Chapter 3 - The Horn of Samuel



The story of pro life warrior, David Allen, confronting the Goliath of the abortion industry.

Transcript of Chapter 3 - The Horn of Samuel




  • The Horn of Samuel 20

    Heart of a lion

    It would be impossible for me to write a book about my experiences on the sidewalk without

    mentioning David Allen. He is a Civil Engineer who lives in Houston, TX but just as the

    Apostle Paul is not known for his tent making prowess, David will likely not be remembered for

    his construction projects, although Im sure theyre top notch.

    David was called to be courageous against a mighty enemy; and stand alone in the spiritual

    valley while the volunteer armies from both sides looked on.

    In the Bible, the shepherd boy David was known for his courage when he faced the beasts of the

    field and eventually Goliath. And when he reached the front lines overlooking the valley of Elah

    that separated the armies of the Philistines from the Israelites the military leaders wanted him to

    follow their familiar playbook.

    They dressed David in the armour of man, but he could barely move. It must have been amusing

    watching a boy tripping over himself with unfamiliar weaponry and clothing, David fastened on

    the sword over the tunic and tried walking around, but because he was not used to them, he said

    to Saul, I cannot go in these because I am not used to them. So he took them off. 1 Samuel


    What the leaders didnt understand was that this shepherd boy was already wearing the whole

    armour of God!

    Ironically, he was probably too small and too weak to wear such military armaments. And yet he

    was the one chosen by God to destroy the enemy. And thats because the repeating theme of

    King Davids life was to bring glory to God. Both Israel and its enemies would see the power of

    God shining through a shepherd boy armed with only a slingshot. And yet, hed been raised up

    by God and prepared from childhood for this victory. The Philistines laughed until Goliath fell

    to the ground dead.

    In our time God calls us to the spiritual battlefield and

    he gives us living examples that illustrate why were

    not to fear the enemy - because He is greater. And in

    the city of Houston, TX David Allen was called to

    confront the Goliath of the abortion industry.

    Sadly, during my time in Houston, TX the local

    Planned Parenthood affiliate decided to build the

    largest abortuary in the Western Hemisphere. Its

    depicted in the cover art of David Allens book on the

    previous page and in the picture to the right.

  • The Horn of Samuel 21

    In addition to our federal tax dollars, many of the richest and the most powerful citizens of

    Houston, TX knelt before this altar of human sacrifice with their tithes and offerings to fund its

    $26 million dollar construction cost.

    The mayor of Houston was there to cut

    the ribbon and celebrate its opening in

    May of 2010. And in 2011 the women's

    auxiliary of the Harris County

    Democratic Party celebrated Christmas

    inside the abortuary. And in 2014, the

    mayor of Houston, Annise Parker,

    married the campaign treasurer for

    Planned Parenthood, Kathy Hubbard.

    Lest there be any doubt where the city

    stood on abortion, in 2014, the Mayor

    and the City Council called for the

    repeal of pro life legislation in Texas

    and for the passage of new legislation

    that would enshrine tyranny over the

    unborn as the settled law of the land.

    The city of Houston is a modern day Nineveh.

    When pro lifers observe the decadence and debauchery of the political and business leaders of

    Houston, TX the initial reaction is often a very negative one. However, history shows us that

    God loves fallen cities and calls them to repentance. Jonah is a famous example of a reluctant

    hero who wanted to serve God on his own terms, but eventually learned that service to God

    doesnt involve negotiations.

    The Bible says, When Jonahs warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. This is the

    proclamation he issued in Nineveh: By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let people or

    animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. But let people and animals

    be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways

    and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce

    anger so that we will not perish. Jonah 3:6-9

    And the Bible says, When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he

    relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. Jonah 3:10

  • The Horn of Samuel 22

    Its also no mistake that God had given Nineveh 40 days to repent.

