CHAPTER 15ndaw/dt.pdf · CHAPTER 15 Value Learning through Reinforcement: The Basics of Dopamine...

CHAPTER 15 Value Learning through Reinforcement: The Basics of Dopamine and Reinforcement Learning Nathaniel D. Daw and Philippe N. Tobler OUTLINE Introduction 283 Learning: Prediction and Prediction Errors 283 Functional Anatomy of Dopamine and Striatum 285 Responses of Dopamine Neurons to Outcomes 287 Sequential Predictions: From RescorlaWagner to Temporal Difference Learning 289 Temporal Difference Learning and the Dopamine Response 293 From Error-Driven Learning to Choice 294 Conclusions 296 References 296 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides an overview of reinforcement learning and temporal difference learning and relates these topics to the firing properties of midbrain dopa- mine neurons. First, we review the RescorlaWagner learning rule and basic learning phenomena, such as blocking, which the rule explains. Then we introduce the basic functional anatomy of the dopamine system and review studies that reveal a close correspondence between responses emitted by dopamine neurons and signals predicted by reinforcement learning. Finally, we introduce the generalization of the RescorlaWagner rule to sequential predictions as provided by temporal difference learning, and discuss its application to phasic activation changes of dopa- mine neurons. Subsequent chapters in this section deal with more advanced topics in reinforcement learning and presume that the reader is familiar with material covered in this chapter. LEARNING: PREDICTION AND PREDICTION ERRORS An important problem facing decision makers is learning, by trial and error, which decisions to make, so as best to obtain reward or to avoid punishment. In computer science, this problem is known as reinforce- ment learning (RL; for a more thorough introduction, see Sutton and Barto, 1998), and algorithms to accom- plish it have been studied extensively. This chapter reviews the rather striking correspondence between theoretical algorithms and evidence from neuroscience and psychology about how the brain solves the RL problem. The prime correspondence between these two areas of research centers around the dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain (reviews can also be found in Glimcher, 2011; Niv, 2009; Schultz, 2007; Schultz et al., 1997; Tobler, 2009). To understand the role these neurons play, we first review research in learning, decision, and reward. We 283 Neuroeconomics. DOI: © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Transcript of CHAPTER 15ndaw/dt.pdf · CHAPTER 15 Value Learning through Reinforcement: The Basics of Dopamine...

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Value Learning through Reinforcement:The Basics of Dopamine and Reinforcement

LearningNathaniel D. Daw and Philippe N. Tobler


Introduction 283

Learning: Prediction and Prediction Errors 283

Functional Anatomy of Dopamine and Striatum 285

Responses of Dopamine Neurons to Outcomes 287

Sequential Predictions: From Rescorla�Wagner toTemporal Difference Learning 289

Temporal Difference Learning and the DopamineResponse 293

From Error-Driven Learning to Choice 294

Conclusions 296

References 296


This chapter provides an overview of reinforcementlearning and temporal difference learning and relatesthese topics to the firing properties of midbrain dopa-mine neurons. First, we review the Rescorla�Wagnerlearning rule and basic learning phenomena, such asblocking, which the rule explains. Then we introducethe basic functional anatomy of the dopamine systemand review studies that reveal a close correspondencebetween responses emitted by dopamine neuronsand signals predicted by reinforcement learning.Finally, we introduce the generalization of theRescorla�Wagner rule to sequential predictions asprovided by temporal difference learning, and discussits application to phasic activation changes of dopa-mine neurons. Subsequent chapters in this section dealwith more advanced topics in reinforcement learningand presume that the reader is familiar with materialcovered in this chapter.


An important problem facing decision makers islearning, by trial and error, which decisions to make,so as best to obtain reward or to avoid punishment. Incomputer science, this problem is known as reinforce-ment learning (RL; for a more thorough introduction,see Sutton and Barto, 1998), and algorithms to accom-plish it have been studied extensively. This chapterreviews the rather striking correspondence betweentheoretical algorithms and evidence from neuroscienceand psychology about how the brain solves the RLproblem. The prime correspondence between thesetwo areas of research centers around the dopaminergicneurons of the midbrain (reviews can also be found inGlimcher, 2011; Niv, 2009; Schultz, 2007; Schultz et al.,1997; Tobler, 2009).

To understand the role these neurons play, we firstreview research in learning, decision, and reward. We

283Neuroeconomics. DOI: © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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begin with evidence from classic experiments in psy-chology using an experimental preparation � classicalconditioning (also known as pavlovian conditioning) �which involves learning, but not decisions. This is animportant subcomponent of the full RL problem,because choice between actions can be based on pre-dicting how much reward they will produce.

Pavlov (1927/1960) famously exposed dogs torepeated pairings whereby an initially neutral stimu-lus, such as a bell, accompanied food, such as meatpowder. He observed that following such training, thedogs would salivate to the sound of the bell even if itwas presented without the food, by virtue of the bell’spredictive relationship with the food. This conditionedresponse offers a direct window on how organisms useexperience to learn to predict reward. Variations ofthis basic experiment have been conducted with a vari-ety of species, from molluscs to humans, using a vari-ety of appetitive and aversive outcomes as rewardsand a variety of anticipatory behaviors as responses,and many basic phenomena are widely preservedacross this range of species.

One popular view of the learning process thatemerges from these experiments is that learning inclassical conditioning is based on a comparisonbetween what reward the organism experiences on aparticular trial, and what reward it had expected onthe basis of its previous learning (Bush and Mosteller,1951). The difference between these two quantities isknown as a prediction error: if the difference is large,predictions did not match observations, and there is aneed for more learning to update those predictions.

More formally, assume that an animal maintains aset of predictions of the reward associated with eachstimulus, s, called V(s) (for value). Also assume thatthese predictions determine the animal’s conditionedresponse to whichever stimulus is observed. Thenupon observing stimulus sk (e.g., the bell on trial k)and receiving a reward on that trial, rk, the predictionerror is

δk 5 rk 2VkðskÞ ð15:1ÞAs we will see below, this prediction error (with

further refinements) appears to be carried by dopami-nergic neurons (Houk et al., 1995; Montague et al.,1996; Schultz et al., 1997).

The animal then updates the prediction in the direc-tion of the prediction error, so as to reduce it. Thus,the predicted value on the next trial, k1 1, of the stim-ulus sk is:

Vk11ðskÞ5VkðskÞ1αUδk ð15:2Þ(The value of stimuli that aren’t observed remains thesame, i.e. Vk11(s)5Vk(s), for all s 6¼sk.) In Equation 15.2,α is a learning rate parameter, between 0 and 1, which

determines the size of the update step. Its interpreta-tion is clearer in an algebraically rearranged form ofthe update rule, Vk11ðskÞ5 ð12αÞVkðskÞ1αrk. Thisform reveals that the error-driven update accomplishesa weighted average between the observed reward(with weight α) and the previous reward prediction(with weight (12α)). Thus a larger learning rateupdates the value prediction to look more like the cur-rent reward and a smaller learning rate relies more onolder estimates than on the current reward.

