Chapter 2- Dead

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  • 8/14/2019 Chapter 2- Dead


    Chapter 2- Dead?Bella's p.o.v.

    Burning pain racked throughout my body. People say death is

    supposed to be quick and painless, but it is not. If I ever can

    connect with some crazy person like the ones from "Ghost

    Hunters" I will tell them that death is indeed painful. I felt like I

    was on fire. Everything burned so badly I wanted to die (again of

    course. Its not like I could come back to life). Maybe I wound up

    in hell and heaven is beautiful, because all I see is black. I can't see

    a thing. Not even conjure up a picture of someone or something.

    Wait, something feels odd.....I listened closer (or tried to. Do dead people have ears?). I am

    hearing the thud of my heartbeat, over and over again.What the HELL?!?!I'm supposed to be deadfor god's sake! How is my heart beating?!

    I heard the whispers of people around me, and I felt that I was in

    someone's arms. But, I couldn't be sure because I couldn't even feel

    the temperature (other than BLISTERING PAIN!!!) God Dammit!

    Am I dead or not? I need answers people!!!!!!! My back arched,

    trying to shake away the pain and I let out a small scream."Don't fidget Bella." I heard a fatherly voice speak to me.

    Wait, I'd know that voice any day....."CARLISLE!" I yelled in pain."Yes, Bella, it's me." Carlisle soothed.

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    "" I said in confusion.I heard a light tinkling laugh and a booming laugh as well.

    "I know that's you Alice, Emmett." I spoke to them."Can you open your eyes Bella?" Carlisle asked me."No." I almost yelled and let out a scream of pain. The temperature

    had increased and now I felt like I was standing right on the sun.I felt air whoosh around us."I'm so sorry Bella." Carlisle apologized. "You were dying quickly

    and I changed you with a second to spare. I couldn't loose my

    daughter like that." He admitted."Daughter?" I forced out and pressed my lips together to keep from

    screaming from the fire.The air continued to fly past us. They must be running."Of course Bella. You were always like a daughter to Esme and I,

    and a sister to Alice, Emmett, Jasper.... and maybe Rosalie."

    Carlisle said uncertainly at the end.I let out a small, but tortured laugh."She never really liked me... I didn't expect her to change." I said


    We dropped the subject and they continued to run, updating me on

    where we were, every five minutes. It's strange, Alice, Emmett, or

    Carlisle never mentioned Edward. Panic then hit me. Edward

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    would be there. He would be at their house. I'd have to live an

    eternity hiding my feelings from my love. He would never love me

    the same as he did. And he would have probably already hooked

    up with another vampire. From what my past information has told

    me, a vampire named Tanya already had the hots for him. So Iwould spend my eternity hiding my feelings not from Edward, but

    his mate and the family as well. And I couldn't run away. I'm a

    newborn vampire, I'd probably kill someone. Someone with

    family.Family. Oh Charlie! Charlie and Renee will be crushed after

    hearing about my death. And worst of all, Charlie will be the one

    to face the bloodied bed and floor. But on the bright side, I will bestarting a new life with a wonderful family. With one exception. I

    wonder how my death will be feigned. Probably an article in the

    Forks Newspaper about Isabella Swan disappearing mysteriously,

    leaving blood behind her. I suspect the Black's will also be

    mourning over my death. Poor Jake, I will never see my best friend

    again.The pain was still consuming me, and I couldn't open my eyes,STILL!!! I felt like every part of me was being weighed down by

    bricks. The fire still licked every part of me, and my heart rate was

    getting faster and faster. I felt the person who was carrying me

    slow down."We're here Bella." Emmett said to me."And where is here?" I asked in a tight voice and let out a little

    grunt of pain.Emmett laughed."Your new home. In Alaska." He told me.

