Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish...

Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana

Transcript of Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish...

Page 1: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana

Page 2: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Themes:• Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp.

124-125)• Spanish Government Begins; New Laws

(pp. 126-130)• Unzaga; Gálvez; Miró (pp. 131-135)• The Acadians (pp. 136-137) • The New Orleans Fires (pp. 138-139) • Carondelet; Economics (pp. 140-141)

Page 3: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Themes:• End of Spanish Louisiana; Louisiana Purc

hase (pp. 142-146)

• Review (p. 147)

Page 4: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

I. Spanish Government Begins • Creoles were outraged when they learned

of the Spanish control

GLEs: 64, 65, 66, 72, 73, 76, 77

Page 5: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. Antonio de Ulloa1. Spain owned the colony but France continued

to run it

2. A famous scientist and engineer who was appointed Spain’s first governor in Louisiana.

3. Viewed as weak, distant, and a poor manager, he was ousted from power during the Creole Revolution.

4. He was an introvert and distant from the people.

Page 6: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. French Colonial Government Remains

1. Rather than making a bold transition, he chose to forego a formal public ceremony celebrating the transfer of control from France to Spanish control.

2. He planned to rule behind the scenes

Page 7: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

C. Unrest in the Colony1. He married a mestizo woman and many felt

he had violate the Code Noir.2. New economic regulations destroyed

traditional trade ties.3. Inflation was out of control so he set fixed

prices4. Merchants did not like being told how much

they could charge for goods 5. Superior Council hated him and began

plotting to rebel

Page 8: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

D. The Creole Revolution1. October 28, 1768, a mob of locals disabled the

cannons protecting New Orleans.

2. 400 Creoles and German Coast residents stormed the city, and the Superior Council ordered Ulloa to leave

3. Ulloa left and the French flag flew once again

4. They wrote a letter to the French king asking to be taken back by France—The king did not respond

5. Spain was going to strike back

Page 9: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Spanish soldier re-enactor

Page 10: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

E. The Spanish Return to Louisiana 1. 1 year later, Spanish fleet with 2,000

soldiers arrived in New Orleans to take back control

2. Commanded by General Don Alejandro O’Reilly

3. Spanish flag was raised

Page 11: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

F. “Bloody” O’Reilly1. Although Irish, he served Spain, and with

his troops returned Louisiana to Spanish control after the Creole Revolution.

2. He executed and imprisoned the revolt’s leaders and served as Louisiana’s governor for a year.

3. Became know as “Bloody” O’Reilly

4. he served as governor for about a year

Page 12: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Don Alejandro O’Reilly

Page 13: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

II. New Laws• The Spanish government was more

effective than that of the French

Page 14: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. Something Old, Something New1. Spanish officials were specifically trained for their jobs

so the government was more efficient than under French rule.

2. Checks and balances reduced political corruption among officials.

3. Two lieutenant governors assisted the governor. 4. The colony was divided into 12 districts with a

commandment in each to enforce the law and judge minor cases.

5. 12 parishes were established. Each had a Catholic church and a priest.

6. The colony’s economic affairs were controlled by the intendant.

Page 15: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. The Cabildo1. Replaced the Superior Council and passed

laws for the city of New Orleans

2. It included members who were appointed (even Creoles), as well as some who paid for their positions.

3. Each member had specific responsibilities.

4. If someone was convicted of a crime, they could appeal the conviction to the Cabildo

Page 16: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

C. The Legal System Improves1. French customs of Paris is replaced with

the O’Reilly Code

2. The O’Reilly Code was the name of the new Spanish legal system

3. It had various levels of courts and judges who were trained for their positions

Page 17: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

D. Changes to the Code Noir1. Spanish Code Noir was similar to French, but included

more rights for slaves 2. Freed slaves had the same rights as whites3. Slaves could now testify in court4. They were guaranteed a 30-minute lunch break and

two-hour dinner breaks. 5. Owners could now free slaves without government

permission. 6. Slaves had the right to buy their own freedom by

splitting any wages they earned with their owners. 7. These changes resulted in a steady increase in the