A related way to understand this model, resultingfrom further algebraic manipulation, is to realize thatit computes a weighted running average of all rewardsreceived previously in the presence of the stimulus,with the most recent reward weighted most heavilyand the weight for prior rewards declining exponen-tially in their lag. Here, the learning rate can be equiv-alently seen as controlling the steepness of the decay,with higher learning rates producing averages moresharply weighted toward the most recent rewards.Such an exponential pattern (Figure 15.1a) is a keyhallmark of this sort of error-driven updating, whichwe will see verified in both behavioral and neural datalater in this chapter.

Accordingly, applied to a simulated conditioningexperiment (in which a bell is repeatedly paired withmeat powder), the error-driven learning modeldescribed above nudges the prediction toward theobservation on each trial, producing a gradual, asymp-toting learning curve that ultimately predicts the actualmagnitude of the average reward (Figure 15.1b). Ifrewards are stochastic (if meat powder is deliveredbased on the flip of a fair coin), then positive and neg-ative prediction errors will be interleaved, and the neteffect of all of these is that the prediction will climb




delay (trials)









0.15(A) (B)




FIGURE 15.1 (A) The weights on rewards received at differentpast trials, according to the Rescorla/Wagner model. Weights declineexponentially into the past, with a steepness that depends on thelearning rate parameter. (B) Simulation of Rescorla/Wagner modellearning about four different cues, which are reinforced (from top tobottom) 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of the time. Learning curves growto asymptote; for the stochastically rewarded stimuli, the predictionis noisy (driven by random patterns of reward and non-reward)around the underlying average reward.



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more sporadically to oscillate around the averagereward (Figure 15.1b).

A further question (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972) ishow animals learn stimulus�reward (for example:light�meat powder) relationships, when the experi-ence with that stimulus is accompanied by other sti-muli (the light is accompanied by a bell) that maythemselves have previous reward associations. Kamin(1969) found behaviorally that such previous learning(about the bell) can attenuate (or block) new learning(about the light). Imagine that one of Pavlov’s dogshas learned that a bell predicts meat powder and reli-ably salivates upon presentation of the bell. Now alight is presented simultaneously with the bell, andboth of them are followed by meat powder. When thelight is tested on its own, the dog’s salivation to it isreduced (e.g., relative to a control situation in whichthe bell was also novel). Previous learning about thebell has blocked learning about the light’s relationshipwith reward. The blocking phenomenon suggests thatstimuli interact or compete with each other to explainthe same rewards.

The Rescorla�Wagner (1972) model captures thiseffect by specifying that when multiple stimuli areobserved (light and tone), the animal makes a singlenet prediction that is the sum of all of their predic-tions. Formally, Vnet

k 5P

iVkðsiÞ, where the sum is overall stimuli present on trial k. This leads to a net predic-tion error δnetk 5 rk 2Vnet

k , which is then used toupdate each of the observed stimuli as before, usingEquation 15.2.

In the above example, the pre-trained bell alreadypredicts the meat powder, whereas the added lightpredicts nothing initially, over and above what the bellalready predicted. Thus, the sum of both predictionspredicts the meat powder. Accordingly, no predictionerror ensues and nothing is learned about the lighteven though it is reliably paired with the meat pow-der. According to this model (though this is not theonly explanation for blocking) the blocking effectdemonstrates that learning is driven by predictionerrors.

The Rescorla�Wagner model successfully explainedmany basic learning phenomena and has made newpredictions borne out by subsequent experiments.However some phenomena do not find a straightfor-ward explanation with the Rescorla�Wagner model.One example is second-order conditioning, which isrelevant here because it has an elegant explanation interms of an elaborated model (temporal differencelearning) that we introduce below, and also is closelyrelated to important features of dopaminergicresponses.

In second-order conditioning, if one stimulus (forexample, a click) is consistently paired with another

stimulus (the bell) that itself had previously beentrained to predict reward, then the animal can learn tosalivate to the click, even though the click has neveritself been directly paired with reward. Such an effectis not predicted under the Rescorla�Wagner model,because the prediction error on a trial with the clickand bell, but no reward, is negative. Before we treatthis in greater detail, let us first consider how dopa-mine neurons and their target structures processreward prediction errors.


The majority of dopamine neurons reside in themidbrain and form three cell groups, the retrorubralnucleus (RRN; cell group A8 in the rat), the substantianigra pars compacta (SNpc; A9), and the ventral teg-mental area (VTA; A10). These cell groups are contigu-ous, such that there are no clear boundaries betweenthem. From these small nuclei, the dopamine neuronssend widespread, ascending projections to regionssuch as the striatum (caudate and putamen), the amyg-dala and the (primarily frontal) cerebral cortex(Figure 15.2). The diffuse nature of these projectionsmakes them well suited for broadcasting a scalar sig-nal like Rescorla and Wagner’s net prediction error.

The basal ganglia are a group of several subcorticalnuclei that interact with cortex. In the striatum, dopa-mine axons target mostly medium spiny neurons (insetof Figure 15.2b; Freund et al., 1984; Groves et al., 1994),which are also the recipient neurons for the projectionto striatum from cortex, the primary input to the basalganglia. The dopamine axons make multiple synapsesonto spines and shafts of one or several dendrites(Groves et al., 1994). Each of the about 100,000 dopa-mine neurons in the macaque has an extensive andbranching axon with about 500,000 synaptic and non-synaptic release sites. As a consequence, each dopa-mine neuron innervates a large proportion of the31 million striatal neurons, reflecting a strong diver-gence of the dopamine projection (Anden et al., 1966;German et al., 1988).

