CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low...

CHAPTER 21 Section 3: Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces experience in France? What role did the United States play at the beginning of the war, and how did that role change? World War II

Transcript of CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low...

Page 1: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.


Section 3: Axis Gains


How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler?

What success did German forces experience in France?

What role did the United States play at the beginning of the war, and how did that role change?

World War II

Page 2: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.


Axis Gains

Vichy France Occupied Franceboth

Bell Ringer 21.3:What are the similarities and differences between Vichy France and occupied France?

Page 3: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Page 4: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

After France and GB agreed to Hitler’sdemands at the Munich Conference, theGerman leader believed he had little tofear from the Western leaders.

“I saw them at Munich,” he said. “They are little worms.”

Germany’s invasion of Poland brought immediate declarations of war from GB and France.

But Hitler had the advantage and the momentum …

Page 5: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

blitzkriegDescribes an all-mechanized force of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power,

concentrating overwhelming force and rapid speed to break through enemy lines.

Page 6: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

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Axis Gains

Everyone expected Hitler to attack western Europe with his ‘blitzkrieg’ tactics, but nothing happened (indeed, on 6 October, Hitler offered peace).  

Meanwhile, Britain and France made no effort to attack Hitler.   A British Expeditionary Force of four divisions – 158,000 men with 25,000 vehicles – left for France on 11 Sept, but it was too small and poorly-equipped to challenge the Nazi army.

Page 7: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

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Axis Gains

The period came to be called ‘the phoney war’. Britain prepared for war.

Operation Pied

Piper – remove


children and


pregnant women

from towns to

the countryside.

22 Sept: petrol rationing

introduced 200 miles/car/mth

Page 8: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains.. until, suddenly, on 9 April 1940, Nazi forces attacked Denmark and Norway.

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Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Chamberlainis replaced…

WinstonChurchill becomesPrimeMinister.

Page 10: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Hitler expand his attacks . . . the Low Countries (the Netherlands,Belgium and Luxembourg) –

Page 11: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

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Axis Gains

Battle of Dunkirk

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Axis Gains

Page 13: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

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Political Cartoon

Axis Gains

Page 14: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Germany turns to attackthe heart of France 5 June 1940.

Page 15: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

The battles were not the same as during WWI . . .

Hitler’s forces bombed and machine-gunned civilians trying to flee.

Page 16: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

The Fall of France• Italy declared war on France on 10 June.

• The French government fled to port of Bordeaux, and Paris was occupied on 14 June.

• The 17th of June, Marshal Pétain (a WWI hero) had formed a new gov’t and publicly announced France would ask for an armistice.

• On 22 June, an armistice was signed between France and Germany, going into effect on 25 June.

• For the Axis, the campaign was a spectacular victory.

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Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Vichy France

Page 18: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories

Political Cartoon

Axis Gains

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Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Under the leadership of General Charles deGaulle,a Free French governmentwas formed and set upits headquarters in London.

It is quite true that we were, and still are, overwhelmed by enemy mechanised forces, both on the ground and in the air. It was the tanks, the planes, and the tactics of the Germans, far more than the fact that we were outnumbered, that forced our armies to retreat. … But has the last word been said? Must we abandon all hope? Is our defeat final and irremediable? To those questions I answer - No! … This war is not limited to our unfortunate country. The outcome of the struggle has not been decided by the battle of France. This is a world war! … Whatever happens, the flame of French resistance must not and shall not die.

Page 20: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Maquis: predominantly rural guerrilla bands of the French Resistance

Initially they were composed of men who had escaped into the mountains to avoid conscription into Vichy France's Service du travail obligatoire (STO) to provide forced labour for

Germany. They fought the occupying Germans by engage in sabotage –blowing up bridges, wrecking trains, cutting communications…

Page 21: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

After France fell,many thought Britainwould prove evenweaker . . .

Hitler began bombing…

The Battle of Britainhad begun …

Page 22: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis GainsThe bombing continued nonstop during September and October . . .

Hitler believed that he could destroy the British people’s willto fight.

The Royal Air Force (RAF) flew combat missions day after day –night after night.

The RAF had a new weapon . . . Radar!

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Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Germany hoped that its naval blockade would STARVEGreat Britain into surrender . . .

This might have happened if not for?????

The Luftwaffe continued its bombing for many months . . . And theBritish began to make stronger and heavier attacks on German cities.

Page 24: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

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Axis Gains

The U.S. Congress pass the Neutrality Acts between 1935-37,stating that the U.S. wished to stay neutral in future wars.

These isolationists believed that Europe’s warsshould not concern Americans.

But their power will fade as fears grew thatthe Nazis would take over the world.

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Axis Gains

In 1939 the Acts were revised to allow American companies tosell munitions to warring nations . . .

In March of 1941, Congress would pass the Lend-Lease Act authorizing the President to supply war materials to

Great Britain on credit.

Atlantic CharterAug 1941

Churchill and Roosevelt

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Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Page 27: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.

Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Atlantic CharterAug 1941

Churchill and Roosevelt

…believed that nations must abolish the use of force andestablish … the creation of an international organization.

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Israel and the Occupied Territories


Axis Gains

Page 29: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.


Axis Gains

Pétain headed government, collaborated with Germany, controlled French colonies

German troops, German  administrationFrench

citizens, Nazi control

Vichy occupied


Page 30: CHAPTER 21 Section 3:Axis Gains Objectives: How did German control of Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries benefit Hitler? What success did German forces.


Axis Gains

Vichy France Occupied Franceboth

Bell Ringer 21.3:What are the similarities and differences between Vichy France and occupied France?