Chapter 4 5

Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION This chapter focuses on the analysis and the discussion about the phenomena that occur in the sentences contained in the script of Sang Pencerah movie and its English subtitles The Enlightened One. The writer will discuss about the changing in the point of view and in the grammatical fields in order to discover the accuracy and clarity in the English subtitles of Sang Pencerah movie. The indicator used and the data analyzed are based on the theories which are stated in chapter two. As the indicator data used, as proposed by Rahimi (2004:56) and modified by the writer, this analysis defied the scale into four either for the accuracy or the clarity. The sentence measured by scale three is indicated as accurate, the sentence measured by scale two is indicated as average, the sentence measured by scale one is indicated as less-accurate and the sentence measured by scale zero is indicated as inaccurate. The scale is also applied in the measurement of clarity. Sentence measured by scale three is indicated as clear, sentence measured by scale two is indicated as average, sentence measured by scale one is indicated as less-clear and sentence measured by zero is indicated as unclear. The occurrences of modulation and transposition procedures and the measurement of accuracy and clarity in the 25 data gained are classified. Both modulation and transposition tables and the indicators of accuracy and clarity table are revealed as follows:


modulation and transposition in Sang Pencerah Movie and Its Subtitles The Enlightened One

Transcript of Chapter 4 5


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This chapter focuses on the analysis and the discussion about the phenomena that

occur in the sentences contained in the script of Sang Pencerah movie and its

English subtitles The Enlightened One. The writer will discuss about the changing

in the point of view and in the grammatical fields in order to discover the

accuracy and clarity in the English subtitles of Sang Pencerah movie.

The indicator used and the data analyzed are based on the theories which are

stated in chapter two. As the indicator data used, as proposed by Rahimi

(2004:56) and modified by the writer, this analysis defied the scale into four either

for the accuracy or the clarity. The sentence measured by scale three is indicated

as accurate, the sentence measured by scale two is indicated as average, the

sentence measured by scale one is indicated as less-accurate and the sentence

measured by scale zero is indicated as inaccurate. The scale is also applied in the

measurement of clarity. Sentence measured by scale three is indicated as clear,

sentence measured by scale two is indicated as average, sentence measured by

scale one is indicated as less-clear and sentence measured by zero is indicated as

unclear. The occurrences of modulation and transposition procedures and the

measurement of accuracy and clarity in the 25 data gained are classified. Both

modulation and transposition tables and the indicators of accuracy and clarity

table are revealed as follows:


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4.1 Types of Modulation Procedure

4.1.1 Active for Passive and Vice Versa

Data 3

SL: Jadi dibutuhkan beberapa syarat untuk mendirikan perkumpulan. Pertama,

harus ada pengurus tetap. Kedua, nama perkumpulan dan maksud tujuan

perkumpulan tersebut untuk apa.

TL: So there are certain requirements to establish an organization. First, you

must have permanent staffs. Secondly, the organization’s name, what’s

purpose and intention?

From the example above the passive sentence in SL, indicated by the phrase”jadi

dibutuhkan beberapa syarat” is changed by active sentence in TL, indicated by

the phrase“there are certain requirements”. The changing of passive to active

from the data above gives the influence toward the point of view of the reader.

This type also occurs in several data, they are the data number 3, 8, 13, 14, 15 and


4.1.2 Syntactical Modulation

Data 15

SL: Tapi apakah keutuhan keluarga harus dikorbankan?

Aux. S P


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TL: But do we have to sacrifice the unity of our family?

Aux. S P O

From the data above the sequence of grammatical structure in SL Aux. + S + P is

changed and it has additional in TL Aux. + S + P + O. This type also occurs in

several data, they can be found in data 15, 22, 24, and 25.

4.1.3 Abstract for Concrete

Data 1

SL: Sekelompok orang yang menyerukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan


TL: A group of people inviting to all that is good and forbidding what is


From the example above there is changing of a point of view from abstract to

concrete. The word mungkar has similar meaning with something which is

forbidden, it changes with the word wrong in TL, and it is more specific or

concrete. Something which is forbidden is not necessarily wrong. This type occurs

in several data, they can be found in data 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 14 and 21.