Dopamine neurons are electrically coupled to oneanother (electrical currents pass directly from cell tocell ensuring an unusually high degree of interneuro-nal synchrony; Grace and Bunney, 1983; Vandecasteeleet al., 2005), which may at least partly explain whythey tend to show a homogenous response profile inelectrophysiological recordings. Taken together withthe divergence, this homogeneity implies that most ofthe target regions receive a similar message fromdopamine neurons, again, consistent with the idea thatthey report a scalar signal, a single numerical quantity,



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Cingulate gyrus


Body of corpus callosum

Columns of fornix

Body of lateralventricle

Third ventricleCentrumsemiovale




Anterior thalamus

Medial dorsal thalamus

Mammillothalamic tract

Body of caudate nucleus

Ventral lateral thalamus

Posterior limb ofinternal capsule


Level of section(mammillothalamic tract/substantia nigra,

rostral hippocampus)

Insular cortex

Optic tract

Temporal pole of lateralventricle

Tail of caudate nucleus



Cerebral peduncle

Substantia nigra

Corticospinal tractfibers in basis pontis Medullary pyramids


Basis pontis

Globus pallidusinternal segment

Globus pallidusexternal segment

Prefrontal cortex













FIGURE 15.2 Anatomy and connectivity of the dopamine system. (A) Anterior�posterior location of coronal section on the right is shown in inset on the left. Dopamine neurons are located in thesubstantia nigra and the medially adjacent ventral tegmental area (not shown). (B) Connectivity of dopamine regions with striatum and cortex. Dopamine neurons (bottom) project to the ventral anddorsal striatum and other regions. Together with the striatum, the pallidum and the subthalamic nucleus (STN), the substantia nigra forms the basal ganglia. Inset on top right: dopamine and corticalinputs converge on neurons with spines in the striatum (“medium spiny neurons”). Abbreviations: VP, ventral pallidum; THAL, thalamus; LHb, lateral habenula; Amy, amygdala; Hipp, hippocam-pus. (A) Adapted with permission from. Felten and Shetty (2009); (B) adapted from Haber and Knutson (2010); inset of (B) from Hyman and Malenka (2001).

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like a prediction error. (Note, though, that the samesignal received at different areas in the brain couldhave different effects due to locally varying dopaminerelease and reuptake properties, distinct effects ofdopamine on different receptors, cell types, and net-works, or to differences in the other inputs to an area;see, e.g., Schultz, 2007).

What is the function of dopamine in its targetregions, particularly the striatum? Over the past sev-eral decades, suggestions clustered around two keyareas: on the one hand, dopamine has been hypothe-sized to play a role in movement control, and on theother hand, in motivation and reward. Note, though,that these two hypotheses are not necessarily mutuallyexclusive. On the motor side, damage to the basal gan-glia produces a variety of movement impairmentsranging from paralysis to tics. Parkinson’s diseaseresults from the progressive degeneration of the dopa-minergic input to striatum; its symptoms primarilyinvolve movement impairments and problems withmovement initiation. Classically, these effects havebeen understood in terms of a simplified model of theloop-like circuitry of the basal ganglia. Neurons in thecortex project onto striatal medium spiny neurons andultimately have those connections reciprocated,through the loops, via a series of further steps throughadditional basal ganglia nuclei (Alexander andCrutcher, 1990; DeLong, 1990). According to the move-ment control model, these loops contain different path-ways that end up having either, in the net, excitatoryor inhibitory effects on cortex and on the performanceof movements. The shortage of dopamine inParkinson’s disease leads to an overabundance ofactivity in the inhibitory pathways that is seen as inhi-biting movement production.

At the same time, dopamine is also tightly associ-ated with reward and motivation, so much so that anearly and influential article (the “anhedonia hypothe-sis;” Wise, 1982) argued that it alone was essentiallythe brain’s reward system. As we will discuss below,modern accounts tend to refine this hypothesis by dis-tinguishing different aspects of reward; for instance,rather than being involved in feelings of subjectivepleasure associated with reward, dopamine is nowthought to be involved in effects like reinforcement(the tendency to repeat rewarded actions; seeChapter 20). In any case, among the phenomena sup-porting these ideas is that essentially all major drugsof abuse act directly or indirectly via the dopaminesystem (reviewed in Wise, 1996). Nicotine, morphine,and ethanol all either directly or indirectly activatedopamine neurons. Cocaine and amphetamine blockthe dopamine reuptake mechanism and thus enhancedopamine’s action in the natural synapse. In addition,amphetamine causes the release of dopamine from

presynaptic terminals into the synapse. As a net effect,all these drugs lead to increased dopamine levels inthe ventral striatum and other areas, and this isbelieved to underlie their addictive action.

How should one reconcile the two not obviouslyrelated functions � movement and reward? One keyconcept originated in the analysis of Mogenson andcolleagues (1980) of the ventral striatum. They pro-posed that this structure is the interface where rewardinfluences action. For instance, if the basal ganglia areinvolved in the selection of actions (a widespreadhypothesis) then rewards may influence which actionsare chosen through activity in these areas. In particu-lar, reward-related signals carried by dopamine mayinfluence action selection in the striatum, for instanceby affecting plasticity there (Reynolds and Wickens,2002) so as to reinforce rewarded actions and makethem more likely to recur. This is essentially the viewtaken by the reinforcement learning models discussedin the present chapter.

Of course, it is not necessary that these two (or evenfurther) functions of dopamine be completely recon-ciled. For instance, some of the effects of dopamine onmovement, such as possibly those in Parkinson’s dis-ease, appear not to be mediated by learning of the sortdescribed above (Gallistel et al., 1974). Instead, itappears as though the overall tendency toward move-ment is modulated by the overall background (“tonic”)level of dopamine. On this view, phasic dopamine sig-nals would serve reinforcement learning whereas tonicdopamine levels in the striatum would facilitate move-ment (Schultz, 2007). It thus could be more or lesscoincidental that the same neurotransmitter accom-plishes these two different functions at different time-scales; it has also been proposed that there is a deeperexplanation relating them both, a point developed inthe subsequent chapter (and in Niv et al., 2007).

To better understand dopamine’s role in learning,we next turn to its role in basic instrumental and clas-sical conditioning tasks.


Dopamine neurons recorded in behaving animalsshow a rather slow (about 0.1�7 Hz) baseline firingrate punctuated by phasic excitatory and inhibitoryresponses to a number of different sorts of events. Ithas been argued (Houk et al., 1995; Montague et al.,1996; Schultz et al., 1997) that the phasic responses eli-cited by these events can collectively be understood asa reward prediction error similar to, but more generalthan (see below), the Rescorla/Wagner predictionerror.



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In one of the first examinations of dopamine neu-rons in behaving primates, the animals would performarm movements for small pieces of food hidden withina box (Schultz, 1986). Whenever they found food in thebox, a strong phasic activation occurred in the majorityof the cells at around the time when the animalstouched the food. This activation did not occur whennon-food objects were hidden within the box. Thus,dopamine neurons respond differentially to unpre-dicted objects of differing reward value, which is con-sistent with a prediction error signal since theprediction error δk 5 rk 2VkðskÞ will be positive when areward is delivered (e.g., rk5 1) but not expected (e.g.,Vk(sk)5 0).