    How many modern Jonahs has God called to warn the cities of their impending destruction? If

    all who were called to the sidewalks to preach repentance were willing to submit to Gods will

    we might be in the midst of a revival today.

    The story of Jonah resonates with me because I am often reluctant to see what God sees in the

    hearts of sinners who are running from Him and persecuting the innocent. Despite the fact that I

    am a sinner who was rescued, like Jonah, all too often I only want to see Gods justice prevail

    and not his mercy. God is just, but his justice is made perfect by his mercy.

    And that brings us back to David Allen.

    Though the world didnt know it, God had sent a warrior into the valley to face the Goliath of the

    abortion industry but this David wasnt there to destroy them. He was there to call them to


    David responded to the construction of a mammoth altar of human sacrifice in his city as a call to

    the sidewalk, but when the news first broke, I remember being disheartened. It appeared to me

    we were losing the battle. Rather than shutting down a single clinic in Houston, the enemies of

    God were building the largest abortuary in United States history.

    It seemed Houston wanted to embrace death and laugh in the face of God. To make it more

    desperate, on many days there were more pro choice volunteers than pro life volunteers standing

    on the sidewalks.

    And then David showed up to sound a trumpet.

  • The Horn of Samuel 23

    My son is named Samuel

    If you stand on the sidewalk long enough you will eventually see some strange things. I

    remember vividly the first day that I saw David although I didnt know his name at the time. A

    car pulled up to the far corner of the Planned Parenthood abortuary on Fannin Street in Houston,

    TX and a man wearing a Jewish tallit stepped out of the car and blew a giant animal horn over

    the building.

    The sound of a trumpet reverberating over the building got everyones attention. And then he got

    back into his car and drove off.

    Over the coming weeks this happened on a regular basis and we all began to wonder about the

    meaning behind the sounding of the horn. Id never seen a horn that large and I learned later that

    its called a shofar. For those unfamiliar with its history here is a quick overview, The shofar is

    an instrument made from the horn of a ram or other kosher animal. It was used in ancient Israel

    to announce the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh) and call people together. It was also blown on Rosh

    Hashanah, marking the beginning of the New Year, signifying both need to wake up to the call

    to repentance, and in connection with the portion read on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, the

    Binding of Isaac (Genesis, chapter 22) in which Abraham sacrifices a ram in place of his son,


    One day as we were stood next to the front entrance gate of Planned Parenthood, David pulled up

    and blew his shofar. But on this day, instead of getting back into his car and driving off, he

    walked over and approached us. I remember being surrounded by Planned Parenthood volunteers

    wearing yellow vests.

    He addressed both us and the Planned Parenthood volunteers, sharing his testimony. I have

    included that testimony below the experience that brought him to the gates of Planned

    Parenthood. It is Davids own words from a book he wrote that chronicles his spiritual and legal

    battle with the Goliath of the abortion industry.

  • The Horn of Samuel 24

    Excerpt from The Horn of Samuel by David Allen (free full version available here)


    Growing up in the idyllic coastal community of Coronado, California, I selfishly thought the

    white sand beaches and endless days of surfing and sailing existed just for me. I was the center

    of the universe and could just reach out and take whatever I pleased.

    In the summer of 1971, before my senior year of high school, I met a delightful girl with a bright

    smile and a happy heart. Her family had just moved in down the street, and she would be a

    sophomore at my school. She loved the beach as much as I did, and we surfed and sailed

    through the summer together. We became fast friends and then high school sweethearts.

    Shed grown up in a loving home, and her parents welcomed me into their family. She loved art

    classes, and her beautiful projects were always presents for me. She completely trusted me with

    her heart.

    But in 1973, shortly after Id graduated, she became pregnant. Despite our relationship, my only

    concern was how this would affect my own dreams.

    As we faced this pregnancy, I did not see a precious new baby and a lovely young mother, but

    rather the need to avoid the consequences of my actions.

