Chapter 21 1914-1970 The Collapse and Recovery of Europe Chapters 21, 22, and 23 tell the separate...

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  • Chapter 21 1914-1970 The Collapse and Recovery of Europe Chapters 21, 22, and 23 tell the separate stories of three major regions.
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  • The Great War (World War I) of 19141918 launched a new phase of world history a European civil war with a global reach between 1914 and the end of WWII, Western Europe largely self-destructed but Europe recovered surprisingly well between 1950 and 2000 lR4&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode =1 lR4&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode =1
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  • The First World War By 1900, Europeans, or people of European ancestry, controlled most other peoples of the world. rise of a powerful new Germany was a disruptive new element by around 1900, the balance of power in Europe was shaped by two rival alliances Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria, Italy) Triple Entente (Russia, France, Britain)
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  • June 28, 1914: a Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne general war broke out by August 1914 factors that contributed to the outbreak and character of the war popular nationalism industrialized militarism Europes colonial empires
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  • WAR IN EUROPE Germany's War Plan Germany called for a swift defeat of France, longer war with Russia Invaded neutral Belgium, Luxembourg without declaration of war Failure to defeat France set stage for 3 years of stalemate Military dictatorship gradually replaced Kaiser, German Reichstag on running war Allied War Plans French planned to attack into Alsace-Lorraine to recover lost land French military planners spoke of elan and espririt de corps to overcome technology, German Russia was to swiftly mobilize and attack Germany, Austria in the east Western Front Soldiers dug trenches length of the front; machine guns and artillery dominate battlefield Neither side could advance against the other's defenses. Allies and Germans both began to use technology to break deadlock Both sides imposed blockades on the other using navies, submarines Eastern Front Aristocratic officers, peasant soldiers of Russia unprepared; Germany had worlds most modern army Virtual destruction of the tsarist armies and steady loss of territory to Germany Nicholas II, who had taken direct control of the front, incompetent Germany quickly developed a war of maneuver: no static front Italian and Balkan Fronts Russia did well against the Austro-Hungarians Bulgaria joins Central Powers in 1915 Serbia, Montenegro overrun by Central Powers in 1915 Italy joined allies to gain territory but did very poorly. Rumania joined allies to regain Transylvania and quickly overrun
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  • most had expected WWI to be a quick war Germany was finally defeated November 1918 became a war of attrition (trench warfare) became total wareach countrys whole population was mobilized massive propaganda campaigns to arouse citizens women replaced men in factories
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  • rearrangement of the map of Central Europe creation of independent Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia created new problems of ethnic minorities triggered the Russian Bolshevik revolution (1917) the Treaty of Versailles (1919) made the conditions that caused WWII Germany lost its colonial empire and 15 percent of its European territory Germany was required to pay heavy reparations Germany suffered restriction of its military forces Germany had to accept sole responsibility for the outbreak of the war
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  • dissolution of the Ottoman Empire the Armenian genocide &safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 &safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 the United States appeared as a global power in Asia and Africa, many gained military skills and political awareness
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  • PARIS PEACE TREATIES 14 Points Woodrow Wilson's plan for a non-punitive peace Germany agreed to an armistice based on 14 Points Thwarted by the Entente allies Britain and France demanded reparations Demanded a treaty that blamed Germany for the war Paris Peace Conference, 1919 Allied leaders assembled in Paris Germany was deliberately humiliated Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empires were dismembered Russia not invited as Allies were at war with Bolshevism Colonies of European Nations, China Largely ignored Envoys were often not even consulted The Versailles Treaty, signed on June 28, 1919, was the peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers that officially ended World War I. However, the conditions in the treaty were so punitive upon Germany that many believe the Versailles Treaty laid the groundwork for the eventual rise of Nazis in Germany and the eruption of World War II.World War I
