Chapter 17 THE UNITED STATES IN WORLD WAR II. Section 1 Mobilizing for Defense.


Transcript of Chapter 17 THE UNITED STATES IN WORLD WAR II. Section 1 Mobilizing for Defense.

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Section 1

Mobilizing for Defense

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Americans Join the War Effort Japan attacked America thinking it would deter them from wanting to join the war clearing the way for the Axis Powers

Instead it awoke America and brought them full force into the war

Americans packed the recruiting offices trying to find a way to join the war 5 million volunteered which was not enough so they utilized the selective service act and drafted 5 million more giving them 10 million soldiers to fight a 2 front war in Europe and the Pacific

George Marshall pushed for the Women’s Auxiliary Corp (WAAC) and it also passed through congress and became law on May 15, 1942

Women worked as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators, electricians, and pilots

Despite many discriminations minority groups joined the war effort giving the Americans an even larger more diverse force.

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A Production Miracle The nations automobile industry joined in by producing tanks, planes, boats, and command cars.

Shipyards and defense plants expanded all over the country rapidly

Nearly 18 million people joined in on the work effort to produce war materials tripling the number from 1941 to 1942

Women and minorities were a very large part of this work force

Many factories declared that negroes would only be hired as janitors because anything more would be against their policies

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A Production Miracle A. Phillip Randolph led a march on Washington against this discrimination.

FDR after trying to get them to back down eventually backed down and gave an executive order to businesses to give them full employment rights.

FDR also created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) in order to continually develop and improve technologies for the war effort.

The OSRD also pushed for medical improvements to keep the soldiers from getting diseases on the battlefield

The Most significant development of the OSRD was the secrecy of the Manhattan Project which developed the atom bomb which would eventually end the war.

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The Federal Government Takes Control

FDR created the Office of Price Administration (OPA) which fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods to prevent them from getting to high for the general public.

They also raised income taxes and taxed groups that had never been taxed before which took away from people being able to buy certain scarce goods allowing more to go for war effort without hurting the home front very bad.

The Government also encouraged the public to use their extra cash to buy war bonds essentially loaning money to the government for the war effort

The War Production Board (WPB) also was put in charge of all efforts to control the supplies and goods to make sure they went to the war effort

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The Federal Government Takes Control

The OPA setup a system of rationing to ensure that supplies would last

They set a certain amount of goods that each household would need and be able to get by

They also issued ration books that could be used to buy meat, shoes, sugar, coffee, and gasoline.

This allowed them to make sure they had enough war supplies and most Americans accepted this idea

People would car pool, limit their driving and grew their own foods. IT was a total effort by the country to help in the war.

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Section 2

The War for Europe and North Africa

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The United States and Britain Join Forces

Winston Churchill and Roosevelt came together and met to come up with a plan to attack the Axis Powers.

The Germans immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbor ordered submarine attacks in the Atlantic on the USA east coast in order to prevent food and water from getting to the Allies in Europe

The Germans were very successful in this sinking 681 Allied ships in 7 months. So the Allies countered this by setting up convoys (groups of ships traveling together for protection.)

After this and the more rapid development of ships by the Americans the war in the water was turning to the Allies

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The Eastern Front and the Mediterranean

The Germans had invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 but the battles drug out into the winter and the weather had stopped the Germans in their tracks

By the Spring of 1942 they were ready to continue attacking the Soviets

The Germans went to take over Stalingrad and were destroying it piece by piece when Stalin told them they had no choice but to stay and fight for the city that carried his name

The city looked to be near defeated when a brutal winter set in and it halted the Germans and the Soviets who were more accustomed to the weather on January 31, 1943 the Germans surrendered at Stalingrad starving and frozen.

The Soviets lost a total of 1,000,000 men defending Stalingrad but this victory marked a major turning point in the war for the Allies as this was the first major defeat by the Germans in the war. The Soviets then began to move westward towards Germany

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The Eastern Front and the Mediterranean

Stalin wanted the US and British to attack Germany in Northern Europe to divert troops from the Soviets

Churchill and FDR felt that they did not have enough troops for this so they instead launched an attack in Axis controlled Northern Africa under the command of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Eisenhower’s troops attacked the German leader General Erwin Rommel “The Desert Fox” and by may 1943 had conquered them

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The Eastern Front and the Mediterranean

The next target the Allies went after was Italy as they moved Northward through Italy and was very successful

The Italian army folded in Sicily and King Victor Emmanuel III ordered Mussolini to resign and stripped him of all his power. He then told him he was the most hated man in Italy.

