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    To implement STATCOM at meaningful Mega Volt Ampere

    (MVA) level, a high power VSC is needed. But semiconductor devices are

    limited to operate in high current and voltage ratings and hence it is

    difficult to connect a semiconductor switch directly to medium voltage

    networks (2.3-6.9 kV). One solution to this problem is to use multilevel

    VSC to increase the output voltage. Multi Level Inverters (MLI) contains

    several power semiconductors and capacitor voltage sources (Tolbert et al.

    1999). Output voltages of MLIs include the additions of the capacitor

    voltages due to the commutation of the switches (Lai and Peng et al. 1996).

    (a) Two levels, (b) Three levels and (c) n levels

    Figure 3.1 One phase leg of an inverter

  • 57

    Figure 3.1 shows a schematic diagram of one phase leg of

    inverters with several numbers of levels. The power semiconductor is

    represented by an ideal switch. A 2-level inverter, as shown in

    Figure 3.1 (a), generates an output voltage of 2-levels with respect to the

    negative terminal of the capacitor, while the 3-level inverter shown in

    Figure 3.1 (b) generates three voltages, and so on. Thus, the output

    voltages of multilevel inverters have several levels and they can reach high

    voltages with n number of levels (Tolbert et al. 1999).

    MLIs have been receiving increasing attention in recent years

    because they have many attractive features when compared to the

    conventional bipolar inverters (Peng and Lai 1997, Peng 2001).

    The features are:

    The output voltage distortion is very low due to multiple levels

    in the output voltages

    The rate of change of voltage dv/dt of switches is low since the

    switches endure reduced voltage and due to the lower voltage

    swing of each switching cycle

    The switches can operate at a lower switching frequency

    The common-mode voltages can be eliminated using

    sophisticated modulation methods (Rodriguez et al. 2004)

    The voltage stress on each switch is decreased due to series

    connection of the switches

    The rated voltage and total power of the inverter could be safely


  • 58

    The THD and filters are reduced due to more output levels

    Low acoustic noise and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI)

    can be obtained

    The MLI based STATCOM can be directly connected to the

    grid without the bulky step-up transformer, resulting in cost and

    weight reduction

    The MLIs can also respond within 1 ms much faster than the

    conventional PWM converters and Advanced Static Var

    Compensators (ASVCs) do (Kumar et al. 2010)

    The unwanted effects caused by the line frequency converter

    transformer such as saturation and DC magnetization can also

    be eliminated

    A voltage level of three is considered to be the smallest number

    in multilevel converter topologies. By switching the main power

    semiconductor devices even at the line frequency, a sinusoidal output

    voltage waveform with fast system response with a sufficiently high

    number of voltage levels can be obtained. This naturally minimizes the

    entire system losses and the output filter requirement. In addition, by

    adding more H-bridge converters, the amount of var can be simply

    increased without redesign of the power stage, and build-in redundancy

    against individual H-bridge converter failure can be realized (Peng et al.

    1996). Moreover, a three-phase Cascaded Multilevel Converter (CMC)

    topology generates different output voltage waveforms and offers the

    potential for AC system phase-balancing. This feature is impossible in

    other VSC topologies utilizing a common DC link (Alhadidi et al. 2003,

  • 59

    Garica and Garica 2000, Lehn et al. 2002). A great combination of the

    STATCOM concept and the CMC topology is a promising controller in the

    modern FACTS technology (Rodriguez et al. 2002).


    Traditional magnetic transformer coupled multipulse VSC has

    been a well-known method and has been implemented in 18 and 48 pulse

    converters for battery energy storage and STATic CONdenser

    (STATCON) applications, respectively (Walker 1990). These converters

    typically synthesize the staircase voltage wave by varying transformer

    turns ratio with complicated zigzag connections (Lai and Peng 1996).

    Problems of the magnetic transformer coupling method are bulky, heavy,

    and lossy. The capacitor voltage synthesis method is thus preferred when

    compared to the magnetic coupling method. There are three major

    capacitor-voltage synthesis-based multilevel converters, listed as follows:

    Diode-clamped multilevel converter

    Flying-capacitor multilevel converter

    Cascaded converters with separated DC sources

    3.2.1 Diode-Clamped Multilevel Converter

    The Diode Clamped Multi Level Inverter (DCMLI) also called

    the Neutral-Point Clamped (NPC) inverter was presented in 1980

    (Bhagwat and Stefanovic 1983). Because the NPC inverter effectively

    doubles the device voltage level without requiring precise voltage

    matching, this circuit topology prevailed in 1980s. Figure 3.2 shows the

    power circuit of one phase leg of a 5-level Diode-Clamped Multilevel

  • 60

    Converter (DCMC) or NPCMC. In this topology, semiconductor devices

    are connected in series and DC link is divided into smaller capacitors and

    connects to switches by clamp diodes. The clamp diode connections are

    used to block the current and their numbers in each leg is selected in such a

    way so as to have the same block voltages. To generate M voltage levels,

    M-1 capacitors are needed on the dc bus (Hosseini Aghdam et al. 2008).

    The ground point shown in the Figure 3.2 is the common reference point

    and is connected to the middle of DC link. For example, in a 5-level

    inverter shown in Figure 3.2, DC bus voltage consists of four capacitors:

    C1, C2, C3 and C4. For a DC link voltage of Vdc, the capacitors voltages will

    be Vdc/4.

    Figure 3.2 Power circuit of one phase leg of a 5-level DCMLI

    Table 3.1 shows the phase voltage levels and their

    corresponding switch states. Since all the devices are switched at the

    fundamental frequency, the efficiency is high. In Table 3.1, state 1

    represents that the switch is ON, and state 0 represents that the switch is

  • 61

    OFF. In each phase leg, a set of four adjacent switches is switched ON at

    any given time.

    Table 3.1 Diode-Clamped 5-level converter voltage levels

    and their switch states

    OutputSwitch state

    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8Vdc/2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

    Vdc/4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

    0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

    -Vdc/4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

    -Vdc/2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

    Since in DCMLI topology switches should withstand the DC

    link voltage, this topology uses high voltage power electronic switches.

    DCMLI generates high and steep voltage steps which may affect the life

    time of the load; therefore, filters are needed to reduce the ripple in the

    inverter output voltage. However these filters are usually heavy and

    expensive. In this topology excessive clamping diodes are required.

    Real power flow control for the individual is difficult. The main drawback

    of DCMLI is the unbalanced DC link capacitor. It restricts the application

    of DCMLI to 5 or less number of levels.

    3.2.2 Flying-Capacitor Multilevel Converter

    The Capacitor-Clamped Multi Level Inverter (CCMLI) or

    Flying Capacitor Multi Level Inverter (FCMLI) emerged in the 1990s.

