Chapter 3 Restriction (3)Power of Spanning Tree

Chapter 3 Restriction (3)Power of Spanning Tree Ding-Zhu Du


Chapter 3 Restriction (3)Power of Spanning Tree. Ding-Zhu Du. Steiner Tree with Minimum Number of Steiner Points. Steinerized Spanning Trees. Minimum Steinerized Spanning Tree. A Property of MST. Analysis. Consider an optimal solution and modify it to meet the restriction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 3 Restriction (3)Power of Spanning Tree

  • Chapter 3 Restriction(3)Power of Spanning Tree

    Ding-Zhu Du

  • Steiner Tree with Minimum Numberof Steiner Points

  • Steinerized Spanning Trees

  • Minimum Steinerized Spanning Tree

  • A Property of MST

  • AnalysisConsider an optimal solution and modify it to meet the restriction.Estimate the cost of modification.

  • Theorem

  • LemmaProof

  • degree < 4

  • Theorem

  • Bottleneck Steiner Tree

  • Steinerized Spanning Tree with kSteiner Points

  • Optimal Solution of Restricted Problem

  • AnalysisConsider an optimal solution and modify it to meet the restriction.Estimate the cost of modification.

  • Theorem

  • Wireless Networkr

  • Broadcasting Tree

  • Min-Energy Broadcasting

  • Broadcasting Tree

  • AnalysisConsider an optimal solution and modify it to feasible solution with the new objective function.Estimate the cost of modification.

  • Consider an Optimal Broadcasting Tree

  • Lemma

  • Theorem

  • Proof of Lemma

  • Actually