Chapter 10 Section 1 The First Christians Pages 342-350 Questions 1-6.

Chapter 10 Section 1 The First Christians Pages 342-350 Questions 1- 6

Transcript of Chapter 10 Section 1 The First Christians Pages 342-350 Questions 1-6.

2. What do Christians believe they will gain by accepting Jesus and his teachings?

• Christians believe they will gain salvation, be resurrected, and have everlasting life.

3. Christian Beliefs Taught By Jesus.

God Forgives & wants all People saved

Be Peacemake


Be Merciful


BeliefsLove from the Heart

Forgive from the Heart

6. Write an essay explaining why Paul is important to the history of Christianity?

• Paul was an important part to the History of Christianity. First Paul was a well-educated Jew and a Roman citizen and he tried to stop the spread Christianity. Then He was on a trip to Damascus Jesus spoke to him to become a Christian. The next step for Paul was he spent the rest of his life spreading Jesus’ message. He founded churches and Paul wrote the epistles, which were letters to churches that included the Christian Bible. Finally this is why Paul was such a vital role in the growth of Christianity.