    It so happened that the U.S. Supreme Court had issued a ruling just months earlier, in a case

    called Roe v. Wade. It was breathtaking in its scope, overthrowing the protective laws of 50

    states, and conferring to American citizens, broad rights to decide which unborn children would

    live, and which would not.

    Wed heard about the case, and flowed with the tide of popular opinion supporting it at the time.

    We could not imagine the heartache it would bring us.

    Just as Parenthood planned, we were ushered into a storefront office, and found a straightforward

    solution to our problem.

    She was 16 at the time, and there was apparently no requirement to inform her parents. In secret,

    we drove to Childrens Hospital in San Diego.

    After being examined, she was left on a gurney, exposed to passersby. When she asked to be

    covered, she was humiliated by a nurse who told her coldly, You should have thought of that

    before. After it was over, another nurse told her, It was a boy.

    A dark sadness filled the car on the drive home, as she shared these deep hurts with me. We left

    the tiny remains of our firstborn child behind.

  • The Horn of Samuel 25

    Our relationship withered, along with her bright smile. Abortion is a hidden sadness. It cannot

    be shared and it is not appropriate to grieve. Its consequences manifest in lowered self esteem,

    as once high ideals are crumpled by addictions, depression, and other devastating consequences.

    It became my darkest secret, and I know it was hers as well. As we went our separate ways,

    serious problems would follow each of usthe bad fruit that abortion produces.

    I expected the sadness to fade away, but instead it was a nagging heartache that grew slowly

    stronger, like a choking vine. It was not my only secret; but it was by far the darkest.

    Id kept this secret through two failed marriages. I divorced my first wife in 1980, for purely

    selfish reasons, and hurt her and her family deeply.

    A second marriage would be unhappy, except for two beautiful sons whod arrived in 1985 and

    1989. My second wife left me in 1989, taking our two little boys, and in a divorce I did not

    want, I tasted the hurt Id caused my first wife.

    Through all this, no matter the rationale justifying abortion, I knew in my heart, that Id taken the

    life of my first son, and had then hurt many other people with my selfishness. Now, all this

    seemed to be surfacing at once to accuse me. And a long-suppressed grief process for my first

    son was finally beginning.

    Growing up, Id learned the 10 commandments as Gods rules. Almost twenty years later, as I

    turned 38, I realized Id broken them all.

    After my boys were taken from me, I moved East to be near them, but was then transferred to a

    project in Louisiana. And there, for the first time in my life, I was fired.

    That evening, I sat alone on a grassy slope, looking out over the Mississippi River. I sensed a

    journey was beginning that I could not control. And there I felt the urgent need to read my


    Id had similar feelings before, but each time Id tried, Id be convicted by the passage I chose to

    read and would close the Bible to go my own way.

    But now, something made me search through my trunk and pull it out. I began reading with a

    passionan insatiable hunger for the New Testament that this time, would continue unabated. I

    wanted to learn everything I could about Jesus and what He had said.

    While confident that I would soon be re-employed, no companies were interested in talking to

    me. I loaded my pickup truck with all I had left, and began a physical and spiritual journey

    westward. Staying with a series of friends and relatives, I progressed along a road that stretched

    from Louisiana to the Pacific coast.

  • The Horn of Samuel 26

    The journey lasted all summer, as things grew more and more desperate. My savings were

    quickly gone, and my numerous debts seemed overwhelming. My pride was crumbling into


    After almost 5 months, I was staying with an Aunt in the San Francisco area. Buried in debt, and

    no longer able to visit my two boys, I would occasionally lie on the carpet and weep. There was

    a vivid sense of falling into a black pit with nothing to hold on to.

    Each morning, I would make calls and send out resumes, but by now I expected nothing but

    silence or rejection. In the afternoons, I would escape for long walks. As each past wrong or

    debt would come to mind, Id say, Let it go, trust in God. The reminders were so relentless

    that I would say over and over, Let it go, trust in God Let it go, trust in GodLet it go, trust

    in God...