However, to verify that the responses really reflect aprediction error (rather than, for instance, just a reportof the reward itself) it is necessary to investigatewhether they are systematically modulated by predic-tions as well as rewards. One way to do this is to varythe probability with which the animal expects areward. In one such study (Fiorillo et al., 2003; alsodescribed in Chapter 9), five different visual condi-tioned stimuli (colored images presented on a screen)predicted delivery (versus nondelivery) of liquidreward with different probabilities, ranging in steps of0.25 from certain delivery (p5 1) to certain nondeliv-ery (p5 0).

According to the Rescorla�Wagner model, whenthe animal has learned the task, the prediction Vk(sk)for each stimulus would track the average rewardobtained for that stimulus � e.g., 1 for the certainreward stimulus, 0.5 for the stimulus rewarded 50% ofthe time, and so on. Thus the prediction error forreward delivery (rk5 1 minus the prediction Vk(sk))would be zero for the always rewarded stimulus, onefor the never-rewarded stimulus, and something in-between for the others. Indeed, phasic dopamineresponses to a reward have this property, they increasewith the size of the prediction error (or, equivalently,decrease with the degree to which the reward wasexpected; Figure 15.3).

Moreover, when rewards fail to occur, dopamineneurons show a phasic decrease in firing at the timereward would have been expected, consistent with thecoding of negative prediction errors. In this case, theprediction error is rk5 0 minus the predictions, andthus the error is negative. For these negativeresponses, it is harder to detect modulation of firingrate by the degree of expectation, because the back-ground firing rate is already low. Nevertheless, on amore detailed analysis, longer inhibitions are seenwhen errors are more strongly negative, in accord withthe prediction error model (Bayer et al., 2007).

Taken together, the responses of dopamine neuronsat the time of reward or non-reward are well explained

by a Rescorla�Wagner prediction error. Note againthat the responses are not a simple signal of rewarddelivery or non-delivery, because they are also modu-lated by expectancy. For this reason it would be incor-rect to say that dopamine neurons simply encode themagnitudes of experienced rewards.

FIGURE 15.3 Peri-stimulus time histograms from a primatedopaminergic neuron in a classical conditioning experiment, repro-duced from Fiorillo et al. (2003). The five traces correspond to fivecues trained with stochastic reinforcement at different probabilities.Only responses on rewarded trials are shown. Top is from two dif-ferent situations (separated by thick vertical black bar), with unpre-dictedly rewarded trials measured in situations without anypreceding stimulus. Adapted with permission from Fiorillo et al. (2003).



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Also, although we have so far considered just theresponse to the outcome at the end of a trial, as can beseen in Figure 15.3, dopamine neurons also respond tothe conditioned stimuli that predict reward. Theseresponses can be understood as another reflection of areward prediction error, but such an understandingrequires an extension of the Rescorla�Wagner modelto include sequential predictions across time (seebelow).

The response at the time of the reward or non-reward following training in the blocking experimentdescribed at the beginning of this chapter (Figure 15.4)further corroborates the notion that dopamine neuronscode something similar to Rescorla�Wagner predic-tion errors (Waelti et al., 2001). The absence of rewardafter a “blocked” stimulus does not reduce dopamineactivity, in line with the notion that reward is notexpected after a blocked stimulus and that its absencethus results in no prediction error. By contrast, rewarddelivery after a blocked stimulus elicits dopamineactivity together with a positive prediction error(Figure 15.4b).

A great deal of converging evidence for this accounthas been reported from other recording experiments inmonkeys (Bayer and Glimcher, 2005; Bayer et al., 2007;Hollerman and Schultz, 1998; Kawagoe et al., 2004;Matsumoto and Hikosaka, 2009; Mirenowicz andSchultz, 1994; Morris et al., 2006; Nakahara et al., 2004;Satoh et al., 2003; Takikawa et al., 2004; Tobler et al.,2003, 2005), humans (Zaghloul et al., 2009), mice(Cohen et al., 2012) and rats (e.g., Oyama et al., 2010;Roesch et al., 2007). Thus, data from a variety of spe-cies suggest that dopamine plays a role that can becaptured with learning models based on predictionerrors.

For instance, recall that the Rescorla�Wagner model(Figure 15.1a) implies that predictions, V, are derivedfrom the weighted average over previous rewards,with the weights exponentially declining over trials.The prediction error, in turn, is the sum of the currentreward, weighted positively, and the negativeexpected reward (i.e., the sum over previous rewardsweighted exponentially, but subtracted). Bayer andGlimcher (2005) used a task in which reward predic-tions shifted over time in conjunction with a regressionanalysis to estimate the weights that best explained theelicited, fluctuating dopamine response at the time ofthe reward (Figure 15.5). The weights estimated toexplain dopamine responses bear an uncanny resem-blance to that of a Rescorla�Wagner prediction error:they are positive for the current reward, and negativefor the preceding rewards, decreasing over trials witha roughly exponential shape.

Data from other measurement techniques also corro-borates the notion that dopamine neurons encode a

prediction error. For instance, transient changes indopamine concentration, reflecting dopamine releaseat target sites such as the striatum, can be recorded inrodents using voltammetry to detect dopamine’schemical signature. These measurements follow manyof the same features of the Rescorla�Wagner predic-tion error (Day et al., 2007).

Moreover, human fMRI experiments have shownprediction-error correlates in the striatal blood oxygenlevel dependent (BOLD) response resembling thoseseen in animal dopamine recordings (Figure 15.6),including phasic (event-related) positive and negativeprediction error responses (e.g., McClure et al., 2003;O’Doherty et al., 2003) that scale with probability (e.g.,Abler et al., 2006; Spicer et al., 2007; Tobler et al., 2007;Chapter 9) and reflect blocking (Tobler et al., 2006) andRescorla�Wagner-like adjustments to recent rewards(Daw et al., 2011). Going beyond what has beenreported for dopamine neurons, the striatal BOLD sig-nal has also been formally shown to comply with theclass of reward prediction error theories using an axi-omatic definition, as discussed in Chapter 1 (Rutledgeet al., 2010). There is evidence that dopamine modu-lates these hemodynamic correlates of prediction error,particularly in the striatum (e.g., Duzel et al., 2009;Knutson and Gibbs, 2007; Pessiglione et al., 2006;Schonberg et al., 2010). However, it is worth keeping inmind that the BOLD signal is a nonspecific metabolicresponse and is not an unambiguous report of a partic-ular neural event such as dopamine release.



