Chapter 776 February 2016 Newsletter

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Transcript of Chapter 776 February 2016 Newsletter

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 776 February 2016 Newsletter


    Next Meeting February 24, 2016 at theBettendorf Public Library

    7:00 P.M. - 1900 hours

    N E V E R A G A I N W I L L O N E G E N E R A T I O N O F V E T E R A N S A B A N D O N A N O T H E

    Vol. 20 Issue 2

    Officers and Board of DirectorsPresident Greg Paulline 563 650-3055 Dir. David Woods 563 326-Vice-President Bruce Cheek 563 349-4129 Dir. Ed Gaudet 563 349-Treasurer Harold Hansen 563 505-9674 Dir. Bill Matthews 563 355-Secretary John Lavelle 563 355-4213 Dir. Steve Satre 563 289-Trustee. Lyle Peterson 563 386-1286 Dir. Larry Witt 563 388-

    THESPIRITOF776F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 N E W S L E T T E R

    V I E T N A M V E T E R A N S O F A M E R I C A C H A P T E R 7 7

    VeteranService Officers


    CoordinatorsClarke Barnes309 944-3674Ed Gaudet

    563 343-9456David Woods563 326-8723Ernest Ledjte563 785-6182

    Tom Lemon563 359-3201

    Honor GuardJohn Lavelle563 355-4213

    Web MasterRoger Granbois

    [email protected]

    Euchre or eucre is a trick!takingc a r d g a m e m o s t c o m m o n l yplayed with four people in twopartnerships with a deck of 24,o r s o m e t i m e s 3 2 , s t a n d a r dplaying cards. It is the gameresponsible for introducing thejoker into modern packs; thiswas invented around 1860 to actas a top trump or best bower. Itis believed to be closely relatedto the French game cart thatwas popularized in the UnitedS t a t e s b y t h e C o r n i s h a n dPennsylvania Dutch, and to theseventeenth!century game ofb a d re p u te L o o . It m a y b esometimes referred to as KnockEuchre to distinguish it fromBid Euchre.

    Proceeds to Chap 776



    VVA 776MARCH 12


    (Division SDavenport

    $25 per persPrizes:$300$200$100




    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 776 February 2016 Newsletter


    Minutes of January 2016 Membership Meeting

    The meeting was called to order by President Paulline at 1900 hours. Officers present, Vice-pr

    Bruce Cheek, Secretary, John Lavelle, Treasurer Harold Hansen. The members recited the ple

    llegiance and observed a moment of silence for POW/MIA and also for those still serving in

    way. A sheet was passed for members to sign and add their email address. The minutes

    November meeting were accepted as published in the newsletter. Harold Hansen inform

    members concerning our current monetary situation. Members in distress Martha Lave

    Hildebrand is recovering from his knee surgery, Chuck Morrell, Ed Gaudet is receiving treat

    Greg Paulline has a new stent or two. If you know of any member who is ill or in distress

    ontact the newsletter editor. Bruce Cheek read two thank you notes from veterans who re

    askets this past holiday season. He also read a request from Jasons Box requesting a donation

    ATV. Milestones is offering a class for falling prevention contact Greg Paulline for more inform

    This months coin stories are from Allen Thede presented coins to some of his veteran friends

    West End, Bruce Cheek presented one to a new member of the SeaBees Group and invited

    ttend a meeting, Steve Satre presented two coins to his son who is retiring from the U.S. Arm

    Larry Witt presented a coin to a veteran truck driver. Larry informed the members that

    urrently at 130 Life members, 57 Individual members, and 24 AVVA members. The VVA Fire

    till going on so those of you who are individual members can still upgrade to Life Membershast Christmas the chapter donated 24 food baskets from HyVee to needy veterans in the Quad

    im Owens spoke about the recent hospital visit at Christmas time, a large contingent of c

    members helped at this last visit and were accompanied by Santa Claus (Sgt. Pepper)

    nformation came from Ed Gaudet, the new head of the VSO in the state of Iowa is Scott Fr

    ear we got a grant from VVA for VSO work in the amount of $15,000 even though the state is

    he leaders in getting veteran compensation this year with $43 million and Scott county raise

    million in veteran disability compensation.

    cholarships this year will amount to four, one is earmarked for any Iraq or Afghanistan vetera

    eadline is March 31st so remember to get them turned in through our P.O. Box!Ed Hildebrand said that a number of local schools have committed to taking part in the V

    Veterans Parade as well as the Fairfield H.S. band, a Navy band from Great Lakes Training

    Modern Woodman is offering a (501c19) grant to assist with the parade as well. JPAC will

    epresentation also in the parade. Greg Paulline is helping Ed with the parade development also

    OLD BUSINESS. Greg handed out VVA sweatshirts to those who ordered them and were

    meeting. Honor Flight of the Quad Cities has four flights scheduled this coming year and th

    ow 675 Vietnam Veterans signed up. The September flight this year will be all Vietnam Veteran

    The State Council Meeting is making some progress. Quarterly meetings are currently hel

    hapter donates $4,000 a year in support. In May chapter members are going to go to DesMoold an Orange Clover Sale to further support the State Council.

    NEW BUSINESS. The Lunar New Year celebration is on Sunday, February 14th and the Viet

    ommunity has again invited us as honored guest. Greg Paulline is trying to organize

    onference on PTSD and TBI, as well as other mental health issues related to military serv

    entatively run in March of 2017. Greg asked the chapter for permission to pursue this event a

    hapter voted encouragingly for him to continue. Jan Tappa is hosting a Euchre Tournament

    Elementary School on Division Street March 12 it is $25 per person. Prizes are $300 ~ $200

    Call Loretta at 563 650-3040. There is also a 50/50. Proceeds will be donated to VVA 776. Bar

    as placed Terrys gun collection with M&M Pawn if anyone is interested. You know they wil

    ood shape Minutes submitted by John P Lavelle chapter secretary

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 776 February 2016 Newsletter


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    (Show them this Newslett

    CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINEThis year we are offering four scholarship, one is

    earmarked for an Iraq or Afghanistan veteran and three

    are as usual for chapter members or families members oVietnam veterans. Dont miss the chance of a membershiperk. Go to the chapter web site. VVA776.orgclick on

    Membership and scroll down to scholarships.

    Deadline is March 31st