    I continued to read my Bible hungrilyonly there could I find peace. I was getting to know and

    trust Jesus.

    And then, on August 17, 1992, a miracle happened. I was walking along a cool, shaded trail in a

    redwood forest above Oakland. Id gone there to be alone with God. Leaving the trail, I found a

    secluded spot and sat down on the soft forest floor. I looked up at the treetops waving against a

    blue afternoon sky. And in complete silence, I entered my Guilty plea before God.

    Father God, I see now how Ive taken a life and hurt so many people. Im

    destitutebut thats fineI dont care. And Im homelessand thats Okayit doesnt

    matter. But, there is just one thing I must ask. Lord Jesus, if You would, please take this

    mess Ive made of my life. Its too heavy for me. I cant carry it anymore.

    There was a sense of peace walking back to the parking lot. Typing a letter the next

    morning, the phone rang. It was my old company telling me they wanted me back in

    Pennsylvania right away. I loaded up the pickup and began the cross country drive, sleeping

    in a pup tent.

    During the trip, I had a second offer from a company which needed me on a project in

    Boston right away. After a stop at my old company in Pennsylvania, I went on to see my

    boys in Virginia, and while we were at a water park playing, I received a third offer. The

    first offer had come less than 24 hours after my prayerand three in less than a week! And

    that after no one would even talk with me for 5 months.

  • The Horn of Samuel 27

    I took the job in Boston and began the process of paying off all my debts. I found a Bible-

    based church, where I came to understand Id been saved and where I would be baptized.

    There I met a beautiful Christian lady named Anna, who accepted me even after I told her all

    my secrets. She seemed to genuinely love my two boys that came up for regular visits.

    Anna insisted on a proper courtship, which seemed much too long for me, but she would

    eventually agree to marry me. We have been blessed with three wonderful boys of our own,

    and a beautiful home. My two older sons are on their own, both wonderful success stories.

    But early in our courtship, I knew it was important to share with Anna, my abortion secret.

    In response, she offered her forgiveness, and reminded me of Gods.

    During this process, I felt led to give my first son, whom I had aborted, a name. I named him

    Samuel. I now knew that God had knitted Samuel in his mothers womb, and would always

    love and care for him.

    While Samuel is lost to us in this present time, he lives with his true Father, and they have

    both forgiven me, and are waiting to welcome me into a kingdom where there can only be

    forgiveness and love, and where there are no tears.


  • The Horn of Samuel 28

    Repent and be baptized!

    After he shared his testimony David walked back to his car and left, but I finally understood that

    his shofar was the horn of Samuel the voice of his first born son. And he wasnt just blowing it

    for his own penance, he was blowing it as the clarion call for the citys repentance.

    We started to look forward to Davids regular visits to the street corner and it seemed like every

    time he blew the shofar the sweeter the sound.

    One day a friend of mine named Jonathan Davidson (who youll be reading about later) asked

    me if Id been out to the construction site where they were building the new abortuary. I told him

    I hadnt been out there. I suppose the main reason I had not gone out there was because it was a

    depressing thought.

    I agreed to ride along with him to the construction site since neither of us had seen it.

    As we pulled up to the construction site I remember thinking it was much bigger than I had

    imagined. It was located in an industrial area and there wasnt much foot or car traffic in the

    immediate vicinity, unlike their location on Fannin Street. It didnt seem like an ideal location

    for an abortuary, but it was next door to the University of Houston and centered among the

    minority neighborhoods targeted for abortion.

    We had barely stepped out of the vehicle when a police car pulled up. The police officer rolled

    down the window and asked me, Are you the guy with the horn?

    I told him I wasnt and then he asked, Do you know a guy who blows a horn?

    I told him that Id seen him several times at the abortion clinic but I didnt know his name.

    Ironically Id never formally met David at the time and I did not know his last name.

    The police officer shook his head, He went into the building and blew a horn.