So far, we have reviewed evidence and theory sug-gesting a role for dopamine in signaling predictionerrors to outcomes. The models we have discussed upto here have a number of weaknesses, however.Notably, they treat learning and prediction at the levelof the trial. This makes them unable to explain thetemporal substructure of predictions and predictionerrors during a trial, such as the responses to stimulias well as outcomes shown in Figure 15.3. It alsomeans that the theories only apply to experimental cir-cumstances with a relatively simple structure: i.e.,trials in which subjects observe some stimuli andreceive the associated reward, after which the next trialfollows independently.

One way to see that such a structure is overly lim-ited is to recall that, although we have not yet drawnout this connection, presumably one of the reasonsthat the brain predicts rewards is to guide actionchoice toward more rewarding actions. But many



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FIGURE 15.4 (A) Schematic of blocking task used with dopamine recordings (Waelti et al., 2001). In a first pretraining phase, a stimulus ispaired with reward (top left) whereas a control stimulus is not (top right). Accordingly, the animal forms an association between the left stim-ulus and reward but not between the right stimulus and reward. In a second pretraining phase, additional stimuli are occasionally presentedtogether with the stimuli previously learned in the first pretraining phase. Both of these compounds are followed by reward. However,according to the Rescorla/Wagner rule, the reward elicits a prediction error in the control compound on the right but not in the experimentalcompound on the left. This is because the added stimulus is followed by unpredicted reward in the control but not in the experimental case.In consequence, the added stimulus on the left is blocked from learning. The next panels (B, C) are from a third phase during which the addedstimuli were occasionally tested on their own (interspersed with the four trial types used during the pretraining phases in order to maintainlearning). (B) Outcome tests and outcome-induced responses. On top, the blocked stimulus (left) and its control (right) are both followed byno reward and the responses of a single dopamine neuron at the time of the outcome are shown. The blocked stimulus predicts nothing inparticular and according to the Rescorla/Wagner rule no reward elicits no prediction error. This is reflected by the absence of any dopamineresponse. In contrast, the control stimulus predicts reward and the absence of such reward would elicit a negative prediction error. This isreflected by a phasic depression of the dopamine neuron. On the bottom, the blocked stimulus (left) and its reward-predicting control (right)are followed by reward. According to the rule, this would elicit a positive prediction error for the former but not the latter. Correspondingly,the neuron is activated by reward with the former but not the latter. (C) Stimulus tests and responses. After learning has been established,reward predictive stimuli (top left, middle left and right, bottom right) but not blocked stimuli (bottom left) or stimuli that are not predictiveof reward (top right) elicit phasic dopamine activations, in agreement with the presence or absence of prediction errors as suggested by tem-poral difference learning models. Adapted with permission from Waelti et al. (2001).


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decisions have longer term consequences than just animmediate outcome within a trial. Consider, forinstance, the choice of a play in a game like Americanfootball (Romer, 2006). Here, each decision is followedby many others, and rewards (points) are earned in away that depends on the cumulative combination ofmany choices in sequence. Other examples of decisiontasks with similar sequential structure include driving,mazes, chess, and foraging for food.

In American football, teams must move the ballacross the field to the end zone, the goal, in order towin points. But most plays don’t immediately scorepoints; instead, they change the field position of theball, and thereby increase or decrease the chance thatthe team will win points on subsequent plays. Theplays drive changes in the current game situation �called its state in reinforcement learning � notably, thefield position, how many downs remain and whatteam has possession of the ball.

In such a situation, if we are to choose actions bypredicting their consequences, then considering onlythe immediate reward (the points scored on a particu-lar play), is clearly a mistake. Players must plan ahead,








–30 –10 –8 –6


–4 –2 t


FIGURE 15.5 Average regression weights for a population ofdopamine neurons. The weights were estimated to best capture theper-trial firing rate of the neurons as weighted average of rewardsreceived on the current and previous trials. The net function corre-sponds to the difference between the current reward and an expo-nentially decaying average over previous trials’ rewards, as expectedfor a reward prediction error. Adapted with permission from Bayer andGlimcher (2005).

2 2



6 9















Probability of reward

Probability of reward

Left ventral striatum Stimulus reponse Right ventral striatum

Outcome response

0% 25%




0% 25%




Probability of reward

0% 25%







al v


s of






1 2 3 4

6 7 8




Probability of reward

0% 25%







al v


s of





al v


s of





al v


s of




Win/ No win trials

FIGURE 15.6 Graded prediction error responses in human striatum, measured using fMRI, mirror key features of responses seen in dopa-mine neurons in non-human primates (cf. Figure 15.3). Five different stimuli predicted reward at p5 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 and 0. (A) Stimulus-induced responses. Activations induced by reward predicting stimuli increased with probability, in-line with increasing positive predictionerrors. (B) Outcome-induced responses reflecting prediction errors. Rewards (blue) elicited stronger activations the more unpredicted theywere. Correspondingly, omitted rewards (red) elicited stronger deactivations the more unpredicted they were. Moreover, when both outcomeswere possible, rewards induced more activation than no-rewards. Dopamine neurons show the same response profile. Adapted with permissionfrom Abler et al. (2006).



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and try to choose actions that will position the teamwell to earn points on future plays. More technically,they should choose the action that maximizes theaggregate reward accumulated over the long run.Predicting this long term-quantity requires a simplemodification to the Rescorla�Wagner model.

As it turns out, the ability to assess the long-runreward consequences of states and actions is tightlylinked to the aspects of behavioral and neural datathat the Rescorla�Wagner model failed to explain. Inparticular, both second-order conditioning and thedopaminergic response to reward-predictive stimulirelate to the ability to assess future reward (likepoints) on the basis of signals (like field position)that bear only a predictive relationship to rewards.As we will see, such a model produces predictionerrors to signals � like a conditioned stimulus thatpredicts reward � that give an organism new infor-mation about its future reward prospects, and in thisway explains dopamine responses to stimuli as wellas rewards.

Let’s return to prediction tasks without decisions, asin Pavlovian conditioning, to make these ideas a bitmore formal. Imagine that the world proceeds stochas-tically through a series of states, st, with each stateproducing a (possibly zero) reward rt, which weassume is a function of the state and so can alternatelybe written r(st). A crucial difference between theRescorla�Wagner model and the ones we are about todevelop is that we are using a new variable, t, to indexthe progress of the experiment. Previously, we countedtrials, k; henceforth, we will divide trials up into smallblocks of time and use t to index the progress of timewithin each trial. Similarly, we might subdivide a foot-ball game into plays (also each indexed t and associ-ated with a state, like field position, and reward, likepoints), but a team also plays many football games ina season. Thus we can think of trials, or indeed wholefootball games, as being encountered repeatedly, buteach one made up of many sequential states.