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4.1.4 The Expression Stated in SL being Explained in TL

Data 9

SL: Saya berpesan dua perkara. Yang pertama, jangan sampai perkumpulan

Muhammadiyah mengecilkan kedudukan Mesjid Besar. Yang kedua, saya

tidak mau ada perselisihan dikalangan umat soal keyakinan agama.

TL: I only have two messages. The first one, don’t let Muhammadiyah

constrict the authority of Great Mosque. Secondly, I don’t want any

dispute on the community against my faith.

From the data above, the N perkara in SL is changing into the N message in TL.

The word Perkara contains an implicit meaning and the point of the idea does not

explain as bare as the point of idea stated in SL with the word message. This type

occurs in several data, they can be found in data 7, 9 and 23.

4.1.5 The Changing of Proverb or Word because of Cultural Differentiation

Data 2

SL: Langgar itu untuk ibadah. Perkumpulan untuk aktifitas sosial kita.

TL: Mosque is for worshiping. An organization is for our social activity.

From the data above, the N langgar in SL is changing into the N mosque in TL,

basically those two constructions have similar function, langgar and mosque are

the place that usually used for praying or reading Quran for Moslem but the


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construction or the building of langgar and mosque look differently, mosque or

well known as masjid is bigger than langgar. This type occurs in several data,

they can be found in data 2, 7 and 16.

4.1.6 Cause for Effect and Vice Versa

Data 19

SL:Saya berpesan dua perkara. Yang pertama, jangan sampai perkumpulan

Muhammadiyah mengecilkan kedudukan Mesjid Besar. Yang kedua, saya

tidak mau ada perselisihan dikalangan umat soal keyakinan agama.

TL: I only have two messages. The first one, don’t let Muhammadiyah

constrict the authority of Great Mosque. Secondly, I don’t want any

dispute on the community against my faith.

From the example above, the cause for effect type of modulation occurs when

the N kedudukan in SL is changing into the N authority in TL. kedudukan has

similar meaning with position, the position of a person in the office, institution

or soon while authority has similar meaning with power, the power itself can

be created or possessed by the person who has the position. Therefore the type

of cause and effect occurs in the example above. This type occurs in several

data, they can be found in data 9, 12 and 21.


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4.1.7 Part for The Whole

Data 2

SL: Langgar itu untuk ibadah. Perkumpulan untuk aktifitas sosial kita.

TL: Mosque is for worshiping. An organization is for our social activity.

From the example above, the part for the whole type of modulation occurs when

the N perkumpulan in SL is changing into the N organization in TL. perkumpulan

obviously has the same format with organization, it is the a group of people, yet

what make them different is the legality of the group of people. An organization is

established by using the legal document, the structure position of people and the

frame work which is well-arranged whereas perkumpulan does not have all of

sophisticated thing like what has been need in organization. Basically an

organization is established from perkumpulan, when the value of a group of

people gets massive and the structure of people becomes real and exact, the

perkumpulan is changed into an organization. This type occurs in several data,

they can be found in data 2, 3, 5, 6 and 20.

4.2 Types of Transposition Procedure

4.2.1 Level Shift

This type of shift is functioned to fill the lexical gap, it either happens when the

lexical in the SL changes into grammatical structure in TL or for the suffix that


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mostly happens in Bahasa changes also into grammatical structure in English. The

example of this type is discussed as follow:

Data 25

SL: Saya menengerti, tapi secara structural organisasi itu harus mendapat izin.

TL: I understand that, but structurally an organization has to have an approval.

The lexical secara in SL is changed by ly which is structurally functioned as

suffix in structural-ly. This type only occurs in data 25.

