CHAPTER 1_Introduction to Building Maintenance

Introduction BUILDING MAINTENANCE by [email protected]

Transcript of CHAPTER 1_Introduction to Building Maintenance

Building maintenance is very important but often being neglected by the users or building owner. All too often building owners consider maintenance to be an undesirable overhead and as a result give it low priority. This is a short sighted view because maintenance is essential to protect buildings which may well be an organizations major capital asset from decay, indeed from becoming an unnecessary liability. Ignoring maintenance can result in serious failure

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role of maintenance committee is very important in the construction arena in order to maintain and increase the turnover from the property building investment.

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According to BS3811:1974 and BS8210:1986, they have defined building maintenance as; .the combination of all technical and associated actions to retain an item in or restore it to a state in which it can perform its required function (BS3811:1974) work

other than daily and routine cleaning necessary to maintain the performance of the building fabric and its services (BS8210:1986)

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To retain the value of the investment To present a good appearance To maintain condition so that it will continue to fill its functions To comply statutory requirement e.g. safety, health and welfare provisions To obtain high level of security To exist a good environment for user and occupier To maximize the efficiency of services available To prolong the building life

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According to BS 3811, maintenance work can be divides into two main categories shown in the Chart below. The two categories are: PLANNED MAINTENANCE CONTIGENCIES MAINTENANCE

1. 2.

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maintenance is a planning concept work to overcome a proper maintenance programme. maintenance organized and carried out with forethought, control and the use of records to a predetermined plan.


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Planned maintenance can be divide into two categories: Planned preventive maintenance Planned corrective maintenance.

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preventive maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or to other prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the likehood of an item not meeting an acceptable condition.


is normally planned and hence the term planned preventive maintenance.BFB 4093



is necessary to determine which items should be included in the planned preventive maintenance and the frequencies at which they will require attention including weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. selection would be based on the consequences of failure in regard to such factors as safety and productivity and the frequency on an analysis of past records.


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The work required for preventive maintenance includes the building fabric (decoration and routine replacement), maintenance of engineering services installation such lift system and major item such as re-roofing.

It is further divided into: 1. Schedule maintenance 2. Condition based maintenance

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preventive maintenance carried out at predetermined interval of time, number of operation etc.

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preventive maintenance initiated as a result of knowledge of an item from routine or continues monitoring.


other meaning it can be said that condition based maintenance is a maintenance carried out in response to a significant deterioration in a unit as indicated by a change in monitored parameter of the unit condition or performance.

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corrective maintenance carried out after a failure has occurred and intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its required function.

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Corrective maintenance does occur even when preventive maintenance is done because of: Defective of substandard parts Misuse of mechanical and electrical equipment Mistakes by technicians and contractor

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alternative maintenance system is the contingency system, also known as unplanned maintenance which is defined as the maintenance carried out with no predetermined plan. maintenance can also be referred as work resulting from unforeseen breakdown or damage due to external causes such works are accidental and may include power failure, broken water pipes or vandalized building facilities.


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many developing countries, the contingency maintenance is the most common programme of maintenance adopted by public authorities. many cases, all works classed as minor are carried out by direct labour on a contingency basis, while major works are normally carried out by contractors.BFB 4093




system of maintenance does not rest on the concept of duty of care since the authorities wait for users to report complaints.


in many cases user reporting defects until the building deteriorate seriously, or they may only those defects that affect the internal use buildings such as leaking roofs or taps.

delay have report of the

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Inventory should contain all essential information about the construction of a building, together with all the necessary sources of information for its proper maintenance. On large projects it may be necessary to produce a separate inventory for each department or phase of the scheme. All essential as built drawings should be provided with. A drawing showing fire compartmentations, escape routes, etc, should be included.

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The inventory can: Foster a better architect/maintainer relationship Enable a property to be more effectively maintained Encourage planned maintenance Make it possible to avoid misusing a building or elements of a building Ensure the continuity of the design intentions or capability of the building and its services, throughout its life

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The aim of building maintenance is defined as the regular inspection of all parts of the building and the execution of work necessary to keep the fabric, structure and the fittings in a proper and acceptable state of repair, including decoration both internally and externally.

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For the purpose of maintaining the fabric and building structure, it can be classified under the following

headings: a. Main fabric The regular maintenance of the structure of the building, including walls, floors, roofs, window, doors, sanitary fitting and plumbing, drains, fire escapes, yards, roads and cleaning and redecoration of elevations. b. Internal finishes Redecoration of walls and ceilings, replacement of floor surfaces and repair to special finishes.

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c. Specific features All repair to entrance doors and windows, including replacement of glass the maintenance of electrical signs d. Cleaning Regular cleaning of parts of the building by maintenance staff or outside contractors e. Engineering services The periodic inspection of surface installation and major detail surveys by professional consultants or contractors on electrical and gas services, heating, ventilating and airconditioning (HVAC), lift, escalators and mechanical handling equipment, fire precautions, security installations.

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