Chapter 11_Nuclear Icebreakers

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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 11_Nuclear Icebreakers


    Chapter11:Nuclear Icebreakers

    Edited byDr. Mir F. Ali 1


    The scope of nuclear civil vessels includes the following three types of vessels: 1. NuclearMerchant Ships, 2. Nuclear Icebreakers, and 3. Nuclear Cruise Ships. This chapter isdedicated to Nuclear Icebreakers.

    2. NUCLEAR ICEBREAKERS:An icebreaker ship requires three main faculties that most normal ships lack: Astrengthened hull, an ice-clearing shape, and the power to push through ice-coveredwaters.

    Icebreakers ships designed to cruise on ice-covered water by breaking through the icewith their strong, heavy, steel bows. The main objective for constructing icebreakers wasto keep routes open for commerce where either seasonal or permanent ice conditionsexit.

    An icebreaker ship powered by nuclear to break floating ice is known as nuclearicebreaker and nuclear icebreakers are far more powerful than their diesel poweredcounterparts. Icebreakers were constructed by Russia primarily to aid shipping in thefrozen Arctic waterways in the north of Siberia.
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    Just to appreciate the severity of the conditions, during the winter, the ice along thenorthern seaways varies in thickness from 1.2 to 2.0 metres (3.9 to 6.5 feet). The ice incentral parts of the Arctic Ocean is on average 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) thick. Nuclear-poweredicebreakers can force through this ice at speeds up to 10 knots (19 km/h 12 mph). In ice-free- waters the maximum speed of the nuclear-powered icebreakers is as much as 21

    knots (35 km/h, 24 mph).

    Nuclear propulsion has proven technically and economically essential in the RussianArctic where operating conditions are beyond the capability of conventional icebreakers.The power levels required for breaking ice up to 3 metres thick, coupled with refuelingdifficulties for other types of vessels, are significant factors. The nuclear fleet hasincreased Arctic navigation from 2 to 10 months per year, and in the Western Arctic, toyear-round. Greater use of the icebreaker fleet is expected with developments on theYamal Peninsula and further east.

    The icebreaker reactors are bigger than the reactors in nuclear submarines. The fuel usedin OK-900A reactors is enriched to 45-75 percent uranium-235, and each reactor coreholds 241 fuel assemblies, including 200 kg of uranium-235. The fuel in KLT-40 reactors isenriched up to 90 percent; it too contains 241 fuel assemblies, with a total ofapproximately 150kg of uranium-235. Fuel is replaced every three to four years, and ittakes approximately 45 days to refuel a nuclear-powered icebreaker. Generally, onereactor acts as the primary propulsion, and the second operates at low power. Water inthe pressurized closed water circuit is heated to 300 to 400 degrees Celsius to producesteam. The steam enters a system of four steam generators per reactor core. Thesegenerators run the turbines, which run the propellers. Because it is a closed water circuit,this water is recirculated to the steam generators. The cooling system of the icebreaker

    reactors is specially designed to use cold Arctic seawater.

    Russia has the most powerful icebreaker fleet in the world, as well as unique experience inthe design, construction and operation of such ships. Russian experience with nuclearpowered Arctic ships totals about 300 reactor-years in 2009. The Murmansk ShippingCompany (MSC) for the Ministry of Transport previously operated Russias fleet ofnuclear icebreakers. However, in August 2008 responsibility was transferred to Rosatomby presidential decree and the agency is now tasked with both making the fleet profitableand addressing legacy issues such as radioactive waste and the decommissioning of oldships.

    2.1 NS Icebreaker Lenin:The nuclear icebreaking fleet was developing nearly in parallel with domestic nuclearpower. The decision to build the first nuclear icebreaker was taken on November 20, 1953,and the ships keel laying took place at Admiralteyskiy Zavod (shipyard) in Leningrad onAugust 24, 1956. The icebreaker Lenin was undergone sea trials in the Gulf of Finland inSeptember 1959 and was officially accepted for service on December 3, 1959. It waslaunched on December 05, 1959. The 510 manufacturing plants and organizations all overthe country were involved in its building. Vessel particulars include:
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    1. Length: 134 metres;2. Beam: 27.6 metres;3. Height: 16.1 metres;4. Max speed: 18 knots,5. Displacement: 16,000 metric tons without ballast; and6. Propulsion by three DC motors driving three screw propellers.