4.2.2 Category Shift Structural Shift

This type is the common type that usually happened in the translation field. The

sequence of grammatical pattern which is happened in SL is usually changing.

The example and the discussion of this type reveals as follows:

Data 17

SL: Zaenab, kamu dijemput bapak kamu itu.


TL: Zaenab, your father has come to pick you up


The sequence of the sentence above is changed from S + P + O as a structure in

SL into O + P + S in TL. This type occurs in several data, they can be found in

data 17 and 19. Another kind of structural shift is when the system or language

rule in Bahasa does not same with the system or language rule in English, e.g., the


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rule of H + M in Bahasa will automatically change into M + H in English. The

example of this type is discussed as follow:

Data 4

SL: Kita itu boleh punya perinsip asal jangan fanatik karena fanatic itu ciri

orang bodoh.

TL: We can have principal as long as we don’t become a fanatic because

fanaticism is a sign of ignorant people.

In this data, the adjective phrase stated in SL orang bodoh has the pattern of H +

M and it is change into ignorant people in TL which is M + H. This case also

happens on the structure of noun phrase and the adjective phrase which is

composed from verb, e.g. football field and living cells. This type occurs in

several data, they can be found in data 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18 and 24. Class Shift

This type of shift comprises shift from one part of speech to another. It usually

happens when Adj. in SL is changed by N or clause in SL changes into explicit

sentence in SL or vice versa. The example and the discussion of this type reveals

as follows:

Data 4

SL: Kita itu boleh punya prinsip asal jangan fanatik karena fanatik itu ciri

orang bodoh.


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TL: We can have principal as long as we don’t become a fanatic because

fanaticism is a sign of ignorant people.

From the data above, the Adj., fanatik is changing into N, fanaticism in TL. This

type occurs in several data, they can be found in data 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 18 and 23.

another kind of class shift is the changing of a clause into an explicit sentence, for


Data 3

SL: Kedua, Nama perkumpulan dan maksud tujuan perkumpulan tersebut

untuk apa.

TL: Secondly, the organization’s name, what’s purpose and intention?

From the example above, the compound sentence which explicitly reveal in SL

change into clause in TL. This type occurs in several data, they can be found in

data 1, 3 and 10. Unit Shift or Rank Shift

This type occurs when the translation equivalent in the TL is at a different rank to

the SL. The example and the discussion of this type reveals as follows:

Data 1

SL: Sekelompok orang yang menyerukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan





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TL: A group of people inviting to all that is good and forbidding


what is wrong.


From the data above they are the rank changing occur from SL to TL, they happen

when N “kebaikan” and “kemungkaran” in SL is changed into Clause. “that is

good” and “what is wrong” in TL. This type occurs in several data, they can be

found in data 1, 3, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 22, and 23. Intra-System Shift

This type of shifting takes place when the SL and TL possess approximately

corresponding systems but where the translation involves selection of a non-

corresponding term in the TL system. The kinds of this type occur when the plural

changes into singular.

Data 24

SL: Sekalipun surat resmi pendirian perkumpulan belum turun, tapi hari ini aku

tetepkan sebagai hari lahir Muhammadiyah.

TL: Even though we haven’t got the official establishment papers yet, but today I

proclaim as the birth of Muhammadiyah Organization.

From the data above the singular noun phrase “surat resmi pendirian

perkumpulan” is changed into the plural noun phrase “the official establishment

papers”. This type occurs in several data, they can be found in data 3, 19 and 24.


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4.3 An Analysis of Accuracy and Clarity in Sang Pencerah English Subtitles

The Enlightened One

After the analyseses of modulation and transposition procedures have been done

in English subtitle The Enlightened One the writer analyzes the accuracy and

clarity gained from the response of informants by using the indicator scales as

proposed by Rahimi (2004:56) and they are modified by the writer. In general the

accuracy engages with the appropriateness between the messages in the SL and

the messages in TL whereas the clarity with the easiness to understand the

meaning or message in TL.

