Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to...

Chapter 15 • European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state-building, an attempt to increase their own power and solidify their states.

Transcript of Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to...

Page 1: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Chapter 15

• European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state-building, an attempt to increase their own power and solidify their states.

Page 2: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.
Page 3: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Statebuilding and War

• Rising Ambitions in Eastern Europe– New Leadership in Expanding Russia

• The nobility took back some of the authority it had lost to Peter

– Catherine the Great• Her family married her to Peter III• She conspired with officers, who assassinated him

and declared Catherine tsarina of Russia• She defeated the Turks in 1774

– The Partition of Poland• Russia, Prussia, and Austria divided Poland

among themselves

Page 4: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.
Page 5: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Statebuilding and War

• Rising Ambitions in Eastern Europe (Cont.)– Forging a Military State in Prussia

• Fredrick William I was obsessed with the military• 70 percent of the state’s budget went to the armed forces• He required all men to register for military service

– Austria Tries to Hold On• Austria contained a complex array of language groups• Austria could barely control Hungary• Maria Theresa could afford only a relatively small army

Page 6: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Statebuilding and War

– The Midcentury Land Wars• Fredrick marched his troops into Silesia• He forged alliances with other German states against Austria

– The Diplomatic Revolution• Fredrick signed an alliance with Great Britain, and Maria

Theresa solidified a new alliance with France• The shift of alliances transformed former enemies into friends

• Warfare in the Eighteenth Century

Page 7: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.
Page 8: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Statebuilding and War

• Western Europe and the Great Colonial Rivalry– The French Monarchy in Decline

• People criticized Louis XIV for dragging France into foreign conflicts

• After Louis’s death in 1715, France’s parlements angled for a restoration of the powers

– Making the British System Work• House of Lords – nobles, House of Commons – commoners• Parliament controlled taxation, lawmaking, and the process

for bringing grievances to the monarchy

Page 9: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Statebuilding and War

– Colonies, Trade, and War• France and Britain fought over colonies, and made

their greatest profits from trade across the Atlantic.• British colonists’ expansion and resistance from

local tribes, led to savage battles.

– The Triangle of Trade• Europe, Africa, and the Americas• Sugar, rum, coffee, and dyestuffs

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Page 11: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Statebuilding and War

– The Slave Trade• Ships from Europe carried manufactured goods

and gin to western Africa and traded them for slaves

– Fighting on Three Continents• The War of the Austrian Succession• The French an Indian War• The Seven Years War

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Chapter 15

• In spite of declining monarchies in Britain and France, royals in other countries maintained their authority by justifying their rule in terms of enlightened absolutism.– Fredrick the Great

• He knew and spoke the phrases of the Enlightenment• He initiated codification of the laws, abolished torture, and

ended most capital punishment

– Joseph II– Style, Substance, or Survival?

• Monarchs found it easier to manifest their “enlightenment” in style rather than substance

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Page 14: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Chapter 15

• Social and economic changes paralleled the ambitious politics and wars in Western societies, especially in the countryside, improving some lives but plunging others into poverty.

Page 15: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Changes in Country and City Life

• The Agricultural Revolution– New Crops and Techniques

• In Holland and Britain, farmers began experimenting with clover, turnips, potatoes, and legumes

• Farmers used new crops to feed livestock, and more cattle meant more dairy products

– Enclosures• Landowners enclosed land with fences, hedges, and walls

• Manufacturing Spreads in the Countryside: Cottage Industry

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Changes in Country and City Life

• More People, Longer Lives– Population Growth

• Europe’s population jumped from approximately 110 million in 1700 to 190 million in 1800

– Eighteenth-Century Medicine• Inoculation against smallpox• They learned to treat soldiers for shock before operating, and

to clean wounds

• Deepening Misery for the Poor• Prosperity and the Bourgeoisie

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Chapter 15

• While aristocratic and royal patronage of the arts was still crucial, the audiences for culture expanded as artistic styles and cultural forms were changing and reflected a “cult of sensibility.”

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The Culture of the Elite: Combining the Old and the New

• The Advent of the Modern Novel• Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, Pamela, Virtue Rewarded,

Tom Jones, Evelina, Young Lady’s Entrance

• Pride and Sentiment in Art and Architecture• Antoine Watteau, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, William Hogarth

• Reaching New Heights in Music– Baroque Music

• Johann Sebastian Bach created great music for organ, harpsichord, clavichord, orchestra, and chorus; and wrote 46 operas

• George Fredric Handel wrote instrumental and vocal music

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The Culture of the Elite: Combining the Old and the New

– The Classical Style• Franz Joseph Haydn wrote more than a hundred

symphonies• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed more than

600 works and excelled in all forms; symphonies, piano concertos, and operas

• The Grand Tour

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Chapter 15

• The lower classes had their own forms of culture which helped to foster a common identity and often revolved around religion, festivals, and oral traditions, although literacy was rising.

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Culture for the Lower Classes

• Festivals and Popular Literature

• Gin and Beer• All the social classes also engaged in drinking wine, brandy,

gin, or beer.

• Religious Revivals– Pietism

• Religious revivals spread from community to community• John Wesley

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Chapter 15

• The first major event to upset the social and political stability of the West took place as Britian’s North American colonies fought to free themselves from British rule.

• Insults, Interests, and Principals: The Seeds of Revolt– New Commercial Regulations and Taxes

• The Stamp Act of 1765 taxed printed documents such as newspapers, pamphlets, and wills

Page 23: Chapter 15 European monarchs came into conflicts as they flexed their military might and sought to satisfy their ambitions through state- building, an.

Foreshadowing Upheaval: The American Revolution

• A War for Independence• The Second Continental Congress appointed

George Washington its military commander• On July 4, 1776 Congress issued the Declaration

of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson

• Treaty of Paris in 1783

• Creating the New Nation– War for Independence or Revolution?