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  • The Great Depression The Great Depression represented the most influential postwar change. contracting stock prices wiped out paper fortunes many lost their lifes savings world trade dropped 62 percent within a few years; businesses contracted unemployment soared; reached 30 percent in Germany and the United States by 1932
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  • THE DEBACLE The economic collapse first occurred in the United States in 1929 American banks closed their doors Europe, which remained dependent on American credit, drawn into the crisis. Investment funds were withdrawn when creditors went bankrupt. Without capitalization, industrial production, demand for labor fell Massive unemployment meant less money to consume goods produced The social devastation of the Depression was evident at all levels. This slump was deeper and more prolonged than previous ones. It brought widespread unemployment and increased suicide rates Popular culture turned towards escapism The Depression confounded 19th century optimism Depression led to extreme experiments and paralysis in government around world The USSR Resisted the general trend to depression because it was a centralized, command economy Without ties to most of the West, the Soviets were unaffected by the drop in worldwide demand. Latin America. Japan Industries were heavily dependent on exports Countries suffered typically high unemployment figures The Depression increased Japanese paranoia about the West Promoted more aggressive imperialism in Asia In Latin America, it inspired greater state involvement in the economy In the West The Depression prompted new government-led welfare schemes and political radicalism Rise of Keynesian economics where government used fiscal economics to remedy situation State raised, lowered interest rates to benefit society States taxed richer populations, industry to achieve end World Trade Collapsed as nations protected domestic economies from competition
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  • Causes of the Great Depression American economy boomed in the 1920s by the end of the decade, factories and farms produced more goods than could be sold Europe was impoverished by WWI and didnt purchase many American products Europe was recovering and produced more of its own goods speculative stock market had driven stock prices up artificially high
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  • The New Deal (19331942) Franklin Roosevelts administration launched a complex series of reforms influenced by the British economist John Maynard Keynes Roosevelts public spending programs permanently changed the relationship between government, the private economy, and individual citizens didnt work very well: the U.S. economy only improved with massive government spending because of WWII Nazi Germany and Japan coped the best with the Depression
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  • The League of Nations created to maintain world peace Forty-two members, twenty-six of them outside Europe Dominated by UK, France and used as force against Germany The league had no power to enforce its decisions League could only Make suggestions Impose sanctions Blockades United States never joined USSR ignored Germany not invited for some time Idealistic Attempts Attempts to disarm nations led to naval reduction treaties Attempt to outlaw war led to Kellogg-Briand treaty Many nations reduced their militaries to minimal levels LEAGUE OF NATIONS
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  • The Fascist Alternative in Europe new political ideology known as fascism became important in much of Europe in period 19191945 intensely nationalistic exalted action over reflection looked to charismatic leadership against individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary democracy, and communism determined to overthrow existing regimes conservative/reactionary: celebrated traditional values fascism appealed to dissatisfied people in all social classes achieved major power in Italy and Germany
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  • THE SPREAD OF FASCISM 1935 Ethiopia Italy also wanted an empire Started a war with, annexed Ethiopia Western Allies, League of Nations did nothing to halt war Spanish Civil War 1931 Radicals oust Spanish king, declare Spain a republic Military, Church, elite hate republic Francisco Franco assumes leadership, creates fascist organization Civil War 1936 1939 saw world involvement UK, France refused to become involved USSR sent aid, volunteers to Republicans Italy, Germany sent aid, volunteers to Falangists (Nationalists) Fascists Elsewhere Strong Fascist movements in France, Belgium, Eastern Europe Most fascists saw liberals, democrats, communists, socialists as enemies