    NS Lenin was both the worlds first nuclear powered surface ship and the first nuclearpowered civilian vessel. The first nuclear propulsion unit (OK-150) on Lenin had threeidentical pressurized water reactors (PWR) with a maximum heat output of 90 MWt. Theshaft power was 44, 000 horsepower. Enriched uranium was used as fuel (the content ofU-235 was equivalent 85 kg), and distillate water was used as a moderator and for heattransfer. The reactor core was 1.6 meters high and measured one meter in diameter. The

    core consisted of 7,704 fuel pins in 219 fuel assemblies.

    There have been two accidents, the first took place in February 1965, when Lenin wasundergoing repairs and refueling. The vessel sustained severe mechanical damages to thefuel assemblies, some of which were broken in two pieces, and were detected during theunloading of fuel from reactor number two. About 95 spent nuclear fuel assemblies weretransferred to the nuclear service ship Lepse and unloading was halted. Afterinvestigations as to why the spent nuclear fuel assemblies were deformed, it was

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    established that the nuclear reactor operators had made an error that left the reactor corewithoutcooling water. The partial deformation of the fuel assemblies had occurred dueto overheating of the reactor core. About 60 percent of the assemblies were damaged.

    The second accident aboard the Lenin took place in 1967, when the pipe system of the

    third circuit sprung a leak following the loading of fresh nuclear fuel. The second accidentresulted in one of the threeOK-150 reactors being damaged beyond repair. All threereactors were removed, and replaced by two OK-900 reactors; the ship returned to servicein 1970. The Lenin was taken out of operation in November 1989 and laid up atAtomflot,the base for nuclear powered icebreakers in the Murmansk Fiord before it was convertedto a museum ship.

    The vessel was initially fitted with three OK-150 pressurized water reactors producing 90MW each. Due to operational problems including a partial core melt in 1965, two OK-900units producing 171 MW each replaced the units. Remained in service for 30 years in the

    Northern Sea Route, breaking ice for container ships to navigate. During this period,escorted 3,741 transport ships. Voyage covered 654,400 nautical miles, including 560,600nautical miles in ice.

    2.2 Arktika-Class Nuclear Icebreakers:
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    The nuclear icebreakers of the Arktika class are used to force through the ice for thebenefit of cargo ships and other vessels along the northern seaway. The northern seawaycomprises the eastern part of the Barents Sea, the Petchora Sea, the Kara Sea, the LaptevSea and the Eastern Siberian Sea to the Bering Strait. Important ports on the northernseaway are, among others, Dikson, Tiksi, and Pevek.

    In addition to cruising on ice-covered water, the icebreakers have also been used for anumber of scientific expeditions in the Arctic. On August 17, 1977, theNS Arktikawas thefirst surface vessel in the world to reach theNorth Pole. Since 1989, some icebreakershave been used for Arctic tourism cruises.

    There are six icebreakers classified as Arktika class icebreakers that represent the bulk ofthe Russian nuclear icebreaker fleet:


    NS Arktika launched in 1959;2. NS Sibir launched in 1977;3. NS Rossiya launched in 1985;4. NS Sovetskiy Soyuz launched in 1990;5. NS Yamal launched in 1993; and6. NS 50 Let Probedy launched in 1993.
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    Since these icebreakers have been built over a period of thirty years, there is a fair bit of

    variation between ships of the class; thus, specifications are listed as a range of values. Ingeneral, the newer ships are larger, faster, and require smaller crews.

