulings of officials.

Players shall adhere to the rules of the school and the athletic department.