number of freed slaves.8. Most became small merchants or craftsmen

Page 18: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

E. French Culture Survives1. the Creoles tolerated the Spanish and

then began to appreciate them

2. O’Reilly established language schools, but he did not force Creoles to adopt Spain’s language or customs

3. They could maintain French customs and traditions as long as they did not conflict with the Spanish

Page 19: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

III. Luis de Unzaga• Replaced O’Reilly as governor of

Louisiana. • His calm manner and marriage to a local

woman along with allowing floating warehouses helped the colony prosper.

• Allowed English trading vessels, called floating warehouses, to come down the Mississippi River and trade goods even thought it was illegal

GLEs: 64, 65, 66, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80

Page 20: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. The American Revolution 1. 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard had been

arguing with Great Britain for years2. Fighting erupted3. July 4, 1776, colonial delegates approved a

document declaring their independence as a separate nation

4. Spain did not officially support either side, but hoped the colonies would win

5. Unzaga offered the colonies help6. provided Oliver Pollock, an American merchant

with wheat to aid the colonies

Page 21: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

IV. Bernardo de Gálvez• Became governor after Unzaga. • He was popular with the citizens of

Louisiana and secretly helped the colonies as they fought for independence.

• Worked secretly with Pollock to provide aid to the colonies

• Shipped medicine, clothing, and weapons up the Mississippi to the rebels

Page 22: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. The Willing Expedition1. James Willings, an American, launched a military raid

on British West Florida2. attached English plantations around Natchez and Baton

Rouge3. They burned, looted, stole private property, and

captured and English warship 4. Willing then transported goods to New Orleans to sell 5. Galvez was caught in the middle6. Willings’ action turned West Florida residents to the side

of the English due to his brutal treatment

Page 23: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. Taking Sides1. France and Spain decided to join the colonies in their

war against England 2. Galvez raised an army and marched for Baton Rouge 3. Army included Spanish soldiers, Creoles, black

militiamen, and Indians4. Galvez captured Fort Bute, Fort Richmond, an English

regiment at Mobile, and Pensacola 5. Treaties ending the Revolutionary war forced England to

give: – Independence to Americans – Florida to Spain

6. Baton Rouge and the rest of West Florida continue to be separate from Louisiana

7. Spain owned the entire Gulf Coast

Page 24: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

North America,


Page 25: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

V. Esteban Rodríguez Miró • A Louisiana governor fluent in seven

languages. • More settlers came to Louisiana during his

term than during that of any other Spanish governor.

Page 26: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. The Colony Grows1. the population grew under Spanish


2. Grew because the Spanish wanted to move in large numbers of people to protect the gold and silver mines in Mexico

Page 27: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. Land Grants1. Spain built colonies population by

offering land grants which was a parcel of land promised to each family who would settle in Louisiana

2. Government also provided tools, a rooster, two hens, two pigs, and supplies for a year

Page 28: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

C. The Isleños- “Islanders” 1. Spanish group from the Canary Islands

2. settled mostly in areas of St. Bernard, Ascension, and Plaquemines Parishes and made their livings by fishing and trapping

Page 29: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

D. Settling Northeast Louisiana 1. settled by a few French hunters and their


2. they complained that the English and their Indian allies were raiding the area

3. Spanish official took action

4. Miro sent Captain Don Juan Filhiol up the Ouachita River to organize the French families into settlements

Page 30: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

E. The Kaintocks1. tensions over the Mississippi grew2. Americans frequently traveled down the river to trade in

New Orleans 3. Most came from Kentucky, the Creoles called all of

them Kaintocks4. they came into the city, drank too much, got into fights,

and generally caused trouble 5. Due to this Miro closed the river to most American trade 6. Sometimes they let them through and sometime they

didn’t7. Kaintocks were furious with this inconsistency

Page 31: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

F. The Spanish Conspiracy 1. Miro was involved2. General James Wilkerson, an American and former

American Revolution general, was an ambitious and untrustworthy man

3. He was forced to resign from the army 4. Wilkerson moved to Kentucky Territory5. he traveled to New Orleans and met secretly with