    Figure 3.3 shows a 5-level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Converter (FCMC)

  • 62

    topology or Capacitor Clamped Multilevel Converter (CCMC).

    The voltage level in the FCMC is similar to that of the DCMC. In this

    topology the connecting points of the semiconductor devices connected in

    series are clamped by extra capacitors. The series connections of clamped

    capacitors are necessary to block the current and their numbers in each leg

    are selected in such a way that all the capacitors store the same energy.

    In this way large and heavy capacitors will not be needed. The output

    voltage is symmetric with respect to the neutral point. There is no

    interconnection in the three interior loops between balancing capacitors Ca,

    Cb and Cc to the DC link sources for each phase, like the DCMC topology.

    Table 3.2 shows a possible switch combination of the voltage levels and

    their corresponding switch states.

    Figure 3.3 Power circuit of one phase leg of a 5-level FCMC

  • 63

    Table 3.2 Flying Capacitor 5-level voltage levels and

    their corresponding switch states

    OutputSwitch state

    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8Vdc/2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

    Vdc/4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

    0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

    -Vdc/4 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

    -Vdc/2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

    In FCMC there is more than one combination that can produce

    output voltages. This feature of FCMC makes it more flexible than the

    DCMC. By nature of this topology, however, the CMC is impossible to

    apply in intertie or back-to-back applications, such as Unified Power Flow

    Controller (UPFC). Connecting separate DC sources between two

    converters in a back-to-back arrangement is not possible because a short

    circuit will be introduced when back-to-back converters are not switching

    simultaneously. For back-to-back intertie system for UPFC, DCMLI is

    most suitable because other two types may require more switching per

    cycle and more sophisticated control to balance the voltage.

    3.2.3 Cascaded-Multilevel Converters with Separated DC Sources

    The Cascade Multilevel Inverter (CMI) was first proposed in

    1975 (Ooi et al. 1999, Patil et al. 1999). Separate DC sourced full-bridge

    cells are placed in series to synthesize a staircase AC output voltage.

    This structure uses cascaded inverters with Separate DC Sources (SDCSs).

    This topology includes several H Bridge cells, i.e., Full Bridge Inverters

  • 64

    (FBI) connected in series as shown in Figure 3.4 (a). A desired voltage is

    synthesized from several independent sources of DC voltages obtained

    from batteries, capacitors, fuel cells or solar cells (Mathur and Seyezhai

    2008). CMC configuration is increasingly used at high power area due to

    its direct high voltage output with no need of a transformer (Sirisukprasert


    Figure 3.4(a) Single phase leg structure of a CMC with SDCS

    Figure 3.4(b) Individual H-Bridge cell of a CMC

  • 65

    The number of output phase voltage levels in a CMC is defined

    by M=2s+1; where s is the number of DC sources and M is the output

    phase voltage level. By controlling the conducting angles at different

    converter levels minimum THD can be obtained. Compared to DCMC and

    FCMC, CMC is easy to design and assemble because of the uniform circuit

    structure of the converter units. The voltage level of the inverter can be

    increased in multiples of two by changing the number of FBI i.e., adding

    additional bridge inverter cells to each phase limb.

    The proposed structure of the single phase 5-level CMC consists

    of eight semiconductor switching devices and two SDCS connected to a

    single phase FBI/H-bridge inverter as shown in Figure 3.5.

    (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2

    (c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4

    Figure 3.5 Switching modes of 5-level CMC

  • 66

    Table 3.3 CMC 5-level voltage levels and their corresponding

    switch states

    OutputSwitch state

    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8

    +Vdc 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

    -Vdc 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    +2Vdc 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

    -2Vdc 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

    Each inverter level can generate five different voltage outputs,

    +2Vdc, +Vdc, 0, and -Vdc, -2Vdc by connecting the DC source to the AC

    output by different combinations of the four switches as shown in

    Table 3.3. Switches S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7 and S8 are switched in different

    modes of switching sequences to generate output voltages across AB of the

    H-bridge module. Table 3.3 shows one possible switching state to produce

    a 5-level output voltage (Marchesoni and Tenca 2002).

    3.2.4 Comparison of Power Component Requirements among

    Multilevel Converters

    Among the three types of multilevel converters (DCMC, FCMC

    and CMC) the CMC is easy to design and assemble. The voltage synthesis

    in a FCMC has more flexibility than a DCMC. From comparison as shown

    in Table 3.4, it shows that the CMC type is more advantageous when

    compared to other types where additional diodes and capacitors are

    required (Peng et al. 1998). The CMC uses the least number of power

    components, but requires separate isolated power sources for each inverter

  • 67

    cell. This would normally entail using a large isolation transformer. But for

    this only requirement, a CMC is superior to other types and hence it is best

    suited for high power applications. Table 3.4 compares the main power

    component requirements per phase leg among these three multilevel VSCs,

    where M is the number of voltage levels.

    Table 3.4 Comparison among multilevel converters based on power

    component requirements for phase leg



    Diode clamped








    No of switching

    devices 2(M-1) 2(M-1) 2(M-1)

    No of Diodes 2(M-1) 2(M-1) 2(M-1)

    No of clamping

    diodes(M-1)(M-2) 0 0

    DC bus

    capacitors(M-1) (M-1) (M-1)/2

    Balancing or



    0 (M-1)(M-2)/20

    Total M2+2M-3 (M2+7M-8)/2 (7/2)(M-1)

    In Table 3.4, the number of main switches and main diodes

    needed by each converter to achieve the same number of voltage levels is

    the same. But DCMC needs extra clamping diodes, FCMC needs extra

    balancing capacitors and CMC needs extra DC bus capacitors. So the total

    devices for each converter are different (Tolbert et al. 2002). Even though

  • 68

    the CMC needs more capacitors when compared to those needed in the

    DCMC, this is not considered to be a disadvantage in STATCOM


    An Ultra CAPacitor (UCAP) bank or a Superconducting

    Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) module for example, can be individually

    integrated with each H-bridge converter to enable real power compensation

    capability in a STATCOM system. Since each inverter can be seen as a

    module with similar circuit topology, control structure and modulation,

    incase of a fault in one of these modules, it is possible to replace it quickly

    and easily. It is possible to bypass the faulty module without stopping the

    load, bringing a continuous overall availability, using an appropriate

    control strategy. The reduction in number of devices used in a 5-level

    CMLI when compared to conventional inverters is shown in Table 3.5.