    It was obvious that the police officer viewed this as a complete waste of his time, and we looked

    around but there was no sign of David. This seemed like an innocuous event since the facility

    was still under construction and there was nobody around.

    In reality, this small act of defiance against the enemys stronghold sent a shockwave through the

    enemy camp.

  • The Horn of Samuel 29

    We subsequently introduced ourselves to David the next time we saw him on the street corner

    and he explained that he was being prosecuted for criminal trespass by the city of Houston.

    When the Planned Parenthood executives heard that David had walked into the construction site

    and blew the horn they went ballistic. The Harris County District Attorney evidently agreed that

    this crime could not be overlooked.

    They were going to make an example of David Allen.

    Although I dont practice law, I have a law degree and during the trial I attempted to persuade

    David to cooperate in getting the case dismissed. David would smile and say, Thank you

    Steven, but Im trusting God.

    Prior to the trial we advised David that he needed to get an attorney and we did some preliminary

    research to locate some pro life attorneys licensed to practice in TX. We found a couple

    prominent lawyers in Houston, TX who professed to be pro life and agreed to represent him.

    David listened to each of them describe strategies to compromise and avoid a trail, but David

    declined each such offer, feeling he needed to face this giant in full dependence on his faith in

    Jesus Christ

    As the trial date approached David was surprisingly calm. The presiding judge then suggested a

    public defender. David agreed to meet with the public defender and we thought that perhaps it

    still might work out.

    I then received a voicemail from David who said, Steve, the public defender seemed angry with

    me and Ive declined his assistance.

    I didnt know David very well back then so I thought he must be overreacting. Why would the

    public defender be angry with him? David was a very collegial person. And the idea of

    representing yourself within the legal world is not looked upon favorably. The saying goes, A

    man who represents himself has a fool for a client.

    At this point I was pretty sure David was going to jail.

    The day before the trial we met David on the steps of city hall with our video equipment. And

    here is what he had to say on those steps:

    (click link to watch video)

  • The Horn of Samuel 30

    A number of pro lifers and other shofar sounders showed up for both days of Davids trial. Also

    in attendance were the Planned Parenthood staff, construction worker witnesses, and a number of

    young District Attorneys who came just to watch the spectacle. I sat directly behind the District

    Attorney who seemed overjoyed to be prosecuting this case. Ironically, his name was Joshua,

    and we learned later that his wife is an OB/GYN physician who had delivered thousands of

    babies in Houston.

    The first surprise was that there was a man dressed in a suit sitting next to David Allen. I

    suspected it was an attorney, but I already knew that David was representing himself. Moments

    later, the trial began and it was a circus from the beginning. The District Attorney stood up and

    said, Your honor this is highly unusual but the public defender would like to address the court.

    And then we listened to the attorney who the city of Houston had originally appointed to defend

    David Allen testify against him. I could not believe my ears this man was willing to risk losing

    his license to practice law to attack David Allen in open court and on the record!

    The darkness obviously saw something in David Allen that rest of us had missed.

    As the Public Defender spoke his neck and face turned a deep red and he was waving his arms

    wildly. He told the court that David Allen wearing a tallit was a mockery and he wanted him to

    remove it. He was so strident that an armed Bailiff tapped David on the shoulder to make room

    for him to stand with David to protect him. For those unfamiliar with Jewish tradition, a tallit is a

    Jewish prayer shawl.

    This was the first of many occasions that a

    mistrial should have been declared. The

    Public Defender had violated his attorney

    client privilege and was now a witness for

    the prosecution.

    After the Judge ruled in Davids favor,

    Joshua turned to David and hissed under his

    breath, Youre not even Jewish, are you?

    David seemed upset at this accusation, and

    responded firmly, I am of the tribe of

    Judah. Grafted in!

    Joshua then argued that a pro-lifers t-shirt to be removed or turned inside out because it had a

    pro life message that he felt would taint the jury. And then the judge took over.

