Chapter 21 intro

Alternativ es to Modernism CHAPTER 21

Transcript of Chapter 21 intro

  1. 1. CHAPTER 21Alternatives to Modernism
  2. 2. ALTERNATIVES TO MODERNISM Look back in your notes, what was the alternative to modernism in at the beginning of Unit V? Hint: Modernism and _____________ Hint (last): Some of you created some propaganda for this What do you expect it to sound like?
  3. 3. TRADITIONALIST OR MODERNIST? 1 .) 2.) 3.) 4.)
  4. 4. MODERNISM: A HIT? If someone was going to perform Schoenbergs Pierrot Lunaire at St. Wenceslas Friday night, would you (raise of hands): Go to see if for $100 a ticket? $20 a ticket? $5 a ticket? Free?! much modernist music played to a small, esoteric audience (Kerman, 349). Esoteric-intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. Can you blame them?
  5. 5. TWENTIETH-CENTURY TRADITIONALISM Read Pg. 249 Paragraph 1 But other impressive composers, both here and abroad, developed a more ambivalent attitude toward modernism... Some famous twentieth-century names never joined the Avant-Garde [remember what that means??!!] at all, and kept on mining the reliable quarries of Romanticism for their own private seams of (they hoped) musical gold (Kerman, 349). Ambivalent-having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. Read paragraph 2. Does that make sense?
  6. 6. TWENTIETH-CENTURY TRADITIONALISM (CONT.) there is no question that some of the best -and most popular-music of the early twentieth century was written by composers who never called themselves modernists (Kerman, 349) Important idea: There is more to twentieth century music than Shoenberg!