    Table 3.5 Comparison of number of devices required per phase

    Devices used

    per phase


    Inverters CMLI

    Main power

    switches8 5

    Diodes 20 8

    Capacitors 4 2

    For the more than three level configuration used in high voltage

    var compensation application like STATCOM, the DCMC voltage-

    imbalance problem cannot be overcome by utilizing control techniques

    only (Peng and Lai 1997). Either oversized capacitors or complex balance

    circuits are absolutely required. This makes the DCMC unsuccessful in

  • 69

    such applications. Similarly in the FCMC topology, an unacceptable

    amount of capacitance is required for high voltage levels. In the 7-level

    FCMC converter, 15 clamping capacitors plus six DC-link capacitors are

    required per phase to achieve the same voltage rating achieved by utilizing

    three capacitors in the CMC topology. This requirement makes the system

    less cost-effective and they also induce a severe voltage-imbalance

    problem in the transient period and at the steady state.

    3.2.5 Proposed Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Converter

    An Asymmetric CMC (ACMC) consists of unequal capacitor

    voltages. Instead of using an identical DC link for every H-bridge

    converter, different DC links can be used to synthesize a greater number of

    output voltage levels without any additional complexity to the existing

    topology. A MLI with k partial inverters connected in series is shown in

    Figure 3.6. Each cell is supplied by an unequal DC voltage source.

    To determine the voltage levels among different DC links, a binary system

    can be effectively used, i.e., 1Vdc, 2Vdc, 4Vdc 2(N-1) Vdc, where N is the

    number of H-bridge converters in one phase leg.

    The proposed work focuses on ACMC with two unequal DC

    sources in each phase to generate seven level equal step multilevel outputs.

    This structure is favorable for high power applications since it provides

    higher voltage at higher modulation frequencies with a low switching

    (carrier) frequency. It means low switching loss for the same THD. It also

    improves the reliability by reducing the number of DC sources. However

    increased rating of the switches is required for ACMC to withstand the

    whole DC bus.

  • 70

    Figure 3.6 Asymmetric cascaded-multilevel converter


    The function of a modulation strategy is to force the inverter

    voltages/currents to follow the reference voltages/currents. The modulation

    strategies for inverters can be divided into two categories: The voltage

    modulation strategies and the current modulation strategies. The output

    voltages of the inverter will follow the reference voltages. In the

    applications of multilevel inverters, the voltage-mode control systems are

    much more popular than the current-mode control systems. The reason is

    that the current-mode control systems usually require very high switching

    frequencies for smoothing currents.

    Most multilevel inverters are used in high-voltage and high-

    power applications where the power semiconductor switches cannot switch

    at very high frequencies. With the voltage-mode control, contrarily, the

    inverter can switch at lower frequencies, even at line-frequency for the

    cases of multilevel inverters. Hence in this chapter, only the modulation

    strategies for the voltage-mode control will be investigated. Depending on

  • 71

    their switching frequency, modulation techniques for multilevel

    applications can be classified into the following main groups:

    1. Fundamental Frequency Switching (FFS), where each inverter

    has only one commutation per cycle.

    Selective Harmonic Elimination (SHE) (Mathur and

    Seyezhai 2008)

    2. High Frequency Switching (HFS), where each inverter has

    several commutations per cycle.

    Space Vector PWM (SV-PWM) technique

    Carrier-Based PWM technique (Leon et al. 1998)

    Sinusoidal PWM (Multicarrier PWM)

    In all these methods a reference signal is compared to a carrier

    signal and output state is selected based on which signal is higher at any

    moment. In selection of carrier and reference signals there are some points

    which are mentioned below:

    Carrier signal is usually a symmetric triangular wave, but a saw

    tooth wave can be used either. An important fact is that the symmetric

    signal generates fewer harmonics. The reference signal can be continuous

    or sampled but synchronous with carrier signal. The second method usually

    generates fewer harmonics. Since now-a-days digital controllers are used,

    this method is preferred (Veenstra and Rufer 2000).

  • 72

    Advantages of FFS

    Eliminates low order harmonics in order to reduce the distortion

    in the output voltage (Tolbert et al. 1999, Rodrigue et al. 2007).

    Disadvantages of FFS

    It has no significant effect on higher order harmonics (Zhang

    and Fahmi 2003, Chiasson et al. 2003)

    Complex calculations are involved in calculating the switching

    angles and transferring to a digital system

    Results in unbalanced power distribution

    With a multi-pulse transformer, this power imbalance can lead

    to a distorted input current

    Switching losses are high

    Different absorbed active power due to different voltage levels

    aggravates the DC link voltage imbalance

    Advantages of Space Vector PWM Strategy

    Enhanced output voltage

    Reduction of harmonics

    Considerable reduction in THD (Kumar et al. 2008)

  • 73

    Disadvantages of Space Vector PWM Strategies

    Implementation of space vectors require DSP

    High Cost and Complexity involved in implementation

    3.3.1 Carrier based PWM

    Among various PWM control techniques, the most popular one

    is the Multi Carrier PWM (MCPWM) which shifts the harmonics to high

    frequencies by using high frequency carriers (Visser et al. 2002).

    As electronic devices have limited switching frequencies, high switching

    carriers are limited by this constraint (McGrath and Holmes 2000).

    Carrier based technique is based on the comparison of a specific sinusoidal

    reference signal with high frequency modulator carrier signals as shown in

    Figure 3.7 which are usually selected triangular and modified in phase or

    vertical positions to reduce the output voltage harmonic content. These

    methods have been used widely for switching of multilevel inverters due to

    their simplicity, flexibility and reduced computational requirements

    compared to FFS and SVM (Ainsworth et al. 2003). The main advantage of

    PWM converters is the possibility of controlling the converter gain and

    consequently the converter output voltage (Hanson et al. 2002). In the most

    popular PWM method, the width of each pulse is varied in proportion to

    the amplitude of a sine waveform.

    This triangular carrier signal reduces noises in the system ripple

    current, harmonics distortion acoustic noise. The comparison of this signal

    with a triangular generates the system output (Figure 3.7). Whenever the

    reference sinusoidal signal is greater than the triangular wave; the VSI is

    fired to switch a positive output and vice-versa for a negative output. It can

  • 74

    be seen that the fundamental component of the resulting output voltage is

    equal to the reference sinusoid (Liang and Nwankpa 1999).

    The number of switching per cycle is a constant predictable

    value with the voltage controlled PWM and is determined by the ratio of

    triangle-wave modulation frequency to system frequency, or frequency

    modulation ratio, mf. The triangular or carrier waveform has a certain

    switching frequency, which establishes the frequency at which the

    converter switches. The frequency of the carrier waveform determines the

    fundamental frequency of the output voltage.


    carrierf f

    fm (3.1)

    By varying the amplitude of the control waveform from zero to

    the amplitude of the carrier waveform the pulse width can be varied from

    0 to 1800. The amplitude modulation ratio ma defines the ratio between the

    control and carrier waveforms:


    controla A

    Am (3.2)





    The shortest switching time will always occur at the peaks of the

    reference sinusoid. The closer the modulation index is to one, the shorter

    this switching time will be, assuming over modulation does not occur

    (Michael et al. 1998).