  • The Horn of Samuel 31

    The judge refused to remove anyone from court because of what they were wearing and

    reminded the District Attorney of their Constitutional Rights to free speech. And it was apparent

    that this judge was not going to be swayed by public opinion.

    It turns out that this particular judge was an ordained minister.

    The mystery of the man sitting beside David Allen at the defense table was also solved. The

    previous day the judge spoke to an attorney hed known from law school who happened into the

    court on other legal business. The attorney was advised, I have a case for you, but there is no

    time to prepare and you wont get paid.

    After hearing these details, this attorney agreed to accept the case and act as second chair for

    David as he would be defending himself. This attorney was a partner in law firm who none of us

    knew, but he was a Christian willing to serve God with no notice.

    Maybe God had a plan?

    David didnt listen to me and he didnt make any of our legal arguments. I was focused on

    getting David off on legal technicalities, but Davids primary focus was to serve God and not

    worry about the consequences.

    When the Planned Parenthood staff and construction workers were called to the stand David

    reminded them, Didnt I tell you that God loves you?

    David Allen was witnessing to the enemies lined up against him!

    And the more David witnessed to the Planned Parenthood staff and the construction workers, the

    more unhappy the District Attorney became. At one point he stood up and yelled, I object!

    Your honor hes not making legal arguments. Were not here because God loves people.

    But he was wrong. That was the only reason we were all sitting in a courtroom.

    The Bible says, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but

    is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to

    repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

    God was calling the city of Houston to repentance. God was calling our nation to repentance.

  • The Horn of Samuel 32

    The Good Samaritan

    In the common law there is a defense to criminal trespass and its called necessity. The necessity

    defense states that in an emergency situation its okay for someone to jump the fence and

    trespass on private property. For example, if you hear a child drowning in your neighbors pool

    you dont have to knock on the door and get permission to save the child necessity dictates that

    you put the childs life ahead of laws designed to protect property rights.

    But the law doesnt require you to do it.

    There are no Good Samaritan laws in the United States that require you to rescue others. If you

    hear a child drowning and struggling for their life you are not required by the law to save them -

    but thats not how Gods law works. God compels us to reach out and save those drowning in

    their sins.

    And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

    Mark 16:15

    But what is the gospel? Here it is, He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he

    that disbelieveth shall be condemned. Mark 16:16

    The baptism includes the vows and promises weve made to God. Many Christians have vowed

    to reject Satan and all of his works. Abortion clinics are a sinful masterpiece of Satan. And the

    silent complicity of the churches across our country is a tacit acceptance of Satans work on


    But not everyone kneels silently before the altars of darkness. God calls his servants to reject


    David Allen wasnt blinded by conformity to this world. No matter what the U.S. Supreme Court

    decided, he knew, and regretted deeply, what hed done to his first son under that Supreme Court

    decision. And he obeyed God and walked into an altar of darkness that would murder thousands

    upon thousands of innocent babies and he proclaimed the love of God.

    He obeyed the scriptures, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the

    renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of

    God. Romans 12:2

    When David blew his horn in the largest altar of human sacrifice ever built he publicly rejected

    Satan and all of his works on Earth. He said in his testimony on the steps of city hall, I had a

    special authority. David was told to walk into the building, but his first reaction was, Certainly


  • The Horn of Samuel 33

    And that would have been my reaction. David had a good paying job and family to support. You

    dont waltz into the heart of darkness and proclaim the love of God and expect to keep your job

    and your family intact. If that happened pretty soon everyone would be doing it.

    It took courage to walk into that building, but the world didnt celebrate Davids courage far

    from it! The jury in Davids trial convened for only a few minutes. They quickly found him

    guilty of criminal trespass.

    It didnt matter that the construction workers and Planned Parenthood lied on the stand. They

    said they thought he had a gun, but when video that a pro lifer had taken was shown in the

    middle of the trial their lies were exposed. It showed a smiling David Allen walking calmly into

    the building and saying exactly what he testified to in court.