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  • Hitler and the Nazis took shape as the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler (18891945) many similarities to Italian fascism grew out of the collapse of the German imperial state after WWI a new government, the Weimar Republic creation of myth that Germany had not really lost the war but had been betrayed by civilians (socialists, Communists, and Jews) the National Socialist (Nazi) Party won growing public support the Nazis had only 2.6 percent of the vote in 1928; 37 percent in 1932 as chancellor, Hitler suppressed all other political parties, arrested opponents, censured the press, and assumed police power
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  • NAZISM In Germany The Depression led to Nazism, the German variant of Fascism Adolf Hitler called for the state to guide society The state was greater than the sum of individual interests Promised to end the humiliation of Versailles Railed against Jews. Nazis in power Built a totalitarian state Exercised direct control over many aspects of German life Eliminated opposition groups through terror, secret police, concentration camps Jews were made the scapegoats for all modern problems and persecuted In foreign policy Hitler prepared for war: looked to rebuild a German empire He withdrew Germany from the League of Nations Broke Treaty of Versailles by suspending reparations, rearming Germany declared a union with Austria in 1938 Threatened to invade Czechoslovakia in 1938: European nations demand a conference France and Britain acceded to Hitler's demands in return for the hope of continued peace. Appeasement failed when Hitler's forces swallowed all of Czechoslovakia in 1939. The Soviet Union and Germany signed a peace treaty in the same year. Finally, when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, Britain and France declared war
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  • Japanese Authoritarianism like Germany and Italy, moved to authoritarian government and territorial expansion important differences: Japan played only a minimal role in WWI at Versailles, Japan was an equal participant on the winning side 1920s: Japan was apparently moving toward democracy greater individual freedoms, including for women
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  • the Great Depression hit Japan hard the military became more dominant free expression was increasingly limited the government adopted many themes from the Radical Right the military became more dominant free expression was increasingly limited
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  • World War II 0A&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode= 1 0A&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode= 1
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  • World War II World War II was even more global than World War I The Road to War in Asia Japanese imperial ambitions rose in the 1920s and 1930s Japan had acquired influence in Manchuria after the Russo-Japanese War of 19041905 1931: Japanese military units seized control of Manchuria Western criticism led Japan to withdraw from League of Nations by 1936, Japan was more closely aligned with Germany/Italy 1937: major attack on the Chinese heartland started WWII in Asia
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  • 19401941: Japan launched conquest of European colonies (Indochina, Malaya, Burma, Indonesia, and the Philippines) presented themselves as liberators of their fellow Asians December 1941: attack on Pearl Harbor
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  • Blitzkrieg: Germany conquers Western Europe : 1939 1940 Blitzkrieg: lightening war of tank, air, mobility Battle of the Atlantic: German subs against British convoys Battle of Britain: British defeat German airforce The German invasion of the Soviet Union 1941: Germany conquers Balkans, invades USSR Blitzkrieg strategies less effective in Russia Hitler underestimated Soviet industrial capacity, Germans ill-prepared for war, stalled at Stalingrad U.S. support of the Allies before Pearl Harbor Roosevelt sold, "loaned" arms, war material to UK Later supplied the Soviets and the Chinese Japanese expansion Continued into southeast Asia: Indochina, 1940-1941 USA responded by freezing Japanese assets, used oil embargo Demanded withdrawal from China and southeast Asia 7 December 1941 US navy at Pearl Harbor attacked US declared war on Japan; Germany, Italy declared war on USA Japanese overran Southeast Asia, swept seas of Allied Navies WORLD WAR II: AXIS 1939 - 1942