Finally, suppose that, motivated by issues like foot-ball strategy, instead of predicting just rk on the basisof sk (as we did with Rescorla�Wagner), we wish topredict the sum of all future rewards in some episode,such as a football game or a conditioning trial: r(st)1r(st11)1 r(st12)1 . . . (Sometimes delayed rewards aretreated as less valuable than immediate ones, a detailwe omit here covered in Chapter 10.)

The temporal difference learning rule (Sutton, 1988)offers a way to learn such long run predictions. Define

the target of learning, the “value function” V(s), as thecumulative future reward expected following state s:

VðstÞ5 rðstÞ1E½rðst11Þ1E½rðst12Þ1E½rðst13Þ1?jst12�jst11�jst�


Although this equation just adds up the rewards ineach future state, starting at st, it has a rather laboriousstructure owing to the nested expectations E½Ujst�. Thisnotation refers to the possibility of randomness in thesequence of events: for instance, the same play run atthe same situation in football can lead to different out-comes. Thus in defining the expected cumulativereward, we take the expected value (probability-weighted average) over all possible values of st11,given st, and over all possible st12 given each st11, andso on.1

The seeming complexity of Equation 15.3 can beconquered by taking advantage of its repetitive,nested structure. In particular, let us instead writethe expected future value from the perspective ofthe next state, st11, as the sum of rewards startingthere:

Vðst11Þ5 rðst11Þ1E½rðst12Þ1E½rðst13Þ1?jst12�jst11�ð15:4Þ

But this is just the quantity inside the brackets inEquation 15.3. We can therefore substitute Equation15.4 into Equation 15.3 to rewrite the definition of thevalue function in a particularly useful recursive form,known as the Bellman Equation (Bellman, 1957):

VðstÞ5 rðstÞ1E½Vðst11Þjst� ð15:5ÞThis equation embodies a crucial and practically

useful insight. Let us restate in English what this allmeans. From any starting state, st, we are trying to pre-dict the function V, which is the sum of the reward inthat state, plus the reward in the next state, plus thereward in the state following that one, and so on.What Equation 15.5 says is just that this unwieldy,long sum over a series of rewards can equally well bethought of as the reward in the starting state, plusall the rest. Crucially, “all the rest” is just the sum overthe series of rewards starting in the next state: that is,it is the value function viewed from state st11.Equation 15.5, then, expresses the value at any state stas the sum of the reward there and the value of thesuccessor state st11. The latter value, recursively,accounts for the sum of the rest of the rewards, at st11,st12, and so on.

1Here and below we have assumed that the task belongs to a family known as Markov processes; each state’s probability depends only

on its predecessor state. This assumption is crucial for temporal difference learning because it is ultimately what allows the value

function to be decomposed into the recursive form of Equation 15.5. We return to this point in the next chapter.



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We can use this definition as the basis of a learningrule for estimating V from trial-and-error experiencewith states and rewards (Sutton, 1988; Sutton andBarto, 1998). Note that this is a difficult problem, sinceV at any state is defined as a long sum over futurerewards. However if the value function is well learned,then if an organism encounters a state, a reward there,and a successor state, the equality in Equation 15.5should hold, on average, for the two successive valueestimates and the reward. (It is only “on average”since at a particular moment the organism experiencesonly one of the possible successor states st11, whereasthe expectation E½Ujst� Equation 15.5 refers to theprobability-weighted average over all possiblesuccessors.)

Conversely, the failure of Equation 15.5 to hold (onaverage) means we have not yet learned the valuefunction. We can subtract the two sides of this equa-tion to define an error signal expressing the extent ofthis mismatch in much the same way that we did todefine Rescorla�Wagner’s trial-based prediction error:

δt 5 rt 1Vðst11Þ2VðstÞ ð15:6ÞThis is called the temporal difference prediction

error. V(st) and V(st11) in this equation now refer tothe learner’s own predictions about these values. (Alsonote that we have switched back to the more compactnotation rt for the reward in the state st.) The temporaldifference learning rule (Sutton, 1988) differs from theRescorla�Wagner rule discussed above in that it usesthis prediction error to update the prediction V(st),rather than the prediction error defined by Equation15.1 above. (The update rule itself is the same asRescorla�Wagner’s, from Equation 15.2.)

Apart from the change in the granularity of tempo-ral indexing (from trials k to timeslices of trials t), thedifference between the new model and Rescorla/Wagner’s, then, is just the addition of the term V(st11)to the prediction error. This reflects the desire to learnnot merely the immediate reward, rt, as in Rescorla/Wagner, but the sum over the series of all the rewardsin subsequent states as well. By the recursive decom-position of the value at the current state from Equation15.5, the subsequent state’s value stands in for the sumof rewards in that state and all states thereafter.

We can take Equation 15.6 apart to better examinehow temporal difference learning works. First, whatdoes V(st11) mean in this rule? During learning, thelearner is maintaining a set of predictions V, one foreach state, and updating them according to the learn-ing rule. V(st11) is the learner’s own current estimate ofthe value of the new state st11. That is, havingobserved that state st was followed by state st11, thelearner uses its estimated value of the new state as a

proxy for the rewards remaining in the rest of the epi-sode. Although V(st11) represents a long run cumula-tive prediction, this recursive trick allows it to beupdated immediately at every step � nudging ittoward a new estimate of its true value, rt1V(st11),rather than waiting to observe all the remainingrewards in the sequence.

Now consider the interpretation of the expressionV(st11)2V(st). This is the temporal difference after whichthe model is named: the change in predicted valuefrom one step to the next. In many situations (as inmost plays in football, where points are not scored),rt5 0, and the prediction error is just the temporal dif-ference. In these cases, if predictions are well learned(and nothing surprising is happening) the expectedfuture value should behave smoothly. Fluctuations inV in the absence of actual reward occur when eventsproduce changes in reward expectation, which shoulddrive learning to update the previous expectations.

In particular, if the temporal difference is positive,this implies that the current reward expectation is bet-ter than had been anticipated in the previous state. Infootball, this might happen if a particularly successfulplay led to a field position unexpectedly close to scor-ing. In this case, the previous value was too pessimisticand should be increased. Importantly, in this case theoutcome of a play � the new field position � taughtthe player something about his future reward pro-spects, even though points weren’t scored. Conversely, ifthe temporal difference is negative, future rewardexpectancy has dropped, which indicates that the pre-vious prediction was too optimistic. For instance, if arestaurant server unexpectedly clears away your winewhen a few sips remain, your expected cumulativefuture reward has dropped by the value of those previ-ously anticipated sips. Had the server instead spilledhot coffee on your skin, this would also produce a neg-ative prediction error, but in this case due to a punish-ment, instead of a change in your expectations aboutfuture reward.


