Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the...

Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management

Transcript of Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the...

Page 1: Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the concept of a “career” impacts: employee motivation.

Chapter 11

Careers andCareer Management

Page 2: Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the concept of a “career” impacts: employee motivation.

Chapter 11

Why Careers & Career Management?

Changes in the concept of a “career” impacts:

•employee motivation to attend training•outcomes they expect to gain from attendance•their choice of programs•how & what they need to know

Page 3: Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the concept of a “career” impacts: employee motivation.

Chapter 11

Why is Career Management Important?

Career Mgt is the process by which employees:

•become aware of their own interests, values, strengths and weaknesses•obtain info about job oppy’s in the company•identify career goals•establish action plans to achieve career goals

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Chapter 11

Why is Career Management Important?

From the company’s perspective - -

Failure to help employees plan their careers may result in a shortage of employees, low employee commitment, and ineffective use of trainingdollars.

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Chapter 11

Why is Career Management Important?

From the employee’s perspective - -

Lack of career management may mean frustration, feelings of not being valued, and unable to find acceptable work should a job beeliminated.

Page 6: Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the concept of a “career” impacts: employee motivation.

Chapter 11

What is a Career?

Traditional definitions of a career:

1. A sequence of positions held within an occupation.2. A person’s mobility within an organization.3. A characteristic of the employee.

Page 7: Chapter 11 Careers and Career Management. Chapter 11 Why Careers & Career Management? Changes in the concept of a “career” impacts: employee motivation.

Chapter 11

What is a Career?

A protean career:

A career that is frequently changing based on changes in the individual’s competencies, interests, and values, as well as changes in the work environment.

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Chapter 11

What is a Career?

What is the goal? Psychological success:

The intrinsic feeling of pride and accomplishment from achieving life goals not limited to achievements at work.

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Chapter 11

What is a Career?

Career paths are changing:

Traditional path - linear, up the hierarchy.

Now - Spiral patterns, movement across specializations or disciplines coupled withmore frequent job changes.

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Chapter 11

What is a Career?

The “new” definition of a career:

A pattern of work-related experiences overthe course of one’s lifetime.

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Chapter 11

Career Development Model

Career Development:

The process of an employee progressing through a series of stages, each stage bringing different developmental tasks, activities, and relationships.

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Chapter 11

Career Development Model

Four Stages of Career Development:

1. Exploration - -Characterized by the identification of one’s interests skills, and fit between oneself and work;and learning and following directions as an apprentice of sorts.

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Chapter 11

Career Development Model

Four Stages of Career Development:

2. Establishment - -Advancement, growth, security, the development of lifestyle; and making contributions at work as a colleague.

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Chapter 11

Career Development Model

Four Stages of Career Development:

3. Maintenance - -Holding onto accomplishments and updating skills; and training, sponsoring, policy making,and mentoring.

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Chapter 11

Career Development Model

Four Stages of Career Development:

4. Disengagement - -Characterized by retirement planning, changing the balance between work and non-work by phasing out of work, and acting as a sponsor.

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Chapter 11

Career Development Model

Career Development:

Recycling - -Changing one’s major work activity after havingbeen established in another field and going back to the exploration stage.

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Chapter 11

Career Management System Components

Self Assessment:

The use of information, tests, and interest inventories, etc., to identify and understand their career interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies.

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Chapter 11

Career Management System Components

Reality Check:

Information given to employees about how thecompany sees their skills and knowledge and where they fit into the company’s plan. This is usually provided by managers during the performance appraisal process.

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Chapter 11

Career Management System Components

Goal Setting:

The process by which employee’s develop short and long term career objectives that are crafted into a development plan. Goals relate to:1. Desired positions2. Level of skill application3. Work setting or location4. Skill aquisition

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Chapter 11

Career Management System Components

Action Planning:

Involves employees determining how they achieveshort and long term goals. Action plans may include training courses and seminars, informational interviews, or applying for jobs.

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Chapter 11

Career Management System

Design Factors to Include:

1. Position sys as a response to business need.2. Emp & Mgr participate in system development.3. Employees take an active role in career mgt.4. Ongoing evaluation to improve the system.5. Business units should be able to customize.6. Access to career info services for employees.7. Support of system from senior management.8. Link career management to other HR functions