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  • Impact of Soviet Union and U.S. entry in 1941 USSR brought vital personnel and USA industry to Allies Russia fielded 350 divisions against the German 130 Germany forced to fight a two front war German subs sank 2,452 ships, U.S. shipyards built more Allied victories came after 1943 Russians defeated the Germans at Stalingrad, pushed them back 1944, British-U.S. troops invaded North Africa and then Italy June 1944, British-U.S. forces invaded northern France at Normandy Overwhelmed Germans on coast of Normandy, 6 June 1944 Round-the-clock strategic bombing by Allies leveled German cities Germans surrendered unconditionally 8 May 1945; Hitler committed suicide Turning the tide in the Pacific The Battle of Midway, June 1942; United States broke Japanese code Island-hopping strategy: moving to islands close to Japan for air attacks US launched unrestricted submarine warfare against Japanese empire British invade Japanese empire through Burma, SE Asia Chinese nationalists, communists tie down 2 million Japanese troops Savage fighting on islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa US launches round the clock air raids against Japan Japanese used kamikazes; Okinawan civilians refused to surrender U.S. military was convinced that Japan would not surrender Japanese surrender after devastating assault U.S. firebombing raids devastated Japanese cities: in Tokyo, 100,000 killed August 1945: atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 200,000 Japanese emperor surrendered unconditionally 15 August, ending WWII WORLD WAR II: 1942 - 1945
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  • Total War Mobilization of all society in order to win Civilians used to work in war industry Women used in non-combatant roles Minorities employed in many roles including combat Industry, science mobilized to support war Allies went on total war very early; Axis delayed and it cost them the war Civilians and the War Combatants started to attack civilians Cities and civilian targets became fair game Guerillas Non-traditional combatants attack enemy behind the lines In Yugoslavia, Albania, Poland, France, Russia, China helped win the war Technology Scientists became an integral part of the war Rockets, jet fighters, radar, atomic bombs, super weapons Allies had a clear and early lead but Germany had its surprises Total War
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  • Minorities The Germans utilized racially acceptable minorities in their army Russians, Chinese mobilized everyone irrespective of race, ethnicity Japanese enlisted other ethnic groups but mistreated their Korean soldiers The USA and the African Americans Given low, menial jobs; segregated from white troops White officers commanded black units Only later in war allowed into combat Graduates of Tuskagee formed a famous fighter squadron The British and French Mobilized their empires and citizens for war British Indian Army, French colonial troops very active Women and the war "It's a Woman's War, Too!" Over half a million British, 350,000 American women joined auxiliary services Soviet and Chinese women took up arms and joined resistance groups Jewish women and girls suffered as much as men and boys Women's social roles changed dramatically By taking jobs or heading families, women gained independence and confidence Changes expected to be temporary, would return to traditional role after war "Comfort women" Japanese armies forcibly recruited 300,000 women to serve in military brothels 80 percent of comfort women came from Korea Many were massacred by Japanese soldiers; survivors experienced deep shame WOMEN, MINORITIES AND WAR
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  • Types of Murder Genocide: Killing of a specific group of people, attempt to wipe out Democide: Mass murder of people by government Ethnic Cleansing: Term common when one group attacks, kills another Armenian Holocaust First genocide of 20 th century Turks killed 1.5 million Armenians for their support of Russians in World War I The Holocaust Long history of anti-Semitism Created tolerance of Nazi's anti-Jewish measures At first Nazis encouraged Jewish emigration Many Jews were unable to leave after Nazis took their wealth Nazi conquest of Europe brought more Jews under their control The "final solution" Began with slaughter of Jews, Gypsies, undesirables in Soviet Union By 1941, German special killing units had killed 1.4 million Jews By 1942 Nazis evacuated all European Jews to camps in east Poland Jewish resistance Will to resist sapped by prolonged starvation, disease Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: 60,000 Jews rose up against Germans Altogether About 5.7 million Jews perished; more than 2 million Poles died Almost 98% of all Gypsies were murdered Other Examples Democides: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot (Cambodia), Zaire/Congo Genocides: Rwanda, Sudan Ethnic Cleansings: Bosnia, Kosovo, Kurds in Iraq GENOCIDES: HOLOCAUST
