Chapter 2+3 Vocabulary[1][1]

Chapter 2+3 Vocabulary Created By: Carlton Glenn

Transcript of Chapter 2+3 Vocabulary[1][1]

Chapter 2+3 Vocabulary

Created By: Carlton Glenn

What You will Learn• Chapter 2+3 Vocabulary and

Definitions.• You will also see examples.

Ethics• Ethics- a system

of moral principle. 

Credibility• Credibility- the

ability to inspire belief and trust

Objectivity• Objectivity- the

ability to make fair, neutral observations about people and events.

Slander• Slander- a

damaging false statement against another person or institution spoken or broadcast extemporaneously.

Fair comment• Fair comment- a

libel defense that protects a journalist’s expressed opinion of public figures or review of books, records, and the like.  

Composite characters• Composite

characters- fictional characters a news writer creates by using characteristics of several real people.

Libel• Libel- written

defamation damaging false statements against another person or institution that appear in writing or that are spoken (broadcast) from a written script.

Right of reply• Right of reply- the

opportunity for permitting a person criticized in a story to respond to that criticism in the same story. 

Privileged statement• Privileged statement-

statements made on the floor of congress, in the state legislature, or in a courtroom that, if published, are immune from libel suits.

In loco parentis• In loco parentis-

the legal idea that school authorities act in place of the parents and assume a parent’s rights, duties, and responsibilities.

Prior restraint• Prior restraint-

censorship, or restrain in advance of publication.

Plagiarism• Plagiarism- the

taking and using as one’s own the writings or inventions of another person.

Forum theory• Forum theory- the

idea that once a forum (or place where ideas are exchanged) is created, the ideas expressed there cannot later be controlled.

News judgment• News judgment-

the knowledge and instinct a reporter calls on to determine whether and event is news.

Proximity• Proximity- an

element of news that refers to the geographic nearness of a given event to your place of publication or your readers.

Brainstorming• Brainstorming- a

method of obtaining many ideas in a short time.

Advance• Advance- a story

about a coming event.

Human-interest story• Human-interest

story- a story that causes the reader to feel such emotions as sorrow, pity, or amazement.

Prominence• Prominence- an

element of news that refers to how well-known and individual is in the community, school, nation, or world.

Random sample• Random sample- a

sample of a population to be surveyed in which every member of the population has an equal possibility of being included in the survey sample. 

Timeliness• Timeliness- news

that has to do with how news or current news is. the timeliness of the basketball newspaper is very important.

Consequence• Consequence- an

element of news that refers to the importance of the event. The greater the greater the news value.

Conflict• Conflict- an

element of news that involves tension, surprise, and suspense.

Filter question• Filter question- a

question asked in a beginning of a survey to eliminate people who do not belong to the desired population.

Review Questions• What Is Criticism?• What is Plagiarism?• What is a Random Sample?• What is a Forum Theory?• What is a Conflict?

References• Google• Wikipedia• Yahoo