4.3.1 An Analysis of Accuracy

According to the result of the analysis done in Sang Pencerah movie and its

English subtitles The Enlightened One, the writer either found three kinds of scale

that mostly appear from 25 data or concluded the scale of accuracy in the data

analyzed is indicating accurate for whole. There are thirteen data that indicate as

accurate for scale three, eleven data that indicate as average for scale two, one

data that indicate as less accurate for scale one and no data that indicate as

inaccurate for scale zero. The example of those three scales explained as follows:


Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat The Data for Scale Three

Data 10

SL: Ketika kita memimpin orang lain kita lupa bertanya bahwa kita apakah

sudah mampu memimpin diri kita sendiri.

TL: When we lead other people we tend to forget and ask our self, do we have

the ability?

According the data above, the information in SL is suitably conveyed in TL. It can

communicate well without omitting and adding any info which is not basically

stated in SL, therefore the meaning in SL is obviously conveyed in TL. This scale

occurs in several data, they can be found in data 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19,

21, 23 and 25. The Data for Scale Two

Data 7

SL: Hidupilah muhammadiah jangan mencari hidup dalam Muhammadiyah.

TL: Try to make Muhammadyah live forever, not to make a living out of


According to the data above, the information in SL is quite suitably conveyed in

TL although there is an addition of info in TL. The phrase “Try to make” should


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not be stated since it is not stated in TL. This scale occurs in several data, they can

be found in data 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 22 and 24. The Data for Scale One

Data 8

SL: Hendaknya semua anggota Muhammadiyah mencontoh pribadi Rasulullah

SAW. Dapat diberi amanah, menjunjung tinggi persamaan, dan terbuka pada

siapa pun.

TL: All of the members of Muhammadiyah follow the personality of

Rasulullah SAW as their role model. Could hold a trusteeship, uphold the

equality, and have an open mind to everyone.

According to the data above, the information in SL is insufficiently conveyed in

TL and there are several additional and omission of information which are stated

in both of SL and TL. Certain distortion of meaning also appears in TL. The

words “Hendaknya” is not translated in TL and the word “ as their role model”

and “have” should not stated in TL because that is not stated in SL, while certain

distortions happen when the word “mencontoh” in SL is translated into “ follow”.

The word “mencontoh” is apparently not appropriate with the word “follow”

because they have different meaning, whereas the word “amanah” should be

translated by “trustworthiness” not by “trusteeship” because trusteeship is the

position or responsibility of a person who controls property or money for another


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person or organization.. This scale occurs in several data, they can be found in

data 8 and 20.

4.3.2 An Analysis of Clarity

Regarding to the accuracy, the clarity also involved in this research. In the

founding of clarity, there are three kinds scale that mostly appear from 25 data

gained. The writer concluded that the scale for whole data is indicating average.

There are eleven data that indicate as clarity for scale three, twelve data that

indicate as average for scale two, two data that indicate as less for scale one and

no data that indicate as unclear for scale zero. The example of those three scales

explained as follows: The Data for Scale Three

Data 18

SL: Muhammadiyah bukan organisasi politik. Tak ada alasan apapun untuk

menolak permohonan Dahlan.

TL: Muhammadiyah is not a political organization. So there’s no reason to

refuse Dahlan’s proposal.

According to the data above, the TL can be easily understood by the target readers

or the informants since the forms and languages in SL are familiar with the target


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reader therefore the message is understandable easily. This scale occurs in several

data, they can be found in data 2, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, and 25. The Data for Scale Two

Data 24

SL: Sekalipun surat resmi pendirian perkumpulan belum turun, tapi hari ini aku

tetapkan sebagai hari lahir Muhammadiyah.

TL: Even though we haven’t got the official establishment papers yet, but

today I proclaim as the birth of Muhammadiyah Organization.

