Chapter 5. Units Measures the drug in terms of action No symbol for units.

Dimensional Analysis Chapter 5

Transcript of Chapter 5. Units Measures the drug in terms of action No symbol for units.

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Chapter 5 Slide 2 Units Measures the drug in terms of action No symbol for units Slide 3 Sample problems - Answers Express the unit dosage in numerals and symbols: 1. Three hundred and fifty thousand units. A. 350,000 units 2. Twenty-five hundred units. A. 25,000 units 3. Sixty units. A. 60 units Slide 4 Percentage (%) measures Percentage means parts per hundred. No space between the # and the % 1% not 1 % The greater the percentage strength, the stronger the solution or ointment. Slide 5 Sample Question Which is stronger, a 3% solution or a 6% solution? A. 3% B. 6% Slide 6 Which of the following is the correct abbreviation for units? A. Un B. U C. UN D. Ut E. None of the above Slide 7 Percentage (%) measures In solution, percent represents the number of grams of drug per 100 mL of solution. 100 mL of a 1% solution will contain 1 g of drug Slide 8 Sample Questions 100 mL of a 1% solution will contain how many grams of drug? 1 g 100 mL of a 2.5% solution will contain how many grams of drug? 2.5 g 100 mL of a 10% solution will contain how many grams of drug? 10 g Slide 9 100 mL of a 5% solution will contain how many grams of drug? A.1 g B.5 g C.10 g D.100 g E.None of the above Slide 10 But what if it is not 100 mL Mrs. Keele? Slide 11 Convert % to fraction Slide 12 What is the fraction of 7% A. 70 B. 7 C. 0.7 D. 0.07 E. 0.007 Slide 13 What is the fraction of 60% A. 60 B. 6 C. 0.6 D. 0.06 E. None of the above Slide 14 Slide 15 250 mL of a 5% solution will contain how many grams of drug? Slide 16 325 mL of a 6% solution will contain how many grams of drug? A.18.5 g B.6 g C.16.25 g D.19.5 g E.None of the above Slide 17 120 mL of a 5.4% solution will contain how many grams of drug? A. 6.45 g B. 64.5 g C. 645 g D. None of the above E. Im so lost I have no idea! Slide 18 260 mL of a 3% solution will contain how many grams of drug? A. 0.78 g B. 7.8 g C. 78 g D. 780 g E. None of the above Slide 19 Milliequivalent (mEq) measures Number of grams of drug contained in 1 mL of a solution Who cares? Not you What do I need to know -mEq = milliequivalent Slide 20 Sample Questions: Express the milliequivalent dosages in numbers and symbols: 1. Fifteen milliequivalents A. 15 mEq 2. Twenty-five milliequivalents A. 25 mEq 3. Forty-two milliequivalents A. 42 mEq Slide 21 Ratio Measures Parts of drug per parts of solution 1:500 1 part drug to 500 parts solution 1:20 1 part drug to 20 parts solution A solution that is 1 part drug and 10 parts solution is written: 1:10 Slide 22 If I take 1 bottle of alcohol & add it to 2 bottles of soda 1:2 ratio How drunk would one glass of this spiked punch make you? Slide 23 If I take 1 bottle of alcohol & add it to 5 bottles of soda 1:5 ratio How drunk would one glass of this spiked punch make you? Which would make you more drunk 1:2 or 1:5? Slide 24 Ratio Measures The less solution a drug is dissolved in, the stronger the solution. A ratio of 1:2 is much stronger than 1:5 A ration of 1:5 is much stronger than a 1:500 Slide 25 Identify the strongest solution: A) 1:20 B) 1:200 C) 1:2 Slide 26 Identify the strongest solution: A) 1:50 B) 1:20 C) 1:100 Slide 27 Identify the strongest solution: A) 1:1000 B) 1:4000 C) 1:3000 Slide 28 Household & Apothecary measures Ounce Abbreviation: oz Slide 29 Household & Apothecary measures Slide 30 Slide 31 Teaspoon Abbreviation: t, TSP, tsp Metric equivalent: 5 mL So 1 tsp = 5 mL How many milliliters in 3 tsp? 15 mL (3 tsp x 5 mL = 15 mL) Slide 32 Household & Apothecary measures Drop Abbreviation: gtt (gtts) Metric equivalent: 1 mL So 1 gtt = 1 mL How many milliliters in 3 gtts? 3 mL (3 x 1 = 3) Slide 33 Household & Apothecary measures Grain Abbreviation: gr Metric equivalent: 60 mg 1 gr = 60 mg How many milligrams in 3 gr? 180 mg (3 x 60 = 180) (For grains see page 306 of your text book) Slide 34 How many mL in 5 teaspoons? A. 5 mL B. 10 mL C. 15 mL D. 25 mL E. None of the above Slide 35 How many mL in 25 drops? A. 25 mL B. 50 mL C. 75 mL D. 100 mL E. None of the above Slide 36 The doctor says to give 2 oz, but you only have a mL cup. How much do you give in mL? A. 2 mL B. 15 mL C. 30 mL D. 60 mL E. None of the above Slide 37 How many milligrams in 3 grains? A. 50 mg B. 100 mg C. 150 mg D. 200 mg E. None of the above Slide 38 How many milliliters in 1 tablespoon? A. 5 mL B. 10 mL C. 15 mL D. 25 mL E. None of the above Slide 39 True / False: A 40% solution is stronger than a 30% solution. A. True B. False Slide 40 True / False: A 5% ointment is stronger than a 2% ointment. A. True B. False Slide 41 True / False: 100mL of a 3% solution will contain 30 grams of drug. A. True B. False Slide 42 2.8 mL of a 5.7% solution will contain how many grams of drug? (Round to the nearest tenth) A. 2.8 g B. 5.7 g C. 0.1 g D. 0.2 g E. None of the above