The key feature of the temporal difference model isthat prediction errors are elicited not just by rewarddelivery or non-delivery, but also by any new informa-tion about future reward expectations. This is becausechanges in reward expectation correspond to nonzerotemporal differences V(st11)2V(st). Returning to ani-mal conditioning experiments, a conditioned stimulusthat predicts reward changes future reward expecta-tions, because the timing and identity of these stimuli



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are themselves unpredictable. Their arrival thereforeinduces changes in the future rewards expected, whichinduce prediction errors. The arrival of a stimulus pre-dicting reward is like an unexpectedly favorable foot-ball play: it implies that future reward prospects arebetter than had been expected.

This sort of reasoning explains the response patternemitted by dopamine neurons to stimuli predictingreward with different probabilities even though at thetime those stimuli are delivered no actual rewards areobtained (Fiorillo et al., 2003). In Figure 15.3, the stimu-lus indicating the highest probability of future rewardelicits the strongest dopamine response. With lowerprobabilities, responses become smaller. In the model,prediction errors are also increasing with reward prob-ability in this same way. This is because the temporaldifference V(st11)2V(st) on observing the stimulus islarger if the stimulus predicts reward with higherprobability. Indeed, if we assume (for simplicity) thatthe value between trials, V(st) is zero, then since thereward rt is also zero when the stimulus is delivered,the prediction error from Equation 15.6 is just V(st11),the value of the stimulus. Note that for the same rea-son, the temporal difference model doesn’t change ourprevious account of the response to the terminalreward in the trial, since here, V(st11) is the valuebetween trials, i.e., zero, and Equation 15.6 reduces toEquation 15.1. In all, the temporal difference rule explainsnot only the reward but also the stimulus responses inFigure 15.3 as reflecting prediction errors.

Dopamine responses to stimuli in a blocking experi-ment are similarly consistent with the temporal differ-ence model. A blocked stimulus elicits much less of aresponse at the time of the conditioned stimulus than anon-blocked, reward-predicting control stimulus(Waelti et al., 2001; Figure 15.4c). This reflects the factthat the blocked stimulus doesn’t predict reward, butthe control stimulus does. Note however, that if thenewly introduced blocked stimulus were insteadslightly moved in time so as to precede the stimuluspreviously paired with reward, then temporal differ-ence learning predicts (and experiments confirm) thatit should in this case acquire predictive reward value.Conversely, the Rescorla�Wagner rule is not sensitiveto the relative timing of events in a trial, since it istrial-based.

This last observation relates to the fact that in thetemporal-difference learning model, stimuli induceprediction errors when, and only when, they cause achange in reward expectations, i.e., when they providenew information. For instance, when one visual stimu-lus reliably predicts another one, which in turn reliablypredicts reward, then only the first but not the secondstimulus adds new information about the future.Accordingly, dopamine neurons are activated only by

the first but not the second stimulus (Schultz et al.,1993). Conversely, when a second stimulus adds addi-tional information, it does engender prediction error.Thus, when a 25% predictor of reward is followed byeither a stimulus predicting reward at 100% (positiveprediction error) or another stimulus predicting at 0%(negative prediction error), then the second stimulusactivates or depresses dopamine neurons, respectively(Takikawa et al., 2004).

Striatal BOLD correlates of prediction errors inhuman neuroimaging also appear to report a full tem-poral difference prediction error, similar to dopamineneurons. Thus striatal BOLD responds to conditionedstimuli according to their reward probability (e.g.,Abler et al., 2006; Figure 15.6a; see also Chapter 9).Blocked conditioned stimuli elicit a weaker striatalBOLD response than non-blocked control stimuli(Tobler et al., 2006). Moreover, striatal BOLD responsesoccur to stimuli predicting points worth money,suggesting higher-order conditioning (e.g., Tobleret al., 2007). Within-trial prediction errors to stimuliproviding new value information have even beendescribed in the human striatum (Daw et al., 2011;Seymour et al., 2004).

Finally, the temporal difference model also clears upa behavioral puzzle we noted with the Rescorla/Wagner model: the source of second-order condition-ing. As we have just discussed, cues that predict futurereward elicit reward prediction errors and activatedopamine (via a positive temporal difference V(st11)2V(st)), in just the same way as unexpected primaryrewards do. This error can in turn train positive rewardpredictions in preceding states, even if primary rewardis not subsequently delivered. In this way, the temporaldifference algorithm and its proposed dopaminergicimplementation explain second-order conditioning �i.e. the transfer of value from one conditioned stimulusto another � as a direct reflection of their recursivelearning strategy for training previous reward predic-tions on the basis of subsequent ones.


We began this chapter with the problem of learningwhich action to choose, but so far we have talked onlyabout learning to predict rewards. The connectionbetween the two is simple: if a decision maker can pre-dict the reward following a choice � either in one step,like Rescorla�Wagner, or cumulatively over multiplesteps, like temporal difference learning � then she canchoose the more rewarding action. In other words, indecisions by description (“would you rather have a50% chance at $100, or $40 for sure”) a decision maker



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computes a decision variable for each option andchooses between them. In a trial and error (“experien-tial”) learning situation, she must instead learn the deci-sion variable, and this is exactly what the error-drivenlearning rules we have described can accomplish.

But is there evidence that learned predictions drivechoices in the way we have described? And if dopa-mine carries prediction errors that drive learning aboutreward predictions, is it causally involved in choice?

Consider an experiment in which a monkey repeat-edly chooses between a red and a green target, andreceives juice reward stochastically on the basis of itschoice. One way to approach this sort of task, drawingon the prediction mechanisms described so far, is tolearn a predicted value Q(a) for the reward expectedfollowing the choice a of either option. Q here is analo-gous to V previously, but it is traditional to usedifferent notation to distinguish action- from stimulus-specific values.2 The Qs can be learned by theRescorla�Wagner rule (Equations 15.1, 15.2), updatingan option’s value according to the prediction errorreceived whenever it is chosen.

It is possible to examine whether animals actuallylearn their decision variables in such a manner byusing a regression analysis similar to Bayer andGlimcher’s (Figure 15.5) dissection of the dopamineresponse (Lau and Glimcher, 2005). If animals chooseon the basis of value predictions Q for each option,and these are learned as some weighted average of therewards previously received on that option, then onecan estimate what weights best explain the choices. Inparticular, if these are learned by the same sort oferror-driven learning rule associated with Rescorla/Wagner and the phasic dopamine response, the modelpredicts an exponential function (Figure 15.1). Thisprediction has been confirmed in two studies of mon-key decisions (Sugrue et al., 2004, data in Figure 15.7here; Lau and Glimcher, 2005). Similar resultshave been reported for choice experiments withhumans (e.g., Seymour et al., 2012) and rodents (Itoand Doya, 2009).