Governor Miro6. he swore allegiance to Spain 7. Tried to get Kentucky to break away from the United

States and join the Spanish territory 8. Failed and Kentucky became a US state

Page 32: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

VI. The Acadians• One of the largest group of settlers • French-speaking Catholic colonists who lived in

the French Canadian province of Acadia, which is modern-day Nova Scotia

• England acquired Acadia during one of the colonial wars, but the Acadians did not like the English Protestants

• The French and Indian War erupted and the English were afraid the Acadians would help the French, so they were deported

GLEs: 64, 65, 74, 75, 78, 81

Page 34: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. Le Grand Deŕangement1. 1755, the English government called a

meeting and forced about 6,000 Acadians aboard a ship

2. It was tramatic and life-shattering

3. no one wanted the Acadians

4. People thought they were a burden and were competitors for jobs

Page 35: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. Acadians Find Refuge in Louisiana

1. After many year in exile, Spain realized they would help populate the colony

2. Spanish offered to pay their way to Louisiana

3. 1769-1785: perhaps as many as 10,000 Acadians came to the colony

4. Settled in the prairies of southwest Louisiana and along Bayou Teche

Page 36: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

**Acadians and Cajuns (Read more about it on page 137)

Page 37: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

**”Evangeline” and Bayou Teche (Read more about it on

page 137)

Page 38: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Evangeline Oak

Page 39: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

**New Orleans Fires of 1788 and 1794 (Read more about it on page 138)

• When a priest knocked over a candle the curtains caught fire

• Since it was Easter, bells were kept quiet so it took longer to notify the fire department

• Because the firemen spoke only French and the officials giving order spoke Spanihs, they were unable to communicate effectively

• Due to the size of the fire, it destroyed over 850 buildings, and over 1000 people lost their homes

• To reduce fire hazards, Governor Carondelet ordered builders to use brick for structures over one story tall.

• After the second fire, architects and builders copied Spanish styles so most French Quarter architecture is more Spanish than French. GLEs: 65, 73

Page 40: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

VII. Francisco Luis Hector, Baron de Carondelet

• He was born in France, served in the French military, joined the Spanish Army.

• Although French, he governed Louisiana for Spain.

• He established laws under which slaves were treated more humanly.

GLEs: 64, 65, 66, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80

Page 41: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. Boundary Disputes1. Spain gained West Florida, but it’s northern

boundary was under dispute2. Spain claimed Natchez as part of the territory3. United States argued4. Western American threatened to attack New

Orleans and secure take the Mississippi River5. American’s were angry because Spain had

closed the river again 6. Spain knew they would lose a war with the

United States and have to give up Louisiana

Page 42: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. Treaty of San Lorenzo-Pinckney’s Treaty

1. Spain avoided war

2. US got to use the Mississippi River for trade and had the right of deposit in New Orleans for 3 years

3. West Florida boundary was changed at 31 degrees north latitude

Page 43: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

C. The Pointe Coupée Slave Revolt1. Carondelet felt harsh treatment of slaves could

lead to rebellion, so he established laws that treated slave more humanely.

2. His policy has several effects.3. These included:

• Slaves challenging their owners’ authority• Work slowdowns• The Pointe Coupee Slave Rebellion-which resulted in the

hanging of 23 slaves and 31 floggings so severe that only four survived

• Some slave owners then began treating slaves even more harshly than before the new policy

• The new policy put slaves under the authority of all whites.