    Specifications:1. Length: 148 m to 159 m (approximately 136 m at the waterline);2. Beam: 30 m (28 m at the waterline);3. Draft: approximately 11.08 m.;4. Height (keel to masthead): approximately 55 m;5. Displacement: 23,000 to 25,000 tons;6. Maximum speed: 18 to 22 knots;7. Cruising speed: approximately 18 to 20 knots;8. Crew: 138 to over 200;9. Passengers: approximately 100;10.Reactors: 2OK-900A, 171 megawatt each;11. Propulsion: 3 propellers totaling approximately 75,000 hp;12. Maximum Ice Thickness: 2 to 2.8 m; and13. Endurance: 7.5 months at sea, 4 years between refuelings.
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    Arktika-class icebreakers have adouble hull, with the outer hull being approximately 48mm thick at the ice-breaking areas and 25 mm thick elsewhere. There is waterballast

    between the inner and outer hulls that can be shifted to aid icebreaking. Icebreaking isalso assisted by an air bubbling system, which can deliver 24 m of air from jets 9 m belowthe surface. Some ships havepolymer-coated hulls to reducefriction. Arktika-class shipscan break ice while making way either forwards or backwards. These ships must cruise incold water, in order to cool their reactors. As a result, they cannot pass through thetropics to undertake voyages in theSouthern Hemisphere. Although they have tworeactors, normally only one is used to provide power, with the other being maintained ina standby mode.
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    Some ships carry one or twohelicoptersand severalZodiac boats. Radio and satellitesystems can include navigation,telephone,fax, andemailcapabilities.

    Most nuclear powered icebreakers in the Russian service today have aswimming pool, asauna, acinema, and agymnasium. In the restaurants aboard there is abarand facilitiesfor live music performances. Some also have alibraryand at least one has avolleyballcourt.

    The Arktika was retired for several years, but was repaired in the late 1990s.On April 9, 2007, a fire broke out on the Arktika. The fire caused minor damage to threecabins and knocked out an electricity-distribution panel. The nuclear reactor was notdamaged. There were no injuries. The icebreaker was in theKara Seawhen the blaze

    erupted, and was sent toMurmansk. The ship was officially taken out of service inOctober 2008.

    Thevessel served shippingroutes in the Arctic Ocean and the seas north of Russia fromApril 1975, powered by two 171 MWt pressurized water reactors which provided 54 MW atits propellers. In 2000, it was the first civilian ship to operate for a whole year withoutdocking.
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    Most of the Arktika-class vessels have had operating life extensions based on engineeringknowledge built up from experience with Arktika itself. Nuclear.Ru reported that the shipwas originally designed for 100,000 hours of reactor life, but this was extended first to150,000 hours, then to 175,000 hours. In practice, this equated to a lifespan of eight extrayears of operation on top of the design period of 25. In that time, it covered more than 1

    million nautical miles.

    Apart from that, it will not sail again, the future for Arktika is uncertain. Docked at anAtomFlot facility, it will initially provide an engineering base to study further lifeextension options for its sister vessels. It will ultimately be dismantled under a scheduleto be determined by the Rosatom agency, which sets the strategy for all Russian nuclearprograms.

    The NS Sibir is presently not in operation and stationed at Atomflot for extensive repair.Among other things, the nuclear reactors and turbine generators are to be upgraded, as

    these do not satisfy the safety standards established for newer nuclear poweredicebreakers. The NS Sibir might not ever come into operation again due to theoperational economics. Unless there is a significant increase of transport in the Arctic, itwill not be profitable to operate all six Arktika-class icebreakers. It is to be expected thatthe oldest icebreakers would be the first ones to be taken out of operation.

    The NS Rossiya carries two helicopters. Rossiya was used to transport an expedition ofaround 40West Germansto the North Pole in the summer of 1990; this may have beenthe first non-communist charter of a nuclear icebreaker. Rossiya was in refit as ofDecember 2004.

    The NS Sovetskiy Soyuz was trapped in ice for three days in 1998. In 2004, it was one ofthree icebreakers used for an Arcticice coreexpedition intended to researchclimatechangeandglobal warming. One tourism operatorlists itas being possibly used forNorth Pole cruises.

