Chapter 10 Section 2. Caliph Umayyads Shi’a Sunni Sufi Abbasids Al-Andalus Fatimid.

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“Rightly Guided Caliphs” No successor or plan for one after Muhammad’s death Muslim community elects Abu-Bakr as first caliph Caliph: “successor” or “deputy” Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali all knew Muhammad used the Qur’an and Muhammad to guide their leadership After Muhammad’s death some Muslims left Islam Abu-Bakr used jihad to expand Islam Jihad: “Striving”; armed struggle against unbelievers

Transcript of Chapter 10 Section 2. Caliph Umayyads Shi’a Sunni Sufi Abbasids Al-Andalus Fatimid.

Chapter 10 Section 2 Caliph Umayyads Shia Sunni Sufi Abbasids Al-Andalus Fatimid Rightly Guided Caliphs No successor or plan for one after Muhammads death Muslim community elects Abu-Bakr as first caliph Caliph: successor or deputy Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali all knew Muhammad used the Quran and Muhammad to guide their leadership After Muhammads death some Muslims left Islam Abu-Bakr used jihad to expand Islam Jihad: Striving; armed struggle against unbelievers Reasons for Success 750 CE Muslim Empire stretched from Atlantic to Indus River Muslim armies well disciplined and expertly commanded Benefited from weaker empire in the area People of other empires were persecuted for not worshiping official religion; welcomed Muslims Treatment of Conquered People Quran forbade forced conversion Allowed people to keep own religion Christians and Jews pay a poll tax to get out of military service Umayyads: Come to power and move capital to Damascus Moved away from Mecca; controlling territories easier Arab Muslims felt Damascus was too far away from their lands Umayyads let go of caliphs and begin to surround with wealth and ceremony (non-Muslim rulers) Begins fundamental split in Muslim community Sunni: Follower of Muhammads example Follow the Sunna Claim Shia distorted the meaning of the Quran 83% of Muslim pop. Shia : Ruler must be descendent of Muhammad Claim Sunni have distorted the meaning of the Quran 16% of Muslim pop. Abbasids Consolidate Power: 750 Abbasids take control over the Umayyads Ruthlessly murder remainders of Umayyad family Move capital to new city in central Iraq; Baghdad Center of trade routes for goods, gold, and info Muslim Trade Network Two major sea-trading networks; Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean Enables Muslim Empire to trade with entire world Land Network; Silk Road traveled from China and India to Europe and Africa Established series of banks across the empire First to use checks Muslim cities attracted many Muslim and non-Muslim people; created cultural blending