All these considerations suggest that predictivevalue learning underlying choice is also based on anerror driven mechanism, of the sort associated with

phasic dopamine responses. Dopamine is also wellpositioned to drive such learning from an anatomicalpoint of view, because it affects plasticity at synapsesfrom cortical neurons onto the medium spiny neuronsof striatum (Reynolds and Wickens, 2002). The corti-costriatal connections, as we have already mentioned,are also involved in facilitating and suppressing move-ments. Combining the two elements, as described inthis form by Frank et al. (2004), goes some way towardresolving the central puzzle of dopamine with whichthis section began � its dual roles in motivation andmovement � and fleshing out the suggestion ofMogenson and colleagues (1980) a limbic-motorgateway.

To assess the causal role of dopamine in reinforce-ment learning, Frank and colleagues (2004) studiedlearning to choose or avoid actions in human patientswith Parkinson’s disease playing a reinforcementlearning game similar to the monkey task ofFigure 15.7. By training subjects to develop preferencesbetween several different pairs of options before test-ing these options against one another in novel transferpairings, the researchers were able to distinguish towhat extent the preferences learned were based on





0.3Monkey G: 410 blksMonkey F: 1,159 blks



40 30 20

Delay (trials)

10 0

FIGURE 15.7 Functions relating choices and previous rewards ina decision task for two monkeys. These roughly follow an exponen-tially decaying form, consistent with an error-driven learning model.Adapted with permission from Sugrue et al. (2004).

2To expand on this notational point, RL distinguishes state values V(s) from state-action values Q(s, a). We previously considered

tasks like Pavlovian conditioning, in which stimuli (states) were followed by rewards or other stimuli, and in this case we defined

the expected value of the state, V(s) as the expected (cumulative) reward following it. If states and rewards also depend on the

agent’s decisions � which is not true in Pavlovian conditioning but is true in football � then to choose an action we want to learn

Q(s, a), the value of an action (e.g., passing) in a state (first down on the 50-yard line). In simple experiments where a monkey faces

the same choice over and over again for immediate reward (e.g., choice between a red and green target) then there is only one state,

and we abbreviate the state-action values Q(a). Finally, state values V(s) are still relevant even in decision tasks, because Q(s, a) is

reduced back to V(s) once we determine a particular policy or choice of action for each state � for instance, if at any state I choose

the action for which Q(s, a) is maximal.



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learning to favor the better option versus avoiding theworse one. The experimenters reasoned that positivedopamine action (reporting positive prediction errors)would promote learning to choose the better action,and therefore that Parkinson’s patients (since the dis-ease degenerates dopamine neurons) would tend tolearn the tasks, if at all, primarily via avoidance.Accordingly, when patients with Parkinson’s diseasewere tested off their dopamine-restoring medication,they tended toward learning to avoid the inferioraction; but when tested on dopamine replacementtherapy, this pattern reversed and medicated patientstended toward learning to choose the better action.Similar effects of Parkinson’s disease and its medica-tion have now been reported from a number of labsusing different reinforcement learning tasks (Bodiet al., 2009; Cools et al., 2006; Rutledge et al., 2009).

Animal experiments using optogenetic activation ofdopamine neurons also provide causal support for arole of dopamine in learning about actions and choos-ing accordingly. Animals learn to return to locationswhere their dopamine neurons have been activated(Tsai et al., 2009), prefer a lever that provides bothfood and stimulation of dopamine neurons to one pro-viding only food (Adamantidis et al., 2011), nose pokefor phasic stimulation of dopamine neurons (Kimet al., 2012), and avoid locations where their dopamineneurons have been inhibited (Tan et al., 2012). Also, ofcourse, the reinforcing action of drugs of abuse (whichpharmacologically activate, mimic, or otherwiseenhance dopaminergic function) is consistent withsuch a causal role of dopamine in learning mechan-isms (Redish, 2004).

The learning mechanisms described also follow onfrom the classic idea from psychology (Thorndike,1911; see Chapter 20) that trial-and-error learningoccurs by the reinforcing action of reward, i.e., thatactions followed by reward are more likely to berepeated in the future. In the models described above,reinforcement is not reward per se, but reward predic-tion error: Actions followed by positive reward predic-tion error are strengthened, and more likely to berepeated in the future. This idea is also the basis of aversion of temporal difference algorithms, called actor-critic methods, which involve separate learning meth-ods for long run state values V(s) (how much rewardis expected in the future), and which action to take ineach state. Prediction errors computed by the former,called the critic, serve as reinforcers to help the othermodule, the actor, learn which actions to take. This isparticularly useful in the context of sequential decisiontasks, like football, in which the ultimate rewardingconsequences of an action can be deferred by manysteps. The prediction error related to arriving, forinstance, at a better-than-expected field position can

reinforce a good choice immediately, even if scoringoccurs only later.

Finally, then, the choice experiments mentionedthus far involve only a series of independent, isolatedchoices, each with its own reward. But we havestressed that the temporal difference learning modelassociated with dopamine is well suited to sequentialdecision tasks like football, involving multiple, inter-leaved choices and rewards. In this case, we expect asimilar strategy of learning the long run values Q(s, a)of actions in particular states (e.g., the value of runningor passing at different field positions) via temporal dif-ference or actor-critic methods, and choosing on thisbasis. Choices in sequential decision tasks are consis-tent with such a mechanism (Daw et al., 2011; Fu andAnderson, 2008), though (as discussed in Chapter 20)the same experiments provide evidence that thismechanism is nonexclusive and organisms also pursueadditional strategies for solving the sequentialdecision-making problem.


Electrophysiological recordings from dopamine neu-rons suggest that phasic activity changes contribute toreward learning by coding errors in the prediction ofreward. In this way, dopamine neurons may providetarget neurons in the striatum and cortex with detailedinformation about the value of the future. Such infor-mation could be used to plan and executeprofitable behaviors and decisions well in advance ofactual reward occurrence and to learn about evenearlier reliable predictors of reward. Moreover, thenotion that phasic dopamine actions can be describedwith a reward prediction error model capturesempirical findings not only from electrophysiologicalrecordings in monkeys, rats and humans but alsofrom other modalities, such as voltammetry andhuman neuroimaging. Importantly, decision behaviorin learning tasks is consistent with the proposedmechanism, and causal experiments involving manip-ulation of dopamine support this role. Although pre-diction error coding is probably not the only functionof dopamine neurons, it provides a good approxima-tion to much of its phasic activity. The next chapterextends this core hypothesis to consider moredetailed computations and how these mechanismsinteract with other brain systems.


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