  • 75

    Figure 3.7 SPWM modulation

    The modulation index can be reduced by increasing the

    capacitor voltage, thereby increasing the minimum switching time

    (Phoivos D. Ziogas 1981, Jeevananthan et al. 2004, Enjeti et al. 1988).

    statesteadyvoltagecapacitor1indexModulation (3.4)

    With CMC, the maximum modulation index for linear operation

    can be high under fundamental frequency mode. For a Multilevel inverter

    say a M-level inverter, (M-1) carrier waves are compared with a controlled

    sinusoidal modulating signal. The cross over points is used to determine

    the switching instants. For a 5-level inverter, a modulating signal and

    4 carrier waves are required for each phase of the inverter (Joos et al.


    The widely used MCPWM methods are Phase Shifted (PS),

    Phase Disposition (PD), Phase Opposition Disposition (POD) and

    Alternative Phase Opposite Disposition (APOD). The methods used for

  • 76

    diode-clamped inverter application (PD, POD and APOD) are derived from

    the disposition of carriers. If all carriers are selected with the same phase,

    the method is known as PD method. A sinusoidal reference waveform is

    compared with vertically shifted carrier waveforms.

    Figure 3.8 Multilevel SPWM with PS method

    in a 7-level inverter

    In POD method, the carriers above the zero line of reference

    voltage are out of phase and with the carriers below this line is by 180.

    Compared to the PD method, this method has better results with reference

    to harmonic performances in lower modulation indices. In POD method,

    there is no harmonic at the carrier frequency.

    The third group is known as APOD method. Each carrier of this

    method is phase shifted by 180 from its adjacent one. POD and APOD

  • 77

    methods are exactly the same for a 3-level Inverter. The major difference

    in APOD is the presence of the larger amount of third order harmonics.

    But the third order harmonics is not considered because it gets cancelled in

    line voltages. This method results in a better THD for line voltages when

    compared with the POD method.

    Figure 3.8 shows PS method in a 7-level CMC. With the two

    multilevel SPWM, the dominant lower order harmonics are pushed to

    around (M-1)fsw, where fsw is the switching frequency of power

    semiconductor devices. In other words, equivalent switching frequency of

    the inverter is (M-1) fsw.

    In the PS method which is being widely used in cascaded

    topologies, all triangular carrier signals have the same amplitude and

    frequency but they are phase shifted by 90 to each other so that the output

    voltage of every H-bridge is time shifted which leads to the equivalent

    switching frequency of the summed output voltage being increased, then

    the output harmonic content is reduced without increasing the switching

    frequency (Liang et al. 1999).

    In the PS method the harmonics of the resultant STATCOM

    output voltage only appear as sidebands centered around the frequency of

    2Nfs (where N is the No. of H bridge inverters and fs is the frequency of

    triangular carrier signals) and its multiples so that the voltage across the

    DC capacitor of each inverter is the same. Hence the resultant STATCOM

    output voltage has very high equivalent switching frequency even if the

    switching frequency of the individual switches is not so high. It is

    generally accepted that PS method results in lower distortion factors in the

    inverter output voltage for all modulation indices (Calais et al. 2001).

  • 78

    PS multicarrier PWM method provides equal switching stress

    and power handling for all the cascaded units. The multilevel cascaded

    topology with PS carrier reduces effective switching delay due to PWM

    and ripple magnitude in the current error. The H-bridge inverters share the

    same modulating sinusoidal signal. Frequency ratio of the carrier and

    modulating sinusoidal signal is

    Kc = fc/fs (3.5)

    The period of triangular carrier

    c = 2 /Kc (3.6)

    For n number of modules in cascaded inverters, the triangular

    carrier is phase shifted by

    sh = c/2n = 2 /2nKc (3.7)

    The output voltage equivalent frequency ratio is

    Keff = 2nKc (3.8)

    If n=3, the equivalent switching frequency of the output voltage

    is 6fs.

    With regard to modulation, the most popular SPWM control

    technique for the NPCMLI and the FCMLI is the PD method. The most

    popular SPWM control technique for the CCMLI is the PS method.

    However, examining the frequency spectrum of the output phase voltage of

    the three types of multilevel inverters, the same value of THD can be

    obtained when SPWM multi-carrier with PD carriers and SPWM with PS

    carriers are used.

  • 79


    Most researchers and industries use Newton-Raphson method of

    iterative solution (Saadat 1992, Juan 2006, Hieu Le Nguyen 1997, Ghadir

    Radman 2007). While traditional power flow program do not include

    FACTS controllers, papers have been published dealing with power flow

    problem considering FACTS controllers (Ge 1999, Chung 2005, Zhang

    2003). Undoubtedly, an important part of power system study is power

    flow, thus for power flow control of a system, it is very important to

    include this new proposed CMC based controller in power flow equations.

    A power flow study will provide extensive information about

    the systems state, weaknesses and possible expansion opportunities.

    The most important information given by the power flow is the voltage and

    phase angle at each node. Real and reactive power may also be obtained,

    though the accuracy of the output depends on the system status.

    Power flow solutions base themselves on system constraints and

    assumptions, the single-phase representation of the voltage, phase angle,

    and power are shown below :


    1nininniini -cosVVYP (3.9)


    1nininniini -sinVVYQ (3.10)

    These polar forms of the power flow equations provide the real

    and reactive net calculated values. On a theoretical basis, the equation

    would work according to the conservation of energy. Since there are losses

    in the systems that need to be taken into account, the theoretical equations

    will have a disparity of Pi and Qi. The power flow calculation hence

  • 80

    depends on the quantities Vi, Vn, Pi, and Qi. The power flow hence,

    depends on three types of nodes or buses: The load bus, in which the real

    and reactive parts are known. Second is the generation or voltage control

    bus, in which the voltage magnitude is maintained at a constant

    predetermined value. The last bus, the reference voltage angle bus is

    known as the slack bus.






    1tt (3.11)






    1tt (3.12)

    A complexity arises in trying to simultaneously solve the

    equations. Since the functions for real power Pi and reactive power Qi are

    dependent on non linear functions of the state variables voltage Vi and

    phase angle i, iteration methods are employed to solve for both sides of

    Equation (3.11) to try to solve for the two remaining constants. Various

    methods can be used to speed up the iteration process and make it converge

    within a certain error margin (Chattopadhyay et al. 1994). The Newton-

    Raphson (N-R) method is one of the fastest iterative methods (Fuerte

    Esquivel et al. 2000). This method begins with an initial approximation and

    generally converges at a zero of a given system of nonlinear equations

    (Chong Han et al. 2008, Blaabjerg et al. 2004).

    3.4.1 Switching Angle Calculation using Newton-Raphson


    Selection of switching angles can be done either by using the

    SHE method or THD minimization method (Lehn and Iravani 1998).

    SHE method is preferred when the number of levels is low.

  • 81

    THD minimization method is preferred when the number of levels is high,

    so that solving of complex transcendental nonlinear equations can be

    avoided (Chen and Spooner 2003). In the cascaded converter, the

    capacitance requirement is as follows:

    Cdc cascade = dc




    The inverter output voltage V av is the sum of three H-bridge

    output voltages in one leg, i.e.

    3H2H1Hav VVVV (3.14)

    The voltage V av can be varied by varying the output of each

    FBI level which can be obtained by switching the devices. The harmonic

    content of V av can be obtained from the Fourier series analysis as

    1h 1hhhoav )thsin(b)thcos(aaV (3.15)

    With odd harmonics, a o = o and a n = o

    1hhav ...5,3,1hfor)thsin(bV (3.16)

    For n level, the Fourier series of the quarter-wave symmetric

    parallel connected multi-level waveform is given as








  • 82

    Fundamental rms voltage





    cos2V4V (3.18)

    Harmonic rms voltage








    Amplitude modulation index




    a )cos(71

    VVm (3.20)

    Va is the amplitude command of the inverter output voltage and

    Va(max) is the maximum obtainable amplitude of the phase voltage when all

    switching angles i are equal to zero. For releasing SPWM, a higher

    frequency triangular wave is compared with the sinusoidal reference wave

    of desired frequency (McGrath and Holmes 2000).

    The value of individual capacitance Ci required is given as



    ii tdtcosI2V

    qC (3.21)



  • 83

    where qi is the deviation in the charge on the capacitor, ciV is

    the average capacitor voltage, i is the switching timing angle of FBI unit.

    Using amplitude modulation index m and Va in NR numerical

    technique, switching angles are obtained as shown in Table 3.6 (Jiang and

    Lipo 2005).

    Table 3.6 Switching angles for various modulation indexes


    index (m)

    Switching timing angles (rad)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    0.45 0.357 0.903 0.804 1.158 1.227 1.424 1.603

    0.51 0.445 0.697 0.612 0.902 1.091 1.174 1.208

    0.64 0.207 0.558 0.393 0.849 0.807 0.910 1.167

    0.78 0.069 0.243 0.206 0.641 0.651 0.818 0.852

    0.81 0.107 0.172 0.181 0.273 0.341 0.506 0.828

    When m is varied, the inverter either absorbs or generates

    reactive power from the power system network. For low m, the inverter

    voltage will be greater than the bus voltage and vice versa. For high m, the

    modulation angles are less. These values are used for calculating

    capacitance values. The total capacitance required for a 3-phase M level

    converter is:

    C = 3 ci (3.23)

  • 84


    VSC produce harmonics due to switching operation of power

    electronic devices (Acha et al. 2001, Singh et al. 1999). The harmonics in

    the output voltage of power electronic converters can be reduced using

    PWM switching techniques (Mohan et al. 1995). PWM methods reduce the

    harmonics by shifting frequency spectrum to the vicinity of high frequency

    band of carrier signal (Yuvarajan and Abdollah Khoei 2002). The SPWM

    technique, however, inhibits poor performance with regard to maximum

    attainable voltage and power (Quek and Yuvarajan 1995). A novel PWM

    technique called Inverted-Sine Carrier PWM (ISCPWM) is proposed for

    harmonic reduction of the output voltage of ac-dc converters. The proposed

    control scheme based on ISCPWM can maximize the output voltage for

    each modulation index.

    3.5.1 Inverted Sine Carrier PWM Strategy

    The ISCPWM method uses a sinusoidal reference signal and an

    inverted sine carrier as shown in Figure 3.9 which has better spectral

    quality and higher output limit as compared to the conventional SPWM,

    without any pulse dropping. The ISCPWM strategy reduces the THD

    without losses and also enhances the fundamental output voltage

    particularly at lower ma. Although solutions have been already applied

    before, this proposed work is focused on adapting and improving this type

    of solution to ISCPWM in STATCOM applications.

    In this method the control signals have been generated by

    comparing sinusoidal reference signal with a high frequency inverted sine

    carrier. The carrier frequencies are selected in such a manner that the

    number of switching in each band is equal. The proposed modulation

  • 85

    technique maximizes the output voltage and gives a low THD. A PI

    controller is employed to enhance the performance of the asymmetric MLI

    using the proposed modulation strategy.

    For the ISCPWM pulse pattern, the switching angles may be

    computed in the same way as PWM scheme. The equations of inverted sine

    wave are given by Equations (3.24) and (3.25) for its odd and even cycles


    Figure 3.9 Generation of pulses using ISPWM

    y = 1- sin {Mf x - / 2 (i-1)} (3.24)

    y = 1- sin {Mf x - / 2 (i-2)} (3.25)

    The switching angles for ISCPWM scheme can be obtained

    from Equations (3.26) and (3.27)

    Ma sinqi+ sin( Mf qi - / 2 (i-1) = 1, i = 1,3,5... (3.26)

    Ma sinqi+ sin( Mf qi - / 2 (i-2) = 1, i = 2,4,6... (3.27)

  • 86

    ISCPWM technique is classified into two types based upon the

    frequency of carrier waves

    Unipolar ISCPWM (UISCPWM)- employ carriers of same


    Variable Frequency ISCPWM (VFISCPWM)- employ carriers

    of variable frequency

    In the gating pulse generation of the proposed ISCPWM scheme

    shown in Figure 3.9, the triangular carrier waveform of PWM is replaced

    by an inverter sine waveform.

    3.5.2 Proposed Variable Frequency ISPWM Technique

    The proposed control strategy replaces the conventional fixed

    frequency carrier waveform by variable frequency inverted sine wave.

    In unipolar (fixed) ISPWM the switching scheme includes three triangular

    carrier signals. The signals are time shifted by Ts/3, where Ts is the period

    of these carrier signals. The 3 H-Bridges share the same modulating

    sinusoidal signal V(t) and -V(t). The harmonics of the output voltage

    appear as sidebands centered around the frequency of 2Nfs and its

    multiples, provided that the voltage Vdc of each inverter is the same.

    The current harmonics caused by DC capacitor voltage ripple is neglected.

    The output voltage has very high equivalent switching frequency even if

    the switching frequency of the individual switches is not so high.

    The ISPWM has a better spectral quality and a higher fundamental voltage

    compared to the triangular based PWM. But the main drawback in the

    conventional fixed frequency ISCPWM is the marginal boost in the

    magnitude of lower order harmonics and unbalanced switch utilization.

  • 87

    This is overcome by employing variable frequency inverted sine carrier

    signals. The VFISPWM scheme is more favorable than the conventional

    ISPWM technique for use in asymmetric multilevel inverter.

    Based on the discussions in the previous sections, there are

    several well known SPWM strategies for CMCs. Compared to the

    conventional triangular carrier based PWM, the Inverted Sine Carrier

    PWM (ISCPWM) has a better spectral quality and a higher fundamental

    output voltage without any pulse drop. In the fixed frequency carrier based

    PWM the switch utilization in multilevel inverters gets affected and results

    in unbalanced switch utilization. In order to balance the switching duty

    among the various levels in inverters, a variable frequency carrier based

    PWM called as VFISPWM has been suggested. This novel method

    combines the advantage of inverted sine and multi frequency carrier

    signals. The VFISPWM provides an enhanced fundamental voltage, lower

    THD and minimizes the switch utilization among the various levels in




    A detailed study of the technique used, as shown in Figure 3.10

    is carried out for THD measurement. In order to verify the operation

    behavior and examine the harmonic content of the ACMC applying

    PD SPWM, the circuit is simulated using Matlab / Simulink for different

    modulation factors and normalized carrier values. Furthermore, a PI

    controller is used to control the MLI using the proposed PWM technique.

    PD based unipolar ISPWM strategy is employed for pulse generation.

    In the conventional PWM method, triangular wave is used as a carrier but

    they are replaced by inverted sine carrier waves modulation strategy.

  • 88

    Figure 3.10 Asymmetric cascaded 7- level inverter

    The first H-Bridge H1 in Figure 3.10 consists of a separate DC

    source Vdc1, and the second H-Bridge H2 consists of a DC source Vdc2.

    The output of H-Bridge-1 is v1 (t) and the output of H-Bridge-2 is v2 (t).

    Hence the total output voltage is given by v(t) = v1(t) + v2(t). By alternately

    opening and closing the switches S1,S4 and S2,S3 of H-Bridge-1

    appropriately, output of H1 v1(t) can be made equal to +Vdc, 0 or -Vdc.

    Similarly the output voltage of H-Bridge-2 v2(t) can be made equal to

    -Vdc/2, 0 or +Vdc/2 by opening and closing the switches of H2. Hence v(t)

    takes values -3/2Vdc, -Vdc, -1/2Vdc, 0, +1/2Vdc, +Vdc, +3/2Vdc.

    An inverted sine wave of high switching frequency is taken as a

    carrier wave and is compared with that of the reference sine wave.

    The pulses are generated whenever the amplitude of the reference sine

    wave is greater than that of the inverted sine carrier wave. The output

    voltage waveform comprising of 7-levels is obtained by modulating the

    inverted sine carriers. By employing this new modulation technique the

    fundamental voltage can be improved throughout the working range.

    For switching of these topologies, various modulation strategies have been

  • 89

    already reported in section 3.3. Among them the carrier-based PWM

    method uses several triangular carrier signals, keeping only one modulating

    sinusoidal signal.

    Table 3.7 shows the switching sequence for a 7-level ACMC

    shown in Figure 3.10. The carriers will have the same frequency and the

    same peak to peak amplitude and are disposed so that the bands they

    occupy are contiguous. The zero reference is placed in the middle of the

    carrier set. The modulating signal is a sinusoid of frequency 50 Hz.

    Table 3.7 Switching sequence for 7-level ACMC



    Half Cycle

    Switches in


    Reverse diode in


    S1, S4, S8 S7S4, S5, S8 S3

    S1, S4, S5, S8 -

    S4, S5, S8 S3S1, S4, S8 S7



    Half Cycle

    S2, S3, S7 S8S3, S6, S7 S4

    S2, S3, S6, S7 -

    S3, S6, S7 S4S2, S3, S7 S8

    At every instant each carrier is compared with the modulating

    signal. Each comparison gives the value one if the modulating signal is

    greater than the triangular carrier, zero otherwise. The results are added to

  • 90

    give the voltage level, which is required at the output terminal of the


    3.6.1 Performance Evaluation of CMC Employing Conventional


    In CMC employing conventional PWM technique as shown in

    Figure 3.11, triangular carrier waves are modulated with reference sine

    wave for pulse generation (Jochim 1992). The pulses are generated

    whenever the amplitude of the reference sine wave is greater than that of

    the triangular carrier wave. Simulation circuit for the generation of

    triangular wave is shown in Figure 3.12. The carrier and reference sine

    waveforms for conventional PWM technique are shown in Figures 3.13

    and 3.14 respectively. The generated carrier waves of frequency 4000 Hz

    are modulated with reference sine wave of frequency 50 Hz for pulse


    Figure 3.11 Simulation circuit of conventional cascaded MLI

  • 91

    Figure 3.12 Simulation circuit for the generation of triangular wave

    Figure 3.13 Triangular carrier waves

    0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01-150









    Figure 3.14 Triangular carrier and reference sine waveforms

    for conventional PWM

  • 92

    0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02-300








    Figure 3.15 Output voltage of CMC (Conventional PWM)

    Figure 3.16 FFT window for output voltage (Conventional PWM)

    The obtained pulses are then applied to conventional 7-level

    CMC and the obtained output voltage waveform of value 265.6 V is shown

    in Figure 3.15. With the optimum frequency of 4000 Hz, in conventional

    PWM method the obtained THD value is 30.99% as shown in Figure 3.16.

    3.6.2 Performance Evaluation of CMC Employing Unipolar


    The proposed unipolar control strategy replaces the triangular

    based carrier waveform by inverted sine wave. The application of unipolar

  • 93

    PWM to inverted sine carrier results in the reduction of carrier frequencies

    or its multiples. So, the advantage of inverted sine and unipolar PWM are

    combined to improve the performance of the CMC. The ISCPWM method

    uses the sine wave as a reference signal while the carrier signal is an

    inverted high frequency sine carrier that helps to maximize the output

    voltage for a given modulation index.

    Figure 3.17 Simulation circuit for the generation of unipolar inverted

    sine carrier waves

    Figure 3.18 Waves employed for generating inverted sine waves

    Time (secs)

  • 94

    Figure 3.17 shows the simulation circuit for the generation of

    inverter sinewaves. Figure 3.18 and Figure 3.19 shows the waves

    employed for the generation of unipolar (fixed) ISCPWM signals. Inverted

    sine waves of frequency 4000 Hz is generated using the simulation circuit

    shown in Figure 3.17. This circuit involves the generation of six inverted

    sine waves (Figure 3.20) each of amplitude 50 V among which three

    inverted sine waves are compared with positive half of reference sine wave

    of amplitude 150 V for pulse generation.

    Figure 3.19 Unipolar inverted sine carrier waves

    Figure 3.20 Inverted sine carrier waves (7-level)

    Time (secs)

  • 95

    Figure 3.21 Reference and inverted sine waveforms

    for unipolar ISPWM

    0 0 .0 02 0.0 04 0.0 06 0.0 08 0 .01 0.012 0 .014 0 .016 0 .018 0.02-30 0

    -20 0

    -10 0






    Figure 3.22 Output voltage of conventional 7-level CMC

    employing unipolar ISCPWM

    Figure 3.21 shows the inverted sine carrier waveforms along

    with the reference sine waveform for unipolar ISPWM.

    Time (secs)

  • 96

    Figure 3.23 FT window for output voltage (Unipolar ISPWM)

    With the proposed Unipolar ISCPWM technique, the obtained

    fundamental component and THD values are shown in Figure 3.22 and

    Figure 3.23 respectively. Table 3.8 gives a comparision of voltage output

    levels and THD values of both conventional and unipolar ISCPWM


    Table 3.8 Comparison of unipolar ISCPWM with conventional


    PWM Technique

    Fundamental Output Voltage

    (in volts)

    Total Harmonic Distortion

    (%)Conventional PWM 266.6 30.97

    Unipolar ISPWM 278 21.82

    On implementing Unipolar ISPWM technique for conventional

    CMC, THD is reduced considerably by a factor of around 9%.

    Hence Unipolar ISCPWM technique is extended for the proposed ACMC,

    in order to overcome the disadvantages of conventional CMC.

    The generated pulses are then applied to asymmetric cascaded MLI.

  • 97

    Output voltage waveform of single phase and 3 phase 7-level ACMC

    employing Unipolar ISCPWM technique is shown in Figure 3.24 and

    Figure 3.25 respectively.

    Figure 3.24 Output voltage waveform of single phase 7-level ACMC

    Figure 3.25 Output voltage waveform of three phase 7-level ACMC

    (Unipolar ISCPWM)









    Time (secs)

    Time (secs)

  • 98

    3.6.3 Performance Evaluation of CMC Employing VFISCPWM

    The proposed control strategy replaces the conventional fixed

    frequency carrier waveform by variable frequency inverted sine wave.

    Simulation circuit for Variable Frequency Inverted Sine Carrier (VFISC)

    generation is shown in Figure 3.26. Pulses for the asymmetric cascaded

    MLI are generated by modulating carrier waves with reference to sine

    wave of frequency 50 Hz. The obtained pulses from VFISPWM strategy

    are then applied to the ACMC. The proposed PWM strategy is also

    extended for a three phase asymmetric cascaded MLI by introducing a

    phase displacement of 120 between each phase.

    Figure 3.26 Simulation circuit for the generation of variable

    frequency inverted sine carrier waves

  • 99

    Figure 3.27 Carrier and inverted sine waveforms

    for VFISCPWM technique

    Figure 3.28 Variable frequency inverted sine carrier waves

    The variable frequency inverted sine carrier waves shown in

    Figure 3.28 is compared with sine waveforms as shown in Figure 3.27.

    Time (secs)

    Time (secs)

  • 100

    Figure 3.29 Output voltage waveform of single phase 7-level ACMC

    employing VFISCPWM

    Figure 3.30 Output voltage waveform of three phase 7-level ACMC

    employing VFISCPWM

    Output voltage waveforms of single phase and three phase

    7-level ACMC employing VFISCPWM technique are shown in

    Figure 3.29 and Figure 3.30 respectively.

    Time (secs)

    Time (secs)













  • 101

    Figure 3.31 Output voltages waveform of three phase 7-level ACMC

    Figure 3.32 FFT window for output voltage (Unipolar ISPWM)

    Time (secs)





  • 102

    The three individual single phase output voltage waveforms of a

    three phase 7-level ACMC is shown in Figure 3.31. On implementing

    VFISPWM technique for asymmetric cascaded MLI, THD is reduced by a

    factor of around 2% as shown in Figure 3.33 when compared to unipolar

    ISCPWM strategy as shown in Figure 3.32. The VFISPWM provides an

    enhanced fundamental voltage, THD and minimizes the switch utilization

    among the various levels in inverters. In this method the control signals

    have been generated by comparing sinusoidal reference signal with a high

    frequency inverted sine carrier. The carrier frequencies are selected in such

    a manner that the number of switching in each band is equal.

    Figure 3.33 FFT Window for output voltage (VFISPWM)

    The proposed modulation technique for the proposed inverter

    topology maximizes the output voltage and gives a low THD of 5.80%.

    The FFT window for the output voltage waveform of ACMC employing

    fixed frequency ISCPWM is shown in Figure 3.32 and that of ACMC

    employing VFISPWM is shown in Figure 3.33.

  • 103

    Table 3.9 gives the comparison of THD values obtained for

    unipolar ISPWM and VFISPWM control strategies.

    Table 3.9 Comparison of THD values - VFISPWM

    with unipolar ISPWM technique



    Total Harmonic



    Unipolar ISPWM 7.01

    Variable freqency ISPWM 5.80

    Some inferences made from the above waveforms are

    VFISCPWM technique provides better spectral quality and

    reduced THD when compared to Unipolar ISCPWM technique

    ISPWM technique provides better spectral quality and a higher

    fundamental component when compared to conventional PWM


    Harmonics of carrier frequencies and its multiples are not

    produced in ISPWM technique

    With ISPWM technique the THD is also reduced compared to

    conventional PWM technique

    The THD decreases with increase in switching frequency and

    the fundamental component of voltage increases with increase in switching

  • 104

    frequency and is higher for inverted sine carrier when compared to the

    conventional triangular carrier.


    The SPWM technique, however, exhibits poor performance with

    regard to maximum attainable voltage and power. The fundamental

    amplitude in the SPWM output waveform is smaller than the rectangular

    waveform. Among various PWM control techniques the most popular one

    is the Multi Carrier PWM (MCPWM) which shifts the harmonics to high

    frequencies by using high frequency carriers. But electronic devices have

    limited switching frequencies. Hence high switching carriers are limited by

    the power electronic devices having limited switching frequencies.

    Harmonic Elimination Method (HEM) can be applied for ACMCs to

    eliminate harmonics with the use of low switching frequency devices

    (Kumar et al. 2008). However this method requires complex calculations of

    switching angles.

    To overcome this constraint, a HEM based on Artificial Neural

    Network (ANN) is proposed to control the ACMC. The proposed work is

    based on Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) method. The performance is

    evaluated with a 7-level ACMC ANN controller.

    A multiport system in ANN as shown in Figure 3.34 consists of

    a triggering system which consists of eight switches S1-S8. The outputs of

    these switches rely upon the output of the neural network connected to it.

    The output of this multiport system is given to the H-bridge inverter.

    The sum of the voltages of the two driver circuits gives the output voltage

    at the scope.

