Chapter 16: The Phrase English 12A – Mrs. Krabill.

Chapter 16: The Phrase English 12A – Mrs. Krabill

Transcript of Chapter 16: The Phrase English 12A – Mrs. Krabill.

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Chapter 16: The PhraseEnglish 12A – Mrs. Krabill

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WHAT IS A PHRASE? A PHRASE is a group of related words that is

used as a single part of speech and that DOES NOT CONTAIN BOTH A SUBJECT AND VERB (that would be a clause)

EXAMPLES: VERB PHRASE: have been talking (no subject) PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE: during the winter (no

subject or verb) INFINITIVE PHRASE: to hunt well (no subject or verb)

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preposition, the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of that object

John bought roses and a box of chocolate because he was going on his first date of the year.

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Pg. 518

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ADJECTIVE PHRASES ADJECTIVE PHRASES are prepositional phrases that

modify a noun or pronoun.

Tells what kind or which one.

One of my friends tweeted that I was ugly.

Almost always FOLLOWS the word it modifies… can be the object of another preposition

I tweeted back that she was more ugly than all of the girls in our class.

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Adverb phrase: prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.Answers the questions: how, when, where, why, to what extent.

After I go home tonight, I will watch Criminal MindsTells when, modifies “will watch”

My brother, interested in my life, read my diary when I was younger.

Tells how, modifies “interested”

The runner finished too slowly for a Boston entry.Tells how, modifies “slowly”

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Practice Makes Perfect! Pages 555-556 Exercises 1-2

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ParticiplesA participle is a verb form that can

be used as an adjective. The freezing rain made the road

slippery. (present) The team won an engraved trophy for

first place. (past)

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Participial PhraseConsists of a participle and any

modifiers. The entire phrase is used as an ADJECTIVE! Smiling proudly, the coach accepted the

trophy for his team. Searching frantically, governments look

through their security footage for the lost plane.

The Artist, known formerly as Prince, is still popular.

The fans, knowing his music, still buy tickets to his concerts.

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Practice!! PRACTICE!! Exercise 3 odds…. (evens,

too, if you are having troubles!)

Review B – Participial vs. Prepositional

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Absolute Phrase Absolute phrase consists of the following:

Participle or participial phrase A noun or pronoun that the participle or participial

phrase modifies Any other modifiers of that noun or pronoun

The ENTIRE phrase is used as an adverb to modify a WHOLE clause in a sentence.

No grammatical connection to any word in the clause it modifies

Answers when, why, or how.

Their iPads having been restricted, the students could no longer play Clash of Clans. (answers why)

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More examples… We walked along the shore, the water

splashing at our feet. (answers how)

Speaking of beaches, don’t you wish it was summer?

Their reputation as winners secured by another victory, the New England Patriots remain at the top of their division.


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GerundsA gerund is a verb form ending in –ing

that functions as a noun.

Running a marathon requires significant training. (subject)

Please stop talking. (direct object) The team gave pitching their full attention. (indirect

object) What I miss about home the most is stopping at

Starbucks for a coffee. (predicate nominative) How well you do on the test is dependent on the

amount of studying that happens. (object of preposition)

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Gerund PhrasesConsists of a gerund and its modifiersWill ALWAYS begin with an –ing word

Remembering to move the Elf on the Shelf is difficult for busy parents. (subject)

The highlight of my weekend was shopping in Traverse City. (predicate nominative)

I got a ticket for going too fast because I was excited. (object of preposition)

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Appositives KEY CONCEPT: An appositive is a noun or

pronoun placed beside another noun or pronoun to identify or describe it.

Examples: My friend Melanie works in a jail. You can see her by breaking and

entering, a felony.

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Appositives (con’t) Appositives can be used at the

beginning of a sentence for emphasis.

Example: Sometimes linked with Easter, spring

break is always a needed break for students and teachers alike.

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Appositive phrases KEY CONCEPT: An appositive phrase

consists of an appositive and its modifiers.

Examples: I would like a new car, a black Ford

Mustang, for my birthday. I will be rooting for the Seahawks, this

year’s NFC champions, in the Super Bowl.

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PRACTICE Page 568 – Exercise 6 – ODDS ONLY

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Infinitives Key Concept: A verb form that can be used as a

noun, adjective, or adverb Noun: Person, place, thing, or idea Adjective: Modifies a noun or pronoun Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb

MOST infinitives begin with “to” To go, to leave, to stay, to win

To begin is sometimes the hardest part of anything.

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Infinitive phrases Key Concept: Consists of an infinitive

and any modifiers or complements

Students have time to go to the restroom between classes.

To go to the concert is Kelly’s dream. Mrs. Krabill wants students to lead

class discussion.

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Practice! Page 566, Exercise 5 – ODDS only!

Homework– Review D, ALL questions.