Page 44: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

VIII. Economics

• Spain was much more successful than France

Page 45: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. Sugar

1. Became the largest cast crop in the colony

2. Etienne de Bore was a sugarcane grower with a plantation in New Orleans

3. His new granulation process made sugarcane a very profitable crop

Page 46: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. Perique Tobacco

1. Became an important cash crop that brought money to the colony

Page 47: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

C. Land Grants

1. Marquis de Maison Rouge and Baron de Bastrop were given land grants.

2. Neither man met his quota to bring new settlers in

3. Most settlers who did come to the colony were Americans who brought English culture with them

Page 48: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

IX. The End of Spanish Louisiana

1. During the French Revolution, working-class people rebelled against upper-class aristocrats who ruled France.

2. During the 10-year revolt thousands were killed.

3. The King and Queen were beheaded.

GLEs: 65, 66, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78

Page 49: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

A. Foreign French1. Louisiana’s French population grew because

of the masses of French fleeing the country to escape the Revolution

2. They were called Foreign French

3. Soon Revolutionary societies sprang up in Louisiana and the Spain feared a revolt

4. Governor Carondelet sent in more troops and arrested the rebels

5. There was no revolt

Page 50: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

B. Napoleon Bonaparte1. He became France’s Dictator after the French

Revolution. 2. dreamt of rebuilding the French empire in

America3. The only significant colony France had left in

North American was Saint-Domingue4. He wanted to turn this colony into a money-

making sugarcane plantation5. He needed a place to get food for the

plantation slaves and Louisiana was the answer

Page 51: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Page 52: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

C. A Secret Treaty

1. Fall of 1800 Napoleon forced Spain to give Louisiana back to France in the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso.

2. Spain’s military was too weak to fight Napoleon

3. He allowed the Spanish to continue running the colony

4. President Thomas Jefferson became concerned the Napoleon may want to attack the United States

Page 53: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

Thomas Jefferson

Page 54: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

James Monroe

Page 55: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

D. Fighting for Control

1. 1802 Spain revoked the right of deposit to American traders

2. If the river was eventually closed to trade the US economy would suffer

3. Jefferson decided to buy the Isle of Orleans

4. He know whoever controlled the city of New Orleans controlled the entire Mississippi Valley

Page 56: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

E. A Change of Plans1. Jefferson send US ambassador to France,

Robert Livingston to make the purchase2. Napoleon would not consider selling the Isle of

Orleans3. James Monroe then traveled to France 4. Napoleon decided he wanted to sell all of

Louisiana5. He wanted the money for a war against

England and he had lost Saint-Domingue to a slave revolt (became Haiti) , so he no longer needed LA for food supplies

Page 57: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

F. The Louisiana Purchase1. Napoleon planned to turn Saint-Dominque into a giant sugarcane

plantation, but he would then need to feed the slaves by raising more crops in Louisiana.

2. A war with England and a slave rebellion on the island forced him to sell Louisiana to the United States instead.

3. Jefferson knew how aggressive Napoleon was and wondered if he might attack the United States.

4. Robert Livingston and James Monroe traveled to France to convince Napoleon to sell the Isle of Orleans to the United States.

5. They soon learned Napoleon wanted to sell the entire colony of Louisiana for the price of $15 million.

6. To pay for this, Jefferson arranged to borrow most of the money from English banks.

7. Our nation doubled in size thanks to the Louisiana Purchase8. The area was later carved into 15 different states.

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The Louisiana Purchase

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**Troubled in the Bubbles (Read more about it on page )

Page 60: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

G. Another New Culture

1. Residents of the colony had lived under both French and Spanish rule before being acquired by the United States.

2. Resident included slaves, free blacks, Acadians, and immigrants from the Canary Islands and France.

3. Evidence of French, Spanish, and Cajun culture is still evident today.

Page 61: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

H. Three Flags in Three Weeks

1. Spain to France

2. 3 weeks later, France to the United States

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Spanish, French, and American flags

Page 63: Chapter 6: Spanish Louisiana. Themes: Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp. 124-125) Spanish Government Begins; New Laws (pp. 126-130)Spanish Government.

I. A New Era1. Mercantilism was gone2. all powerful monarchies were gone3. LA had to get accustom to American ideals,

such as 4. Free enterprise5. Voting6. Jury duty7. Political parties8. Freedom of Religion

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