    David wasnt the first servant of God found guilty for obeying God.

    Jesus was also found guilty in the court of man. And out of love he allowed that court to carry

    out its most tortuous of sentences. But that was as the Lamb. As the Lion, He will return and

    deal will deal harshly with the fallen church and cast sinners into hell, Not every one that saith

    unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my

    Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied

    in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful

    works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work

    iniquity. Matt. 7:22-23

    Who is Jesus talking about in this passage? Its a prophecy about a future generation who will

    call themselves Christians and use the vernacular of the Bible and yet not know Him. Hes

    talking about pastors, priests, and parishioners of a dead church.

    According to Jesus they will be saying Wait a minute God I played the part! I worshipped


    But they didnt follow Him and they didnt serve Him. And theyre going to hell, Every tree

    that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Matt. 7:19

    The dead church of our day certainly fits the description so it comes down to a question of our

    hearts. Who are we REALLY serving?

    The empty sidewalks bear witness to the truth.

    The police serve and protect the interests of the state even when those laws violate Gods law.

    And Christians are called to serve and protect the interests of the King of kings and Lord of lords

    even if that means we must confront a godless nation and its godless laws.

  • The Horn of Samuel 34

    But it takes a special kind of courage to serve God knowing in advance the cost will be great.

    Its easy to worship God in the comfort of an air conditioned pew, but to serve Him in the streets

    sometimes requires great sacrifice. And yet those who proclaim God in the cathedrals are often

    the first to mock that which they dont understand, How dare you walk on private property

    youre supposed to be peaceful and prayerful!

    We signed a statement of peace!

    Did Jesus come to bring peace on Earth? Here is what he said, Think not that I am come to send

    peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance

    against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her

    mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. Matt. 10:34-36

    (emphasis mine)

    On the steps of city hall David Allen said, To know the truth, to be emboldened by the truth,

    and to share the truth.

    Jesus wasnt handing out statements of peace to his disciples in an effort to persuade Rome that

    they need not worry about their presence. He was telling them to grab a spiritual sword and

    divide and conquer a sinful world. Jesus made statements of conquest, Truly, truly, I say to

    you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will

    he do, because I am going to the Father. And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I

    do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:12-13

    Jesus Christ brings spiritual discord because his existence demands a spiritual verdict. Will we

    go on serving ourselves and display the forms of godliness, but denying the power of God that

    could make us holy and righteous, or will we submit to the will of God and serve Him?

    The truth divides a nation because sinners reject it. The United States rejected God in 1973 when

    they made abortion legal. We rejected God and his works on Earth and the army that was called

    to rescue this nation and its unborn children was the church of Christ.

    But the church failed miserably, but God will be victorious.

    Were called to be Good Samaritans even when the church leaders ignore the truth. Jesus Christ

    said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your

    strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27

    The theologian then asked Christ to clarify what he meant by neighbor.

  • The Horn of Samuel 35

    And Jesus replied, A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.


    priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the

    other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

    But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on

    him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on

    his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two

    denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will

    reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied, The one who had mercy on him.

    Jesus told him, Go and do likewise. Luke 10:30-37 Jesus used the example of a priest and Levite for a reason.

    These men knew the law, but didnt follow it. The Good Samaritan lived it.

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    More than conquerors

    After winning its guilty verdict, the District Attorneys and Planned Parenthood thought they had

    won and the celebration began. I watched the District Attorney skip out of the courtroom with a

    grin on his face. The Planned Parenthood staffers didnt need to say anything because I already

    knew what they were thinking, See what happens when you challenge the powers of darkness?

    The hubris of Satan and those that follow him is that they believe they can win. They look at the

    rag tag army of prayer warriors on the sidewalk and laugh. Goliath was laughing too, right up to

    the moment of his death.