    The NS Yamal is mostly used for tourism and scientific expeditions. It has 50 passengercabins and suites, and carries one helicopter. The crew is 150, including 50 officers andengineers. Yamal was the 12th surface ship ever to reach the North Pole.

    The NS 50 Lyet Pobyedi is the final Arktika class ship. It was launched from the shipyard

    atSaint Petersburgon December 29, 1993 as the NS Ural, and delivered toMurmanskin1994. It was later renamed and not actually completed and commissioned until 2006 dueto funding delays. The crew is expected to normally number 138 persons. It has anenvironmental waste processing module added to the hull, which accounts for 9 m of theships 159 m length; this makes it the largest of the Arktika class and the largest nuclearpowered icebreaker in the world. It carries twoKa-32helicopters. It entered service onApril 2, 2007.

    2.3 Taymyr-Class Nuclear Icebreakers:
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    The Finnish shipbuilder Wartsila built many icebreakers for the Soviet Union andprovided many advances in design during the years of development of conventionallypowered icebreakers. Recently, these two technologies merged to develop Taymyr-class,shallow-draft polar icebreakers built in Helsinki New Shipyard in Finland and the nuclearreactors were installed at Leningrad Baltic Shipyard in the Soviet Union after delivering

    from Finland.

    The Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet includes two third-generation Taymyr-classriver icebreakers Taymyr (Also known as Taimyr) and Vayguch (Also known asVaigach). Taimyr class specifications:

    1. Length: 150.2 m (Taimyr), 151.8 m (Vaiguch)2. Beam: 29.2 m3. Draft: 8.0 m4.

    Height: 15.2 m keel to main deck, 8 stories from main deck to bridge5. Displacement: 20,000 tons

    6. Speed: 18.5 knots7. Crew: 120 to 1388. Reactors: One KLT-40M reactor producing 135 MW9. Propulsion: 3 propellers totaling 52,000 hp

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    The bow hull plating is approximately 32 mm thick. As of December 2004, both vesselswere undergoing refitting.

    Like NS Lenin and NS Arktika, icebreaker Taymyr is a turbo-electric nuclear ship with athree-shaft propulsion plant. However, main power plant incorporates one reactor

    instead of two that generates steam for two steam turbines being a drive for two main acgenerators. A principle of single electric power system is realized on the icebreaker. The32.5-MWe single reactor ships use a single modified KLT-40M reactor each. Theicebreakers Taymyr and Vayguch have special devices to control the exact running of theturbines within the plant receiving the steam from the nuclear reactor. The main activityis continuous monitoring of the turbine shaft frequency. Apersonal computerbasedsystem gives an alarm if there is a significant deviation.

    Taymyr and Vayguch are to be withdrawn from service in 2015 and 2016, according toestimates made in 2000. In 2008, one source estimated that the Taymyr could remain in

    operation until 2013 and the Vayguch until 2014. Reactor and ship designers wereinvestigating the feasibility of extending reactor service life from 100,000 hours to 150,000hours, corresponding roughly to 10 additional years of icebreaker operation. Most of theArktika-class vessels have had operating life extensions based on engineering knowledgebuilt up from experience with Arktika itself.

    2.4 Future Plans for Nuclear Icebreakers:Russian planners foresee a need for six to ten new nuclear-powered icebreakers in thenext 20 years.

    Russia is planning to start building new icebreakers after 2010. In June 2008 the head ofthe state nuclear corporation Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, said It is important to not only

    use the existing fleet of icebreakers, but also to build new ships, and the first nuclearicebreaker of a new generation will be built by 2015. This should be an icebreaker capableof moving in rivers and seas, he said.

    This chapter was published on Inuitech Intuitech Technologies for Sustainability onOctober 23, 2011:


    1. Wikipedia: Bellona:

    3. State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom:
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    4. Nuclear Power in Russia:

    5. Russian Arktika Class Nuclear Powered Icebreakers:,-11.60,75.0

    6. Wikipedia:

    7. Nuclear Powered Icebreaker:

    8. Russia: Nuclear-Powered Icebreakers:

    9. Global Security: