Chapter 24, Part 2

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2 1 Chapter 24, Part 2 The Digestive System 2 SECTION 24-6 The small intestine digests and absorbs nutrients, and associated glandular organs assist with the digestive process

Transcript of Chapter 24, Part 2

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!


Chapter 24, Part 2!The Digestive System!


SECTION 24-6!The small intestine digests and absorbs nutrients, and associated glandular organs assist with the digestive process

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Small Intestine – Regions!

21 feet long in cadaver; 10 feet long in living person (What accounts for this difference?)!1. Duodenum (“12”, length of 12 finger widths)!•  Entrance = pylorus!•  Has Brunner’s (alkaline mucous) glands (Why

alkaline?)!2. Jejunum (“empty” in cadaver)!•  No Brunner’s glands or Peyer’s patches!

3. Ileum (“twisted”)!•  Many Peyer’s patches (M.A.L.T.)!•  Opens into colon at ileocecal valve!


Small Intestine Histology!


Lining is modified to increase surface area for secretion and absorption!

Compared to a simple tube:!1.  Plica circulares (circular folds)!•  Permanent folds of mucosa

and submucosa!•  Folds contain submucosa

(identifies a plica in lab)!•  Increase luminal surface

area by 3X

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Small Intestine Histology – 2!

2.  Villi!•  Folds of mucosa!•  Fold contains lamina propria (not submucosa

– use for identification in lab)!•  Contain lacteals!

Lymphatic capillaries!ü  Transport chylomicrons (lipid +

protein) to blood!•  Increase luminal surface area by 10X


The Intestinal Wall – Villi Figure 24-17a and b!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Intestinal Villus Figure 24-17c and d!

Lamina propria!


Small Intestine Histology – 3!

3. Microvilli!•  Folds of epithelial cell membrane!•  Fold contains cytoplasm (not lamina propria or

submucosa) and actin filaments!•  Form “brush border”!

Contains brush border enzymes - digestion!•  Increase surface area by 20X

Total increase in surface area (for digestion and absorption) compared to a simple, unmodified tube is: 3 x 10 x 20 = 600X !! !(i.e. Your small intestine would need to be 600 times longer to do the same amount of work.)!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



a.k.a. crypts of Lieberkühn!•  Epithelial cells lost to lumen replaced by

stem cells!•  Some shed cells release brush border

enzymes into lumen!Enteroendocrine cells!•  Gastrin and GIP!•  Secretin!•  Cholecystokinin!

Intestinal Glands!



Intestinal Secretions!

About 1.8 l/day from:!•  Osmosis from mucosa to chyme in lumen!•  Secretions of intestinal glands!

Buffer acidic chyme!Protect against digestive enzymes!

•  Increase secretion in response to:!Local reflexes!Enterocrinin from neuroendocrine cells!

(↑ mucus production)!Vagus stimulation!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



The Pancreas Figure 24-18!


Pancreas – Anatomy!

Heterocrine gland: both exocrine and endocrineHead, body, tail, exocrine ducts!Pancreatic duct (of Wirsung) divides:!1. Pancreatic duct!•  Joins common bile duct!•  Becomes hepatopancreatic ampulla (of

Vater)!•  Empties into duodenum!

2.  Accessory duct (of Santorini)!•  Opens into duodenum in < 10% of people!

Discussed in lab or later in notes!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Pancreas – Histology!

1. Exocrine portion = acini (“bunch of grapes”)!Secretes “pancreatic juice” (Not a good lab test

answer! – be more specific.)!•  1.2–1.5 l/day!

ü  Digestive enzymes (see below)!ü  Sodium bicarbonate (neutralizes

chyme)!2.  Endocrine portion - islets of Langerhans!

•  Glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide (Chapter 18)!


“Pancreatic Juice” (pH 7.5–8.8)!

Acinar cells•  Secrete digestive enzymes as proenzymes!

E.g. trypsin secreted as trypsinogen!Trypsinogen ----- enteropeptidase -----> trypsin!

(in brush border)!Trypsin activates chymotrypsin,

carboxypeptidase and elastase!Pancreatic duct cells•  Secrete ions including bicarbonate!•  Water follows!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Pancreatic Enzymes (Discussed in detail later) !

Pancreatic alpha-amylase!•  Carbohydrates!•  Similar to salivary amylase!

Pancreatic lipase!•  Lipids → fatty acids!

Pancreatic nucleases!•  DNA, RNA!

Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes!•  proteases, peptidases!


Gross Anatomy of the Liver Figure 24-19b!

•  Largest visceral organ!•  Falciform ligament separates R. and L. lobes!•  Round ligament = remnant of fetal umbilical vein!•  Liver cells = hepatocytes!

Discussed in lab or later in notes!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Gross Anatomy of the Liver – 2 Figure 24-19c!

Discussed in lab or later in notes!


Liver Histology Figure 24-20!Blood tracingSublobular veins

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Liver Histology – 2!

Organized into roughly six-sided lobules!Hepatic triad at corners of lobules contain:!•  Branch of hepatic portal vein!•  Branch of hepatic artery!•  Branch of bile duct!

Hepatocytes surround sinusoids!•  Sinusoids are large leaky capillaries!•  Arterial and portal vein blood empties into

sinusoids•  Sinusoids empty into central vein!


Liver Histology – 3!

Reticuloendothelial cells = fixed macrophages!•  Phagocytize worn out RBCs, bacteria, etc.!

Bile canaliculi!•  Intercellular canals between hepatocytes!•  Hepatocytes secrete bile!•  Canaliculi → hepatic ducts → common

hepatic duct → cystic duct → gallbladder (storage)!

You will need to know the hepatic portal circulation (and when to use it) for the blood tracing test.!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Liver Functions!

1. Metabolic regulationA. CH2O metabolism - glycogenolysis,

gluconeogenesis!B. Lipid metabolism - regulate blood [lipid]!C. Amino acid metabolism!•  Amino acids ↔ lipids ↔ glucose!

D. Waste removal (e.g. ammonia → less toxic urea)!E. Vitamin storage (fat-soluble vitamins)!F. Mineral storage (iron stored on ferritin)!G. Drug/toxin inactivation (smooth ER)!


Liver Functions – 2!

2. Hematological regulationA.  Phagocytosis and antigen presentation

(Kupffer cells)!B.  Synthesize plasma proteins (hepatocytes)!C.  Remove circulating hormones!D.  Remove circulating antibodies!E.  Remove (or store) toxins!

3. Synthesis and excretion of bile

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



3. Bile Functions!

•  800–1000 ml produced per day by hepatocytes!•  pH 7.6–8.6 *** Effect on duodenum pH?!Contains:!

•  Water, bile salts, bile acids, cholesterol, lecithin, pigments, ions!

Functions:!A.  Digestive!•  Bile salts emulsify fats (do NOT themselves

digest fats)!•  Increases surface area for digestion by

lipases!•  Solubilizes cholesterol!


Bile Functions – 2!

Bile salts!•  Bile acids (derived from cholesterol combined

with sodium or amino acids!•  Acids = Bilcholic, deoxycholic,

chenodeoxycholic, and lithocholic acids (just FYI, do not memorize)

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Bile Functions – 3!

B.  Excretory!•  Bile pigment = modified bilirubin (from heme

of hemoglobin)!•  Bilirubin (liver) → (small intestine to large

intestine) bilirubin → urobilinogen → stercobilin (excreted in feces) + urobilin (excreted in urine)!

C. 90% of bile salts reabsorbed by ileum!


The Gallbladder Figure 24-21!

Discussed in lab or later in notes!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Gallbladder – 2!

Functions:!1.  Bile storage (holds 40–70 ml)!2. Bile modification (does not make bile!)!•  Reabsorbs water, concentrates bile!

3. Bile release!•  Presence of lipids in small intestine

causes CCK release!•  Hepatopancreatic sphincter (of Oddi)

relaxes (part of duodenal papilla (lab))!•  Gallbladder contracts !


Major Duodenal Hormones Figure 24-22!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Activities of Major Digestive Tract Hormones!Figure 24-23!

Food in stomach!

Chyme in duodenum!

Material arrives in jejunum!


SECTION 24-7!The large intestine is divided into three parts with regional specialization!

•  Cecum!•  Colon!•  Rectum!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



The Large Intestine Figure 24-23!

Discussed in lab or later in notes!


Large Intestine!

Functions:!1.  Reabsorption of water - forming feces!2.  Absorption of vitamins (e.g., vitamin K - some

produced by bacteria)!3.  Storage of feces!

Anatomy:!•  About 5 feet long!•  Mesocolon attaches it to posterior abdominal

wall!•  Ileocecal valve (sphincter) connects with

small intestine!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Large Intestine Anatomy – 2!

Cecum opens into colon!•  Blind pouch!•  Appendix attached!

Rectum/Anus!•  Temporary storage of feces!

Anus has stratified squamous EPI!•  Internal anal sphincter!

Smooth muscle = involuntary!Stretch initiates urge to defecate!

•  External anal sphincter!Skeletal muscle = voluntary!


Large Intestine Histology!

Mucosa!•  No villi or permanent folds!•  Has intestinal (mucous) glands!•  Epithelial cells!

a)  Absorptive cells (water)!b)  Goblet cells (lubricating mucus)!c)  Do NOT produce digestive enzymes!

•  Lymph nodules (lots)!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Large Intestine Histology – 2!

Submucosa!•  Many lymphoid nodules!

Muscularis externa!•  3 longitudinal smooth muscle bands =

taeniae coli!Contractions produce haustra (“pouches”)!

Serosa!•  Has epiploic (fatty) appendages!


The Large Intestine Figure 24-25!No villi!Many goblet cells!

Discussed in lab or later in notes!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Large Intestine Physiology!

1.  Absorption!A.  Water!B.  Others!•  Electrolytes!•  Vitamins (K, biotin, B5)!

Much produced by bacteria!•  Bile salts (especially cecum)!•  Urobilinogen (excreted in urine)!


Large Intestine Physiology – 2!

2.  Movements!Gastroileal and gastroenteric reflexes → ileum!

A. Peristalsis in small intestine!•  Move materials into cecum!

B. Haustral churning or segmentation movements!•  Chyme forced from one haustrum to the next!

C. Mass movements (mass peristalsis)!•  Stimulus = stretch of stomach or duodenum!•  Strong contractions in transverse colon

onward!•  Move contents into rectum!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Defecation Reflex!

Mass movements push contents into rectum:!1.  Rectum distended!2.  Stretch receptors activated!3.  Reflexes initiated!

A. Myenteric plexus stimulated!•  Increase peristalsis in rectum!

B. Parasympathetic neurons stimulated in spinal cord!•  Increase peristalsis in rest of colon!•  Relax internal anal sphincter!


Defecation Reflex – 2!

C.  Somatic motor neurons stimulated!•  Contract external anal sphincter!

(Can be voluntarily relaxed)!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



The Defecation Reflex – 3 Figure 24-26!


The point is to get materials that can be used:!•  For ATP synthesis (catabolism) or!•  To make new organic molecules (anabolism)!

SECTION 24-8!Digestion is the mechanical and chemical alteration of food that allows the absorption and use of nutrients!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Digestion and Absorption Figure 24-27!

Great Figure!


Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption!

A. Salivary and pancreatic enzymes!Salivary amylase and pancreatic α-amylase!

•  Optimum pH 6.5–7.5!1. Salivary amylase!Starches → disaccharides and trisaccharides!•  Inactivated by stomach acid!

2. Pancreatic α-amylase!•  Starches → disaccharides and


Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption – 2!

B.  Brush border enzymes!•  Are integral proteins on intestinal microvilli•  Some function in lumen after epithelial cells

are shed!•  Produce monosaccharides!

Maltase: maltose → 2 glucose!Sucrase: sucrose → glucose + fructose!Lactase: lactose → glucose + galactose!


Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption – 3!

C.  Absorption of monosaccharides !Transport requires carrier proteins!1.  Facilitated diffusion and cotransport into cells!

a)  Facilitated diffusion!•  [higher] to [lower] with carrier!•  No ATP required!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption – 4!

b)  Cotransport = secondary active transport!•  E.g. Na+ pumped out of cell (Na+/K+

ATPase) into lumen!•  Na+ and glucose bind to carrier at

lumen!•  Both enter cell down Na+ concentration

gradient!•  Na+ pumped back out!

2. Facilitated diffusion into blood!


Carbohydrases Table 24-1!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Lipid Digestion and Absorption!

A. Lingual lipase and pancreatic lipase (with bile salts)!Triglycerides → monoglycerides + fatty acids!Bile salts in small intestine’s lumen:!•  Derived from cholesterol!•  Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts!•  Emulsify fats → ↑ surface area for attack!•  Coat monoglycerides + fatty acids → !

Form micelles!


Bile-Salt Micelle!

In lumen of intestine

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Lipid Digestion and Absorption – 2!

B. Micelle contacts epithelial cell!•  Lipid diffuses into cell!•  New triglycerides formed!•  Triglycerides now coated with protein → !

Form chylomicrons!C. Chylomicrons leave base of cell by exocytosis!•  Enter lacteals (lymphatics) in intestinal villus!•  Transported to circulation!


Lipases and Nucleases Table 24-1!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Protein Digestion and Absorption!

1. Stomach - pepsin!•  Proteins to peptides!

2. Small intestine!A. Enzymes in lumen from pancreas!

e.g. trypsinogen ⎯ enteropeptidase → trypsin!Trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase•  Break only specific types of peptide bonds

and produce polypeptides!Carboxypeptidase•  Lops off any terminal amino acid and

produces free amino acids!


Protein Digestion and Absorption – 2!

B. Brush border enzymes!•  Exopeptidases and dipeptidases!

Polypeptides → amino acids!C.  Facilitated diffusion and cotransport into cells!D.  Facilitated diffusion and cotransport into


Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Proteases Table 24-1!



Secretion and Absorption of Water Figure 24-28!

Small intestine:9000 - 1200 ml = 7800 ml reabsorbed

Large intestine:1400 - 150 ml = 1250 ml reabsorbed

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Secretion and Absorption of Water!

Food, drink 2000 ml!Saliva 1500 ml!Gastric secretion 1500 ml!Intestinal secretion 2000 ml!Bile 1000 ml!Pancreatic secretion 1000 ml!Colon mucus 200 ml!

9200 ml!Lost in feces: 150 ml!

Most reabsorption in small intestine (water follows salt)!


SECTION 24-9!Many age-related changes affect digestion and absorption!

Chapter 24 – Digestion – PART 2!



Effects of Aging!

1.  Decreased rate of stem cell division!2.  Decreased smooth muscle tone!3.  Cumulative damage over time!•  Tooth loss, EtOH effects on liver!

4.  Increased incidence of cancers!•  Affects epithelial stem cells!•  Colon, esophagus, throat, buccal cavity!

5.  Increased susceptibility to dehydration!•  Osmoreceptors not as effective!