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  • The origins of the cold war (1947-1990) Unlikely alliance between Britain, USSR, USA held up for duration of war Not without tensions: Soviet resented U.S.-British delays in European invasion Postwar settlement established at Yalta and Potsdam Each Allied power to occupy and control territories liberated by its armed forces Stalin agreed to support United States against Japan Stalin's plans prevailed; Poland and east Europe became communist allies President Truman took hard line at Potsdam, widened differences Postwar territorial divisions reflected growing schism between USA, USSR Soviets took east Germany, while United States, Britain, and France took west Germany Berlin also divided four ways; by 1950 division seemed permanent Churchill spoke of an "iron curtain" across Europe, separating east and west Similar division in Korea: Soviets occupied north and United States the south Truman doctrine, 1947: USA would support "free peoples resisting subjugation" Perception of world divided between so-called free and enslaved peoples Interventionist policy, dedicated to "containment" of communism The Marshall Plan, 1948: U.S. aid for the recovery of Europe Idea to rebuild European economies and strengthen capitalism Soviet response: Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) for its satellites NATO and the Warsaw Pact: militarization of the cold war 1949, United States created NATO, a regional military alliance against Soviet aggression 1955, Soviets formed the Warsaw Pact in response Two global superpowers protecting hegemony with alliances United Nations, established 1945 to maintain international peace and security SETTLEMENTS & COLD WAR
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  • Postwar Europe Divided into competing political, military, economic blocs NATO, European Economic Communities; Warsaw Pact, COMECON Neutral: European Free Trade Association; Yugoslavia Western Europe U.S. allies supported by permanent presence of American army Parliamentary governments, capitalist economies Eastern Europe Dominated by Soviet Union, Red Army, secret police Communist governments modeled after USSR dominate countries Germany divided east and west in 1949 Soviets refused to withdraw from eastern Germany after World War II Allied sectors reunited 1947-1948, Berlin remained divided as well Berlin blockade and airlift, 1948-1949 The Berlin Wall, 1961 In Asia Turkey, Greece, Iran pressured by USSR, allies: US responds with Truman Doctrine Communist Chinese armed by USSR, drive Nationalists out of China by 1949 Korea divided into Communist North, Pro-Western South: North invades South in 1950 Communists influence Viet Minh in Indo-China COLD WAR BEGINS
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  • STALIN & THE USSR Joseph Stalin Was able to gain control of the Communist apparatus, Stalin wished to accelerate the process of nationalization Repealed NEP: did not trust private initiative or capitalization Establish an industrialized society under governmental control Totalitarian Rule or Stalinism Stalin forced both artists and scientists to conform to government demands Created a totalitarian state through creation of state police, the party Potential rivals were ruthlessly eliminated Dissemination of information was carefully controlled Stalin's regime was repressive A New Reign of Terror The Purges To further his control, agenda purged all opposition, real, imagined Soviet secret police arrested people without warrants, usually on gossip suspicion System of informers left society in utter terror awaiting the knock on the door In early 1930s, began region of terror Purged intellectuals and party officials Some executed, some sent to prison camps in Siberia called Gulags Late 1930s Purged Red Army Executed more than 60% of all officers above the rank of major Left Red Army unable to resist Nazi invasion during World War II
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  • STALINS PURGES Landlords Social Misfits Priests Kulaks White Russians Army Officers Intellectuals Journalists Mensheviks
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  • THE NEW SOVIET SOCIETY Economic Policies Stalin ordered the collectivization of agriculture in 1928 Large state-run farms replaced individual family units. Collectivization permitted government capitalization Collectivization permitted firmer control over the peasant population Wealthier peasants, or kulaks, resisted: Stalin ordered them killed Communists imposed collectivization by force Government-run farms produced little incentive for peasantry Collectivization siphoned capital, labor out of agriculture into industry To foster industrialization Stalin created a state planning commission and a series of five-year plans Government paid for infrastructure and industrialization The focus was entirely on heavy industry, not consumer production State planning reduced dependence on markets but created bottlenecks and waste Despite problems, Russian industrialization under the five-year plans was rapid. Toward an Industrial Society Soviet industrialization shared some aspects with early Western developments. Urbanization rapidly increased Factory management of labor was strict, and welfare services developed over time. Standards of living remained low Industrialization produced few consumer products. The process was state-directed, and there was no mechanism to air worker grievances.