According to the data above, the TL is quite understandable to target reader since

it contains unfamiliar forms. It is indentified by the phrase hari lahir in SL which

is translated into the birth in TL. It seems unfamiliar for target reader, since

establishment of is an appropriate translation of hari lahir. Therefore target reader

requires special or little interpretation to understand the language in TL. This

scale occurs in several data, they can be found in data 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 22,

and 24.


Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat The Data for Scale One

Data 16

SL: Saya ini berharap Muhammadiah bisa jadi perkumpulan yang benar-benar

bertujuan untuk masyarakat bukan untuk kepentingan pribadi.

TL: I do hope that, Muhammadiah could become an organization purpose, to

serve for the benefit of the people not for an individual purpose.

According to the data above, the TL is less understandable to target readers.

Therefore the readers require frequent interpretation due to the frequent use of this

uneasy to understand language in TL. It is according to the informants who stated

that the uneasy understanding occurs because the grammar in TL is not

constructed, punctuation marks are not accurately applied, and the context in the

whole sentence which is compiled into noun phrase is not transferred completely

in TL. This scale only occurs in data 16.

4.4 The Most Frequently Applied Procedure

The tendency of the most frequently-applied procedure of translation in Sang

Pencerah movie and its subtitles The Enlightened One and the measurement of

the accuracy and clarity applied are apparently disclosed as follows:


Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat

Table 4.3 Modulation

No. Types of Modulation n

1 Active for Passive 6

2 Syntactical Modulation 4

3 Abstract for Concrete 7

4 The Expression which is Explained 3

5 The Changing of Proverb or Word because of Cultural Differentiation 3

6 Cause for effect 3

7 Part for The Whole 5

Total 31

Table 4.4 Transposition

No. Types of Transposition n

1 Level Shift 1

2 Structural Shift 10

3 Class Shift 11


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4 Unit or Rank Shift 9

5 Intra System Shift 3

Total 34

From the analyses of modulation and transposition procedures above, the most-

frequently applied procedure in Sang Pencerah movie and its English subtitle The

Enlightened One is transposition which collects 34 occurrences, whereas

modulation only collects 31 occurrences from 25 data obtained.

4.5 The Accuracy and Clarity between Modulation and Transposition

According to the 25 data that have been measured generally by the writer, all of

the data are indicated as accurate and clear, yet, in order to gain the validity of the

accuracy and clarity between modulation and transposition, the writer has done

the inquiry and verification to prove the real phenomena which happen in this

problem. The inquiries spilled and revealed in these tables as follows:

Table 4.5 Accuracy Table 4.6 Clarity

Modulation Transposition Modulation Transposition

Data Scale Data Scale Data Scale Data Scale


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1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2

2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2

4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2

5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3

6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2

7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2

8 1 8 2 8 2 8 2

9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2

10 - 10 3 10 - 10 3

11 - 11 3 11 - 11 3

12 2 12 - 12 2 12 -

13 2 13 2

13 2 13 2

14 3 14 3 14 3 14 3

15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3

16 2 16 2 16 1 16 1


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17 3 17 3 17 3 17 3

18 - 18 3 18 - 18 3

19 - 19 3 19 - 19 3

20 1 20 - 20 3 20 -

21 3 21 - 21 3 21 -

22 2 22 2 22 2 22 2

23 3 23 3 23 3 23 3

24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2

25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3

Table 4.7 The Result of Accuracy

Category Scale Modulation Category Scale Transposition

Accurate 3 9 Accurate 3 12

Average 2 10 Average 2 9

Less 1 2 Less 1 1

Inaccurate 0 - Inaccurate 0 -


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Table 4.7 The Result of Clarity

Category Scale Modulation Category Scale Transposition

Clear 3 9 Clear 3 11

Average 2 11 Average 2 10

Less 1 1 Less 1 1

Unclear 0 - Unclear 0 -

From the whole analysis above, it is identified that Sang Pencerah movie and its

English subtitles The Enlightened One (in chapter 13-14) tend to apply the

grammatical changing, transposition rather than the view point changing,

modulation. It is proved from the 25 data collected, 31 types of modulation are

identified while for the transposition 34 types are identified in those 25 data.

