Chapter 1 The Enterprise of...

Honors Chemistry Chapter 1 The Enterprise of Chemistry

Transcript of Chapter 1 The Enterprise of...

Honors Chemistry

Chapter 1 The Enterprise of Chemistry

What is CHEMISTRY? ✘ The study of the structure and properties of

matter OR

✘ The study of the composition of matter and the changes it undergoes

✘ Matter – anything that has mass and occupies space


✘ Living and nonliving things are made of matter.

There is a close relationship between the structure and

properties of matter.

✘ Diamond is hard because of its structure.

CHEMISTS ✘ Solve problems

involving matter. ✘ Develop new materials

by putting chemicals together to get a substs. w/ particular properties.

CHEMISTS (in general) ✘ Work w/ chemical

engineer to produce the material. ✘ Together they develop a

production process.

✘ Study diverse materials & use all sciences.

Chemical Engineers ✘ Work with chemists to

design, build, & operate chemical plants.

5 Areas of Study in Chemistry ✘ Organic Chemistry – the study of all

chemicals containing carbon ✘ most chemicals found in organisms contain

carbon ✘ Inorganic Chemistry – the study of

chemicals that do not contain carbon ✘ found mostly in nonliving things

5 Areas of Study in Chemistry ✘ Biochemistry – the study of processes that

take place in organisms ✘ ie – muscle contraction and digestion

✘ Analytical Chemistry – the area of study that focuses on the composition of matter

5 Areas of Study in Chemistry ✘ Physical Chemistry – deals with the

mechanisms, the rate, and the energy transfer that occurs when matter undergoes a change

Pure Chemistry ✘ the pursuit of chemical knowledge for its own

sake ✘ no immediate practical use is expected

Applied chemistry ✘ research directed toward a practical goal or

application ✘ Pure research can lead directly to an

application, but an application can exist before research is done to explain how it works ✘ read p. 9

Value Judgement ✘ Facts in nature, or science, are neither good

nor bad. ✘ It is how these facts are used than may be

judged good or bad. ✘ Value Judgement - Personal interpretation of

facts in weighing the benefits of a scientific application vs. the risks.

Theory ✘ An explanation of a phenomenon ✘ Principles, facts, & theories are the

foundations of chemistry.

What is a chemical?


MATTER ✘ Anything that has the prop. of inertia. ✘ Anything that has mass & occupies space.

INERTIA ✘ A prop. of matter that is a resistance to any

change in motion. ✘ a change in direction, rate, or both

ENERGY ✘ A prop. possessed by all matter which can be

made to do work. ✘ The capacity to do work.

2 General Forms of Energy ✘ Potential Energy

✘  - energy due to position ✘  - depends on the

position of an object

✘ Due to gravitational or electrostatic attraction

✘ P.E. = mgh

✘ Kinetic Energy ✘  - energy possessed by an

object bec. of its motion

✘ K.E. = 1/2 mv2

Energy can be transferred betw. 2 objects in 2 ways

✘ Direct Contact ✘ Ex. - pool balls

✘ Electromagnetic waves ✘  -RADIANT ENERGY ✘  - energy tranferred by

electromagnetic waves ✘ Ex. - sunlight

✘ Energy can be transformed from one kind to another.

✘ When matter undergoes change, energy is transferred.

Law of Conservation of Mass ✘ - Matter is always conserved ✘ - Matter is neither created or destroyed

✘ - only changes form

Law of Conservation of Energy ✘ - Energy is always conserved. ✘ - Total amt. in universe is constant.

Both Laws believed true until... ✘ EINSTEIN ✘ matter energy ✘  energy matter ✘ E = mc2

✘ matter and energy are equivalent


✘ The sum of mass and energy is conserved. ✘ Matter and energy can be changed from one

form to another.

1.2 Chemistry Far and Wide ✘ Chemistry can be found in all aspects of life.

The following are examples of a few: ✘ READ THIS SECTION!

Materials ✘ Chemists design materials to meet specific


Different ways of looking at the world

✘ Macroscopic world – large enough to see with the unaided eye

✘ Microscopic world – can only be seen under magnification

Energy ✘ Chemists play an essential role in finding

ways to conserve, produce, and store energy

Medicine and Biotechnology ✘ Chemistry supplies the medicines, materials,

and technology that doctors use to treat their patients

✘ Biotechnology applies science to the production of biological products or processes

Agriculture ✘ Chemists help to develop more productive

crops and safer, more effective ways to protect crops

The Environment ✘ Chemists help to identify pollutants and

prevent pollution ✘ Pollutant – material found in air, water, or soil

that is harmful to humans or other organisms

The Universe ✘ To study the universe, chemists gather data

from afar and analyze matter that is brought back to Earth

CONSUMER PRODUCTS ✘ Products of chem. industry for sale in stores

✘ ex. aspirin, gasoloine, detergent, etc.

INTERMEDIATES ✘ Come from raw materials and are made into

other intermediates or consumer products ✘ ex. sulfuric acid, unrefined sugar ✘ Sulfuric acid is a major industrial chemical and is

used as an intermediate in hundreds of other industries.

RAW MATERIALS ✘ Materials found in nature.

✘ ex. oil, wood, salt

✘ Raw materials are made into intermediates and then consumer products.

Problem-solving processes used in science:

✘ OBSERVATION - made w/ the senses ✘ HYPOTHESIS - proposed explanation based

on observations ✘ EXPERIMENT- tests hypothesis ✘ MODELS - used to help explain abstract

ideas or objects.