  • 105

    Figure 3.34 Multiport system

    Figure 3.35 ACMC simulation circuit using ANN controller

    Figure 3.35 shows the ACMC simulation circuit of a 7-level

    ACMC using ANN controller based on Matlab / Simulink.

  • 106

    Figure 3.36 ACMC simulation circuit using conventional

    SPWM controller

    Figure 3.37 Output voltage of the 7-level ACMC

    using ANN controller

    Figure 3.36 shows the ACMC simulation circuit using

    conventional SPWM controller based on Matlab / Simulink. The output

    voltage of ACMC is shown in Figure 3.37 using the simulation circuit

    shown in Figure 3.35.

  • 107

    Table 3.10 gives the switching sequence of a 7-level ACMC

    with ANN.

    Table 3.10 Switching sequence




    LEVELSS1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8

    0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    12 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

    24 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

    36 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

    24 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

    12 6 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

    0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    -12 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

    -24 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

    -36 10 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

    -24 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

    -12 12 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

    The H-Bridge enables the voltage to be applied across a load in

    either direction. The switching table shows the instances at which the

    switches S1-S8 are triggered when various voltages are applied. Such a

    continuous switching by giving high (1) and low (0) input signals gives rise

    to a multilevel output.

    Table 3.11 displays the comparison of THD values obtained for

    HEM and SPWM control techniques.

  • 108

    Table 3.11 Comparison of HEM with conventional SPWM

    Modulation strategy THD (%)

    Conventional SPWM 18.43

    Neural implementation of HEM 9.11


    In the proposed system, Field Programmable Gate Array

    (FPGA) based gate signal generation is used. Complex control algorithms

    required by MLIs can be implemented in FPGA but not in real time using

    standard low cost microcontrollers or DSP. FPGA allows simultaneous

    execution of all control procedures, enabling high performance in repetitive

    and massive computation, high computation speed and dynamic response.

    However microcontrollers and DSP controllers cannot satisfy the demand.

    Figure 3.38 Block diagram of Spartan 3E-Xilinx (Xc3s500-Fg320)

  • 109

    Figure 3.39 FPGA kit programmed with Xilinx ISE tool

    Figure 3.40 FPGA kit (Spartan 3E-[Xc3s500-Fg320])

    and two stage cascaded inverter

    The proposed modulator has been implemented in FPGA-Xilinx

    Spartan 3E (Figure 3.38) and tested with the prototype inverter.

    The experimental verification of multilevel modulation and control is

  • 110

    obtained through the laboratory model of a single phase, 5-level inverter

    based STATCOM. A FPGA based digital processor is used for the

    modulation of a multilevel inverter.

    The proposed work presents the design, implementation and test

    of a novel real-time controller for a 5-level multilevel converter based on a

    FPGA. The main advantages of FPGAs are that they provide higher

    performances in repetitive and massive computations. Multilevel

    converters, moreover, often require complex control algorithms which

    cannot be implemented in real-time using standard low cost

    microcontrollers or DSP, but can be successfully implemented using

    hardware description languages and FPGA. FPGA includes on-chip PWM

    controllers making implementation easy. Hence the real time

    implementation of the proposed inverter using FPGA is carried out in the

    proposed work. The hardware implementation of a two stage CMC

    (Figure 3.40) in FPGA kit programmed with Xilinx ISE tool is shown in

    Figure 3.39.

    Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA IC is used for controlling the width of

    the pulses from PWM generator, by fixing either the frequency or the

    voltage so that the MOSFETs are turned ON and OFF in the desired


    Ability to re-program in the field to fix bugs

    Small size and increased speed

    Offer easy, fast and flexible design and implementation

  • 111

    The inherent parallelism of the logic resources on an FPGA

    allows for considerable computational output even at a low

    MHz clock rates

    3.8.1 Generation of gating pulses for the proposed PWM

    The gating signals for the 5-level inverter employing the

    ISPWM technique is generated using FPGA processor as shown in

    Figure 3.41 and tested with the proto-type inverter. Figure 3.42 shows the

    VLSI Simulation: Model SIM PWM Pulses. The performance evaluation

    of an ISPWM multilevel inverter is done using Matlab/Simulink

    environment and minimized THD is determined.

    Figure 3.41 Generation of PWM pulses from FPGA

  • 112

    Figure 3.42 VLSI simulation : model SIM PWM pulses

    The Spartan 3E (Xc3s500-Fg320) is programmed through

    Xilinx ISE tool via PC through IMPACT port. With this programme, the

    inverter is switched ON and then the waveforms are obtained as shown in

    Figure 3.43.

    Figure 3.43 5-level output voltage waveform for ISCPWM inverter

  • 113

    As per the program in the Spartan 3E-(Xc3s500-Fg320), it

    creates the gate signals for the MOSFETs used in the two stage cascaded

    inverter. If the gate pulses are given, the respective output is obtained as

    shown in the Figure 3.43.

    After verifying the design by simulation, synthesis is carried

    out. Finally placement, routing and timing optimizations are performed.

    The additional advantage in the ISCPWM is that it does not require any

    mode changing as required in conventional PWM. Regrettably, the

    ISCPWM causes marginal increase in the lower order harmonics, but

    except third harmonics all other harmonics are at an acceptable level. It is

    worth noting that for three-phase applications, the heightened third

    harmonics need not be bothered.

    Figure 3.44 Generated pulses using ISPWM technique in CRO

  • 114

    Figure 3.45 Cascaded 7-level inverter output waveform in CRO

    The hardware implementation of ISCPWM technique for a

    7-level CMC done using microcontrollers and the waveforms of the

    generated pulses and voltage output measured using a CRO are shown in

    Figures 3.44 and 3.55 respectively.


    For transmission and distribution voltage levels, the multilevel

    VSC offers various advantages over its counterparts. Among the various

    multilevel converter topologies, the CMC is the most promising alternative

    for the STATCOM application. Analytical, simulated and experimental

    results show the superiority of the proposed system. Using MLI, the

    switching frequency increases while the ripple magnitude reduces.

    The proposed modulation and control scheme is validated through the

    experimental results that are obtained using the prototype model of a single

    phase, 5-level inverter. To achieve the same number of output voltage

    levels, the CMC requires the least total number of components. With its

  • 115

    modular structure, the CMC can flexibly expand the output power

    capability that corresponds to the requirements of the connected power

    system networks. Additionally, its modularity is favorable to

    manufacturing. Moreover, redundancy can be easily applied in the CMC to

    enhance reliability for the entire system. This chapter mainly focused on

    the ISPWM technique for CMC. Based on the proposed CMC model, the

    ISPWM technique was first presented for the 5-level and then for the

    7-level CMC and its performance and stability were verified by both

    computer simulations and experiments. The experimental results are very

    consistent with the simulation results. Moreover, the results demonstrate

    the accuracy of the model and the superior performance of the ISPWM

    control technique.