Chapter 4 section 4 Objective 1.01 & 1.03 – Identify major domestic issues & assess relations with...

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download Chapter 4 section 4 Objective 1.01 & 1.03 – Identify major domestic issues & assess relations with other nations James Madison 1809-1817.

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Transcript of Chapter 4 section 4 Objective 1.01 & 1.03 – Identify major domestic issues & assess relations with...

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  • Chapter 4 section 4 Objective 1.01 & 1.03 Identify major domestic issues & assess relations with other nations James Madison 1809-1817
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  • Election of 1808 Republican Party candidate= James Madison Federalist Candidate= Charles Pinckney Madison won!! Tensions between the US & Britain were rising again!
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  • War Hawks Southern & western senators in congress Wanted to declare war on England John C. CalhounHenry Clay
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  • The Road to War Madison wanted to avoid war with Europe However problem with economy & continuing problems on the seas (IMPRESSMENTS, INCITEMENT OF INDIANS, SEIZURE OF US CARGO SHIPS ) Non-Intercourse Act forbade trade with Britain or France until they stopped restricting our trade. 1810 Macons Bill # 2- reopen trade with which ever nation (Britain or France) dropped its restrictions on trade with the US= US would stop trading with other nation. Napoleon (France) said he would stop seizing our ships (a trick!!) So we stopped trading with England Hurt Englands economy & by then Congress had declared war on Britain
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  • What is our national anthem? 1. America, the Beautiful 2. Star Spangled Banner 3. This Land is Our Land 4. America
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  • Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) Tecumseh Shawnee leader who tried to unite Native Americans to protect their lands Tenskwatawa the Prophet called for spiritual rebirth of the Native American culture William Henry Harrison Governor of Indiana territory Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) 200 American troops died & Native Americans fled to Canada Tecumseh Shawnee leader who tried to unite Native Americans to protect their lands Tenskwatawa the Prophet called for spiritual rebirth of the Native American culture William Henry Harrison Governor of Indiana territory Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) 200 American troops died & Native Americans fled to Canada
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  • War of 1812 British Impressments British seizure of US cargo Indian Attacks British forts still in the US War Hawks in the US Causes War between U.S. & combined force of Britain & Native Americans over trade & territory
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  • Mr. Madisons War Americans were divided about war with Britain. US attacked Canada at 3 points but failed Commodore Oliver Perry won Battle of Put-In-Bay which seemed to turn the tide of the war Napoleon was defeated (in Europe) which allowed Britain to refocus all resources on the US British attacked Eastern cities including Washington D.C.= burned the White House down Fort McHenry in Baltimore stood & stopped the British offensive Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner while watching the battle
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  • *The Hartford Convention (Dec. 1814) Meeting of New England Federalists that called for Constitutional amendments to strengthen their region Talked of seceding ** will lead to the death of the Federalist Party
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  • *Treaty of Ghent Ended the war Dec. 24, 1814 Restored original borders Did little to resolve sea & trade conflicts Result: Brought about a time of US nationalism & unity in the nation
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  • Battle of New Orleans (Jan. 1815) Occurred after the treaty was signed US troops led by Andrew Jackson Crushed the British Results: Made Jackson a war hero Didnt lose the port of New Orleans to the British Created patriotism among Americans