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    I heard the creak of a door open and many gasps of relief fill my

    ears. I felt something soft under me. Someone must have laid me

    on a couch."Thank goodness you saved her in time." I heard Esme breathe."Esme." I smiled lightly."Oh, Bella!" I heard her cry and something hugged me. Esme."Are you alright dear?" She asked me, her voice full of concern.Which part, the being depressed part, or wanting to die part?"So far." I shrugged but I felt fire take a stab at my heart.I bit my lip and writhed on the couch."No, I spoke to soon." I admitted weakly.I heard Emmett laugh."Bella! I'm so happy! You're finally going to be my sister!" Alice

    squealed."Fine, but no Bella Barbie." I told her seriously.Everyone then laughed but quieted down when I screamed in pain.

    Fire was shooting rapid bullets at my heart.

    What is it Bella? I heard Carlisle fret.

    Thepain! I forced out between clenched teeth.

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    Dont worry Bella. I heard Jasper assure me. You have about

    two more days until the change is complete.

    I groaned. Two more days?!

    What?! I have to go do something. Call me on my cell phone if

    you need me! I heard Alice call to us and then there was the

    sound of a slamming door.

    I wonder what she is going to do.

    Alices p.o.v.

    The plane bumped sharply on the runway and bounced a couple

    more times before slowing down and rolling to its gate. I was

    landing in Brazil. To get Edward.

    He ran for Brazil when he found out that Victoria had gone there.

    Edward was afraid Victoria would go after Bella, so he made it his

    duty to hunt her down and kill her.

    Quite stupid if you ask me, but we all do silly things for love.

    There was a beeping sound and the lights brightened the dark

    cabin. I wasted no time getting out of first class and exiting the


    I made my way through the almost empty airport and out the big

    glass sliding doors. I called for a cab and gave the driver the

    directions to where to take me. An hour later, I arrived in a ghetto

    kind of alley, the poorest area of Brazil.

    I walked into the dark alley and opened the door I had seen

    Edward hid into while waiting for the sun to go down. The small,

    empty room was covered in dust. All except for a figure in the

    shadows which was Edward.

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    I stared into the corner. A pair of bright yellow eyes suddenly

    popped into the dark.

    Alice. I heard Edwards voice speak to me and he moved into

    view for me to see him. I told you not to bother me unless it wasextremely important. And right now, without Bella, nothing is

    important to me. He sulked and stared down at the ground.

    It is about Bella. I assured him.

    Edwards head snapped up at the sound of her name and looked at

    me eagerly.

    What? What happened? He demanded.

    I showed him the vision of me and Bella from when he saved her

    from the car at Forks high. Bellas eyes a vibrant crimson, her

    skin pale white. Bella as a vampire.Edward gasped and his eyes filled with pain.

    Say it isnt so Alice! He begged and moved closer to me.

    But it is Edward. I said gravely. Bella was dying when Carlisle

    and I found her. We couldnt stand to lose her.

    Edward put his head in his hands.

    Her change is complete Edward. I spoke up. And you will have

    to come back with me. I said sternly.

    Ill just hurt her. His voice was muffled by his hands.

    No, I think Bella will hurt you. I corrected.

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    He took his head out of his hands and looked up at me quizzically.

    New born, duh. I rolled my eyes.

    Edward smiled lightly.

    Butbut what if she doesnt accept me back? He frowned.

    Whenever we have to mention your name, Jasper tells me a wave

    of love passes through her. With that said, Im pretty sure shes in

    love with you. I told him with a grin.

    She could be faking it. He grumbled.

    I raised an eyebrow.

    Edward, you know very well that it is hard to control your

    emotions as a newborn vampire. I said frustrated with him.

    Edward just sighed.

    Listen buck o. I snarled. Bella was basically beaten when she

    died. Edwards face turned hard and a growl erupted from his

    chest. The attacker left soon after we arrived and Emmett hunted

    him up and killed him. And did you know that the last thing she

    said was that she loved you? My voice was getting higher with

    anger each sentence. Bella must have not realized she said it out

    loud because she never asked if we heard her speak anything.

    I showed him the vision of Bella. Her head cracked open, bloodeverywhere, her body ashy white, eyes closed, blood slightly

    trailing down her mouth, shirt torn. I love you Edward. She


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    Edward and I came back to the present and he looked at me with

    pain and full out anger.

    Im coming home. He said deathly.

    Finally! I said exasperated and threw my hands up in the air.

    Edward got off the floor and followed me out the door and into the