Hitler then launched an attack on the Allies in Italy to keep them out of Germany and they had some very difficult battles right outside Rome in Anzio.

Italy was not freed until 1945 when Germany was close to collapsing

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Heroes Fighting in Italy The Tuskegee Airmen pilots of the all black 99th Pursuit Squadron fought in Italy and had many victories

The 92nd Airborne nicknamed “The Buffaloes” also an all black squadron played a key role in the battles over Italy

17 Mexican American soldiers were awarded Congressional Medal of Honors

Japanese Americans and Hawaiian Americans fought in Italy in a unit that was later named the Purple Heart Battalion and they later became they most decorated unit in US History.

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The Allies Liberate Europe The Allies setup a plan to liberate France and Western Europe

They setup an operation known as D-Day on June 6, 1944.

Eisenhower setup a massive decoy at a British town across from the French port of Calais.

They setup fake command Centers, blowup tanks, sent out fake messages, had fake weapons which drew the attention of the Germans and Hitler setup the majority of his forces in the French Port of Calais

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The Allies Liberate Europe While they did that the Americans and British invaded France at the beaches of Normandy in the largest sea/land operation in history

General Omar Bradley unleashed a massive air land attack allowing General George Patton to advance his troops into Paris.

By September 1944 the Allies had freed France, Belgium, and Luxembourg

October 1944 the Americans captured their first German town. , Achen.

The Battle of the Bulge on December 16, 1944 was a last ditch effort of Hitler to try and break up the Allied lines

This battle lasted for a month and the Allies turned the Germans back and from that point on all the Germans could od was retreat until the end of the war.

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Death Camps Discovered The Soviets were the 1st to discover the Death Camps as they came up on Majdanek in Poland.

The things they saw horrified them and the Americans felt equally as appalled as they came up on more in Poland.

As the Allies drew closer Hitler saw the end coming.

He married Eva Braun on April 29 then spoke to the German people blaming the Jews for starting the war and his Generals for losing the war.

The next day he shot himself while his new wife swallowed poison

General Eisenhower accepted their full surrender a week later and V.E. Day (Victory in Europe) was celebrated on May 8, 1945.

FDR did not live to see VE day as he had a stroke and died while posing for a picture on April 12, 1945. That same night Harry S. Truman became the 33rd US President.

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Section 3

The War in the Pacific

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The Allies Stem the Japanese Tide

The Allies agreed Hitler was their first priority but they immediately turned their full attention to the Japanese after V-E Day

In the 1st 6 months after Pearl Harbor the Japanese conquered an empire that dwarfed Hitler’s conquering Hong Kong, French Indochina, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, and much of China.

General Douglass MacArthur was in charge of the American troops in the Islands of the Pacific

When they were on the verge of defeat FDR ordered MacArthur to leave the islands to head to safety and he vowed to return and defeat the Japanese armies.

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The Allies Stem the Japanese Tide

In Spring of 1942 the Allies began to turn the tide on the Japanese with the Doolittle Raids

The Americans and Australian troops battled the Japanese at the Battle of the Corral Sea successfully keeping the Japanese from invading Australia with only the use of air planes

Japan tried to make a big push at the Battle of Midway. The Allies succeeded in stopping the Japanese as they had broken the Japanese code and knew that was the next target the Japanese were attacking.

Admiral Chester Nimitz was the commander of the American Naval forces in the Pacific moved to defend the islands on June 3, 1942.

The Americans heavily defeated the Japanese at Midway and this was the turning point in the war in the Pacific

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The Allies Go on the Offensive August 1942 was the 1st offensive the Allies went on towards the Japanese in the Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands

General MacArthur returned to the Philippines to lead the troops against the Japanese at the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

This is where Japanese began using Kamikaze pilots (suicide bombers) Kamikaze stands for “divine wind” and refers to a legendary typhoon that took place in Japan in 1281 destroying the Mongols and protecting Japan.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf was a disaster for the Japanese

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The Allies Go on the Offensive The next island the Americans went towards after freeing the Philippines was Iwo Jima which was very important for the Americans in order to be able to land bombers their to take off and head to Japan. Iwo Jima was the most heavily guarded place on the planet but it still fell to the Americans

The next battle the Americans took on was Okinawa which was brutal and cost many American lives even though the Allies won it foreshadowed what an invasion of deep into Japan would be like.

This led to the decision to drop the atomic bomb

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The Atomic Bomb Ends the War Because of the high casualties of Iwo Jima and Okinawa Truman looked to the Manhattan Project to help end the wart while minimizing American casualties

General Leslie Groves and Jewish American Scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the development the Atomic Bomb was not only the most ambitious scientific enterprise in history it was also the best kept secret of the war.

Truman warned the Japanese that if they did not surrender at once they would suffer utter destruction they refused and Truman ordered the dropping of the bomb on 2 Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki

August 6, 1945 The Enola Gay a B-29 Bomber dropped an atomic bomb code named “Little Boy” on Hiroshima

August 9, 1945 they dropped a second bomb code named ”Fat Man” over Nagasaki

The Japanese surrendered after the final bomb due to the high casualties that happened to innocent people.

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Rebuilding Begins In February 1945 Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met at the Soviet resort city of Yalta and discussed the post war world.

Stalin and Churchill disagreed on many things but FDR served as a moderator in order to keep the Soviets in on future peace talks and hopefully to have them support the United Nations concept they wanted to build

They agreed on a temporary division of Germany amongst the 4 of them (Soviet, British, French, and American)

Stalin agreed to join in the war against Japan

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Nuremberg War Trials &

Occupation of Japan Hitler’s most trusted party officials were the defendants in trials against the Nazi war crimes

12 of the 24 defendants were sentenced to death and most of the rest were sent to prison.

In later trials nearly 200 lesser Nazi leaders were found guilty of war crimes as well.

Japan was occupied by U.S. forces under General Douglass MacArthur

In Japan more than 1100 Japanese leaders from Hideki Tojo all the way down to Security guards were arrested.

Tojo and 6 others were sentenced to death

MacArthur introduced many reforms to the Japanese economy with free-market practices and setup the Government of Japan very similar to that of America’s

To this day the Japanese Constitution is known as the MacArthur Constitution

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Human Rights Legacy In 1948 the United Nations adopted a world to take a strong stand to protect Human Rights Universally

This formed Universal Human rights laws

They also declared Genocide to be an international crime

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Section 4

The Home Front

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Opportunity and Adjustment During the war unemployment fell to an all time low in 1944 and people were able to make and save money.

Farmers and women prospered during the war time era due to high demand

The war caused one of the largest mass migrations in our nations history as people would uproot their families and move elsewhere looking for work

The GI Bill was put into place which gave education and training for veterans paid for by the federal government. This also gave them guaranteed loans on businesses and homes as well.

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Discrimination and Reaction Many African American’s left the South looking for better opportunities to work and to avoid discrimination.

They found jobs elsewhere but discrimination followed them wherever they went in the nation.

James Farmer founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to confront Urban segregation

Many race riots and tension began to pop up from both sides in 1943 and the realization that there was a lot of race tension in America was discovered.

In Los Angeles there were race tensions heavy between Mexican –Americans and Californians.

The Mexican American teens would wear “Zuit suits” which was a symbol of their rebellion towards tradition and authority.

Many riots broke out in neighborhoods and anyone wearing a “zuit suit” paid dearly for it as the people sought them out and beat them and took their suits

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Internment of Japanese Americans

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor life became more difficult for Japanese Americans as tensions grew very high towards them mostly on the West Coast

FDR then ordered the evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast and to internment camps for national security reasons.

No specific charges were ever founded against any Japanese-American citizens

After the war The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) got the government to compensate those sent to the camps for lost property.

Eventually by 1990 the Japanese – Americans that were sent to the camps received compensation and a letter of sorrow for the wrongs of the past from President George H.W. Bush