    The Bible describes their destiny, For their feet rush into evil, they are swift to shed blood. How

    useless to spread a net where every bird can see it! These men lie in wait for their own blood;

    they ambush only themselves! Proverbs 1:16-18

    Something else happened during the trial. The judge decided to allow David to blow his shofar in

    open court. The word spread quickly through the building that a shofar was going to be blown

    and the few remaining were filled by junior District Attorneys who filled the room to watch.

    And they were each handed a DVD with the testimony of Abby Johnson telling the truth about

    Planned which can be viewed here: (click link to view video)

    Planned Parenthoods head of security was standing next to me and I said to her, Youve just

    poisoned the well. All of the DAs are going to know the truth about Planned Parenthood. As

    always, God was victorious. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him

    that loved us. Romans 8:37

    At the sentencing phase the judge looked at David and said, Youre the nicest man Ive ever

    met, but theyve found you guilty and I must sentence you.

    Looking back Im reminded of the trial of Jesus Christ. Pontius Pilate did not want to sentence an

    innocent man to death and so he offered up Barabbas, but the crowd demanded the life of Jesus

    and a guilty man was set free.

    I am Barabbas. You are Barabbas. Christ took the place of a man condemned to die and hung on

    a cross for his sins and our sins.

    God did not ask anything of David Allen that he had not already asked of his son, Jesus Christ.

    However, despite the guilty verdict, David served no days in jail, had no court costs, and there

    was nothing on his permanent record. But there was plenty of witnessing!

    And that is because God had already prepared the way and appointed a special trial judge.

  • The Horn of Samuel 37

    Slaying the giant

    The battle did not end in that Houston courtroom. It was only just beginning.

    David Allen continued to minister outside of the largest abortuary in the Western Hemisphere

    and in 2011 the Houston Police Department handcuffed David and left him to roast in the back

    of their squad car parked in the Planned Parenthood parking lot for an hour until he succumbed

    to heat stroke and had to transported to the hospital for emergency care. As a result of that

    unlawful arrest, the District Attorney ruled that David could walk up to the Planned Parenthood

    fence to preach the gospel before it was considered criminal trespass. David obeyed this ruling

    for over three years and shared the good news of Gods love for a fallen city. However, this past

    year the new District Attorney (Devon Anderson) charged David with criminal trespass for doing

    what the previous DA had instructed him to do -- the legal term for this is entrapment.

    Here is a short video of David Allens arrest:

    Davids second is trial is scheduled for April 27th, 2015. Please pray that David Allen will

    continue to be anointed to stand against the Goliath of the abortion industry. And please pray that

    his family will have the strength to endure the slings and arrows of the enemy.

    Also pray for District Attorney Devon Anderson whom God loves very much, but who has sadly

    chosen to side with the abortion industry. Pray that Devon and her entire staffs eyes will be

    opened to the evil of the abortion industry

    And finally, please pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit this Goliath will be slain and

    abortion will end in the city of Houston and across the United States. We know that God

    specializes in slaying giants. And we know that Christ promised that we will do greater things in

    his name to bring glory to God.

    I know that sometimes David Allen feels like hes fighting the battle alone, even with an army of volunteer Christian lawyers battling at his side. Ive felt that way a few times while standing alone on the sidewalk, but I know that none of us stand alone when we do Gods will.

    God stands beside us!

    In my last conversation with David Allen I told him, You may have walked down into the spiritual valley alone, but I have faith that Gods army is on its way to Houston. And many of them are already there. God loves Houston and every fallen city in this land and he calls men and

    women out of their cars to serve Him.

  • The Horn of Samuel 38

    The Holocaust Memorial

    I have faith that the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere will be shut down. And in

    preparation for that glorious day of victory, David has put his Civil Engineering skills to good

    use and sketched out the Holocaust Memorial that will replace it. A reflecting pond will be

    located in the footprint of where Planned Parenthoods building once stood.