According to the procedure used, modulation and transposition, the accuracy and

clarity as the essential point are measured by the informants. In order to give a

glance outlook toward the accuracy and clarity aspects within Indonesian movie

and its English subtitles, some findings are uncovered from the measurement scale

that mostly appear from the accuracy and clarity aspects. The writer found the

differences for the accuracy measurement between the modulation and

transposition. From the inquiry done by the writer, the transposition procedure

obtains twelve points for the category of accurate with the three-scale, meanwhile


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modulation procedure only gains nine points, therefore transposition is identified

and proved as the procedure that indicates as the accurate procedure which is

applied. The same phenomenon also occurs in the clarity. The transposition

procedure obtains eleven points for the category of clear with the three-scale,

whereas modulation procedure only gains nine points, it can be concluded that

transposition is the clear applied-procedure.

In addition, the aspect of view point changing plays an important role when the

translator translates the movie and its English translation and so does the

grammatical changing indeed, yet what mostly applied in this movie and its

English subtitle is the transposition as the procedure engaged with the changing of

grammatical point.


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According to the analyses of modulation and transposition and the measurement

result from the informants as explained in chapter four, the writer can draw the

conclusions as follows:

1. From the 13 types of modulation which are uncovered in chapter two,

there are only seven types that are mostly used in English subtitle of Sang

Pencerah movie. There are six occurrences of active for passive type of

modulation, four occurrences of syntactical modulation, seven occurrences

of abstract for concrete, three occurrences of the expression which is

explained, three occurrences of the changing of proverb or word because

of cultural differentiation, three occurrences of cause for effect, and five

occurrences of part for the whole of modulation. Most of data in English

subtitles or seven (23%) data from 31 modulations apply abstract for

concrete modulation as the type used.

2. From the English subtitles identified, whole types of transposition or

shifting are applied. There is one occurrence of level shift, 10 data

included in structural shift type, 11 data included in class shift, nine

occurrences of unit or rank shift, and three occurrences of intra-system

shift, therefore most of data in the English subtitles or 11 (32%) data from

34 transpositions or shifting apply class shift as the type used.


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3. From the procedures indicated in the data gained there are three types of

scale for the accuracy term, i.e. accurate for the scale-three, average for the

scale-two, less for the scale-one and no data as indicated inaccurate. There

are also three types of scale for the clarity term, i.e. clear for the scale-

three, average for the scale-two, less for the scale-one and no one data as

indicated unclear. Furthermore, the writer has done a deeper inquiry and

classified the procedure of modulation and transposition based on the

accuracy and clarity terms. As the result, from 25 data gained, there are

nine (36%) occurrences in modulation indicated as accurate, 10 (40%) data

indicated as average, two (8%) data indicated as less and four (16%) data

as the rest of them do not contain the procedure of modulation, while for

transposition or shift, there are 12 (48%) data indicated as accurate, nine

(36%) data indicated as average, one (4%) data indicated as less and three

(12%) data as the rest of them do not contain the procedure of


4. From 65 procedure-indicated in the data gained, modulation obtains 31

(48%) types that involve in the data and transposition obtains 34 (52%)

types that involve in the data, therefore transposition is the most frequently

applied procedure in the English subtitles of Sang Pencerah movie.

The inquiry also has been done in the term of clarity, as the result gained

from 25 data, there are nine (36%) data in modulation indicated as clear,


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11 (44%) data indicated as average, one (4%) data indicated as less, four

(16%) data as the rest of them do not contain the procedure of modulation,

whereas there are 11 (44%) data in transposition or shift indicated as

clear, 10 (40%) data that indicated as average, one (4%) data indicated as

less and three (12%) data as the rest of them do not contain the procedure

of transposition. Therefore, regarding to the chapters 13-14, the chapters

analyzed in this research, the writer concludes that the procedure of

transposition is the most accurate and clearest than that of modulation.


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